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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 152



No. 139 Session of 1989

           AND WILSON, JANUARY 30, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), entitled "An
     2     act providing for the planning and regulation of solid waste
     3     storage, collection, transportation, processing, treatment,
     4     and disposal; requiring municipalities to submit plans for
     5     municipal waste management systems in their jurisdictions;
     6     authorizing grants to municipalities; providing regulation of
     7     the management of municipal, residual and hazardous waste;
     8     requiring permits for operating hazardous waste and solid
     9     waste storage, processing, treatment, and disposal
    10     facilities; and licenses for transportation of hazardous
    11     waste; imposing duties on persons and municipalities;
    12     granting powers to municipalities; authorizing the
    13     Environmental Quality Board and the Department of
    14     Environmental Resources to adopt rules, regulations,
    15     standards and procedures; granting powers to and imposing
    16     duties upon county health departments; providing remedies;
    17     prescribing penalties; and establishing a fund," further
    18     providing for powers and duties of the department; and
    19     providing for the beneficial use or reclamation of municipal
    20     and residual waste.

    21     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    22  hereby enacts as follows:
    23     Section 1.  The definition of "processing" in section 103 of

     1  the act of July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid
     2  Waste Management Act, is amended and the section is amended by
     3  adding definitions to read:
     4  Section 103.  Definitions.
     5     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     6  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
     7  meanings given to them in this section:
     8     * * *
     9     "Beneficial use."  The use of any nonhazardous waste for
    10  other than its original purpose or the process that generated
    11  it, and where such use does not harm or present a threat of harm
    12  to the health and welfare of the people and environment of the
    13  Commonwealth.
    14     * * *
    15     "Processing."  Any technology used for the purpose of
    16  reducing the volume or bulk of municipal or residual waste or
    17  any technology used to convert part or all of such waste
    18  materials for [off-site reuse] beneficial use or reclamation.
    19  Processing facilities include but are not limited to transfer
    20  facilities, composting facilities, and resource recovery
    21  facilities.
    22     "Reclamation."  The recycling or processing of a nonhazardous
    23  waste to return it to a form suitable for use in its original
    24  purpose or reuse in the process that generated it.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 2.  Section 104(16) and (17) of the act are amended
    27  and the section is amended by adding a paragraph to read:
    28  Section 104.  Powers and duties of the department.
    29     The department in consultation with the Department of Health
    30  regarding matters of public health significance shall have the
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     1  power and its duty shall be to:
     2         * * *
     3         (16)  require the payment of such annual inspection fees
     4     and perform such inspections of hazardous waste treatment and
     5     disposal facilities as are provided for in the Environmental
     6     Quality Board guidelines adopted pursuant to section 105(e).
     7     This provision shall not be construed to limit or restrict
     8     the department's inspection powers as elsewhere set forth in
     9     this act; [and]
    10         (17)  administer funds collected by the United States
    11     Government and granted to Pennsylvania for the purpose of
    12     closing, maintaining or monitoring abandoned or closed
    13     hazardous waste storage, treatment or disposal sites and for
    14     the purpose of action to abate or prevent pollution at such
    15     sites. If Congress has not authorized the collection of such
    16     funds within one year after the effective date of this act,
    17     or if the department finds that the funding program
    18     authorized is inadequate, the department shall transmit to
    19     the General Assembly within 15 months after the effective
    20     date of this act a proposal for the establishment of a fund
    21     in Pennsylvania comprised of surcharges collected from users
    22     of hazardous waste storage, treatment and disposal facilities
    23     excluding captive facilities in the Commonwealth. Such fund
    24     shall be proposed for the purpose of closing, maintaining or
    25     monitoring hazardous waste storage, treatment or disposal
    26     sites excluding captive facilities which have been abandoned
    27     or which have been closed for at least 20 years, and for the
    28     purpose of taking action to abate or prevent pollution at
    29     such closed or abandoned sites[.]; and
    30         (18)  encourage the beneficial use or reclamation of
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     1     municipal and residual waste, when such materials and
     2     compounds are determined by the department to be nonhazardous
     3     in nature, and such use does not harm or present a threat of
     4     harm to the health and welfare of the people and environment
     5     of the Commonwealth. The department shall establish rules and
     6     regulations to effectuate the beneficial use or reclamation
     7     of such municipal and residual wastes, including the issuance
     8     of general permits for any category of beneficial use or
     9     reclamation of municipal or residual waste, on a regional or
    10     Statewide basis, in accordance with rules adopted by the
    11     Environmental Quality Board.
    12     Section 3.  Section 201(a) of the act is amended and the
    13  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    14  Section 201.  Submission of plans; permits.
    15     (a)  No person or municipality shall store, collect,
    16  transport, process, beneficially use or reclaim, or dispose of
    17  municipal waste within this Commonwealth unless such storage,
    18  collection, transportation, processing, beneficial use or
    19  reclamation or disposal is authorized by the rules and
    20  regulations of the department and no person or municipality
    21  shall own or operate a municipal waste processing or disposal
    22  facility unless such person or municipality has first obtained a
    23  permit for such facility from the department.
    24     (a.1)  (1)  Beneficial use or reclamation of municipal waste
    25     shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    26             (i)  The uses which are the subject of Federal
    27         Procurement Guidelines issued by the Environmental
    28         Protection Agency under section 6002 of the Solid Waste
    29         Disposal Act (Public Law 89-272, 42 U.S.C. § 6962).
    30             (ii)  The extraction or recovery and application of
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     1         materials and compounds contained within municipal waste,
     2         when such materials and compounds are determined by the
     3         department to be nonhazardous in nature, prior to such
     4         use.
     5         (2)  The department may establish siting criteria,
     6     design, operating and certification standards of wastes from
     7     specific generators for the beneficial use or reclamation of
     8     municipal waste. The department may require a person or
     9     municipality that beneficially uses or reclaims municipal
    10     waste to notify the department prior to such use. Generators
    11     of certified municipal waste shall notify the department in
    12     the event changes occur with regard to the origin of the
    13     municipal waste or physical and chemical properties of the
    14     waste, including leachability. Recertification shall be
    15     required, in the event of any such changes.
    16     * * *
    17     Section 4.  Section 302 of the act is amended to read:
    18  Section 302.  Disposal, processing [and], storage and beneficial
    19                 use or reclamation of residual waste.
    20     (a)  It shall be unlawful for any person or municipality to
    21  dispose, process, store, beneficially use or reclaim, or permit
    22  the disposal, processing, beneficial use or reclamation or
    23  storage of any residual waste in a manner which is contrary to
    24  the rules and regulations of the department or to any permit or
    25  to the terms or conditions of any permit or any order issued by
    26  the department.
    27     (b)  It shall be unlawful for any person or municipality who
    28  stores, processes, beneficially uses or reclaims, or disposes of
    29  residual waste to fail to:
    30         (1)  Use such methods and facilities as are necessary to
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     1     control leachate, runoff, discharges and emissions from
     2     residual waste in accordance with department regulations.
     3         (2)  Use such methods and facilities as are necessary to
     4     prevent the harmful or hazardous mixing of wastes.
     5         (3)  Design, construct, operate and maintain facilities
     6     and areas in a manner which shall not adversely effect or
     7     endanger public health, safety and welfare or the environment
     8     or cause a public nuisance.
     9     (c)  (1)  Beneficial use or reclamation of residual waste
    10     shall include, but not be limited to the following:
    11             (i)  The uses which are the subject of the Federal
    12         Procurement Guidelines issued by the Environmental
    13         Protection Agency under section 6002 of the Solid Waste
    14         Disposal Act (Public Law 89-272, 42 U.S.C. § 6962).
    15             (ii)  The extraction or recovery and application of
    16         materials and compounds contained within residual waste,
    17         when such materials and compounds are determined by the
    18         department to be nonhazardous in nature, prior to such
    19         use.
    20         (2)  The department may establish siting criteria,
    21     design, operating and certification standards of wastes from
    22     specific generators for the beneficial use or reclamation of
    23     residual waste. The department may require a person or
    24     municipality that beneficially uses or reclaims residual
    25     waste to notify the department prior to such use. Generators
    26     of certified residual waste shall notify the department in
    27     the event changes occur with regard to the facility from
    28     which the residual waste is originating, combustion and
    29     operating characteristics of the facility, or physical and
    30     chemical properties of the residual waste, including
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     1     leachability. Recertification shall be required in the event
     2     of such changes.
     3     Section 5.  Section 502 of the act is amended by adding a
     4  subsection to read:
     5  Section 502.  Permit and license application requirements.
     6     * * *
     7     (h)  The department may or may not require bonds under
     8  section 505(a) or insurance under subsection (e) for any general
     9  permit or class of general permit promulgated under section
    10  104(18).
    11     Section 6.  Nothing in this act shall be deemed to affect
    12  section 508 of the act nor any other provision of the act in
    13  relation to coal ash.
    14     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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