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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 224



No. 229 Session of 1999

           HARHAI AND DALEY, FEBRUARY 1, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing customer protections against unauthorized changes in
     2     public utility service providers; prohibiting unauthorized
     3     changes in customers' selection of public utility service
     4     providers; providing procedures for changing public utility
     5     service providers, for customer complaints and for
     6     enforcement and regulations; imposing duties on the
     7     Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and the Attorney
     8     General; and providing penalties.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11  Section 1.  Short title.
    12     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Public
    13  Utility Service Provider Customer Protection Act.
    14  Section 2.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    16  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:

     1     "Aggregator."  An entity licensed by the Pennsylvania Public
     2  Utility Commission which purchases and takes title to
     3  electricity or natural gas, or both, as an intermediary for sale
     4  to retail customers.
     5     "Broker" or "marketer."  An entity licensed by the
     6  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission which acts as an agent or
     7  intermediary in the sale and purchase of electricity or natural
     8  gas, or both, but which does not take title to such electricity
     9  or natural gas.
    10     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission of
    11  the Commonwealth.
    12     "Customer."  A retail purchaser of a public utility service.
    13     "Electric generation supplier."  An electric generation
    14  supplier shall have the meaning given to it under 66 Pa.C.S. §
    15  2803 (relating to definitions).
    16     "Electric generation service."  To sell, acquire and resell
    17  or arrange for the sale of electricity to retail customers,
    18  including all related services except transmission and
    19  distribution service.
    20     "Entity in the business of providing a public utility
    21  service."  Any marketer, broker, aggregator, reseller or
    22  affiliate thereof which provides a public utility service to or
    23  for the public for compensation.
    24     "Federal agency."  The Federal Communications Commission,
    25  Federal Trade Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory
    26  Commission or any other Federal agency which is responsible for
    27  regulatory oversight of a public utility service.
    28     "Interexchange telecommunication carrier."  A carrier other
    29  than a local exchange telecommunications carrier authorized by
    30  the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to provide long-
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     1  distance telecommunications services.
     2     "Letter of agency."  A document signed by a customer, which
     3  states and confirms that the customer has selected a particular
     4  provider or entity to provide a public utility service.
     5     "Local exchange telecommunications company."  A carrier
     6  authorized by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to
     7  provide local telecommunications services.
     8     "Natural gas supplier."  A person or corporation, including
     9  any municipal corporation or other municipal organization, which
    10  chooses to provide natural gas supply outside its municipal
    11  limits or any other entity which sells natural gas supply to
    12  end-use customers utilizing the jurisdictional distribution
    13  facilities of the natural gas distribution company or which
    14  purchases, brokers, arranges or markets natural gas for sale to
    15  end-use customers utilizing the jurisdictional distribution
    16  facilities of a natural gas distribution company. The term does
    17  not include producers which supply free gas to end-users under
    18  the terms of an oil or gas lease.
    19     "Natural gas supply service."  To sell, acquire and resell or
    20  arrange for the sale or resale of natural gas to retail
    21  customers, including all related services except distribution
    22  service.
    23     "Person authorized to act on behalf of a customer."  Any
    24  person or persons authorized by a customer to initiate a change
    25  in such customer's public utility service provider. The person
    26  shall be named in a document signed by the customer and filed
    27  with the customer's public utility service provider.
    28     "Public utility distribution company."  Any natural gas
    29  distribution company which provides facilities and related
    30  services for the jurisdictional distribution of natural gas to
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     1  retail customers or any electric distribution company as that
     2  term is defined in 66 Pa.C.S. § 2803 (relating to definitions).
     3     "Public utility service" or "service."  Any electric
     4  generation service, natural gas supply service or telephone
     5  service for which the customer is now or will be permitted to
     6  choose the provider of that service.
     7     "Public utility service provider" or "provider."  Any
     8  electric distribution company, electric generation supplier,
     9  natural gas distribution company, natural gas supplier,
    10  interexchange telecommunications carrier, local exchange
    11  telecommunications company, interexchange telecommunications
    12  reseller or information service provider or any affiliate
    13  thereof or any entity in the business of providing a public
    14  utility service which provides such service to or for the public
    15  for compensation.
    16     "Slamming."  The unauthorized change of a customer's public
    17  utility service provider.
    18     "Telecommunications company."  An interexchange
    19  telecommunications carrier or a local exchange
    20  telecommunications company.
    21     "Telecommunications service" or "telephone service."  A
    22  utility service involving the transmission of messages, provided
    23  by an interexchange telecommunications carrier or a local
    24  exchange telecommunications company.
    25     "Telecommunications service provider."  A telecommunications
    26  company authorized by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
    27  to provide interexchange telecommunications services or local
    28  exchange telecommunications services.
    29  Section 3.  Change in public utility service provider,
    30                 prohibition.
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     1     No public utility service provider or entity in the business
     2  of providing a public utility service, or any other person, firm
     3  or corporation representing such provider or entity, shall
     4  submit or execute a change or authorize another provider or
     5  entity to make a change in a customer's selection of a public
     6  utility service provider except in accordance with this act.
     7  Section 4.  Telecommunications service providers.
     8     (a)  Adoption of Federal regulations.--To ensure that a
     9  customer's telecommunications service provider is not changed
    10  without the authorization of the customer, the commission shall
    11  adopt regulations which are consistent with the regulations and
    12  any supplements thereto or revisions thereof adopted by the
    13  Federal Communications Commission to govern the selection of
    14  telecommunications service providers pursuant to section 101(a)
    15  of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-104, 47
    16  U.S.C. § 258) and which permit telecommunications service
    17  providers to use any one of the following methods for
    18  verification of carrier-initiated change orders:
    19         (1)  written authorization from the customer;
    20         (2)  toll-free electronic authorization placed from the
    21     telephone number which is the subject of the change order;
    22         (3)  oral authorization obtained by an independent third
    23     party; or
    24         (4)  an informational package mailed to the customer
    25     consistent with 47 CFR 64.1100(d) (relating to verification
    26     of orders for long distance service generated by
    27     telemarketing) which contains a postage-prepaid postcard or
    28     mailer, without receiving a cancellation of the change order
    29     from the customer within 14 days after the date of the
    30     mailing.
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     1     (b)  Written orders for service.--In accordance with section
     2  258 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, no telecommunications
     3  company or person, firm or corporation representing a
     4  telecommunications company shall make any change or authorize a
     5  different telecommunications company of a customer without
     6  having on file a signed, dated order for service from the
     7  customer to make any change in the provider of any
     8  telecommunications service for which competition has been
     9  authorized. All orders for service shall be in the form
    10  prescribed under regulations promulgated by the Federal
    11  Communications Commission for letters of agency. As provided
    12  under Federal law, the telecommunications company shall be
    13  responsible for charges associated with disputed changes in
    14  telecommunications service for which it cannot produce a signed,
    15  dated order for service from the customer. This section applies
    16  to all intrastate services for which competition has been
    17  authorized.
    18     (c)  Liability of telecommunications company.--Any
    19  telecommunications company that initiates an unauthorized change
    20  in a customer's telecommunications provider shall be liable to
    21  the telecommunications company previously selected by the
    22  customer in an amount equal to all charges paid by the customer
    23  after the unauthorized change.
    24  Section 5.  Procedures for changing providers of electric
    25                 generation services and natural gas supply
    26                 services.
    27     (a)  Duty of distribution company.--When a customer or a
    28  person authorized to act on the customer's behalf orally
    29  contacts an electric distribution company or a natural gas
    30  distribution company to change a public utility service
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     1  provider, the distribution company shall tell the customer to
     2  contact the public utility service provider he selected to
     3  supply the relevant public utility service in order to initiate
     4  a change in provider.
     5     (b)  Duty of providers of electric generation service and
     6  natural gas supply service.--When a customer or a person
     7  authorized to act on the customer's behalf contacts a provider
     8  of electric generation service or natural gas supply service, as
     9  the case may be, to request a change in provider and the
    10  contacted provider receives direct oral or written authorization
    11  confirming such change from the customer, the contacted provider
    12  shall:
    13         (1)  Notify the appropriate public utility distribution
    14     company of the customer's request to change the relevant
    15     public utility service provider. Such notification shall be
    16     made by the end of the business day next following the day
    17     the customer contacted the public utility service provider.
    18         (2)  Upon receipt of notification pursuant to paragraph
    19     (1), the public utility distribution company shall mail a
    20     confirmation letter to the customer explaining the proposed
    21     change in the customer's public utility service provider. The
    22     confirmation letter shall be mailed to the customer by the
    23     end of the business day next following the receipt of
    24     customer notification. The confirmation letter shall:
    25             (i)  Inform the customer that receipt of the
    26         confirmation notice affirms his intent to select a new
    27         provider of the public utility service.
    28             (ii)  Inform the customer of the public utility
    29         service which will be changed as a result of his
    30         selection of a new public utility service provider.
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     1             (iii)  Advise the customer of the ten-day
     2         cancellation period during which the customer may cancel
     3         the request for change in public utility service
     4         provider. The ten-day cancellation period shall begin on
     5         the day the confirmation notice is mailed to the
     6         customer.
     7             (iv)  Inform the customer of the date on which the
     8         service with the new public utility service provider will
     9         commence. When feasible, the change in public utility
    10         service provider shall be made at the beginning of the
    11         first billing period following the cancellation period.
    12  Section 6.  Procedures applicable to all public utility
    13                 services.
    14     (a)  Written orders for service.--In any case where a public
    15  utility service provider obtains a written order for service,
    16  such written order shall thoroughly inform the customer of the
    17  nature and extent of the change in public utility service
    18  provider. The customer by signing the written order for service
    19  shall indicate a full understanding and acceptance of the
    20  relationship being established with the public utility service
    21  provider. The customer shall be provided with a copy of the
    22  signed order for service. When a written customer solicitation
    23  or other document contains a letter of agency authorizing a
    24  change in a public utility service provider, in combination with
    25  other information including, but not limited to, inducements to
    26  customers to purchase a public utility service, the solicitation
    27  shall include a separate document the sole purpose of which
    28  shall be to explain the nature and extent of the change in
    29  public utility service provider. If any part of a mailing to a
    30  prospective customer is in a language other than English, any
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     1  written authorization contained in the mailing shall be sent to
     2  the same prospective customer in the same language.
     3     (b)  Retention of records.--Each public utility service
     4  provider shall retain records relating to a change in a public
     5  utility service provider for at least two years from the date
     6  such change was effected. Such records shall be made available
     7  to the customer, the Attorney General, the commission and
     8  representatives of any Federal agency upon request.
     9     (c)  Third-party verification company, criteria.--Any third-
    10  party verification company used by a public utility service
    11  provider to verify the change in a customer's public utility
    12  service provider shall meet each of the following criteria:
    13         (1)  A third-party verification company shall be
    14     independent from the public utility service provider which
    15     seeks to provide the customer's new service.
    16         (2)  A third-party verification company shall not be
    17     managed, controlled, directed or owned wholly or in part by
    18     the public utility service provider which seeks to provide
    19     the new service or by any corporation, firm or person who
    20     directly or indirectly has any interest, financially or
    21     otherwise, in the public utility provider.
    22         (3)  A third-party verification company shall operate
    23     from facilities which are physically separate from those of
    24     the public utility service provider which seeks to provide
    25     the customer's new service.
    26         (4)  A third-party verification company shall not derive
    27     commissions or compensation of any kind based upon the number
    28     of confirmed sales.
    29     (d)  Notice of billing.--Whenever there is a change in a
    30  customer's selection of a public utility service provider, there
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     1  shall be a conspicuous notice of such change on the initial
     2  customer's bill for that public utility service. Such notice
     3  shall be in the following form:
     4         NOTICE:  Your (type of service) provider has been changed
     5     from (name of prior provider) to (name of current provider).
     6                                        Cost of change:  $
    10     (e)  Notice to provider.--If a customer's public utility
    11  service provider is changed without authorization and the
    12  customer notifies the public utility service provider within 90
    13  days that he did not authorize the change in his public utility
    14  service provider and does not wish to change such provider, the
    15  customer shall be switched back to his original provider at the
    16  expense of the public utility service provider which initiated
    17  the change.
    18     (f)  Violation by unaffiliated reseller.--No public utility
    19  service provider may be found to be in violation of this act
    20  solely on the basis of a violation of this act by an
    21  unaffiliated reseller of that provider's services or facilities.
    22  Section 7.  Enforcement by commission, regulations, customer
    23                 complaints and guidelines.
    24     (a)  Regulations.--The commission shall enforce the
    25  provisions of this act and shall adopt and promulgate
    26  regulations to carry out the provisions of this act. The
    27  regulations shall include, but not be limited to, procedures to
    28  govern the resolution of customer complaints concerning an
    29  unauthorized change in a customer's selection of a public
    30  utility service provider. Such procedures shall:
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     1         (1)  Prescribe a period of time, not in excess of 120
     2     days, for a public utility service provider to resolve
     3     customer complaints.
     4         (2)  Provide for the filing of complaints concerning an
     5     unauthorized change in a customer's public utility service
     6     provider to the provider which initiated the change.
     7         (3)  Provide for the filing of complaints which remain
     8     unresolved after the time period for resolution established
     9     by the commission to the commission, the Attorney General or
    10     a Federal agency.
    11         (4)  Contain provisions to require public utility service
    12     providers to provide their customers and the general public
    13     information on "slamming" as an illegal act and of the
    14     provisions of this act. Such notice may be accomplished by
    15     inserting informational literature in customers' bills or by
    16     placing periodic advertisements in general circulation
    17     newspapers.
    18     (b)  Resolution of complaints.--If a public utility service
    19  provider fails to resolve a customer complaint within the time
    20  period prescribed by the commission, within ten days following
    21  the end of such time period the public utility service provider
    22  shall:
    23         (1)  Notify the customer in writing of the customer's
    24     right to file a complaint with the commission concerning the
    25     unresolved complaint and all other remedies available to the
    26     customer concerning the alleged unauthorized changes.
    27         (2)  Inform the customer in writing of the procedures
    28     prescribed by the commission for filing a complaint with the
    29     commission.
    30         (3)  Provide the customer a copy of any evidence in the
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     1     provider's possession showing that the change in the
     2     customer's public utility service provider was submitted or
     3     executed in accordance with this act.
     4     (c)  Resolution by commission.--
     5         (1)  The commission shall provide a simplified process
     6     for resolving complaints under subsection (b). The simplified
     7     process shall not exclude the use of discovery but shall
     8     preclude the use of any procedural techniques which might
     9     unduly increase the expense, formality and time involved in
    10     resolving the complaint. The commission shall issue an order
    11     resolving any such complaint at the earliest date
    12     practicable, but in no event later than:
    13             (i)  150 days after the date on which it received the
    14         complaint, with respect to liability issues; and
    15             (ii)  90 days after the date on which it resolves a
    16         complaint, with respect to damages issues, if such
    17         additional time is necessary.
    18         (2)  In resolving complaints under this subsection, the
    19     commission may award damages equal to the greater of $500 or
    20     the amount of actual damages. The commission may, in its
    21     discretion, increase the amount of the award to an amount
    22     equal to not more than three times the amount available under
    23     this paragraph.
    24     (d)  Liability for unauthorized change of provider.--Whenever
    25  an investigation of a customer complaint establishes that a
    26  change in the customer's public utility service provider was
    27  made without that customer's consent, the customer shall not be
    28  liable for any public utility service bills rendered as a result
    29  of the unauthorized change of provider. If the customer has paid
    30  or has made payments on any such bill, the public utility
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     1  service provider responsible for initiating the change of
     2  provider shall issue a complete refund within 15 days of the
     3  resolution of the complaint. A public utility service provider,
     4  which makes an unauthorized change in a customer's provider of a
     5  public utility service, shall switch the customer back to the
     6  original provider at no cost or fee charged to the customer.
     7     (e)  Guidelines.--In order to facilitate the speedy
     8  implementation of this act, the commission shall have the power
     9  and authority to promulgate, adopt and use guidelines to
    10  implement the provisions of this act. Such guidelines shall be
    11  published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and shall be subject to
    12  review by the Office of Consumer Advocate. The guidelines shall
    13  not be subject to review pursuant to section 205 of the act of
    14  July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth
    15  Documents Law, section 204(b) and 301(10) of the act of October
    16  15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth Attorneys
    17  Act, or the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the
    18  Regulatory Review Act, and shall be effective for a period of
    19  not more than two years from the effective date of this act.
    20  After the expiration of the two-year period, the guidelines
    21  shall expire and shall be replaced by regulations promulgated,
    22  adopted and published as provided by law.
    23  Section 8.  Penalties.
    24     (a)  Civil penalties.--In addition to proceeding under any
    25  other remedy available at law or in equity for a violation of a
    26  provision of this act or a rule or regulation adopted or order
    27  issued under this act, the commission may assess a public
    28  utility service provider or any person, firm or corporation
    29  representing a public utility service provider or any entity in
    30  the business of providing a public utility service a civil
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     1  penalty of not more than $40,000 for the first offense and a
     2  civil penalty of not more than $500,000 for any second or
     3  subsequent offense. In assessing the amount of civil penalty the
     4  commission shall consider any mitigating circumstances. No civil
     5  penalty shall be assessed unless the person charged has been
     6  given notice and opportunity for hearing in accordance with law.
     7     (b)  Criminal penalties.--Any public utility service provider
     8  or any person, firm or corporation representing a public utility
     9  service provider or any entity in the business of providing a
    10  public utility service found in violation of this act or any
    11  rule or regulation adopted or order issued by the commission
    12  under this act shall be subject to criminal penalties under 66
    13  Pa.C.S. § 3302 (relating to criminal penalties for violations).
    14     (c)  Injunctive relief.--Whenever there is a violation of
    15  this act or any rule or regulation adopted or order issued under
    16  this act, the commission may apply to the Commonwealth Court or
    17  to any other court having jurisdiction for a temporary or
    18  permanent injunction to restrain a person from the continuance
    19  of such violation.
    20  Section 9.  Enforcement by Attorney General.
    21     (a)  Recovery of civil penalty.--The commission may take such
    22  action as may be necessary to collect any civil penalty it
    23  imposes under this act and, on behalf of any customer, any
    24  damages awarded the customer under section 7. Such action may
    25  include referral of the matter to the Attorney General, who
    26  shall recover the amount of civil penalty assessed or damages
    27  awarded by action in the appropriate court.
    28     (b)  Pattern of conduct.--Whenever the commission finds that
    29  a public utility service provider or any person, firm or
    30  corporation representing a public utility service provider or
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     1  any entity in the business of providing a public utility service
     2  has engaged in a pattern of conduct in violation of the
     3  provisions of this act or has refused or failed to resolve a
     4  customer complaint within the time-frame established by the
     5  commission, the commission may refer the matter to the Attorney
     6  General for resolution.
     7     (c)  Unfair trade violation.--A violation of this act shall
     8  be deemed a violation of the act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224,
     9  No.387), known as the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer
    10  Protection Law.
    11  Section 10.  Applicability.
    12     The provisions of this act shall not apply:
    13         (1)  In cases where a customer's public utility service
    14     is discontinued by an electric generation supplier or a
    15     natural gas supplier and, subsequently, provided by a
    16     provider of last resort because no other supplier will
    17     provide the discontinued service to the customer.
    18         (2)  In cases where a customer contracts for electric
    19     generation service or natural gas supply service and it is
    20     not delivered or if a customer does not choose an alternative
    21     electric generation supplier or natural gas supplier.
    22         (3)  In cases where a customer chooses an alternative
    23     supplier and subsequently desires to return to the local
    24     distribution company for generation service.
    25         (4)  To a provider of wireless telecommunication service
    26     until such time as the commission may determine that the
    27     provisions of this act apply to such service.
    28  Section 11.  Effective date.
    29     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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