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under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 258                        PRINTER'S NO. 837



No. 232 Session of 1989

           MRKONIC, FEBRUARY 1, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the regulation of the production and handling of
     2     ice; licensing ice plants; imposing duties on the Department
     3     of Environmental Resources; and providing for civil
     4     penalties.

     5     The General Assembly declares that only ice protected from
     6  contamination should be offered for sale, sold and used in this
     7  Commonwealth. Contaminated ice is a danger to the health, safety
     8  and welfare of the citizens of this Commonwealth but may exist
     9  in the absence of legislation designed to ensure that ice
    10  offered for sale to and used by Pennsylvanians is protected from
    11  contamination while being manufactured, processed, packaged and
    12  stored. It is the intent of the General Assembly to hereinafter
    13  set forth such legislation.
    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16  Section 1.  Short title.
    17     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Manufactured

     1  Ice Law.
     2  Section 2.  Definitions.
     3     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     4  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     5  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     6     "Approved."  Acceptable to the Department of Environmental
     7  Resources of the Commonwealth, based on its determination of
     8  conformance with appropriate standards of good public health
     9  practice.
    10     "Contamination."  Includes, but is not limited to, exposure
    11  to or contact with litter; waste; broken glass or refuse;
    12  rodents; insects; microorganisms; dust or dirt; dripping,
    13  seeping or leaking water or condensate; harmful chemicals;
    14  paint; grease; or other foreign matter.
    15     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Resources of
    16  the Commonwealth.
    17     "Easily cleanable."  Readily accessible for removal of dirt,
    18  or of such material and finish and so fabricated that residue
    19  may be completely removed by normal cleaning methods.
    20     "Employee."  A person working in an ice plant or ice
    21  production area in a commercial establishment who transports ice
    22  or ice containers, who comes in contact with ice equipment, or
    23  who engages in ice manufacture, processing, packaging, storage
    24  or distribution.
    25     "Equipment."  Grinders, crushers, chippers, ice makers,
    26  shavers, scorers, saws, cubers, can fillers, drop tubes,
    27  needles, core sucking devices, conveyors and similar items used
    28  in ice plants.
    29     "Food contact surface."  A surface, including a water line,
    30  that is touched by a product or ingredient during processing.
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     1  The term includes those surfaces from which water may drain,
     2  drip or splash back.
     3     "Ice."  The product, in any form, obtained as a result of
     4  freezing water by mechanical or artificial means.
     5     "Ice plant."  Any commercial place, premises or establishment
     6  where ice is manufactured or processed, packaged, or distributed
     7  or offered for sale for human consumption or for use in such a
     8  manner that it will come into direct contact with food equipment
     9  or utensils or with food or beverage intended for human
    10  consumption.
    11     "Person."  An individual, or a firm, partnership, company,
    12  corporation, trustee, association, or other public or private
    13  entity.
    14     "Processing."  Grinding, crushing, flaking, cubing or any
    15  other operation which changes the physical characteristics of
    16  ice, or packaged ice for human consumption.
    17     "Product area."  Where ice or its ingredients or packaging
    18  materials are handled or stored, and any area related to the
    19  manufacturing, packaging, handling or storage of ice intended
    20  for sale for human consumption.
    21     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental Resources of the
    22  Commonwealth.
    23     "Single-service article."  An article, including packaging
    24  material, which is intended by the manufacturer, and generally
    25  recognized by the public, as being for one usage only, and is
    26  then to be discarded.
    27     "Utensil."  A multiuse can, bucket, tub, pail, cover,
    28  container, tong, pick, shovel, scoop or similar item used in the
    29  manufacture, handling and transport of ice.
    30  Section 3.  Ice plant and production area.
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     1     The grounds of an ice plant shall be free from conditions
     2  which may result in the contamination of ice. Plant buildings,
     3  structures and product areas for ice manufacture shall be
     4  suitable in size, construction and design to facilitate
     5  maintenance and sanitary operations. Ice manufacturing,
     6  processing, packaging and storage operations shall be conducted
     7  in an enclosed building maintained in a sanitary condition. The
     8  building shall protect the ice, ingredients, equipment and
     9  utensils from contamination. Ice contact surfaces, including
    10  storage bins, conveyors, packaging equipment and hand utensils,
    11  shall be kept clean and in good repair. Ice contact surfaces
    12  shall be cleaned, using acceptable cleansers and cleaning
    13  methods, as often as necessary to insure that no contamination
    14  of the product occurs.
    15  Section 4.  Equipment and utensils.
    16     Equipment and utensils used in ice plants or ice production
    17  areas shall be of easily cleanable construction, shall be kept
    18  clean and in good repair, and shall be handled and stored in a
    19  sanitary manner. Materials used as ice-contact surfaces shall be
    20  smooth, nontoxic, corrosion resistant and nonabsorbent. Single-
    21  service supplies, including packaging, shall be stored,
    22  dispensed and handled in a sanitary manner and shall be used
    23  only once.
    24  Section 5.  Handling and labeling of ice.
    25     Ice shall be protected from contamination while being
    26  manufactured, processed, packaged and stored. Packaged ice
    27  products, other than those produced for sale to or use by the
    28  public at the premises where produced, shall be labeled clearly
    29  to show the name, manufacturer, location of processing plant,
    30  source of approved water used and package weight. The label
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     1  shall bear the manufacturer's establishment number issued by the
     2  department. Packaged ice shall not be less than 2% of its
     3  labeled weight.
     4  Section 6.  Water supply, treatment and testing.
     5     (a)  Water quality standards.--Ice intended for human
     6  consumption and for use in direct contact with water, beverage,
     7  food, food equipment or utensils shall meet the bacteriological,
     8  chemical and physical standards of State and local laws,
     9  ordinances and regulations. In addition, the United States
    10  Environmental Protection Agency drinking water standards and
    11  regulations of the Federal Food and Drug Administration shall
    12  apply. Water used in ice plants shall be of safe and sanitary
    13  quality and drawn from a public or private water supply system
    14  which is in conformance with applicable laws and in compliance
    15  with applicable standards and regulations.
    16     (b)  Testing.--
    17         (1)  Bacteriological, chemical and physical tests shall
    18     be conducted and recorded to insure that water used in the
    19     manufacture of ice intended for sale for human consumption
    20     complies with standards as established by the department.
    21         (2)  Bacteriological, chemical and physical tests shall
    22     be conducted and recorded on the finished ice to insure that
    23     ice manufactured for human consumption or for the
    24     refrigeration of food products complies with standards as
    25     established by the department.
    26  Section 7.  Transportation.
    27     While being transported or delivered, ice shall be protected
    28  from contamination. The ice compartment of vehicles used to
    29  transport or deliver ice shall be of cleanable material and
    30  construction, and shall be kept clean and in good repair.
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     1  Section 8.  Registration and licensing of ice plants.
     2     (a)  Registration deadline.--Plants which produce ice which
     3  is sold, offered for sale or used in this Commonwealth shall be
     4  annually registered and licensed on or before September 1 with
     5  the department and shall pay the following fees:
     6         (1)  For ice plants which manufacture or process ice
     7     exclusively for sale to or use by the public on the same
     8     premises where the ice is manufactured or processed, a fee of
     9     $10 $30 for each machine which manufactures or processes ice.  <--
    10         (2)  For all ice plants other than those specified in
    11     paragraph (1), a fee of $750 for each ice plant or             <--
    12     establishment. THE FEE SHALL BE BASED ON PRODUCTION CAPACITY   <--
    13     AS FOLLOWS:
    15             UP TO AND
    16             INCLUDING 25            -       $    50
    17              26 TO 50               -           100
    18              51 TO 75               -           250
    19              76 TO 100              -           500
    20             101 TO 150              -           750
    21             151 TO 200              -         1,000
    22               OVER 200              -         1,800
    23     (b)  Registration statement.--The producer's registration
    24  statement shall be signed and verified, shall be made on a
    25  registration form furnished by the department, and shall contain
    26  the following information:
    27         (1)  The name under which the business is conducted.
    28         (2)  The address of each place of business in this
    29     Commonwealth being registered.
    30         (3)  If a sole proprietorship, the name of the
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     1     proprietor; if a partnership, the names of all partners; if a
     2     corporation, the date and place of incorporation and name and
     3     address of its registered agent in this Commonwealth; and if
     4     another type of association, the names of its principals.
     5         (4)  The names of those individuals in an actual
     6     administrative capacity which, in the case of a sole
     7     proprietorship, shall be the managing proprietor; in a
     8     partnership, the managing partner; in a corporation, the
     9     officers and directors; and in another association, those in
    10     a managerial capacity.
    11         (5)  The number of ice manufacturing or processing
    12     machines which manufacture or process ice for sale to or use
    13     by the public on the premises where the machine is located.
    14     (c)  Two or more establishments.--If a producer operates more
    15  than one establishment, he shall register each establishment
    16  separately by listing the name and address of each establishment
    17  on the registration statement.
    18     (d)  Prelicense inspection.--The applicant shall cooperate
    19  with the department in any preregistration inspection of the ice
    20  producer's facility which might be deemed necessary.
    21     (e)  Issuance of license.--The department shall license an
    22  ice plant which meets the requirements of this section.
    23     (f)  Renewal of license.--
    24         (1)  A producer shall renew its license annually
    25     following the requirements of this section.
    26         (2)  The application for renewal and the fee for each
    27     establishment shall be submitted to the department on or
    28     before September 1 in accordance with the department
    29     procedures set forth in this section.
    30         (3)  Failure to submit the renewal prior to September 1
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     1     may subject the food manufacturer to revocation or suspension
     2     of the license.
     3     (g)  Compliance.--Producers shall comply with the minimum
     4  standards specified in this law.
     5     (h)  License revocation.--The department may, after providing
     6  notice and an opportunity for hearing, refuse to license an ice
     7  plant, or may revoke or suspend the license for violations of
     8  the requirements in this law or for interference with the
     9  department in the performance of its duty under this law.
    10     (i)  Civil penalties.--If a person violates this law or a
    11  rule or order adopted or license issued under this law, the
    12  department may assess a civil penalty against that person as
    13  follows:
    14         (1)  The penalty may be in an amount not to exceed
    15     $10,000 a day for a person who violates this law or a rule,
    16     order, license or registration issued under this law.
    17         (2)  Each day a violation continues may be considered a
    18     separate violation for purposes of penalty assessment.
    19         (3)  In determining the amount of the penalty, the
    20     department shall consider:
    21             (i)  The seriousness of the violation, including, but
    22         not limited to, the nature, circumstances, extent and
    23         gravity of the prohibited acts and the hazard or
    24         potential hazard created to the health or safety of the
    25         public.
    26             (ii)  The history of previous violations.
    27             (iii)  The amount necessary to deter future
    28         violations.
    29             (iv)  Efforts to correct the violations.
    30             (v)  Any other matters that justice may require to be
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     1         considered.
     2  Section 9.  Out-of-state producers.
     3     An out-of-state ice producer may submit adequate proof of
     4  approval of an ice plant by the out-of-state agency having
     5  jurisdiction over ice plants, pursuant to standards
     6  substantially the same as those contained in this act. Upon
     7  submission of such proof, the provisions of section 8(a) shall
     8  not apply to said producer, provided that the other state
     9  provides reciprocal provisions for ice producers located in
    10  Pennsylvania.
    11  Section 10.  Use of fees and fines.
    12     All fees and fines collected pursuant to this act shall be
    13  deposited in a restricted receipts account known as the
    14  Manufactured Ice Law Enforcement Account, which is hereby
    15  created. Moneys deposited in said account shall be annually
    16  appropriated by the General Assembly solely for use in the
    17  enforcement of the provisions of this act. Any funds
    18  appropriated but not spent in a fiscal year shall not lapse, but
    19  shall be returned to the fund and shall be available for
    20  appropriation in subsequent years.
    21  Section 11.  Inspections and recalls.
    22     The department shall conduct such inspections as are
    23  necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. The
    24  department may order a recall of ice, prohibit the sale of ice,
    25  or undertake any other action necessary to protect the public
    26  health and carry out the provisions of this act.
    27  Section 12.  Rules and regulations.
    28     The department shall prescribe rules and regulations
    29  necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. The
    30  department may establish separate rules and regulations for
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     1  those ice plants licensed pursuant to section 8(a)(1) and those
     2  licensed pursuant to section 8(a)(2).
     3  Section 13.  Effective date.
     4     This act shall take effect immediately.

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