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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 297



No. 267 Session of 1997

           LaGROTTA, FEBRUARY 5, 1997

           FEBRUARY 5, 1997

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 21, 1988 (P.L.1871, No.181),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the Office of Small Business
     3     Advocate in the Department of Commerce; providing for the
     4     powers and duties of the Office of Small Business Advocate
     5     and the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission in relation
     6     thereto; and making a temporary appropriation," further
     7     providing for the Office of Small Business Advocate and for
     8     its powers and duties.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The title, sections 3(a) and (f), 4 and the
    12  heading of section 5 of the act of December 21, 1988 (P.L.1871,
    13  No.181), known as the Small Business Advocate Act, are amended
    14  to read:
    15                               AN ACT
    16  Providing for the Office of Small Business Advocate [in the
    17     Department of Commerce] as a cabinet-level office; providing
    18     for the powers and duties of the Office of Small Business
    19     Advocate and the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission in

     1     relation thereto; and making a temporary appropriation.
     2  Section 3.  Office of Small Business Advocate.
     3     (a)  Office established.--There is hereby established [within
     4  the Department of Commerce] as a cabinet-level office an Office
     5  of Small Business Advocate to represent the interest of small
     6  business consumers before the commission.
     7     * * *
     8     [(f)  Secretary of Commerce restrictions.--The Secretary of
     9  Commerce shall have administrative responsibilities for the
    10  office only and shall not be responsible, in any manner, for the
    11  policies, procedures or other substantive matters developed by
    12  the Office of Small Business Advocate in carrying out its duties
    13  under this act to represent the small business consumer.]
    14  Section 4.  Assistant advocates; employees.
    15     The Small Business Advocate[, with the approval of the
    16  Secretary of Commerce,] shall appoint attorneys as assistant
    17  small business advocates, and such additional clerical,
    18  technical and professional staff as may be appropriate, and may
    19  contract for such additional services as shall be necessary for
    20  the performance of his function. The compensation of assistant
    21  small business advocates and such clerical, technical and
    22  professional staff shall be set by the Executive Board. No
    23  assistant small business advocate or other staff employee shall,
    24  while serving in such position, engage in any business, vocation
    25  or other employment, or have other interests, inconsistent with
    26  his official responsibilities.
    27  Section 5.  Powers and duties [of Small Business Advocate].
    28     * * *
    29     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    30  Section 7.1.  Other powers and duties.
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     1     In addition to any other authority conferred upon the Small
     2  Business Advocate by this act, the Small Business Advocate is
     3  authorized, and it shall be the Small Business Advocate's duty
     4  in carrying out responsibilities assigned under this act, to:
     5         (1)  Serve as the principal advocate in this Commonwealth
     6     on behalf of small businesses, including, but not limited to,
     7     advisory participation in the consideration of all
     8     legislation and administrative regulations which affect small
     9     businesses.
    10         (2)  Represent the views and interests of small
    11     businesses before other Commonwealth agencies whose policies
    12     and activities may affect small business.
    13         (3)  Enlist the cooperation and assistance of public and
    14     private agencies, businesses and other organizations in
    15     disseminating information about the programs and services
    16     provided by the Commonwealth which are of benefit to small
    17     businesses, and information on how small businesses can
    18     participate in, or make use of, those programs and services.
    19         (4)  Evaluate the efforts of Commonwealth agencies,
    20     businesses and industry to assist minority small business
    21     enterprises, and make recommendations as may be appropriate
    22     to assist the development and strengthening of minority and
    23     other small business enterprises.
    24         (5)  Consult with experts and authorities in the fields
    25     of small business investment, venture capital investment and
    26     commercial banking and other comparable financial
    27     institutions involved in the financing of business, and with
    28     individuals with regulatory, legal, economic or financial
    29     expertise, including members of the academic community and
    30     individuals who generally represent the public interest.
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     1         (6)  Determine the desirability of developing a set of
     2     rational, objective criteria to be used to define small
     3     business, and to develop the criteria, if appropriate.
     4         (7)  Seek the assistance and cooperation of all
     5     Commonwealth agencies and departments providing services to,
     6     or affecting, small business, to ensure coordination of
     7     Commonwealth efforts.
     8         (8)  Receive and respond to complaints from small
     9     businesses concerning the actions of Commonwealth agencies
    10     and the operative effects of laws and regulations of this
    11     Commonwealth adversely affecting those businesses.
    12  Section 7.2.  Referral system.
    13     The Small Business Advocate may establish a centralized
    14  interactive telephone referral system to assist small and
    15  minority businesses in their operations, including governmental
    16  requirements, such as taxation, accounting and pollution
    17  control, and to provide information concerning the agency from
    18  which more specialized assistance may be obtained. The advocate
    19  may establish and advertise a telephone number to serve this
    20  centralized interactive telephone referral system.
    21     Section 3.  Section 9 of the act is amended to read:
    22  Section 9.  Reports[.], documents and information.
    23     (a)  Reports by Small Business Advocate.--The Small Business
    24  Advocate shall annually transmit to the Governor and to the
    25  General Assembly, and shall make available to the public, an
    26  annual report on the conduct of the Office of Small Business
    27  Advocate. The Small Business Advocate shall make recommendations
    28  as may from time to time be necessary or desirable to protect
    29  the interest of small business consumers.
    30     (b)  Agency reports, documents and information.--Each agency
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     1  of this Commonwealth shall furnish to the Small Business
     2  Advocate those reports, documents and information as the Small
     3  Business Advocate deems necessary to carry out his functions.
     4     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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