See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2565



No. 303 Session of 1999

           OCTOBER 26, 1999

           OCTOBER 26, 1999

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Authorizing and directing the Subcommittee on Cities, Counties -
     2     First Class of the Urban Affairs Committee to conduct an
     3     investigation into the problems relating to school violence
     4     and possession of weapons in the Philadelphia School
     5     District.

     6     WHEREAS, Students, teachers and other school personnel
     7  possess a fundamental human right to teach and learn in a safe
     8  school environment; and
     9     WHEREAS, It has been reported that there were 1,566 assaults
    10  on teachers, students and other school personnel in the
    11  Philadelphia School District during the 1998-99 school year
    12  compared to 1,041 such assaults during the 1993-94 school year;
    13  and
    14     WHEREAS, Nine hundred and five weapons were confiscated on
    15  Philadelphia School District property during the 1998-99 school
    16  year while only 15 students were actually expelled for weapons
    17  violations; and
    18     WHEREAS, This expulsion rate for weapons violations is
    19  particularly troublesome in light of a State law which requires

     1  the expulsion of students who possess weapons on school property
     2  except in cases where the superintendent recommends leniency;
     3  and
     4     WHEREAS, An assistant principal at Bartram High School in
     5  Philadelphia was recently shot by a ninth grade student under
     6  circumstances where the school had failed to install a metal
     7  detector which had been delivered to Bartram earlier this year;
     8  and
     9     WHEREAS, It has been reported that 12 other high schools were
    10  scheduled to receive metal detectors and X-ray machines but that
    11  only two of these machines are in operation; and
    12     WHEREAS, There is a substantial concern that the Philadelphia
    13  School District has failed to establish an adequate system of
    14  alternative schools for disruptive students; and
    15     WHEREAS, The concern about safety in the Philadelphia School
    16  District is reflected in the fact that the Philadelphia City
    17  Council has recently adopted a resolution demanding that school
    18  superintendent David Hornbeck appear before the council with a
    19  school safety plan; and
    20     WHEREAS, It is apparent that the Philadelphia School District
    21  is failing in its duty to create a safe learning and teaching
    22  environment for students and school personnel; and therefore be
    23  it
    24     RESOLVED, That the Subcommittee on Cities, Counties - First
    25  Class of the Urban Affairs Committee is hereby authorized and
    26  directed to examine, investigate and make a complete study of
    27  any and all matters relating to the problems of violence,
    28  possession of weapons in the Philadelphia School District and
    29  the failure of the Philadelphia School District to effectively
    30  deal with the problem of weapons and violence in its schools;
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     1  and be it further
     2     RESOLVED, That the subcommittee may hold hearings, take
     3  testimony and make its investigations at such places as it deems
     4  necessary in this Commonwealth. Each member of the subcommittee
     5  shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations to
     6  witnesses appearing before the committee; and be it further
     7     RESOLVED, That the Urban Affairs Committee and the Education
     8  Committee assist the subcommittee to the fullest extent
     9  possible; and be it further
    10     RESOLVED, That the subcommittee is authorized to hire or
    11  contract for such staff as it deems necessary and the expenses
    12  incurred by the subcommittee shall be paid from accounts under
    13  the control of the Chief Clerk; and be it further
    14     RESOLVED, That the subcommittee shall report its findings
    15  together with its recommendations for remedial legislation or
    16  other appropriate action at the earliest practicable date to the
    17  House of Representatives.

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