1Recognizing May 2013 as "Global Youth Traffic Safety Month" in

3WHEREAS, Youth traffic safety is a vital concern for the
4youth of Pennsylvania; and

5WHEREAS, The youth of this Commonwealth are an asset we
6cannot afford to lose to traffic accidents; and

7WHEREAS, Each person, including parents, educators, law
8enforcement, elected leaders, community leaders and youth
9themselves, must play a part in protecting and educating this
10Commonwealth's youth and their families about youth traffic
11safety; and

12WHEREAS, The month of May is an opportune time to increase
13awareness concerning youth traffic safety as prom season,
14graduations and summer vacation months are all times of
15particular safety concerns; and

1WHEREAS, With the resources of the National Safety Council,
2the Allstate Foundation, the Pennsylvania Teen Safety Driving
3Coalition, the PA DUI Association and the House of
4Representatives, we can help increase awareness about youth
5traffic safety; therefore be it

6RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the
7month of May 2013 as "Global Youth Traffic Safety Month" in
8Pennsylvania and urge the people of this Commonwealth to observe
9the month as an opportunity to educate our youth about traffic