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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 423



No. 329 Session of 2007

           FEBRUARY 13, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for liability for false claims, for treble damages,
     2     costs and civil penalties, for powers of the Attorney
     3     General, for qui tam actions and for adoption of legislative
     4     history of the Federal False Claims Act; establishing the
     5     Office of Inspector General; providing for its functions;
     6     transferring functions from the Office of General Counsel to
     7     the Office of Inspector General; and transferring functions,
     8     personnel and resources from the Office of State Inspector
     9     General to the Office of Inspector General.

    10                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    11  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    12  Section 101.  Short title.
    13  Section 102.  Definitions.
    14  Chapter 3.  False Claims
    15  Section 301.  Acts subjecting persons to liability for treble
    16                 damages, costs and civil penalties; exceptions.
    17  Section 302.  Attorney General investigations and prosecutions;
    18                 powers of prosecuting authority; civil actions by
    19                 individuals as qui tam plaintiff and as private

     1                 citizen; jurisdiction of courts.
     2  Section 303.  Limitation of actions; prior activities;
     3                 burden of proof.
     4  Section 304.  Remedies under other laws; severability of
     5                 provisions; liberality of legislative
     6                 construction; adoption of legislative history.
     7  Section 305.  Regulations.
     8  Chapter 5.  Office of Inspector General
     9  Section 501.  Office.
    10  Section 502.  Inspector General.
    11  Section 503.  Specific powers related to unemployment
    12                 compensation and welfare.
    13  Section 504.  Complaint reporting; disclosure of identity;
    14                 reprisals.
    15  Chapter 7.  Transfer
    16  Section 701.  Transfer.
    17  Section 702.  Employment status.
    18  Chapter 21.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    19  Section 2101.  Effective date.
    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22                             CHAPTER 1
    23                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    24  Section 101.  Short title.
    25     This act shall be known and may be cited as the False Claims
    26  Act.
    27  Section 102.  Definitions.
    28     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    29  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    30  context clearly indicates otherwise:
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     1     "Claim."  Any request or demand for money, property or
     2  services made to any employee, officer or agent of the
     3  Commonwealth, or to any contractor, grantee or other recipient,
     4  whether under contract or not, if any portion of the money,
     5  property or services requested or demanded, issued from or was
     6  provided by the Commonwealth, hereinafter "Commonwealth funds,"
     7  or if the Commonwealth will reimburse such contractor, grantee
     8  or other recipient for any portion of the money or property
     9  which is requested or demanded.
    10     "Employer."  Any natural person, corporation, firm,
    11  association, organization, partnership, business, trust or
    12  Commonwealth-affiliated entity involved in a nongovernmental
    13  function, including State universities and State hospitals.
    14     "Knowing" and "knowingly."  Whenever a person, with respect
    15  to information, does any of the following:
    16         (1)  Has actual knowledge of the information.
    17         (2)  Acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity
    18     of the information.
    19         (3)  Acts in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity
    20     of the information. Proof of specific intent to defraud is
    21     not required.
    22     "Office."  The Office of Inspector General established in
    23  section 501.
    24     "Person."  Any natural person, corporation, firm,
    25  association, organization, partnership, business or trust.
    26     "Subjects of transfer."  Personnel, allocations,
    27  appropriations, equipment, supplies, records, contracts, rights
    28  and obligations.
    29                             CHAPTER 3
    30                            FALSE CLAIMS
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     1  Section 301.  Acts subjecting persons to liability for treble
     2                 damages, costs and civil penalties; exceptions.
     3     (a)  Liability.--Any person who commits any of the following
     4  acts shall be liable to the Commonwealth for three times the
     5  amount of damages which the Commonwealth sustains because of the
     6  act of that person. A person who commits any of the following
     7  acts shall also be liable to the Commonwealth for the costs of a
     8  civil action brought to recover any of those penalties or
     9  damages and shall be liable to the Commonwealth for a civil
    10  penalty of not less than $5,000 and not more than $10,000 for
    11  each violation:
    12         (1)  Knowingly presents or causes to be presented to any
    13     employee, officer or agent of the Commonwealth or to any
    14     contractor, grantee or other recipient of Commonwealth funds,
    15     a false or fraudulent claim for payment or approval.
    16         (2)  Knowingly makes, uses or causes to be made or used,
    17     a false record or statement to get a false or fraudulent
    18     claim paid or approved.
    19         (3)  Conspires to defraud the Commonwealth by getting a
    20     false claim allowed or paid or conspires to defraud the
    21     Commonwealth by knowingly making, using or causing to be made
    22     or used, a false record or statement to conceal, avoid or
    23     decrease an obligation to pay or transmit money or property
    24     to the Commonwealth.
    25         (4)  Has possession, custody or control of public
    26     property or money used or to be used by the Commonwealth and
    27     knowingly delivers or causes to be delivered less property
    28     that the amount for which the person receives a certificate
    29     or receipt.
    30         (5)  Is authorized to make or deliver a document
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     1     certifying receipt of property used or to be used by the
     2     Commonwealth and knowingly makes or delivers a receipt that
     3     falsely represents the property used or to be used.
     4         (6)  Knowingly buys or receives as a pledge of an
     5     obligation or debt, public property from any person who
     6     lawfully may not sell or pledge the property.
     7         (7)  Knowingly makes, uses or causes to be made or used,
     8     a false record or statement to conceal, avoid or decrease an
     9     obligation to pay or transmit money or property to the
    10     Commonwealth.
    11         (8)  Is a beneficiary of an inadvertent submission of a
    12     false claim to any employee, officer or agent of the
    13     Commonwealth or to any contractor, grantee or other recipient
    14     of Commonwealth funds, subsequently discovers the falsity of
    15     the claim and fails to disclose the false claim to the
    16     Commonwealth within a reasonable time after discovery of the
    17     false claim.
    18     (b)  Damages limitation.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), the
    19  court may assess not less than two times the amount of damages
    20  which the Commonwealth sustains because of the act of the person
    21  described in that subsection and no civil penalty if the court
    22  finds all of the following:
    23         (1)  The person committing the violation furnished
    24     officials of the Commonwealth who are responsible for
    25     investigating false claims violations with all information
    26     known to that person about the violation within 30 days after
    27     the date on which the person first obtained the information.
    28         (2)  The person fully cooperated with any investigation
    29     by the Commonwealth.
    30         (3)  At the time the person furnished the Commonwealth
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     1     with information about the violation, no criminal
     2     prosecution, civil action or administrative action has
     3     commenced with respect to the violation, and the person did
     4     not have actual knowledge of the existence of an
     5     investigation into the violation.
     6     (c)  Exclusion.--This section does not apply to claims,
     7  records or statements made pursuant to the act of March 4, 1971
     8  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971.
     9  Section 302.  Attorney General investigations and prosecutions;
    10                 powers of prosecuting authority; civil actions by
    11                 individuals as qui tam plaintiff and as private
    12                 citizen; jurisdiction of courts.
    13     (a)  Responsibilities of the Attorney General.--The Attorney
    14  General diligently shall investigate a violation under section
    15  301. If the Attorney General finds that a person has violated or
    16  is violating section 301, the Attorney General may bring a civil
    17  action under this section against that person.
    18     (b)  Actions by private persons.--
    19         (1)  A person may bring a civil action for a violation of
    20     this act for the person and for the Commonwealth in the name
    21     of the Commonwealth. The person bringing the action shall be
    22     referred to as the qui tam plaintiff. Once filed, the action
    23     may be dismissed only with the written consent of the court,
    24     taking into account the best interest of the parties involved
    25     and the public purposes behind this chapter.
    26         (2)  A copy of the complaint and written disclosure of
    27     substantially all material evidence and information the
    28     person possesses shall be served on the Attorney General. The
    29     complaint shall also be filed in camera and shall remain
    30     under seal for at least 60 days and shall not be served on
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     1     the defendant until the court so orders. The Commonwealth may
     2     elect to intervene and proceed with the action within 60 days
     3     after it receives both the complaint and the material
     4     evidence and the information.
     5         (3)  The Commonwealth may, for good cause shown, move the
     6     court for extensions of the time during which the complaint
     7     remains under seal under paragraph (2). Any such motions may
     8     be supported by affidavits or other submissions in camera.
     9     The defendant shall not be required to respond to any
    10     complaint filed under this section until after the complaint
    11     is unsealed and served upon the defendant pursuant to the
    12     Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure.
    13         (4)  Before the expiration of the 60-day period or any
    14     extensions obtained under paragraph (3), the Commonwealth
    15     shall:
    16             (i)  proceed with the action, in which case the
    17         action shall be conducted by the Commonwealth; or
    18             (ii)  notify the court that it declines to take over
    19         the action, in which case the person bringing the action
    20         shall have the right to conduct the action.
    21         (5)  When a person brings a valid action under this
    22     subsection, no person other than the Commonwealth may
    23     intervene or bring a related action based on the facts
    24     underlying the pending action.
    25     (c)  Rights of the parties to qui tam actions.--
    26         (1)  If the Commonwealth proceeds with the action, it
    27     shall have the primary responsibility for prosecuting the
    28     action and shall not be bound by an act of the person
    29     bringing the action. Such person shall have the right to
    30     continue as a party to the action, subject to the limitations
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     1     set forth in paragraph (2).
     2         (2)  (i)  The Commonwealth may seek to dismiss the action
     3         for good cause notwithstanding the objections of the qui
     4         tam plaintiff if the qui tam plaintiff has been notified
     5         by the Commonwealth of the filing of the motion and the
     6         court has provided the qui tam plaintiff with an
     7         opportunity to oppose the motion and present evidence at
     8         a hearing.
     9             (ii)  The Commonwealth may settle the action with the
    10         defendant notwithstanding the objections of the qui tam
    11         plaintiff if the court determines, after a hearing
    12         providing the qui tam plaintiff an opportunity to present
    13         evidence, that the proposed settlement is fair, adequate
    14         and reasonable under all of the circumstances.
    15             (iii)  Upon a showing by the Commonwealth that
    16         unrestricted participation during the course of the
    17         litigation by the person initiating the action would
    18         interfere with or unduly delay the Commonwealth's
    19         prosecution of the case or would be repetitious,
    20         irrelevant or for purposes of harassment, the court may,
    21         in its discretion, impose limitations on the person's
    22         participation, such as:
    23                 (A)  limiting the number of witnesses the person
    24             may call;
    25                 (B)  limiting the length of the testimony of such
    26             witnesses;
    27                 (C)  limiting the person's cross-examination of
    28             witnesses; or
    29                 (D)  otherwise limiting the participation by the
    30             person in the litigation.
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     1             (iv)  Upon a showing by the defendant that
     2         unrestricted participation during the course of the
     3         litigation by the person initiating the action would be
     4         for purposes of harassment or would cause the defendant
     5         undue burden or unnecessary expense, the court may limit
     6         the participation by the person in the litigation.
     7         (3)  If the Commonwealth elects not to proceed with the
     8     action, the person who initiated the action shall have the
     9     right to conduct the action. If the Commonwealth so requests,
    10     it shall be served with copies of all pleadings filed in the
    11     action and shall be supplied with copies of all deposition
    12     transcripts at the Commonwealth's expense. When a person
    13     proceeds with the action, the court, without limiting the
    14     status and rights of the person initiating the action, may
    15     permit the Commonwealth to intervene at a later date upon a
    16     showing of good cause.
    17         (4)  Whether or not the Commonwealth proceeds with the
    18     action, upon a showing by the Commonwealth that certain
    19     actions of discovery by the person initiating the action
    20     would interfere with the Commonwealth's investigation or
    21     prosecution of a criminal or civil matter arising out of the
    22     same facts, the court may stay such discovery for a period of
    23     not more than 60 days. Such a showing shall be conducted in
    24     camera. The court may extend the 60-day period upon a further
    25     showing in camera that the Commonwealth has pursued the
    26     criminal or civil investigation or proceedings with
    27     reasonable diligence and any proposed discovery in the civil
    28     action will interfere with the ongoing criminal or civil
    29     investigations or proceedings.
    30         (5)  Notwithstanding subsection (b), the Commonwealth may
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     1     elect to pursue its claim through any alternate remedy
     2     available to the Commonwealth, including any administrative
     3     proceeding to determine a civil money penalty. If any such
     4     alternate remedy is pursued in another proceeding, the person
     5     initiating the action shall have the same rights in such
     6     proceeding as the person would have had if the action had
     7     continued under this section. Any finding of fact or
     8     conclusion of law made in the other proceeding that has
     9     become final shall be conclusive on all parties to an action
    10     under this section. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a
    11     finding or conclusion is final if it has been finally
    12     determined on appeal to the appropriate court of the
    13     Commonwealth, if all time for filing such an appeal with
    14     respect to the finding or conclusion has expired or if the
    15     finding or conclusion is not subject to judicial review.
    16     (d)  Award to qui tam plaintiff.--
    17         (1)  If the Commonwealth proceeds with an action brought
    18     by a person under subsection (b), such person shall, subject
    19     to the second sentence of this paragraph, receive at least
    20     15% but not more than 25% of the proceeds of the action or
    21     settlement of the claim, which includes damages, civil
    22     penalties, payments for costs of compliance and any other
    23     economic benefit realized by the government as a result of
    24     the action, depending upon the extent to which either or both
    25     the person and his counsel substantially contributed to the
    26     prosecution of the action. Where the action is one which the
    27     court finds to be based primarily on disclosures of specific
    28     information, other than information provided by the person
    29     bringing the action, relating to allegations or transactions
    30     specifically in a criminal, civil or administrative hearing
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     1     or in a legislative or administrative report, hearing, audit
     2     or investigation or from the news media, the court may award
     3     such sums as it considers appropriate but in no case more
     4     than 10% of the proceeds, taking into account the
     5     significance of the information and the role of the person
     6     bringing the action in advancing the case to litigation. Any
     7     payment to a person under the first or second sentence of
     8     this paragraph shall be made from the proceeds. Any such
     9     person shall also receive an amount for reasonable expenses
    10     which the appropriate Commonwealth court judge finds to have
    11     been necessarily incurred, plus reasonable attorney fees and
    12     costs. All such expenses, fees and costs shall be awarded
    13     against the defendant.
    14         (2)  If the Commonwealth does not proceed with an action
    15     under this section, the person bringing the action or
    16     settling the claim shall receive an amount which the court
    17     decides is reasonable for collecting the civil penalty and
    18     damages. The amount shall not be less than 25% and not more
    19     than 30% of the proceeds of the action or settlement and
    20     shall be paid out of the proceeds, which includes damages,
    21     civil penalties, payments for costs of compliance and any
    22     other economic benefit realized by the government as a result
    23     of the action. The person shall also receive an amount for
    24     reasonable expenses which the appropriate Commonwealth court
    25     judge finds to have been necessarily incurred, plus
    26     reasonable attorney fees and costs. All such expenses, fees
    27     and costs shall be awarded against the defendant.
    28         (3)  Whether or not the Commonwealth proceeds with the
    29     action, if the court finds that the action was brought by a
    30     person who planned and initiated the violation of section
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     1     301(a) upon which the action was brought, then the court may,
     2     to the extent the court considers appropriate, reduce the
     3     share of the proceeds of the action which the person would
     4     otherwise receive under paragraph (1) or (2), taking into
     5     account the role of that person in advancing the case to
     6     litigation and any relevant circumstances pertaining to the
     7     violation. If the person bringing the action is convicted of
     8     criminal conduct arising from his or her role in the
     9     violation of section 301(a), that person shall be dismissed
    10     from the civil action and shall not receive any share of the
    11     proceeds of the action. Such dismissal shall not prejudice
    12     the right of the Commonwealth to continue the action.
    13         (4)  If the Commonwealth does not proceed with the action
    14     and the person bringing the action conducts the action, the
    15     court may award to the defendant its reasonable attorney fees
    16     and expenses if the defendant prevails in the action and the
    17     court finds that the claim of the person bringing the action
    18     was clearly frivolous, clearly vexatious or brought primarily
    19     for purposes of harassment.
    20     (e)  Certain actions barred.--
    21         (1)  No court shall have jurisdiction over an action
    22     brought under subsection (b) against a member of the
    23     legislative branch, a member of the judiciary or a senior
    24     executive branch official if the action is based on evidence
    25     or information known to the Commonwealth when the action was
    26     brought.
    27         (2)  In no event may a person bring an action under
    28     subsection (b) which is based upon allegations or
    29     transactions which are the subject of a civil suit or an
    30     administrative civil money penalty proceeding in which the
    20070H0329B0423                 - 12 -     

     1     Commonwealth is already a party.
     2         (3)  Upon motion of the Attorney General, the court may,
     3     in consideration of all the equities, dismiss a relator of
     4     the elements of the actionable false claims alleged in the
     5     qui tam complaint which have been publicly disclosed,
     6     specifically in the news media or in a publicly disseminated
     7     governmental report, at the time the complaint is filed.
     8     (f)  Commonwealth not liable for certain expenses.--The
     9  Commonwealth is not liable for expenses which a person incurs in
    10  bringing an action under this section.
    11     (g)  Private action for retaliation action.--Any employee who
    12  is discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed or in
    13  any other manner discriminated against in the terms and
    14  conditions of employment by his or her employer because of
    15  lawful acts done by the employee on behalf of the employee or
    16  others in furtherance of an action under this section, including
    17  investigation for, initiation of, testimony for or assistance in
    18  an action filed or to be filed under this section, shall be
    19  entitled to all relief necessary to make the employee whole.
    20  Such relief shall include reinstatement with the same seniority
    21  status such employee would have had but for the discrimination,
    22  two times the amount of back pay, interest on the back pay and
    23  compensation for any special damages sustained as a result of
    24  the discrimination, including litigation costs and reasonable
    25  attorney fees. An employee may bring an action in the
    26  appropriate court of this Commonwealth for the relief provided
    27  in this subsection.
    28     (h)  Civil investigative demand.--
    29         (1)  (i)  The Attorney General shall have the authority
    30         to issue civil investigative demands pursuant to
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     1         paragraph (2).
     2             (ii)  Nothing contained in this subsection shall be
     3         construed to limit the regulatory or investigative
     4         authority of any department or agency of the Commonwealth
     5         whose functions might relate to persons, enterprises, or
     6         matters falling within the scope of this chapter.
     7         (2)  (i)  Whenever the Attorney General has reason to
     8         believe that any person or enterprise may be in
     9         possession, custody, or control of any documentary
    10         material relevant to an investigation under this chapter,
    11         the Attorney General may issue in writing, and cause to
    12         be served upon such person or enterprise, a civil
    13         investigative demand requiring the production of such
    14         material for examination.
    15             (ii)  Each such demand shall:
    16                 (A)  state the nature of the conduct constituting
    17             the alleged violation which is under investigation,
    18             the provision of law applicable thereto and the
    19             connection between the documentary material demanded
    20             and the conduct under investigation;
    21                 (B)  describe the class or classes of documentary
    22             material to be produced thereunder with such
    23             definiteness and certainty as to permit such material
    24             to be fairly identified;
    25                 (C)  state that the demand is returnable
    26             forthwith or prescribe a return date which will
    27             provide a reasonable period of time within which the
    28             material so demanded may be assembled and made
    29             available for inspection and copying or reproduction;
    30                 (D)  identify an investigator to whom such
    20070H0329B0423                 - 14 -     

     1             material shall be made available; and
     2                 (E)  contain the following statement printed
     3             conspicuously at the top of the demand: "You have the
     4             right to seek the assistance of any attorney and he
     5             may represent you in all phases of the investigation
     6             of which this civil investigative demand is a part."
     7             (iii)  No such demand shall:
     8                 (A)  contain any requirement which would be held
     9             to be unreasonable if contained in a subpoena duces
    10             tecum issued by any court in connection with a grand
    11             jury investigation of such alleged violation; or
    12                 (B)  require the production of any documentary
    13             evidence which would be privileged from disclosure if
    14             demanded by a subpoena duces tecum issued by any
    15             court in connection with a grand jury investigation
    16             of such alleged violation.
    17             (iv)  Service of any such demand or any petition
    18         filed under this paragraph shall be made in the manner
    19         prescribed by the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure
    20         for service of writs and complaints.
    21             (v)  A verified return by the individual serving any
    22         such demand or petition setting forth the manner of such
    23         service shall be prima facie proof of such service. In
    24         the case of service by registered or certified mail, such
    25         return shall be accompanied by the return post office
    26         receipt of delivery of such demand.
    27             (vi)  (A)  Any party upon whom any demand issued
    28             under this subsection has been duly served shall make
    29             such material available for inspection and copying or
    30             reproduction to the investigator designated therein
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     1             at the principal place of business of such party, or
     2             at such other place as such investigator and such
     3             party thereafter may agree or as the court may direct
     4             pursuant to this paragraph, on the return date
     5             specified in such demand. Such party may upon
     6             agreement of the investigator substitute copies of
     7             all or any part of such material for the originals
     8             thereof.
     9                 (B)  The investigator to whom any documentary
    10             material is so delivered shall take physical
    11             possession thereof, and shall be responsible for the
    12             use made thereof and for its return pursuant to this
    13             paragraph. The investigator may cause the preparation
    14             of such copies of such documentary material as may be
    15             required for official use. While in the possession of
    16             the investigator, no material so produced shall be
    17             available for examination, without the consent of the
    18             party who produced such material, by any individual
    19             other than the Attorney General or investigator.
    20             Under such reasonable terms and conditions as the
    21             Attorney General shall prescribe, documentary
    22             material while in the possession of the investigator
    23             shall be available for examination by the party who
    24             produced such material or any duly authorized
    25             representatives of such party.
    26                 (C)  Upon completion of the investigation for
    27             which any documentary material was produced under
    28             this paragraph and any case or proceeding arising
    29             from such investigation, the investigator shall
    30             return to the party who produced such material all
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     1             such material other than copies thereof made pursuant
     2             to this paragraph which have not passed into the
     3             control of any court or grand jury through
     4             introduction into the record of such case or
     5             proceeding.
     6                 (D)  When any documentary material has been
     7             produced by any party under this paragraph for use in
     8             any investigation, and no case or proceeding arising
     9             therefrom has been instituted within a reasonable
    10             time after completion of the examination and analysis
    11             of all evidence assembled in the course of such
    12             investigation, such party shall be entitled, upon
    13             written demand made upon the Attorney General, to the
    14             return of all documentary material, other than copies
    15             thereof made pursuant to this paragraph, so produced
    16             by such party.
    17             (vii)  Whenever any person or enterprise fails to
    18         comply with any civil investigative demand duly served
    19         upon him under this paragraph or whenever satisfactory
    20         copying or reproduction of any such material cannot be
    21         done and such party refuses to surrender such material,
    22         the Attorney General may file, in the court of common
    23         pleas for any county in which such party resides or
    24         transacts business, and serve upon such party a petition
    25         for an order of such court for the enforcement of this
    26         paragraph, except that if such person transacts business
    27         in more than one county such petition shall be filed in
    28         the county in which party maintains the party's principal
    29         place of business.
    30             (viii)  Within 20 days after the service of any such
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     1         demand upon any person or enterprise, or at any time
     2         before the return date specified in the demand, whichever
     3         period is shorter, such party may file, in the court of
     4         common pleas of the county within which such party
     5         resides or transacts business, and serve upon the
     6         Attorney General a petition for an order of such court
     7         modifying or setting aside such demand. The time allowed
     8         for compliance with the demand in whole or in part as
     9         deemed proper and ordered by the court shall not run
    10         during the pendency of such petition in the court. Such
    11         petition shall specify each ground upon which the
    12         petitioner relies in seeking such relief, and may be
    13         based upon any failure of such demand to comply with the
    14         provisions of this paragraph or upon any constitutional
    15         or other legal right or privilege of such party.
    16             (ix)  At any time during which the Attorney General
    17         is in custody or control of any documentary material
    18         delivered by any party in compliance with any such
    19         demand, such party may file, in the court of common pleas
    20         of the county within which such documentary material was
    21         delivered, and serve upon the Attorney General a petition
    22         for an order of such court requiring the performance of
    23         any duty imposed by this paragraph.
    24             (x)  Whenever any petition is filed in any court of
    25         common pleas under this paragraph, such court shall have
    26         jurisdiction to hear and determine the matter so
    27         presented, and, after a hearing at which all parties are
    28         represented, to enter such order or orders as may be
    29         required to carry into effect the provisions of this
    30         paragraph.
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     1         (3)  Whenever any individual refuses, on the basis of his
     2     privilege against self-incrimination, to comply with a civil
     3     investigative demand issued pursuant to paragraph (2), the
     4     Attorney General may invoke the provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. §
     5     5947 (relating to immunity of witnesses).
     6  Section 303.  Limitation of actions; prior activities; burden of
     7                 proof.
     8     (a)  Statute of limitations.--A civil action under section
     9  302 may not be brought more than ten years after the date on
    10  which the violation was committed.
    11     (b)  Burden of proof.--In any action brought under section
    12  302, the Commonwealth or the qui tam plaintiff shall be required
    13  to prove all essential elements of the cause of action,
    14  including damages, by a preponderance of the evidence.
    15     (c)  Estoppel.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a
    16  guilty verdict rendered in a criminal proceeding charging false
    17  statements or fraud, whether upon a verdict after trial or upon
    18  a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, shall estop the defendant
    19  from denying the essential elements of the offense in any action
    20  which involves the same transaction as in the criminal
    21  proceeding and which is brought under section 302(a) or (b).
    22  Section 304.  Remedies under other laws; severability of
    23                 provisions; liberality of legislative
    24                 construction; adoption of legislative history.
    25     (a)  Remedies under other laws.--The provisions of this act
    26  are not exclusive and the remedies provided for in this act
    27  shall be in addition to any other remedies provided for in any
    28  other law or available under common law.
    29     (b)  Liberality of legislative construction and adoption of
    30  legislative history.--This chapter shall be liberally construed
    20070H0329B0423                 - 19 -     

     1  and applied to promote the public interest. This chapter also
     2  adopts the congressional intent behind the Federal False Claims
     3  Act, (Public Law 97-258, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729-3733), including the
     4  legislative history underlying the 1986 amendments to the
     5  Federal False Claims Act.
     6  Section 305.  Regulations.
     7     (a)  General rule.--The Attorney General shall have the power
     8  and authority to promulgate rules and regulations which may be
     9  necessary to carry out the purposes set forth in this chapter.
    10     (b)  Guidelines.--In order to facilitate the speedy
    11  implementation of this chapter, the Attorney General shall have
    12  the power and authority to promulgate, adopt and use guidelines
    13  which shall be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The
    14  guidelines shall not be subject to review under section 205 of
    15  the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the
    16  Commonwealth Documents Law; sections 204(b) and 301(10) of the
    17  act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the
    18  Commonwealth Attorneys Act; or the act of June 25, 1982
    19  (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act. The
    20  guidelines shall be effective for a period of not more than two
    21  years from the effective date of this chapter. After the
    22  expiration of the two-year period, the guidelines shall be
    23  promulgated as regulations.
    24                             CHAPTER 5
    25                    OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL
    26  Section 501.  Office.
    27     (a)  Establishment.--There is established an independent
    28  agency to be known as the Office of Inspector General. The
    29  office shall be subject to the same limitations contained in the
    30  act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
    20070H0329B0423                 - 20 -     

     1  Administrative Code of 1929, and all other acts as applicable to
     2  the Department of the Auditor General or to the State Treasurer.
     3     (b)  Expenses.--Expenses of the office shall be paid from
     4  funds appropriated to the office.
     5     (c)  Fiscal year.--The fiscal year of the office shall be the
     6  same as the fiscal year of the Commonwealth.
     7     (d)  Cooperation.--Executive agencies shall cooperate with
     8  and provide assistance to the office without financial
     9  reimbursement.
    10     (e)  General Counsel.--The powers and duties of the Office of
    11  General Counsel contained in section 208 of the act of June 13,
    12  1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, are
    13  transferred to the office.
    14  Section 502.  Inspector General.
    15     (a)  Appointment and confirmation.--The Governor shall
    16  appoint, with the advice and consent of a majority of the
    17  members elected to the Senate, an individual as the Inspector
    18  General. The Inspector General shall be the head officer of the
    19  office and shall exercise leadership and control over all deputy
    20  inspector generals in designated executive agencies to insure a
    21  coordinated and efficient administration of duties and use of
    22  staff. All deputy inspector generals shall report to and follow
    23  the direction of the Inspector General.
    24     (b)  Qualification.--No individual shall be nominated as
    25  Inspector General unless the individual has served at least ten
    26  years at a management level capacity in law enforcement.
    27     (c)  Vacancy in office.--In the event of a vacancy in the
    28  position of Inspector General, the Governor shall nominate, with
    29  the advice and consent of a majority of the members elected to
    30  the Senate, an individual to fill the position for the balance
    20070H0329B0423                 - 21 -     

     1  of the unexpired term of the Inspector General. The first deputy
     2  shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the
     3  Inspector General until the vacancy is filled.
     4     (d)  Powers and duties.--The Inspector General has the
     5  following powers and duties:
     6         (1)  Initiate, supervise and coordinate investigative
     7     activities relating to fraud, waste, misconduct or abuse in
     8     executive agencies and government programs.
     9         (2)  Recommend policies for and conduct, supervise and
    10     coordinate activities designed to deter, detect, prevent and
    11     eradicate fraud, waste, misconduct and abuse in executive
    12     agencies and government programs.
    13         (3)  If the Inspector General has reasonable grounds to
    14     believe there has been a violation of criminal law or that a
    15     civil action should be initiated by the Commonwealth, refer
    16     the matter to the Attorney General.
    17         (4)  Refer matters to the heads of executive agencies,
    18     except qui tam actions, if the Inspector General determines
    19     that disciplinary or other administrative action is
    20     appropriate.
    21         (5)  Make investigations and reports relating to the
    22     administration of programs and operations of an executive
    23     agency as are, in the judgment of the Inspector General,
    24     necessary or desirable. If the Inspector General determines
    25     that a report should be issued, copies of the report shall be
    26     presented to the Attorney General to insure against an
    27     adverse impact on a grand jury proceeding, false claims
    28     action or any investigation being conducted by a law
    29     enforcement agency.
    30         (6)  Request information or assistance necessary for
    20070H0329B0423                 - 22 -     

     1     carrying out the duties and responsibilities provided by this
     2     chapter from a Federal, State or local government agency.
     3         (7)  Require and obtain immediately by written notice
     4     from officers and employees of executive agencies
     5     information, documents, reports, answers, records, accounts,
     6     papers and other necessary data and documentary evidence.
     7         (8)  Have direct and prompt access to the heads of
     8     executive agencies when necessary for the purpose of
     9     performing the powers and duties provided for under this
    10     chapter.
    11         (9)  Appoint deputy and assistant inspectors general and
    12     select and employ officers and employees necessary for
    13     carrying out the functions, powers and duties of the office.
    14     The officers and employees shall be employed in accordance
    15     with current procedures of the Office of Administration and
    16     may be assigned by the Inspector General to designated
    17     executive agencies.
    18         (10)  Have the right to access at all times the books and
    19     papers of any Commonwealth agency necessary to carry out
    20     functions under this chapter. Upon request of the Inspector
    21     General for information or assistance, executive agencies
    22     shall immediately furnish the information and assistance to
    23     the Inspector General or an authorized designee.
    24         (11)  If information or assistance requested is, in the
    25     judgment of the Inspector General, unreasonably refused or
    26     not provided, the Inspector General may report the
    27     circumstances to the head of the agency, the General Counsel
    28     and the Governor for appropriate action.
    29         (12)  (i)  The Inspector General shall have the authority
    30         to issue civil investigative demands pursuant to
    20070H0329B0423                 - 23 -     

     1         paragraph (13).
     2             (ii)  Nothing contained in this paragraph or
     3         paragraph (3) shall be construed to limit the regulatory
     4         or investigative authority of any department or agency of
     5         the Commonwealth whose functions might relate to persons,
     6         enterprises or matters falling within the scope of this
     7         chapter.
     8         (13)  (i)  Whenever the Inspector General has reason to
     9         believe that any person or enterprise may be in
    10         possession, custody or control of any documentary
    11         material relevant to an investigation under this chapter,
    12         the Inspector General may issue in writing, and cause to
    13         be served upon such person or enterprise, a civil
    14         investigative demand requiring the production of such
    15         material for examination.
    16             (ii)  Each such demand shall:
    17                 (A)  state the nature of the conduct constituting
    18             the alleged violation which is under investigation,
    19             the provision of law applicable thereto and the
    20             connection between the documentary material demanded
    21             and the conduct under investigation;
    22                 (B)  describe the class or classes of documentary
    23             material to be produced thereunder with such
    24             definiteness and certainty as to permit such material
    25             to be fairly identified;
    26                 (C)  state that the demand is returnable
    27             forthwith or prescribe a return date which will
    28             provide a reasonable period of time within which the
    29             material so demanded may be assembled and made
    30             available for inspection and copying or reproduction;
    20070H0329B0423                 - 24 -     

     1                 (D)  identify an investigator to whom such
     2             material shall be made available; and
     3                 (E)  contain the following statement printed
     4             conspicuously at the top of the demand: "You have the
     5             right to seek the assistance of any attorney and he
     6             may represent you in all phases of the investigation
     7             of which this civil investigative demand is a part."
     8             (iii)  No such demand shall:
     9                 (A)  contain any requirement which would be held
    10             to be unreasonable if contained in a subpoena duces
    11             tecum issued by any court in connection with a grand
    12             jury investigation of such alleged violation; or
    13                 (B)  require the production of any documentary
    14             evidence which would be privileged from disclosure if
    15             demanded by a subpoena duces tecum issued by any
    16             court in connection with a grand jury investigation
    17             of such alleged violation.
    18             (iv)  Service of any such demand or any petition
    19         filed under this paragraph shall be made in the manner
    20         prescribed by the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure
    21         for service of writs and complaints.
    22             (v)  A verified return by the individual serving any
    23         such demand or petition setting forth the manner of such
    24         service shall be prima facie proof of such service. In
    25         the case of service by registered or certified mail, such
    26         return shall be accompanied by the return post office
    27         receipt of delivery of such demand.
    28             (vi)  (A)  Any party upon whom any demand issued
    29             under this subsection has been duly served shall make
    30             such material available for inspection and copying or
    20070H0329B0423                 - 25 -     

     1             reproduction to the investigator designated therein
     2             at the principal place of business of such party, or
     3             at such other place as such investigator and such
     4             party thereafter may agree or as the court may direct
     5             pursuant to this paragraph, on the return date
     6             specified in such demand. Such party may upon
     7             agreement of the investigator substitute copies of
     8             all or any part of such material for the originals
     9             thereof.
    10                 (B)  The investigator to whom any documentary
    11             material is so delivered shall take physical
    12             possession thereof, and shall be responsible for the
    13             use made thereof and for its return pursuant to this
    14             paragraph. The investigator may cause the preparation
    15             of such copies of such documentary material as may be
    16             required for official use. While in the possession of
    17             the investigator, no material so produced shall be
    18             available for examination, without the consent of the
    19             party who produced such material, by any individual
    20             other than the Inspector General or investigator.
    21             Under such reasonable terms and conditions as the
    22             Inspector General shall prescribe, documentary
    23             material while in the possession of the investigator
    24             shall be available for examination by the party who
    25             produced such material or any duly authorized
    26             representatives of such party.
    27                 (C)  Upon completion of the investigation for
    28             which any documentary material was produced under
    29             this paragraph and any case or proceeding arising
    30             from such investigation, the investigator shall
    20070H0329B0423                 - 26 -     

     1             return to the party who produced such material all
     2             such material other than copies thereof made pursuant
     3             to this paragraph which have not passed into the
     4             control of any court or grand jury through
     5             introduction into the record of such case or
     6             proceeding.
     7                 (D)  When any documentary material has been
     8             produced by any party under this paragraph for use in
     9             any investigation, and no case or proceeding arising
    10             therefrom has been instituted within a reasonable
    11             time after completion of the examination and analysis
    12             of all evidence assembled in the course of such
    13             investigation, such party shall be entitled, upon
    14             written demand made upon the Inspector General, to
    15             the return of all documentary material, other than
    16             copies thereof made pursuant to this paragraph, so
    17             produced by such party.
    18             (vii)  Whenever any person or enterprise fails to
    19         comply with any civil investigative demand duly served
    20         upon him under this paragraph or whenever satisfactory
    21         copying or reproduction of any such material cannot be
    22         done and such party refuses to surrender such material,
    23         the Inspector General may file, in the court of common
    24         pleas for any county in which such party resides or
    25         transacts business, and serve upon such party a petition
    26         for an order of such court for the enforcement of this
    27         paragraph, except that if such person transacts business
    28         in more than one county such petition shall be filed in
    29         the county in which party maintains the party's principal
    30         place of business.
    20070H0329B0423                 - 27 -     

     1             (viii)  Within 20 days after the service of any such
     2         demand upon any person or enterprise, or at any time
     3         before the return date specified in the demand, whichever
     4         period is shorter, such party may file, in the court of
     5         common pleas of the county within which such party
     6         resides or transacts business, and serve upon the
     7         Inspector General a petition for an order of such court
     8         modifying or setting aside such demand. The time allowed
     9         for compliance with the demand in whole or in part as
    10         deemed proper and ordered by the court shall not run
    11         during the pendency of such petition in the court. Such
    12         petition shall specify each ground upon which the
    13         petitioner relies in seeking such relief, and may be
    14         based upon any failure of such demand to comply with the
    15         provisions of this paragraph or upon any constitutional
    16         or other legal right or privilege of such party.
    17             (ix)  At any time during which the Inspector General
    18         is in custody or control of any documentary material
    19         delivered by any party in compliance with any such
    20         demand, such party may file, in the court of common pleas
    21         of the county within which such documentary material was
    22         delivered, and serve upon the Inspector General a
    23         petition for an order of such court requiring the
    24         performance of any duty imposed by this paragraph.
    25             (x)  Whenever any petition is filed in any court of
    26         common pleas under this paragraph, such court shall have
    27         jurisdiction to hear and determine the matter so
    28         presented, and, after a hearing at which all parties are
    29         represented, to enter such order or orders as may be
    30         required to carry into effect the provisions of this
    20070H0329B0423                 - 28 -     

     1         paragraph.
     2         (14)  Whenever any individual refuses, on the basis of
     3     his privilege against self-incrimination, to comply with a
     4     civil investigative demand issued pursuant to paragraph (13),
     5     the Inspector General may request the Attorney General to
     6     invoke the provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. § 5947 (relating to
     7     immunity of witnesses).
     8     (e)  Status.--The office shall be considered an independent
     9  agency under the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164),
    10  known as the Commonwealth Attorneys Act.
    11  Section 503.  Specific powers related to unemployment
    12                 compensation and welfare.
    13     (a)  Unemployment compensation.--The office shall detect and
    14  investigate waste, fraud and abuse in unemployment compensation
    15  claims by randomly and annually auditing at least 20% of the
    16  claims in the Department of Labor and Industry. The office has
    17  the authority to contact both the unemployment compensation
    18  claimant and the employer for purposes of obtaining necessary
    19  information to carry out the functions of the agency.
    20     (b)  Welfare.--The office shall detect and investigate waste,
    21  fraud and abuse in welfare claims, including Medicaid, by
    22  randomly and annually auditing at least 20% of the claims in the
    23  Department of Welfare. The office has the authority to contact
    24  the welfare claimant for purposes of obtaining necessary
    25  information to carry out the functions of the agency.
    26     (c)  Access.--The office shall maintain a single Statewide
    27  toll-free telephone number which all persons, whether mandated
    28  by law or not, may use to report information or complaints as
    29  provided for in section 504.
    30  Section 504.  Complaint reporting; disclosure of identity;
    20070H0329B0423                 - 29 -     

     1                 reprisals.
     2     (a)  Complaints.--The office may receive and investigate
     3  complaints or information concerning the possible existence of
     4  an activity in an executive agency constituting a violation of
     5  law, mismanagement, fraud, waste, abuse of authority,
     6  malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance or a substantial and
     7  specific danger to the public health and safety.
     8     (b)  Reprisals.--
     9         (1)  No person may take or threaten to take action
    10     against an employee as a reprisal for making a complaint or
    11     disclosing information to the office, unless the complaint
    12     was made or the information disclosed with the knowledge that
    13     it was false or misleading.
    14         (2)  The protections in this subsection for employees who
    15     report, in good faith, fraud, waste, misconduct, malfeasance,
    16     misfeasance, nonfeasance or abuse are in addition and
    17     supplementary to protections provided for in the act of
    18     December 12, 1986 (P.L.1559, No.169), known as the
    19     Whistleblower Law.
    20                             CHAPTER 7
    21                              TRANSFER
    22  Section 701.  Transfer.
    23     The following are transferred from the Office of State
    24  Inspector General to the office:
    25         (1)  Functions formerly performed by the Office of State
    26     Inspector General under 4 Pa. Code Ch. 1 Subch. X (relating
    27     to Inspector General) and now performed by the office under
    28     Chapter 5.
    29         (2)  Subjects of transfer of the Office of State
    30     Inspector General employed, expended or used in connection
    20070H0329B0423                 - 30 -     

     1     with the functions transferred to the office under paragraph
     2     (1). The transfer under this paragraph has the same effect as
     3     if the subjects of transfer had originally been those of the
     4     office.
     5  Section 702.  Employment status.
     6     Personnel transferred under section 701(2) shall retain the
     7  same employment status held prior to transfer. This section
     8  includes:
     9         (1)  Civil service classification.
    10         (2)  Seniority.
    11         (3)  Benefits.
    12         (4)  Perquisites.
    13                             CHAPTER 21
    14                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    15  Section 2101.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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