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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 420



No. 377 Session of 1997

           L. I. COHEN, FEBRUARY 10, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 1, 1945 (P.L.1242, No.428), entitled
     2     "An act relating to roads, streets, highways and bridges;
     3     amending, revising, consolidating and changing the laws
     4     administered by the Secretary of Highways and by the
     5     Department of Highways relating thereto," providing for speed
     6     bumps.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 542 of the act of June 1, 1945 (P.L.1242,
    10  No.428), known as the State Highway Law, amended March 9, 1970
    11  (P.L.159, No.60), is amended to read:
    12     Section 542.  Construction, Resurfacing, Repair and
    13  Maintenance; Change of Lines, Widths and Grades.--After the
    14  streets, designated as State highways shall have been taken over
    15  by the Commonwealth, they shall be maintained, constructed,
    16  reconstructed, resurfaced and repaired by the department at the
    17  expense of the Commonwealth, and such construction,
    18  reconstruction, and resurfacing shall be of such type as shall
    19  be determined by the secretary, with the approval of the

     1  Governor, and repairs and maintenance shall be of such type as
     2  shall be determined by the secretary: Provided, however, That
     3  nothing in this section shall be construed to place upon the
     4  Commonwealth any obligation to repair and maintain the curbing
     5  and footways of any such street, or to remove snow or keep
     6  streets clean: And provided further, That the department may
     7  enter into agreements in the discretion of the secretary with
     8  cities of the first class wherein and whereby such cities are
     9  authorized to design, advertise for bids, let contracts and
    10  supervise construction of new bridges and the reconstruction of
    11  existing bridges on State highways within the limits of such
    12  cities. Maintenance shall include the clearance of snow but not
    13  the carrying away thereof. The department may enter into
    14  agreements, in the discretion of the secretary, with cities of
    15  the first class to design, construct and maintain speed bumps in
    16  residential areas.
    17     The department may enter into agreements, in the discretion
    18  of the secretary, with the cities or with persons, associations
    19  or corporations for the sharing with the Commonwealth of the
    20  cost of snow clearance, but not the carrying away thereof,
    21  construction, reconstruction or resurfacing of these streets, or
    22  sections thereof, taken over by the Commonwealth under any act.
    23     The department may in the discretion of the secretary, enter
    24  into agreements with cities, for reimbursing the cities for
    25  clearing snow from highways but not the carrying away thereof.
    26     Section 2.  Section 543 of the act is amended to read:
    27     Section 543.  Type of Improvement.--The type of improvement
    28  shall include opening, widening, and change of grade on any
    29  street, or section thereof, clearing, grading, demolition,
    30  removal of existing paving, repaving, surfacing, the
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     1  construction of traffic islands, the construction of speed
     2  bumps, circle or other traffic channelizations, the construction
     3  of storm water conduits, drains and gutters, culverts, bridges,
     4  viaducts and retaining walls, curbing and recurbing, the paving
     5  and repaving of sidewalks, the planting of trees and shrubs,
     6  seeding and sodding, street and traffic signs, traffic signals
     7  and conduits and lighting fixtures for same, and such other
     8  work, excepting water pipe and sanitary sewers, as may be
     9  necessary fully and satisfactorily to complete such improvement.
    10     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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