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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 399



No. 382 Session of 2001

           AND STEELMAN, JANUARY 31, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for a home purchase loan program to be administered by
     2     the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency; and establishing the
     3     Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Affordable
     8  Housing Trust Fund Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.
    14     "Annual income."  The total annual income of all members of a
    15  family from whatever source derived. The term includes pensions,
    16  annuities, retirement and Social Security benefits. The term

     1  excludes the following as the agency may establish by
     2  regulation:
     3         (1)  Reasonable allowances for dependents.
     4         (2)  Reasonable allowances for medical expenses.
     5         (3)  All or a proportionate part of the earnings of
     6     dependent family members.
     7         (4)  Income not received regularly.
     8     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
     9     "Fund."  The Affordable Housing Trust Fund established in
    10  section 3.
    11     "Lending institution."  Any of the following if it
    12  customarily provides residential mortgage services or otherwise
    13  aids in the financing of mortgages on residential housing in
    14  this Commonwealth:
    15         (1)  Bank.
    16         (2)  Bank and trust company.
    17         (3)  Trust company.
    18         (4)  Savings bank.
    19         (5)  National banking association.
    20         (6)  Federal National Mortgage Association.
    21         (7)  Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.
    22         (8)  Government National Mortgage Association.
    23         (9)  Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.
    24         (10)  Mortgage banker.
    25         (11)  FHA-approved mortgage service company.
    26         (12)  Savings and loan association.
    27         (13)  Federal savings and loan association.
    28         (14)  Building and loan association.
    29         (15)  Credit union.
    30         (16)  A financial institution similar to those listed in
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     1     paragraphs (1) through (15).
     2     "Low-income and moderate-income families."  Families who
     3  cannot afford to pay the amounts at which private enterprise,
     4  without the assistance of this act, is providing a substantial
     5  supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing. The agency shall
     6  establish income limits for participation of such persons and
     7  families, based on countywide income statistics, where
     8  available.
     9     "Low-income and moderate-income persons."  Individuals who
    10  cannot afford to pay the amounts at which private enterprise,
    11  without the assistance of this act, is providing a substantial
    12  supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing. The agency shall
    13  establish income limits for participation of such persons and
    14  families, based on countywide income statistics, where
    15  available.
    16     "Mortgage."  A lien other than a judgment on a fee simple
    17  estate or leasehold in real property located in this
    18  Commonwealth, together with the credit instruments, if any,
    19  secured by it. The term includes insured and uninsured
    20  mortgages.
    21  Section 3.  Creation and administration of fund.
    22     There is established under the jurisdiction and control of
    23  the agency the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, as a permanent
    24  revolving fund of identifiable, renewable and segregated capital
    25  to be used by the agency in accordance with this act. The agency
    26  shall hold fund money separate and distinct from its other
    27  assets and other funds which it administers.
    28  Section 4.  Sources of fund.
    29     There shall be paid into the fund:
    30         (1)  Money appropriated by the General Assembly for
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     1     inclusion in the fund.
     2         (2)  Revenue collected from the imposition of the
     3     surcharge on recorded documents under section 6.
     4         (3)  Grants, donations, contributions or gifts from
     5     public or private sources specifically earmarked for deposit
     6     into the fund.
     7         (4)  The proceeds from the sale of property given to the
     8     agency for use in connection with the fund.
     9         (5)  Money made available to the agency under the
    10     provisions of the act of December 14, 1992 (P.L.866, No.137),
    11     known as the Optional County Affordable Housing Funds Act.
    12         (6)  Interest, dividends and pecuniary gains from
    13     investment of money in the fund.
    14         (7)  Repayments of principal and interest on loans
    15     provided from the fund.
    16         (8)  Other revenue derived from the operation of the
    17     fund.
    18  Section 5.  Use of fund.
    19     (a)  Purposes.--The agency shall use moneys in the fund for
    20  the purpose of enabling low-income and moderate-income persons
    21  and low-income and moderate-income families to attain home
    22  ownership through, but not limited to, the following programs:
    23         (1)  The Home Purchase Loan Program, which shall consist
    24     of second or subsequent mortgage loans or grants, the
    25     proceeds of which can be used to provide closing cost
    26     assistance or down payment assistance to eligible homebuyers.
    27     Repayment may be deferred by the agency for a period up to
    28     the length of the first mortgage but shall be repaid at the
    29     time of a sale, transfer or nonowner occupancy of the
    30     property or upon payment in full or a refinance of the first
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     1     mortgage. The agency may allow subordination of the mortgage
     2     loan where the first mortgage is being refinanced to produce
     3     more favorable repayment terms for the homeowner or to enable
     4     the homeowner to make repairs necessary to preserve the
     5     property.
     6         (2)  The Mortgage Interest Subsidy Program, which shall
     7     consist of second or subsequent mortgage loans or grants, the
     8     proceeds of which can be used to buy down interest rates for
     9     eligible homebuyers, thereby producing an affordable monthly
    10     mortgage payment. Repayment of the loans may be deferred by
    11     the agency for a period of up to the length of the first
    12     mortgage and shall be repaid in the same manner as set forth
    13     in paragraph (1).
    14     (b)  Eligibility criteria.--The following criteria determine
    15  eligiblity to participate in a program set forth in subsection
    16  (a):
    17         (1)  An applicant must be a person or family whose annual
    18     income adjusted for family size does not exceed 115% of
    19     median household income for the county in which the property
    20     is located. The agency may establish additional criteria
    21     limiting certain kinds of assistance to persons of low or
    22     very low income.
    23         (2)  An applicant must be a person or family who has not
    24     had an ownership interest in residential real property within
    25     the previous three years. This provision may be waived by the
    26     agency in the case of a single-parent family.
    27         (3)  An applicant must have insufficient assets or
    28     income, as determined by the agency, to be able to purchase
    29     the property without the assistance provided by this act.
    30         (4)  The agency shall require homebuyers to undergo home
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     1     ownership counseling as approved by the agency as a condition
     2     of the receipt of a grant or loan.
     3     (c)  Limits.--The agency shall establish limits on the amount
     4  of money available to each applicant.
     5     (d)  Distribution of money.--The agency shall use its best
     6  efforts to distribute money in the fund on a regional basis in
     7  the same proportion to where the moneys were derived. The
     8  distribution of money in the restricted account within the fund
     9  shall not be considered when the agency distributes the
    10  remaining money in the fund in accordance with this section. Any
    11  Federal money donated to the fund from outside this Commonwealth
    12  can be used by the agency anywhere in this Commonwealth.
    13     (e)  Participating lenders.--The following lending
    14  institutions shall be eligible to participate in programs
    15  authorized by this act, subject to standards, criteria and
    16  procedures established by the agency:
    17         (1)  A lending institution that originates first mortgage
    18     loans in conjunction with any of the agency's single family
    19     home purchase programs.
    20         (2)  A lending institution that originates first mortgage
    21     loans in conjunction with a home purchase program operated by
    22     a municipality, municipal authority or a residential finance
    23     authority.
    24         (3)  A lending institution approved by the agency which
    25     has agreed to comply with the homebuyer eligibility and other
    26     requirements of subsection (b).
    27     (f)  Matching funds.--The agency may use money from the fund
    28  to match Federal, State, local or private money to be used for
    29  programs which have the purpose of fostering home ownership by
    30  low-income and moderate-income persons and low-income and
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     1  moderate-income families.
     2     (g)  Housing counseling programs.--The agency may use money
     3  from the fund to pay for technical assistance, design, finance
     4  and administrative services and housing counseling services
     5  provided to applicants by nonprofit housing development
     6  corporations or other community-based or neighborhood-based
     7  organizations.
     8     (h)  Administrative expenses.--The agency may use money from
     9  the fund to pay reasonable expenses incurred in connection with
    10  administering the fund and operating the programs authorized
    11  under this act.
    12  Section 6.  Imposition of surcharge.
    13     There is imposed a real estate document surcharge in the
    14  amount of $10 for every deed, mortgage or other instrument for
    15  which a recording fee is provided and which is recorded in the
    16  office of the recorder of deeds. The surcharge shall be in
    17  addition to any other recording fee or other charge lawfully
    18  collected by the recorder of deeds and shall be paid by the
    19  recorder of deeds to the department at the same time and in the
    20  same manner as the realty transfer tax. The department shall
    21  remit to the agency for deposit to the fund money received in
    22  connection with the real estate document surcharge.
    23  Section 7.  County participation.
    24     The county commissioners or the governing body of a county
    25  with a down payment or closing cost assistance program
    26  established under the provisions of the act of December 14, 1992
    27  (P.L.866, No.137), known as the Optional County Affordable
    28  Housing Funds Act, may elect to not participate in the fund. The
    29  election to not participate in the fund shall be evidenced by an
    30  ordinance enacted by the county commissioners or the governing
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     1  body. The surcharge under section 6 shall be imposed and any
     2  money received shall be deposited into the fund until an
     3  ordinance is enacted under this section. Any real estate
     4  document recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in a
     5  county which has enacted an ordinance under this section shall
     6  not be subject to the surcharge imposed by section 6. The
     7  residents of a county which has enacted an ordinance under this
     8  section shall be ineligible to receive money from the fund until
     9  the county commissioners or the governing body of the county
    10  repeals the ordinance. Sixty days after the effective date of
    11  the repeal, the recorder of deeds of the county shall begin
    12  collecting the surcharge imposed by section 6.
    13  Section 8.  Third class cities program.
    14     The county commissioners or the governing body of a county in
    15  which a city of the third class is located may elect by
    16  ordinance to impose a surcharge of $1 on every deed, mortgage or
    17  other instrument for which a recording fee is provided and which
    18  is recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds. This
    19  surcharge shall be in addition to any other recording fee or
    20  other charge lawfully collected by the recorder of deeds. This
    21  surcharge shall be paid by the recorder of deeds to the
    22  department at the same time and in the same manner as the realty
    23  transfer tax. The department shall remit to the agency for
    24  deposit into a restricted account within the fund money received
    25  in connection with the surcharge imposed under this section. In
    26  accordance with section 5, the agency shall use the money in the
    27  restricted account only for the purpose of enabling low-income
    28  and moderate-income persons and low-income and moderate-income
    29  families to attain home ownership within a city of the third
    30  class located within a county where the money was collected. If
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     1  there is more than one city of the third class within a county
     2  imposing a surcharge under this section, the money distributed
     3  for use in a city of the third class shall be based upon the
     4  total population of all cities of the third class within the
     5  county where the money was collected divided by the total
     6  population of a city of the third class where the money will be
     7  distributed. If all of the money in the restricted account
     8  cannot be distributed under this section, the agency shall
     9  distribute the money in accordance with section 5(c).
    10  Section 9.  Semiannual report.
    11     The agency shall report to the General Assembly and the
    12  Governor on a semiannual basis, corresponding with the beginning
    13  of each two-year legislative session, on the income and expenses
    14  of the fund and its uses, including the number and amounts of
    15  loans and grants made, the number and types of residential units
    16  assisted, the income levels of persons assisted and the
    17  geographical distribution of loans and grants made.
    18  Section 10.  Expiration.
    19     (a)  Report.--The Legislative Budget and Finance Committee
    20  shall present to the General Assembly a report evaluating the
    21  fund by December 31, 2002. This report shall provide the General
    22  Assembly with a recommendation as to whether the fund is to be
    23  continued and, if so, the changes which are suggested by the
    24  committee to improve the operation of the fund.
    25     (b)  Date.--This act shall expire December 31, 2003.
    26  Section 11.  Effective date.
    27     This act shall take effect as follows:
    28         (1)  Section 6 shall take effect in 60 days.
    29         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
    30     immediately.
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