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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 458



No. 406 Session of 1997


           PREPAREDNESS, FEBRUARY 11, 1997

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164, No.45), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the prevention and reduction of premature
     3     death and disability in this Commonwealth; providing for
     4     assistance, coordination and support of the development and
     5     maintenance of a comprehensive emergency medical services
     6     system and for qualifications, eligibility and certification
     7     of emergency medical services personnel and licensing
     8     ambulance services; imposing powers and duties on the
     9     Department of Health; and making repeals," transferring the
    10     emergency medical services powers and duties from the
    11     Department of Health to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management
    12     Agency.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The definitions of "department" and "secretary"
    16  in section 3 of the act of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164, No.45), known
    17  as the Emergency Medical Services Act, are amended to read:
    18  Section 3.  Definitions.
    19     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    20  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    21  context clearly indicates otherwise:

     1     * * *
     2     "Department."  [The Department of Health of the
     3  Commonwealth.] The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
     4     * * *
     5     ["Secretary."  The Secretary of Health of the Commonwealth.]
     6     * * *
     7     Section 2.  Sections 4, 5(a), 6(f), 8(c) and 10 of the act
     8  are amended to read:
     9  Section 4.  Emergency medical services system.
    10     The [secretary] department shall plan, guide and coordinate
    11  programs to ensure that the Commonwealth's emergency medical
    12  services system shall:
    13         (1)  Include an adequate number of health professionals
    14     and other health personnel with appropriate training and
    15     experience.
    16         (2)  Provide continuous training for its personnel,
    17     including clinical training and continuing education programs
    18     which are coordinated with other programs in the system's
    19     service area which provide similar training and education.
    20         (3)  Join personnel, facilities and equipment,
    21     coordinated by a central communication system, so that
    22     requests for emergency medical services will be handled by
    23     communications facilities which:
    24             (i)  utilize emergency medical telecommunications
    25         screening to determine the appropriate emergency service
    26         response;
    27             (ii)  are accessible to the general public through a
    28         common telephone number and, where feasible, the
    29         universal emergency telephone number 911; and
    30             (iii)  will have direct communications with the
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     1         personnel, facilities and equipment of this system and
     2         with other appropriate emergency medical services
     3         systems.
     4         (4)  Include an adequate number of ambulances and other
     5     transportation means to meet the individual characteristics
     6     of the system's service area wherein:
     7             (i)  the ambulances and other vehicles meet criteria
     8         relating to location, design, performance and equipment;
     9         and
    10             (ii)  all operators and other personnel staffing the
    11         vehicles meet appropriate training and experience
    12         requirements.
    13         (5)  Include an adequate number of easily accessible
    14     facilities which:
    15             (i)  are collectively capable of providing emergency
    16         medical services on a continuous basis;
    17             (ii)  have appropriate nonduplicative and categorized
    18         capabilities;
    19             (iii)  meet appropriate standards relating to
    20         capacity, location, personnel and equipment; and
    21             (iv)  are coordinated with other health care
    22         facilities of the system.
    23         (6)  Provide access, including appropriate
    24     transportation, to trauma centers in the system's service
    25     area or, if there are no centers or an inadequate number of
    26     centers in the area, provide access to the centers in
    27     neighboring areas if access to those centers is feasible in
    28     terms of time and distance.
    29         (7)  Provide, as necessary, for transfer of patients to
    30     facilities or programs which offer follow-up care and
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     1     rehabilitation as is necessary to effect the maximum recovery
     2     of the patient.
     3         (8)  Provide for the effective utilization of the
     4     appropriate personnel, facilities and equipment of each
     5     entity providing emergency medical services in the system's
     6     service area.
     7         (9)  Be organized in a manner that provides persons who
     8     reside in the system's service area and who have no
     9     professional or financial interest in the provision of health
    10     care with an adequate opportunity to participate in the
    11     making of policy for the system.
    12         (10)  Provide necessary emergency medical services to all
    13     patients requiring the services.
    14         (11)  Provide for a standardized patient data collection
    15     system which covers all phases of the system.
    16         (12)  Provide programs of public education, information
    17     and prevention in the system's service area, taking into
    18     account the needs of visitors to and residents of that area
    19     to know or easily access the means of obtaining emergency
    20     medical services. These programs shall stress the general
    21     dissemination of information regarding appropriate methods of
    22     first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the
    23     availability of first aid training programs in the area.
    24         (13)  Provide for:
    25             (i)  Periodic, comprehensive review and evaluation of
    26         the extent and quality of the emergency health care
    27         services provided in the system's service area.
    28             (ii)  Submission to the department of the reports of
    29         each review and evaluation.
    30         (14)  Have a plan to assure that the system will be
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     1     capable of providing emergency medical services in the
     2     system's service area during mass casualty situations,
     3     natural disasters or declared states of emergency in
     4     consonance with 35 Pa.C.S. § 7101 et seq. (relating to
     5     emergency management services) and in coordination with the
     6     Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
     7         (15)  Provide for the establishment of appropriate
     8     arrangements with ambulance services serving neighboring
     9     areas for the provision of emergency medical services on a
    10     reciprocal basis where access to such areas would be more
    11     appropriate and effective in terms of the services available,
    12     time and distance.
    13  Section 5.  Duties of department.
    14     (a)  Duty.--It shall be the duty of the [secretary]
    15  department to plan, guide, assist and coordinate the development
    16  of areawide emergency medical services systems into a unified
    17  Statewide system and to coordinate the system with similar
    18  systems in neighboring states.
    19     * * *
    20  Section 6.  Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation.
    21     * * *
    22     (f)  Duty of [secretary] department.--If the foundation has
    23  not begun an accreditation program by June 30, 1985, in
    24  accordance with this section, the [secretary] department shall
    25  establish a trauma center accreditation program.
    26  Section 8.  Emergency medical services councils.
    27     * * *
    28     (c)  Duties.--Each emergency medical services council shall:
    29         (1)  Assist the department in achieving the emergency
    30     medical services system described in section 4.
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     1         (2)  Assist the department in the collection and
     2     maintenance of standardized patient data and information as
     3     provided in section 5.
     4         (3)  Prepare plans for expanding or improving emergency
     5     medical services in the area; the plans shall contain such
     6     information as prescribed by the [secretary] department.
     7         (4)  Carry out, to the extent feasible, the emergency
     8     medical services plans.
     9         (5)  Assure the reasonable availability of training
    10     programs for emergency medical technicians and EMT-paramedics
    11     under section 12(f).
    12         (6)  Provide necessary and reasonable staff services and
    13     appropriate and convenient office facilities that can serve
    14     as an areawide location for the planning, developmental
    15     maintenance, coordinative and evaluative functions of the
    16     council.
    17         (7)  Establish a mechanism to provide for input from
    18     local emergency medical services providers, in decisions
    19     which include, but are not limited to, membership on its
    20     governing body.
    21  Section 10.  Contracts for initiation, maintenance, expansion or
    22                 improvement of emergency medical services
    23                 systems.
    24     (a)  General power.--The [secretary] department may enter
    25  into contracts with emergency medical services councils and
    26  other appropriate entities for the initiation, expansion,
    27  maintenance and improvement of emergency medical services
    28  systems which are in accordance with the Statewide emergency
    29  medical services plan.
    30     (b)  Limitation.--If any contracts are entered into under
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     1  this section for organization of an emergency medical services
     2  council, no other contract may be entered into under this
     3  section for any other emergency medical services council for the
     4  same area or for an area which includes, in whole or substantial
     5  part, such area.
     6     (c)  Purposes.--Contracts under subsection (a) may only be
     7  used for:
     8         (1)  Providing programs of public education, information
     9     and prevention regarding emergency medical services.
    10         (2)  Purchasing ambulances, medical equipment and rescue
    11     equipment.
    12         (3)  Costs associated with the conduct of training
    13     programs for prehospital and interhospital emergency medical
    14     services personnel.
    15         (4)  Costs associated with ambulance service inspection
    16     conducted to assist the department with ambulance service
    17     licensure.
    18         (5)  Purchasing communications, including alerting
    19     equipment, provided that the purchases are in accordance with
    20     the Statewide telecommunications plan.
    21         (6)  Purchasing certain equipment for hospital emergency
    22     departments if the equipment is used or intended to be used
    23     in equipment exchange programs with ambulance services.
    24         (7)  Costs associated with maintenance and operation of
    25     emergency medical services councils. Costs may include, but
    26     shall not be limited to, salaries, wages and benefits of
    27     staff; travel; equipment and supplies; leasing of office
    28     space; and other costs incidental to the conduct of business
    29     which are deemed by the [secretary] department to be
    30     necessary and appropriate for carrying out the purposes of
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     1     this act.
     2         (8)  Costs associated with collection and analysis of
     3     data necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of emergency
     4     medical services systems in providing emergency medical
     5     services.
     6     (d)  Restriction.--Contract funds may not be used for:
     7         (1)  Acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of
     8     facilities or buildings, except renovation as may be
     9     necessary for the implementation of 911 and emergency medical
    10     services communication systems.
    11         (2)  Purchasing hospital equipment unless such equipment
    12     is used or intended to be used in an equipment exchange
    13     program with ambulance services.
    14         (3)  Maintenance of ambulances, medical equipment or
    15     rescue equipment except as authorized in subsection (c)(2).
    16         (4)  Costs deemed by the [secretary] department as
    17     inappropriate for carrying out the purposes of this act.
    18         (5)  Costs which are normally borne by patients.
    19     (e)  Reports.--The recipient of a contract under this act
    20  shall make reports to the department as may be required by the
    21  [secretary] department.
    22     (f)  Application prerequisite.--No contract may be made under
    23  this section unless:
    24         (1)  An application has been submitted to the department
    25     in a form and format prescribed by the department.
    26         (2)  The application demonstrates the need for planning,
    27     initiation, maintenance, expansion or improvement of an
    28     emergency medical services system.
    29         (3)  The application contains data and information which
    30     demonstrates the qualifications of the applicant to plan,
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     1     initiate, expand or improve an emergency medical services
     2     system and which includes organizational structure and
     3     provision for representation of appropriate entities.
     4         (4)  The application contains an assurance that planning
     5     for an emergency medical services system is conducted in
     6     cooperation with each areawide health systems agency, where
     7     available, whose plan covers, in whole or in part, such area.
     8     (g)  Technical assistance.--The department shall provide
     9  technical assistance, as appropriate, to emergency medical
    10  services councils and to such other eligible entities as
    11  necessary for the purpose of their carrying out the provisions
    12  of contracts under this section, with special consideration for
    13  contractors representing rural areas.
    14     (h)  Payments.--Payments pursuant to contracts under this
    15  section may be made in advance or by way of reimbursement and in
    16  such installments and on such conditions as the [secretary]
    17  department determines will most effectively carry out the
    18  provisions of this act.
    19     (i)  Other grants considered.--In determining the amount of
    20  any contract under this act, the amount of funds available to
    21  the applicant from nonstate contributions and Federal grant or
    22  contract programs pertaining to emergency medical services shall
    23  be taken into consideration. Nonstate contributions include the
    24  outlay of cash and in-kind services of the contractor or to the
    25  contractor or toward the operation of an emergency medical
    26  services system by private, public or governmental third
    27  parties, including the Federal Government.
    28     (j)  Other contracts.--Except as provided in subsection (c),
    29  the [secretary] department may enter into contracts with
    30  organizations other than emergency medical services councils in
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     1  order to assist the department in complying with the provisions
     2  of this act.
     3     (k)  Public disclosure.--Finalized contracts shall be deemed
     4  public records.
     5     Section 3.  Section 11(a.1) of the act, amended October 5,
     6  1994 (P.L.557, No.82), is amended to read:
     7  Section 11.  Emergency medical services personnel.
     8     * * *
     9     (a.1)  Certification of first responders.--
    10         (1)  A first responder performs basic life support
    11     activities, as authorized by the [Department of Health]
    12     department, to stabilize and improve a patient's condition in
    13     a prehospital setting until more highly trained emergency
    14     medical services personnel arrive at the scene.
    15         (2)  The department shall certify any person as a first
    16     responder who:
    17             (i)  Completes an application on a form prescribed by
    18         the department.
    19             (ii)  Is at least 16 years of age.
    20             (iii)  Successfully completes a first responder
    21         training course approved by the department.
    22             (iv)  Has taken and successfully passed a written
    23         examination prescribed by the department.
    24             (v)  Has taken and successfully passed a practical
    25         test of first responder skills prescribed by the
    26         department.
    27         (3)  A certification is valid for a period of three
    28     years, subject to disciplinary action pursuant to subsection
    29     (j.1). The department shall recertify as a first responder an
    30     individual who complies with all of the following:
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     1             (i)  Completes an application on a form prescribed by
     2         the department.
     3             (ii)  Is or was previously certified as a first
     4         responder.
     5             (iii)  Successfully completes:
     6                 (A)  a first responder practical skills and
     7             written knowledge examination prescribed by the
     8             department; or
     9                 (B)  a continuing education program for first
    10             responders approved or recognized by the department.
    11             (iv)  The department, in consultation with the State
    12         Advisory Council, shall review and update continuing
    13         education programs not less than biennially.
    14         (4)  A person who has received certification as a first
    15     responder pursuant to the voluntary first responder
    16     certification program conducted by the department prior to
    17     the effective date of this amendatory act shall be deemed
    18     certified under the act. The certification shall be valid for
    19     three years after issued, and recertification requirements of
    20     paragraph (3) shall then apply.
    21     * * *
    22     Section 4.  Section 12(d) of the act is amended to read:
    23  Section 12.  Minimum standards for ambulance service.
    24     * * *
    25     (d)  Rules and regulations.--Within one year of the effective
    26  date of this act, the [secretary] department shall promulgate
    27  rules and regulations setting forth the minimum essential
    28  equipment for ambulances used to provide basic or advanced life
    29  support services in this Commonwealth and shall prescribe design
    30  criteria for any vehicle used or intended to be used as an
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     1  ambulance. Equipment listed shall include the minimum essential
     2  equipment required for effective operation and rendering of
     3  appropriate emergency medical care in accordance with current
     4  national standards.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 5.  All powers and duties vested in the Secretary of
     7  Health and the Department of Health by this act are hereby
     8  transferred to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
     9     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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