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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 465



No. 425 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), entitled
     2     "An act providing for and reorganizing the conduct of the
     3     executive and administrative work of the Commonwealth by the
     4     Executive Department thereof and the administrative
     5     departments, boards, commissions, and officers thereof,
     6     including the boards of trustees of State Normal Schools, or
     7     Teachers Colleges; abolishing, creating, reorganizing or
     8     authorizing the reorganization of certain administrative
     9     departments, boards, and commissions; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Governor and other executive and administrative
    11     officers, and of the several administrative departments,
    12     boards, commissions, and officers; fixing the salaries of the
    13     Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and certain other executive
    14     and administrative officers; providing for the appointment of
    15     certain administrative officers, and of all deputies and
    16     other assistants and employes in certain departments, boards,
    17     and commissions; and prescribing the manner in which the
    18     number and compensation of the deputies and all other
    19     assistants and employes of certain departments, boards and
    20     commissions shall be determined," creating the Department of
    21     Housing; defining its powers and duties; providing for the
    22     appointment of a Secretary of Housing; transferring certain
    23     personnel, allocations, appropriations, etc. of the
    24     Department of Community Affairs to the Department of Housing;
    25     and making repeals.

    26     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    27  hereby enacts as follows:
    28     Section 1.  Section 201 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,

     1  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, amended
     2  December 30, 1984 (P.L.1299, No.245) and repealed in part May
     3  26, 1988 (P.L.414, No.72), is amended to read:
     4     Section 201.  Executive Officers, Administrative Departments
     5  and Independent Administrative Boards and Commissions.--(a)  The
     6  executive and administrative work of this Commonwealth shall be
     7  performed by the Executive Department, consisting of the
     8  Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     9  Attorney General, Auditor General, State Treasurer, and
    10  Secretary of Education; by the Executive Board, and the
    11  Pennsylvania State Police; by the following administrative
    12  departments: Department of State, Office of Attorney General,
    13  Department of Corrections, Department of the Auditor General,
    14  Treasury Department, Department of Education, Department of
    15  Military Affairs, Insurance Department, Department of Banking,
    16  Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation,
    17  Department of Health, Department of Labor and Industry,
    18  Department of Aging, Department of Public Welfare, Department of
    19  General Services, Department of Revenue, Department of Commerce,
    20  Department of Community Affairs, Department of Housing and
    21  Department of Environmental Resources; and by the following
    22  independent administrative boards and commissions: Pennsylvania
    23  Game Commission, Pennsylvania Fish Commission, State Civil
    24  Service Commission, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and
    25  the Pennsylvania Securities Commission.
    26     (b)  All of the provisions of this act, which apply generally
    27  to administrative departments, or generally except to the
    28  Department of the Auditor General, the Treasury Department and
    29  the Office of Attorney General, shall apply to the Executive
    30  Board and to the Pennsylvania State Police.
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     1     Section 2.  Sections 206 and 207.1(d)(1)  of the act, amended
     2  December 30, 1984 (P.L.1299, No.245), are amended to read:
     3     Section 206.  Department Heads.--(a)  Each administrative
     4  department shall have as its head an officer who shall, either
     5  personally, by deputy, or by the duly authorized agent or
     6  employe of the department, and subject at all times to the
     7  provisions of this act, exercise the powers and perform the
     8  duties by law vested in and imposed upon the department.
     9     (b)  The following officers shall be the heads of the
    10  administrative departments following their respective titles:
    11     Secretary of the Commonwealth, of the Department of State;
    12     Auditor General, of the Department of the Auditor General;
    13     State Treasurer, of the Treasury Department;
    14     Attorney General, of the Office of Attorney General;
    15     Secretary of Education, of the Department of Education;
    16     Adjutant General, of the Department of Military Affairs;
    17     Insurance Commissioner, of the Insurance Department;
    18     Secretary of Banking, of the Department of Banking;
    19     Secretary of Agriculture, of the Department of Agriculture;
    20     Secretary of Transportation, of the Department of
    21         Transportation;
    22     Secretary of Health, of the Department of Health;
    23     Secretary of Labor and Industry, of the Department of Labor
    24         and Industry;
    25     Secretary of Aging, of the Department of Aging;
    26     Secretary of Public Welfare, of the Department of Public
    27         Welfare;
    28     Secretary of Revenue, of the Department of Revenue;
    29     Secretary of Commerce, of the Department of Commerce;
    30     Secretary of Community Affairs, of the Department of
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     1         Community Affairs;
     2     Secretary of Environmental Resources, of the Department of
     3         Environmental Resources;
     4     Secretary of General Services, of the Department of General
     5         Services;
     6     Secretary of Corrections, of the Department of Corrections.
     7     Secretary of Housing, of the Department of Housing.
     8     Section 207.1.  Gubernatorial Appointments.--* * *
     9     (d)  The Governor shall nominate in accordance with the
    10  provisions of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
    11  Pennsylvania and, by and with the advice and consent of a
    12  majority of the members elected to the Senate appoint persons to
    13  fill the following positions:
    14     (1)  The Secretary of Education, the Secretary of the
    15  Commonwealth, the Adjutant General, the Insurance Commissioner,
    16  the Secretary of Banking, the Secretary of Agriculture, the
    17  Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Health, the
    18  Commissioner of the State Police, the Secretary of Corrections,
    19  the Secretary of Labor and Industry, the Secretary of Aging, the
    20  Secretary of Public Welfare, the Secretary of General Services,
    21  the Secretary of Revenue, the Secretary of Commerce, the
    22  Secretary of Community Affairs, the Secretary of Housing and the
    23  Secretary of Environmental Resources.
    24     * * *
    25     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
    26                           ARTICLE XXV-D
    28                             OF HOUSING
    29     Section 2501-D.  Powers and Duties in General.--The
    30  Department of Housing, hereinafter referred to in this article
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     1  as the department, shall, subject to any inconsistent provisions
     2  in this act contained, have the power and its duty shall be to:
     3     (1)  Coordinate all programs, grants and subsidies relating
     4  to housing made available to municipalities by the Commonwealth
     5  and by the Federal government.
     6     (2)  Develop and operate a central clearing house for
     7  information and data relating to housing including, but not
     8  limited to, information concerning housing programs, grants and
     9  subsidies available to municipalities, the procedures for making
    10  application for such programs, grants and subsidies and
    11  solutions to recurring housing problems facing municipalities.
    12     (3)  Maintain liaison with municipalities of the Commonwealth
    13  to assist such municipalities in improving housing.
    14     (4)  Review housing policy of the Commonwealth and of the
    15  Federal government and advise municipalities concerning all
    16  aspects of such policy.
    17     (5)  Conduct research into all facets of housing with special
    18  emphasis on research into housing problems and upon request of a
    19  specific municipality to conduct, under contract mutually agreed
    20  upon, extensive and continuous research on housing problems of
    21  such municipality.
    22     (6)  To conduct investigations into and to hold hearings on
    23  housing problems.
    24     (7)  Provide direct consultive services to municipalities
    25  upon request and staff services to special commissions, the
    26  Governor or the General Assembly, as directed, with regard to
    27  all aspects of housing.
    28     (8)  Provide technical assistance and research to
    29  municipalities participating in various housing programs.
    30     (9)  Coordinate and whenever provided by law supervise or
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     1  administer the various programs of State and Federal assistance
     2  and grants relating to housing, including, but limited to,
     3  redevelopment, urban renewal, urban planning assistance, Project
     4  70, area development and revitalization of central city cores,
     5  and to furnish comprehensive planning and technical assistance
     6  on any program set forth in this article.
     7     (10)  Furnish assistance and advice to municipalities with
     8  regard to the preparation and enforcement of housing codes and
     9  ordinances.
    10     (11)  Aid in the preparation of and distribute handbooks,
    11  research, financial and other reports relating to housing
    12  derived from the activities of the department.
    13     (12)  Exercise those functions formerly vested in the
    14  Department of Community Affairs relating to housing.
    15     (13)  Generally do any and all things necessary to make this
    16  act effective.
    17     (14)  Subject to the limitations of this act and of law, the
    18  Secretary of Housing shall, from time to time, establish rules
    19  and regulations to better carry this act into effect.
    20     (15)  To make grants to any two or more counties, cities,
    21  boroughs, incorporated towns, townships, or any other similar
    22  general purpose unit of government which shall hereafter be
    23  created by the General Assembly, or to any body which is
    24  authorized to act in behalf of two or more units of government,
    25  for the purpose of assisting them in acting in concert in the
    26  performance of any local governmental function or functions
    27  relating to housing for the purpose of conducting studies and
    28  investigations to determine the feasibility and desirability of
    29  acting in concert in the performance of local governmental
    30  functions relating to housing.
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     1     Section 4.  The Secretary of Housing shall receive an annual
     2  salary of $41,250, payable in semimonthly installments.
     3     Section 5.  All personnel, allocations, appropriations,
     4  equipment, files, records, contracts, agreements, obligations,
     5  and other materials which are used, employed or expended by the
     6  Department of Community Affairs in connection with the powers,
     7  duties or functions exercised under this act by the Department
     8  of Housing are hereby transferred to the Department of Housing
     9  with the same force and effect as if the appropriations had been
    10  made to and said items had been the property of the Department
    11  of Housing in the first instance and as if said contracts,
    12  agreements and obligations had been incurred or entered into by
    13  said Department of Housing.
    14     Section 6.  (a)  All positions in the Department of Housing
    15  shall be deemed to be included in the list of positions set
    16  forth in section 3(d) of the act of August 5, 1941 (P.L.752,
    17  No.286), known as the Civil Service Act, and the provisions and
    18  benefits of the act shall be applicable to the employees of, and
    19  positions in, the department.
    20     (b)  All personnel transferred to the Department of Housing
    21  from other State agencies and departments pursuant to this act
    22  shall retain any civil service or other employment status
    23  assigned to said personnel in those departments and agencies
    24  prior to the effective date of this act.
    25     Section 7.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar
    26  as they are inconsistent with this act.
    27     Section 8.  Prior to such effective date of this act, the
    28  Governor may nominate a Secretary of Housing whose term of
    29  office shall begin on the effective date of this act.
    30     Section 9.  This act shall take effect in 120 days.
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