1Observing September 15 through October 15, 2013, as "Hispanic
2Heritage Month" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, This Commonwealth draws its strength from the
4extraordinary diversity of its people and their cultural
5customs; and

6WHEREAS, Hispanics were the earliest European settlers to
7arrive at our great nation, founding settlements in Florida in
8the 1500s; and

9WHEREAS, Mexicans established homesteads in the Southwest in
10the 1600s; and

11WHEREAS, Spanish was the first European language spoken in
12the New World; and

13WHEREAS, Hispanic culture includes elements originating in
14Spain, North America, Central America, South America and the

1Caribbean; and

2WHEREAS, Hispanics are the largest minority ethnic group in
3the United States today, with more than 810,000 residing in
4Pennsylvania; and

5WHEREAS, Hispanic Americans make valuable contributions to
6this Commonwealth through business and industry, politics,
7education, the sciences and the arts; and

8WHEREAS, Hispanic Americans share deep family values,
9recognize their obligations to persons who are less fortunate
10and cherish freedom and what it means to be an American; and

11WHEREAS, Hispanic-owned businesses are currently growing at
12three times the rate of the national average; and

13WHEREAS, Throughout our history, Hispanic Americans have
14shown their devotion to our country in their military service;

16WHEREAS, Americans of Hispanic descent have fought in every
17war since our founding and have taken their rightful place as
18heroes in our nation's history; and

19WHEREAS, Today, Americans of Hispanic descent are serving in
20our armed forces with courage and honor, and their efforts help
21make America more secure and bring freedom to people around the
22world; and

23WHEREAS, Hispanic Heritage Month was started in 1968 by
24President Johnson as Hispanic Heritage Week and was expanded to
25one month by President Reagan on September 15, 1988; and

26WHEREAS, The dates for Hispanic Heritage Month were chosen
27because September 15th is the anniversary of independence for
28five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador,
29Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua; and

30WHEREAS, September 16th and 18th are the celebrated

1independence days for Mexico and Chile, respectively, and
2finally, Columbus Day, or Dia de La Raza also takes place within
3the 30-day period on October 12th; and

4WHEREAS, To honor the achievements of Hispanic Americans, the
5Congress of the United States, by Public Law 100-402, has
6authorized and requested the President to issue annually a
7proclamation designating September 15 through October 15 as
8National Hispanic Heritage Month; and

9WHEREAS, The month of September 15 through October 15, 2013,
10has been proclaimed Hispanic Heritage Month in Pennsylvania and
11is intended to encourage all citizens to celebrate the value of
12our diversity and the rich culture which makes our Commonwealth
13and our nation so extraordinary; therefore be it

14RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives observe September
1515 through October 15, 2013, as "Hispanic Heritage Month" in