No. 531 Session of 1995

           FEBRUARY 1, 1995


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the tax exemption of institutions of purely public
     2     charity; and making repeals.

     3                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
     6  Section 3.  Definitions.
     7  Section 4.  Criteria.
     8  Section 5.  Certification process.
     9  Section 6.  Hearing.
    10  Section 7.  Appeal to court.
    11  Section 8.  Annual reports.
    12  Section 9.  Periodic reexamination.
    13  Section 10.  Revocation of certification.
    14  Section 11.  Existing institutions.
    15  Section 12.  Third-party rights.
    16  Section 13.  Regulations.
    17  Section 14.  Payments in lieu of taxes.

     1  Section 15.  Payment date.
     2  Section 16.  Repeals.
     3  Section 17.  Effective date.
     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Institutions
     8  of Purely Public Charity Act.
     9  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
    10     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds and declares as
    11  follows:
    12         (1)  It is in the best interest of this Commonwealth and
    13     its citizens that the recognition of tax-exempt status be
    14     accomplished in an orderly, uniform and economical manner.
    15         (2)  For more than 100 years, it has been the policy of
    16     this Commonwealth to foster the organization and operation of
    17     charitable organizations by exempting charitable
    18     organizations from taxation.
    19         (3)  Because charitable organizations contribute to the
    20     common good or lessen the burdens of government, the historic
    21     policy of exempting charitable institutions from taxation
    22     should be continued.
    23         (4)  The General Assembly recognizes that it is
    24     unrealistic today to expect charitable organizations to rely
    25     completely upon private philanthropy and that there is an
    26     appropriate role and responsibility for government support
    27     with respect to activities historically recognized as
    28     charitable.
    29         (5)  The General Assembly recognizes that the lack of
    30     specific legislative standards defining the term
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     1     "institutions of purely public charity" has led to increasing
     2     confusion and confrontation among traditionally tax-exempt
     3     organizations and local governments to the detriment of the
     4     public.
     5         (6)  There is increasing concern that the eligibility
     6     standards for charitable tax exemptions are being applied
     7     inconsistently, which may violate the uniformity provision of
     8     the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
     9     (b)  Intent.--It is the intent of the General Assembly to
    10  eliminate inconsistent application of eligibility standards for
    11  charitable tax exemptions, reduce confusion and confrontation
    12  among traditionally tax-exempt organizations and local
    13  governments and insure that charitable and public funds are not
    14  unnecessarily diverted from the public good to litigate
    15  eligibility for tax-exempt status by:
    16         (1)  Providing standards to be applied uniformly in all
    17     proceedings throughout this Commonwealth for determining
    18     eligibility for exemption from State and local taxation which
    19     are consistent with traditional legislative and judicial
    20     applications of the constitutional term "institutions of
    21     purely public charity."
    22         (2)  Creating a single unified procedure and process
    23     throughout this Commonwealth to certify the status of an
    24     organization as an institution of purely public charity to
    25     establish conclusively entitlement to exemption whenever the
    26     General Assembly provides an exemption from taxation.
    27  Section 3.  Definitions.
    28     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    29  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    30  context clearly indicates otherwise:
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     1     "Application."  An application for certification by the
     2  Secretary of Revenue filed by an organization seeking to be
     3  certified as an institution of purely public charity, which
     4  shall be in the form the Secretary of Revenue shall prescribe
     5  consistent with this act.
     6     "Government agency."  Any Commonwealth agency or any
     7  political subdivision or municipal or other local authority or
     8  any officer or agency of any political subdivision or local
     9  authority.
    10     "Institution of purely public charity."  A domestic or
    11  foreign nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other
    12  organization which meets the criteria under section 4.
    13     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Revenue of the Commonwealth or
    14  his designee.
    15  Section 4.  Criteria.
    16     (a)  General rule.--An institution of purely public charity
    17  is a nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other
    18  organization which meets the criteria set forth in this section
    19  or which is principally engaged in fundraising on behalf of or
    20  making grants to corporations, associations, trusts or other
    21  organizations which meet the criteria set forth in this section.
    22  An institution of purely public charity shall meet all of the
    23  criteria contained in subsections (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f).
    24  The factors specified as sufficient to satisfy each criterion
    25  set forth in this section are not the exclusive means by which
    26  the criterion can be met.
    27     (b)  Charitable purpose.--The institution shall advance a
    28  charitable purpose. This criterion is satisfied if the
    29  institution is organized and operated primarily to fulfill any
    30  one or combination of the following purposes:
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     1         (1)  Relief of poverty.
     2         (2)  Advancement of education.
     3         (3)  Advancement of religion.
     4         (4)  Promotion of health.
     5         (5)  Government or municipal purposes.
     6         (6)  Accomplishment of any purpose which is beneficial to
     7     the community, including, but not limited to, advancement of
     8     the arts and sciences, advancement of the cultural,
     9     spiritual, mental, physical, social or emotional welfare or
    10     improvement of others.
    11     (c)  Private profit motive.--The institution shall operate
    12  entirely free from private profit motive. Compensation,
    13  including benefits of any director, officer or employee, shall
    14  not be based primarily upon the financial performance of the
    15  organization. Notwithstanding whether the institution's revenues
    16  exceed its expenses, this criterion is satisfied if the
    17  institution meets the following:
    18         (1)  Neither the institution's net earnings nor donations
    19     which it receives inures to the benefit of private
    20     shareholders or other individuals, as the private inurement
    21     standard is interpreted under section 501(c)(3) of the
    22     Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. §
    23     501(c)(3)).
    24         (2)  The institution applies or reserves any revenue in
    25     excess of expenses in furtherance of its charitable purpose
    26     or to funding of other charitable organizations.
    27     (d)  Community service.--
    28         (1)  The institution shall donate or render gratuitously
    29     a substantial portion of its services. This criterion is
    30     satisfied if the institution benefits the community by
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     1     actually providing any of the following:
     2             (i)  Goods or services to all who seek them without
     3         regard to their ability to pay for what they receive. An
     4         organization meets this test if it has a written policy
     5         to this effect, it has publicized this policy in a
     6         reasonable manner and it provides goods and services
     7         according to its policy.
     8             (ii)  Goods or services for fees that are based upon
     9         the recipient's ability to pay for them. An organization
    10         meets this test if it can demonstrate that it has
    11         implemented a written policy and a written schedule of
    12         fees based on individual or family income.
    13             (iii)  Uncompensated goods or services to at least
    14         10% of those receiving similar services.
    15             (iv)  Goods or services for fees which, in total, are
    16         90% or less of the cost of providing such services,
    17         including the reasonable value of volunteer labor or
    18         services.
    19             (v)  Goods or services for fees within the financial
    20         reach of a substantial part of the community and provides
    21         a reasonable level of financial assistance, taking into
    22         account the institution's assets, income and projected
    23         future needs.
    24             (vi)  Funds to corporations, associations, trusts or
    25         other organizations which meet the criteria of this
    26         section.
    27         (2)  As used in this subsection, the following words and
    28     phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    29     paragraph:
    30         "Goods or services."  Medically necessary goods or
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     1     services, but not limited to life-threatening situations if
     2     the institution's purpose is to provide health care services.
     3         "Uncompensated goods or services."  Includes all benefits
     4     provided by the institution to the community it serves,
     5     including, but not limited to, the following:
     6             (i)  The full cost of all goods and services provided
     7         by the institution for which the institution has not
     8         received monetary compensation or the difference between
     9         the full cost and any lesser fee received for the goods
    10         and services, including the cost of the goods and
    11         services which are bad debts, as determined in accordance
    12         with the generally accepted accounting principles
    13         applicable to the institution.
    14             (ii)  The difference between the full cost of
    15         education and research programs provided by or
    16         participated in by the institution and the payment made
    17         to the institution to support the education and research
    18         programs.
    19             (iii)  The difference between the full cost of
    20         providing the goods and services and the payment made to
    21         the institution under any government entitlement program.
    22             (iv)  The difference between the full cost of the
    23         community services which the institution provides or
    24         participates in and the payment made to the institution
    25         to support such community services.
    26             (v)  The reasonable value of any moneys, property or
    27         services donated by the institution to another
    28         institution of purely public charity.
    29             (vi)  The reasonable value of volunteer assistance
    30         donated by individuals to the institution.
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     1     (e)  Charity to persons.--
     2         (1)  The institution shall benefit a substantial and
     3     indefinite class of persons who are legitimate subjects of
     4     charity.
     5         (2)  As used in this subsection, the following words and
     6     phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
     7     paragraph:
     8         "Legitimate subjects of charity."  Those individuals who
     9     are unable to provide themselves with what the institution
    10     provides for them.
    11         "Substantial and indefinite class of persons."  Persons
    12     not predetermined in number, provided that, where the
    13     services are received primarily by members of the
    14     institution, membership cannot be predetermined in number and
    15     cannot be arbitrarily denied by a vote of the existing
    16     members. This section specifically recognizes that the use of
    17     admissions criteria and enrollment limitations by educational
    18     institutions do not constitute predetermined membership or
    19     arbitrary restrictions on membership so as to violate this
    20     section.
    21     (f)  Government service.--The institution shall relieve the
    22  government of some of its burden. This criterion is satisfied if
    23  the institution meets any of the following:
    24         (1)  Provides a service to the public that the government
    25     would otherwise be obliged to fund or to provide directly or
    26     indirectly or assure that a similar organization exists to
    27     provide the service.
    28         (2)  Provides services in furtherance of its charitable
    29     purpose which are either the responsibility of the government
    30     by law or which traditionally have been assumed or offered or
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     1     funded by the government.
     2         (3)  Receives on a regular basis payments for services
     3     rendered under a government entitlement program, which
     4     payments are less than the full costs incurred by the
     5     institution for the rendering of the services.
     6         (4)  Provides a service which advances important
     7     community, public, spiritual, mental, physical, educational,
     8     emotional, civic, historical or cultural objectives.
     9     (g)  Shared service organization.--
    10         (1)  A shared service organization shall be treated as an
    11     institution of purely public charity without requiring it to
    12     qualify under this section if it is a nonprofit corporation,
    13     association, trust or other organization comprised of or
    14     formed by two or more institutions of purely public charity
    15     to provide services to, for or on behalf of two or more
    16     institutions of purely public charity or to the beneficiaries
    17     of one or more institutions of purely public charity and
    18     which meets the following criteria:
    19             (i)  The organization provides a support service to
    20         its member organizations that each member organization
    21         could otherwise perform itself.
    22             (ii)  Each member organization or investor in the
    23         shared service organization is itself an institution of
    24         purely public charity or a government agency.
    25             (iii)  If the shared service is made available to a
    26         member organization's beneficiaries, the member
    27         organization makes the service available regardless of
    28         the beneficiaries' ability to pay for the service.
    29             (iv)  The activity or service performed by the shared
    30         service organization is in furtherance of the charitable
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     1         mission of its member organizations.
     2             (v)  The member organizations accept or in some
     3         fashion underwrite a portion of the financial risk of the
     4         shared service organization.
     5             (vi)  If it provides services to legitimate subjects
     6         of charity, the shared service organization shall be
     7         compensated solely by the member organizations.
     8         (2)  The fact that the shared service organization
     9     receives all or a portion of its revenue from the sale or
    10     provision of services or products to its member
    11     organizations, and by so doing does not provide uncompensated
    12     or undercompensated services directly to beneficiaries of the
    13     member organizations, shall not preclude the shared service
    14     organization from designation as an institution of purely
    15     public charity if it otherwise meets requirements of
    16     paragraph (1).
    17     (h)  Standards.--Nothing contained in this act shall be
    18  deemed to prohibit a charitable organization from conducting
    19  activities intended to influence legislation. Nothing in this
    20  act shall prohibit a political subdivision from filing
    21  challenges to or making determinations as to whether a
    22  particular parcel of property is being used to advance the
    23  charitable purpose of an institution of purely public charity.
    24  No additional criteria shall be imposed on any organization in
    25  order to be recognized or certified as an institution of purely
    26  public charity.
    27  Section 5.  Certification process.
    28     (a)  Application and certification.--The secretary shall
    29  certify that organizations which meet the criteria set forth in
    30  section 4 and which apply for certification from the secretary
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     1  are institutions of purely public charity under the application
     2  procedure described in subsection (b). Any organization so
     3  certified shall be conclusively entitled to any exemption from
     4  taxes otherwise available to it by statute. Nothing in this
     5  section shall require any organization to seek certification
     6  from the secretary.
     7     (b)  Application procedure.--Any organization seeking
     8  certification as an institution of purely public charity shall
     9  file an application with the secretary, containing that
    10  information as the secretary may require consistent with this
    11  act. Notice of the filing of each such application shall be
    12  published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin by the secretary within
    13  ten days of receipt of the application. The secretary shall also
    14  send within ten days of receipt of the application by first
    15  class mail written notice of the application to the affected
    16  government agencies where the principal offices of the applicant
    17  are located. The secretary shall review the information
    18  submitted by the applicant with the application and by any
    19  person or government agency who chooses to submit information to
    20  the secretary regarding the application and shall, within 90
    21  days of receipt of the application, certify that the applicant
    22  is an institution of purely public charity as established by
    23  section 4 or issue a determination that the applicant does not
    24  qualify as an institution of purely public charity. Written
    25  notice of the secretary's determination, with written evidence
    26  of the certification, if granted, shall be mailed to the
    27  applicant and the affected government agencies within five days
    28  of the determination. The secretary shall not approve an
    29  application prior to 45 days following receipt of the
    30  application to permit the secretary to consider information
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     1  submitted by any person or government agency which chooses to
     2  submit information regarding such application. The burden of
     3  establishing that the organization is an institution of purely
     4  public charity as established by section 4 shall rest with the
     5  applicant, which shall meet this burden by a preponderance of
     6  the evidence.
     7     (c)  Filing fees.--The secretary may adopt by regulation
     8  filing fees not to exceed $400 per application to applicants
     9  seeking certification as institutions of purely public charity.
    10  If the applicant certifies to the secretary that its annual
    11  gross receipts will be less than $200,000 for its next two
    12  fiscal years, the filing fee shall not exceed $150 per
    13  application. The secretary may adopt lesser fees by regulation.
    14     (d)  Certification review.--The secretary shall have the
    15  primary and exclusive jurisdiction to certify that any
    16  organization is an institution of purely public charity under
    17  the procedures set forth in this act and to revoke any
    18  certification previously granted, subject to review as set forth
    19  in sections 6 and 7.
    20     (e)  Effect of denial of certification.--In the event of a
    21  final and unappealed or unappealable adjudication denying
    22  certification as an institution of purely public charity, the
    23  applicant may not claim the benefit of the status as an
    24  institution of purely public charity for the applicant's fiscal
    25  year next following the receipt of said adjudication denying
    26  certification. Until a final and unappealed or unappealable
    27  adjudication is rendered, the applicant may apply for a writ of
    28  supersedeas from a court of competent jurisdiction deferring it
    29  from the obligation to pay taxes owed to a government agency by
    30  virtue of the initial adjudication during the pendency of the
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     1  appeal.
     2  Section 6.  Hearing.
     3     The applicant and affected government agencies who have
     4  participated in the application procedure under section 5 shall
     5  have 30 days from the date of mailing of the secretary's
     6  determination to request a hearing on the determination by
     7  filing written notice of intent to request a hearing. If a
     8  hearing is not so requested by the applicant or the affected
     9  government agencies, the adjudication of the secretary shall
    10  become final and effective. If a hearing is so requested by the
    11  applicant or the affected government agencies, it shall be held
    12  before an independent hearing officer appointed by the secretary
    13  no earlier than 15 days and no later than 60 days following the
    14  secretary's receipt of the applicant's request for the hearing
    15  unless the applicant consents in writing to a postponement of
    16  the hearing. At the request of the applicant or an affected
    17  government agency, the secretary shall hold the hearing in the
    18  county in which the applicant is located. The procedures at the
    19  hearing shall be governed by the provisions of 1 Pa. Code Ch. 35
    20  (relating to formal proceedings). As applicable, the applicant
    21  and the affected government agencies who have participated in
    22  the application procedure under section 5 may intervene and
    23  participate in the hearing. The secretary shall render a final
    24  adjudication on the application for certification no later than
    25  20 days after the receipt of the hearing officer's findings and
    26  recommendations following the hearing.
    27  Section 7.  Appeal to court.
    28     The applicant, the Attorney General or an affected government
    29  agency who has intervened and participated in the hearing under
    30  section 6 may appeal the adjudication of the secretary made
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     1  under section 6 to court under 2 Pa.C.S. § 702 (relating to
     2  appeals).
     3  Section 8.  Annual reports.
     4     Each organization that has been certified as an institution
     5  of purely public charity by the secretary shall, no later than
     6  five months following the end of the organization's fiscal year,
     7  file with the secretary an annual report containing that
     8  information as the secretary may require, consistent with this
     9  act. In lieu of the report, the organization may elect to file a
    10  copy of the Federal tax return of an organization exempt from
    11  income tax and related forms required to be filed by the
    12  organization with the Internal Revenue Service for the fiscal
    13  year in question. The secretary may for good cause shown extend
    14  the time for filing of the annual report. Organizations with
    15  gross receipts less than $25,000 in a fiscal year in question
    16  shall be exempt from the foregoing filing requirement.
    17  Section 9.  Periodic reexamination.
    18     The secretary shall also reexamine the certification of each
    19  organization so certified every seven years after initial
    20  certification after publishing notice of the reexamination in
    21  the Pennsylvania Bulletin and to the affected government
    22  agencies where the principal offices of the applicant are
    23  located. The organization whose certification is subject to the
    24  reexamination and any interested person or government agency may
    25  submit written information to the secretary concerning the
    26  reexamination. Within 90 days after publication of intent to
    27  reexamine, the secretary shall reaffirm the certification in
    28  question unless clear and convincing evidence has been presented
    29  to the secretary that the organization no longer is organized
    30  and operated as an institution of purely public charity as
    19950H0531B0559                 - 14 -

     1  established by section 4. Revocation shall entitle the
     2  organization whose certification is revoked to the same hearing
     3  and appeal procedures available to applicants for initial
     4  certification under sections 6 and 7. The revocation, if
     5  sustained, shall only be effective after all available
     6  administrative and judicial appeals have been exhausted or
     7  waived by the organization.
     8  Section 10.  Revocation of certification.
     9     If a government agency by clear and convincing evidence
    10  demonstrates to the secretary that an organization previously
    11  certified has changed its mission or lost its Federal tax
    12  exemption, the secretary shall reexamine the certified
    13  organization and, if warranted by such reexamination, give
    14  notice of his intention to revoke the certification previously
    15  granted to the organization. If at any time the secretary has
    16  reason to believe that an organization previously certified is
    17  no longer organized or operated as an institution of purely
    18  public charity as established by section 4, the secretary shall
    19  give written notice to the organization of his intention to
    20  revoke the certification previously granted to the organization.
    21  The secretary's notice shall set forth the grounds upon which
    22  his conclusion is based. Failure to file the reports required by
    23  section 8 shall constitute sufficient grounds to make this
    24  preliminary determination. After expiration of the 30-day period
    25  for the organization's response, the secretary shall notify the
    26  organization that he is withdrawing his prior notice or that he
    27  is revoking the organization's certification. If the secretary's
    28  decision is to revoke the certification, revocation shall
    29  entitle the affected organization to the hearing and appeal
    30  rights described in section 9. The revocation shall not be
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     1  effective until the organization has exhausted or waived all
     2  rights to hearings and judicial appeals with respect to the
     3  revocation.
     4  Section 11.  Existing institutions.
     5     Nothing in this act shall affect the rights or remedies under
     6  existing law or create a presumption regarding any organization
     7  that does not seek certification from the secretary as an
     8  institution of purely public charity under this act with respect
     9  to whether the organization is or should be otherwise recognized
    10  as an institution of purely public charity for the purpose of
    11  any existing statute.
    12  Section 12.  Third-party rights.
    13     At all administrative and judicial proceedings regarding
    14  revocations of certification under this act, the Attorney
    15  General shall be the exclusive representative of the interests
    16  of the Commonwealth, government agencies, instrumentalities and
    17  taxing authorities and citizens and shall possess the same
    18  procedural rights as the organization seeking to retain such
    19  certification in the proceedings, provided, however, that
    20  government agencies shall have the right to participate and be
    21  represented by their legal counsel in all judicial and
    22  administrative proceedings pertaining thereto.
    23  Section 13.  Regulations.
    24     The secretary may promulgate rules and regulations to
    25  administer and enforce this act.
    26  Section 14.  Payments in lieu of taxes.
    27     (a)  Levy of payment.--A political subdivision may levy,
    28  assess and collect a payment in lieu of tax upon adoption of an
    29  ordinance authorizing such in an amount determined pursuant to
    30  subsection (b) on all real property within the political
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     1  subdivision which has been determined to be exempt from real
     2  property taxation based on its use by an institution of purely
     3  public charity.
     4     (b)  Computation of payment in lieu of tax.--The payment in
     5  lieu of tax authorized under this section shall be levied
     6  annually by a political subdivision subject to the following
     7  limitations:
     8         (1)  The payment in lieu of tax shall be expressed and
     9     determined as a percentage of the property tax liability of
    10     the property if it were otherwise taxable by the political
    11     subdivision.
    12         (2)  The percentage rate shall be specified in the annual
    13     levy by the political subdivision, and the rate shall not
    14     exceed 15% the first year, 20% the second year and 25% each
    15     year thereafter.
    16         (3)  The rate shall be uniform.
    17     (c)  Collection.--
    18         (1)  Before the payment in paragraph (2) is collected, an
    19     institution of purely public charity may arrange with any
    20     political subdivision for provision of services or in-kind
    21     payments in a dollar-for-dollar setoff of the payment
    22     authorized under subsection (b) and shall be accepted by the
    23     political subdivision as payment in lieu of taxes.
    24         (2)  The payment in lieu of tax authorized under this
    25     section shall be collected by the treasurer or local tax
    26     collector of each political subdivision at the same time and
    27     in the same manner as are real property taxes. A person who
    28     fails to make a payment in lieu of tax to the appropriate
    29     political subdivision shall be subject to all of the same
    30     statutory interest, penalties, liens and other remedies which
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     1     are imposed by or available to political subdivisions for the
     2     nonpayment of real property taxes.
     3     (d)  Assessment and certification.--The county assessor
     4  shall, not less frequently than every five years, certify the
     5  tax exempt status of each parcel of property for which such
     6  status is claimed based on its use by an institution of purely
     7  public charity. The burden of proving that the property should
     8  remain tax exempt shall be on the property owner. Nothing in
     9  this section shall limit the ability of the appropriate board of
    10  assessment to review and revise the assessed values assigned to
    11  tax exempt property in the same manner as all other taxable real
    12  property.
    13     (e)  Appeal.--A person aggrieved by the county's
    14  determination of certification of the tax exempt status of any
    15  real property shall have the same right to appeal as any person
    16  aggrieved by the determinations of the county as to any taxable
    17  property under the applicable assessment law.
    18     (f)  Effect.--Subsection (b) shall not supersede any existing
    19  court orders, contracts, agreements or arrangements which
    20  authorize or require a payment in lieu of tax in an amount that
    21  is less than 25% of the property tax liability.
    22  Section 15.  Payment date.
    23     Payments required under section 14 shall not be imposed and
    24  collected until January 1, 1997.
    25  Section 16.  Repeals.
    26     (a)  Absolute.--The following acts and parts of acts are
    27  repealed:
    28         Section 204(c) of the act of May 22, 1933 (P.L.853,
    29     No.155), known as The General County Assessment Law.
    30         Section 202(a)(9) of the act of May 21, 1943 (P.L.571,
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     1     No.254), known as The Fourth to Eighth Class County
     2     Assessment Law.
     3     (b)  General.--All other acts and parts of acts are repealed
     4  insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
     5  Section 17.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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