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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 649                        PRINTER'S NO. 805



No. 547 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 5, 1972 (P.L.1280, No.284),
     2     entitled "An act relating to securities; prohibiting
     3     fraudulent practices in relation thereto; requiring the
     4     registration of broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers,
     5     and securities; and making uniform the law with reference
     6     thereto," providing for assessments.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 602.1(c)(1) of the act of December 5,
    10  1972 (P.L.1280, No.284), known as the Pennsylvania Securities
    11  Act of 1972, amended July 4, 2002 (P.L.721, No.108), is amended
    12  to read:
    13     Section 602.1.  Assessments.--* * *
    14     (c)  After giving notice and opportunity for a hearing, the
    15  commission may issue an order accompanied by written findings of
    16  fact and conclusions of law which imposes an administrative
    17  assessment in the amounts provided in paragraph (1) against a
    18  broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser or investment adviser
    19  representative registered under section 301 or an affiliate of

     1  any broker-dealer or investment adviser where the commission
     2  determines that the person willfully has violated this act or a
     3  rule or order of the commission under this act or has engaged in
     4  dishonest or unethical practices in the securities business; has
     5  taken unfair advantage of a customer; or has failed reasonably
     6  to supervise its agents or employes or against any other person
     7  if the commission determines that the person wilfully violated
     8  section 301, 401, 404, 406 through 409 or 512(d) or a cease and
     9  desist order issued by the commission under section 606(c.1).
    10     (1)  The commission, in issuing an order under this
    11  subsection, may impose the administrative assessments set forth
    12  below. Each act or omission that provides a basis for issuing an
    13  order under this subsection shall constitute a separate
    14  violation.
    15     (i)  In issuing an order against any broker-dealer, agent,
    16  investment adviser or investment adviser representative
    17  registered under section 301 or an affiliate of any broker-
    18  dealer or investment adviser, the commission may impose [an] a
    19  maximum administrative assessment of up to [fifty] one hundred
    20  thousand dollars [($50,000)] ($100,000) for [a single violation
    21  or up to five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for multiple
    22  violations in a single proceeding or a series of related
    23  proceedings.] each act or omission that constitutes a violation
    24  of the act or rule or order issued under section 301 THIS ACT.    <--
    25  If any of the victims of the person's violative conduct were
    26  individuals aged 60 or more, the commission also may impose a
    27  special administrative assessment in addition to the foregoing
    28  amounts of up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
    29     (ii)  In issuing an order against a person for wilful
    30  violation of section 401(a) or (c), 404, 406, 408, 409 or 512(d)
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     1  or for wilful violation of a cease and desist order issued under
     2  section 606(c.1), the commission may impose [an] a maximum
     3  administrative assessment of up to [fifty] one hundred thousand
     4  dollars [($50,000)] ($100,000) for [a single violation or up to
     5  three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for multiple
     6  violations in a single proceeding or a series of related
     7  proceedings.] each act or omission that constitutes a violation
     8  of any of those sections. In addition to the foregoing
     9  assessment, the commission also may impose a special
    10  administrative assessment of up to fifty thousand dollars
    11  ($50,000) for each of the provisions described as follows that
    12  the commission determines are applicable:
    13     (A)  The person, within seven years prior to the commission
    14  taking action under this subsection, was the subject of: a
    15  criminal felony conviction; an injunction issued by any court of
    16  competent jurisdiction; or an order of the Securities and
    17  Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission,
    18  the securities, banking or insurance regulator of another state,
    19  a Federal banking regulator or the securities, banking or
    20  insurance regulatory authority of another country which found
    21  that the person wilfully had violated any provision of the
    22  Federal or state securities, banking, insurance, or commodities
    23  laws or the securities, commodities, insurance or banking laws
    24  of another country.
    25     (B)  The person's violative conduct involved individuals aged
    26  60 or more.
    27     (C)  The person's violative conduct involved use of the
    28  Internet or boiler room tactics which included, without
    29  limitation, use of any high-pressure sales tactics designed to
    30  create an artificially short time period for which the person
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     1  being solicited is pressured to make an investment decision or
     2  overcome the person's reluctance to commit to the investment
     3  being offered, use of scripts designed to allay any objections
     4  or concerns expressed by the person being solicited or making
     5  repeated telephone calls or sending multiple e-mail messages to
     6  the same person pressuring the person to make an immediate
     7  investment decision.
     8     (iii)  In issuing an order against a person for wilful
     9  violation of section 401(b) or 407, the commission may impose an
    10  administrative assessment of up to [twenty-five thousand dollars
    11  ($25,000)] fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for each of the
    12  criteria described in subclause (ii)(A) and (C) that the
    13  commission determines are applicable. No assessment shall be
    14  imposed under this subclause if the person is subject to an
    15  administrative assessment imposed under any other provision of
    16  this subsection.
    17     (iv)  In issuing an order against a person, other than a
    18  federally covered adviser, for wilful violation of section 301,
    19  the commission may impose the following administrative
    20  assessments [unless the person is subject to] which may be in
    21  addition to an administrative assessment imposed under any other
    22  provision of this subsection [or the public proceeding to which
    23  the assessment relates was instituted prior to the date of
    24  enactment of this subclause]:
    25     (A)  For a person who at the time of the wilful violation was
    26  not registered under section 301, was not registered as a broker
    27  or dealer with the United States Securities and Exchange
    28  Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat.
    29  881, 15 U.S.C. § 78a et seq.) and was not a member of a national
    30  securities association registered under that act, the commission
    20030H0547B0805                  - 4 -     

     1  may impose [an] a maximum administrative assessment of up to
     2  fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for [a single violation or up
     3  to two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for multiple
     4  violations in a single proceeding or series of related
     5  proceedings] each act or omission which constitutes a violation
     6  of section 301.
     7     (B)  For a person (not an individual) that at the time of the
     8  wilful violation was not registered under section 301 but was
     9  registered as a broker or dealer with the United States
    10  Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange
    11  Act of 1934 and was a member of a national securities
    12  association registered under that act, the commission may impose
    13  [an] a maximum administrative assessment of up to fifty thousand
    14  dollars ($50,000) for [a single violation or up to three hundred
    15  thousand dollars ($300,000) for multiple violations in a single
    16  proceeding or series of related proceedings] each act or
    17  omission which constitutes a violation of section 301. An
    18  assessment imposed under this subclause shall be in addition to
    19  any liability a person may have under an order issued under
    20  section 514.
    21     (v)  In issuing an order for wilful violation of section
    22  301(c.1)(1)(ii) against a person that is a federally covered
    23  adviser, the commission may impose the following administrative
    24  assessments:
    25     (A)  Up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) if the
    26  number of investment adviser representatives involved in the
    27  violation was less than five.
    28     (B)  Up to two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) if the
    29  number of investment adviser representatives involved in the
    30  violation was five or more.
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     1     (vi)  In issuing an order for a wilful violation of section
     2  301(f) against a person that is a federally covered adviser, the
     3  commission may impose an administrative assessment of two
     4  thousand dollars ($2,000).
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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