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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 626



No. 559 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for a Statewide child day-care resource and referral
     2     system in this Commonwealth and a State database; and
     3     imposing additional responsibilities on the Department of
     4     Public Welfare.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Child Day-
     9  Care Resource and Referral Law.
    10  Section 2.  Legislative findings.
    11     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    12         (1)  The demand for high quality, affordable, accessible
    13     child day care has increased dramatically in the last decade
    14     in correlation with a dramatic increase in the labor force
    15     participation rate of parents with young children.
    16         (2)  Approximately 200,000 children are currently in care
    17     through a variety of child day-care programs in this

     1     Commonwealth.
     2         (3)  A comprehensive, coordinated effort is needed to
     3     ensure that accurate, up-to-date child day-care information
     4     is readily available and easy to access.
     5         (4)  Local child day-care resource and referral services
     6     are beneficial to:
     7             (i)  working parents of all economic means by
     8         enabling them to make informed choices in selecting and
     9         purchasing the child day care that best meets their
    10         family's unique needs;
    11             (ii)  existing and prospective child day-care
    12         providers in their efforts to develop and maintain safe,
    13         high-quality child day-care services;
    14             (iii)  businesses by providing a comprehensive
    15         resource for them to use in responding to child day-care
    16         needs of their employees; and
    17             (iv)  the community-at-large by contributing directly
    18         to the health, safety and well-being of this
    19         Commonwealth's children and their families.
    20  Section 3.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Child day care."  Care in lieu of parental care, given for
    25  part of the 24-hour day to children under 16 years of age, away
    26  from their own homes. The term does not include child day care
    27  furnished in places of worship during religious services.
    28     "Child day-care resource and referral agency."  A public or
    29  private nonprofit entity that performs functions related to
    30  child day-care resource and referral services. The term includes
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     1  an association or a corporation.
     2     "Child day-care resource and referral services."  The term
     3  includes, but is not limited to, the following:
     4         (1)  The provision of updated information to the parents,
     5     employers and individuals in a community regarding the
     6     availability, cost and quality of child day-care services in
     7     a defined geographic area.
     8         (2)  Assistance to parents so they can make informed
     9     decisions regarding appropriate, affordable child day-care
    10     services for their children.
    11         (3)  Information to employers on programs designed to
    12     meet the child day-care needs of employees.
    13         (4)  Provision of start-up information to potential child
    14     day-care providers to increase the supply of providers.
    15     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    16  Commonwealth.
    17  Section 4.  Provision of child day-care resource and referral
    18                 services.
    19     The department shall arrange for the availability of child
    20  day-care resource and referral services across this Commonwealth
    21  through contractual agreements with public or private entities
    22  that can fulfill the responsibilities of a child day-care
    23  resource and referral agency.
    24  Section 5.  Central child day-care database.
    25     (a)  Establishment.--
    26         (1)  The department shall provide for the establishment
    27     and maintenance of a central child day-care database. The
    28     department shall compile all information from child day-care
    29     resource and referral agencies with which it has a
    30     contractual agreement under section 4 and establish a
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     1     comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date reference base on
     2     child day care in this Commonwealth.
     3         (2)  In accordance with the Executive Order 1988-8 and
     4     any subsequent orders issued pursuant thereto, the central
     5     child day-care database shall be created by utilizing applied
     6     demographic analyses, creation of statistical maps and
     7     graphics and census geographic reference maps, as well as any
     8     other resources the department may have available.
     9         (3)  The department shall determine the nature and scope
    10     of all centralized child day-care data to be maintained
    11     pursuant to this act.
    12         (4)  Child day-care resource and referral agencies under
    13     contract with the department shall be provided with, at least
    14     annually and at no charge, information developed regarding
    15     child day care in their specific geographic areas.
    16     (b)  Local databases.--Each child day-care resource and
    17  referral agency under contract with the department shall
    18  maintain a comprehensive database on child day-care supply and
    19  demand in the geographic area served by the agency.
    20  Section 6.  Resource and referral services offered.
    21     (a)  General rule.--The department shall arrange for child
    22  day-care resource and referral services across this Commonwealth
    23  through contracts with child day-care resource and referral
    24  agencies, which shall provide, at a minimum, the following
    25  services:
    26         (1)  Identification of all State-approved child day-care
    27     providers in their specific geographic area and a profile of
    28     each provider to indicate the types of services they provide
    29     and the costs of such services.
    30         (2)  Maintenance of a regularly updated resource file
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     1     that demonstrates supply and demand of services.
     2         (3)  Maintenance of a resource and referral service for
     3     child day-care users and assistance, if requested, in
     4     evaluating child day-care needs and appropriateness of types
     5     of child day care.
     6         (4)  Establishment of a public education program to
     7     inform consumers and provide referral counseling about child
     8     day-care options, including information on types of child day
     9     care, availability, cost and standards, through such means as
    10     printed materials, telephone contacts, education sessions or
    11     workshops and resource libraries.
    12         (5)  Provision of information and technical assistance to
    13     providers and prospective providers, as requested. Types of
    14     information to be made available shall include, but not be
    15     limited to, information regarding career opportunities in the
    16     field, continuing education, training opportunities,
    17     accreditation programs, regulatory requirements, food
    18     programs and demographic information to determine the
    19     existence of markets for services and to help stimulate the
    20     supply of child day-care services needed in the area.
    21         (6)  Serve as a resource to employers who are trying to
    22     meet the child day-care needs of their employees.
    23         (7)  Collection and maintenance of data, as may be useful
    24     in State and local planning efforts, on the number and usage
    25     of different child day-care providers, the type, availability
    26     and cost of child day care in a particular geographic area
    27     and demographic information to determine whether the supply
    28     meets the demand for child day-care services in a given area.
    29         (8)  Provision of information to low-income parents about
    30     subsidized child day-care services receiving Federal and
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     1     State funding and referral to a local entity responsible for
     2     administering the subsidized child day-care funds.
     3         (9)  Provision, to parents receiving public assistance,
     4     of information about child day-care services that may be
     5     available through the county assistance office pursuant to
     6     Title IV of the Social Security Act (Public Law 74-271, 42
     7     U.S.C. § 601 et seq.).
     8     (b)  Duplication of services to be avoided.--The child day-
     9  care resource and referral agency shall avoid duplicating
    10  services and shall develop procedures to streamline services for
    11  low-income parents needing child day-care services.
    12  Section 7.  Standard operating procedures.
    13     A local management agency, as a provider of child day-care
    14  resource and referral services shall:
    15         (1)  Conduct business during hours convenient to working
    16     parents, including some evening and weekend hours, if deemed
    17     necessary.
    18         (2)  Have the authority to establish a reasonable range
    19     of fees for services, with the approval of the department.
    20         (3)  Advertise its services and inform all recipients of
    21     services of applicable fees prior to the provision of such
    22     services, as designated in this act.
    23         (4)  Tailor services provided for in this act to the
    24     geographically defined area in which it is located.
    25         (5)  Seek opportunities to provide educational and
    26     consumer awareness programs.
    27         (6)  Utilize, to the maximum extent, the most cost-
    28     effective means of providing child day-care resource and
    29     referral services in accordance with this act, including, but
    30     not limited to, public-private partnerships, where deemed
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     1     appropriate, and contractual arrangements with existing
     2     providers of resource and referral services.
     3         (7)  Maintain confidentiality of records. Information
     4     contained in the records shall not be publicly disclosed in
     5     such a manner so as to identify individuals. Certain
     6     nonidentifying information may, however, be collected in
     7     aggregate form for the purposes of data collection.
     8         (8)  Report to the department on a regular basis
     9     information regarding:
    10             (i)  The number of parents and children served.
    11             (ii)  The extent of assistance given to providers,
    12         parents, businesses and others.
    13             (iii)  Fees charged for resource and referral
    14         services provided for in this act.
    15             (iv)  The impact of the resource and referral
    16         services on quality and availability of child day care in
    17         its geographically defined area.
    18             (v)  Any recommendations that may contribute to the
    19         improvement of the provision of child day-care resource
    20         and referral services.
    21  Section 8.  Annual report.
    22     The department shall submit an annual report to the General
    23  Assembly which shall:
    24         (1)   Reflect the information collected by the child day-
    25     care resource and referral agencies designated by the
    26     department.
    27         (2)  Describe how the child day-care resource and
    28     referral agencies further the department's goal to improve
    29     the quality, availability and affordability of child day-care
    30     services.
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     1         (3)  Include any recommendations of the department for
     2     improvements to the Statewide resource and referral system,
     3     as well as the availability of private, corporate and
     4     government funding for resource and referral services.
     5  Section 9.  Regulations.
     6     The department shall, in the manner provided by law,
     7  promulgate the rules and regulations necessary to establish
     8  child day-care resource and referral services to be offered in
     9  accordance with this act.
    10  Section 10.  Resource and referral services implementation.
    11     The department shall establish a three-year implementation
    12  schedule for phasing in child day-care resource and referral
    13  services throughout this Commonwealth.
    14  Section 11.  Effective date.
    15     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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