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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4087



No. 604 Session of 2000


           OCTOBER 11, 2000

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Paying tribute to the late W. Russell G. Byers on the occasion
     2     of his being named the posthumous recipient of CORA Services
     3     Incorporated's Year 2000 Service Award.

     4     WHEREAS, W. Russell G. Byers served as a prominent columnist
     5  and senior editor at the Philadelphia Daily News. Mr. Byers used
     6  his voice as a writer to advocate for Philadelphia's children
     7  through improving our system of education and working to raise
     8  their standard of living; and
     9     WHEREAS, CORA Services Incorporated is a crisis-intervention
    10  and prevention agency for at-risk youth founded in Philadelphia
    11  in 1971. CORA, which stands for Counseling or Referral
    12  Assistance, has as its mission enriching the quality of life for
    13  children, families and the community. CORA's annual service
    14  award is presented to those who have "impacted on and improved
    15  the quality of life" in Philadelphia. In honoring Mr. Byers the
    16  agency noted "the many ways he championed the city and his
    17  belief in the importance of educating our children"; and
    18     WHEREAS, Mr. Byers will be further memorialized through the

     1  planned establishment of the Russell Byers Charter School,
     2  scheduled to begin operating in the Spring Garden area of
     3  Philadelphia in the fall of 2001. The charter school will
     4  initially serve children from age four through second grade, and
     5  will use the city as its classroom through an innovative
     6  "expeditionary learning" program. Community partners in the
     7  charter include the National Constitution Center, Pennsylvania
     8  Horticultural Society, Free Library, City Year Philadelphia,
     9  International Visitors Council, Regional Performing Arts Center,
    10  WHYY, and the Philadelphia Daily News; and includes on its
    11  advisory council representation from the city's business
    12  community including Greater Philadelphia First and the Greater
    13  Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. This charter school will stand
    14  as a lasting tribute to Mr. Byers' commitment to public
    15  education and its importance in the life of the city; therefore
    16  be it
    17     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives hereby honor the
    18  memory of W. Russell G. Byers on the occasion of his being named
    19  recipient of the CORA Services Incorporated's Year 2000 Service
    20  Award and the official announcement of efforts to establish a
    21  charter school in his honor, and pay tribute to his lifetime
    22  dedication to improving the quality of life in the City of
    23  Philadelphia and to assuring a brighter future for its children;
    24  and be it further
    25     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    26  his widow, Laurada Beacham Byers, and children, Alison Byers
    27  Reilly and Russell Byers, Jr.

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