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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4068



No. 612 Session of 2002


           JUNE 20, 2002

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Expressing condolences on the passing of Gino J. Merli.

     2     WHEREAS, Gino J. Merli passed away on June 11, 2002, at the
     3  age of 78; and
     4     WHEREAS, A beloved native son of Peckville, Mr. Merli was an
     5  Army war hero by 18 years of age; and
     6     WHEREAS, Mr. Merli took part in the D-Day invasion on June 6,
     7  1944, going ashore at Omaha Beach and in the Battle of the Bulge
     8  in December of 1944; and
     9     WHEREAS, Mr. Merli displayed extraordinary heroism and
    10  patriotism while serving as a machine gunner near Sars la
    11  Bruyere, Belgium, where, during repeated attacks on the night of
    12  September 4, 1944, he feigned his death while German soldiers
    13  prodded him with their bayonets only to rise to confront enemy
    14  soldiers until their surrender the next morning; and
    15     WHEREAS, Mr. Merli was awarded two Purple Hearts, the Bronze
    16  Star, a Battle of the Bulge Medal and the Humanitarian Award of
    17  the Chapel of the Four Chaplains; and

     1     WHEREAS, Mr. Merli was awarded the Congressional Medal of
     2  Honor by President Truman on June 15, 1945, a symbol of the
     3  President's and our nation's gratitude and recognition of his
     4  unparalleled and limitless bravery, gallantry, patriotism and
     5  courage; and
     6     WHEREAS, Mr. Merli remained active in veterans affairs for
     7  the remainder of his life through his membership in the Shopa-
     8  Davey Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6082, the A. Pierson Hurd
     9  American Legion Post 236, the Disabled American Veterans' and
    10  the Military Order of the Cootie; and
    11     WHEREAS, As a humble and hardworking advocate for veterans'
    12  rights, Mr. Merli helped others through his work as an
    13  adjudication officer at the Veterans' Affairs Medical Center in
    14  Wilkes-Barre; and
    15     WHEREAS, Gino Merli, the son of a coal miner, was the beloved
    16  husband of Mary, and loving father to Dr. Gino, Philip and
    17  Maria; therefore be it
    18     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives note with great
    19  sadness the passing of Gino J. Merli and extend condolences to
    20  his family and friends; and be it further
    21     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to
    22  the family of Gino J. Merli.

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