1Condemning the use of performance-enhancing drugs by athletes,
2rebuking any organization that knowingly allows or encourages
3athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs and urging all
4high school and college coaches and athletic directors in
5this Commonwealth to educate themselves and their athletes
6about the dangers of performance-enhancing drugs.

7WHEREAS, Use of performance-enhancing drugs, commonly
8referred to as doping, is rampant among some professional
9athletes, especially those participating in strongman
10competitions such as "World's Strongest Man," "The Arnold" and
11"America's Strongest Man"; and

12WHEREAS, The use of performance-enhancing drugs, including
13anabolic steroids, androstenedione, human growth hormone,
14erythropoietin, diuretics and stimulants, poses serious health
15risks, such as the increased chance of suffering a heart attack
16or stroke, of developing liver and other cancers and of
17triggering mood and hormonal imbalances; and

18WHEREAS, Knowingly allowing or encouraging athletes to use

1performance-enhancing drugs not only jeopardizes their lives,
2but also the lives of young aspiring athletes who may be unaware
3of the risks of using performance-enhancing drugs and oftentimes
4are influenced by the conduct of the athletes they hope to
5emulate; and

6WHEREAS, According to a study conducted by the Digital
7Citizens Alliance, a consumer group working to make the Internet
8safer, 77% of young males, 14 years of age to 25 years of age,
9said steroid use by professional athletes gave young athletes
10the impression that taking performance-enhancing drugs was
11necessary to succeed in professional sports or improve their
12game; therefore be it

13RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives condemn the use
14of performance-enhancing drugs by athletes and rebuke any
15organization that knowingly allows or encourages athletes to use
16performance-enhancing drugs; and be it further

17RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives urge all high
18school and college coaches and athletic directors in this
19Commonwealth to educate themselves and their athletes about the
20dangers of performance-enhancing drugs.