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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 665



No. 632 Session of 1999

           ROBINSON, FEBRUARY 22, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 75 (Vehicles) of
     2     the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     institutional vandalism; defining the offense of vandalism;
     4     providing for graffiti removal and abatement, for community
     5     service and for work release; further providing for the
     6     revocation or suspension of operating privilege; and
     7     providing penalties.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 3307 of Title 18 of the Pennsylvania
    11  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
    12  § 3307.  Institutional vandalism.
    13     (a)  Offenses defined.--A person commits the offense of
    14  institutional vandalism if he knowingly desecrates, as defined
    15  in section 5509 (relating to desecration of venerated objects),
    16  vandalizes, defaces or otherwise damages:
    17         (1)  any church, synagogue or other facility or place
    18     used for religious worship or other religious purposes;
    19         (2)  any cemetery, mortuary or other facility used for
    20     the purpose of burial or memorializing the dead;

     1         (3)  any school, educational facility, community center,
     2     municipal building, courthouse facility, State or local
     3     government building or vehicle or juvenile detention center;
     4         (4)  the grounds adjacent to and owned or occupied by any
     5     facility set forth in paragraph (1), (2) or (3); or
     6         (5)  any personal property located in any facility set
     7     forth in this subsection.
     8     (a.1)  Illegal possession.--A person commits the offense of
     9  institutional vandalism if, with intent to violate subsection
    10  (a), the person carries an aerosol spray-paint can, broad-tipped
    11  indelible marker or similar marking device onto property
    12  identified in subsection (a).
    13     (b)  Grading.--An offense under this section is a felony of
    14  the third degree if the act is one of desecration as defined in
    15  section 5509 or if the actor causes pecuniary loss in excess of
    16  $5,000. Pecuniary loss includes the cost of repair or
    17  replacement of the property affected. Otherwise, institutional
    18  vandalism is a misdemeanor of the second degree.
    19     (c)  Community service.--Upon conviction of any person under
    20  this section, the court may in addition to or in lieu of any
    21  other punishment imposed order the defendant to participate in a
    22  graffiti abatement program or a community service program as
    23  follows:
    24         (1)  For a first conviction under this section, community
    25     service not to exceed 100 hours over a period of not more
    26     than 90 days during a time other than the defendant's hours
    27     of school attendance or employment.
    28         (2)  For a second conviction under this section,
    29     community service not to exceed 200 hours over a period of
    30     180 days during a time other than the defendant's hours of
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     1     school attendance or employment.
     2         (3)  For a third or subsequent conviction under this
     3     section, community service not to exceed 300 hours over a
     4     period of not more than 240 days during a time other than the
     5     defendant's hours of school attendance or employment.
     6     (d)  Community service for certain defendants.--Any person
     7  who has been twice convicted under this section, or twice
     8  convicted under section 3310 (relating to vandalism), or
     9  convicted under both sections and who has been incarcerated for
    10  at least one of such convictions, may be ordered by the court as
    11  a condition of probation to perform community service not to
    12  exceed 300 hours over a period of not more than 240 days during
    13  a time other than the defendant's hours of school attendance or
    14  employment.
    15     (e)  Counseling.--The court may order any person ordered to
    16  perform community service or graffiti removal under this section
    17  to undergo counseling.
    18     Section 2.  Title 18 is amended by adding sections to read:
    19  § 3310.  Vandalism.
    20     (a)  Offense defined.--A person commits the offense of
    21  vandalism if the person maliciously defaces with graffiti or
    22  other inscribed material or damages or destroys any real or
    23  personal property not his own.
    24     (b)  Grading and penalties.--An offense under this section
    25  is:
    26         (1)  A summary offense if the amount of defacement,
    27     damage or destruction is $1,000 or less, such offense being
    28     punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment
    29     of not more than six months, or both.
    30         (2)  A misdemeanor of the second degree if the
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     1     defacement, damage or destruction is more than $1,000, but
     2     not more than $5,000.
     3         (3)  A misdemeanor of the first degree if the amount of
     4     defacement, damage or destruction is more than $5,000.
     5     (c)  Liability of parent.--If a minor is personally unable to
     6  pay a fine levied for acts prohibited by this section, the
     7  parent of that minor shall be liable for payment of the fine. A
     8  court may waive payment of the fine or any part thereof by the
     9  parent upon a finding of good cause.
    10     (d)  Counseling.--The court may order any person ordered to
    11  perform community service or graffiti removal under this section
    12  to undergo counseling.
    13     (e)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    14  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    15  subsection:
    16     "Graffiti abatement program."  A program adopted by a city,
    17  county or city and county by resolution or ordinance that
    18  provides for the administration and financing of graffiti
    19  removal, community education on the prevention of graffiti and
    20  enforcement of graffiti laws.
    21     "Graffiti or other inscribed material."  Any unauthorized
    22  inscription, word, figure, mark or design that is written,
    23  marked, etched, scratched, drawn or painted on real or personal
    24  property.
    25  § 3311.  Graffiti and vandalism abatement programs.
    26     (a)  Funding.--A city, county or city and county may enact an
    27  ordinance to provide for the use of city or county funds to
    28  cover the costs of the removal of graffiti or other inscribed
    29  material from publicly or privately owned real or personal
    30  property located within the city or county that has been defaced
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     1  with graffiti or other inscribed material.
     2     (b)  Limitation.--The ordinance shall authorize only the
     3  removal of graffiti or inscribed material itself or, if the
     4  graffiti or other inscribed material cannot be removed cost
     5  effectively, the repair or replacement of the portion of the
     6  property that was defaced and not the painting, repair or
     7  replacement of other parts of the property that were not
     8  defaced.
     9     (c)  Consent of owner.--The removal, repair or replacement
    10  may be performed in the case of publicly owned real or personal
    11  property only after securing the consent of the public entity
    12  having jurisdiction over the property and, in the case of
    13  privately owned real or personal property, only after securing
    14  the consent of the owner or possessor.
    15     (d)  Nuisance.--This section does not preclude the abatement
    16  of graffiti or other inscribed material as a nuisance pursuant
    17  to the laws of this Commonwealth or the enforcement of any
    18  criminal law with respect to nuisance.
    19     (e)  Expenditure of funds.--A city or county by its ordinance
    20  under subsection (a) may elect to cover:
    21         (1)  Court costs.
    22         (2)  Attorney fees.
    23         (3)  Costs of the removal of graffiti or other inscribed
    24     material.
    25         (4)  Costs of repair and replacement of defaced property.
    26         (5)  Cost of administering and monitoring the
    27     participation of a defendant in a community service or in a
    28     graffiti abatement program.
    29         (6)  The law enforcement costs incurred by the city or
    30     county in identifying and apprehending the person who
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     1     created, caused the graffiti or other inscribed material.
     2         (7)  Such other costs as deemed appropriate.
     3     (f)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "graffiti
     4  or other inscribed material" means any unauthorized inscription,
     5  word, figure, mark or design that is written, marked, etched,
     6  scratched, drawn or painted on any real or personal property.
     7  § 3312.  Work release for institutional vandalism and vandalism.
     8     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding any other law, the
     9  governing body of any county may authorize the sheriff or other
    10  official in charge of county correctional facilities to offer a
    11  voluntary program under which any person committed to the
    12  facility may participate in a work release program as described
    13  in this section, in which one day of participation will be in
    14  lieu of one day of confinement.
    15     (b)  Components of programs.--
    16         (1)  Performance of graffiti cleanup for local
    17     governmental entities, including participation in graffiti
    18     abatement as defined by this act, as approved by the sheriff
    19     or other official in charge of the correctional facilities.
    20     As a condition of assigning participants of a work release
    21     program to perform manual labor in support of nonprofit
    22     organizations pursuant to this section, the board of
    23     commissioners or county council shall obtain workers'
    24     compensation insurance which shall be adequate to cover work-
    25     related injuries incurred by those participants.
    26         (2)  Any person who is not able to perform manual labor
    27     as specified in this paragraph because of a medical
    28     condition, physical disability or age may participate in a
    29     work release program involving any other type of public
    30     sector work that is designated and approved by the sheriff or
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     1     other official in charge of county facilities.
     2         (3)  The sheriff or other official may permit a prisoner
     3     participating in a work release program to receive work
     4     release credit for participation in education, vocational
     5     training or substance programs in lieu of performing labor in
     6     a work release program on an hour-for-hour basis. However,
     7     credit for that participation may not exceed one-half of the
     8     hours established for the work release program, and the
     9     remaining hours shall consist of manual labor described in
    10     paragraph (1).
    11         (4)  The work release program shall be under the
    12     direction of a responsible person appointed by the sheriff or
    13     other official in charge.
    14     (c)  Hours of labor.--The hours of labor to be performed
    15  under this section shall be uniform for all persons committed to
    16  a facility in a county and may be determined by the sheriff or
    17  other official in charge of county correctional facilities. Each
    18  day shall be a minimum of eight hours and a maximum of ten hours
    19  in accordance with the normal working hours of county employees
    20  assigned to supervise the programs. However, reasonable
    21  accommodation may be made for participation in a program under
    22  subsection (b)(3).
    23     (d)  Further conditions.--
    24         (1)  The board of county commissioners may prescribe
    25     reasonable rules and regulations under which a work release
    26     program is operated and may provide that participants wear
    27     clothing of a distinctive character while performing the
    28     work. As a condition of participating in a work release
    29     program, a person shall promise to appear for work or
    30     assigned activity by signing a notice to appear before the
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     1     sheriff or at the educational, vocational or substance abuse
     2     program at a time and place specified in the notice and shall
     3     sign an agreement that the sheriff may immediately retake the
     4     person into custody to serve the balance of the sentence if
     5     the person fails to appear for the program at the time and
     6     place agreed to, does not perform the work or activity
     7     assigned or for any other reason is no longer a fit subject
     8     for release under this section. A copy of the notice shall be
     9     delivered to the person and a copy shall be retained by the
    10     sheriff.
    11         (2)  Any person who willfully violates a written promise
    12     to appear at the time and place specified in the notice
    13     commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    14         (3)  Whenever a peace officer has reasonable cause to
    15     believe the person has failed to appear at the time and place
    16     specified in the notice or fails to appear or work at the
    17     time and place agreed to or has failed to perform the work
    18     assigned, the peace officer may without a warrant retake the
    19     person into custody, or the court may issue a warrant for the
    20     retaking of the person into custody under this paragraph to
    21     complete the remainder of the original sentence. A peace
    22     officer may not retake a person into custody under this
    23     paragraph without a warrant for arrest unless the officer has
    24     a written order to do so, signed by the sheriff or other
    25     person in charge of the program, which describes with
    26     particularity the person to be retaken.
    27     (e)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
    28  construed to require the sheriff or other official in charge to
    29  assign a person to a program pursuant to this section if it
    30  appears from the record that the person has refused to perform
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     1  satisfactorily as assigned or has not satisfactorily complied
     2  with the reasonable rules and regulations governing the
     3  assignment or any other order of the court. A person shall be
     4  eligible for work release under this section only if the sheriff
     5  or other official in charge concludes that the person is a fit
     6  subject for the program.
     7     Section 3.  Section 1532(b)(3) of Title 75, amended December
     8  21, 1998 (P.L.  , No.151), is amended to read:
     9  § 1532.  Suspension of operating privilege.
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  Suspension.--
    12         * * *
    13         (3)  The department shall suspend the operating privilege
    14     of any driver for 12 months upon receiving a certified record
    15     of the driver's conviction of section 3731 (relating to
    16     driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance)
    17     [or], 3733 (relating to fleeing or attempting to elude police
    18     officer), 18 Pa.C.S. § 3310 (relating to vandalism), or
    19     substantially similar offenses reported to the department
    20     under Article III of section 1581 (relating to Driver's
    21     License Compact), or an adjudication of delinquency based on
    22     section 3731 [or], 3733 or 18 Pa.C.S. § 3310. The department
    23     shall suspend the operating privilege of any driver for six
    24     months upon receiving a certified record of a consent decree
    25     granted under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to juvenile
    26     matters) based on section 3731 [or], 3733 or 18 Pa.C.S. §
    27     3310.
    28     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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