1Amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
2Statutes, further providing for use of Game Fund revenues.

3The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
4hereby enacts as follows:

5Section 1. Section 521(b) of Title 34 of the Pennsylvania
6Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a paragraph to read:

7§ 521. Establishment and use of Game Fund.

8* * *

9(b) Specific allocation of certain revenues.--

10* * *

11(3.1) A minimum of 10% of the previous fiscal year's
12revenues from timber harvesting on commission land shall be
13used solely for the purpose of forest regeneration
14activities. A reforestation practice entered into as part of
15a timber harvesting contract by the commission shall be
16included for purposes of calculating revenues from timber
17harvesting. The moneys collected under this paragraph shall

1be deposited into a separate account and shall be used
2exclusively for production, distribution and planting of
3trees and spraying and deer fencing on commission land. The
4account shall operate as a revolving fund whereby all
5appropriations, payments and interest made thereto may be
6applied and reapplied to the purposes of this paragraph.

7Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.