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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4452



No. 705 Session of 2002


        ADOPTED, OCTOBER 8, 2002

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Requesting that the National Council of the Lewis and Clark
     2     Bicentennial designate the planned events in Pittsburgh at
     3     the Senator John Heinz Pittsburgh Regional History Center
     4     from July 15 through August 31, 2003, as a national signature
     5     event.

     6     WHEREAS, Nearly 200 years ago President Thomas Jefferson,
     7  with congressional support, sought to furnish an expedition to
     8  study native cultures, investigate geographic features, discover
     9  useful plants and animals and inform Native Americans of the new
    10  sovereignty of the United States, which had recently been
    11  acquired from France as a result of the Louisiana Purchase; and
    12     WHEREAS, The president turned to his young private secretary,
    13  Captain Meriwether Lewis, to provide leadership in this
    14  endeavor; and
    15     WHEREAS, Lewis, joined by his co-commander William Clark,
    16  began an exploration to find the source of the Missouri River
    17  and tributaries and to find a suitable water passage to the
    18  western ocean for the purpose of commerce and exploration; and
    19     WHEREAS, This great voyage of discovery opened up the

     1  American West and widened the horizons of America's manifest
     2  destiny; and
     3     WHEREAS, The Lewis and Clark Expedition increased the young
     4  nation's knowledge of and pride in our precious natural
     5  resources; and
     6     WHEREAS, The expedition helped the nation gain a better
     7  understanding of America's native cultures; and
     8     WHEREAS, Most importantly, Lewis and Clark's indomitable
     9  spirit and courage stand as a testament to American
    10  resourcefulness, ingenuity and courage; and
    11     WHEREAS, This expedition was a major event in the history of
    12  the United States and helped shape the cultural and geographic
    13  boundaries of our county; and
    14     WHEREAS, The respect fostered between Native American tribes
    15  and members of the expedition represents a fine example of
    16  diplomacy and relationships between divergent nations and
    17  cultures; and
    18     WHEREAS, Lewis chose Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the
    19  expedition's point of departure, not just for its fortuitous
    20  confluence of rivers, but because only in Pittsburgh and its
    21  environs could he find skilled workmen to build the keelboat he
    22  needed for a transcontinental voyage; and
    23     WHEREAS, Efforts to commemorate the 200th anniversary of this
    24  great adventure have been organized throughout the nation; and
    25     WHEREAS, American communities from Charlottesville, Virginia
    26  to Astoria, Oregon, have been selected by the National Council
    27  of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial as sites for national
    28  heritage signature events during the bicentennial commemoration
    29  of the Lewis and Clark Expedition from 2003 through 2006; and
    30     WHEREAS, Each community was chosen for its place in the
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     1  expedition's chronology, its historical relevance, cultural
     2  diversity, tribal involvement, geographic location and
     3  sponsoring organizations' capacity; and
     4     WHEREAS, The National Council of the Lewis and Clark
     5  Bicentennial has designated 15 national signature events to be
     6  highlighted in the three-year celebration; therefore be it
     7     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the
     8  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recognize the pivotal role that
     9  Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania played in this epic story
    10  and conclude that the bicentennial must not pass unnoticed in
    11  this entire area; and be it further
    12     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives respectfully
    13  request that the National Council of the Lewis and Clark
    14  Bicentennial designate the planned events in Pittsburgh at the
    15  Senator John Heinz Pittsburgh Regional History Center from July
    16  15 through August 31, 2003, as a national signature event; and
    17  be it further
    18     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    19  the President of the United States, the Director of the
    20  Smithsonian Institution, the President of the National
    21  Geographic Society and to each member of Congress from
    22  Pennsylvania.

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