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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4517



No. 725 Session of 2002



                            A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

     1  Memorializing the Congress of the United States to take action
     2     to increase Medicare benefits and curb Medicare insurance
     3     rates.

     4     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania's senior citizens are facing numerous
     5  challenges that could threaten their ability to receive
     6  accessible and affordable health care; and
     7     WHEREAS, Some insurance companies that offer Medicare
     8  supplemental coverage in Pennsylvania have announced rate
     9  increases for senior citizens as high as 200% starting January
    10  1, 2003; and
    11     WHEREAS, Many insurance companies have already dropped
    12  Medicare supplemental coverage, leaving millions of seniors in
    13  Pennsylvania with limited or no options for costs not covered by
    14  Medicare; and
    15     WHEREAS, Deep reductions are proposed in Medicare
    16  reimbursements for a wide range of drugs and medical devices
    17  necessary to treat senior citizens; and
    18     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania continues to pay for prescription

     1  coverage for many senior citizens through the Pharmaceutical
     2  Assistance Contract for the Elderly (PACE) program that could be
     3  covered by Federal dollars if the Federal Government would enact
     4  prescription coverage through Medicare; and
     5     WHEREAS, The House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
     6  Pennsylvania is significantly concerned about these upcoming
     7  challenges to senior health care in this Commonwealth; and
     8     WHEREAS, The House of Representatives is troubled about the
     9  potential adverse impact of these changes on senior citizens and
    10  our health care delivery systems in urban, rural and suburban
    11  areas; therefore be it
    12     RESOLVED (the Senate concurring), That the General Assembly
    13  of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania memorialize the Pennsylvania
    14  congressional delegation not to permit the substantial cuts in
    15  Medicare reimbursements to Pennsylvania's health care providers;
    16  and be it further
    17     RESOLVED, That the General Assembly call on the Congress of
    18  the United States to take the lead in curbing rapidly rising
    19  Medicare insurance rates for our senior citizens; and be it
    20  further
    21     RESOLVED, That the General Assembly urge the Congress to
    22  determine a way to offer more options to supplement Medicare in
    23  rural, urban and suburban regions of this Commonwealth; and be
    24  it further
    25     RESOLVED, That the General Assembly memorialize the Congress
    26  to add prescription drug coverage to Medicare to assist this
    27  Commonwealth in its efforts to aid seniors through its PACE
    28  program; and be it further
    29     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    30  the presiding officers of each house of Congress and to each
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     1  member of Congress from Pennsylvania.

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