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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 835



No. 751 Session of 2001

           AND YOUNGBLOOD, FEBRUARY 14, 2001

           FEBRUARY 14, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of September 27, 1961 (P.L.1700, No.699),
     2     entitled "An act relating to the regulation of the practice
     3     of pharmacy, including the sales, use and distribution of
     4     drugs and devices at retail; and amending, revising,
     5     consolidating and repealing certain laws relating thereto,"
     6     further providing for definitions; and providing for drug
     7     therapy protocol.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 2(11) of the act of September 27, 1961
    11  (P.L.1700, No.699), known as the Pharmacy Act, amended December
    12  20, 1985 (P.L.433, No.111), is amended and the section is
    13  amended by adding clauses to read:
    14     Section 2.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
    15     * * *
    16     (11)  "Practice of pharmacy" means the [practice of that
    17  profession concerned with the art and science of the evaluation
    18  of prescription orders and the preparing, compounding and

     1  dispensing of drugs and devices, whether dispensed on the
     2  prescription of a medical practitioner or legally dispensed or
     3  provided to a consumer, and shall include the proper and safe
     4  storage and distribution of drugs, the maintenance of proper
     5  records, the participation in drug selection and drug
     6  utilization reviews, and the responsibility of relating
     7  information as required concerning such drugs and medicines and
     8  their therapeutic values and uses in the treatment and
     9  prevention of disease:] provision of health care services by a
    10  pharmacist, which includes the interpretation, evaluation and
    11  implementation of medical orders or prescription drug orders;
    12  the delivery, dispensing or distribution of prescription drugs;
    13  participation in drug and device selection; drug administration;
    14  drug regimen review; drug or drug-related research; compounding;
    15  proper and safe storage of drugs and devices; managing drug
    16  therapy in an institutional setting; maintaining proper records;
    17  patient counseling; and such acts, services, operations or
    18  transactions necessary or incident to the provision of these
    19  health care services. [Provided, however, That] The "practice of
    20  pharmacy" shall not include the operations of a manufacturer or
    21  distributor as defined in "The Controlled Substance, Drug,
    22  Device and Cosmetic Act."
    23     * * *
    24     (14)  "Managing drug therapy" means any of the following
    25  processes which shall be performed in an institutional setting
    26  only: Adjusting a drug regimen; adjusting drug strength,
    27  frequency of administration or route; administration of drugs;
    28  and ordering and performing of laboratory or other diagnostic
    29  tests necessary in the management of drug therapy. Managing drug
    30  therapy shall be performed pursuant to a written agreement or
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     1  protocol as set forth in section 9.1 of this act, authorizing
     2  the delegation of management of drug therapy from a licensed
     3  physician to a pharmacist, in accordance with section 17 of the
     4  act of December 20, 1985 (P.L.457, No.112), known as the
     5  "Medical Practice Act of 1985," which authorizes a medical
     6  doctor to delegate duties to health care practitioners, and
     7  section 3 of the act of October 5, 1978 (P.L.1109, No.261),
     8  known as the "Osteopathic Medical Practice Act," which
     9  authorizes services and acts rendered by allied medical persons
    10  under the supervision, direction or control of a licensed
    11  physician.
    12     (15)  "Institution" means an extended care facility, nursing
    13  home, nursing care facility, convalescent home, resident care
    14  facility, hospital or any other place which offers medical
    15  treatment to patients who require food, board and overnight
    16  sleeping facilities and care.
    17     (16)  "Drug administration" means the direct introduction of
    18  or the application of a drug into or on the body of a patient by
    19  injection, inhalation, ingestion or any other means, and where
    20  required by law, shall occur only pursuant to a medical order.
    21     (17)  "Medical order" means a lawful order by a specifically
    22  identified medical practitioner for a specifically identified
    23  patient.
    24     (18)  "Physician" means an individual licensed under the laws
    25  of this Commonwealth to engage in the practice of medicine and
    26  surgery in all its branches within the scope of the act of
    27  December 20, 1985 (P.L.457, No.112), known as the "Medical
    28  Practice Act of 1985," or in the practice of osteopathic
    29  medicine within the scope of the act of October 5, 1978
    30  (P.L.1109, No.261), known as the "Osteopathic Medical Practice
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     1  Act."
     2     (19)  "Protocol" means a written document that describes the
     3  nature and scope of the drug therapy management to be carried
     4  out by the pharmacist.
     5     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
     6     Section 9.1.  Drug Therapy Protocols.--(a)  A pharmacist
     7  shall be permitted to enter into a written agreement or protocol
     8  with a licensed physician authorizing the delegation of the
     9  management of drug therapy in an institutional setting.
    10     (b)  The licensed physician who is a party to a written
    11  agreement or protocol authorizing the delegation of the
    12  management of drug therapy shall be in active practice and the
    13  delegation shall be within the scope of the licensed physician's
    14  current practice.
    15     (c)  Participation in a written agreement or protocol
    16  authorizing the delegation of the management of drug therapy
    17  shall be voluntary, and no licensed physician shall be required
    18  to participate.
    19     (d)  (1)  A pharmacist who is a party to a written agreement
    20  or protocol authorizing the delegation of the management of drug
    21  therapy shall obtain and maintain, to the satisfaction of the
    22  board, professional liability insurance coverage in the minimum
    23  amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000). The professional
    24  liability insurance coverage shall remain in effect as long as
    25  that pharmacist is a party to a written agreement or protocol
    26  authorizing the delegation of the management of drug therapy.
    27  Failure to maintain insurance coverage as required under this
    28  subsection shall be actionable under section 5 of this act.
    29     (2)  The board shall accept from pharmacists as satisfactory
    30  evidence of insurance coverage under this subsection, any and
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     1  all of the following:  self-insurance, personally purchased
     2  professional liability insurance, professional liability
     3  insurance coverage provided by the pharmacist's employer or any
     4  similar type of coverage.
     5     (3)  The board shall adopt, by regulation, standards and
     6  procedures established by the Insurance Commissioner for self-
     7  insurance. In the absence of these standards and procedures, the
     8  board, after consultation with the Insurance Commissioner, shall
     9  establish standards and procedures by regulation for self-
    10  insurance under this subsection.
    11     (e)  Within eighteen months of the effective date of this
    12  section, the board shall adopt regulations establishing the
    13  parameters of written agreements or protocols authorized by this
    14  section. Such parameters shall include, but not be limited to,
    15  the requirement that written agreements or protocols:
    16     (1)  Be in writing.
    17     (2)  Require that drug therapy regimens be initiated by a
    18  licensed physician for patients referred to a pharmacist for
    19  drug therapy.
    20     (3)  Provide for notification of the role of the pharmacist
    21  by a licensed physician to each referred patient whose drug
    22  therapy management may be affected by the agreement.
    23     (4)  Be available as follows:
    24     (i)  At the practice site of any licensed physician who is a
    25  party to the agreement.
    26     (ii)  At the practice site of any licensed pharmacist who is
    27  a party to the agreement.
    28     (iii)  To any patient whose drug therapy management is
    29  affected by the agreement.
    30     (iv)  Upon request, to investigators of the State Board of
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     1  Medicine, the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine and the State
     2  Board of Pharmacy.
     3     (5)  Identify, by name, each licensed physician and each
     4  licensed pharmacist who are parties to the agreement.
     5     (6)  Be signed and dated by each licensed physician.
     6     (7)  Specify the functions and tasks which are the subject of
     7  the delegation.
     8     (8)  Provide for execution of the agreement when any licensed
     9  physician or licensed pharmacist may be temporarily absent from
    10  a practice setting or temporarily unavailable to participate in
    11  its execution.
    12     (9)  Establish an appropriate time frame, not to exceed
    13  seventy-two hours, within which the licensed pharmacist must
    14  notify the licensed physician of any changes in dose, duration
    15  or frequency of medication prescribed.
    16     (10)  Be filed with the State Board of Pharmacy and the State
    17  Board of Medicine and/or the State Board of Osteopathic
    18  Medicine.
    19     (11)  Remain in effect for a period not to exceed two years
    20  upon the conclusion of which, or sooner, the parties shall
    21  review the agreement and make a determination as to its renewal,
    22  necessary modifications or termination.
    23     (12)  Allow for termination of the agreement at the request
    24  of any party to it at any time.
    25     (f)  Managing drug therapy within an institutional setting
    26  may occur without the requirements of subsection (e) provided it
    27  is pursuant to a medical order by a licensed physician for
    28  managing drug therapy protocol or guideline approved by the
    29  medical staff of the institution.
    30     Section 9.2.  Authority to Administer Injectable Medications,
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     1  Biologicals and Immunizations.--(a)  Within eighteen months from
     2  the effective date of this section, the board shall by
     3  regulation establish education and training standards and
     4  practice guidelines pursuant to which pharmacists shall be
     5  authorized to administer injectable medications, biologicals and
     6  immunizations to persons who are more than eighteen years of
     7  age. Such standards and guidelines shall include, but not be
     8  limited to, the following:
     9     (1)  Satisfactory completion of an academic and practical
    10  curriculum approved by the board that includes the current
    11  guidelines and recommendations of the Centers for Disease
    12  Control and Prevention in the Public Health Service of the
    13  United States Department of Health and Human Services, the
    14  American Council on Pharmaceutical Education or a similar health
    15  authority or professional body, and includes, but is not limited
    16  to, disease epidemiology, vaccine characteristics, injection
    17  technique, emergency response to adverse events and related
    18  topics.
    19     (2)  Maintenance of a current cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    20  (CPR) certificate acceptable to the board.
    21     (3)  That the administration of injectable medications,
    22  biologicals and immunizations be in accordance with a definitive
    23  set of treatment guidelines established by a physician and
    24  approved by the board.
    25     (4)  That a minimum of two hours of the thirty-hour
    26  requirement for continuing education for license renewal be
    27  dedicated to this area of practice.
    28     (b)  A pharmacist's authority to administer injectable
    29  medications, biologicals and immunizations shall not be
    30  delegated to any other person.
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     1     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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