See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 847



No. 756 Session of 1989

           MARCH 14, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 8, 1982 (P.L.848, No.235), entitled
     2     "An act providing for the adoption of capital projects
     3     related to the repair, rehabilitation or replacement of
     4     highway bridges to be financed from current revenue or by the
     5     incurring of debt and capital projects related to highway and
     6     safety improvement projects to be financed from current
     7     revenue of the Motor License Fund," adding projects.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of December 8, 1982
    11  (P.L.848, No.235), known as the Highway-Railroad and Highway
    12  Bridge Capital Budget Act for 1982-1983, amended March 2, 1988
    13  (P.L.111, No.23), is amended to read:
    14  Section 2.  Total authorization for bridge projects.
    15     (a)  The total authorization for the costs of the projects
    16  itemized pursuant to section 3 and to be financed from current

     1  revenue or by the incurring of debt shall be [$2,591,691,950]
     2  $2,829,940,950.
     3     (b)  The authorization for capital projects in the category
     4  of Highway Projects to be constructed by the Department of
     5  Transportation, its successors or assigns, and to be financed by
     6  the incurring of debt or from the Highway-Railroad and Highway
     7  Bridge Improvement Restricted Account within the Motor License
     8  Fund, itemized in section 3 under the category of State bridges,
     9  is [$1,631,852,000] $1,802,184,000.
    10     (c)  The authorization for non-State highway bridge projects
    11  to be constructed by local government municipalities and to be
    12  financed in part with grants not exceeding 80% of the non-
    13  Federal share of the costs made to the local government
    14  municipalities by the Department of Transportation from revenues
    15  deposited in the Highway Bridge Improvement Restricted Account
    16  within the Motor License Fund, itemized in section 3 under the
    17  category of local bridges is [$959,839,950] $1,027,756,950.
    18     Section 2.  Section 3(2)(i) and (ii), (3)(ii), (4)(ii),
    19  (5)(i) and (ii), (6)(i) and (ii), (7)(ii), (8)(i) and (ii),
    20  (9)(i) and (ii), (10)(i) and (ii), (11)(i) and (ii), (14)(ii),
    21  (15)(i) and (ii), (17)(ii), (18)(i), (19)(ii), (20)(ii), (21)(i)
    22  and (ii), (22)(i) and (ii), (23)(ii), (24)(i), (25)(ii), (26)(i)
    23  and (ii), (28)(i), (30)(ii), (31)(ii), (32)(ii), (33)(i) and
    24  (ii), (34)(ii), (35)(i) and (ii), (37)(ii), (38)(ii), (39)(i)
    25  and (ii), (40)(i) and (ii), (41)(i), (42)(ii), (44)(ii), (45)(i)
    26  and (ii), (47)(ii), (48)(ii), (50(ii), (51)(i) and (ii),
    27  (52)(i), (53)(i), (54)(ii), (56)(ii), (57)(i) and (ii), (58)(i)
    28  and (ii), (59)(ii), (61)(i) and (ii), (62)(i) and (ii), (63)(i)
    29  and (ii), (64)(ii), (65)(ii) and (66)(i) and (ii) of the act,
    30  amended March 2, 1988 (P.L.111, No.23), are amended by adding
    19890H0756B0847                  - 2 -

     1  projects to read:
     2  Section 3.  Itemization of bridge projects.
     3     The individual capital projects in the category of highway
     4  projects to be constructed by the Department of Transportation,
     5  its successors or assigns, and to be financed from current
     6  revenue or by the incurring of debt are hereby itemized,
     7  together with their estimated financial costs, as follows:
     8                          Project              Project     Land    Design
     9                          Cost       Cost       Cost       Cost
    10  * * *
    11  (2) Allegheny County
    12   (i) Local Bridges
    13     * * *
    14     (S15) Frazer Twp.,
    15     T-730, Dellenbaugh
    16     Road Bridge,
    17     T-730, Bridge
    18     Construc-
    19     tion...........                                      500,000
    20     (T15) Frazer Twp.,
    21     T-607, Clarks Pike
    22     Road Bridge, Bridge
    23     Construc-
    24     tion...........                                      190,000
    25     (U15) Frazer Twp.,
    26     T-702, Yutes Run
    27     Road Bridge, Station
    28     25+02, Bridge
    29     Construc-
    30     tion...........                                      180,000
    19890H0756B0847                  - 3 -

     1     (V15) Frazer Twp.,
     2     T-702, Yutes Run
     3     Road Bridge, Station
     4     13+64, Bridge
     5     Construc-
     6     tion...........                                      210,000
     7     (W15) Frazer Twp.,
     8     T-702, Yutes Run
     9     Road Bridge, Station
    10     4+95, Bridge
    11     Construc-
    12     tion...........                                      220,000
    13   (ii) State Bridges
    14     * * *
    15     (V5) Fort Pitt
    16     Bridge over
    17     Monongahela
    18     River, City
    19     of Pittsburgh,
    20     Bridge
    21     Rehabilita-
    22     tion...........  15,000,000    200,000  1,000,000 16,200,000
    23  (3) Armstrong County
    24   * * *
    25   (ii) State Bridges
    26     * * *
    27     (OO) S.R.0422,
    28     Graff Bridge
    29     over Branch,
    30     Allegheny River,
    19890H0756B0847                  - 4 -

     1     East Franklin Twp.,
     2     Bridge Rehabilita-
     3     tion...........     300,000                30,000    330,000
     4  (4) Beaver County
     5   * * *
     6   (ii) State Bridges
     7     * * *
     8     (BBB) Beaver
     9     Valley Express-
    10     way(NB) over
    11     Brady's Run
    12     Rd., Brighton
    13     Twp., Bridge
    14     Rehabilita-
    15     tion...........     500,000      5,000     30,000    535,000
    16  (5) Bedford County
    17   (i) Local Bridges
    18     * * *
    19     (T) East Providence
    20     Twp., T.R.412,
    21     Bridge over
    22     Brush Creek,
    23     Bridge Rehabilita-
    24     tion...........     830,000      6,000     83,000    919,000
    25     (U) Kimmel Twp.,
    26     T.R.701,
    27     Bridge over Beaver
    28     Dam Creek,
    29     Bridge Construct-
    30     tion...........      16,000                 4,000     20,000
    19890H0756B0847                  - 5 -

     1     (V) East St. Clair
     2     Twp., T.R.578,
     3     Bridge over
     4     Dunning Creek,
     5     Bridge
     6     Repair.........     200,000                25,000    225,000
     7   (ii) State Bridges
     8     * * *
     9     (RR) L.R.05097,
    10     Heirline Bridge
    11     over Juniata
    12     River,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     850,000    100,000    100,000  1,050,000
    15  (6) Berks County
    16   (i) Local Bridges
    17     * * *
    18     (ZZ) Bern Twp.,
    19     Sillman Rd. Bridge
    20     over Conrail,
    21     Bridge Replace-
    22     ment...........     150,000     25,000     35,000    210,000
    23     (AAA) Spring Twp.,
    24     T-381, Montello Rd.,
    25     Bridge over
    26     Cacoosing Creek,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........     100,000     20,000     12,000    132,000
    29   (ii) State Bridges
    30     * * *
    19890H0756B0847                  - 6 -

     1     (PPP) S.R.3422,
     2     U.S.422 Business,
     3     S.R.3422 Bridge
     4     over Schuylkill
     5     River, City of
     6     Reading, Bridge
     7     Rehabilita-
     8     tion...........   2,500,000               250,000  2,750,000
     9     (QQQ) S.R.0082,
    10     Pa.82 Bridge
    11     over Schuylkill
    12     River, Exeter
    13     Twp. and
    14     Borough of
    15     Birdsboro, Bridge
    16     Rehabilita-
    17     tion...........     360,000                50,000    410,000
    18  (7) Blair County
    19   * * *
    20   (ii) State Bridges
    21     * * *
    22     (GG) Bridge
    23     over Kittaning Run,
    24     Horseshoe Curve
    25     Bridge,
    26     Bridge Reloca-
    27     tion...........   1,530,000    170,000             1,700,000
    28     (HH) S.R.4008,
    29     Bridge over
    30     Kittanning Run
    19890H0756B0847                  - 7 -

     1     at Horseshoe Curve
     2     Historic Landmark,
     3     West of Altoona,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........   1,500,000    100,000    100,000  1,700,000
     6  (8) Bradford County
     7   (i) Local Bridges
     8     * * *
     9     (XX) Burlington Twp.,
    10     Deer Lick Run
    11     Bridge over
    12     Browns Creek,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     570,000     10,000     80,000    660,000
    15     (YY) Canton Boro.,
    16     North Minnequa and
    17     Carson St. Bridge
    18     over Mill Creek,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     191,000     15,000     31,000    237,000
    21     (ZZ) Monroe Twp.,
    22     Towanda Creek
    23     Bridge, South 
    24     Branch Towanda
    25     Creek,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     375,000     25,000     55,000    455,000
    28   (ii) State Bridges
    29     * * *
    30     (TTT) S.R.3008,
    19890H0756B0847                  - 8 -

     1     South Ave.
     2     Bridge over
     3     Mill Creek,
     4     Canton Boro.,
     5     Bridge Rehabilita-
     6     tion...........      82,000      5,000     15,000    102,000
     7     (UUU) S.R.4001,
     8     Browns Creek
     9     Bridge over 
    10     Browns Creek,
    11     Smithfield Twp.,
    12     Bridge Rehabilita-
    13     tion...........     140,000      9,000     26,000    175,000
    14     (VVV) S.R.0706,
    15     Kinney Creek
    16     Bridge over
    17     Kinney Creek,
    18     Stevens Twp.,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     389,000     24,000     73,000    486,000
    21     (WWW) S.R.4018,
    22     Murray Creek
    23     Bridge over
    24     Murray Creek,
    25     Village of
    26     Greens Landing,
    27     Bridge Rehabilita-
    28     tion...........     187,000     11,000     35,000    233,000
    29     (XXX) S.R.1038,
    30     Chaffee Run
    19890H0756B0847                  - 9 -

     1     Bridge over
     2     Chaffee Run,
     3     Warren Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     184,000     11,000     35,000    230,000
     6  (9) Bucks County
     7   (i) Local Bridges
     8     * * *
     9     (AAA) Haycock Twp.,
    10     Old Bethlehem Rd.
    11     Bridge over
    12     Kimples Creek,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     300,000     75,000     50,000    425,000
    15     (BBB) T-410,
    16     Tollgate Rd.
    17     Bridge, Plum-
    18     stead Twp., over
    19     Gaddis Run
    20     Bridge Replace-
    21     ment...........     600,000     50,000    125,000    775,000
    22   (ii) State Bridges
    23     * * *
    24     (TT) S.R.2103,
    25     Pineville Rd.
    26     Bridge over
    27     Pidcock Creek,
    28     Buckingham Twp.,
    29     Bridge Replace-
    30     ment...........     350,000     50,000     50,000    450,000
    19890H0756B0847                 - 10 -

     1     (UU) S.R.3003,
     2     Lower State
     3     Rd. Bridge over
     4     Branch of Mill
     5     Creek,
     6     Bridge Replace-
     7     ment...........     250,000     30,000     30,000    310,000
     8     (VV) S.R.4069,
     9     Lehnenberg Rd.
    10     Bridge over Trib.
    11     Delaware River,
    12     Durham Twp.,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     300,000     30,000     45,000    375,000
    15     (WW) S.R.4019,
    16     Old Bethlehem
    17     Pike Bridge
    18     over Morris Run,
    19     Hilltown Twp.,
    20     Bridge Replace-
    21     ment...........     300,000     30,000     30,000    360,000
    22     (XX) S.R.2030,
    23     Edgewood Rd.
    24     Bridge over
    25     Brock Creek,
    26     Lower Makefield
    27     Twp., Bridge
    28     Replace-
    29     ment...........     300,000     30,000     30,000    360,000
    30     (YY) S.R.0413,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 11 -

     1     Bridgetown Pike
     2     Bridge over
     3     Core Creek,
     4     Middletown Twp.,
     5     Bridge Replace-
     6     ment...........     550,000     50,000     50,000    650,000
     7     (ZZ) S.R.4027,
     8     Allentown Rd.
     9     Bridge over
    10     Licking Creek,
    11     Milford Twp.,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........     400,000     50,000     50,000    500,000
    14     (AAA) S.R.1006,
    15     Railroad Ave.
    16     Bridge over
    17     Walters Run,
    18     New Britain Twp.,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     350,000     35,000     35,000    420,000
    21     (BBB) S.R.0032,
    22     River Rd.
    23     Bridge over
    24     Paunncussing Creek,
    25     Solebury Twp.,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     450,000     50,000     50,000    550,000
    28     (CCC) S.R.1009,
    29     Red Hill Rd.
    30     Bridge over
    19890H0756B0847                 - 12 -

     1     Branch of Tinicum
     2     Creek,
     3     Tinicum Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     250,000     50,000     25,000    325,000
     6     (DDD) S.R.1009,
     7     Stover Park
     8     Road Bridge over
     9     Tohickon Creek,
    10     Plumstead and
    11     Tinicum Twp.,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........   1,000,000    100,000    200,000  1,300,000
    14     (EEE) S.R.2089,
    15     L.R.09046,
    16     Almshouse Road
    17     Bridge over
    18     Neshaminy Creek,
    19     Doylestown Twp.,
    20     Bridge Rehabilita-
    21     tion...........     440,000     10,000     50,000    500,000
    22     (FFF) S.R.2029,
    23     Oxford Valley Rd.
    24     Bridge at U.S.1
    25     Interchange,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........   2,250,000               250,000  2,500,000
    28     (GGG) S.R.4027,
    29     L.R.924, Allen-
    30     town Rd. Bridge
    19890H0756B0847                 - 13 -

     1     over Lucking Creek,
     2     Milford Twp.,
     3     Bridge Replace-
     4     ment...........     710,000     10,000     80,000    800,000
     5  (10) Butler County
     6   (i) Local Bridges
     7     * * *
     8     (SSS) Adams Twp.,
     9     Wolf Run
    10     Bridge over
    11     Wolf Run,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........     484,000     10,000     40,000    534,000
    14     (TTT) Jackson Twp.,
    15     T-335, Harmony
    16     Bridge over
    17     Connoquenessing
    18     Creek, Bridge
    19     Replace-
    20     ment...........   1,090,000     20,000     90,000  1,200,000
    21   (ii) State Bridges
    22     * * *
    23     (OO) S.R.1010,
    24     South Bear
    25     Creek Bridge
    26     No.2 over South
    27     Bear Creek,
    28     Fairview Twp.,
    29     Bridge Replace-
    30     ment...........     464,000     10,000     50,000    524,000
    19890H0756B0847                 - 14 -

     1  (11) Cambria County
     2   (i) Local Bridges
     3     * * *
     4     (TT) Patton Boro.,
     5     Magee Ave.
     6     Bridge over
     7     Chest Creek,
     8     Bridge Replace-
     9     ment...........     285,000     10,000     28,000    323,000
    10     (UU) Washington
    11     Twp., Washington
    12     Bridge over
    13     Little Conemaugh
    14     Creek, Bridge
    15     Replace-
    16     ment...........     200,000      5,000     35,000    240,000
    17     (VV) Lorain
    18     Boro., Valley
    19     St. Bridge
    20     over Sams Run,
    21     Bridge Replace-
    22     ment...........     240,000     10,000     36,000    286,000
    23     (WW) Elder Twp.,
    24     T-565, Bridge over
    25     Brubaker Run,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     160,000     10,000     25,000    195,000
    28     (XX) Blacklick
    29     Twp., Iveston
    30     Bridge No.2 over
    19890H0756B0847                 - 15 -

     1     Blacklick Creek,
     2     Bridge Replace-
     3     ment...........     680,000     20,000    100,000    800,000
     4     (YY) Allegheny
     5     Twp., Bridge
     6     No.13 over
     7     Beaver Dam Rd.,
     8     Bridge Replace-
     9     ment...........     320,000     10,000     50,000    380,000
    10     (ZZ) Washington
    11     Twp., Carney's
    12     Bridge No.17
    13     over Little
    14     Conemaugh River,
    15     Bridge Replace-
    16     ment...........     240,000     10,000     36,000    286,000
    17     (AAA) Portage Twp.,
    18     Jamestown Bridge
    19     No.19 over Little
    20     Conemaugh River,
    21     Bridge Replace-
    22     ment...........     600,000     20,000     90,000    710,000
    23     (BBB) Barnesboro
    24     Boro., 9th St.
    25     Bridge over
    26     Walnut Run,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........     200,000     10,000     30,000    240,000
    29     (CCC) Barnesboro
    30     Boro., 11th St.
    19890H0756B0847                 - 16 -

     1     Bridge over
     2     Walnut Run,
     3     Bridge Replace-
     4     ment...........     200,000     10,000     30,000    240,000
     5     (DDD) Barnesboro
     6     Boro., 13th St.
     7     Bridge over
     8     West Branch
     9     Susquehanna River,
    10     Bridge Replace-
    11     ment...........     760,000     20,000    115,000    895,000
    12     (EEE) Barnesboro
    13     Boro., 22nd St.
    14     Bridge over
    15     West Branch
    16     Susquehanna River,
    17     Bridge Replace-
    18     ment...........     360,000     10,000     55,000    425,000
    19     (FFF) Barr Twp.,
    20     T-520, Bridge
    21     No.1 over
    22     West Branch
    23     Susquehanna River,
    24     Bridge Replace-
    25     ment...........     240,000     10,000     36,000    286,000
    26     (GGG) Barr Twp.,
    27     T-533, Bridge
    28     No.2 over
    29     West Branch
    30     Susquehanna River,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 17 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........     240,000     10,000     36,000    286,000
     3     (HHH) Barr Twp.,
     4     T-549, Bridge
     5     No.7 over
     6     Moss Creek,
     7     Bridge Replace-
     8     ment...........     240,000     10,000     36,000    286,000
     9     (III) Gallitzin Twp.,
    10     Amsbry Bridge
    11     No.14 over
    12     Clearfield Creek,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     320,000     10,000     50,000    380,000
    15     (JJJ) Washington Twp.,
    16     Bridge No.18
    17     over Little
    18     Conemaugh Creek,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     240,000     10,000     36,000    286,000
    21     (KKK) Geistown Boro.,
    22     Walters Ave.
    23     Bridge over
    24     Falls Run,
    25     Bridge Replace-
    26     ment...........     280,000     10,000     40,000    330,000
    27     (LLL) Geistown
    28     Boro., Demuth St.
    29     Bridge over
    30     Sams Run,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 18 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........     240,000     10,000     36,000    286,000
     3     (MMM) City of
     4     Johnstown,
     5     Haynes St.
     6     Bridge over
     7     Stonycreek River,
     8     Bridge Replace-
     9     ment...........   1,920,000     80,000    225,000  2,225,000
    10     (NNN) City of
    11     Johnstown,
    12     Hickory St.
    13     Bridge over
    14     Stonycreek River,
    15     Bridge Replace-
    16     ment...........   1,920,000     50,000    290,000  2,260,000
    17     (OOO) City of
    18     Johnstown,
    19     Widman St.
    20     Bridge over
    21     Soloman Run,
    22     Bridge Replace-
    23     ment...........     320,000     10,000     50,000    380,000
    24     (PPP) Scalp Level
    25     Boro., Bridge
    26     No.1 over Little
    27     Paint Creek,
    28     Bridge Replace-
    29     ment...........     400,000     10,000     60,000    470,000
    30     (QQQ) Scalp Level
    19890H0756B0847                 - 19 -

     1     Boro., Bridge
     2     No.2 over Little
     3     Paint Creek,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     520,000     20,000     80,000    620,000
     6   (ii) State Bridges
     7     * * *
     8     (FF) S.R.4001,
     9     Dutch Run
    10     Bridge over
    11     Dutch Run,
    12     Barr Twp.,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     345,000     20,000     45,000    410,000
    15  * * *
    16  (14) Centre County
    17   * * *
    18   (ii) State Bridges
    19     * * *
    20     (KK) S.R.1003,
    21     Curtin Village
    22     Bridge over Bald
    23     Creek, Boggs Twp.,
    24     Bridge Rehabilita-
    25     tion...........   1,305,000     20,000     85,000  1,410,000
    26     (LL) S.R.0080,
    27     S.R.0080 Bridge over
    28     Black Moshannon Creek,
    29     Rush Twp.
    30     Bridge Rehabilita-
    19890H0756B0847                 - 20 -

     1     tion...........     330,000                30,000    360,000
     2  (15) Chester County
     3   (i) Local Bridges
     4     * * *
     5     (E5) Tredyffrin
     6     Twp., T.R.252
     7     at T.R.30,
     8     Amtrak Bridge
     9     over T.R.252,
    10     Bridge Replace-
    11     ment...........   9,000,000  1,500,000    900,000 11,400,000
    12   (ii) State Bridges
    13     * * *
    14     (FFFF) S.R.4018,
    15     Harmonyville
    16     Road Bridge over
    17     Pine Creek,
    18     Warwick Twp.,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     275,000     50,000     25,000    350,000
    21     (GGGG) S.R.4006,
    22     Washington/Lyndell
    23     Bridge over
    24     Culbertson Run,
    25     East Brandywine Twp.,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     275,000     30,000     35,000    340,000
    28     (HHHH) S.R.3077,
    29     Park Avenue
    30     Bridge over
    19890H0756B0847                 - 21 -

     1     Buck Run,
     2     East Fallowfield
     3     and Highland Twps.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     400,000     30,000     50,000    480,000
     6     (IIII) S.R.3016,
     7     Hopewell Rd.
     8     Bridge over
     9     Tweed Run,
    10     East Nottingham Twp.,
    11     Bridge Replace-
    12     ment...........     400,000     55,000     40,000    495,000
    13     (JJJJ) S.R.3003,
    14     Oxford Barren Rd.
    15     Bridge over Branch
    16     of Little Elk
    17     Creek, East
    18     Nottingham Twp.,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     250,000     30,000     30,000    310,000
    21     (KKKK) S.R.0841,
    22     New London
    23     Bridge over
    24     Big Elk Creek,
    25     Lewisville,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     700,000     30,000     70,000    800,000
    28     (LLLL) S.R.0010,
    29     Honeybrook Road
    30     Bridge over
    19890H0756B0847                 - 22 -

     1     East Branch
     2     Brandywine Creek,
     3     Honeybrook Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     300,000     30,000     30,000    360,000
     6     (MMMM) S.R.4008,
     7     Indian Run Drive
     8     Bridge over
     9     Indian Run
    10     Creek, Wallace
    11     Twp., Bridge
    12     Replace-
    13     ment...........     250,000     30,000     30,000    310,000
    14     (NNNN) S.R.2006,
    15     Westbourne Rd.
    16     Bridge No.1 over
    17     Goose Creek,
    18     Westtown Twp.,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     250,000     30,000     30,000    310,000
    21     (OOOO) S.R.2006,
    22     Westbourne Rd.,
    23     Bridge No.2 over
    24     Goose Creek,
    25     Westtown Twp.,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     300,000     30,000     30,000    360,000
    28  * * *
    29  (17) Clearfield County
    30   * * *
    19890H0756B0847                 - 23 -

     1   (ii) State Bridges
     2     * * *
     3     (EE) S.R.0053,
     4     Bridge over
     5     Clearfield
     6     Creek, Bigler
     7     Twp., Bridge
     8     Replace-
     9     ment...........  1,624,000      20,000    160,000  1,804,000
    10     (FF) S.R.0729,
    11     Anderson Creek
    12     Bridge over
    13     Anderson Creek
    14     Trib., Grampian
    15     Boro., Bridge
    16     Replace-
    17     ment...........     245,000     30,000     60,000    335,000
    18     (GG) S.R.0322,
    19     Laurel Run
    20     Bridge over
    21     Laurel Run,
    22     Philipsburg Boro.,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........     406,000     20,000     43,000    469,000
    25  (18) Clinton County
    26   (i) Local Bridges
    27     * * *
    28     (G) Beech Creek
    29     Twp., T.R.325,
    30     2-Lane Bridge
    19890H0756B0847                 - 24 -

     1     over Bald
     2     Eagle Creek,
     3     1.5 Miles
     4     South of
     5     L.R.219,
     6     Bridge Replace-
     7     ment...........     798,000               200,000    998,000
     8   (ii) State Bridges
     9     * * *
    10     (RR) S.R.0144,
    11     Stoney Run
    12     Bridge over
    13     Stoney Run,
    14     Noyes Twp.,
    15     Bridge Replace-
    16     ment...........     342,000     40,000     60,000    442,000
    17  (19) Columbia County
    18   * * *
    19   (ii) State Bridges
    20     * * *
    21     (GG) S.R.1019,
    22     Little Briar
    23     Creek Bridge
    24     over Little
    25     Briar Creek,
    26     Briar Creek
    27     Twp., Bridge
    28     Replace-
    29     ment...........     202,000     12,000     38,000    252,000
    30     (HH) S.R.0254,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 25 -

     1     Green Creek
     2     Bridge over
     3     Green Creek,
     4     Greenwood Twp.,
     5     Bridge Replace-
     6     ment...........     488,000     30,000     92,000    610,000
     7     (II) S.R.0042,
     8     Pa.42, Bridge
     9     over I-80
    10     at Buckhorn
    11     Interchange,
    12     Hemlock Twp.,
    13     Bridge Rehabilita-
    14     tion...........   3,200,000    200,000    600,000  4,000,000
    15     (JJ) S.R.0093,
    16     Briar Creek
    17     Bridge over
    18     Trib. to Briar
    19     Creek, North
    20     Centre Twp.,
    21     Bridge Rehabilita-
    22     tion...........      65,000      4,000     12,000     81,000
    23     (KK) S.R.2028,
    24     Mifflinville
    25     Bridge over
    26     Susquehanna River,
    27     South Centre and
    28     Mifflin Twps.,
    29     Bridge Replace-
    30     ment...........   8,750,000    500,000  1,000,000 10,250,000
    19890H0756B0847                 - 26 -

     1  (20) Crawford County
     2   * * *
     3   (ii) State Bridges
     4     * * *
     5     (ZZZ) S.R.1007,
     6     Little Cooley
     7     Bridge over
     8     Muddy Creek,
     9     Athens Twp.,
    10     Bridge Replace-
    11     ment...........     420,000     15,000     35,000    470,000
    12     (AAAA) S.R.1025,
    13     Grant Street
    14     Bridge over
    15     French Creek,
    16     Cambridge Springs
    17     Boro., Bridge
    18     Rehabilita-
    19     tion...........     966,000     50,000    100,000  1,116,000
    20     (BBBB) S.R.1002,
    21     Woodcock Rd.
    22     Bridge over
    23     French Creek,
    24     Venango Boro.,
    25     Bridge Replace-
    26     ment...........   1,369,000     20,000    110,000  1,499,000
    27     (CCCC) S.R.2029,
    28     Austin Road,
    29     Hydetown Bridge
    30     over Oil Creek,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 27 -

     1     Hydetown Boro.,
     2     Bridge Replace-
     3     ment...........     420,000     30,000     50,000    500,000
     4  (21) Cumberland County
     5   (i) Local Bridges
     6     * * *
     7     (O) East
     8     Pennsboro Twp.,
     9     Creekside Dr.
    10     Bridge over
    11     Trib. of
    12     Conodoguinet
    13     Creek,
    14     Bridge Replace-
    15     ment...........     284,000     10,000     60,000    354,000
    16   (ii) State Bridges
    17     * * *
    18     (Q) S.R.4010,
    19     Conrail Bridge
    20     over Mount
    21     Rock Rd.,
    22     West Pennsboro
    23     Twp., Bridge
    24     Removal........     135,000     22,000     60,000    217,000
    25  (22) Dauphin County
    26   (i) Local Bridges
    27     * * *
    28     (II) Middletown and
    29     Royalton Boros.,
    30     Grubb St.
    19890H0756B0847                 - 28 -

     1     Bridge No.14
     2     over Swatara
     3     Creek, Bridge
     4     Replace-
     5     ment...........   1,646,000     60,000    240,000  1,946,000
     6     (JJ) Paxtang Boro.
     7     and Swatara Twp.,
     8     Park Drive
     9     Underpass
    10     under Conrail,
    11     Bridge Replace-
    12     ment...........   1,750,000     50,000    200,000  2,000,000
    13   (ii) State Bridges
    14     * * *
    15     (Z) S.R.0083,
    16     Interstate 83
    17     Bridge over
    18     Parkway Dr. &
    19     Spring Creek,
    20     Swatara Twp.,
    21     Bridge Rehabilita-
    22     tion...........   1,380,000     10,000    207,000  1,597,000
    23     (AA) S.R.0083,
    24     South Bridge
    25     over Susquehanna
    26     River, City of
    27     Harrisburg,
    28     Bridge
    29     Rehabilita-
    30     tion...........     300,000      5,000     50,000    355,000
    19890H0756B0847                 - 29 -

     1     (BB) S.R.0011,
     2     Juniata River
     3     Bridge over
     4     Juniata River,
     5     Reed Twp.,
     6     Bridge
     7     Rehabilita-
     8     tion...........     300,000      5,000     50,000    355,000
     9     (CC) S.R.0081,
    10     George Wade
    11     Bridge over
    12     Susquehanna
    13     River, Susquehanna
    14     Twp., Bridge
    15     Rehabilita-
    16     tion...........     300,000      5,000     50,000    355,000
    17     (DD) S.R.3016,
    18     Harvey Taylor
    19     Bridge over
    20     Susquehanna River,
    21     City of
    22     Harrisburg,
    23     Bridge Rehabilita-
    24     tion...........     300,000      5,000     50,000    355,000
    25  (23) Delaware County
    26   * * *
    27   (ii) State Bridges
    28     * * *
    29     (TT) S.R.1002,
    30     Manoa Rd.
    19890H0756B0847                 - 30 -

     1     Bridge over
     2     Cobbs Creek,
     3     Haverford Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     400,000     40,000     40,000    480,000
     6     (UU) S.R.3012,
     7     Meetinghouse
     8     Rd. Bridge over
     9     Marcus Hook
    10     Creek, Upper
    11     Chichester Twp.,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........     300,000     30,000     30,000    360,000
    14  (24) Elk County
    15   (i) Local Bridges
    16     * * *
    17     (V) Fox Twp.,
    18     T-340, Bridge
    19     over Little
    20     Toby Creek,
    21     IP24-T340-7200ST32,
    22     Bridge Replace-
    23     ment...........     110,000                17,000    127,000
    24   * * *
    25  (25) Erie County
    26   * * *
    27   (ii) State Bridges
    28     * * *
    29     (YYY) S.R.0832,
    30     Peninsula Dr.
    19890H0756B0847                 - 31 -

     1     Bridge over
     2     N&W Railroad
     3     and Conrail,
     4     Millcreek Twp.,
     5     Bridge Rehabilita-
     6     tion...........   5,240,000    400,000    140,000  5,780,000
     7  (26) Fayette County
     8   (i) Local Bridges
     9     * * *
    10     (GG) Menallen Twp.,
    11     T-502, Redstone
    12     Creek Bridge
    13     over Redstone
    14     Creek,
    15     Bridge Replace-
    16     ment...........     400,000     10,000     40,000    450,000
    17     (HH) City of
    18     Uniontown,
    19     Dunbar St.
    20     Bridge No.4
    21     over Redstone
    22     Creek,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........      55,000      5,000      7,000     67,000
    25   (ii) State Bridges
    26     * * *
    27     (II) S.R.1037,
    28     Whites Run
    29     Bridge over
    30     Whites Run Creek,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 32 -

     1     Bullskin Twp.,
     2     Bridge Replace-
     3     ment...........     155,000     15,000     16,000    186,000
     4     (JJ) S.R.0281,
     5     Tub Run
     6     Bridge over
     7     Tub Run,
     8     Henry Clay Twp.,
     9     Bridge Replace-
    10     ment...........     165,000      5,000     17,000    187,000
    11     (KK) S.R.1002,
    12     Laurel Run
    13     Bridge over
    14     Laurel Run,
    15     Lower Tyrone Twp.,
    16     Bridge Replace-
    17     ment...........     108,000      5,000     11,000    124,000
    18     (LL) S.R.2021,
    19     Shutes Run
    20     Bridge over
    21     Shutes Run,
    22     North Union Twp.,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........     140,000      5,000     14,000    159,000
    25     (MM) S.R.2005,
    26     Little Sandy
    27     Creek Bridge No.1
    28     over Little
    29     Sandy Creek,
    30     Wharton Twp.,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 33 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........     141,000     11,000     14,000    166,000
     3     (NN) S.R.2005,
     4     Little Sandy
     5     Creek Bridge No.2
     6     over Little
     7     Sandy Creek,
     8     Wharton Twp.,
     9     Bridge Replace-
    10     ment...........     294,000     15,000     29,000    338,000
    11  * * *
    12  (28) Franklin County
    13   (i) Local Bridges
    14     * * *
    15     (K) St. Thomas Twp.,
    16     T-467, Racetrack
    17     Rd. Bridge
    18     over Trib.
    19     Back Creek,
    20     Bridge Replace-
    21     ment...........     290,000     10,000     60,000    360,000
    22   * * *
    23  (30) Greene County
    24   * * *
    25   (ii) State Bridges
    26     * * *
    27     (XX) S.R.3001,
    28     Black Bridge
    29     over Black Creek,
    30     Aleppo Twp.,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 34 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........      91,000     11,000      9,000    111,000
     3     (YY) S.R.0021,
     4     T.R.21, Bridge
     5     over Clover Run,
     6     Center Twp.,
     7     Bridge Replace-
     8     ment...........      96,000     10,000     10,000    116,000
     9     (ZZ) S.R.2017,
    10     Willow Bridge
    11     over South Branch
    12     Cumberland Creek,
    13     Cumberland Twp.,
    14     Bridge Replace-
    15     ment...........     133,000     11,000     13,000    157,000
    16     (AAA) S.R.4013,
    17     Enslow Bridge
    18     over Enslow Fork
    19     of Wheeling Creek,
    20     Morris Twp.,
    21     Bridge Replace-
    22     ment...........      64,000     11,000      6,000     81,000
    23     (BBB) S.R.3022,
    24     Wright Bridge
    25     over Aleppo Run,
    26     Richhill Twp.,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........      75,000     11,000      8,000     94,000
    29     (CCC) S.R.0218,
    30     Sheppards Run
    19890H0756B0847                 - 35 -

     1     Bridge over
     2     Sheppards Run,
     3     Wayne Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........      81,000      5,000      8,000     94,000
     6     (DDD) S.R.0218,
     7     Roberts Run
     8     Bridge over
     9     Roberts Run,
    10     Wayne Twp.,
    11     Bridge Replace-
    12     ment...........     242,000      5,000     24,000    271,000
    13  (31) Huntingdon County
    14   * * *
    15   (ii) State Bridges
    16     * * *
    17     (WW) S.R.655,
    18     Bridge over
    19     Juniata River,
    20     Bridge Replace-
    21     ment...........   4,000,000    100,000    300,000  4,400,000
    22  (32) Indiana County
    23   * * *
    24   (ii) State Bridges
    25     * * *
    26     (W) S.R.1054,
    27     Hillman
    28     Railroad Bridge
    29     over Conrail,
    30     Banks Twp.,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 36 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........     728,000     10,000     50,000    788,000
     3  (33) Jefferson County
     4   (i) Local Bridges
     5     * * *
     6     (Z) Henderson Twp.,
     7     T-622, Anthony
     8     Bridge over East
     9     Branch of
    10     Mahoning Creek,
    11     Bridge Replace-
    12     ment...........     410,000     10,000     50,000    470,000
    13     (AA) Polk Twp.,
    14     T-554, Jones
    15     Bridge over
    16     North Fork Creek,
    17     Bridge Replace-
    18     ment...........     313,000      8,000     35,000    356,000
    19   (ii) State Bridges
    20     * * *
    21     (P) S.R.1019,
    22     Wolfe Run
    23     Bridge over
    24     Wolfe Run,
    25     Washington Twp.
    26     and Falls
    27     Creek Boro.,
    28     Bridge Replace-
    29     ment...........     400,000     50,000     50,000    500,000
    30  * * *
    19890H0756B0847                 - 37 -

     1  (34) Lackawanna County
     2   * * *
     3   (ii) State Bridges
     4     * * *
     5     (Y) 6th St. Bridge,
     6     Carbondale,
     7     Bridge Replace-
     8     ment...........                                    1,100,000
     9     (Z) L.R.35012
    10     at Station 64+37,
    11     Bridge Replace-
    12     ment...........                                      560,000
    13     (AA) L.R.322
    14     at Station 9+30,
    15     Bridge Replace-
    16     ment...........                                      370,000
    17     (BB) L.R.322
    18     at Station 20+00,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........                                      590,000
    21     (CC) L.R.322
    22     at Station 40+50,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........                                      370,000
    25     (DD) L.R.671
    26     at Station 22+88,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........                                    2,000,000
    29     (EE) L.R.365
    30     at Station 138+36,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 38 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........                                      400,000
     3     (FF) L.R.174
     4     at Station 3+76,
     5     Bridge Replace-
     6     ment...........                                      900,000
     7     (GG) L.R.671
     8     at Station 23+64,
     9     Bridge Replace-
    10     ment...........                                      300,000
    11  (35) Lancaster County
    12   (i) Local Bridges
    13     * * *
    14     (KKK) East Hempfield
    15     and Manheim Twps.,
    16     Shreiner Station
    17     Rd. Bridge
    18     over Little
    19     Conestoga Creek,
    20     Bridge Replace-
    21     ment...........     285,000      9,000     57,000    351,000
    22     (LLL) East Lampeter
    23     Twp., Millcross Rd.
    24     Bridge over
    25     Stauffer Run,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     210,000      9,000     57,000    276,000
    28     (MMM) Salisbury Twp.,
    29     Buchland Rd. 
    30     Bridge over
    19890H0756B0847                 - 39 -

     1     Pequea Creek,
     2     Bridge Replace-
     3     ment...........     218,000      9,000     57,000    284,000
     4     (NNN) Strasburg Twp.,
     5     T-479, Herr Rd.,
     6     Bridge over Trib.
     7     of Pequea Creek,
     8     Bridge Replace-
     9     ment...........      75,000     10,000     25,000    110,000
    10     (OOO) Strasburg Twp.,
    11     T-473, Little
    12     Beaver Rd., Bridge
    13     over Beaver Creek,
    14     Bridge Replace-
    15     ment...........      75,000     10,000     25,000    110,000
    16   (ii) State Bridges
    17     * * *
    18     (BBB) S.R.1017,
    19     Conestoga River
    20     Bridge over
    21     Conestoga Creek,
    22     Caernarvon Twp.,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........     407,000      8,000     61,000    476,000
    25     (CCC) S.R.3005,
    26     Peters Creek
    27     Bridges (2) over
    28     Peters Creek
    29     and Branch,
    30     Fulton Twp.,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 40 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........     307,000     10,000     57,000    374,000
     3     (DDD) T-496,
     4     Leacock Rd.,
     5     Bridge over
     6     Pequea Creek,
     7     Paradise and
     8     Leacock Twp.,
     9     Bridge Replace-
    10     ment...........     550,000     30,000     40,000    620,000
    11     (EEE) S.R.0372,
    12     Norman Wood Bridge
    13     over Susquehanna
    14     River, Martic Twp.,
    15     Bridge Rehabilita-
    16     tion...........     300,000      5,000     50,000    355,000
    17     (FFF) S.R.0030,
    18     Wright Ferry
    19     Bridge over
    20     Susquehanna River,
    21     West Hempfield Twp.,
    22     Bridge Rehabilita-
    23     tion...........     300,000      5,000     50,000    355,000
    24     (GGG) S.R.2029,
    25     L.R.36024,
    26     Construct Bridge
    27     over Pequea Creek,
    28     West Lampeter Twp.,
    29     Bridge Construc-
    30     tion...........   1,000,000                        1,000,000
    19890H0756B0847                 - 41 -

     1  * * *
     2  (37) Lebanon County
     3   * * *
     4   (ii) State Bridges
     5     * * *
     6     (L) S.R.4002,
     7     Center St.
     8     Bridge over
     9     Conrail,
    10     Cleona Boro.,
    11     Bridge Rehabilita-
    12     tion...........   1,195,000     25,000    225,000  1,445,000
    13  (38) Lehigh County
    14   * * *
    15   (ii) State Bridges
    16     * * *
    17     (QQ) S.R.3001,
    18     Swope Creek
    19     Bridge over
    20     Swope Creek,
    21     Alburtis Boro.,
    22     Bridge Replace-
    23     ment...........      67,000      5,000      8,000     80,000
    24  (39) Luzerne County
    25   (i) Local Bridges
    26     * * *
    27     (VV) Sugarloaf Twp.,
    28     T-338, Bridge over
    29     Little Nescopeck
    30     Creek, Bridge
    19890H0756B0847                 - 42 -

     1     Replace-
     2     ment...........     530,000      5,000     60,000    595,000
     3     (WW) Butler Twp.,
     4     T-364, Bridge over
     5     Nescopeck Creek, 
     6     Bridge Replace-
     7     ment...........     330,000      5,000     45,000    380,000
     8     (XX) Butler Twp.,
     9     County Rd. Bridge
    10     No.39 over
    11     Nescopeck Creek,
    12     Bridge Rehabilita-
    13     tion...........     340,000                35,000    375,000
    14     (YY) Butler Twp.,
    15     T-356, Bridge over
    16     Nescopeck Creek,
    17     Bridge Replace-
    18     ment...........     365,000      5,000     60,000    430,000
    19     (ZZ) Conyngham
    20     Twp., T-392,
    21     Bridge over
    22     Wapwallopen Creek,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........     396,000      5,000     50,000    451,000
    25     (AAA) Dorrance
    26     Twp., County
    27     Rd. Bridge No.30
    28     over Wapwallopen Creek,
    29     Bridge Rehabilita-
    30     tion...........     185,000                20,000    205,000
    19890H0756B0847                 - 43 -

     1     (BBB) Dorrance
     2     Twp., County
     3     Rd. Bridge No.29
     4     over Wapwallopen Creek,
     5     Bridge Rehabilita-
     6     tion...........     185,000                20,000    205,000
     7     (CCC) Exeter Twp.,
     8     County Rd. No.10
     9     Bridge over
    10     Sutton Creek,
    11     Bridge Rehabilita-
    12     tion...........     170,000                20,000    190,000
    13     (DDD) Exeter Twp.,
    14     County Rd. No.10
    15     Bridge over
    16     Sutton Creek,
    17     Bridge Rehabilita-
    18     tion...........     210,000                20,000    230,000
    19     (EEE) Fairmount
    20     Twp., T-654,
    21     Bridge over
    22     Kitchen Creek,
    23     Salem Twp.,
    24     Bridge Replace-
    25     ment...........     265,000      5,000     50,000    320,000
    26     (FFF) Hanover
    27     Twp., Division
    28     St. Bridge over
    29     Solomons Creek,
    30     Bridge Replace-
    19890H0756B0847                 - 44 -

     1     ment...........     520,000      5,000     40,000    565,000
     2     (GGG) Hanover
     3     Twp., West
     4     Liberty St.
     5     Bridge over
     6     Solomons Creek,
     7     Bridge Rehabilita-
     8     tion...........     300,000                30,000    330,000
     9     (HHH) Huntington
    10     Twp., T-432,
    11     Bridge over
    12     Huntington Creek,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     495,000      5,000     65,000    565,000
    15     (III) Huntington
    16     Twp., T-490,
    17     Bridge No.4 over
    18     Huntington Creek,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     610,000     10,000     30,000    650,000
    21     (JJJ) Huntington
    22     Twp., T-482,
    23     Bridge No.6 over
    24     Huntington Creek,
    25     Bridge Replace-
    26     ment...........     340,000     10,000     20,000    370,000
    27     (KKK) Huntington
    28     Twp., T-451,
    29     Bridge No.3 over
    30     Huntington Creek,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 45 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........     600,000     10,000     30,000    640,000
     3     (LLL) Huntington
     4     Twp., T-472,
     5     Bridge No.2 over
     6     Huntington Creek,
     7     Bridge Replace-
     8     ment...........     570,000     10,000     30,000    610,000
     9     (MMM) Huntington
    10     Twp., T-504,
    11     Bridge over
    12     Huntington Creek,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     290,000     10,000     20,000    320,000
    15     (NNN) Hanover Twp.,
    16     Dundee Bridge
    17     over Nescopeck Creek,
    18     Bridge Replace-
    19     ment...........     560,000     10,000     30,000    600,000
    20     (OOO) Kingston Twp.,
    21     Old Route 11 Bridge
    22     over Tobys Creek,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........     160,000      5,000     30,000    195,000
    25     (PPP) Kingston Twp.,
    26     T-733, Bridge
    27     over Tobys Creek,
    28     Bridge Replace-
    29     ment...........     495,000      5,000     65,000    565,000
    30     (QQQ) Lehman Twp.,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 46 -

     1     T-581, Bridge
     2     over Pikes Creek,
     3     Bridge Replace-
     4     ment...........     300,000     10,000     20,000    330,000
     5     (RRR) Lehman Twp.,
     6     County Rd. Bridge
     7     No.3 over
     8     Branch of
     9     Hunlock Creek,
    10     Bridge Replace-
    11     ment...........     470,000      5,000     50,000    525,000
    12     (SSS) New Columbus
    13     Boro., Pine Creek
    14     Bridge over
    15     Pine Creek,
    16     Bridge Replace-
    17     ment...........     480,000     10,000     20,000    510,000
    18     (TTT) New Columbus
    19     Boro., T-486,
    20     Bridge over
    21     Pine Creek,
    22     Bridge Replace-
    23     ment...........     140,000      5,000     35,000    180,000
    24     (UUU) Plymouth Twp.,
    25     T-435, Bridge over
    26     Harveys Creek,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........     320,000                25,000    345,000
    29     (VVV) Rice Twp.,
    30     County Rd. Bridge
    19890H0756B0847                 - 47 -

     1     No.23 over
     2     Wapwallopen Creek,
     3     Bridge Replace-
     4     ment...........     210,000      5,000     35,000    250,000
     5     (WWW) Salem Twp.,
     6     T-436, Bridge over
     7     Beech Haven Creek,
     8     Bridge Rehabilita-
     9     tion...........     100,000                15,000    115,000
    10     (XXX) Sugarloaf Twp.,
    11     T-336, Bridge over
    12     Nescopeck Creek,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     660,000      5,000     65,000    730,000
    15     (YYY) Sugarloaf Twp.,
    16     T-342, Bridge over
    17     Nescopeck Creek,
    18     Bridge Replace-
    19     ment...........     385,000      5,000     50,000    440,000
    20   (ii) State Bridges
    21     * * *
    22     (NNN) L.R.40012,
    23     Station 669+10,
    24     Bridge Replace-
    25     ment...........                                      450,000
    26     (OOO) L.R.4 Sp.,
    27     Station 20+11,
    28     Bridge Rehabilita-
    29     tion...........                                      600,000
    30     (PPP) L.R.4,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 48 -

     1     Station 1008+68,
     2     Bridge Replace-
     3     ment...........                                      960,000
     4     (QQQ) L.R.369,
     5     Station 96+05,
     6     Bridge Replace-
     7     ment...........                                      300,000
     8     (RRR) L.R.935,
     9     Station 425+52,
    10     Bridge Replace-
    11     ment...........                                      570,000
    12     (SSS) L.R.40012,
    13     Station 8+62,
    14     Bridge Replace-
    15     ment...........                                    1,000,000
    16     (TTT) S.R.0029,
    17     John S. Fine
    18     Bridge over
    19     Susquehanna River,
    20     Hanover Twp.,
    21     Bridge Rehabilita-
    22     tion...........     300,000                30,000    330,000
    23     (UUU) S.R.0029,
    24     Spur, Bridge over
    25     Susquehanna River,
    26     Hanover Twp.,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........     600,000     10,000     60,000    670,000
    29     (VVV) S.R.2045,
    30     L.R.40013,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 49 -

     1     Bridge over
     2     Wapwallopen Creek,
     3     Dorrance Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     300,000     10,000     30,000    340,000
     6     (WWW) S.R.0239,
     7     L.R.235,
     8     Bridge over
     9     Huntington Creek,
    10     Bridge Replace-
    11     ment...........   1,200,000     10,000    120,000  1,330,000
    12  (40) Lycoming County
    13   (i) Local Bridges
    14     * * *
    15     (CC) Cogan House
    16     Twp., T.R.790,
    17     Bridge over
    18     Larrys Creek,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     435,000     10,000     65,000    510,000
    21     (DD) Lycoming Twp.,
    22     T.R.375, Bridge
    23     over Beauty's Run,
    24     Bridge Replace-
    25     ment...........     300,000     15,000     50,000    365,000
    26   (ii) State Bridge
    27     * * *
    28     (FFF) S.R.4012,
    29     Blacks
    30     Creek Bridge
    19890H0756B0847                 - 50 -

     1     over Blacks
     2     Creek,
     3     Jackson Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     261,000     16,000     49,000    326,000
     6     (GGG) S.R.3028,
     7     Bridge over
     8     Conrail, Boro. of
     9     Jersey Shore,
    10     Bridge Replace-
    11     ment...........   1,175,000    306,000    220,000  1,701,000
    12     (HHH) S.R.3003,
    13     Pine Creek
    14     Bridge over
    15     Pine Creek,
    16     Porter Twp.,
    17     Bridge Replace-
    18     ment...........   1,560,000     97,000    292,000  1,949,000
    19  (41) McKean County
    20   (i) Local Bridges
    21     * * *
    22     (EE) Hamilton
    23     Twp., T-312,
    24     Overbrook Rd.
    25     Bridge, Bridge
    26     Construc-
    27     tion...........     220,000     30,000     10,000    260,000
    28     (FF) Hamilton Twp.,
    29     T-314, Water
    30     Street Bridge,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 51 -

     1     Bridge Construc-
     2     tion...........     220,000     30,000     10,000    260,000
     3     (GG) Hamilton Twp.,
     4     T-17, North Hillside
     5     St. Bridge,
     6     Bridge Construc-
     7     tion...........     220,000     30,000     10,000    260,000
     8   * * *
     9  (42) Mercer County
    10   * * *
    11   (ii) State Bridges
    12     * * *
    13     (BBB) S.R.2002,
    14     Bridge over
    15     Neshannock
    16     Creek,
    17     Springfield
    18     Twp., Bridge
    19     Replace-
    20     ment...........     900,000               300,000  1,200,000
    21  * * *
    22  (44) Monroe County
    23   * * *
    24   (ii) State Bridges
    25     * * *
    26     (X) S.R.4001,
    27     Long Pond
    28     Bridge over
    29     Tunkhannock Creek,
    30     Tunkhannock Twp.,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 52 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........     300,000     50,000     75,000    425,000
     3  (45) Montgomery County
     4   (i) Local Bridges
     5     * * *
     6     (N5) Towamencin
     7     Twp., Hedrick Rd.
     8     Bridge over
     9     Towamencin
    10     Creek, Bridge
    11     Replace-
    12     ment...........     283,000                          283,000
    13     (O5) Hatboro
    14     Boro., Monument
    15     Ave. Bridge
    16     over Trib. of
    17     Pennypack
    18     Creek, Bridge
    19     Replace-
    20     ment...........     217,000                          217,000
    21     (P5) Plymouth Twp.,
    22     Brook Rd. Bridge
    23     over Plymouth
    24     Creek, Bridge
    25     Replace-
    26     ment...........     208,000                          208,000
    27     (Q5) Norristown
    28     Boro., Hospital
    29     Rd. Bridge over
    30     SEPTA, Bridge
    19890H0756B0847                 - 53 -

     1     Replace-
     2     ment...........     100,000                          100,000
     3     (R5) East Norriton
     4     Twp. and Norristown
     5     Boro., Farm Rd.
     6     Bridge over
     7     SEPTA, Bridge
     8     Replace-
     9     ment...........     100,000                          100,000
    10     (S5) Norristown
    11     Boro., Stanbridge
    12     St. Bridge over
    13     SEPTA, Bridge
    14     Replace-
    15     ment...........     405,000                          405,000
    16     (T5) Upper
    17     Salford Twp.,
    18     Salford Station
    19     Rd. Bridge
    20     over Reading
    21     Railroad, Bridge
    22     Removal........     195,000                          195,000
    23     (U5) Lower
    24     Merion Twp.,
    25     Montgomery Ave.
    26     Bridge over
    27     SEPTA and
    28     Conrail, Bridge
    29     Replace-
    30     ment...........     360,000                          360,000
    19890H0756B0847                 - 54 -

     1     (V5) Lower
     2     Frederick Twp.,
     3     T-534, Bridge
     4     over Reading
     5     Railroad, Bridge
     6     Removal........     151,000                          151,000
     7     (W5) Upper Hanover
     8     Twp., Hendricks
     9     Rd. Bridge
    10     under Reading
    11     Railroad, Bridge
    12     Removal........     151,000                          151,000
    13     (X5) Pennsburg
    14     Boro., Pa.29,
    15     Main St. Bridge
    16     over abandoned
    17     Reading Railroad,
    18     Bridge
    19     Removal........     230,000                          230,000
    20     (Y5) Upper Marion Twp.,
    21     East Church Rd.,
    22     Bridge over SEPTA
    23     near Drew Ct. and
    24     Yerkes Rd.,
    25     Bridge Replace-
    26     ment...........   1,000,000               100,000  1,100,000
    27   (ii) State Bridges
    28     * * *
    29     (HHH) S.R.0063,
    30     Sumneytown
    19890H0756B0847                 - 55 -

     1     Pike Bridge
     2     over Branch of
     3     Skippack Creek,
     4     Lower Salford Twp.,
     5     Bridge Replace-
     6     ment...........     250,000     30,000     30,000    310,000
     7     (III) S.R.0663,
     8     Layfield Rd.
     9     Bridge over
    10     Minister Creek,
    11     New Hanover Twp.,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........     310,000     30,000     23,000    363,000
    14     (JJJ) S.R.4005,
    15     Mill Rd.
    16     Bridge over
    17     Skippack Creek,
    18     Skippack Twp.,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     650,000     20,000    100,000    770,000
    21     (KKK) S.R.0422,
    22     U.S.422 Bypass
    23     over Schuylkill
    24     River, Lower
    25     Pottsgrove Twp.,
    26     Bridge Rehabilita-
    27     tion...........     360,000                36,000    396,000
    28  * * *
    29  (47) Northampton County
    30   * * *
    19890H0756B0847                 - 56 -

     1   (ii) State Bridges
     2     * * *
     3     (FF) S.R.4006,
     4     S.R.4006 over West
     5     Branch of Monocacy
     6     Creek, Moore Twp.,
     7     Bridge Replace-
     8     ment...........     315,000     25,000     25,000    365,000
     9     (GG) S.R.3001,
    10     Philip J. Fahy
    11     Bridge over
    12     Lehigh River,
    13     City of Bethlehem,
    14     Bridge Rehabilita-
    15     tion...........     228,000                25,000    253,000
    16  (48) Northumberland County
    17   * * *
    18   (ii) State Bridges
    19     * * *
    20     (GG) S.R.0147,
    21     Boile Run
    22     Bridge over
    23     Boile Run, Lower
    24     Augusta Twp.,
    25     Bridge Replace-
    26     ment...........     308,000     19,000     58,000    385,000
    27  * * *
    28  (50) Philadelphia County
    29   * * *
    30   (ii) State Bridges
    19890H0756B0847                 - 57 -

     1     * * *
     2     (Y) S.R.0291,
     3     Bridge over
     4     Schuylkill River,
     5     City of
     6     Philadelphia,
     7     Bridge Rehabilita-
     8     tion...........     360,000                36,000    396,000
     9     (Z) S.R.0095,
    10     Bridge over
    11     Schuylkill River,
    12     City of
    13     Philadelphia,
    14     Bridge Rehabilita-
    15     tion...........     360,000                36,000    396,000
    16  (51) Pike County
    17   (i) Local Bridges
    18     * * *
    19     (E) Milford Boro.,
    20     Mott St. Bridge,
    21     Bridge Replace-
    22     ment...........   1,390,000     10,000    150,000  1,550,000
    23   (ii) State Bridges
    24     * * *
    25     (F) S.R.0434,
    26     L.R.220,
    27     Bridge over
    28     Delaware River,
    29     Shohola Twp.,
    30     Bridge Rehabilita-
    19890H0756B0847                 - 58 -

     1     tion...........   1,000,000               100,000  1,100,000
     2     (G) L.R.51013,
     3     Bridge over
     4     Delaware River,
     5     Shohola Twp.,
     6     Bridge Replace-
     7     ment...........   4,600,000     20,000    580,000  5,200,000
     8     (H) S.R.1017,
     9     L.R.549,
    10     Bridge over
    11     Mill Rift Creek,
    12     Westfall Twp.,
    13     Bridge Replace-
    14     ment...........     800,000     10,000     90,000    900,000
    15     (I) S.R.1017,
    16     L.R.549,
    17     Bridge over
    18     Driller's Brook,
    19     Westfall Twp.,
    20     Bridge Replace-
    21     ment...........     350,000     10,000     40,000    400,000
    22     (J) S.R.2007,
    23     L.R.51003,
    24     Bridge over
    25     Toms Creek,
    26     Lehman Twp.,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........     440,000     10,000     50,000    500,000
    29     (K) S.R.2006,
    30     L.R.51007,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 59 -

     1     Bridge over
     2     Dwarfkill Creek,
     3     Dingman Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     500,000     10,000     60,000    570,000
     6  (52) Potter County
     7   (i) Local Bridges
     8     * * *
     9     (Q) Keating Twp.,
    10     T-307, Bridge
    11     I.D.52-T307-ZZ00-000,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........      65,000                10,000     75,000
    14   * * *
    15  (53) Schuylkill County
    16   (i) Local Bridges
    17     * * *
    18     (JJ) Port Carbon
    19     Boro., Washington
    20     St. Bridge
    21     over Mill Creek,
    22     Bridge Construc-
    23     tion...........     244,000                82,000    326,000
    24     (KK) Upper Mahan-
    25     tango Twp.,
    26     T-379, Bridge
    27     over Pine Creek
    28     at Klingerstown,
    29     Bridge Construct-
    30     tion...........     386,000                54,000    440,000
    19890H0756B0847                 - 60 -

     1     (LL) Upper Mahan-
     2     tango Twp.,
     3     T-379, Bridge
     4     No.59 over
     5     Pine Creek,
     6     Bridge Replace-
     7     ment...........     200,000      5,000     20,000    225,000
     8   * * *
     9  (54) Snyder County
    10   * * *
    11   (ii) State Bridges
    12     * * *
    13     (O) S.R.4018,
    14     Brook Run
    15     Bridge over
    16     Brook Run, Center
    17     Twp., Bridge
    18     Rehabilita-
    19     tion...........      71,000      5,000     13,000     89,000
    20     (P) S.R.3007,
    21     Middle Creek
    22     Bridge over
    23     Middle Creek,
    24     Franklin Twp.,
    25     Bridge Replace-
    26     ment...........     762,000     48,000    143,000    953,000
    27  * * *
    28  (56) Sullivan County
    29   * * *
    30   (ii) State Bridges
    19890H0756B0847                 - 61 -

     1     * * *
     2     (R) S.R.0087,
     3     Pa.87,
     4     Bridge over
     5     Trib. of Little
     6     Loyalsock Creek,
     7     Cherry Twp.,
     8     Bridge Replace-
     9     ment...........     221,000     14,000     41,000    276,000
    10     (S) S.R.0087,
    11     Pa.87,
    12     Bridge over North
    13     Branch Mehoopany
    14     Creek, Colley Twp.,
    15     Bridge Replace-
    16     ment...........     212,000     13,000     40,000    265,000
    17     (T) S.R.0087,
    18     Little
    19     Loyalsock Bridge
    20     over Little
    21     Loyalsock Creek,
    22     Forks Twp.,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........     888,000     52,000    116,000  1,056,000
    25     (U) S.R.2002,
    26     Muncy Creek
    27     Bridge No.3 over
    28     Muncy Creek,
    29     Laporte Twp.,
    30     Bridge Replace-
    19890H0756B0847                 - 62 -

     1     ment...........     376,000     24,000     70,000    470,000
     2     (V) S.R.2002,
     3     Muncy Creek
     4     Bridge over
     5     Muncy Creek,
     6     Laporte Twp.,
     7     Bridge Replace-
     8     ment...........     390,000     24,000     73,000    487,000
     9  (57) Susquehanna County
    10   (i) Local Bridges
    11     * * *
    12     (T) Auburn Twp.,
    13     Bridge over
    14     Riley Creek,
    15     Bridge Replace-
    16     ment...........     201,000     10,000     25,000    236,000
    17     (U) Great Bend Twp.,
    18     T-842, Bridge over
    19     Salt Lick
    20     Creek, Bridge
    21     Replace-
    22     ment...........     342,000     10,000     43,000    395,000
    23     (V) Harmony Twp.,
    24     T-855, Bridge over
    25     Starrucca Creek,
    26     Bridge Rehabilita-
    27     tion...........     250,000    10,000      20,000    280,000
    28   (ii) State Bridges
    29     * * *
    30     (KK) S.R.1013,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 63 -

     1     L.R.57051, Bridge
     2     over D & H
     3     Railroad,
     4     Ararat Twp.,
     5     Bridge Replace-
     6     ment...........     920,000    10,000      90,000  1,020,000
     7     (LL) S.R.0011,
     8     L.R.10, Bridge
     9     over Susquehanna
    10     River, Great
    11     Bend Twp.,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........   6,290,000    10,000     700,000  7,000,000
    14     (MM) S.R.1029,
    15     L.R.57067, Bridge
    16     over Trowbridge
    17     Creek, Great
    18     Bend Twp.,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     480,000    10,000      50,000    540,000
    21     (NN) S.R.1037,
    22     L.R.57068, Bridge
    23     over DuBois
    24     Creek, Great
    25     Bend Twp.,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     350,000    10,000      40,000    400,000
    28     (OO) S.R.1025,
    29     L.R.57065, Bridge
    30     over Denton
    19890H0756B0847                 - 64 -

     1     Creek, Great
     2     Bend Twp.,
     3     Bridge Replace-
     4     ment...........     550,000    10,000      60,000    620,000
     5     (PP) S.R.1009,
     6     L.R.296, Bridge
     7     over Starrucca
     8     Creek, Harmony
     9     Twp., Bridge
    10     Replace-
    11     ment...........     350,000    10,000      40,000    400,000
    12     (QQ) S.R.1015,
    13     L.R.57059, Bridge
    14     over Cascade
    15     Creek, Harmony
    16     Twp., Bridge
    17     Replace-
    18     ment...........     500,000    10,000      50,000    560,000
    19     (RR) S.R.1007,
    20     L.R.57056, Bridge
    21     over Canewacta
    22     Creek, Harmony
    23     Twp., Bridge
    24     Replace-
    25     ment...........     330,000    10,000      30,000    370,000
    26     (SS) S.R.1004,
    27     L.R.371, Bridge
    28     over D & H
    29     Railroad, Thompson
    30     Boro., Bridge
    19890H0756B0847                 - 65 -

     1     Replace-
     2     ment...........   1,200,000    10,000     120,000  1,330,000
     3     (TT) S.R.0080,
     4     Susquehanna River
     5     Bridge over
     6     Susquehanna River,
     7     South Centre and
     8     Mifflin Twps.,
     9     Bridge Rehabilita-
    10     tion...........     360,000                36,000    396,000
    11  (58) Tioga County
    12   (i) Local Bridges
    13     * * *
    14     (II) Middlebury Twp.,
    15     Crooked Creek
    16     Bridge over
    17     Crooked Creek,
    18     Bridge Replace-
    19     ment...........     365,000     10,000     50,000    425,000
    20   (ii) State Bridges
    21     * * *
    22     (TTT) S.R.2016,
    23     Sand Creek
    24     Bridge over
    25     Sand Creek,
    26     Bloss Twp.,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........     195,000     12,000     37,000    244,000
    29     (UUU) S.R.4035,
    30     Catlin Hollow
    19890H0756B0847                 - 66 -

     1     Creek Bridge
     2     over Catlin
     3     Hollow Creek,
     4     Charleston Twp.,
     5     Bridge Replace-
     6     ment...........     273,000     17,000     51,000    341,000
     7     (VVV) S.R.0328,
     8     Hammond Creek
     9     Bridge over
    10     Hammond Creek,
    11     Jackson Twp.,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........     306,000     19,000     57,000    382,000
    14     (WWW) S.R.3022,
    15     Asaph Run
    16     Bridge over
    17     Asaph Run,
    18     Village of
    19     Asaph and
    20     Shippen Twp.,
    21     Bridge Replace-
    22     ment...........     397,000     25,000     75,000    497,000
    23  (59) Union County
    24   * * *
    25   (ii) State Bridges
    26     * * *
    27     (L) S.R.1002,
    28     Little Buffalo
    29     Creek Bridge
    30     over Little
    19890H0756B0847                 - 67 -

     1     Buffalo Creek,
     2     Kelly Twp.,
     3     Bridge Rehabilita-
     4     tion...........     333,000     21,000     62,000    416,000
     5  * * *
     6  (61) Warren County
     7   (i) Local Bridges
     8     * * *
     9     (M) Warren Boro.,
    10     Fifth Ave. Bridge,
    11     Bridge Replace-
    12     ment...........   1,900,000               215,000  2,115,000
    13     (N) Farmington
    14     Twp., T-504,
    15     Bridge over
    16     Krantone Creek,
    17     I.D.61-T504-ZZFARI,
    18     Bridge Replace-
    19     ment...........     129,000     13,000     26,000    168,000
    20     (O) Deerfield
    21     Twp., Grant St.
    22     Bridge over
    23     Tidioute Creek,
    24     I.D.61-GRNT-ZZ0000TI,
    25     Bridge Replace-
    26     ment...........     200,000                          200,000
    27     (P) Deerfield
    28     Twp., Herr St.
    29     Bridge over
    30     McGire Run,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 68 -

     1     I.D.61-IRST-ZZ0000T1,
     2     Bridge Replace-
     3     ment...........     130,000                          130,000
     4     (Q) Conewango Twp.,
     5     T-634, South
     6     State St.
     7     Bridge over
     8     Jackson Run,
     9     Bridge Construc-
    10     tion...........     170,000     10,000     35,000    215,000
    11   (ii) State Bridges
    12     * * *
    13     (GGG) S.R.0006,
    14     Page Hollow
    15     Bridge over Page
    16     Hollow Creek,
    17     Pittsfield Twp.,
    18     Bridge Replace-
    19     ment...........     276,000     15,000     30,000    321,000
    20     (HHH) U.S.6,
    21     S.R.0006,
    22     Deadmans Run
    23     Bridge over
    24     Deadmans Run,
    25     Freehold Twp.,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     201,000                20,000    221,000
    28  (62) Washington County
    29   (i) Local Bridges
    30     * * *
    19890H0756B0847                 - 69 -

     1     (HHH) Berthel Avenue
     2     Bridge over
     3     Catfish Creek,
     4     Canton Twp.,
     5     Bridge Replace-
     6     ment...........     115,000      5,000     12,000    132,000
     7   (ii) State Bridges
     8     * * *
     9     (E5) I-70, Belle
    10     Vernon Bridge
    11     over Monongahela
    12     River, Bridge
    13     Rehabilita-
    14     tion...........   8,750,000     15,000    200,000  8,965,000
    15     (F5) S.R.0221,
    16     Buffalo Creek
    17     Bridge over
    18     Buffalo Creek,
    19     Buffalo Twp.,
    20     Bridge Replace-
    21     ment...........      84,000     11,000      8,000    103,000
    22     (G5) S.R.4027,
    23     Studa Bridge
    24     over North Fork
    25     of Cross Creek,
    26     Cross Creek Twp.,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........      66,000     11,000      7,000     84,000
    29     (H5) S.R.0018,
    30     Chartiers Creek
    19890H0756B0847                 - 70 -

     1     Bridge over
     2     Chartiers Creek,
     3     Canton Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     452,000     10,000     45,000    507,000
     6     (I5) S.R.2030,
     7     Pigeon Creek
     8     Bridge No.2
     9     over Branch of
    10     Pigeon Creek,
    11     Fallowfield Twp.,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........      84,000     11,000      8,000    103,000
    14     (J5) S.R.0980,
    15     McDonald
    16     Bridge No.2
    17     over Robinson Run,
    18     McDonald Boro.,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     321,000     20,000     32,000    373,000
    21     (K5) S.R.1087,
    22     Mingo Bridge
    23     No.2 over
    24     Branch of Mingo
    25     Creek, Union Twp.,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........      68,000     11,000      7,000     86,000
    28  (63) Wayne County
    29   (i) Local Bridges
    30     * * *
    19890H0756B0847                 - 71 -

     1     (EE) Honesdale Boro.,
     2     Church St. Bridge,
     3     Bridge Construc-
     4     tion...........   1,300,000     50,000    150,000  1,500,000
     5     (FF) Buckingham
     6     Twp., T-603,
     7     Bridge No.5
     8     over Equi-
     9     nunk Creek,
    10     Bridge Replace-
    11     ment...........     500,000     10,000     50,000    560,000
    12     (GG) Damascus Twp.,
    13     T-677, Bridge
    14     No.10 over
    15     North Branch of
    16     Calkins Creek,
    17     Bridge Replace-
    18     ment...........     280,000     10,000     30,000    320,000
    19     (HH) Prompton
    20     Boro., Dump
    21     Rd. Bridge
    22     No.1 over Van
    23     Auken Creek,
    24     Bridge Replace-
    25     ment...........     350,000     10,000     30,000    390,000
    26     (II) Starrucca
    27     Boro., T-671,
    28     Bridge over
    29     Trib. of
    30     Starrucca Creek,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 72 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........     360,000     10,000     40,000    410,000
     3     (JJ) Starrucca
     4     Boro., T-714
     5     Bridge over
     6     Branch of
     7     Shadigee Creek,
     8     Bridge Replace-
     9     ment...........     300,000     10,000     30,000    340,000
    10   (ii) State Bridges
    11     * * *
    12     (UU) S.R.3031,
    13     L.R.63021,
    14     Bridge over
    15     Middle Creek,
    16     Cherry Ridge Twp.,
    17     Bridge Replace-
    18     ment...........     810,000     10,000     80,000    900,000
    19     (VV) S.R.3037,
    20     L.R.63068,
    21     Bridge over
    22     Middle Creek,
    23     Cherry Ridge Twp.,
    24     Bridge Replace-
    25     ment...........   1,500,000     10,000    150,000  1,660,000
    26     (WW) S.R.1020,
    27     L.R.63027,
    28     Bridge over
    29     Delaware River,
    30     Damascus Twp.,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 73 -

     1     Bridge Rehabilita-
     2     tion...........   2,200,000     20,000    220,000  2,440,000
     3     (XX) S.R.1031,
     4     L.R.63045,
     5     Bridge over
     6     Beaver Dam Creek,
     7     Damascus Twp.,
     8     Bridge Replace-
     9     ment...........     540,000     10,000     50,000    600,000
    10     (YY) S.R.1031,
    11     L.R.63045,
    12     Bridge over
    13     Beaver Dam Creek,
    14     Damascus Twp.,
    15     Bridge Replace-
    16     ment...........     670,000     10,000     70,000    750,000
    17     (ZZ) S.R.1027,
    18     L.R.63044,
    19     Bridge over
    20     North Branch of
    21     Calkins Creek,
    22     Damascus Twp.,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........     400,000     10,000     40,000    450,000
    25     (AAA) S.R.0191,
    26     L.R.173,
    27     Bridge over
    28     Little Equinunk Creek,
    29     Manchester Twp.,
    30     Bridge Replace-
    19890H0756B0847                 - 74 -

     1     ment...........     320,000     10,000     30,000    360,000
     2     (BBB) S.R.4007,
     3     L.R.63050,
     4     Bridge over
     5     Equinunk Creek,
     6     Manchester Twp.,
     7     Bridge Replace-
     8     ment...........     760,000     10,000     80,000    850,000
     9     (CCC) S.R.1018,
    10     L.R.966,
    11     Bridge over
    12     Price Creek,
    13     Manchester Twp.,
    14     Bridge Replace-
    15     ment...........     340,000     10,000     40,000    390,000
    16     (DDD) S.R.0371,
    17     L.R.945,
    18     Bridge over
    19     Dyberry Creek,
    20     Mt. Pleasant Twp.,
    21     Bridge Replace-
    22     ment...........     370,000     10,000     40,000    420,000
    23     (EEE) S.R.2004,
    24     L.R.63022,
    25     Bridge over
    26     Middle Creek,
    27     Palmyra Twp.,
    28     Bridge Replace-
    29     ment...........   2,100,000     20,000    210,000  2,330,000
    30     (FFF) S.R.3015,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 75 -

     1     L.R.63009,
     2     Bridge over
     3     Moc-A-Tek Outlet,
     4     Paupack Twp.,
     5     Bridge Replace-
     6     ment...........     310,000     10,000     30,000    350,000
     7     (GGG) S.R.2008,
     8     L.R.63140,
     9     Bridge over
    10     Carley Creek,
    11     Honesdale Boro.,
    12     Bridge Replace-
    13     ment...........     360,000     10,000     40,000    410,000
    14     (HHH) S.R.4012,
    15     L.R.296,
    16     Bridge over
    17     Shadigee Creek,
    18     Starrucca Boro.,
    19     Bridge Replace-
    20     ment...........     610,000     10,000     60,000    680,000
    21     (III) S.R.4014,
    22     L.R.63058,
    23     Bridge over
    24     Balls Creek,
    25     Scott Twp.,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     600,000     10,000     60,000    670,000
    28  (64) Westmoreland County
    29   * * *
    30   (ii) State Bridges
    19890H0756B0847                 - 76 -

     1     * * *
     2     (F5) S.R.0981,
     3     Wolford Run
     4     Bridge over
     5     Wolford Run,
     6     Bell Twp.,
     7     Bridge Replace-
     8     ment...........     154,000     10,000     30,000    194,000
     9     (G5) S.R.0217,
    10     Saxman Run
    11     Bridge over
    12     Saxman Run,
    13     Derry Twp.,
    14     Bridge Replace-
    15     ment...........     113,000      5,000     13,000    131,000
    16     (H5) S.R.1027,
    17     Stony Run
    18     Bridge over
    19     Stony Run,
    20     Derry Twp.,
    21     Bridge Replace-
    22     ment...........     155,000     10,000     16,000    181,000
    23     (I5) S.R.1043,
    24     Conrail Bridge
    25     No.1 over Conrail,
    26     Derry Twp.,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........     523,000     10,000     52,000    585,000
    29     (J5) S.R.3073,
    30     Ruffsdale Bridge
    19890H0756B0847                 - 77 -

     1     over Buffalo
     2     Run, East
     3     Huntington Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........      42,000     11,000      4,000     57,000
     6     (K5) S.R.0031,
     7     Tarrs Bridge
     8     over Branch of
     9     Buffalo Run, East
    10     Huntington Twp.,
    11     Bridge Replace-
    12     ment...........      94,000     15,000     10,000    119,000
    13     (L5) S.R.1006,
    14     Tub Mill Run
    15     Bridge over
    16     Tub Mill Run,
    17     Fairfield Twp.,
    18     Bridge Replace-
    19     ment...........     215,000      5,000     22,000    242,000
    20     (M5) S.R.1032,
    21     Crabtree Creek
    22     Bridge over
    23     Little Crab-
    24     tree Creek,
    25     Hempfield and
    26     Unity Twps.,
    27     Bridge Replace-
    28     ment...........      57,000     11,000      6,000     74,000
    29     (N5) S.R.1017,
    30     Hannas Run
    19890H0756B0847                 - 78 -

     1     Bridge over
     2     Hannas Run,
     3     Ligonier Twp.,
     4     Bridge Replace-
     5     ment...........     255,000     10,000     26,000    291,000
     6     (O5) S.R.2023,
     7     Welty Run
     8     Bridge over
     9     Welty Run,
    10     Mt. Pleasant Twp.,
    11     Bridge Replace-
    12     ment...........      79,000     11,000      8,000     98,000
    13     (P5) S.R.0056,
    14     7th St. Bridge
    15     over Little Pucketa
    16     Creek, City of
    17     New Kensington,
    18     Bridge Replace-
    19     ment...........     338,000     10,000     35,000    383,000
    20     (Q5) S.R.0070,
    21     Ferncliffe Dr.
    22     Bridge over
    23     Ferncliffe Dr.
    24     North Belle
    25     Vernon Boro.,
    26     Bridge Replace-
    27     ment...........     259,000      2,000     26,000    287,000
    28     (R5) S.R.4019,
    29     Bridge over
    30     Conrail, North
    19890H0756B0847                 - 79 -

     1     Huntington Twp.,
     2     Bridge Replace-
     3     ment...........     900,000     10,000     90,000  1,000,000
     4     (S5) S.R.0906,
     5     Abandoned Tramway
     6     Bridge over
     7     Abandoned Railroad,
     8     Rostraver Twp.,
     9     Bridge Replace-
    10     ment...........     150,000      5,000     15,000    170,000
    11     (T5) S.R.0070,
    12     Smithton Hi-Level
    13     Bridge over
    14     Youghiogheny River,
    15     South Huntington
    16     and Sewickley Twps.,
    17     Bridge Replace-
    18     ment...........   4,302,000     15,000    430,000  4,747,000
    19     (U5) S.R.0030,
    20     Rector Bridge
    21     over McGinnis Run,
    22     Ligonier Twp.,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........     300,000      5,000     35,000    340,000
    25  (65) Wyoming County
    26   * * *
    27   (ii) State Bridges
    28     * * *
    29     (AA) S.R.0087,
    30     Bridge near
    19890H0756B0847                 - 80 -

     1     Charmin over
     2     Bridge of
     3     Susquehanna River,
     4     Mehoopany Twp.,
     5     Bridge Rehabilita-
     6     tion...........     300,000                30,000    330,000
     7  (66) York County
     8   (i) Local Bridges
     9     * * *
    10     (CC) Penn Twp.,
    11     Pennsylvania
    12     Ave. Bridge
    13     over Trib. to
    14     Plum Creek,
    15     Bridge Replace-
    16     ment...........     130,000                10,000    140,000
    17     (DD) Penn Twp.,
    18     Center St. Bridge
    19     over Trib. to
    20     Oil Creek,
    21     Bridge Replace-
    22     ment...........     100,000                 8,000    108,000
    23   (ii) State Bridges
    24     * * *
    25     (GGG) S.R.116,
    26     York St.
    27     Bridge over
    28     Oil Creek,
    29     Penn Twp.,
    30     Bridge Replace-
    19890H0756B0847                 - 81 -

     1     ment...........     150,000                15,000    165,000
     2     (HHH) S.R.2020,
     3     Otter Creek
     4     Bridge over
     5     Otter Creek,
     6     Chanceford Twp.,
     7     Bridge Replace-
     8     ment...........     273,000     21,000     58,000    352,000
     9     (III) S.R.2042,
    10     Muddy Creek
    11     Bridge over
    12     North Branch
    13     Muddy Creek,
    14     Chanceford and East
    15     Hopewell Twps.,
    16     Bridge Replace-
    17     ment...........     329,000     10,000     57,000    396,000
    18     (JJJ) S.R.2030,
    19     Bald Eagle
    20     Creek Bridge
    21     over Bald Eagle
    22     Creek, Fawn Twp.,
    23     Bridge Replace-
    24     ment...........     332,000     10,000     60,000    402,000
    25     (KKK) S.R.3020,
    26     Codorus Creek
    27     Bridge over
    28     South Branch
    29     Codorus Creek,
    30     Springfield Twp.,
    19890H0756B0847                 - 82 -

     1     Bridge Replace-
     2     ment...........     251,000     21,000     57,000    329,000
     3     Section 3.  Sections 7 and 10 of the act, amended March 2,
     4  1988 (P.L.111, No.23), are amended to read:
     5  Section 7.  Debt authorization.
     6     The Governor, Auditor General and State Treasurer are hereby
     7  authorized and directed to borrow, from time to time, in
     8  addition to any authorization heretofore or hereafter enacted,
     9  on the credit of the Commonwealth, subject to the limitations
    10  provided in the current capital budget, money not exceeding in
    11  the aggregate the sum of [$1,631,852,000] $1,802,184,000 as may
    12  be found necessary to carry out the acquisition and construction
    13  of the highway projects, specifically itemized in section 3 of
    14  this capital budget.
    15  Section 10.  Appropriation.
    16     The net proceeds of the sale of the obligations herein
    17  authorized are hereby appropriated from the Capital Facilities
    18  Fund to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in the
    19  maximum amount of [$1,631,852,000] $1,802,184,000 to be used by
    20  it exclusively to defray the financial costs of the projects
    21  specifically itemized in section 3 of this capital budget. After
    22  reserving or paying the expenses of the sale of the obligation,
    23  the State Treasurer shall pay out to the Pennsylvania Department
    24  of Transportation the moneys as required and certified by it to
    25  be legally due and payable.
    26     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

    B27L72RZ/19890H0756B0847        - 83 -