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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 888



No. 767 Session of 2007

           WATSON, MARCH 19, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 24, 1963 (P.L.1175, No.497), entitled
     2     "An act to codify, amend, revise and consolidate the laws
     3     relating to mechanics' liens," further providing for
     4     definitions, for right to lien and amount, for waiver of lien
     5     by claimant, for contents of claim and for priority of lien.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The definition of "claimant" in section 201 of
     9  the act of August 24, 1963 (P.L.1175, No.497), known as the
    10  Mechanics' Lien Law of 1963, amended June 29, 2006 (P.L.210,
    11  No.52), is amended and the section is amended by adding a
    12  definition to read:
    13     Section 201.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
    14  phrases when used in this act shall have the meaning ascribed to
    15  them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates
    16  a different meaning:
    17     * * *
    18     (6)  "Claimant" means a contractor [or], subcontractor or

     1  surveyor who has filed or may file a claim under this act for a
     2  lien against property.
     3     * * *
     4     (15)  "Surveyor" means a professional land surveyor as
     5  defined under section 2(f) of the act of May 23, 1945 (P.L.913,
     6  No.367), known as the "Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist
     7  Registration Law."
     8     Section 2.  Section 301 of the act is amended to read:
     9     Section 301.  Right to Lien; Amount.--
    10     (a)  Contractors and Subcontractors. Every improvement and
    11  the estate or title of the owner in the property shall be
    12  subject to a lien, to be perfected as [herein] provided under
    13  this act, for the payment of all debts due by the owner to the
    14  contractor or by the contractor to any of his subcontractors for
    15  labor or materials furnished in the erection or construction, or
    16  the alteration or repair of the improvement, provided that the
    17  amount of the claim, other than amounts determined by
    18  apportionment under section 306(b) of this act, shall exceed
    19  five hundred dollars ($500).
    20     (b)  Surveyors.  Every estate or title of the owner in the
    21  property shall be subject to a lien, to be perfected as provided
    22  under this act, for the payment of all debts due by the owner to
    23  the surveyor for the services of the surveyor pertaining to the
    24  land, provided that the amount of the claim shall exceed five
    25  hundred dollars ($500).
    26     Section 3.  Section 401 of the act, amended June 29, 2006
    27  (P.L.210, No.52), is amended to read:
    28     Section 401.  Waiver of Lien by Claimant.--
    29     (a)  Residential Buildings.
    30     (1)  A contractor may waive his right to file a claim against
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     1  property for the erection, construction, alteration or repair of
     2  a residential building, in which the total contract price
     3  between the owner and the contractor is less than one million
     4  dollars ($1,000,000), by a written instrument signed by him or
     5  by any conduct which operates equitably to estop such contractor
     6  from filing a claim.
     7     (2)  (i)  A subcontractor may waive his right to file a claim
     8  against property for the erection, construction, alteration or
     9  repair of a residential building, in which the total contract
    10  price between the owner and the contractor is less than one
    11  million dollars ($1,000,000), by a written instrument signed by
    12  him or by any conduct which operates equitably to estop him from
    13  filing a claim.
    14     (ii)  A subcontractor may waive his right to file a claim
    15  against the property, irrespective of the contract price between
    16  the owner and the contractor, of a residential building by a
    17  written instrument signed by him or by any conduct which
    18  operates equitably to estop him from filing a claim, provided
    19  the contractor has posted a bond guaranteeing payment for labor
    20  and materials provided by subcontractors.
    21     (3)  A surveyor may waive his right to file a claim against
    22  property for the erection, construction, alteration or repair of
    23  a residential building by a written instrument signed by him or
    24  by any conduct which operates equitably to estop such surveyor
    25  from filing a claim.
    26     (b)  Nonresidential Buildings.
    27     (1)  Except as provided in subsection (a)(1), a waiver by a
    28  contractor of lien rights is against public policy, unlawful and
    29  void unless given in consideration for payment for the work,
    30  services, materials or equipment provided and only to the extent
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     1  that such payment is actually received.
     2     (2)  Except as provided in subsection (a)(2), a waiver by a
     3  subcontractor of lien rights is against public policy, unlawful
     4  and void, unless given in consideration for payment for the
     5  work, services, materials or equipment provided and only to the
     6  extent that such payment is actually received, or unless the
     7  contractor has posted a bond guaranteeing payment for labor and
     8  materials provided by subcontractors.
     9     (3)  Except as provided in subsection (a)(3), a waiver by a
    10  surveyor of lien rights is against public policy, unlawful and
    11  void unless given in consideration for payment for the work,
    12  services, materials or equipment provided and only to the extent
    13  that such payment is actually received.
    14     Section 4.  Section 503 of the act is amended to read:
    15     Section 503.  Contents of Claim.--The claim shall state:
    16     (1)  the name of the party claimant, and whether he files as
    17  contractor [or], subcontractor or surveyor;
    18     (2)  the name and address of the owner or reputed owner;
    19     (3)  the date of completion of the claimant's work;
    20     (4)  if filed by a subcontractor, the name of the person with
    21  whom he contracted, and the dates on which preliminary notice,
    22  if required, and of formal notice of intention to file a claim
    23  was given;
    24     (5)  if filed by a contractor or surveyor under a contract or
    25  contracts for an agreed sum, an identification of the contract
    26  and a general statement of the kind and character of the labor
    27  or materials furnished;
    28     (6)  in all other cases than that set forth in clause (5) of
    29  this section, a detailed statement of the kind and character of
    30  the labor or materials furnished, or both, and the prices
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     1  charged for each thereof;
     2     (7)  the amount or sum claimed to be due; and
     3     (8)  such description of the improvement and of the property
     4  claimed to be subject to the lien as may be reasonably necessary
     5  to identify them.
     6     Section 5.  Section 508 of the act, amended June 29, 2006
     7  (P.L.210, No.52), is amended to read:
     8     Section 508.  Priority of Lien.--The lien of a claim filed
     9  under this act shall take effect and have priority as follows:
    10     (a)  Except as set forth in subsection (c), in the case of
    11  the erection or construction of an improvement, as of the date
    12  of the visible commencement upon the ground of the work of
    13  erecting or constructing the improvement.
    14     (b)  (1)  Except as set forth in subsection (c), in the case
    15  of the alteration or repair of an improvement by a contractor or
    16  subcontractor, as of the date of the filing of the claim by a
    17  contractor or subcontractor.
    18     (2)  Except as set forth in subsection (c), in the case of
    19  the services of a surveyor, as of the date of the filing of the
    20  claim by the surveyor.
    21     (c)  Any lien obtained under this act by a contractor [or],
    22  subcontractor or surveyor shall be subordinate to the following:
    23     (1)  A purchase money mortgage as defined in 42 Pa.C.S. §
    24  8141(1) (relating to time from which liens have priority).
    25     (2)  An open-end mortgage as defined in 42 Pa.C.S. § 8143(f)
    26  (relating to open-end mortgages), the proceeds of which are used
    27  to pay all or part of the cost of completing erection,
    28  construction, alteration or repair of the mortgaged premises
    29  secured by the open-end mortgage.
    30     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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