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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4502



No. 829 Session of 2006


           JULY 1, 2006

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Designating the week of September 18 through 22, 2006, as
     2     "Pennsylvania Legislators Back to School Week" and
     3     encouraging members of the House of Representatives to
     4     participate in the event.

     5     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania was established as a representative
     6  democracy in which all governmental power is inherent in the
     7  people, who exercise that power through legislative, executive
     8  and judicial branches of government; and
     9     WHEREAS, In recent years citizen interest in government and
    10  knowledge of the political system has declined in part due to
    11  weakening belief in and understanding of the virtues and
    12  knowledge needed for a successful republican form of government;
    13  and
    14     WHEREAS, The Constitution of Pennsylvania declares that:
    15     The General Assembly shall provide for the maintenance and
    16     support of a thorough and efficient system of public
    17     education to serve the needs of the Commonwealth;
    18  and

     1     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania is comprised of more than 500 school
     2  districts, with more than 5,500 schools educating students from
     3  kindergarten through 12th grade; and
     4     WHEREAS, Education is a primary concern of the Commonwealth
     5  and the members of the House of Representatives, who are
     6  instrumental in assuring the quality of Pennsylvania schools;
     7  and
     8     WHEREAS, The National Conference of State Legislatures has
     9  noted that operations of state legislatures and the role of
    10  individual legislators are often little understood by citizens
    11  and that public understanding of the processes of government is
    12  critical to building trust and confidence; and
    13     WHEREAS, The National Conference of State Legislatures has
    14  decided to continue "America's Legislators Back to School Week"
    15  programs to promote civic engagement and build connections with
    16  students that will strengthen our democratic society; and
    17     WHEREAS, Civic education is vital to greater understanding of
    18  legislative institutions and the role of legislators in a
    19  representative democracy as well as interaction among
    20  legislators, students, teachers and school administrators; and
    21     WHEREAS, The House of Representatives supports civic
    22  education to promote legislative institutions and the role of
    23  legislators in a representative democracy; therefore be it
    24     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives designate the
    25  week of September 18 through 22, 2006, as "Pennsylvania
    26  Legislators Back to School Week"; and be it further
    27     RESOLVED, That its members be encouraged to participate in
    28  "Pennsylvania Legislators Back to School Week," September 18
    29  through 22, 2006, by visiting local school classrooms to engage
    30  in dialogue with students about the role of the Legislature
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     1  sharing ideas, listening to their concerns and providing a
     2  greater appreciation of the legislative process in helping to
     3  engage and inform our citizens.

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