1Recognizing May 6, 2014, as "World Asthma Day" in Pennsylvania.

2WHEREAS, "World Asthma Day" will take place on May 6, 2014;

4WHEREAS, "World Asthma Day" is organized by the Global
5Initiative for Asthma (GINA) in collaboration with the
6Pennsylvania Asthma Partnership to raise awareness about asthma
7and improve asthma care throughout the world; and

8WHEREAS, Each year GINA chooses a theme and organizes
9preparation and distribution of "World Asthma Day" materials and
10resources; and

11WHEREAS, "World Asthma Day" activities are organized in each
12country by health care professionals, educators and members of
13the public who want to help reduce the burden of asthma; and

1WHEREAS, The first "World Asthma Day" in 1998 was celebrated
2in more than 35 countries in conjunction with the first world
3asthma meeting held in Barcelona, Spain; and

4WHEREAS, Participation has increased with each "World Asthma
5Day" held since then, and the day has become one of the world's
6most important asthma awareness and education events; and

7WHEREAS, Many Americans are afflicted with asthma, a serious
8chronic lung disease, caused by continual airway inflammation
9punctuated by episodes or attacks of increased inflammation
10often in response to specific triggers; and

11WHEREAS, These attacks, characterized by difficulty in
12breathing, occasionally are extreme and constitute a medical
13emergency; and

14WHEREAS, Over the past two decades, the burden of asthma in
15the United States has greatly increased; and

16WHEREAS, More recent data about asthma-related
17hospitalizations and mortality appear to indicate that asthma
18prevalence has stabilized and improved levels of disease
19management have helped to mitigate asthma's effects; therefore
20be it

21RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize May 6,
222014, as "World Asthma Day" in Pennsylvania.