No. 866 Session of 1991

           MARCH 19, 1991


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 19, 1984 (P.L.1140, No.223),
     2     entitled "An act relating to the development of oil and gas
     3     and coal; imposing duties and powers on the Department of
     4     Environmental Resources; imposing notification requirements
     5     to protect landowners; and providing for definitions, for
     6     various requirements to regulate the drilling and operation
     7     of oil and gas wells, for gas storage reservoirs, for various
     8     reporting requirements, including certain requirements
     9     concerning the operation of coal mines, for well permits, for
    10     well registration, for distance requirements, for well casing
    11     requirements, for safety device requirements, for storage
    12     reservoir obligations, for well bonding requirements, for a
    13     Well Plugging Restricted Revenue Account to enforce oil and
    14     gas well plugging requirements, for the creation of an Oil
    15     and Gas Technical Advisory Board, for oil and gas well
    16     inspections, for enforcement and for penalties," further
    17     providing for definitions, well permits, well registration,
    18     inactive status, plugging requirements, well reporting
    19     requirements, bonding, the Oil and Gas Technical Advisory
    20     Board, public nuisances, civil penalties, determination of
    21     compliance, unlawful conduct, surcharges for new wells;
    22     exempting certain wells from bonding requirements; and
    23     further providing for local ordinances.

    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2     Section 1.  The definitions of "alteration" and "well
     3  operator" or "operator" in section 103 of the act of December
     4  19, 1984 (P.L.1140, No.223), known as the Oil and Gas Act,
     5  amended October 9, 1986 (P.L.1431, No.135), are amended and the
     6  section is amended by adding a definition to read:
     7  Section 103.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     * * *
    12     "Alteration."  Any operation which changes the physical
    13  characteristics of the well bore, including stimulation or
    14  removing, repairing or changing the casing: Provided, however,
    15  That, for the purpose of this act only, the term shall not
    16  include:
    17         (1)  repairing or replacing of casing [with casing of the
    18     same diameter and length in noncoal areas;
    19         (2)  repairing or replacing of production casing with
    20     casing of the same or smaller diameter and length: Provided,
    21     however, That] if the activity does not affect the depth or
    22     diameter of the well bore, provided that the use or purpose
    23     of the well does not change and provided that the activity
    24     complies with regulations promulgated hereunder. However,
    25     this exclusion shall not apply to production casings in coal
    26     areas when said production casings are also the coal
    27     protection casings and shall not apply when the method of
    28     repairing or replacing the casing would affect the coal
    29     protection casing;
    30         [(3)] (2)  nor shall it include stimulation [as a normal
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     1     initial completion procedure nor stimulation used to enhance
     2     additional oil or gas zones within the same well bore.] of a
     3     well.
     4     * * *
     5     "Orphan well."  Any well abandoned prior to the effective
     6  date of this act that has not been affected or operated by the
     7  present owner or operator, and which the present owner, operator
     8  or lessee has received no economic benefit, except only as a
     9  landowner or recipient of a royalty interest from the well.
    10     * * *
    11     "Well operator" or "operator."  The person designated as the
    12  well operator or operator on the permit application or well
    13  registration. Where a permit or registration was not issued, the
    14  term shall mean any person who locates, drills, operates, alters
    15  or plugs any well, or reconditions any well with the purpose of
    16  production therefrom. In cases where a well is used in
    17  connection with the underground storage of gas, the term also
    18  means a "storage operator."
    19     * * *
    20     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    21  Section 104.  Exemptions.
    22     All wells drilled prior to January 1, 1975, shall be exempt
    23  from the bonding provisions of this act, if they are registered
    24  within one year of the effective date of this amendatory act.
    25  Well owners or operators registering their wells pursuant to
    26  this amendatory act shall not be subject to fines, penalties or
    27  other enforcement or department actions as a consequence of not
    28  heretofore registering or complying with the bonding provisions
    29  of this act. Owners or operators of wells drilled prior to
    30  January 1, 1975 that have already complied with the bonding
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     1  provisions of this act shall also be exempt from the bonding
     2  requirement, provided they comply with all other applicable
     3  environmental protection provisions of this act. The department
     4  is not required to return bonds or fees submitted by the owner
     5  or operator to comply with the bonding provisions of the act for
     6  wells drilled prior to 1975, however, the owner or operator may
     7  use the bonds or fees he deposited as a credit toward bonding
     8  wells drilled after January 1, 1975.
     9     Section 3.  Section 201(a) and (k) of the act, amended
    10  October 9, 1986 (P.L.1431, No.135), are amended to read:
    11  Section 201.  Well permits.
    12     (a)  No person shall drill a well or alter any existing well,
    13  except for alterations which satisfy the requirements of
    14  subsection (j), without having first obtained a well permit
    15  pursuant to subsections (b), (c), (d) and (e). A copy of the
    16  permit shall be kept at the well site during drilling or
    17  alteration of the well. However, no person shall be required to
    18  obtain a permit to redrill a nonproducing well, if:
    19         (1)  the redrilling has been evaluated and approved as
    20     part of an order from the department authorizing the cleaning
    21     out and plugging or replugging of a nonproducing well,
    22     pursuant to section 13(c) of the act of December 18, 1984
    23     (P.L.1069, No.214), known as the Coal and Gas Resource
    24     Coordination Act; and
    25         (2)  the redrilling is incidental to the plugging or
    26     replugging operation and the well subsequently is plugged
    27     within 15 days of redrilling.
    28     * * *
    29     (k)  No permit issued pursuant to this section or
    30  registration issued pursuant to section 203 may be transferred
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     1  without prior approval of the department. Requests for approval
     2  of such transfer shall be made on forms or in a manner
     3  prescribed by the department. The department shall approve or
     4  deny the transfer request within 45 days of receipt of a
     5  complete and accurate application. The department shall only
     6  have the authority to deny such request for the reasons set
     7  forth in subsection (e)(4) or (5). Approval of the transfer
     8  request shall permanently transfer responsibility to plug the
     9  well under section 210 to the recipient of the transferred
    10  permit or registration.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 4.  Section 203(a) of the act is amended and the
    13  section is amended by adding subsections to read:
    14  Section 203.  Well registration and identification.
    15     (a)  [Within one year from the effective date of this act,
    16  every person owning or operating a well for which no drilling
    17  permit was issued by the department shall register such well on
    18  forms or in a manner prescribed by the department, which shall
    19  contain the following information:] Within one year of the
    20  effective date of this amendatory act, every person who is the
    21  owner or operator of a well in existence prior to April 18,
    22  1985, which well has not been registered with the department and
    23  for which no drilling permit has been issued by the department,
    24  shall register such well with the department. Any well owner or
    25  operator who registers a well pursuant to this subsection, and
    26  any well owner or operator who has previously registered a well
    27  pursuant to this act shall, within one year of the effective
    28  date of this amendatory act, identify any abandoned well on
    29  property such well owner or operator owns or leases and request
    30  approval from the department for classification of the well as
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     1  an orphan well. Information regarding wells to be registered or
     2  identified shall be provided on forms or in a manner prescribed
     3  by the department and shall include:
     4         (1)  The name and address of the well operator and, if
     5     the well operator is a corporation, partnership or a person
     6     nonresident of the Commonwealth, there shall be designated on
     7     the well registration application the name and address of an
     8     agent for such operator upon whom notices, orders, process or
     9     other communications issued pursuant to this act may be
    10     served.
    11         (2)  The well name of such well and the location of the
    12     well indicated by a point on a 7 1/2 minute United States
    13     Geological Survey topographic map or any other location
    14     description sufficient to enable the department to locate the
    15     well on the ground.
    16         (3)  The approximate date of the drilling, completion of
    17     said well and the approximate depth of said well, the
    18     producing horizons, well construction information and
    19     driller's logs, if available.
    20         (4)  An indemnity bond [or], an alternative fee in lieu
    21     of bonding or such other evidence of financial security
    22     submitted by the well operator and deemed appropriate by the
    23     department and satisfying the requirements of section 215:
    24     Provided, however, That no bond, alternative fee or other
    25     evidence of financial security shall be required for
    26     identification of an orphan well.
    27         (5)  A registration fee of $15 per well[, except that the
    28     department may establish] or a blanket registration fee [not
    29     to exceed $250 where] of $250 for multiple well registration
    30     applications which are submitted simultaneously [for wells
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     1     that are part of the same development project. The blanket
     2     registration fee shall bear a reasonable relationship to the
     3     administrative costs associated with processing such multiple
     4     well registration applications]. The registration fee shall
     5     be waived for a period of one year from the effective date of
     6     this amendatory act, and no fee shall be charged for
     7     identification of an orphan well.
     8     (a.1)  Well owners or operators who discover abandoned wells
     9  on property purchased or leased by them after expiration of the
    10  one-year period provided in subsection (a) shall identify such
    11  well to the department within 60 days of discovery and advise
    12  the department that they are seeking classification of such well
    13  as an orphan well. No fee shall be required for such
    14  identification.
    15     (a.2)  Persons who are not well owners or operators and who
    16  discover an abandoned well on property owned or leased by them
    17  shall identify such well to the department within 60 days of
    18  discovery and advise the department that they are seeking
    19  classification for such well as an orphan well. No fee shall be
    20  required for such identification.
    21     * * *
    22     Section 5.  Sections 204, 210, 212(a) and 213 of the act are
    23  amended to read:
    24  Section 204.  Inactive status.
    25     (a)  Upon application, the department [may] shall grant
    26  inactive status for a period of ten years for any permitted or
    27  registered well [which satisfies] provided the following
    28  requirements are met:
    29         (1)  the condition of the well is sufficient to prevent
    30     damage to the producing zone or contamination of fresh water
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     1     or other natural resources or surface leakage of any
     2     substance;
     3         (2)  the condition of the well is sufficient to stop the
     4     vertical flow of fluids or gas within the well bore and
     5     [which] is adequate to protect freshwater aquifers, [if]
     6     unless the department determines the well poses a threat to
     7     the health and safety of persons or property or to the
     8     environment;
     9         (3)  [the applicant certifies that the well is of future
    10     utility and presents a viable plan for utilizing the well
    11     within a reasonable time] the operator anticipates future use
    12     of the well for primary or enhanced recovery, future gas
    13     storage, or the operator anticipates the construction of a
    14     pipeline, for approved disposal or other appropriate uses
    15     related to oil and gas well production; and
    16         (4)  the applicant satisfies the bonding requirements of
    17     section 215, except that the department may require
    18     additional financial security for any well on which an
    19     alternative fee is being paid in lieu of bonding under
    20     section 215(d).
    21     (b)  The owner or operator of any well granted inactive
    22  status shall be responsible for monitoring the mechanical
    23  integrity of such well to insure that the requirements of
    24  subsection (a)(1) and (2) are met and shall report the same on
    25  an annual basis to the department in a manner and form as the
    26  department shall prescribe by regulation.
    27     [(c)  Approval of inactive status under this section shall be
    28  valid for a period of five years unless renewed pursuant to the
    29  requirements of this section. The department shall have the
    30  right to revoke such status and order the immediate plugging of
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     1  said well if it is in violation of this act or any other
     2  statute, rule or regulation administered by the department or
     3  upon receipt by the department of notice of bankruptcy
     4  proceedings by the permittee.]
     5     (c)  Any well granted inactive status pursuant to subsection
     6  (a) shall be plugged in accordance with section 210 or returned
     7  to active status within ten years of the date inactive status
     8  was granted, unless the owner or operator applies for an
     9  extension of inactive status which may be granted on a year-to-
    10  year basis if the department determines that the owner or
    11  operator has demonstrated his ability to continue to meet the
    12  requirements of this section, and the owner or operator
    13  certifies that the well will be of future use within a
    14  reasonable period of time. An owner or operator who has been
    15  granted inactive status for a well which is returned to active
    16  status prior to expiration of the ten-year period set forth in
    17  subsection (a) shall notify the department that the well has
    18  been returned to active status and shall not be permitted to
    19  apply for another automatic ten-year period of inactive status
    20  for such well. The owner or operator may make application to
    21  return the well to inactive status, and such application may be
    22  approved on a year-to-year basis if the department determines
    23  that the owner or operator has demonstrated an ability to
    24  continue to meet the requirements of this section, and the owner
    25  or operator certifies that the well will be of future use within
    26  a reasonable period of time. The department shall approve or
    27  deny an application to extend a period of inactive status or to
    28  return a well to inactive status within 60 days of receipt of
    29  such application, and such application shall not be unreasonably
    30  denied. If the department has not completed its review of the
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     1  application within 60 days, the inactive status shall be
     2  presumed to be renewed. If the department denies an application
     3  to extend the period of inactive status or to return a well to
     4  inactive status, a well owner or operator aggrieved thereby
     5  shall have the right to appeal such denial to the Environmental
     6  Hearing Board within 30 days of receipt of such denial. Upon
     7  cause shown by a well owner or operator, the board may grant a
     8  supersedeas pursuant to section 4 of the act of July 13, 1988
     9  (P.L.530, No.94), known as the Environmental Hearing Board Act,
    10  in order that the well in question may retain inactive status
    11  during the period of appeal.
    12     (d)  The department shall have the right to revoke inactive
    13  status and order the immediate plugging of a well if it is in
    14  violation of this act or rules or regulations promulgated
    15  thereunder, or if the owner or operator demonstrates inability
    16  to perform his obligations under this act or becomes financially
    17  insolvent, or upon receipt by the department of notice of
    18  bankruptcy proceedings by the permittee.
    19  Section 210.  Plugging requirements.
    20     (a)  Upon abandoning any well, the owner or operator thereof
    21  shall plug the well in a manner prescribed by regulation of the
    22  department in order to stop any vertical flow of fluids or gas
    23  within the well bore unless the department has granted inactive
    24  status for such well pursuant to section 204[.] or the well has
    25  been approved by the department as an orphan well pursuant to
    26  section 203. Where the department determines that a prior owner
    27  or operator received economic benefit, other than economic
    28  benefit derived only as a landowner or from a royalty interest,
    29  subsequent to April 18, 1979, from an orphan well or from a well
    30  which has not been registered, such owner or operator shall be
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     1  responsible for the plugging of the well. Where, in the case of
     2  gas wells penetrating workable coal seams which were drilled
     3  prior to the effective date of the Gas Operations Well-Drilling
     4  Petroleum and Coal Mining Act or which were permitted after such
     5  date but not plugged in accordance with this act, the owner or
     6  operator of such a well, or a coal operator or his agent,
     7  proposes to plug such well for the purpose of allowing the
     8  mining through of it, the gas well shall be cleaned out to a
     9  depth of at least 200 feet below the coal seam in which the
    10  mining through is proposed and unless impracticable, to a point
    11  200 feet below the deepest minable coal seam. Such gas well
    12  shall be plugged from that depth in accordance with the
    13  provisions of section 13 of the act of December 18, 1984
    14  (P.L.1069, No.214), known as the Coal and Gas Resource
    15  Coordination Act, and the regulations of the department.
    16     (b)  Prior to the abandonment of any well in an area
    17  underlain by a workable coal seam, the well operator or owner
    18  shall notify the coal operator, lessee or owner and the
    19  department of his intention to plug and abandon any such well
    20  and submit a plat, on a form to be furnished by the department,
    21  showing the location of the well and fixing the date and time at
    22  which the work of plugging will be commenced, which time shall
    23  be not less than [72 hours] three working days after the time
    24  when such notice is received, nor more than 30 days thereafter
    25  in order that their representatives may be present at the
    26  plugging of the well. Such notice may be waived by the
    27  department and said coal operator, lessee or owner, and any of
    28  them may likewise waive their right to be present, but such
    29  waiver by coal operator, lessee or owner shall be in writing and
    30  a copy thereof attached to the notice of abandonment, filed with
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     1  the department under this section. Whether or not such
     2  representatives appear, the well operator may, if he has fully
     3  complied with the requirements of this section, proceed at the
     4  time fixed, to plug the well in the manner as prescribed by
     5  regulation of the department. When such plugging has been
     6  completed, a certificate shall be prepared and signed, on a form
     7  to be furnished by the department, by two experienced and
     8  qualified people who participated in the work setting forth the
     9  time and manner in which the well has been plugged. One copy of
    10  this certificate shall be mailed to each coal operator, lessee
    11  or owner to whom notice was given by certified mail and another
    12  copy shall be mailed to the department.
    13     (c)  Prior to the abandonment of any well, except an
    14  uncompleted bore hole plugged immediately upon suspension of
    15  drilling in an area not underlain by a workable coal seam, the
    16  well operator shall notify the department of his intention to
    17  plug and abandon any such well and submit a plat, on a form to
    18  be furnished by the department, showing the location of the well
    19  and fixing the date and time at which the work of plugging will
    20  be commenced, which time shall not be less than [72 hours] three
    21  working days nor more than 30 days after the time [of mailing]
    22  when such notice is received, in order that the department
    23  representative may be present at the plugging of the well. Such
    24  notice or waiting period may be verbally waived by the
    25  department. In noncoal areas where more than one well has been
    26  drilled as part of the same development project and these wells
    27  are now to be plugged, it is required that the department be
    28  given [72 hours'] three working days' notice prior to plugging
    29  the first well of such project subject to waiver of notice
    30  described herein. In the plugging of subsequent wells, no
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     1  additional notice shall be required if the plugging on the
     2  project is continuous. If the plugging of subsequent wells is
     3  delayed for any reason, notice shall be given to the department
     4  of the continuation of such project. Whether or not such
     5  department representative appears, the well operator may, if he
     6  has fully complied with the requirements of this section,
     7  proceed at the time fixed to plug the well in the manner as
     8  prescribed by regulation of the department. When such plugging
     9  has been completed, a certificate shall be prepared, on a form
    10  to be furnished by the department, by two experienced and
    11  qualified people who participated in the work, setting forth the
    12  time and manner in which the well was plugged. A copy of this
    13  certificate shall be mailed to the department.
    14     (d)  Whenever any well is to be abandoned immediately after
    15  completion of drilling, the well operator shall give at least 24
    16  hours' notice by telephone, confirmed by certified mail, to the
    17  department and to the coal operator, lessee or owner, if any,
    18  fixing the date and time at which the work of plugging will be
    19  commenced. Such notice may be waived by the department and said
    20  coal operator, lessee or owner, and any of them may likewise
    21  waive their right to be present. Whether or not any
    22  representative of the department or of the coal operator, lessee
    23  or owner, if any, appear, the well operator may, if he has fully
    24  complied with the requirements of this section, proceed at the
    25  time fixed, to plug the well in the manner provided by
    26  regulation prescribed by the department. The well operator shall
    27  prepare the certificate of plugging and mail copies of the same
    28  as provided in subsections (b) and (c).
    29     (e)  If a well is an orphan well or abandoned without
    30  plugging or if a well is in operation but is not registered
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     1  pursuant to section 203, the department shall have the right to
     2  enter upon the well site and plug the [abandoned] well and to
     3  sell such equipment, casing and pipe at the abandoned well or
     4  unregistered well site as may have been used in the production
     5  of the well in order to recover the costs of plugging. In the
     6  case of a well which is in operation but has not been
     7  registered, the department shall make an effort to determine
     8  ownership of such well and provide written notice to such owner
     9  of pending action which may be taken pursuant to this
    10  subsection. If the department cannot determine ownership of the
    11  well within 30 days, it may proceed pursuant to this subsection.
    12  [Said costs] Costs of plugging shall have priority over all
    13  liens on said equipment, casing and pipe, and said sale shall be
    14  free and clear of any such liens to the extent the costs of
    15  plugging exceed the sale price. If the equipment price obtained
    16  for casing and pipe salvaged at the abandoned well or
    17  unregistered well site is inadequate to pay for the cost of
    18  plugging the abandoned or unregistered well, the owner or
    19  operator of the abandoned or unregistered well shall be legally
    20  liable for the additional costs of plugging the well.
    21  Section 212.  Well reporting requirements.
    22     (a)  Every well operator shall file with the department, on a
    23  form provided by the department, an annual report specifying the
    24  amount of production [from each well on an individual well
    25  basis. Where said data is not available on a well basis, it may
    26  be reported] on the most well-specific basis available. Annual
    27  reports shall also specify the status of each well; however, in
    28  subsequent years, only changes in the status need be reported.
    29  [All such reports shall be kept confidential for one year after
    30  the date the information is required to be filed hereunder. Upon
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     1  request of the well operator, the department shall extend the
     2  period of confidentiality for four years. The total period of
     3  confidentiality shall not exceed] The department shall keep all
     4  such reports confidential for five years: Provided, however,
     5  That the [department] Commonwealth shall have the right to
     6  utilize such information in enforcement proceedings, in making
     7  designations or determinations under section 1927-A of the act
     8  of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative
     9  Code of 1929, or in aggregate form for statistical purposes.
    10     * * *
    11  Section 213.  Notification and effect of well transfer.
    12     The owner or operator of any well shall notify the
    13  department, in writing, in such form as the department may
    14  direct by regulation, of the sale, assignment, transfer,
    15  conveyance or exchange by the owner or to the owner of such well
    16  within 30 days after such sale, assignment, conveyance or
    17  exchange. No such transfer shall relieve the well owner or
    18  operator of any [liability] obligation accrued under this act,
    19  nor shall it relieve him of the obligation to plug said well
    20  until the requirements of section 215 have been met, after which
    21  time the transferring owner or operator shall be relieved from
    22  any obligation under this act including the obligation to plug
    23  said well.
    24     Section 6.  Section 215 of the act, amended October 9, 1986
    25  (P.L.1431, No.135), is amended to read:
    26  Section 215.  Bonding.
    27     (a)  (1)  Except as provided in section 104 and subsections
    28     (d) and (d.1) [hereof] of this section, upon filing an
    29     application for a well permit and before continuing to
    30     operate any oil or gas well, the owner or operator thereof
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     1     shall file with the department a bond for the well and the
     2     well site on a form to be prescribed and furnished by the
     3     department. Any such bond filed with an application for a
     4     well permit shall be payable to the Commonwealth and
     5     conditioned that the operator shall faithfully perform all of
     6     the drilling, water supply replacement, restoration and
     7     plugging requirements of this act. Any such bond filed with
     8     the department for a well in existence on the effective date
     9     of this act shall be payable to the Commonwealth and
    10     conditioned that the operator shall faithfully perform all of
    11     the water supply replacement, restoration and plugging
    12     requirements of this act. The amount of the bond required
    13     shall be in the amount of $2,500 per well for at least two
    14     years following the effective date of this act, after which
    15     time the bond amount may be adjusted by the Environmental
    16     Quality Board every two years to reflect the projected costs
    17     to the Commonwealth of performing well plugging.
    18         (2)  In lieu of individual bonds for each well, an owner
    19     or operator may file a blanket bond, on a form prepared by
    20     the department, covering all of its wells in Pennsylvania as
    21     enumerated on the bond form. A blanket bond shall be in the
    22     amount of $25,000 for at least two years following the
    23     effective date of this act, after which time the bond amount
    24     may be adjusted by the Environmental Quality Board every two
    25     years to reflect the projected costs to the Commonwealth of
    26     performing well plugging.
    27         (3)  Liability under such bond shall continue until the
    28     well has been properly plugged in accordance with this act
    29     and for a period of one year after filing of the certificate
    30     of plugging with the department. Each bond shall be executed
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     1     by the operator and a corporate surety licensed to do
     2     business in the Commonwealth and approved by the secretary.
     3     The operator may elect to deposit cash, [bank] certificates
     4     of deposit[,] or automatically renewable irrevocable [bank]
     5     letters of credit from financial institutions chartered or
     6     authorized to do business in Pennsylvania and regulated and
     7     examined by the Commonwealth or a Federal agency which may be
     8     terminated [by the bank] at the end of a term only upon the
     9     [bank] financial institution giving 90 days prior written
    10     notice to the permittee and the department or negotiable
    11     bonds of the United States Government or the Commonwealth,
    12     the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, the General State
    13     Authority, the State Public School Building Authority or any
    14     municipality within the Commonwealth, or United States
    15     Treasury Bonds issued at a discount without a regular
    16     schedule of interest payments to maturity, otherwise known as
    17     Zero Coupon Bonds, having a maturity date of not more than
    18     ten years after the date of purchase and at such maturity
    19     date having a value of not less than $25,000, with the
    20     department in lieu of a corporate surety. The cash deposit,
    21     [bank] certificate of deposit, amount of such irrevocable
    22     letter of credit or market value of such securities shall be
    23     equal at least to the sum of the bond. The secretary shall,
    24     upon receipt of any such deposit of cash, letters of credit
    25     or negotiable bonds, immediately place the same with the
    26     State Treasurer, whose duty it shall be to receive and hold
    27     the same in the name of the Commonwealth, in trust, for the
    28     purpose for which such deposit is made. The State Treasurer
    29     shall at all times be responsible for the custody and
    30     safekeeping of such deposits. The operator making deposit
    19910H0866B0955                 - 17 -

     1     shall be entitled from time to time to demand and receive
     2     from the State Treasurer, on the written order of the
     3     secretary, the whole or any portion of any collateral so
     4     deposited, upon depositing with him, in lieu thereof, other
     5     collateral of the classes herein specified having a market
     6     value at least equal to the sum of the bond, and also to
     7     demand, receive and recover the interest and income from said
     8     negotiable bonds as the same becomes due and payable. Where
     9     negotiable bonds, deposited as aforesaid, mature or are
    10     called, the State Treasurer, at the request of the owner
    11     thereof, shall convert such negotiable bonds into such other
    12     negotiable bonds of the classes herein specified as may be
    13     designated by the owner. Where notice of intent to terminate
    14     a letter of credit is given, the department shall give the
    15     operator 30 days' written notice to replace the letter of
    16     credit with other acceptable bond guarantees as provided
    17     herein and, if the owner or operator fails to replace the
    18     letter of credit within the 30-day notification period, the
    19     department shall draw upon and convert such letter of credit
    20     into cash and hold it as a collateral bond guarantee.
    21     (b)  No bond shall be fully released until all requirements
    22  of this act identified in subsection (a) or section 213 are
    23  fully met. Upon release of all of the bonds and collateral as
    24  herein provided, the State Treasurer shall immediately return to
    25  the owner the amount of cash or securities specified therein.
    26     (c)  If the well owner or operator fails or refuses to comply
    27  with the applicable requirements of this act identified in
    28  subsection (a), the regulations promulgated hereunder or the
    29  conditions of the permit relating thereto, the department may
    30  declare the bond forfeited and shall certify the same to the
    19910H0866B0955                 - 18 -

     1  Attorney General, who shall proceed to enforce and collect the
     2  full amount of the bond and, where the owner or operator has
     3  deposited cash or securities as collateral in lieu of a
     4  corporate surety, the department shall declare said collateral
     5  forfeited and shall direct the State Treasurer to pay the full
     6  amount of said funds into the Well Plugging Restricted Revenue
     7  Account or to proceed to sell said security to the extent
     8  forfeited and pay the proceeds thereof into the Well Plugging
     9  Restricted Revenue Account. Should any corporate surety or
    10  [bank] financial institution fail to promptly pay, in full, a
    11  forfeited bond, it shall be disqualified from writing any
    12  further bonds under the act or any other environmental act
    13  administered by the department. Any person aggrieved by reason
    14  of forfeiting the bond or converting collateral, as herein
    15  provided, shall have a right to appeal to the Environmental
    16  Hearing Board in the manner provided by law. Upon forfeiture of
    17  a blanket bond for a violation occurring at one or more well
    18  sites, the person whose bond is forfeited shall submit a
    19  replacement bond to cover all other wells of which he is owner
    20  or operator within ten days of said forfeiture. Failure to
    21  submit said replacement bond constitutes a violation of this
    22  section as to each of the wells owned or operated by said
    23  person.
    24     (d)  (1)  Any [well] operator of not more than 200 wells who
    25     cannot obtain a bond for a well drilled prior to [the
    26     effective date of this act] April 18, 1985, as required under
    27     subsection (a), due to an inability to demonstrate sufficient
    28     financial resources [shall submit to the department letters
    29     of rejection from three separate bonding companies licensed
    30     to do business in the Commonwealth. Such letters shall state
    19910H0866B0955                 - 19 -

     1     that the operator has been denied a bond and state the
     2     grounds for denial of the bond. In] may, in lieu of the
     3     bond[, the operator shall submit]:
     4             (i)  Submit to the department a fee in the amount of
     5         $50 per well, or a blanket fee of $500 for ten to 20
     6         wells, or a blanket fee of $1,000 for more than 20 wells,
     7         which shall be a nonrefundable fee paid each year that
     8         the operator has not filed a bond with the department.
     9         [The operator must demonstrate every three years a
    10         continued inability to obtain a bond as prescribed
    11         above.] All fees collected in lieu of a bond under this
    12         subsection shall be paid into the Well Plugging
    13         Restricted Revenue Account and shall be used for the
    14         purposes authorized by this act. The Environmental
    15         Quality Board shall have the power, by regulation, to
    16         increase the amount of the fees established under this
    17         subsection [if it is found that the total moneys
    18         collected hereunder are insufficient to reimburse the
    19         Commonwealth for costs incurred in correcting violations
    20         on wells covered under this subsection].
    21             (ii)  (A)  Make phased deposits of collateral to
    22             fully collateralize the bond. Such payment shall be
    23             based on the number of wells the operator owns or
    24             operates. The operator shall make an initial deposit
    25             and shall, thereafter, make annual deposits in
    26             accordance with the schedule in clause (B). Interest
    27             accumulated by the collateral shall become a part of
    28             the bond until such time as the collateral, plus
    29             accumulated interest, equals the amount of the
    30             required bond. The collateral shall be deposited, in
    19910H0866B0955                 - 20 -

     1             trust, with the State Treasurer, as provided in this
     2             subsection, or with a bank selected by the department
     3             which shall act as trustee for the benefit of the
     4             Commonwealth, to guarantee the operator's compliance
     5             with the drilling, water supply replacement,
     6             restoration and plugging requirements of this act.
     7             The operator shall be required to pay all costs of
     8             the trust.
     9                 (B)  An operator of up to ten existing wells who
    10             does not intend to operate additional wells shall
    11             deposit $250 per well and shall, thereafter, annually
    12             deposit $50 per well until the obligations of this
    13             section are fully met. An operator of 11 to 25 wells
    14             or an operator of up to ten wells who applies for one
    15             or more permits for additional wells shall deposit
    16             $2,000 and shall, thereafter, annually deposit
    17             $1,150, plus $150 for each additional well to be
    18             permitted that year, until the obligations of this
    19             section are fully met. An operator or 26 to 50 wells
    20             shall deposit $3,000, and shall, thereafter, annually
    21             deposit $1,300, plus $400 for each additional well to
    22             be permitted that year, until the obligations of this
    23             section are fully met. An operator of 51 to 100 wells
    24             shall deposit $4,000 and shall, thereafter, annually
    25             deposit $1,500, plus $400 for each additional well to
    26             be permitted that year, until the obligations of this
    27             section are fully met. Operators of 101 to 200 wells
    28             shall deposit $8,000 and shall, thereafter, annually
    29             deposit $1,600, plus $1,000 for each additional well
    30             to be permitted that year until the obligations of
    19910H0866B0955                 - 21 -

     1             this section are fully met. Operators of more than
     2             200 wells shall fully bond their wells immediately.
     3             The department shall reduce the amount of phased
     4             collateral payments or the period of time over which
     5             phased collateral payments shall be made on behalf of
     6             owners or operators who, prior to the effective date
     7             of this amendatory act, have paid a fee in lieu of
     8             bond pursuant to subsection (d)(1)(i), and who,
     9             within one year of the effective date of this
    10             amendatory act, choose to enter the phased collateral
    11             program pursuant to subsection (d)(1)(ii) rather than
    12             to continue to make payments in lieu of bond.
    13             Payments made in lieu of bond prior to the effective
    14             date of this amendatory act shall not be credited in
    15             any other manner, nor shall the department be
    16             required to refund such fees at any time. The
    17             Environmental Quality Board shall have the power, by
    18             regulation, to change the annual deposits established
    19             under this clause if it is found to be necessary to
    20             accommodate a change in the amount of the bond
    21             required under this section.
    22         (2)  An operator may continue to pay a fee in lieu of
    23     bond or make phased deposits of collateral to fully
    24     collateralize the bond so long as the operator does not miss
    25     any payments for wells as provided under this subsection and
    26     so long as the operator remains in compliance with the
    27     provisions of this act and regulations and permits issued
    28     thereunder. If an operator has missed any payments for wells
    29     as provided under this subsection, the operator shall:
    30             (i)  immediately submit the appropriate bond amount
    19910H0866B0955                 - 22 -

     1         in full; or
     2             (ii)  cease all operations and plug the wells in
     3         accordance with section 210.
     4     (d.1)  (1)  An individual who cannot obtain a bond to drill
     5     new wells due to an inability to demonstrate financial
     6     resources, [as evidenced by letters of rejection as required
     7     under subsection (d),] may meet the collateral bond
     8     requirements of subsection (a) by making phased deposits of
     9     collateral to fully collateralize the bond. Such individuals
    10     shall be limited to drilling [two] ten new wells per calendar
    11     year. The individual shall, for each well to be drilled,
    12     deposit $500 and shall, thereafter, annually deposit 10% of
    13     the remaining bond amount for a period of ten years. Interest
    14     accumulated by the collateral shall become a part of the bond
    15     until such time as the collateral, plus accumulated interest,
    16     equals the amount of the required bond. The collateral shall
    17     be deposited, in trust, with the State Treasurer as provided
    18     in subsection (a) or with a bank selected by the department
    19     which shall act as trustee for the benefit of the
    20     Commonwealth, to guarantee the individual's compliance with
    21     the drilling, water supply replacement, restoration and
    22     plugging requirements of this act. The individual shall be
    23     required to pay all costs of the trust.
    24         (2)  Individuals may continue to use phased collateral to
    25     obtain permits so long as they have not missed any payments
    26     for wells drilled under this provision and so long as they
    27     remain in compliance with this act[,] and regulations and
    28     permits issued thereunder. If an individual has missed any
    29     payments for wells under this subsection, the operator shall:
    30             (i)  immediately submit the appropriate bond amount
    19910H0866B0955                 - 23 -

     1         in full; or
     2             (ii)  cease all operations and plug the wells in
     3         accordance with section 210.
     4  For the purposes of this subsection an "individual" is defined
     5  as an applicant who is a natural person doing business under his
     6  own name.
     7     (e)  All remedies for violation of this act, the regulations
     8  adopted hereunder or the conditions of permits are expressly
     9  preserved. Nothing in [subsections (a), (b) and (c)] this
    10  section shall be construed as an exclusive penalty or remedy for
    11  such violations of law. No action taken pursuant to [subsection
    12  (c)] this section shall waive or impair any other remedy or
    13  penalty provided in law.
    14     (f)  Owners or operators who have failed to meet the
    15  requirements of this section prior to the effective date of this
    16  amendatory act shall not be required to make payments pursuant
    17  to this section on a retroactive basis as a condition of
    18  obtaining a permit under this act.
    19     Section 7.  Section 505 of the act is amended by adding a
    20  subsection to read:
    21  Section 505.  Penalties.
    22     * * *
    23     (d)  Any person who fails to register a well pursuant to the
    24  provisions of this amendatory act shall be subject to pay a fine
    25  of $2,500 per well to a maximum of $25,000 in addition to any
    26  other fines provided by this act.
    27     Section 8.  The heading of section 508 of the act is amended
    28  and the section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    29  Section 508.  Production of materials; witnesses; depositions;
    30                 rights of entry; determination of compliance.
    19910H0866B0955                 - 24 -

     1     * * *
     2     (f)  Any purchaser of oil or gas shall, upon request, provide
     3  to the department information as may be necessary for the
     4  department to determine ownership of facilities from which such
     5  oil or gas was obtained. Such information shall be kept
     6  confidential for a period of five years. The department shall
     7  have the right to utilize such information in enforcement
     8  proceedings.
     9     Section 9.  Sections 509, 601 and 602 of the act are amended
    10  to read:
    11  Section 509.  Unlawful conduct.
    12     It shall be unlawful for any person to:
    13         (1)  Drill, alter, operate or utilize an oil or gas well
    14     without a permit or registration from the department as
    15     required by this act or in violation of the rules or
    16     regulations adopted under this act, or orders of the
    17     department, or in violation of any term or condition of any
    18     permit issued by the department.
    19         (2)  Conduct any activities related to drilling for, or
    20     production of, oil and gas, contrary to the rules or
    21     regulations adopted under this act, or orders of the
    22     department, or any term or any condition of any permit, or in
    23     any manner as to create a public nuisance or to adversely
    24     affect the public health, safety, welfare or the environment.
    25         (3)  Refuse, obstruct, delay or threaten any agent or
    26     employee of the department in the course of lawful
    27     performance of any duty under this act, including, but not
    28     limited to, entry and inspection [under any circumstances].
    29         (4)  Attempt to obtain a permit or identify a well as an
    30     orphan well by misrepresentation or failure to disclose all
    19910H0866B0955                 - 25 -

     1     relevant facts.
     2         (5)  Cause the abandonment of a well by removal of casing
     3     or equipment necessary for production without plugging the
     4     well in a manner prescribed pursuant to section 210. The
     5     owner or operator of a well may only temporarily remove
     6     casing or equipment necessary for production if it is part of
     7     the normal course of production activities.
     8  Section 601.  [Well Plugging Restricted Revenue Account.] Well
     9                 plugging funds.
    10     (a)  All fines, civil penalties, permit and registration fees
    11  collected under this act [shall be paid into the State Treasury
    12  into a restricted revenue account to be known as the Well
    13  Plugging Restricted Revenue Account, hereby established, which
    14  shall be administered by the department for the plugging and
    15  sealing of abandoned wells and to cover the purposes of
    16  administering this act. All the moneys from time to time paid
    17  into the Well Plugging Restricted Revenue Account are
    18  specifically appropriated, upon annual approval by the
    19  Governor,] are hereby appropriated to the Department of
    20  Environmental Resources to carry out the purposes of this act.
    21     (b)  To aid in the indemnification of the Commonwealth for
    22  the cost of plugging abandoned wells, there shall be added to
    23  the permit fee established by the department under section 201
    24  for new wells a $50 surcharge. All moneys [deposited in this
    25  restricted revenue account from the surcharge] collected as a
    26  result of this surcharge shall be paid into the State Treasury
    27  into a restricted revenue account to be known as the Abandoned
    28  Well Plugging Fund, hereby established, and shall be expended by
    29  the department to plug abandoned wells which threaten the health
    30  and safety of persons or property or pollution of the waters of
    19910H0866B0955                 - 26 -

     1  the Commonwealth.
     2     (c)  (1)  There is hereby created a restricted revenue
     3     account to be known as the Orphan Well Plugging Fund. There
     4     shall be added to the permit fee established by the
     5     department under section 201 for new wells a $100 surcharge
     6     for wells to be drilled for oil production and a $200
     7     surcharge for wells to be drilled for gas production, which
     8     surcharges shall be placed in the Orphan Well Plugging Fund
     9     and shall be expended by the department to plug orphan wells.
    10     If an operator rehabilitates a well abandoned by another
    11     operator or an orphan well, the permit fee and the surcharge
    12     for such well shall be waived.
    13         (2)  The department shall conduct a study of its
    14     experience in implementing this section and shall report its
    15     findings to the Governor and the General Assembly within five
    16     years of the effective date of this amendatory act. The
    17     report shall contain information relating to the balance of
    18     the fund, the number of wells plugged, the number of
    19     identified wells eligible for plugging, and any
    20     recommendations on alternative funding mechanisms.
    21  Section 602.  Local ordinances.
    22     Except with respect to ordinances adopted pursuant to the act
    23  of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), known as the Pennsylvania
    24  Municipalities Planning Code and the act of October 4, 1978
    25  (P.L.851, No.166), known as the Flood Plain Management Act, all
    26  local ordinances and enactments purporting to regulate oil and
    27  gas well operations regulated by this act are hereby superseded.
    28     No ordinances or enactments adopted pursuant to the
    29  aforementioned acts shall contain provisions which impose
    30  conditions, requirements or limitations on the same features of
    19910H0866B0955                 - 27 -

     1  oil and gas well operations regulated by this act or that
     2  accomplish the same purposes as set forth in this act. The
     3  Commonwealth, by this enactment, hereby preempts and supersedes
     4  the regulation of oil and gas wells as herein defined.
     5     Section 10.  Section 603.1 of the act, added October 9, 1986
     6  (P.L.1431, No.135), is amended to read:
     7  Section 603.1.  Relationship to solid waste and surface mining.
     8     (a)  The obligation to obtain a permit and post a bond
     9  pursuant to Articles III and V of the act of July 7, 1980
    10  (P.L.380, No.97), known as the Solid Waste Management Act, and
    11  to provide public notice pursuant to section 1905-A(b)(1)(v) of
    12  the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
    13  Administrative Code of 1929, for any pit, impoundment, method or
    14  facility employed for the disposal, processing or storage of
    15  residual wastes generated by the drilling of an oil or gas well
    16  or from the production of such wells which is located on the
    17  well site shall be satisfied if the owner or operator of the
    18  well meets the following conditions:
    19         (1)  the well is permitted pursuant to the requirements
    20     of section 201 or registered pursuant to the requirements of
    21     section 203;
    22         (2)  the owner or operator satisfies the financial
    23     security requirements of section 215 by obtaining a surety or
    24     collateral bond for the well and well site; and
    25         (3)  the owner or operator maintains compliance with
    26     [the] this act and any applicable regulations promulgated by
    27     the Environmental Quality Board.
    28     (b)  Obligations under the act of December 19, 1984
    29  (P.L.1093, No.219), known as the Noncoal Surface Mining
    30  Conservation and Reclamation Act, or any rule or regulation
    19910H0866B0955                 - 28 -

     1  promulgated thereunder, for any borrow area where minerals are
     2  extracted solely for the purpose of oil and gas well
     3  development, including access road construction, shall be
     4  satisfied if the owner or operator of the well meets the
     5  conditions imposed under subsection (a)(1) and (2) and the owner
     6  or operator maintains compliance with this act and any
     7  applicable regulations promulgated by the Environmental Quality
     8  Board.
     9     [(b)] (c)  Nothing in this section shall diminish any other
    10  duties or obligations that an owner or operator may have under
    11  the Solid Waste Management Act. The provisions of this section
    12  shall not apply to any waste which is classified as a hazardous
    13  waste pursuant to the Solid Waste Management Act, or the
    14  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-
    15  580, 90 Stat. 2795, 42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq.).
    16     [(c)] (d)  As used in this section and sections 206 and 215,
    17  the term "well site" means the areas occupied by all equipment
    18  or facilities necessary for or incidental to the drilling,
    19  production or plugging of a well.
    20     Section 11.  This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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