1Designating June 27, 2014, as "National HIV Testing Day" in

3WHEREAS, HIV/AIDS is a devastating epidemic that continues to
4spread in communities throughout the United States; and

5WHEREAS, Approximately 1,800,000 people in the United States
6have been infected by HIV/AIDS since the first cases were
7reported 33 years ago; and

8WHEREAS, There are approximately 50,000 new HIV infections
9and approximately 18,000 new AIDS-related deaths every year in
10the United States; and

11WHEREAS, HIV/AIDS is spreading rapidly among women, young
12people and racial minorities, all of which are demographic
13groups that were not considered to be at significant risk of HIV
14infection during the early years of the epidemic; and

15WHEREAS, Women account for 20% of new HIV infections in the
16United States; and

1WHEREAS, African-American women account for 64% of new HIV
2infections among women; and

3WHEREAS, African Americans account for 44% of new HIV
4infections, although only 12% of the United States population is
5African-American; and

6WHEREAS, Hispanic Americans account for 21% of new HIV
7infections, although only 16% of the United States population is
8Hispanic-American; and

9WHEREAS, Asian Americans account for 2% of the new HIV
10infections, and Native Americans and Alaskan Natives account for
111% of new HIV infections; and

12WHEREAS, People of color account for 68% of new HIV
13infections; and

14WHEREAS, Approximately 18% of the people living with HIV/AIDS
15in the United States do not know they are infected; and

16WHEREAS, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's
17guidelines for HIV screening in health care settings recommend
18routine HIV testing for all patients between the ages of 13 and
1964, regardless of risk factors; and

20WHEREAS, Individuals are more likely to act responsibly and
21protect themselves and other persons in the community when they
22know their HIV status; and

23WHEREAS, Individuals who are HIV-positive must learn their
24status in order to obtain counseling on managing their health,
25access appropriate medical and social services, begin life-
26prolonging treatment and take actions to avoid spreading the
27virus to others; therefore be it

28RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives designate June
2927, 2014, as "National HIV Testing Day" in Pennsylvania; and be
30it further

1RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives encourage
2individuals to get tested for HIV and educate themselves about
3the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.