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                               CORRECTIVE REPRINT
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1044                      PRINTER'S NO. 1816



No. 888 Session of 2003


           MARCH 13, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for pharmaceutical assistance for the elderly, for
     2     pharmaceutical purchasing, for limited prescription drug
     3     redistribution within certain health care facilities and for
     4     pharmaceutical practices and cost control program; imposing
     5     additional powers and duties on the Department of Aging, the
     6     Department of Health, the Department of Public Welfare and
     7     the Secretary of Administration; and making repeals.

     8                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     9  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    10  Section 101.  Short title.
    11  Chapter 3.  Pharmaceutical Matters
    12     Subchapter A.  Pharmaceutical Assistance for the Elderly
    13  Section 301.  Legislative findings.

     1  Section 302.  Definitions.
     2  Section 303.  Determination of eligibility.
     3  Section 304.  Physician and pharmacy participation.
     4  Section 305.  Drug utilization review system.
     5  Section 306.  Reduced assistance.
     6  Section 307.  Rebates for expenses prohibited.
     7  Section 308.  Request for proposal.
     8  Section 309.  Program generally.
     9  Section 310.  Generic drugs.
    10  Section 311.  Supply.
    11  Section 312.  Mail order system.
    12  Section 313.  Indication of price.
    13  Section 314.  Reimbursement.
    14  Section 315.  Nonliability.
    15  Section 316.  Income verification.
    16  Section 317.  Contract.
    17  Section 318.  The Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the
    18                 Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier.
    19  Section 319.  Board.
    20  Section 320.  Penalties.
    21  Section 321.  Prescription Drug Education Program.
    22  Section 322.  Outreach program.
    23  Section 323.  Accountability.
    24     Subchapter B.  Prudent Pharmaceutical Purchasing
    25  Section 341.  Definitions.
    26  Section 342.  Rebate agreement.
    27  Section 343.  Disposition of funds.
    28     Subchapter C.  Pharmacy Best Practices and Cost Control
    29                 Program.
    30  Section 361.  Definitions.
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     1  Section 362.  Committee.
     2  Section 363.  Program.
     3  Chapter 51.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     4  Section 5101.  Federal programs.
     5  Section 5102.  Repeals.
     6  Section 5103.  Effective date.
     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9                             CHAPTER 1
    10                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    11  Section 101.  Short title.
    12     This act shall be known and may be cited as the
    13  Pharmaceutical Reform Act.
    14                             CHAPTER 3
    15                       PHARMACEUTICAL MATTERS
    16                            SUBCHAPTER A
    18  Section 301.  Legislative findings.
    19     Finding that an increasing number of this Commonwealth's
    20  elderly citizens who are living on fixed incomes are
    21  experiencing difficulties in meeting the costs of life-
    22  sustaining prescription drugs, the General Assembly, in its
    23  responsibilities to provide for the health, welfare and safety
    24  of the residents of this Commonwealth, hereby continues a
    25  limited State pharmaceutical assistance program for the elderly.
    26  Section 302.  Definitions.
    27     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    28  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    29  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    30     "A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent drug."  A drug
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     1  product that the Commissioner of Food and Drugs of the United
     2  States Food and Drug Administration has approved as safe and
     3  effective and has determined to be therapeutically equivalent,
     4  as listed in "The Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic
     5  Equivalence Evaluations" (Food and Drug Administration "Orange
     6  Book"), with a specific "A" code designation only.
     7     "Average wholesale cost."  The cost of a dispensed drug based
     8  upon the price published in a national drug pricing system in
     9  current use by the Department of Aging as the average wholesale
    10  price of a prescription drug in the most common package size.
    11     "Average wholesale price."  Average wholesale cost.
    12     "Board."  The Pharmaceutical Assistance Review Board.
    13     "CMS."  Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
    14     "Department."  The Department of Aging of the Commonwealth.
    15     "Eligible claimant."  A resident of this Commonwealth for no
    16  less than 90 days, who is 65 years of age and older, whose
    17  annual income is less than the maximum annual income and who is
    18  not otherwise qualified for public assistance under the act of
    19  June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code.
    20     "FDA."  The United States Food and Drug Administration of the
    21  Public Health Service of the Department of Health and Human
    22  Services.
    23     "Income."  All income from whatever source derived,
    24  including, but not limited to, salaries, wages, bonuses,
    25  commissions, income from self-employment, alimony, support
    26  money, cash public assistance and relief, the gross amount of
    27  any pensions or annuities, including railroad retirement
    28  benefits, all benefits received under the Social Security Act
    29  (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.) except Medicare
    30  benefits, all benefits received under State unemployment
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     1  insurance laws and veterans' disability payments, all interest
     2  received from the Federal Government or any state government or
     3  any instrumentality or political subdivision thereof, realized
     4  capital gains, rentals, workmen's compensation and the gross
     5  amount of loss of time insurance benefits, life insurance
     6  benefits and proceeds, except the first $5,000 of the total of
     7  death benefits payments, and gifts of cash or property, other
     8  than transfers by gift between members of a household, in excess
     9  of a total value of $300, but does not include surplus food or
    10  other relief in kind supplied by a government agency or property
    11  tax rebate.
    12     "Mail service program."  A program set forth in section 312
    13  to dispense prescription drugs by postal delivery service
    14  designated and administered by the department and any entity
    15  with which it contracts, upon an enrollee's submission of a
    16  prescription and the applicable copayment.
    17     "Maintenance drug."  A prescription drug prescribed to an
    18  individual for a chronic condition the use of which is medically
    19  necessary for a consecutive period of at least 60 days.
    20     "Maximum annual income."  For PACE eligibility, annual income
    21  which shall not exceed $14,000 in the case of single persons nor
    22  $17,200 in the case of the combined annual income of persons
    23  married to each other. Persons may, in reporting income to the
    24  Department of Aging, round the amount of each source of income
    25  and the income total to the nearest whole dollar, whereby any
    26  amount which is less than 50¢ is eliminated.
    27     "PACE."  The Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the
    28  Elderly program provided for in this subchapter.
    29     "PACENET."  The Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the
    30  Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier provided for in this subchapter.
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     1     "Pharmacy."  A pharmacy licensed by the Commonwealth.
     2     "Prescription drug."  All drugs requiring a prescription in
     3  this Commonwealth, insulin, insulin syringes and insulin
     4  needles. Experimental drugs or drugs prescribed for wrinkle
     5  removal or hair growth are prohibited.
     6     "Private contractor."  A person, partnership or corporate
     7  entity that enters into a contract with the Commonwealth to
     8  provide services under the provisions of this subchapter.
     9     "Program."  The Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the
    10  Elderly (PACE) and the Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for
    11  the Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier (PACENET) as established by
    12  this subchapter, unless otherwise specified.
    13     "Provider."  A pharmacy or dispensing physician enrolled as a
    14  provider in the program.
    15  Section 303.  Determination of eligibility.
    16     The department shall adopt regulations relating to the
    17  determination of eligibility of prospective claimants and
    18  providers, including dispensing physicians, and the
    19  determination and elimination of program abuse. To this end, the
    20  department shall establish a compliance unit staffed
    21  sufficiently to fulfill this responsibility. The department
    22  shall have the power to declare ineligible any claimant or
    23  provider who abuses or misuses the established prescription
    24  plan. The department shall have the power to investigate cases
    25  of suspected provider or recipient fraud.
    26  Section 304.  Physician and pharmacy participation.
    27     Any physician, pharmacist, pharmacy or corporation owned in
    28  whole or in part by a physician or pharmacist enrolled as a
    29  provider in the program or that has prescribed medication for a
    30  claimant in the program who is precluded or excluded for cause
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     1  from the Department of Public Welfare's medical assistance
     2  program shall be precluded or excluded from participation in the
     3  program. No physician precluded or excluded from the Department
     4  of Public Welfare's medical assistance program shall have claims
     5  resulting from prescriptions paid for by the program.
     6  Section 305.  Drug utilization review system.
     7     The department shall ensure that a state-of-the-art
     8  therapeutic drug utilization review system is established to
     9  monitor and correct misutilization of drug therapies.
    10  Section 306.  Reduced assistance.
    11     Any eligible claimant whose prescription drug costs are
    12  covered in part by any other plan of assistance or insurance may
    13  be required to receive reduced assistance under the provisions
    14  of this subchapter.
    15  Section 307.  Rebates for expenses prohibited.
    16     A system of rebates or reimbursements to the claimant for
    17  prescription drugs shall be prohibited.
    18  Section 308.  Request for proposal.
    19     (a)  General.--The department shall prepare a request for
    20  proposal for the purpose of providing pharmaceutical assistance
    21  for the elderly within this Commonwealth. Upon the adoption of
    22  the General Fund budget, the Department of Revenue shall be
    23  authorized to transmit the appropriated funds in the State
    24  Lottery Fund to the State Treasurer to be deposited in the
    25  Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly Fund. This
    26  fund shall consist of appropriations and interest and shall be
    27  created by the State Treasurer to fund the operations of the
    28  program by the department and the private contractor. Funds not
    29  expended in the fiscal year in which they were appropriated
    30  shall not lapse and shall be available for use in the next
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     1  fiscal year.
     2     (b)  Additional requests.--To provide for the continued
     3  operation of the program, the department shall prepare, as
     4  needed, requests for proposals, in addition to that set forth in
     5  subsection (a), for the purpose of providing pharmaceutical
     6  assistance for the elderly within this Commonwealth. A request
     7  for proposal shall require potential private contractors to
     8  submit a proposal for a period of time and with monetary
     9  limitations as determined by the department. Upon the enactment
    10  of an appropriation from the State Lottery Fund, the Department
    11  of Revenue shall be authorized to transmit the appropriated
    12  amount to the State Treasurer to be deposited in the
    13  Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly Fund. Funds
    14  not expended in the fiscal year in which they were appropriated
    15  shall not lapse and shall be available for use in the next
    16  fiscal year.
    17  Section 309.  Program generally.
    18     (a)  Parameters of program.--The program shall include the
    19  following:
    20         (1)  Participating pharmacies shall be paid within 21
    21     days of the contracting firm receiving the appropriate
    22     substantiation of the transaction. Pharmacies shall be
    23     entitled to interest for payment not made within the 21-day
    24     period at a rate approved by the board.
    25         (2)  Collection of the copayment by pharmacies shall be
    26     mandatory.
    27         (3)  Senior citizens participating in the program are not
    28     required to maintain records of each transaction.
    29         (4)  A system of rebates or reimbursements to eligible
    30     claimants for pharmaceutical expenses shall be prohibited.
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     1         (5)  There shall be the following copayments:
     2             (i)  For generic drugs - $5.
     3             (ii)  For preferred drug list drugs - $10.
     4             (iii)  For drugs which are not on the preferred drug
     5         list - $15.
     6         (6)  Payments as follows:
     7             (i)  Except as provided in subparagraph (ii), to
     8         pharmacies on behalf of eligible claimants for costs of
     9         the prescription drug in excess of the copayment as
    10         provided in subsections (b) and (c), plus a dispensing
    11         fee of $3.50 or the dispensing fee established by the
    12         department by regulation, whichever is greater.
    13             (ii)  For A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent
    14         drugs, to pharmacies on behalf of eligible claimants for
    15         the upper limits established under 42 CFR § 447.332
    16         (relating to upper limits for multiple source drugs),
    17         plus a dispensing fee of $4 or the dispensing fee
    18         established by the department by regulations, whichever
    19         is greater.
    20         (7)  In no case shall the Commonwealth or any person
    21     enrolled in the program be charged more than the price of the
    22     drug at the particular pharmacy on the date of the sale.
    23     (b)  Multiple-source drugs.--Except for brand name drugs that
    24  are certified in accordance with subsection (d), the department
    25  payment for multiple-source drugs must not exceed the amount
    26  that would result from the application of the specific limits
    27  established in accordance with subsection (e). If a specific
    28  limit has not been established under subsection (e), then the
    29  rule for "other drugs" set forth in subsection (c) applies.
    30     (c)  Other drugs.--The department payments for brand name
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     1  drugs certified in accordance with subsection (d) and drugs
     2  other than multiple-source drugs for which a specific limit has
     3  been established under subsection (e) must not exceed in the
     4  aggregate payment levels that the department has determined by
     5  applying the lower of the:
     6         (1)  Estimated acquisition costs plus reasonable
     7     dispensing fees established by the department.
     8         (2)  Providers' usual and customary charges to the
     9     general public.
    10     (d)  Certification of brand-name drugs.--
    11         (1)  The upper limit for payments for multiple-source
    12     drugs for which a specific limit has been established under
    13     subsection (e) does not apply if a physician certifies in his
    14     or her own handwriting that a specific brand is medically
    15     necessary for a particular recipient.
    16         (2)  The department must decide what certification form
    17     and procedure are used.
    18         (3)  A checkoff box on a form is not acceptable but a
    19     notation like "brand necessary" is allowable.
    20         (4)  The department may allow providers to keep the
    21     certification forms if the forms will be available for
    22     inspection by the department.
    23     (e)  Establishment and issuance of a listing of multiple-
    24  source drugs.--
    25         (1)  The department will use the CMS listings that
    26     identify and set upper limits for multiple-source drugs that
    27     meet the following requirements:
    28             (i)  All of the formulations of the drug approved by
    29         the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have been
    30         evaluated as therapeutically equivalent in the most
    20030H0888B1816                 - 10 -     

     1         current edition of their publication, Approved Drug
     2         Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations,
     3         including supplements or in successor publications.
     4             (ii)  At least three suppliers list the drug, which
     5         has been classified by the FDA as category "A" in its
     6         publication, Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic
     7         Equivalence Evaluations, including supplements or in
     8         successor publications, based on all listings contained
     9         in current editions, or updates, of published compendia
    10         of cost information for drugs available for sale
    11         nationally.
    12         (2)  The department publishes the list of multiple-source
    13     drugs for which upper limits have been established and any
    14     revisions to the list in Medicaid program instructions.
    15         (3)  The department will identify the sources used in
    16     compiling these lists.
    17  Section 310.  Generic drugs.
    18     (a)  General.--Notwithstanding any other statute or
    19  regulation, if an A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent
    20  drug is available for dispensing to a claimant, the provider
    21  shall dispense the A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent
    22  drug to the claimant. The department shall not reimburse
    23  providers for brand name products except in the following
    24  circumstances:
    25         (1)  There is no A-rated generic therapeutically
    26     equivalent drug available on the market. This paragraph does
    27     not apply to the lack of availability of an A-rated generic
    28     therapeutically equivalent drug in the providing pharmacy
    29     unless it can be shown to the department that the provider
    30     made reasonable attempts to obtain the A-rated generic
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     1     therapeutically equivalent drug or that there was an
     2     unforeseeable demand and depletion of the supply of the A-
     3     rated generic therapeutically equivalent drug. In either
     4     case, the department shall reimburse the provider for 90% of
     5     the average wholesale cost plus a dispensing fee based on the
     6     least expensive A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent
     7     drug for the brand drug dispensed.
     8         (2)  An A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent drug
     9     is deemed by the department, in consultation with a
    10     utilization review committee, to have too narrow a
    11     therapeutic index for safe and effective dispensing in the
    12     community setting. The department shall notify providing
    13     pharmacies of A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent
    14     drugs that are identified pursuant to this paragraph on a
    15     regular basis.
    16         (3)  The Department of Health has determined that a drug
    17     shall not be recognized as an A-rated generic therapeutically
    18     equivalent drug for purpose of substitution under section
    19     5(b) of the act of November 24, 1976 (P.L.1163, No.259),
    20     referred to as the Generic Equivalent Drug Law.
    21         (4)  At the time of dispensing, the provider has a
    22     prescription on which the brand name drug dispensed is billed
    23     to the program by the provider at a usual and customary
    24     charge which is equal to or less than the least expensive
    25     usual and customary charge of any A-rated generic
    26     therapeutically equivalent drug reasonably available on the
    27     market to the provider.
    28     (b)  Copayment.--If a claimant chooses not to accept the A-
    29  rated generic therapeutically equivalent drug required by
    30  subsection (a), the claimant shall be liable for the copayment
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     1  and 70% of the average wholesale cost of the brand name drug.
     2     (c)  Substitution or construction.--The dispensing of an A-
     3  rated generic therapeutically equivalent drug in accordance with
     4  this subchapter shall not be deemed incorrect substitution under
     5  section 6(a) of the Generic Equivalent Drug Law.
     6     (d)  Medical exception.--A medical exception process shall be
     7  established by the department, which shall be published as a
     8  notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and distributed to providers
     9  and recipients in the program.
    10  Section 311.  Supply.
    11     (a)  Requirement.--Except as set forth in subsection (b),
    12  prescription benefits for any single prescription shall be
    13  limited to a 30-day supply of the prescription drug or 100
    14  units, whichever is less for acute conditions.
    15     (b)  Exceptions.--
    16         (1)  In the case of diagnosis for acute conditions,
    17     prescription benefits for any single prescription shall be
    18     limited to a 15-day supply.
    19         (2)  Subsection (a) shall not apply to topical ointments
    20     or gels which are not available in containers which meet the
    21     size and supply restrictions set forth in subsection (a).
    22     (c)  Subsection (a) does not apply to contracts under section
    23  312(c).
    24  Section 312.  Mail service program.
    25     (a)  General rule.--The department shall require the use of a
    26  mail service program for maintenance drugs for eligible
    27  claimants. Only mail order pharmacy services provided by
    28  pharmacies which are licensed by the Commonwealth and which have
    29  their principal place of business within this Commonwealth may
    30  participate as providers under the program.
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     1     (b)  Minimum standards of practice.--The department shall
     2  develop and promulgate specific regulations governing the
     3  practice of mail order pharmacy and other enrolled providers to
     4  include the following minimum standards of practice to ensure
     5  the health, safety and welfare of program participants:
     6         (1)  The appropriate method by which pharmacies verify
     7     the identity of the eligible claimant and the authenticity of
     8     prescriptions received.
     9         (2)  The appropriate method by which pharmacies mail or
    10     deliver prescription drugs ensuring, to the maximum extent
    11     possible, that the intended eligible claimant is the actual
    12     ultimate recipient of any prescription dispensed.
    13         (3)  The appropriate method by which pharmacies
    14     communicate with eligible claimants in emergency situations.
    15     (c)  Ninety-day supply.--The department shall negotiate mail
    16  order contracts to provide a 90-day supply of drugs to eligible
    17  claimants at a single copayment rate equal to a 30-day supply
    18  for each order.
    19     (d)  Requirement.--An eligible claimant shall use the mail
    20  service program if the eligible claimant:
    21         (1)  utilizes a maintenance drug;
    22         (2)  has filled a prescription; and
    23         (3)  has refilled the prescription under paragraph (2) at
    24     least once.
    25     (e)  Rebates.--A mail order contract must include a rebate
    26  from the prescription drug manufacturer. The rebate must be at
    27  least as much as follows:
    28         (1)  For a brand-name drug, the sum of subparagraphs (i)
    29     and (ii):
    30             (i)  A dispensing fee of at least $6.
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     1             (ii)  The difference between:
     2                 (A)  the average wholesale price; and
     3                 (B)  20% of that price.
     4         (2)  For a generic drug, the sum of subparagraphs (i) and
     5     (ii):
     6             (i)  A dispensing fee of at least $6.
     7             (ii)  The difference between:
     8                 (A)  the average wholesale price; and
     9                 (B)  50% of that price.
    10     (f)  Negotiated payments.--The department shall not
    11  discriminate against a pharmacy that agrees to accept negotiated
    12  payment levels with the same terms and conditions and to adhere
    13  to quality standards established by the PACE and PACENET
    14  programs.
    15  Section 313.  Indication of price.
    16     The retail price of the prescription shall be indicated on
    17  the label of the prescription container or furnished by separate
    18  receipt.
    19  Section 314.  Reimbursement.
    20     For-profit third-party insurers and not-for-profit
    21  prescription plans shall be responsible for any payments made to
    22  a providing pharmacy on behalf of a claimant covered by such a
    23  third party.
    24  Section 315.  Nonliability.
    25     (a)  General.--Any person rendering service as a member of a
    26  utilization review committee for this program shall not be
    27  liable for any civil damages as a result of any acts or
    28  omissions in rendering the service as a member of any such
    29  committee except any acts or omissions intentionally designed to
    30  harm or any grossly negligent acts or omissions which result in
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     1  harm to the person receiving such service.
     2     (b)  Department personnel.--Any officer or employee of the
     3  department rendering service as a member of a utilization review
     4  committee for this program shall not be liable for any civil
     5  damages as a result of any acts or omissions in rendering the
     6  service as a member of any such committee or as a result of any
     7  decision or action in connection with the program except any
     8  acts or omissions intentionally designed to harm or any grossly
     9  negligent acts or omissions which result in harm to the person
    10  receiving such service.
    11  Section 316.  Income verification.
    12     (a)  General.--The department shall annually verify the
    13  income of eligible claimants by requiring income documentation
    14  from the claimants. An application for benefits under this
    15  subchapter shall constitute a waiver to the department of all
    16  relevant confidentiality requirements relating to the claimant's
    17  Pennsylvania State income tax information in the possession of
    18  the Department of Revenue. The Department of Revenue shall
    19  provide the department with the necessary income information
    20  shown on the claimant's Pennsylvania State income tax return
    21  solely for income verification purposes.
    22     (b)  Unlawful act.--It shall be unlawful for any officer,
    23  agent or employee of the department to divulge or make known in
    24  any manner whatsoever any information gained through access to
    25  the Department of Revenue information except for official income
    26  verification purposes under this subchapter.
    27     (c)  Penalty.--A person who violates this chapter commits a
    28  misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
    29  fine of not more than $1,000 or to imprisonment for not more
    30  than one year, or both, together with the cost of prosecution,
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     1  and, if the offender is an officer or employee of the
     2  Commonwealth, he shall be dismissed from office or discharged
     3  from employment.
     4     (d)  Coordination of effort.--To the extent possible, the
     5  department and the Department of Public Welfare shall coordinate
     6  efforts to facilitate the application and enrollment of eligible
     7  older people in the Medicaid Healthy Horizons Program by
     8  processing these applications at senior citizens centers and
     9  other appropriate facilities providing services to the elderly.
    10  Section 317.  Contract.
    11     The department is authorized to enter into a contract
    12  providing for prescription drugs to eligible persons pursuant to
    13  this subchapter. The department shall select a proposal that
    14  includes, but is not limited to, the criteria set forth in this
    15  subchapter.
    16  Section 318.  The Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the
    17                 Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier.
    18     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established within the
    19  department a program to be known as the Pharmaceutical
    20  Assistance Contract for the Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier
    21  (PACENET).
    22     (b)  Eligibility.--A claimant with an annual income of not
    23  less than $17,000 and not more than $20,000 in the case of a
    24  single person and of not less than $20,001 and not more than
    25  $23,200 in the case of the combined income of persons married to
    26  each other shall be eligible for enhanced pharmaceutical
    27  assistance under this section. A person may, in reporting income
    28  to the department, round the amount of each source of income and
    29  the income total to the nearest whole dollar, whereby any amount
    30  which is less than 50¢ is eliminated.
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     1     (c)  Requirements.--Upon enrollment in PACENET, eligible
     2  claimants in the income ranges set forth in subsection (b) shall
     3  be required to meet a monthly deductible in unreimbursed
     4  prescription drug expenses of $50 per person per month. To
     5  qualify for the deductible set forth in this subsection the
     6  prescription drug must be purchased for the use of the eligible
     7  claimant from a provider as defined in this subchapter. The
     8  department, after consultation with the board, may approve an
     9  adjustment in the deductible on an annual basis.
    10     (d)  Copayments.--The following are the copayments:
    11         (1)  For generic drugs - $6.
    12         (2)  For preferred drug list drugs - $12.
    13         (3)  For drugs which are not on the preferred drug list -
    14     $18.
    15  Section 319.  Board.
    16     (a)  General.--The Pharmaceutical Assistance Review Board is
    17  continued to ensure that the program is providing and continues
    18  to provide the assistance intended in a fiscally responsible
    19  manner without excessively hampering the pharmaceutical
    20  industry.
    21     (b)  Membership.--The board shall be comprised of the
    22  following eight persons:
    23         (1)  The Secretary of Aging, who shall serve as its
    24     chairman.
    25         (2)  The Secretary of Revenue.
    26         (3)  The Secretary of Health.
    27         (4)  Five public members, one appointed by the President
    28     pro tempore of the Senate, one appointed by the Minority
    29     Leader of the Senate, one appointed by the Speaker of the
    30     House of Representatives, one appointed by the Minority
    20030H0888B1816                 - 18 -     

     1     Leader of the House of Representatives and one appointed by
     2     the Governor. Those appointed by the legislative officers
     3     shall include two senior citizens who have not been a part of
     4     the pharmaceutical industry to serve as consumer advocates
     5     and two representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, at
     6     least one of whom is a practicing Pennsylvania pharmacist.
     7     The individual appointed by the Governor must be a physician.
     8     A public member who misses two consecutive meetings without
     9     good cause acceptable to the chairman shall be replaced by
    10     the appointing authority.
    11     (c)  Annual review.--Using the annual report submitted by the
    12  department pursuant to section 2102 of the act of August 26,
    13  1971 (P.L.351, No.91), known as the State Lottery Law, and other
    14  appropriate data sources, the board shall conduct an annual
    15  review. The board shall develop recommendations concerning any
    16  changes in the level of copayment, deductible or in the level of
    17  fees paid to participating pharmacists. The board shall review
    18  the department's therapeutic drug utilization review program on
    19  an ongoing basis. The board may also recommend other changes in
    20  the structure of the program and direct the department to enter
    21  into discussions with the private contractor concerning
    22  amendments to the contract, or the department may enter into
    23  such discussion if it deems necessary. The copayment or
    24  deductible schedule shall only be adjusted on an annual basis.
    25     (d)  Meetings.--The board shall meet at least two times per
    26  year.
    27  Section 320.  Penalties.
    28     (a)  General.--It shall be unlawful for any person to:
    29         (1)  Submit a false or fraudulent claim or application
    30     under this subchapter, including, but not limited to:
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     1             (i)  aiding or abetting another in the submission of
     2         a false or fraudulent claim or application;
     3             (ii)  receiving benefits or reimbursement under a
     4         Federal, state or a private program for prescription
     5         assistance and claiming or receiving duplicative benefits
     6         hereunder;
     7             (iii)  soliciting, receiving, offering or paying any
     8         kickback, bribe or rebate, in cash or in kind, from or to
     9         any person in connection with the furnishing of services
    10         under this subchapter;
    11             (iv)  engaging in a pattern of submitting claims that
    12         repeatedly uses incorrect National Drug Code numbers for
    13         the purpose of obtaining wrongful enhanced reimbursement;
    14         or
    15             (v)  otherwise violating any provision of this
    16         subchapter.
    17         (2)  Charge a copay if the amount of the copay exceeds
    18     the actual cost of the drug purchased.
    19     (b)  Civil penalty.--In addition to any appropriate criminal
    20  penalty for prohibited acts under this subchapter whether or not
    21  that act constitutes a crime under 18 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    22  crimes and offenses), a provider who violates this section may
    23  be liable for a civil penalty, which shall be collected by the
    24  department, in an amount not less than $500 and not more than
    25  $10,000 for each violation of this chapter. Each violation
    26  constitutes a separate offense. If the department collects three
    27  or more civil penalties against the same provider, the provider
    28  shall be ineligible to participate in either PACE or PACENET for
    29  a period of one year. If more than three civil penalties are
    30  collected from any provider, the department may determine that
    20030H0888B1816                 - 20 -     

     1  the provider is permanently ineligible to participate in PACE or
     2  PACENET.
     3     (c)  Suspension.--The license of any provider who has been
     4  found guilty under this subchapter shall be suspended for a
     5  period of one year. The license of any provider who has
     6  committed three or more violations of this subchapter may be
     7  suspended for a period of one year.
     8     (d)  Reparation.--Any provider, recipient or other person who
     9  is found guilty of a crime for violating this subchapter shall
    10  repay three times the value of the material gain received. In
    11  addition to the civil penalty authorized pursuant to subsection
    12  (b), the department may require the provider, recipient or other
    13  person to repay up to three times the value of any material gain
    14  to PACE or PACENET.
    15  Section 321.  Prescription Drug Education Program.
    16     The department, in cooperation with the Department of Health,
    17  shall develop and implement a Statewide prescription drug
    18  education program designed to inform older adults of the dangers
    19  of prescription drug abuse and misuse. The prescription dug
    20  education program shall include, but not be limited to,
    21  information concerning the following:
    22         (1)  The hazards of prescription drug overdose.
    23         (2)  The potential dangers of mixing prescription drugs.
    24         (3)  The danger of retaining unused prescription drugs
    25     after the need to take them no longer exists.
    26         (4)  The necessity to carefully question physicians and
    27     pharmacists concerning the effects of taking prescription
    28     drugs, including the differences between brand-name drugs and
    29     generically equivalent drugs.
    30         (5)  The advisability of maintaining a prescription drug
    20030H0888B1816                 - 21 -     

     1     profile or other record of prescription drug dosage and
     2     frequency of dosage.
     3         (6)  The desirability of advising family members of the
     4     types and proper dosage of prescription drugs which are being
     5     taken.
     6         (7)  The dangers of taking prescription drugs in excess
     7     of prescribed dosages.
     8         (8)  The need to obtain complete, detailed directions
     9     from the physician or pharmacist concerning the time period a
    10     prescription drug should be taken.
    11  Section 322.  Outreach program.
    12     The department, in consultation with appropriate Commonwealth
    13  agencies, shall coordinate the development of an outreach plan
    14  to inform potential contractors, providers and enrollees
    15  regarding eligibility and available benefits of the PACE and
    16  PACENET programs. The plan shall include provisions for reaching
    17  special populations, including nonwhite and non-English-speaking
    18  people; for reaching different geographic areas, including rural
    19  and inner-city areas; and for assuring that special efforts are
    20  coordinated within the overall outreach activities throughout
    21  this Commonwealth.
    22  Section 323.  Accountability.
    23     (a)  Audits.--The PACE and PACENET programs shall be subject
    24  to an audit by an independent entity at least once each fiscal
    25  year. This subsection shall include fiscal audits, provider
    26  claims audits, benefits manager administration audits and
    27  manufacturer's rebate audits.
    28     (b)  Conduct of audit.--The audit shall be conducted in
    29  accordance with generally accepted auditing standards as
    30  prescribed by the American Institute of Certified Public
    20030H0888B1816                 - 22 -     

     1  Accountants, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, the
     2  United States General Accounting Office or other professionally
     3  recognized entities that prescribe auditing standards.
     4     (c)  Access.--The auditor shall be entitled to have access to
     5  all of the books, accounts, confidential or nonconfidential
     6  reports, vouchers or other records of information in the
     7  department and its contractors including access to all
     8  electronic data. The auditor shall have access to copyrighted or
     9  restricted information obtained by the department and its
    10  contractors under subscription agreements and utilized in the
    11  preparation of economic estimates only for audit purposes.
    12     (d)  Purpose and report.--The audit shall determine the
    13  following:
    14         (1)  Whether the records, books and accounts of the
    15     department and its contractors accurately reflect the
    16     financial and fiscal operations.
    17         (2)  Whether effective accounting control over revenues,
    18     obligations, expenditures, assets and liabilities is
    19     maintained.
    20         (3)  Whether the department and its contractors have
    21     obligated, expended, received and used State funds in
    22     accordance with the purpose for which those funds have been
    23     appropriated.
    24         (4)  Whether the records, books and accounts of the
    25     department and its contractors fairly and accurately reflect
    26     the financial and fiscal operations relating to the
    27     obligation receipt, expenditure and use of State funds.
    28         (5)  Whether the department and its contractors are
    29     managing and utilizing resources, personnel, property,
    30     equipment and space in an economical and efficient manner
    20030H0888B1816                 - 23 -     

     1     including causes of inefficiencies or uneconomical practices,
     2     inadequacies in management information systems, internal and
     3     administrative procedures, organizational structure, use of
     4     resources, allocation of personnel, purchasing policies and
     5     equipment.
     6         (6)  Whether financial, program and statistical reports
     7     of the department and its contractors contain useful data and
     8     are fairly presented.
     9         (7)  Whether the objectives and intended benefits are
    10     being achieved efficiently and effectively.
    11         (8)  Whether the programs are being performed and
    12     administered as authorized and required by law.
    13         (9)  Whether the benefits manager and pharmacy providers
    14     are accurately transmitting and billing PACE and PACENET
    15     prescription claims.
    16     (e)  Report.--The auditor shall submit an annual report of
    17  its findings, conclusions and recommendations to the department
    18  and its contractors and to the Aging and Youth Committee, the
    19  Appropriations Committee and the Public Health and Welfare
    20  Committee of the Senate and the Aging and Older Adult Services
    21  Committee, the Appropriations Committee and the Health and Human
    22  Services Committee of the House of Representatives.
    23     (f)  Response.--The Department of Aging shall respond to the
    24  audit report within 30 days of its release.
    25                            SUBCHAPTER B
    27  Section 341.  Definitions.
    28     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    29  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    30  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20030H0888B1816                 - 24 -     

     1     "Covered prescription drug."  A legend drug, insulin, an
     2  insulin syringe or an insulin needle eligible for payment by the
     3  Commonwealth under PACE, PACENET or designated pharmaceutical
     4  programs.
     5     "Designated pharmaceutical programs."  The general assistance
     6  program and the Special Pharmaceutical Benefit Program in the
     7  Department of Public Welfare and the End Stage Renal Dialysis
     8  Program in the Department of Health.
     9     "PACE."  The program under Subchapter A.
    10     "PACENET."  The program established under section 318.
    11  Section 342.  Rebate agreement.
    12     PACE, PACENET and designated pharmaceutical programs shall
    13  reimburse for any covered prescription drug with a rebate
    14  agreement drafted on the same basis as provided in section 1927
    15  of Title XIX of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C.
    16  § 1396 r-8).
    17  Section 343.  Disposition of funds.
    18     (a)  PACE and PACENET.--Money received under this subchapter
    19  in connection with PACE and PACENET shall be deposited in the
    20  Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly Fund.
    21     (b)  Pharmaceutical programs.--Money received under this
    22  subchapter in connection with designated pharmaceutical programs
    23  shall be treated as a refund of expenditures to the
    24  appropriation which originally provided the funding for the
    25  pharmaceutical purchase.
    26                            SUBCHAPTER C
    28  Section 361.  Definitions.
    29     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    30  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20030H0888B1816                 - 25 -     

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Committee."  The Pharmacy Best Practices and Cost Control
     3  Advisory Committee established in section 362.
     4     "Department."  The Department of Aging of the Commonwealth.
     5     "Program."  The Pharmacy Best Practices and Cost Control
     6  Program established in section 363.
     7     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Aging of the Commonwealth.
     8  § 362.  Advisory committee.
     9     (a)  Establishment.--The Pharmacy Best Practices and Cost
    10  Control Advisory Committee is established in the department.
    11     (b)  Members.--The committee is comprised of the following:
    12         (1)  The secretary or a designee, who shall serve as
    13     chairperson.
    14         (2)  Four members appointed by the Governor. Members
    15     under this paragraph must possess expertise in medicine or
    16     pharmacy.
    17         (3)  One member appointed by the President pro tempore of
    18     the Senate and one member appointed by the Minority Leader of
    19     the Senate.
    20         (4)  One member appointed by the Speaker of the House of
    21     Representatives and one member appointed by the Minority
    22     Leader of the House of Representatives.
    23     (c)  Terms.--Terms are as follows:
    24         (1)  The secretary shall serve ex officio.
    25         (2)  A member under subsection (b)(2) shall serve a term
    26     of six years.
    27         (3)  A member under subsection (b)(3) shall serve a term
    28     of four years but may be removed at the pleasure of the
    29     appointing authority.
    30         (4)  A member under subsection (b)(4) shall serve a term
    20030H0888B1816                 - 26 -     

     1     of two years but may be removed at the pleasure of the
     2     appointing authority.
     3         (5)  An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the
     4     period of the unexpired term or until a successor is
     5     appointed and qualified.
     6     (d)  Quorum.--A majority of the members of the committee
     7  constitutes a quorum.
     8     (e)  Compensation.--Members shall receive no payment for
     9  their services. Members who are not employees of State
    10  government shall be reimbursed for necessary and reasonable
    11  expenses incurred in the course of their official duties.
    12  Section 363.  Program.
    13     (a)  Establishment.--The secretary shall establish a Pharmacy
    14  Best Practices and Cost Control Program for PACE and PACENET
    15  enrollees designed to reduce the cost of providing prescription
    16  drugs, while maintaining high quality in prescription drug
    17  therapies. The program shall be implemented consistent with
    18  section 1927 of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C.
    19  § 1396r-8). The program shall include all of the following:
    20         (1)  A preferred list of covered prescription drugs which
    21     identifies preferred choices within selected therapeutic
    22     classes for particular diseases and conditions, including
    23     generic alternatives. Therapeutic classes and drugs to be
    24     preferred in the classes shall be selected by the department
    25     upon recommendations by the committee.
    26         (2)  Utilization review procedures, including a prior
    27     authorization review process which meets the requirements of
    28     section 1927(d)(5) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §
    29     1396r-8(d)(5)).
    30         (3)  A supplemental rebate program or any other strategy
    20030H0888B1816                 - 27 -     

     1     designed to negotiate with pharmaceutical manufacturers to
     2     lower the cost of prescription drugs for the department's
     3     Medicaid program.
     4         (4)  Education programs, including a counterdetailing
     5     program, designed to provide information and education on the
     6     therapeutic and cost-effective utilization of prescription
     7     drugs to physicians, pharmacists and other health care
     8     professionals authorized to prescribe and dispense
     9     prescription drugs.
    10         (5)  Any other cost containment activity adopted by the
    11     department which is designed to reduce the cost of providing
    12     prescription drugs while maintaining high quality in
    13     prescription drug therapies.
    14     (b)  Pooling.--The secretary shall evaluate the benefits of
    15  participating, but is not required to participate, in joint
    16  prescription drug purchasing agreements or pooling arrangements
    17  with other states. Such actions shall include:
    18         (1)  The execution of any lawful joint purchasing or
    19     pooling agreements with other participating states which the
    20     secretary determines will lower the Medicaid cost of
    21     prescription drugs while maintaining high quality in
    22     prescription drug therapies.
    23         (2)  Renegotiation and amendment of existing contracts to
    24     which the department is a party if renegotiation and
    25     amendment will be of economic benefit to the department.
    26     (c)  Reports.--The secretary shall report quarterly to the
    27  committee on the department's progress in securing participation
    28  in joint purchasing or pooling agreements.
    29     (d)  Authorized coverage.--The program shall authorize
    30  pharmacy benefit coverage when a patient's health care provider
    20030H0888B1816                 - 28 -     

     1  prescribes a prescription drug not on the preferred drug list or
     2  a prescription drug which is not the list's preferred choice
     3  under the same terms as coverage for preferred choice drugs if
     4  any of the following apply:
     5         (1)  The preferred choice has not been effective or, with
     6     reasonable certainty, is not expected to be effective in
     7     treating the patient's condition.
     8         (2)  The preferred choice causes or is reasonably
     9     expected to cause adverse or harmful reactions in the
    10     patient.
    11         (3)  Other clinical criteria recommended by the committee
    12     and approved by the department is complied with.
    13         (4)  If the prescriber does not wish substitution to take
    14     place, the prescriber shall write "brand necessary" or "no
    15     substitution" in the prescriber's own handwriting on the
    16     prescription blank, together with a written statement that
    17     the generic or therapeutic equivalent has not been effective,
    18     or with reasonable certainty is not expected to be effective,
    19     in treating the patient's medical condition or causes or is
    20     reasonably expected to cause adverse or harmful reactions in
    21     the patient. In the case of an unwritten prescription, there
    22     shall be no substitution if the prescriber expressly
    23     indicates to the pharmacist that the brand name drug is
    24     necessary and substitution is not allowed because the generic
    25     or therapeutic equivalent has not been effective, or with
    26     reasonable certainty is not expected to be effective, in
    27     treating the patient's medical condition or causes or is
    28     reasonably expected to cause adverse or harmful reactions in
    29     the patient.
    30     (e)  Exclusions.--The department, with recommendations from
    20030H0888B1816                 - 29 -     

     1  the committee, shall determine diseases and therapeutic classes
     2  relating to treatment for diseases excluded from the program as
     3  to Medicaid enrollees already taking specified drugs at the time
     4  the program is implemented.
     5     (f)  Response.--The program's prior authorization process
     6  shall ensure that there will be a response to a request for
     7  prior authorization by telephone or other telecommunication
     8  device within 24 hours after receipt of the request for prior
     9  authorization and that a 72-hour supply of the drug prescribed
    10  will be provided in an emergency or when the program does not
    11  provide a response within 24 hours. The prior authorization
    12  process shall be designed to minimize administrative burdens on
    13  prescribers, pharmacists and consumers.
    14     (g)  Procedure.--The program shall establish procedures for
    15  the timely review of prescription drugs newly approved by the
    16  Food and Drug Administration, including procedures for the
    17  review of newly approved prescription drugs in emergency
    18  circumstances.
    19     (h)  Reports.--The department shall submit annual reports on
    20  the programs under subsection (a) and (b) to the Aging and Youth
    21  Committee, the Appropriations Committee and the Public Health
    22  and Welfare Committee of the Senate and the Aging and Older
    23  Adult Services Committee, the Appropriations Committee and the
    24  Health and Human Services Committee of the House of
    25  Representatives. The reports shall include classes of drugs,
    26  exceptions, cost effectiveness, movement of market share and
    27  increased utilization of generic drugs.
    28                             CHAPTER 51
    29                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    30  Section 5101.  Federal programs.
    20030H0888B1816                 - 30 -     

     1     If the Federal Government enacts programs similar to PACE or
     2  PACENET, the State programs shall be construed to only
     3  supplement the Federal programs and all persons qualified for
     4  coverage under the Federal program shall utilize that Federal
     5  program before utilizing any State program.
     6  Section 5102.  Repeals.
     7     (a)  Specific.--Chapters 5 and 7 of the act of August 26,
     8  1971 (P.L.351, No.91), known as the State Lottery Law, are
     9  repealed.
    10     (b)  General.--All other acts and parts of acts are repealed
    11  insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
    12  Section 5103.  Effective date.
    13     This act shall take effect immediately.

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