See other bills
under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1044, 1816, 1836,        PRINTER'S NO. 2919
        1889, 2098, 2117, 2794, 2871



No. 888 Session of 2003

           MARCH 13, 2003

           NOVEMBER 18, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 26, 1971 (P.L.351, No.91), entitled
     2     "An act providing for a State Lottery and administration
     3     thereof; authorizing the creation of a State Lottery
     4     Commission; prescribing its powers and duties; disposition of
     5     funds; violations and penalties therefor; exemption of prizes
     6     from State and local taxation and making an appropriation,"
     7     further providing for definitions, for program generally, for
     8     generic drugs, for restricted formulary, for reimbursement,
     9     for nonliability, for the Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract
    10     for the Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier, for the
    11     Pharmaceutical Assistance Review Board; providing for
    12     pharmacy best practices and cost controls; further providing
    13     for penalties, for the Prescription Drug Education Program,
    14     for rebate agreement, for terms of rebate agreement and for    <--
    15     amount of rebate; providing for a Pharmaceutical Assistance
    16     Clearinghouse; further providing for annual report to General
    17     Assembly; and providing for construction with Federal
    18     programs and for continued use of Tobacco Settlement Fund.

     1     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     2  hereby enacts as follows:
     3     Section 1.  The definitions of "HCFA," "income," "maximum
     4  annual income" and "provider" in section 502 of the act of
     5  August 26, 1971 (P.L.351, No.91), known as the State Lottery
     6  Law, added November 21, 1996 (P.L.741, No.134), are amended and
     7  the section is amended by adding definitions to read:
     8  Section 502.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    10  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     * * *
    13     "CMS."  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the
    14  United States.
    15     * * *                                                          <--
    16     "DESI."  The Drug Efficacy Study Implementation List.
    17     * * *
    18     ["HCFA."  The Health Care Financing Administration of the
    19  United States.]
    20     "Health Maintenance Organization."  An organized system which
    21  combines the delivery and financing of health care and which
    22  provides basic health services to voluntarily enrolled
    23  subscribers for a fixed prepaid fee.
    24     "Income."  All income from whatever source derived,
    25  including, but not limited to, salaries, wages, bonuses,
    26  commissions, income from self-employment, alimony, support
    27  money, cash public assistance and relief, the gross amount of
    28  any pensions or annuities, including railroad retirement
    29  benefits, all benefits received under the Social Security Act
    30  (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et. seq.) (except Medicare
    20030H0888B2919                  - 2 -     

     1  benefits), all benefits received under State unemployment
     2  insurance laws and veterans' disability payments, all interest
     3  received from the Federal Government or any state government or
     4  any instrumentality or political subdivision thereof, realized
     5  capital gains, rentals, workmen's compensation and the gross
     6  amount of loss of time insurance benefits, life insurance
     7  benefits and proceeds, except the first [$5,000] $10,000 of the
     8  total of death benefits payments, and gifts of cash or property,
     9  other than transfers by gift between members of a household, in
    10  excess of a total value of $300, but shall not include surplus
    11  food or other relief in kind supplied by a government agency or
    12  property tax rebate.
    13     "Maximum annual income."  For PACE eligibility, the term
    14  shall mean annual income which shall not exceed [$14,000]
    15  $14,500 in the case of single persons nor [$17,200] $17,700 in
    16  the case of the combined annual income of persons married to
    17  each other. Persons may, in reporting income to the Department
    18  of Aging, round the amount of each source of income and the
    19  income total to the nearest whole dollar, whereby any amount
    20  which is less than 50¢ is eliminated.
    21     * * *
    22     "Preferred Provider Organization."  An entity organized and
    23  operating under 40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to professional
    24  health services plan corporations).
    25     * * *
    26     "Provider."  A pharmacy [or], dispensing physician or
    27  certified registered nurse practitioner enrolled as a provider
    28  in the program.
    29     Section 2.  Sections 503, 504 and 509 of the act, added
    30  November 21, 1996 (P.L.741, No.134), are amended to read:
    20030H0888B2919                  - 3 -     

     1  Section 503.  Determination of eligibility.
     2     The department shall adopt regulations relating to the
     3  determination of eligibility of prospective claimants and
     4  providers, including dispensing physicians and certified
     5  registered nurse practitioners when acting in accordance with
     6  rules and regulations promulgated by the State Board of Nursing
     7  as required by the act of May 22, 1951 (P.L.317, No.69), known
     8  as The Professional Nursing Law, and the State Board of Pharmacy
     9  minimum standards of practice, and the determination and
    10  elimination of program abuse. To this end, the department shall
    11  establish a compliance unit staffed sufficiently to fulfill this
    12  responsibility. The department shall have the power to declare
    13  ineligible any claimant or provider who abuses or misuses the
    14  established prescription plan. The department shall have the
    15  power to investigate cases of suspected provider or recipient
    16  fraud.
    17  Section 504.  Physician, certified registered nurse practitioner
    18                 and pharmacy participation.
    19     Any physician, certified registered nurse practitioner,
    20  pharmacist, pharmacy or corporation owned in whole or in part by
    21  a physician, certified registered nurse practitioner or
    22  pharmacist enrolled as a provider in the program or who has
    23  prescribed medication for a claimant in the program who is
    24  precluded or excluded for cause from the Department of Public
    25  Welfare's Medical Assistance Program shall be precluded or
    26  excluded from participation in the program. No physician or
    27  certified registered nurse practitioner precluded or excluded
    28  from the Department of Public Welfare's Medical Assistance
    29  Program shall have claims resulting from prescriptions paid for
    30  by the program.
    20030H0888B2919                  - 4 -     

     1  Section 509.  Program generally.
     2     The program shall include the following:
     3         (1)  Participating pharmacies shall be paid within 21
     4     days of the contracting firm receiving the appropriate
     5     substantiation of the transaction. Pharmacies shall be
     6     entitled to interest for payment not made within the 21-day
     7     period at a rate approved by the board.
     8         (2)  Collection of the copayment by pharmacies shall be
     9     mandatory.
    10         (3)  Senior citizens participating in the program are not
    11     required to maintain records of each transaction.
    12         (4)  A system of rebates or reimbursements to eligible
    13     claimants for pharmaceutical expenses shall be prohibited.
    14         (5)  PACE shall include [a] participant copayment
    15     [schedule] schedules for each prescription, including a
    16     copayment for generic or multiple-source drugs that is less
    17     than the copayment for single-source drugs. [The copayment
    18     may increase or decrease on an annual basis by the average
    19     percent change of ingredient costs for all prescription
    20     drugs, plus a differential to raise the copayment to the next
    21     highest 25¢ increment. In addition, the department may
    22     approve a request for increase or decrease in the level of
    23     copayment based upon the financial experience and projections
    24     of PACE and after consultation with the board. The department
    25     is prohibited from approving adjustments to the copayment on
    26     more than an annual basis.] The department shall annually
    27     calculate the copayment schedules based on the Prescription
    28     Drugs and Medical Supplies Consumer Price Index. When the
    29     aggregate impact of the Prescription Drugs and Medical
    30     Supplies Consumer Price Index equals or exceeds $1, the
    20030H0888B2919                  - 5 -     

     1     department shall adjust the copayment schedules. Each
     2     copayment schedule shall not be increased by more than $1 in
     3     a calendar year.
     4         (6)  [The program shall consist of payments to pharmacies
     5     on behalf of eligible claimants for 90% of the average
     6     wholesale costs of prescription drugs which exceed the
     7     copayment, plus a dispensing fee of at least $3.50 or the
     8     dispensing fee established by the department by regulation,
     9     whichever is greater.] The program payment shall be the lower
    10     of the following amounts determined as follows:
    11             (i)  90% of the average wholesale cost of the
    12         prescription drug dispensed:
    13                 (A)  with the addition of a dispensing fee of the
    14             greater of:
    15                     (I)  $4; or
    16                     (II)  the amount set by the department by
    17                 regulation;
    18                 (B)  the subtraction of the copayment; and
    19                 (C)  if required the subtraction of the generic
    20             differential; or
    21             (ii)  the pharmacy's usual charge for the drug
    22         dispensed with the subtraction of the copayment and if
    23         required the subtraction of the generic differential; or
    24             (iii)  if a generic drug, the most current Federal
    25         upper payments limits established in the Medicaid Program
    26         under 42 CFR § 447.332 (relating to upper limits for
    27         multiple source drugs), plus a dispensing fee of $4 or
    28         the amount set by the department by regulation, whichever
    29         is greater minus the copayment. The department shall
    30         update the average wholesale costs and the Federal upper
    20030H0888B2919                  - 6 -     

     1         payment limits at least every 30 days.
     2         (7)  In no case shall the Commonwealth or any person
     3     enrolled in the program be charged more than the price of the
     4     drug at the particular pharmacy on the date of the sale.
     5         (8)  The Governor may, based upon certified State Lottery
     6     Fund revenue that is provided to both the chairman and
     7     minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the
     8     Senate and the chairman and minority chairman of the
     9     Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives, and
    10     after consultation with the board, decrease the eligibility
    11     limits established in this chapter.
    12     Section 3.  Section 510(a) of the act, added November 21,
    13  1996 (P.L.741, No.134), is amended to read:
    14  Section 510.  Generic drugs.
    15     (a)  In general.--Notwithstanding any other statute or
    16  regulation, if an A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent
    17  drug is available for dispensing to a claimant, the provider
    18  shall dispense the A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent
    19  drug to the claimant. The department shall reimburse providers
    20  based upon the most current listing of Federal upper payments
    21  limits established in the Medicaid Program under 42 CFR §
    22  447.332 (relating to upper limits for multiple source drugs),
    23  plus a dispensing fee as set forth in section 509(6). The
    24  department shall update the average wholesale costs and the
    25  Federal upper payments limits on a regular basis, at least every
    26  30 days. The department shall not reimburse providers for brand
    27  name products except in the following circumstances:
    28         (1)  There is no A-rated generic therapeutically
    29     equivalent drug available on the market. This paragraph does
    30     not apply to the lack of availability of an A-rated generic
    20030H0888B2919                  - 7 -     

     1     therapeutically equivalent drug in the providing pharmacy
     2     unless it can be shown to the department that the provider
     3     made reasonable attempts to obtain the A-rated generic
     4     therapeutically equivalent drug or that there was an
     5     unforeseeable demand and depletion of the supply of the A-
     6     rated generic therapeutically equivalent drug. In either
     7     case, the department shall reimburse the provider for 90% of
     8     the average wholesale cost plus a dispensing fee based on the
     9     least expensive A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent
    10     drug for the brand drug dispensed.
    11         (2)  An A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent drug
    12     is deemed by the department, in consultation with a
    13     utilization review committee, to have too narrow a
    14     therapeutic index for safe and effective dispensing in the
    15     community setting. The department shall notify providing
    16     pharmacies of A-rated generic therapeutically equivalent
    17     drugs that are identified pursuant to this paragraph on a
    18     regular basis.
    19         (3)  The Department of Health has determined that a drug
    20     shall not be recognized as an A-rated generic therapeutically
    21     equivalent drug for purpose of substitution under section
    22     5(b) of the act of November 24, 1976 (P.L.1163, No.259),
    23     referred to as the Generic Equivalent Drug Law.
    24         (4)  At the time of dispensing, the provider has a
    25     prescription on which the brand name drug dispensed is billed
    26     to the program by the provider at a usual and customary
    27     charge which is equal to or less than the least expensive
    28     usual and customary charge of any A-rated generic
    29     therapeutically equivalent drug reasonably available on the
    30     market to the provider.
    20030H0888B2919                  - 8 -     

     1     * * *
     2     Section 4.  Sections 512, 515, 516, 519 and 520(b) of the
     3  act, added November 21, 1996 (P.L.741, No.134), are amended to
     4  read:
     5  Section 512.  Restricted formulary.
     6     The department may establish a restricted formulary of the
     7  drugs which will not be reimbursed by the program. This
     8  formulary shall include only experimental drugs and drugs on the
     9  Drug Efficacy Study Implementation List prepared by [the Health
    10  Care Finance Administration] CMS. A medical exception may be
    11  permitted by the department for reimbursement of a drug on the
    12  Drug Efficacy Study Implementation List upon declaration of its
    13  necessity on the prescription by the treating physician or
    14  certified registered nurse practitioner, except that, for DESI
    15  drugs for which the FDA has issued a Notice for Opportunity
    16  Hearing (NOOH) for the purpose of withdrawing the New Drug
    17  Application approved for that drug, reimbursement coverage shall
    18  be discontinued under the provisions of this chapter.
    19  Section 515.  Reimbursement.
    20     For-profit third-party insurers, health maintenance
    21  organizations, preferred provider organizations and not-for-
    22  profit prescription plans shall be responsible for any payments
    23  made to a providing pharmacy on behalf of a claimant covered by
    24  such a third party. Final determination as to the existence of
    25  third-party coverage shall be the responsibility of the
    26  department.
    27  Section 516.  Nonliability.
    28     (a)  [Persons rendering service] General rule.--Any person
    29  rendering service as a member of a utilization review committee
    30  for this program shall not be liable for any civil damages as a
    20030H0888B2919                  - 9 -     

     1  result of any acts or omissions in rendering the service as a
     2  member of any such committee except any acts or omissions
     3  intentionally designed to harm or any grossly negligent acts or
     4  omissions which result in harm to the person receiving such
     5  service.
     6     (b)  [Officer and employees of department] Department
     7  personnel.--Any officer or employee of the department rendering
     8  service as a member of a utilization review committee for this
     9  program shall not be liable for any civil damages as a result of
    10  any acts or omissions in rendering the service as a member of
    11  any such committee or as a result of any decision or action in
    12  connection with the program except any acts or omissions
    13  intentionally designed to harm or any grossly negligent acts or
    14  omissions which result in harm to the person receiving such
    15  service.
    16  Section 519.  The Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the
    17                 Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier.
    18     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established within the
    19  department a program to be known as the Pharmaceutical
    20  Assistance Contract for the Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier
    21  (PACENET).
    22     (b)  PACENET eligibility.--A claimant with an annual income
    23  of not less than [$14,000] $14,500 and not more than [$16,000]
    24  $23,500 in the case of a single person and of not less than
    25  [$17,200] $17,700 and not more than [$19,200] $31,500 in the
    26  case of the combined income of persons married to each other
    27  shall be eligible for enhanced pharmaceutical assistance under
    28  this section. A person may, in reporting income to the
    29  department, round the amount of each source of income and the
    30  income total to the nearest whole dollar, whereby any amount
    20030H0888B2919                 - 10 -     

     1  which is less than 50¢ is eliminated.
     2     (c)  Deductible.--Upon enrollment in PACENET, eligible
     3  claimants in the income ranges set forth in subsection (b) shall
     4  be required to meet [an annual] a deductible in unreimbursed
     5  prescription drug expenses of [$500] $40 per person[.] per
     6  month. The $40 monthly deductible shall be cumulative and shall
     7  be applied to subsequent months to determine eligibility. The
     8  cumulative deductible shall be determined on an enrollment year
     9  basis for an annual total deductible not to exceed $480 in a
    10  year. To qualify for the deductible set forth in this subsection
    11  the prescription drug must be purchased for the use of the
    12  eligible claimant from a provider as defined in this chapter.
    13  The department, after consultation with the board, may approve
    14  an adjustment in the deductible on an annual basis.
    15     (d)  Copayment.--
    16         (1)  For eligible claimants under this section, the
    17     copayment schedule[, which may be adjusted by the department
    18     on an annual basis after consultation with the board,] shall
    19     be:
    20             (i)  eight dollars for noninnovator multiple source
    21         drugs as defined in section 702; or
    22             (ii)  fifteen dollars for single-source drugs and
    23         innovator multiple-source drugs as defined in section
    24         702.
    25         (2)  The department shall annually calculate the
    26     copayment schedules based on the Prescription Drugs and
    27     Medical Supplies Consumer Price Index. When the aggregate
    28     impact of the Prescription Drugs and Medical Supplies
    29     Consumer Price Index equals or exceeds $1, the department
    30     shall adjust the copayment schedules. Each copayment schedule
    20030H0888B2919                 - 11 -     

     1     shall not be increased by more than $1 in a calendar year.
     2  Section 520.  Board.
     3     * * *
     4     (b)  Composition.--The board shall be comprised of the
     5  following eight persons:
     6         (1)  The Secretary of Aging, who shall serve as its
     7     chairman.
     8         (2)  The Secretary of Revenue.
     9         (3)  The Secretary of Health.
    10         (4)  Five public members, one appointed by the President
    11     pro tempore of the Senate, one appointed by the Minority
    12     Leader of the Senate, one appointed by the Speaker of the
    13     House of Representatives, one appointed by the Minority
    14     Leader of the House of Representatives and one appointed by
    15     the Governor. Those appointed by the legislative officers
    16     shall include two senior citizens who have not been a part of
    17     the pharmaceutical industry to serve as consumer advocates
    18     [and two representatives], one representative of the
    19     pharmaceutical industry[, at least one of whom is a] and one
    20     practicing Pennsylvania pharmacist. The individual appointed
    21     by the Governor must be a physician. A public member who
    22     misses two consecutive meetings without good cause acceptable
    23     to the chairman shall be replaced by the appointing
    24     authority.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    27  Section 520.1.  Pharmacy best practices and cost controls
    28                     review.
    29     (a)  Review process.--The secretary shall review and
    30  recommend pharmacy best practices and cost control mechanisms
    20030H0888B2919                 - 12 -     

     1  that maintain high quality in prescription drug therapies but
     2  are designed to reduce the cost of providing prescription drugs
     3  for PACE and PACENET enrollees including:
     4         (1)  A list of covered prescription drugs with
     5     recommended copayment schedules. In developing the schedules,
     6     the department shall take into account the standards
     7     published in the United States Pharmacopeia-Drug Information.
     8         (2)  A drug utilization review procedure, incorporating a
     9     prescription review process for copayment schedules.
    10         (3)  A step therapy program that safely and effectively
    11     utilizes in a sequential manner the least costly
    12     pharmacological therapy to treat the symptoms of or effect a
    13     cure for the medical condition or illness for which the
    14     therapy is prescribed.
    15         (4)  Education programs designed to provide information
    16     and education on the therapeutic and cost-effective
    17     utilization of prescription drugs to physicians, pharmacists,
    18     certified registered nurse practitioners and other health
    19     care professionals authorized to prescribe and dispense
    20     prescription drugs.
    21     (b)  Report and recommendations.--No later than two years
    22  from the effective date of this section, the department shall
    23  submit a report with recommendations to the Aging and Youth
    24  Committee, the Appropriations Committee and the Public Health
    25  and Welfare Committee of the Senate and the Aging and Older
    26  Adult Services Committee, the Appropriations Committee and the
    27  Health and Human Services Committee of the House of
    28  Representatives. The report shall include information regarding
    29  the efficacy of the pharmacy best practices and control
    30  mechanisms set forth in subsection (a) including recommended
    20030H0888B2919                 - 13 -     

     1  copayment schedules with impacted classes of drugs, exceptions,
     2  cost effectiveness, improved drug utilization and therapies,
     3  movement of market share and increased utilization of generic
     4  drugs.
     5     Section 6.  Sections 521(d) and 522 of the act, added
     6  November 21, 1996 (P.L.741, No.134), are amended to read:
     7  Section 521.  Penalties.
     8     * * *
     9     (d)  [Repayment of gain] Reparation.--Any provider, recipient
    10  or other person who is found guilty of a crime for violating
    11  this chapter shall repay three times the value of the material
    12  gain received. In addition to the civil penalty authorized
    13  pursuant to subsection (b), the department may require the
    14  provider, recipient or other person to repay up to three times
    15  the value of any material gain to PACE or PACENET.
    16  Section 522.  Prescription drug education program.
    17     The department, in cooperation with the Department of Health,
    18  shall develop and implement a Statewide prescription drug
    19  education program designed to inform older adults of the dangers
    20  of prescription drug abuse and misuse. The prescription drug
    21  education program shall include, but not be limited to,
    22  information concerning the following:
    23         (1)  The hazards of prescription drug overdose.
    24         (2)  The potential dangers of mixing prescription drugs.
    25         (3)  The danger of retaining unused prescription drugs
    26     after the need to take them no longer exists.
    27         (4)  The necessity to carefully question physicians,
    28     certified registered nurse practitioners and pharmacists
    29     concerning the effects of taking prescription drugs,
    30     including the differences between brand-name drugs and
    20030H0888B2919                 - 14 -     

     1     generically equivalent drugs.
     2         (5)  The advisability of maintaining a prescription drug
     3     profile or other record of prescription drug dosage and
     4     frequency of dosage.
     5         (6)  The desirability of advising family members of the
     6     types and proper dosage of prescription drugs which are being
     7     taken.
     8         (7)  The dangers of taking prescription drugs in excess
     9     of prescribed dosages.
    10         (8)  The need to obtain complete, detailed directions
    11     from the physician, certified registered nurse practitioner
    12     or pharmacist concerning the time period a prescription drug
    13     should be taken.
    14     Section 7.  The definition of "provider" in section 702 of
    15  the act, added November 21, 1996 (P.L.741, No.134), is amended
    16  and the section is amended by adding a definition to read:
    17  Section 702.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    19  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     * * *
    22     "Best price."  The lowest price available from the
    23  manufacturer during the rebate period to any wholesaler,
    24  retailer, provider, health maintenance organization, nonprofit
    25  entity or any governmental entity subject to the exclusions and
    26  special rules set forth in sections 1902 and 1927(c)(1)(C) of
    27  the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. §§1396c, 1396r-
    28  8(c)(1)(C)).
    29     * * *
    30     "Provider."  A licensed pharmacy [or], dispensing physician
    20030H0888B2919                 - 15 -     

     1  or certified registered nurse practitioner enrolled as a
     2  provider in PACE, PACENET or designated pharmaceutical programs.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 8.  Sections 703(e) and 704(c)(1) of the act, added    <--
     5  November 21, 1996 (P.L.741, No.134), are amended to read:
     6  Section 703.  Rebate agreement.
     7     * * *
     8     (e)  Drug formulary.--Except as provided in section 512,
     9  there shall be no drug formulary[, prior or retroactive approval
    10  system or any similar restriction] imposed on the coverage of
    11  outpatient drugs made by manufacturers who have agreements in
    12  effect with the Commonwealth to pay rebates for drugs utilized
    13  in PACE and PACENET, provided that such outpatient drugs were
    14  approved for marketing by the Food and Drug Administration. This
    15  subsection shall not apply to any act taken by the department
    16  pursuant to its therapeutic drug utilization review program
    17  under section 505.
    18     SECTION 8.  SECTION 704(C)(1) OF THE ACT, ADDED NOVEMBER 21,   <--
    19  1996 (P.L.741, NO.134), IS AMENDED TO READ:
    20  Section 704.  Terms of rebate agreement.
    21     * * *
    22     (c)  Manufacturer provision of price information.--
    23         (1)  Each manufacturer with an agreement in effect under
    24     this chapter shall report the average manufacturer price and
    25     the best price for all covered prescription drugs produced by
    26     that manufacturer to the department not later than 30 days
    27     after the last day of each quarter.
    28         * * *
    29     Section 9.  Section 705(a) and (c) of the act, added November
    30  21, 1996, (P.L.741, No.134), are amended and the section is
    20030H0888B2919                 - 16 -     

     1  amended by adding a subsection to read:
     2  Section 705.  Amount of rebate.
     3     (a)  Single-source drugs and innovator multiple-source
     4  drugs.--With respect to single-source drugs and innovator
     5  multiple-source drugs, each manufacturer shall remit a rebate to
     6  the Commonwealth. Except as otherwise provided in this section,
     7  the amount of the rebate to the Commonwealth per calendar
     8  quarter with respect to each dosage form and strength of single-
     9  source drugs and innovator multiple-source drugs shall be as
    10  follows:
    11         (1)  For quarters beginning after September 30, 1992, and
    12     ending before January 1, 1997, the product of the total
    13     number of units of each dosage form and strength reimbursed
    14     by PACE and General Assistance in the quarter and the
    15     difference between the average manufacturer price and 85% of
    16     that price, after deducting customary prompt payment
    17     discounts, for the quarter.
    18         (2)  For quarters beginning after December 31, 1996, and
    19     ending before January 1, 2003, the product of the total
    20     number of units of each dosage form and strength reimbursed
    21     by PACE, PACENET and designated pharmaceutical programs in
    22     the quarter and the difference between the average
    23     manufacturer price and 83% of that price, after deducting
    24     customary prompt payment discounts.
    25         (3)  For quarters beginning after December 31, 2002, each
    26     manufacturer shall remit a rebate to the Commonwealth for the
    27     total number of units of each dosage form and strength
    28     reimbursed by PACE, PACENET and designated pharmaceutical
    29     programs in the quarter pursuant to the determination
    30     established by section 1927(c)(1) of the Social Security Act
    20030H0888B2919                 - 17 -     

     1     (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 1396r-8(c)(1)).
     2     * * *
     3     (c)  Revised rebate for other drugs.--Beginning after
     4  December 31, 1996, and ending before January 1, 2004, all of the
     5  following shall apply:
     6         (1)  The amount of the rebate to the Commonwealth for a
     7     calendar quarter with respect to covered prescription drugs
     8     which are noninnovator multiple-source drugs shall be the
     9     greater of the product of:
    10             (i)  The applicable percentage of the average
    11         manufacturer price, after deducting customary prompt
    12         payment discounts, for each dosage form and strength of
    13         such drugs for the quarter; and
    14             (ii)  the number of units of such form and dosage
    15         reimbursed by PACE, PACENET and designated pharmaceutical
    16         programs in the quarter.
    17         (2)  For purposes of paragraph (1), the applicable
    18     percentage is 17%.
    19     (c.1)  Rebates for other drugs for quarters beginning after
    20  December 31, 2003.--For quarters beginning after December 31,
    21  2003, all of the following shall apply:
    22         (1)  the amount of the rebate to the Commonwealth for a
    23     calendar quarter with respect to covered prescription drugs
    24     which are noninnovator multiple-source drugs shall be equal
    25     to the product of:
    26             (i)  the applicable percentage of the average
    27         manufacturer price, after deducting customary prompt
    28         payment discounts, for each dosage form and strength of
    29         such drugs for the quarter; and
    30             (ii)  the number of units of such form and dosage
    20030H0888B2919                 - 18 -     

     1         reimbursed by PACE, PACENET and designated pharmaceutical
     2         programs in the quarter.
     3         (2)  For purposes of paragraph (1), the applicable
     4     percentage is 14%.
     5     * * *                                                          <--
     6     Section 10.  The act is amended by adding a chapter to read:
     7                             CHAPTER 8
     9  Section 801.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    11  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Clearinghouse."  The Pharmaceutical Assistance Clearinghouse
    14  established in section 802.
    15     "Department."  The Department of Aging of the Commonwealth.
    16     "Patient assistance program."  A program offered by a
    17  pharmaceutical manufacturer under which the manufacturer
    18  provides prescription medications at no charge or at a
    19  substantially reduced cost. The term does not include the
    20  provision of a drug as part of a clinical trial.
    21     "Voluntary health organization."  An organization whose main
    22  purpose is to educate the public on the symptoms, treatments and
    23  research of a disease and that may provide support for persons
    24  who have the disease.
    25  Section 802.  Pharmaceutical Assistance Clearinghouse.
    26     (a)  Establishment.--Within 120 days of the effective date of
    27  this chapter, the department shall establish the Pharmaceutical
    28  Assistance Clearinghouse. Each pharmaceutical manufacturer that
    29  does business in this Commonwealth and offers a patient
    30  assistance program shall inform the department of all of the
    20030H0888B2919                 - 19 -     

     1  following:
     2         (1)  The existence of the patient assistance program.
     3         (2)  The eligibility requirements for the patient
     4     assistance program.
     5         (3)  The drugs covered by the patient assistance program.
     6         (4)  Information, such as a telephone number, which may
     7     be used to apply for a patient assistance program.
     8     (b)  Information.--The clearinghouse shall maintain the
     9  information submitted by pharmaceutical manufacturers and any
    10  appropriate voluntary health organization that would like to
    11  participate and make it available to the public.
    12     (c)  Staff.--The department shall ensure that the
    13  clearinghouse is staffed at least during normal business hours.
    14  Section 803.  Toll-free telephone number.
    15     The department shall establish a toll-free telephone number
    16  through which members of the public may obtain information from
    17  the clearinghouse about available patient assistance programs.
    18  Section 804.  Assistance available.
    19     (a)  Direct.--
    20         (1)  The clearinghouse shall assist without charge an
    21     individual in determining whether a patient assistance
    22     program is offered for a particular drug and whether the
    23     individual may be eligible to obtain the drug through a
    24     patient assistance program.
    25         (2)  The clearinghouse may assist without charge an
    26     individual who wishes to apply for a patient assistance
    27     program by assisting with the preparation of an application
    28     and coordinating communications between the individual's
    29     physician or certified registered nurse practitioner and a
    30     pharmaceutical manufacturer on behalf of the individual for
    20030H0888B2919                 - 20 -     

     1     the purpose of obtaining approval to participate in the
     2     patient assistance program.
     3     (b)  Referrals.--The clearinghouse shall make referrals to an
     4  appropriate voluntary health organization or any publicly funded
     5  program for which it deems a patient eligible.
     6  Section 805.  Reporting.
     7     The department shall report annually to the Governor and the
     8  General Assembly on the activities of the clearinghouse. The
     9  report shall include:
    10         (1)  The number of individuals who have been assisted by
    11     the clearinghouse under section 804(a)(1) and the number of
    12     such individuals under section 804(a)(2).
    13         (2)  The number and benefits of patient assistance
    14     programs listed with the clearinghouse.
    15         (3)  The number of patients referred to publicly funded
    16     programs under section 804(b). Programs under this paragraph
    17     include, but are not limited to, the Pharmaceutical
    18     Assistance Contract for the Elderly Program, medical
    19     assistance and programs of the Department of Veterans
    20     Affairs.
    21         (4)  Other information deemed relevant by the department.
    22  Section 806.  Internet availability of information.
    23     The department shall maintain and provide to the public the
    24  information under this chapter on its World Wide Web site. The
    25  department shall also provide to appropriate organizations the
    26  information necessary for the organizations to establish a link
    27  to the location of clearinghouse information on the department's
    28  World Wide Web site.
    29     Section 11.  Section 2102(a) of the act, added November 21,
    30  1996 (P.L.741, No.134), is amended to read:
    20030H0888B2919                 - 21 -     

     1  Section 2102.  Annual report to General Assembly.
     2     (a)  Submission of report.--The department shall submit a
     3  report no later than April 1 of each year to the chairman and
     4  minority chairman of the Aging and Youth Committee of the
     5  Senate, the chairman and minority chairman of the Aging and
     6  [Youth] Older Adult Services Committee of the House of
     7  Representatives and the Pharmaceutical Assistance Review Board.
     8     * * *
     9     Section 12.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    10  Section 2103.  Federal programs.
    11     If the Federal Government enacts programs similar to PACE or
    12  PACENET, the State programs shall be construed to only
    13  supplement the Federal programs and all persons qualified for
    14  coverage under the Federal program shall utilize that Federal
    15  program before utilizing any State program.
    16     Section 13.  Funding, to the extent authorized by section
    17  306(b)(vii) of the act of June 26, 2001 (P.L.755, No.77), known
    18  as the Tobacco Settlement Act, shall continue to be appropriated
    19  from the Tobacco Settlement Fund to the Pharmaceutical
    20  Assistance Contract for the Elderly Fund to support the program
    21  expansions contained in this act.
    22     Section 14.  The Department of Aging may use a PACE or
    23  PACENET program applicant's most recent annual income
    24  information to determine program eligibility until April 1,
    25  2004.
    26     Section 15.  The amendment of section 704(c)(1) of the act
    27  shall apply retroactively to January 1, 2003.
    28     Section 16.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    29         (1)  The following provisions shall take effect January
    30     1, 2004:
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     1             (i)  The amendment or addition of the definitions of
     2         "CMS," "HFCA" and "maximum annual income" in section 502
     3         of the act.
     4             (ii)  The amendment of section 519 of the act.
     5         (2)  The addition of section 509(8) of the act shall take
     6     effect January 1, 2005.
     7         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
     8     immediately.

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