1Designating the month of October 2014 as "Long-Term Care
2Residents' Rights Month" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, More than 1.5 million Americans live in 16,000
4nursing homes and 1 million Americans live in 50,000 assisted
5living and personal care homes; and

6WHEREAS, More than 81,000 Pennsylvanians live in nursing
7homes and 47,000 Pennsylvanians live in assisted living and
8personal care homes; and

9WHEREAS, The Federal Nursing Home Reform Act guarantees the
10individual rights of residents of nursing, assisted living and
11personal care homes in order to promote and maintain the dignity
12and autonomy of residents, while State laws protect many
13additional rights; and

14WHEREAS, Residents and their loved ones should be aware of
15the rights of residents, including full recognition of dignity
16and self-determination; and

1WHEREAS, The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term
2Care, also known as Consumer Voice, operates as a leading
3national advocate group representing consumers on issues related
4to long-term care, helping to empower self-advocacy and serving
5as a primary source of information for consumers, families,
6caregivers and advocates; and

7WHEREAS, Formed in 1975 as the National Citizens' Coalition
8for Nursing Home Reform out of public concern regarding
9substandard care in nursing homes, Consumer Voice later
10reorganized and took its current name to represent all seniors
11who need care; and

12WHEREAS, Consumer Voice annually designates October as
13National Long-Term Care Residents' Rights Month to honor
14residents living in long-term care facilities and to raise
15awareness of the rights afforded to residents under Federal and
16State law; and

17WHEREAS, This year's theme, "Better Staffing: The Key to
18Better Care", recognizes staff who care for and protect the
19rights of residents and encourages residents and others to be
20educated about staffing and long-term care; and

21WHEREAS, The Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman in
22the Department of Aging resolves questions and concerns about
23the rights of older consumers receiving long-term care or
24treatment from a long-term care service provider; and

25WHEREAS, The office informs residents about their rights,
26including privacy, freedom from abuse, neglect and exploitation,
27expression of grievances without fear of retaliation and
28confidentiality; and

29WHEREAS, The Pennsylvania Empowered Expert Residents (PEER)
30program assists the office by training residents in long-term

1care facilities about their rights and how to advocate and
2maintain their rights; and

3WHEREAS, Through PEER, residents learn to work with facility
4staff to enhance the quality of care and life for all residents;

6WHEREAS, Residents deserve to be honored and celebrated, to
7have their rich individuality recognized and to be educated
8about long-term care staffing and residents' rights; therefore
9be it

10RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives designate the
11month of October 2014 as "Long-Term Care Residents' Rights
12Month" in Pennsylvania; and be it further

13RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives honor and
14recognize the residents of nursing, assisted living and personal
15care homes, particularly those who volunteer with the PEER
16program, and the staff who work with, care for and protect the
17rights of residents; and be it further

18RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives praise the good
19work done by the professionals and volunteers of the Office of
20the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman and acknowledge their service
21and dedication in protecting the rights, dignity and value of
22residents in long-term care facilities.