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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1207



No. 1061 Session of 1999

           AND STRITTMATTER, MARCH 24, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for control of alarm
     3     devices and automatic tape dialing devices; and making
     4     editorial changes.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 7511 of Title 18 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     9  § 7511.  Control of alarm devices and automatic tape dialing
    10             devices.
    11     (a)  Automatic tape dialing devices.--A person may not attach
    12  or use an automatic tape dialing device without doing all of the
    13  following:
    14         (1)  Providing the disclosure under subsection (b).
    15         (2)  Obtaining prior written approval from a public
    16     safety agency to use the automatic tape dialing device to
    17     alert the public safety agency of an alarm condition. The

     1     public safety agency shall not be responsible for any costs
     2     for the installation and maintenance of any new dedicated
     3     telephone line or equipment associated with the alarm
     4     termination.
     5     (b)  Disclosure.--A person seeking approval under subsection
     6  (a) shall disclose the telephone number of a person to be
     7  contacted if the automatic tape dialing device is activated and
     8  all relevant facts concerning the design and layout of the
     9  premises to be protected by the automatic tape dialing device.
    10  The person shall inform the public safety agency of any change
    11  in the information required by this subsection as soon as
    12  practicable.
    13     (c)  False alarms prohibited.--
    14         [(1)]  A person that owns, uses or possesses an alarm
    15     device or automatic tape dialing device may not, after
    16     causing or permitting three false alarms to occur in a
    17     consecutive 12-month period, cause or permit a subsequent
    18     false alarm to occur in the same consecutive 12-month period.
    19     [A person that violates this paragraph commits a summary
    20     offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
    21     fine of not more than $300.
    22         (2)  Venue for prosecution of an offense under this
    23     subsection shall lie at any of the following places:
    24             (i)  Where the alarm originated.
    25             (ii)  Where the alarm was received by the:
    26                 (A)  public service agency; or
    27                 (B)  third person designated to notify the public
    28             service agency.
    29         (3)  Notwithstanding 42 Pa.C.S. § 3733 (relating to
    30     deposits into account) or any other law, the disposition of
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     1     fines shall be as follows:
     2             (i)  The fine shall be paid to the municipality if
     3         all of the following apply:
     4                 (A)  The public safety agency which responded to
     5             the false alarm serves the municipality.
     6                 (B)  The prosecution is initiated by the public
     7             safety agency under clause (A) or by the
     8             municipality.
     9             (ii)  The full amount of the fine shall be paid to
    10         the Commonwealth if all of the following apply:
    11                 (A)  The Pennsylvania State Police is the public
    12             safety agency which responded to the false alarm.
    13                 (B)  The prosecution is initiated by the
    14             Pennsylvania State Police.
    15                 (C)  There is no prosecution under subparagraph
    16             (i).] A fourth false alarm and each subsequent false
    17             alarm in any consecutive 12-month period shall
    18             constitute a separate violation of this section.
    19     (c.1)  Corrective action.--A person may take corrective
    20  action by certifying that an on-site inspection of the secured
    21  premise was conducted by a certified alarm provider and that
    22  either the alarm user has been instructed in the alarm systems
    23  operation, the faulty equipment has been repaired or the cause
    24  of the false alarm has been determined and corrected. The
    25  certification must be provided in hard copy form, within five
    26  working days of issuance of a citation, to the issuing public
    27  safety agency. Upon providing the certification of corrective
    28  action, the alarm user shall be regarded as returning to the
    29  initial zero false alarm status for that period under subsection
    30  (c).
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     1     (c.2)  Grading.--An alarm user who violates this section
     2  shall pay a fine of up to $100 for a first offense, up to $200
     3  for a second offense and up to $300 for a third offense.
     4     (c.3)  Disposition of fines.--
     5         (1)  The fines imposed and collected under subsection
     6     (c.2) shall not be subject to 42 Pa.C.S. § 3733 (relating to
     7     deposits into account). The fines imposed and collected under
     8     subsection (c.2) shall be distributed as follows:
     9             (i)  When citation under subsection (a) is the result
    10         of Pennsylvania State Police action, all fines connected
    11         with that citation shall be payable to the Commonwealth.
    12             (ii)  When citation under subsection (a) is the
    13         result of local police action, all fines connected with
    14         that citation shall be payable to the municipal
    15         corporation under which the local police are organized.
    16         (2)  The fines shall not apply to false alarms resulting
    17     from acts beyond the alarm user's control, including, but not
    18     limited to, telephone interruptions, power interruptions or
    19     acts of God.
    20     (d)  Suspension or revocation of approval.--The public safety
    21  agency may refuse, revoke or suspend the approval granted under
    22  subsection (a) if the public safety agency determines any of the
    23  following:
    24         (1)  The request for approval contains a statement of
    25     material fact which is false.
    26         (2)  The person failed to comply with this section.
    27         (3)  The person violated subsection (c).
    28     (e)  Local regulation of installers.--
    29         (1)  [General rule.--]Except as set forth in paragraph
    30     (2), nothing in this section shall prohibit a municipality
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     1     from requiring any individual who installs alarms in [such]
     2     the municipality to acquire a license[,] for such low voltage
     3     applications, to meet educational requirements [or] and to
     4     pass an examination relating to [competence to perform such
     5     installations] the National Burglar and Fire Alarm
     6     Association Level 1 Alarm Technician Certification. Nothing
     7     in this section shall preclude municipalities from doing any
     8     of the following:
     9             (i)  Denying or revoking local permits for failure to
    10         comply with local ordinances.
    11             (ii)  Levying lawful taxes and fees.
    12             (iii)  Requiring the purchase of [a] business
    13         privilege [license] licenses.
    14         (2)  [Limitation.--]A municipality may not require a
    15     licensed electrical contractor to acquire a separate or
    16     additional license or certification to install alarms if the
    17     electrical contractor is licensed by the municipality and has
    18     passed an examination in the National Electrical Code, a
    19     similar code or local electrical code and has at least two
    20     years' experience as an electrical contractor.
    21     (f)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    22  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    23  subsection:
    24     "Alarm."  A communication to a public safety agency
    25  indicating that a crime, fire or other emergency warranting
    26  immediate action by that public safety agency has occurred or is
    27  occurring.
    28     "Alarm device."  A device designed to automatically transmit
    29  an alarm:
    30         (1)  directly to a public safety agency; or
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     1         (2)  to a person that is instructed to notify the public
     2     safety agency of the alarm.
     3     "Alarm user."  Any person, firm, partnership, cooperation or
     4  other entity who uses an alarm system at its alarm site.
     5     "Automatic tape dialing device."  A device which is
     6  interconnected to a telephone line and preprogrammed to transmit
     7  [the coded] a prerecorded voice message of a signal of an alarm
     8  to a dedicated telephone trunk line or to dial a predetermined
     9  telephone number to an alarm to a public safety agency.
    10     "Dedicated telephone trunk line."  A telephone line or lines
    11  which serve a public safety agency which is dedicated to
    12  receiving transmissions from an automatic tape dialing device.
    13     "False alarm."  The activation of an alarm device to which a
    14  public safety agency responds when a crime, fire or other
    15  emergency has not occurred.
    16     "Person."  An individual, corporation, partnership,
    17  incorporated association or other similar entity.
    18     "Public safety agency."  The Pennsylvania State Police or any
    19  municipal police or fire department.
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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