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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1266



No. 1120 Session of 1997

           APRIL 2, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 22, 1933 (P.L.853, No.155), entitled "An
     2     act relating to taxation; designating the subjects, property
     3     and persons subject to and exempt from taxation for all local
     4     purposes; providing for and regulating the assessment and
     5     valuation of persons, property and subjects of taxation for
     6     county purposes, and for the use of those municipal and
     7     quasi-municipal corporations which levy their taxes on county
     8     assessments and valuations; amending, revising and
     9     consolidating the law relating thereto; and repealing
    10     existing laws," further providing for definitions, for
    11     application and construction, for subjects of local taxation,
    12     for tax assessors, for triennial and inter-triennial
    13     assessments and for revisions and appeals; providing for
    14     optional assessment revision process, for administrative
    15     review, for appeals to the Board of Assessment Revisions and
    16     for appeals to courts of common pleas; and further providing
    17     for repeals.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Section 102 of the act of May 22, 1933 (P.L.853,
    21  No.155), known as The General County Assessment Law, amended
    22  December 14, 1967 (P.L.846, No.369) and December 13, 1982
    23  (P.L.1160, No.268), is amended to read:
    24     Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words and phrases
    25  shall, for the purpose of this act, have the meanings

     1  respectively ascribed to them in this section, except where the
     2  context clearly indicates a different meaning:
     3     "Assessors" [and "elected assessors" shall mean the assessors
     4  for county tax purposes elected in wards, boroughs, towns and
     5  townships in counties of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and
     6  eighth classes.
     7     "Appointed assessors"] shall mean the assessors appointed by
     8  the board of revision of taxes in counties of the first class,
     9  and the subordinate assessors appointed by the board for the
    10  assessment and revision of taxes in counties of the second[,]
    11  and second A [and third] classes.
    12     "Base year" shall mean the year upon which real property
    13  market values are based for the most recent county-wide revision
    14  of assessment of real property, or other prior year upon which
    15  the market value of all real property of the county is based.
    16  Real property market values shall be equalized within the county
    17  and any changes by the board of revision of taxes or board for
    18  the assessment and revision of taxes shall be expressed in terms
    19  of such base year values.
    20     "Board of revision of taxes" shall mean the board of revision
    21  of taxes in counties of the first class.
    22     "Board for the assessment and revision of taxes" shall mean
    23  the board for the assessment and revision of taxes in counties
    24  of the second[,] and second A [and third] classes.
    25     "Common level ratio" shall mean the ratio of assessed value
    26  to current market value used generally in the county as last
    27  determined by the State Tax Equalization Board pursuant to the
    28  act of June 27, 1947 (P.L.1046, No.447), referred to as the
    29  State Tax Equalization Board Law.
    30     "County commissioners" means the board of county
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     1  commissioners or other similar body in home rule charter
     2  counties.
     3     "Established predetermined ratio" shall mean the ratio of
     4  assessed value to market value established by the board of
     5  county commissioners and uniformly applied in determining
     6  assessed value in any year.
     7     "Political subdivision" shall mean a county, city, borough,
     8  incorporated town, township, school district, vocational school
     9  district or county institution district, or a home rule
    10  municipality which has adopted a charter under the act of April
    11  13, 1972 (P.L.184, No.62), known as the "Home Rule Charter and
    12  Optional Plans Law."
    13     "Report" shall mean a letter, memorandum or other similar
    14  writing.
    15     "Spot reassessment" shall mean the reassessment of property
    16  which is not conducted as part of a county-wide revised
    17  reassessment and which creates, sustains or increases
    18  disproportionality among properties' assessed values.
    19     Section 2.  Sections 104 and 105 of the act are amended to
    20  read:
    21     Section 104.  Application of Act.--Except as otherwise in
    22  this act specifically limited, this act shall apply in [all of
    23  the counties of the Commonwealth] each county of the first,
    24  second or second A class, whether governed in accordance with
    25  its county classification or in accordance with a home rule
    26  charter.
    27     Section 105.  Saving Clause; Construction.--The provisions of
    28  this act so far as they are the same as those of existing laws
    29  are intended as a continuation of such laws, and not as new
    30  enactments.
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     1     The repeal by this act of any act of Assembly, or part
     2  thereof, shall not revive any act, or part thereof, heretofore
     3  repealed or superseded.
     4     All local acts of Assembly applying to particular counties or
     5  political subdivisions thereof, and not heretofore repealed,
     6  shall continue in force, and any provisions of this act
     7  inconsistent therewith shall not apply to the counties or
     8  political subdivisions thereof affected by such local laws. The
     9  reenactment by this act of any act of Assembly, or part thereof,
    10  that has heretofore been repealed by any local act of Assembly,
    11  in so far as it applied to a particular county or political
    12  subdivision thereof, shall not revive or extend the provisions
    13  so reenacted to such county or political subdivision thereof.
    14     Whenever the provisions of this act are inconsistent with any
    15  law relating to or administered by any board of revision of
    16  taxes, or board for the assessment and revision of taxes, in
    17  counties of the first, second or [third] second A class, the
    18  laws relating to and administered by such boards, and not
    19  included in this act, shall apply, and the inconsistent
    20  provisions of this act shall not apply to such classes of
    21  counties[, but shall be in full force as to all other classes of
    22  counties, except as affected by local laws].
    23     The provisions of this act shall not affect any act done,
    24  liability incurred, or right accrued or vested, or affect any
    25  suit, proceeding or prosecution pending or to be instituted to
    26  enforce any right or penalty or punish any offense under the
    27  authority of any act of Assembly repealed by this act.
    28     Any person holding office under any act of Assembly repealed
    29  by this act shall continue to hold such office until the
    30  expiration of the term thereof, subject to the conditions
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     1  attached to such office prior to the passage of this act.
     2     Section 3.  Section 201(b) of the act, amended February 18,
     3  1982 (P.L.79, No.28), is amended to read:
     4     Section 201.  Subjects of Taxation Enumerated.--The following
     5  subjects and property shall, as hereinafter provided, be valued
     6  and assessed, and subject to taxation for all county, city,
     7  borough, town, township, school and poor purposes at the annual
     8  rate:
     9     * * *
    10     (b)  All salaries and emoluments of office, all offices, and
    11  posts of profit, professions, trades and occupations, except the
    12  occupation of farmer, and all persons over the age of eighteen
    13  years who do not follow any occupation or calling, as well of
    14  unnaturalized foreign-born persons who shall have resided within
    15  this Commonwealth for one whole year, as citizens of this
    16  Commonwealth: Provided, That whenever a person, other than a
    17  Federal employe, not taxable under the provision of this clause,
    18  is disfranchised from voting because he cannot be lawfully
    19  assessed for a county or State tax, it shall be lawful for the
    20  county commissioners to assess the occupation of such persons
    21  for county taxation purposes, in the manner provided by this act
    22  for such assessments. The provisions of this clause shall not
    23  apply to counties of the second and [third class, or to any
    24  other county, the county commissioners] second A classes, the
    25  county commissioners of which shall by resolution determine not
    26  to levy a tax on trades, occupations, professions and persons
    27  who follow no occupation or calling, nor shall the provisions of
    28  this clause apply to cities of the second and second A class, or
    29  to school districts.
    30     * * *
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     1     Section 4.  Section 202 of the act, amended July 2, 1941
     2  (P.L.219, No.99), is amended to read:
     3     Section 202.  Occupation Tax in Counties of the Second Class
     4  [and Third Class] Abolished; Optional in Other Counties.--In
     5  counties of the second [and third] class, the county tax on
     6  trades, occupations and professions is hereby abolished. In all
     7  other counties, except counties of the first class, the county
     8  commissioners may by resolution determine not to levy a tax on
     9  trades, occupations, professions and persons who follow no
    10  occupation or calling. Such action may at any time, and in like
    11  manner, be repealed and such tax be levied as theretofore.
    12     Section 5.  Sections 301, 302, 303 and 304 of the act are
    13  amended to read:
    14     Section 301.  [Election of Assessors.--The qualified voters
    15  of each ward in cities of the third class shall, at the
    16  municipal election in the year one thousand nine hundred and
    17  thirty-five, and every four years thereafter, vote for and elect
    18  a properly qualified person, according to law, to act as county
    19  assessor in each of said wards under the provisions of this act,
    20  who shall serve for four years. All county assessors in
    21  boroughs, towns, townships and wards thereof shall be elected at
    22  the times and for the terms prescribed by existing laws.
    23     This section does not apply in counties of the first, second
    24  and third classes where assessors, under existing law, are
    25  appointed.]
    26     Section 302.  Oath of Assessors.--The [elected and appointed]
    27  assessors [of the several wards, townships, towns, boroughs and
    28  districts, and, in townships of the first class, also the
    29  assistant township assessors and assistant triennial assessors,]
    30  shall, immediately on the receipt of the precept from the county
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     1  commissioners, or board of revision of taxes, or board for the
     2  assessment and revision of taxes, and before entering upon the
     3  duties of their office, take and subscribe the following oath or
     4  affirmation:
     5     You do (swear or affirm) that you will support the
     6  Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of
     7  Pennsylvania, that you will, as assessor [for (ward, district,
     8  borough, town or township)], use your utmost diligence and
     9  ability to discover and ascertain all the property, real and
    10  personal, [within your (ward, district, borough, town or
    11  township),] and all other objects subject to taxation by the
    12  laws of this Commonwealth, and take an accurate account of the
    13  same; and that you will justly and honestly, to the best of your
    14  judgment, assess and value every separate lot, piece or tract of
    15  land, with the improvements thereon, and all personal property
    16  made taxable by the laws of this Commonwealth, [within your
    17  (ward, district, borough, town or township),] at the rate or
    18  price which you shall, after due examination and consideration,
    19  believe the same would sell for if sold singly and separately at
    20  a bona fide sale, after full public notice; and that you will
    21  assess all persons according to their correct offices and posts
    22  of profit, trades and occupations; and that you will perform
    23  your duty as assessor [of said (ward, district or township)]
    24  with honesty and fidelity, according to the laws of this
    25  Commonwealth, without fear, favor or affection, hatred, malice
    26  or ill will.
    27     Section 303.  Filing of Assessor's Oath.--It shall be the
    28  duty of each [elected and appointed assessor and assistant
    29  township and triennial] assessor to produce to the
    30  commissioners, or board of revision of taxes, or board for the
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     1  assessment and revision of taxes, of the county, within twenty
     2  days after his [election or] appointment, a copy of the oath or
     3  affirmation taken and subscribed by him as is hereinbefore
     4  directed, and attested by the person before whom the same was
     5  administered, which shall be filed by the commissioners, or said
     6  boards, in their respective office.
     7     Section 304.  Vacancies in the Office of Assessor.--Whenever
     8  an [elected assessor, or, in townships of the first class, an
     9  assessor, assistant township] assessor [or assistant triennial
    10  assessor,] refuses or neglects to qualify as required by law, or
    11  refuses or neglects to receive the precept and books for the
    12  triennial or other assessment, the county commissioners are
    13  hereby authorized to appoint a suitable person to serve as
    14  assessor on the eighth day after the time designated by this act
    15  to begin the assessment.
    16     [If the electors of any ward, borough, town or township shall
    17  fail to choose an assessor, or, in townships of the first class,
    18  an assistant township assessor or assistant triennial assessor,
    19  at the time appointed by law, or if any person elected to such
    20  office shall neglect or refuse to serve therein, or if any
    21  vacancy shall happen therein by death or otherwise, the
    22  commissioners of the county shall appoint a fit person to fill
    23  the office, who shall serve until the expiration of the then
    24  current term of such officer, and who shall have the same
    25  powers, be subject to the same penalties, and receive the same
    26  compensation, as if he had been elected to such office.]
    27     Section 6.  Sections 305, 306, 307, 308, 309 and 310 of the
    28  act are repealed.
    29     Section 7.  Section 401 of the act, amended December 14, 1967
    30  (P.L.846, No.369), is amended to read:
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     1     Section 401.  Issuing of Precepts and Return of Assessments
     2  in Triennial Years.--(a)  In counties of the first class, the
     3  precepts to make annual assessments shall be issued to the
     4  appointed assessors by the board of revision of taxes, and
     5  return thereof made as provided by existing law relating to the
     6  board of revision of taxes in said counties;
     7     (b)  In counties of the second class, the precepts to make
     8  triennial assessments and the precepts to make assessments in
     9  the years between triennial assessments shall be issued to the
    10  appointed assessors by the board for the assessment and revision
    11  of taxes at such time as the board may prescribe, and return
    12  thereof be made on or before the first Monday of November as
    13  provided by existing law relating to the board for the
    14  assessment and revision of taxes in said counties;
    15     (c)  In counties of the second A [and third] class, the
    16  precepts to make triennial assessments shall be issued to the
    17  appointed assessors by the board for the assessment and revision
    18  of taxes, and return thereof made at such times as the board
    19  shall determine in accordance with existing law relating to the
    20  board for the assessment and revision of taxes in said
    21  counties[;].
    22     [(d)  In counties of the fourth class, the county
    23  commissioners shall issue the precepts to make triennial
    24  assessments to the elected assessors of their respective
    25  townships, towns, boroughs and wards on or before the first day
    26  of June, and the assessors are hereby required to complete the
    27  said assessment and make their return not later than the first
    28  day of September, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three,
    29  and triennially thereafter;
    30     (e)  In counties of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth
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     1  classes, the county commissioners shall issue the precepts to
     2  make triennial assessments to the assessors of the respective
     3  townships of the second class, towns, boroughs and wards on or
     4  before the second Monday of September, and, to assessors in
     5  townships of the first class, on or before the first day of
     6  July, and the assessors are hereby required to complete the said
     7  assessment and make their return not later than the thirty-first
     8  day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, and
     9  triennially thereafter: Provided, That the county commissioners
    10  of said counties may, at the time of issuing their precepts,
    11  direct the return thereof to be made at any time before the
    12  thirty-first day of December: Provided further, That where
    13  assessors in townships of the first class shall have been
    14  continuously engaged in the actual performance of their duties
    15  after the delivery of the precepts to them, except where
    16  prevented by sickness or stress of weather, and are not able to
    17  complete the triennial assessment and make return thereof on or
    18  before the thirty-first day of December, it shall be lawful for
    19  the said assessors to continue the performance of their duties
    20  and to make return of their assessment to the county
    21  commissioners after said date, but in no case shall any such
    22  return be made later than the fifteenth day of February of the
    23  year following the delivery of the precepts to the assessors.]
    24     Section 8.  Section 402 of the act, amended December 13, 1982
    25  (P.L.1160, No.268), is amended to read:
    26     Section 402.  Valuation of Property.--(a)  It shall be the
    27  duty of [the several elected and appointed assessors, and, in
    28  townships of the first class, of the assessors, assistant
    29  township] assessors [and assistant triennial assessors,] to rate
    30  and value all objects of taxation, whether for county, city,
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     1  township, town, school, institution district, poor or borough
     2  purposes, according to the actual value thereof, and at such
     3  rates and prices for which the same would separately bona fide
     4  sell. In arriving at actual value the county may utilize either
     5  the current market value or it may adopt a base year market
     6  value. In arriving at such value the price at which any property
     7  may actually have been sold either in the base year or in the
     8  current taxable year, shall be considered but shall not be
     9  controlling. Instead such selling price, estimated or actual,
    10  shall be subject to revision by increase or decrease to
    11  accomplish equalization with other similar property within the
    12  taxing district. In arriving at the actual value, all three
    13  methods, namely, cost (reproduction or replacement, as
    14  applicable, less depreciation and all forms of obsolescence),
    15  comparable sales and income approaches, must be considered in
    16  conjunction with one another. Except in counties of the first
    17  class, no political subdivision shall levy real estate taxes on
    18  a county-wide revised assessment of real property until it has
    19  been completed for the entire county.
    20     (a.1)  The board of county commissioners shall establish and
    21  determine, after proper notice has been given, an established
    22  predetermined ratio of assessed value to actual value which may
    23  not exceed one hundred per centum (100%) of actual value. The
    24  commissioners, acting as a board of revision of taxes, or board
    25  for the assessment and revision of taxes shall apply the
    26  established predetermined ratio to the actual value of all real
    27  property to formulate the assessment roll.
    28     (a.2)  The fair market value upon which the assessed value on
    29  real property is based may be redetermined when (i) a parcel of
    30  the land is divided and conveyed in smaller parcels, (ii) the
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     1  economy of the county or portion of the county has depreciated
     2  or appreciated to such an extent that real estate values in that
     3  area are affected, or (iii) improvements are made to the real
     4  property or existing improvements to the real property are
     5  removed or destroyed. Painting an existing building or
     6  performing normal, regular repairs to the building may not be
     7  deemed cause for a change in valuation.
     8     (b)  Except as to counties of the first and second class,
     9  after any county makes a county-wide revision of assessment of
    10  real property at values based upon an established predetermined
    11  ratio as required by law or after [any county] it changes its
    12  established predetermined ratio, each political subdivision,
    13  which hereafter for the first time levies its real estate taxes
    14  on that revised assessment or valuation, shall, for the first
    15  year, reduce its tax rate, if necessary, for the purpose of
    16  having the total amount of taxes levied for that year against
    17  the real properties contained in the duplicate for the preceding
    18  year, equal, in the case of any taxing district, not more than
    19  ten per centum (10%) greater than the total amount it levied on
    20  such properties the preceding year, notwithstanding the
    21  increased valuations of such properties under the revised
    22  assessment. For the purpose of determining the total amount of
    23  taxes to be levied for said first year, the amount to be levied
    24  on newly constructed buildings or structures or on increased
    25  valuations based on new improvements made to existing houses
    26  need not be considered. The tax rate shall be fixed for that
    27  year at a figure which will accomplish this purpose. With the
    28  approval of the court of common pleas, upon good cause shown,
    29  any such political subdivision may increase the tax rate herein
    30  prescribed, notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection.
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     1     (c)  The board of county commissioners may not engage in the
     2  practice of spot reassessment. If the board of county
     3  commissioners engages in the practice of spot reassessment, the
     4  property owner may appeal the assessment under Article V. Upon a
     5  finding by the board of revision or by the court that the
     6  property owner has been subjected to spot reassessment, the
     7  property owner shall be entitled to a refund of taxes paid
     8  pursuant to the spot reassessment and of interest on those taxes
     9  in accordance with section 806.1 of the act of April 9, 1929
    10  (P.L.343, No.176), known as "The Fiscal Code."
    11     (d)  The office issuing building permits in every political
    12  subdivision of each county shall keep a daily record, separate
    13  and apart from all other records, of every building permit
    14  issued, which shall set forth the following information: the
    15  date of issuance, the names and addresses of the persons owning
    16  the permit, a description sufficient to identify the property
    17  for which the permit was issued, the nature of the improvements
    18  and the monetary amount of the permit. On or before the first
    19  Monday of each month, such office shall file the daily record in
    20  the office of the board of the county in which it is located,
    21  together with a certificate of the head of such office that its
    22  contents are correct. Such office may charge and collect from
    23  each person to whom a building permit is issued a sum of not
    24  more than one dollar ($1) which shall be in full compensation
    25  for its services under the provisions of this act.
    26     (e)  Whenever any person makes improvements other than
    27  painting of or normal regular repairs to a building aggregating
    28  one thousand dollars ($1000) or less in value annually to any
    29  real property in any political subdivision in the county and he
    30  is not required to obtain a building permit therefor by any
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     1  political subdivision within thirty days of commencing the
     2  improvements, he shall furnish the following information to the
     3  board: the name and address of the person owning and a
     4  description sufficient to identify the property involved, the
     5  nature of the improvements made or to be made and the amount in
     6  dollars of the value of the improvements. Any person who
     7  wilfully fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection,
     8  or who in furnishing such information wilfully falsifies the
     9  same, shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be
    10  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50).
    11     (f)  At least once every three months, the board shall
    12  forward copies of the improvement records kept under subsection
    13  (d) or (e) to the assessors of the political subdivision in
    14  which such improvements are made or contemplated. The assessors
    15  shall visit the site of the improvements and secure any
    16  information the board requests, which may include the
    17  description and measurements, type of construction, degree of
    18  completion, cost and probable value of the improvements.
    19     Section 9.  Section 402.1 of the act, added September 23,
    20  1961 (P.L.1601, No.677), is amended to read:
    21     Section 402.1.  Valuation of Mobilehomes or House Trailers.--
    22  [It shall be the duty of the several elected and appointed
    23  assessors of the political subdivisions to] Assessors shall
    24  assess, rate and value all mobilehomes and house trailers
    25  [within their subdivisions] according to the actual value
    26  thereof and prices for which the same would separately bona fide
    27  sell. The land upon which such mobilehome or house trailer is
    28  located at the time of assessment shall be valued separately,
    29  and shall not include the value of the house trailer or
    30  mobilehome located thereon.
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     1     Section 10.  Section 403 of the act is amended to read:
     2     Section 403.  List of Taxables.--[The elected and appointed
     3  assessors of the several counties] Assessors shall, in each
     4  year, make a return to the county commissioners, or board of
     5  revision of taxes, or board for the assessment and revision of
     6  taxes, of all the taxable inhabitants within their respective
     7  wards, boroughs, towns, townships and districts, which return
     8  shall state the names and surnames and the address of each of
     9  such taxable inhabitants, stating the occupation and the street
    10  and number of the house in which such inhabitant resides. In all
    11  cases where such taxable inhabitant resides in a house not
    12  having a street and number address, the name of the owner of the
    13  house and his or her address, as definitely as possible, shall
    14  be given. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any
    15  county of the first class except where, under the provisions of
    16  existing law, a tax upon occupations may be levied by any city
    17  within such county which makes its tax levies on the basis of
    18  the assessments provided for by this act, and where such city
    19  has authorized such levy.
    20     Section 11.  Section 404 of the act, amended June 16, 1972
    21  (P.L.418, No.121), is amended to read:
    22     Section 404.  Assessment of Persons in Counties That do Not
    23  Levy Occupation Taxes.--It shall be the duty of the assessors,
    24  for taxation purposes in counties of the second[, second A and
    25  third class, and in counties electing not to levy a tax on
    26  trades, occupations, professions and persons who follow no
    27  occupation or calling] and second A class, to prepare a list of
    28  all residents and inhabitants in such counties over the age of
    29  eighteen years, and return the same to the proper county
    30  authorities with other taxable property as provided by law. The
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     1  assessor shall also state the occupation of each such resident
     2  and inhabitant or that a person does not follow an occupation or
     3  calling, as the case may be, for the assessment of any township
     4  or borough tax on occupations, as provided by law. The county
     5  commissioners, or boards for the assessment and revision of
     6  taxes, as the case may be, shall continue to fix valuations for
     7  trades, occupations, professions and persons who follow no
     8  occupation or calling, as provided by law, for the use of
     9  boroughs and townships, and nothing contained in this act shall
    10  be construed to repeal the power of townships and boroughs to
    11  levy taxes on trades, occupations, professions, and on persons
    12  who follow no occupation or calling as provided by law.
    13     Section 12.  Sections 405 and 406 of the act are amended to
    14  read:
    15     Section 405.  Return of Exempt Property.--It shall be the
    16  duty of [the several elected and appointed] assessors in this
    17  Commonwealth to make return of all property, now or which
    18  hereafter may be especially exempt by act of Assembly from
    19  taxes, in a separate list to the commissioners, or board of
    20  revision of taxes, or board for the assessment and revision of
    21  taxes, as the case may be, of the proper county, for which
    22  service the said assessors shall receive the same compensation
    23  as is allowed for like services in other cases.
    24     Section 406.  Real Estate Omitted from Triennial
    25  Assessment.--Whenever any taxable real estate shall be omitted
    26  to be assessed at the triennial assessment, the [elected or
    27  appointed] assessor, on notice thereof, shall forthwith assess
    28  and return the same to the proper office, which assessment shall
    29  be subject to appeal, and shall continue until the next
    30  triennial assessment, and its proper proportion of all taxes to
    19970H1120B1266                 - 16 -

     1  which such real estate is liable, levied after such assessment,
     2  shall be laid thereon.
     3     Section 13.  Section 407 of the act, amended September 23,
     4  1961 (P.L.1601, No.677), December 14, 1967 (P.L.846, No.369) and
     5  July 8, 1969 (P.L.130, No.54), is amended to read:
     6     Section 407.  (a)  Recorder of Deeds in Certain Counties to
     7  Furnish Record of Conveyances; Compensation.--It shall be the
     8  duty of the recorder of deeds in each county of the second A[,
     9  third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth classes] class
    10  to keep a daily record, separate and apart from all other
    11  records, of every deed or conveyance of land in said county
    12  entered in his office for recording which record shall set forth
    13  the following information to wit: The date of the deed or
    14  conveyance, the names of the grantor and grantee, the
    15  consideration mentioned in the deed, the location of the
    16  property as to city, borough, ward, town or township, the
    17  acreage of the land conveyed, if mentioned, and if the land
    18  conveyed be a lot or lots on a recorded plan, the number or
    19  numbers by which the same may be designated on the plan, if
    20  mentioned in the deed; and it shall be the further duty of the
    21  recorder, on the first Monday of each month, to file the
    22  aforesaid daily record in the commissioner's office, or office
    23  of the board for the assessment and revision of taxes, of the
    24  proper county, together with his certificate, appended thereto,
    25  that such record is correct; and the recorder of deeds shall
    26  charge, and collect from the person presenting a deed of
    27  conveyance for record, the sum of fifteen (15) cents, when it
    28  contains but one description of land, and ten (10) cents for
    29  each additional description therein described, which sum shall
    30  be in full compensation for his services under this act.
    19970H1120B1266                 - 17 -

     1     (b)  Statement of Conveyances to Be Furnished Assessors.--It
     2  shall be the duty of the county commissioners, or board for the
     3  assessment and revision of taxes, of such counties, upon receipt
     4  of such daily report from the office of the recorder of deeds,
     5  to keep the same on file in their office; and, prior to the
     6  making of the annual and of the triennial assessment, to deliver
     7  to the [elected or appointed] assessor [or assessors of each
     8  city, borough, ward, town, township or district], before he
     9  shall enter upon the discharge of his duty as assessor of the
    10  real estate in his district, a statement or statements of all
    11  such deeds and conveyances of all such real estate within said
    12  district, together with all the information regarding the same
    13  as set forth in this section, to be used by such assessor [or
    14  assessors] in making the assessment in the name of the owners of
    15  the real estate and in ascertaining the value of such real
    16  estate.
    17     All mobilehome court operators which shall mean every person
    18  who leases land to two or more persons for the purpose of
    19  allowing such persons to locate thereon a mobilehome or house
    20  trailer which is subject to real property taxation shall
    21  maintain a record of all such leases which shall be opened for
    22  inspection at all reasonable times by the tax assessor [of the
    23  political subdivision]. As part of such record, the court
    24  operator shall note the arrival of each mobilehome or house
    25  trailer, the make or manufacturer thereof, the serial number,
    26  the number of occupants, their names and ages, and their last
    27  prior residence address. Each month the mobilehome court
    28  operator shall send a record to the [tax assessor of the
    29  political subdivision] assessment office of the arrivals and
    30  departures during the prior month of mobilehomes or house
    19970H1120B1266                 - 18 -

     1  trailers on his land.
     2     (c)  Land to Be Assessed in Name of Owner at Time of
     3  Assessment.--It shall be the duty of [such assessor or assessors
     4  in such counties] an assessor, in making the triennial
     5  assessment and the intermediate annual assessments, to ascertain
     6  the owner or owners of each tract, piece, parcel or lot of
     7  ground assessed, at the time of such assessment, and to assess
     8  the same in the name of the then owner or owners, as thus
     9  appears in such statement, unless to his personal knowledge
    10  there has been thereafter a change in the ownership so that such
    11  tract, piece, parcel or lot of real estate shall be assessed in
    12  the name of the then owner or owners, except that all
    13  mobilehomes or house trailers shall be assessed in the name of
    14  the then owner or owners of such mobilehome or house trailer,
    15  who shall be the person or persons named in the title of such
    16  mobilehome or house trailer irrespective of whether the title is
    17  issued by this State or another state.
    18     (d)  Notification of Mobilehome or House Trailer Owner.--Each
    19  person in whose name a mobilehome or house trailer is assessed,
    20  rated or valued as provided in this act, shall be notified in
    21  writing by the assessor that it shall be unlawful for any person
    22  to remove the mobilehome or house trailer from the taxing
    23  district without first having obtained removal permits from the
    24  local tax collector.
    25     (e)  Removal Permits.--The local tax collector shall issue
    26  removal permits upon application therefor whenever a fee of two
    27  dollars ($2) and all taxes levied and assessed on the mobilehome
    28  or house trailer to be moved are paid.
    29     (f)  Penalty.--Any person who moves a mobilehome or house
    30  trailer from the territorial limits of the taxing district
    19970H1120B1266                 - 19 -

     1  without first having obtained a removal permit issued under this
     2  act shall, upon summary conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay
     3  a fine of one hundred dollars ($100) and costs of prosecution or
     4  undergo imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both.
     5     (g)  Mobilehome Titles of Ownership; Records.--Upon the
     6  written request of an assessor, the Department of Transportation
     7  shall provide pertinent information concerning the transfer of
     8  title of a mobilehome or house trailer and the sales tax paid
     9  pursuant to the conveyance.
    10     Section 14.  Section 408 of the act is repealed.
    11     Section 15.  Section 411 of the act, amended June 13, 1939
    12  (P.L.343, No.200), is amended to read:
    13     Section 411.  Assessment of Seated Lands Divided by County
    14  Lines.--The [elected and appointed] assessors of the several
    15  counties shall, on seated lands, make the assessment in the
    16  county in which the mansion house is situated, when county lines
    17  divide a tract of land. Whenever the dividing line between two
    18  counties shall pass through the mansion house of any tract of
    19  land, the owner of the land so divided may choose as the situs
    20  of assessment either of the counties, by a written notice of his
    21  election to the commissioners of both counties. The [elected or
    22  appointed] assessors of the county so chosen shall assess
    23  therein all the tract of land. In the event that the owner shall
    24  refuse or fail to so choose, then the county in which the larger
    25  portion of the mansion house is situated shall have the right of
    26  assessment.
    27     Section 16.  Sections 413, 414 and 415 of the act are amended
    28  to read:
    29     Section 413.  Assessment Where Township Line Passes Through
    30  Mansion House.--Whenever the dividing line between any township
    19970H1120B1266                 - 20 -

     1  and city or borough, or between any two townships, as now or may
     2  be hereafter located, shall pass through the mansion house of
     3  any tract of land, the owner of the land so divided may choose,
     4  as the place of residence of its occupants, either of the
     5  townships or the borough, by a written notice of his election to
     6  the commissioners of the county. A choice once so made shall be
     7  binding on the owner and occupiers of such mansion house and on
     8  future owners thereof. In case of the neglect or refusal of the
     9  owner of such land to make an election as aforesaid, the persons
    10  occupying said mansion house shall be regarded as residing
    11  wholly within the township, and the [elected or appointed]
    12  assessors [of such township] shall, in such case, or when he
    13  elects to reside in the township, assess therein such persons,
    14  and all the tract of land on which such mansion house is
    15  erected.
    16     Section 414.  Assessment of Coal Underlying Lands Divided by
    17  County, Township or Borough Lines.--[The elected or appointed
    18  assessors of the wards, townships and boroughs of the several
    19  counties] Assessors shall, where seated lands, underlaid with
    20  coal, are divided by county, city, township or borough lines,
    21  the ownership of which coal has been severed from the ownership
    22  of the overlying strata or surface, assess each division of said
    23  coal in the county, city, township or borough in which it
    24  actually lies.
    25     Section 415.  Separate Assessment of Coal and Surface.--All
    26  [elected and appointed] assessors shall hereafter assess coal
    27  and surface separately in cases where the life tenant of land
    28  has not the right to operate the coal underlying said surface.
    29     Section 17.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    30     Section 417.1.  Notice for Information by Assessors.--The
    19970H1120B1266                 - 21 -

     1  chief assessor, for assessment purposes, shall give to an owner
     2  of real property only one notice by United States Postal Service
     3  first-class mail, registered mail or certified mail, return
     4  receipt requested, postage prepaid. The notice shall require an
     5  owner of real property to file a property statement. The
     6  statement may include records and information pertaining to sale
     7  of ownership interests, partnership interests, stock
     8  transactions and income and expense of rental income-producing
     9  property. The owner of property shall submit a property
    10  statement within forty-five days of the notice of the chief
    11  assessor. The notice shall include a statement that compliance
    12  with the notice is mandatory by law.
    13     The term "rental income-producing property," as used in this
    14  section, includes, but is not limited to, residential rental
    15  realty, apartments, rooming houses, commercial rental realty,
    16  leased industrial realty, leased land, garages, hotels, motels,
    17  inns, bed and breakfast accommodations, and similar rental real
    18  estate.
    19     Section 417.2.  Failure to File a Property Statement After
    20  Notice.--(a)  If an owner fails to respond to the notice of the
    21  chief assessor within forty-five days of the notice, the chief
    22  assessor shall value the property at the amount the chief
    23  assessor reasonably determines, from any information in his
    24  possession or available to him, to be the full and fair value.
    25     (b)  If an owner has good cause for failing to respond to the
    26  notice within the required period of time, the chief assessor
    27  may extend the period of time for an additional forty-five day
    28  period. No further extension shall be permitted.
    29     (c)  If an owner disputes a valuation made by the chief
    30  assessor, the owner may appeal in accordance with the provisions
    19970H1120B1266                 - 22 -

     1  of this article. For the appeal to be valid, a completed
     2  property statement shall be filed with the appeal.
     3     Section 417.3.  Confidentiality.--Information gained by the
     4  chief assessor shall be confidential, except for official
     5  purposes, and a person or agent divulging information shall be
     6  guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be subject
     7  to imprisonment for not more than three years, and fined a sum
     8  of not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or both.
     9     Section 18.  Section 419 of the act is amended to read:
    10     Section 419.  Assessment of Auxiliary Forest Reserves.--All
    11  surface land which has, since the fifth day of June, one
    12  thousand nine hundred and thirteen, been classified and set
    13  apart as auxiliary forest reserves, in the manner provided by
    14  law, or which may hereafter be so classified, shall, so long as
    15  the same remains so classified, be rated in value, for the
    16  purpose of taxation, not in excess of one dollar ($1.00) per
    17  acre, and shall continue to be so rated so long as the said land
    18  remains within the class designated as auxiliary forest
    19  reserves: Provided, however, That if the said surface land be
    20  underlaid with coal, iron ore, oil, gas, or other valuable
    21  minerals, said minerals may be separately assessed. The [elected
    22  and appointed] assessors [in the several boroughs, townships and
    23  districts in which such lands are situate] shall assess such
    24  lands in the manner now or hereafter provided for the assessment
    25  of real estate for purposes of taxation, as if they had not been
    26  set apart as auxiliary forest reserves, and shall make their
    27  return to the county commissioners in like manner as is now or
    28  hereafter may be provided by law, subject to exception, appeal,
    29  and final adjustment.
    30     Upon receipt of assessment returns from the various
    19970H1120B1266                 - 23 -

     1  assessors, the county commissioners, or board for the assessment
     2  and revision of taxes, shall reduce, in their records, to a sum
     3  not in excess of one dollar ($1.00) per acre, the assessment on
     4  all those lands which shall have been placed in the class known
     5  as auxiliary forest reserves, in accordance with certificates
     6  filed with them by the Department of Forests and Waters or the
     7  Department of Environmental Resources, and the original
     8  assessment returns made by said assessors shall be preserved.
     9     Section 19.  Sections 422 and 431 of the act are repealed.
    10     Section 20.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    11     Section 431.1.  Issuing of Precepts and Return of Assessments
    12  in Inter-Triennial Years.--In counties of the second class, the
    13  precepts to make inter-triennial assessments shall be issued and
    14  returned in accordance with the provisions of section 401(b).
    15     Section 21.  Section 432 of the act, amended June 16, 1972
    16  (P.L.418, No.121), is amended to read:
    17     Section 432.  Inter-Triennial Assessments.--In each of the
    18  two years succeeding the triennial assessment, except in
    19  counties of the first class, and except as in counties of the
    20  second [and third classes] class otherwise provided, the
    21  commissioners, or board for the assessment and revision of
    22  taxes, as the case may be, of the respective county shall send a
    23  transcript of such triennial assessment to the [elected or
    24  appointed] assessors [of every ward, borough, town, township and
    25  district therein], together with their precepts, requiring them
    26  to take an account of all personal property taxable by law,
    27  together with a just valuation of same, and all persons, and
    28  also a valuation of all offices and posts of profit,
    29  professions, trades and occupations taxable by law, enjoining
    30  such assessors to make a just return to them and to note in such
    19970H1120B1266                 - 24 -

     1  return such alterations in his ward, borough, town, township or
     2  district, as may have been occasioned by the transfer or
     3  division of real estate, or by the destruction of buildings, or
     4  by the mining out of coal, ore, or other minerals assessed under
     5  the triennial assessment, and also noting all persons who have
     6  arrived at the age of eighteen years since the last triennial
     7  assessment, and all others who have since that time come to
     8  inhabit in [such ward, borough, town, township or district] the
     9  county, together with the taxable property such persons may
    10  possess, and the valuation thereof, agreeably to the provisions
    11  of this act; and to reassess all real estate which may have been
    12  improved by the erection of buildings or other improvements
    13  subsequent to the last preceding triennial assessments, subject
    14  to appeals as now provided by law.
    15     Section 22.  Sections 441, 451 and 452 of the act are amended
    16  to read:
    17     Section 441.  The county commissioners, or the board for the
    18  assessment and revision of taxes, as the case may be, may, in
    19  their discretion, issue their precepts to the [elected or
    20  appointed] assessors [of the respective wards, districts,
    21  boroughs, towns and townships], on or before the first day in
    22  March of each year, for the assessment of such persons as may
    23  remove into the [respective township, ward, borough, town or
    24  district] county since the last assessment, and for the
    25  reassessment of such property as may have been transferred since
    26  the last assessment, and for the assessment of those who may
    27  have been omitted from the last assessment. And it shall be the
    28  duty of such assessors to make such assessment, and return the
    29  same before the twenty-fifth of May. For such service the said
    30  assessors shall receive, out of the county funds, such
    19970H1120B1266                 - 25 -

     1  compensation as may be fixed by the county commissioners, not,
     2  however, exceeding the per diem compensation fixed by this act.
     3     Section 451.  Penalty on Assessors for Failure to Assess and
     4  for Making Incorrect Assessments.--If any [elected or appointed]
     5  assessor[, or, in townships of the first class, any assessor,
     6  assistant township assessor or assistant triennial assessor,]
     7  knowingly and intentionally omits, neglects or refuses to assess
     8  and return any property, person, or thing made taxable by law,
     9  or knowingly and intentionally assesses, rates or values the
    10  same at more or less than he knows and believes the just cash
    11  value or rate thereof, or neglects or refuses to assess any tax
    12  required by law, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor in office,
    13  and, on conviction thereof, be subject to imprisonment not less
    14  than three nor more than twelve months, and fined in a sum not
    15  less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars.
    16     Section 452.  Penalty on Assessor for Failure to Perform
    17  Duty.--If any [elected or appointed assessor, or, in townships
    18  of the first class, any assessor, assistant township assessor or
    19  assistant triennial] assessor, who shall have taken upon himself
    20  the duties of such office, neglects or refuses to comply with
    21  any order or warrant issued to him in conformity with law, or
    22  does not perform the duties enjoined upon him by law, he shall
    23  forfeit any sum not exceeding forty dollars, to be recovered by
    24  the county as debts of a like amount are recoverable.
    25     Section 23.  Section 501 of the act is repealed.
    26     Section 24.  Sections 502, 503 and 504 of the act are amended
    27  to read:
    28     Section 502.  Publication of Statement Showing Aggregate
    29  Assessments, Et Cetera.--The county commissioners, acting as a
    30  board of revision, or the board for the assessment and revision
    19970H1120B1266                 - 26 -

     1  of taxes, as the case may be, of the several counties shall, as
     2  soon as the [elected or appointed] assessors [of the several
     3  wards, districts, boroughs, towns and townships in their
     4  respective counties shall] have made their returns, make out and
     5  publish in not less than two newspapers for two weeks, or, if
     6  there be no newspaper published in the county, by handbills
     7  posted up in each ward, district, borough, town or township, at
     8  the place of holding township, town, borough, ward or district
     9  elections, a statement in such form as will show the aggregate
    10  value and assessments made by [each assessor] the assessors in
    11  the county, upon property taxable by law for county purposes,
    12  upon personal property, upon all salaries and emoluments of
    13  office, and all persons, trades, occupations and professions,
    14  and as will also show the whole amount of taxes assessed on each
    15  ward, district, borough, town and township in the county, and,
    16  at the time and in the manner herein provided for publishing
    17  said statements, the county commissioners, acting as a board of
    18  revision, or the board for the assessment and revision of taxes,
    19  as the case may be, shall also give public notice of a day not
    20  later than thirty days from the time of publishing, by them
    21  appointed, for finally determining whether any of the valuations
    22  of the assessors have been made below a just rate, according to
    23  the meaning and intention of this act: Provided, That any
    24  neglect or refusal of the county commissioners, or board for the
    25  assessment and revision of taxes, to make and publish the
    26  statement required by this section shall not invalidate or
    27  hinder the collection of any tax imposed by any law of this
    28  Commonwealth.
    29     Section 503.  Revision at Time of Appeals.--The county
    30  commissioners, acting as a board of revision, or board for the
    19970H1120B1266                 - 27 -

     1  assessment and revision of taxes, as the case may be, are hereby
     2  authorized to do and perform the duties of said board of
     3  revision upon the same day, and at the same time and place[,] as
     4  that fixed for the hearing of appeals [for the several
     5  townships, towns, boroughs and wards in their respective
     6  counties].
     7     Section 504.  Right of Taxables to Examine Returns.--From the
     8  time of publishing the returns of the [elected or appointed]
     9  assessors until the day appointed for finally determining
    10  whether any valuation of the assessors have been made too low,
    11  any taxable inhabitant of the county shall have the right to
    12  examine the return in the commissioners' office, or board for
    13  the assessment and revision of taxes, as the case may be.
    14     Section 25.  Section 505 of the act, amended December 13,
    15  1982 (P.L.1160, No.268), is amended to read:
    16     Section 505.  Making Revisions.--(a)  The county
    17  commissioners, acting as the board of revision, or board of
    18  revision of taxes, or board for the assessment and revision of
    19  taxes, as the case may be, in each county, shall, on receiving
    20  the returns of the [elected or appointed] assessors, proceed to
    21  examine and inquire whether the same have been made in
    22  conformity with the laws of this Commonwealth, and whether all
    23  property to be valued for taxation for county purposes has been
    24  valued at actual value. They shall receive and consider the
    25  written communication of any taxable inhabitant of the county
    26  relative to any property which such taxable inhabitant shall
    27  believe to have been valued too low, and, on the day appointed
    28  for determining whether any property has been valued too low or
    29  too high, they shall proceed to raise or lower the price or
    30  valuation of any property which they shall believe to have been
    19970H1120B1266                 - 28 -

     1  valued too low or too high, and if they cannot on the day
     2  appointed revise, raise and equalize the valuation of all
     3  property, they may adjourn from day to day until the whole of
     4  such valuation shall have been revised, raised or equalized.
     5     (b)  The board is authorized to make additions and revisions
     6  to the assessment roll of persons and property subject to local
     7  taxation at any time in the year, so long as the notice
     8  provisions are complied with. All additions and revisions shall
     9  be a supplement to the assessment roll for levy and collection
    10  of taxes for the tax year for which the assessment roll was
    11  originally prepared, in addition to being added to the
    12  assessment roll for the following calendar or fiscal tax years.
    13     Section 26.  Section 506 of the act is repealed.
    14     Section 27.  Section 507 of the act is amended to read:
    15     Section 507.  Transcript of Assessments, Statement of Rate,
    16  and Day for Appeal Sent to Assessors.--When the revisions of the
    17  triennial assessments have been completed, the commissioners,
    18  acting as a board of revision, or the board for the assessment
    19  and revision of taxes, as the case may be, of the respective
    20  counties shall cause accurate transcripts of the assessments to
    21  be made out by their clerk, and shall transmit the same to the
    22  [respective elected or appointed] assessors on or before the
    23  second Monday of April following, together with a statement of
    24  the rate per cent of the tax and the day of appeal fixed by
    25  them.
    26     Section 28.  Section 508 of the act, amended December 13,
    27  1982 (P.L.1160, No.268), is amended to read:
    28     Section 508.  Notice of Assessment, Rate, and Appeal.--It
    29  shall be the duty of the [several elected or appointed]
    30  assessors on receiving such transcript of the triennial
    19970H1120B1266                 - 29 -

     1  assessment from the county commissioners, acting as a board of
     2  revision, or the board for the assessment and revision of taxes,
     3  as the case may be, to give written or printed notice, at least
     4  five days before the day of appeal, to every taxable inhabitant
     5  within the [respective ward, borough, town, township or
     6  district] county, the amount of the present assessment,
     7  valuation and ratio, the amount or sum of which he stands rated,
     8  and the rate per cent of the tax, and of the time and place of
     9  such appeal. In every case where the county commissioners,
    10  acting as a board of revision, or the board for the assessment
    11  and revision of taxes, as the case may be, shall change the
    12  valuation of any property or the established predetermined
    13  ratio, a statement of the present assessment, valuation and
    14  ratio and a notice of such changed assessment, valuation and
    15  ratio shall also be given to the owner or owners.
    16     Section 29.  Section 510 of the act is amended to read:
    17     Section 510.  Notice of Appeals in Inter-Triennial Years.--It
    18  shall be the duty of the [several elected and appointed]
    19  assessors in each of the two years succeeding the triennial
    20  assessment to give notice to the taxable inhabitants in like
    21  manner as after the triennial assessment, but in the following
    22  cases only; namely, in the case of real property, where
    23  buildings or other improvements have been newly erected or have
    24  been destroyed, and when coal, ore, or other minerals assessed
    25  under the triennial assessment have been mined out, since such
    26  triennial assessment; and in the case of personal property,
    27  offices, professions, trades and occupations, where there has
    28  been any alteration in the assessment, occasioning a different
    29  valuation from the former year, and also where persons have come
    30  to inhabit in the county since such triennial assessment.
    19970H1120B1266                 - 30 -

     1     Section 30.  Section 511 of the act, amended December 13,
     2  1982 (P.L.1160, No.268), December 17, 1986 (P.L.1680, No.194)
     3  and April 3, 1992 (P.L.46, No.14), is amended to read:
     4     Section 511.  Board of Revision to Hear and Pass on
     5  Appeals.--(a)  At the time and place fixed for the appeal,
     6  whether at a triennial or inter-triennial assessment, the
     7  commissioners, acting as a board of revision, or the board for
     8  the assessment and revision of taxes, shall attend and hear all
     9  persons who may apply for redress, and grant such relief as to
    10  them shall appear just and reasonable: Provided, That the
    11  commissioners, acting as a board of revision, or the board for
    12  the assessment and revision of taxes, shall not make any
    13  allowance or abatement in the valuation of any real estate, in
    14  any other year than that in which the triennial assessment is
    15  made, excepting where buildings or other improvements have been
    16  destroyed, or where coal, ore, or other minerals assessed under
    17  the triennial assessment have been mined out, subsequently to
    18  such triennial assessment, in which cases such allowance or
    19  abatement shall be made.
    20     (b)  In any appeal of an assessment the commissioners, acting
    21  as a board of revision of taxes, or the board for the assessment
    22  and revision of taxes, shall make the following determinations:
    23     (1)  The market value as of the date such appeal was filed
    24  before the county commissioners, acting as a board of revision
    25  of taxes, or the board for the assessment and revision of taxes.
    26     (2)  The common level ratio published by the State Tax
    27  Equalization Board on or before July 1 of the year prior to the
    28  tax year being appealed to the county commissioners, acting as a
    29  board of revision of taxes, or the board for the assessment and
    30  revision of taxes.
    19970H1120B1266                 - 31 -

     1     (b.1)  When a county has effected a countywide revision of
     2  the assessment which was used to develop the common level ratio
     3  last determined by the State Tax Equalization Board, the
     4  following shall apply:
     5     (1)  If a county changes its assessment base by applying a
     6  change in predetermined ratio, the board shall apply the
     7  percentage change between the existing predetermined ratio and
     8  newly established predetermined ratio to the county's common
     9  level ratio to establish the certified revised common level
    10  ratio for the year in which the assessment was revised.
    11     (2)  If the county performs a countywide revision of
    12  assessments by revaluing the properties and applying an
    13  established predetermined ratio, the board shall utilize the
    14  established predetermined ratio instead of the common level
    15  ratio for the year in which the assessment was revised and until
    16  such time as the common level ratio determined by the State Tax
    17  Equalization Board reflects the revaluing of properties
    18  resulting from the revision of assessments.
    19     (c)  The county commissioners, acting as a board of revision
    20  of taxes, or the board for the assessment and revision of taxes,
    21  after determining the market value of the property, shall then
    22  apply the established predetermined ratio to such value unless
    23  the common level ratio published by the State Tax Equalization
    24  Board on or before July 1 of the year prior to the tax year
    25  being appealed to the county commissioners, acting as a board of
    26  revision of taxes, or the board for the assessment and revision
    27  of taxes varies by more than fifteen per centum (15%) from the
    28  established predetermined ratio, in which case the
    29  commissioners, acting as a board of revision of taxes, or a
    30  board for the assessment and revision of taxes, shall apply that
    19970H1120B1266                 - 32 -

     1  same common level ratio to the market value of the property. As
     2  an example, in the case of a predetermined ratio (PDR) of thirty
     3  per centum (30%), the following calculations would be made to
     4  achieve a permissible ratio variance of twenty-five and one-half
     5  per centum (25.5%) to thirty-four and one-half per centum
     6  (34.5%):
     7         30% (PDR) x 15% = 4.5%
     8         30% (PDR) + 4.5% = 34.5%
     9         30% (PDR) - 4.5% = 25.5%
    10     (d)  Nothing herein shall prevent any appellant from
    11  appealing any base year valuation without reference to ratio.
    12     (e)  Persons who have suffered catastrophic losses to their
    13  property shall have the right to appeal before the county
    14  commissioners, acting as a board of revision of taxes, or the
    15  board for the assessment and revision of taxes within the
    16  remainder of the county fiscal year in which the catastrophic
    17  loss occurred, or within six months of the date on which the
    18  catastrophic loss occurred, whichever time period is longer. The
    19  duty of the county commissioners, acting as a board of revision
    20  of taxes, or the board for the assessment and revision of taxes
    21  shall be to reassess the value of the property in the following
    22  manner: the value of the property before the catastrophic loss,
    23  based on the percentage of the taxable year for which the
    24  property stood at its former value, shall be added to the value
    25  of the property after the catastrophic loss, based on the
    26  percentage of the taxable year for which the property stood at
    27  its reduced value. Any property improvements made subsequent to
    28  the catastrophic loss in the same tax year shall not be included
    29  in the reassessment described in this subsection for that tax
    30  year. Any adjustments in assessment under this subsection:
    19970H1120B1266                 - 33 -

     1     (1)  shall be reflected by the appropriate taxing authorities
     2  in the form of a credit for the succeeding tax year; or
     3     (2)  upon application by the property owner to the
     4  appropriate taxing authorities, shall result in a refund being
     5  paid to the property owner at the time of issuance of the tax
     6  notice for the next succeeding tax year by the respective taxing
     7  authorities.
     8  A reduction in assessed value for catastrophic loss due to
     9  inclusion or proposed inclusion as residential property on
    10  either the National Priority List under the Federal
    11  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
    12  Liability Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-510, 94 Stat. 2767), as
    13  amended, or the State Priority List under the act of October 18,
    14  1988 (P.L.756, No.108), known as the "Hazardous Sites Cleanup
    15  Act," shall be in effect until remediation is completed.
    16     (f)  As used in this section, "catastrophic loss" means any
    17  loss due to mine subsidence, fire, flood or other natural
    18  disaster which affects the physical state of the real property
    19  and which exceeds fifty per centum (50%) of the market value of
    20  the real property prior to the loss. The phrase "catastrophic
    21  loss" shall also mean any loss which exceeds fifty per centum
    22  (50%) of the market value of the real property prior to the loss
    23  incurred by residential property owners who are not deemed
    24  responsible parties under the Comprehensive Environmental
    25  Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 or the
    26  "Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act" and whose residential property is
    27  included or proposed to be included as residential property on:
    28     (1)  the National Priority List by the Environmental
    29  Protection Agency under the Comprehensive Environmental
    30  Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980; or
    19970H1120B1266                 - 34 -

     1     (2)  the State Priority List by the Department of
     2  Environmental Resources under the "Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act."
     3     (g)  Notwithstanding any other law regarding the assessment
     4  of real property due to catastrophic loss, the provision of
     5  subsections (e) and (f) relating to residential property
     6  affected by the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
     7  Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 or the "Hazardous Sites
     8  Cleanup Act" shall apply to all counties.
     9     Section 31.  Section 512 of the act is amended to read:
    10     Section 512.  Assessors to Attend Appeals.--It shall be the
    11  duty of the [several elected and appointed] assessors to attend
    12  at the time and place fixed for the appeal from triennial and
    13  inter-triennial assessments [for the respective ward, borough,
    14  town, township or district,] to prevent impositions being
    15  practiced on the commissioners, acting as a board of revision,
    16  or the board for the assessment and revision of taxes, as the
    17  case may be, by the persons appealing.
    18     Section 32.  Section 518.2 of the act, amended December 17,
    19  1986 (P.L.1680, No.194) and April 3, 1992 (P.L.46, No.14), is
    20  amended to read:
    21     Section 518.2.  Appeals to Court.--(a)  In any appeal of an
    22  assessment the court shall make the following determinations:
    23     (1)  The market value as of the date such appeal was filed
    24  before the [county commissioners, acting as a board of revision
    25  of taxes, or the] board [for the assessment and revision of
    26  taxes]. In the event subsequent years have been made a part of
    27  the appeal, the court shall determine the respective market
    28  value for each such year.
    29     (2)  The common level ratio which was applicable in the
    30  original appeal to the [county commissioners, acting as a board
    19970H1120B1266                 - 35 -

     1  of revision of taxes, or the] board [for the assessment and
     2  revision of taxes]. In the event subsequent years have been made
     3  a part of the appeal, the court shall determine the respective
     4  common level ratio for each such year published by the State Tax
     5  Equalization Board on or before July 1 of the year prior to the
     6  tax year being appealed.
     7     (b)  The court, after determining the market value of the
     8  property pursuant to subsection (a)(1), shall then apply the
     9  established predetermined ratio to such value unless the
    10  corresponding common level ratio determined pursuant to
    11  subsection (a)(2) varies by more than fifteen per centum (15%)
    12  from the established predetermined ratio, in which case the
    13  court shall apply the respective common level ratio to the
    14  corresponding market value of the property. As an example, in
    15  the case of a predetermined ratio (PDR) of thirty per centum
    16  (30%), the following calculations would be made to achieve a
    17  permissible ratio variance of twenty-five and one-half per
    18  centum (25.5%) to thirty-four and one-half per centum (34.5%):
    19         30% (PDR) x 15% = 4.5%
    20         30% (PDR) + 4.5% = 34.5%
    21         30% (PDR) - 4.5% = 25.5%
    22     (b.1)  When a county has effected a countywide revision of
    23  the assessment which was used to develop the common level ratio
    24  last determined by the State Tax Equalization Board, the
    25  following shall apply:
    26     (1)  If a county changes its assessment base by applying a
    27  change in predetermined ratio, the court shall apply the
    28  percentage change between the existing predetermined ratio and
    29  newly established predetermined ratio to the county's common
    30  level ratio to establish the certified revised common level
    19970H1120B1266                 - 36 -

     1  ratio for the year in which the assessment was revised.
     2     (2)  If the county performs a countywide revision of
     3  assessments by revaluing the properties and applying an
     4  established predetermined ratio, the court shall utilize the
     5  established predetermined ratio instead of the common level
     6  ratio for the year in which the assessment was revised and until
     7  such time as the common level ratio determined by the State Tax
     8  Equalization Board reflects the revaluing of properties
     9  resulting from the revision of assessments.
    10     (c)  Nothing herein shall prevent any appellant from
    11  appealing any base year valuation without reference to ratio.
    12     Section 33.  Section 519 of the act, repealed in part June 3,
    13  1971 (P.L.118, No.6), is amended to read:
    14     Section 519.  Appeals to Supreme or [Superior] Commonwealth
    15  Courts.--Any owner of real estate or taxable property in this
    16  Commonwealth, or any county, city, borough, town, township,
    17  school district or other public corporation having power and
    18  authority to levy taxes on the assessment of his real estate or
    19  taxable property in question, may appeal from the judgment,
    20  order or decree of any court of common pleas to the Commonwealth
    21  Court, and from the Commonwealth Court to the Supreme Court, in
    22  any matter affecting the assessment of taxes on said property:
    23  Provided, That the appeal shall not prevent the collection of
    24  the taxes upon the assessment fixed or allowed by such judgment,
    25  order or decree of the court of common pleas, but in case the
    26  same shall be reduced, then the excess shall be returned to the
    27  person or persons who shall have paid the same.
    28     Section 34.  The act is amended by adding articles to read:
    29                             ARTICLE VI
    19970H1120B1266                 - 37 -

     1     Section 601.  Definitions.--For the purposes of this article:
     2     "Board" shall mean Board of Assessment Revisions.
     3     "Decision" shall mean a final and formal written adjudication
     4  of an assessment appeal rendered by a Board of Assessment
     5  Revisions.
     6     "Determination" shall mean the final action taken by a chief
     7  assessor, a designee of the chief assessor, a Board of
     8  Assessment Revisions or a panel of the board upon a request for
     9  an assessment revision.
    10     "Governing body" shall mean county commissioners, if in a
    11  county of the first, second, or second A class; or legislative
    12  policy-making body, if in a home rule county.
    13     Section 602.  Availability of Optional Assessment Review and
    14  Revision Process.--The governing body may, by ordinance or
    15  resolution, choose to adopt the provisions of this article and
    16  Articles VI-A, VI-B and VI-C in order to establish an
    17  alternative assessment review and revision process.
    18     Section 603.  Adoption of Optional Assessment Review and
    19  Revision Process Binding.--In the event that the governing body
    20  shall elect to exercise its right to choose the alternative
    21  assessment review and revision process as set forth in this
    22  article and Articles VI-A, VI-B and VI-C, then such assessment
    23  revision process shall be final, binding and irrevocable upon
    24  the county.
    25     Section 604.  Creation and Membership of the Board of
    26  Assessment Revisions.--A governing body which adopts the
    27  alternative assessment review and revision process shall appoint
    28  a Board of Assessment Revisions. The board may consist of three,
    29  five or seven members. A person appointed to the board shall be
    30  at least twenty-one years of age and a resident of the county
    19970H1120B1266                 - 38 -

     1  for at least one year prior to appointment. A majority of the
     2  board shall have knowledge of real property values within the
     3  county.
     4     Section 605.  Term of Office.--(a)  The term of office of a
     5  three-member board shall be three years and shall be so fixed
     6  that the term of office of one member shall expire each year.
     7     (b)  The term of office of a five-member board shall be three
     8  years and shall be so fixed that the term of office of no more
     9  than two members shall expire each year: Provided, That upon the
    10  initial appointment of the members of a five-member board, two
    11  members shall be appointed for a one-year term, one member shall
    12  be appointed for a two-year term and two members shall be
    13  appointed for a three-year term.
    14     (c)  The term of office of a seven-member board shall be
    15  three years and shall be so fixed that the term of office of no
    16  more than three members shall expire each year: Provided, That
    17  upon initial appointment of the members of a seven-member board,
    18  three members shall be appointed for a one-year term, two
    19  members shall be appointed for a two-year term and two members
    20  shall be appointed for a three-year term.
    21     Section 606.  Vacancies.--The board shall give written notice
    22  to the governing body that a vacancy exists on the board within
    23  fifteen days of the occurrence of the vacancy. The governing
    24  body shall fill the vacancy within thirty days of receipt of the
    25  notice. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy shall possess the
    26  qualifications set forth in section 604 and shall continue to be
    27  a member of the board until the expiration of the term for which
    28  the vacancy occurred.
    29     Section 607.  Incompatible Offices.--No member of the board
    30  shall hold any elected or appointed public office in a political
    19970H1120B1266                 - 39 -

     1  subdivision if the tax assessments in the political subdivision
     2  are subject to review or determination by the board.
     3     Section 608.  Removal of Members.--Any member of the board
     4  may be removed by a majority vote of the governing body for
     5  reasons of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office or
     6  for just cause. All proceedings pertinent to removal of members
     7  of the board shall conform with all relevant aspects of 2
     8  Pa.C.S. (relating to administrative law and procedure).
     9     Section 609.  Organization and Quorum of Board of Assessment
    10  Revisions.--The board shall organize annually during the first
    11  week of February, electing from its membership for a term of one
    12  year a chairman, vice chairman and secretary. An officer may be
    13  elected to successive terms. The board shall not conduct any
    14  business, hearing or proceeding unless a majority of the board
    15  is present. Nothing in this section shall prevent a panel of the
    16  board from conducting an informal review pursuant to section
    17  604-A.
    18     Section 610.  Notice and Recording.--Notice of the decision
    19  or determination shall be provided to the taxpayer in accordance
    20  with applicable sections hereof and shall be duly recorded on
    21  the assessment file of the taxpayer.
    22     Section 611.  Rules and Regulations.--The board may make,
    23  amend, alter and rescind rules or regulations for its own
    24  governance and for the conduct of its business and proceedings.
    25  The rules and regulations shall be in writing and shall be made
    26  available to any taxpayer upon request at the reasonable expense
    27  of the taxpayer.
    28     Section 612.  Legal Counsel.--The board shall appoint an
    29  attorney, who shall not be the solicitor or an assistant
    30  solicitor of the county, to serve as independent legal counsel.
    19970H1120B1266                 - 40 -

     1  The board shall define the duties and establish the compensation
     2  of the legal counsel. It shall be the duty of the legal counsel
     3  to provide legal advice and counsel on all matters, including,
     4  but not limited to, the conduct of business, proceedings and
     5  hearings of the board and to represent the board at judicial and
     6  quasi-judicial proceedings in which the board is named as a
     7  party.
     8     Section 613.  Compensation.--The compensation of the members
     9  of the board shall be set annually by the salary board of the
    10  county or the governing body if no salary board exists.
    11     Section 614.  Function of board.--The board shall make
    12  determinations and render decisions in the manner provided in
    13  this article and in Articles VI-A, VI-B and VI-C.
    14                            ARTICLE VI-A
    15                       ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW
    16     Section 601-A.  Definitions.--For the purposes of this
    17  article:
    18     "Board" shall mean Board of Assessment Revisions.
    19     "Decision" shall mean a final and formal written adjudication
    20  of an assessment appeal rendered by a Board of Assessment
    21  Revisions.
    22     "Determination" shall mean the final action taken by a chief
    23  assessor, a designee of the chief assessor, a Board of
    24  Assessment Revisions or a panel of the board upon a request for
    25  an assessment revision.
    26     "Governing body" shall mean county commissioners, if in a
    27  county of the first, second, or second A class; or legislative
    28  policy-making body, if in a home rule county.
    29     Section 602-A.  Informal Review Process.--(a)  A taxpayer or
    30  taxing district disputing an assessment, change of assessment or
    19970H1120B1266                 - 41 -

     1  reassessment, including matters relevant to tax-exempt real
     2  property, whether or not the value of the assessment shall have
     3  been changed since the preceding or last assessment, shall have
     4  the right to appeal such assessment, change of assessment or
     5  reassessment, in writing, to the assessment office.
     6     (b)  Any taxpayer or taxing district choosing to appeal any
     7  assessment, change of assessment or reassessment shall notify
     8  the county assessment office, in writing, requesting one of the
     9  following options of informal review:
    10     (1)  Informal meeting with the chief assessor or the
    11  designee, for review of the assessment or reassessment in
    12  question.
    13     (2)  Informal review with the board or, if designated by the
    14  board, with a panel of the board.
    15     (c)  The taxpayer or taxing district shall include with the
    16  written notice requesting one of the options for informal review
    17  the following:
    18     (1)  The assessment or assessments by which the requester
    19  feels aggrieved.
    20     (2)  The address to which the board shall mail notice of the
    21  hearing.
    22     (d)  The chief assessor or the board or a panel of the board
    23  shall conduct informal review proceedings to insure that all
    24  formal appeals pursuant to Article VI-B are acted upon within
    25  the time established by the board.
    26     (e)  (1)  If the option in subsection (b)(1) is selected, the
    27  chief assessor may appoint a designee; and any reference in this
    28  article to an informal review being conducted by the chief
    29  assessor shall be deemed to include an informal review conducted
    30  by the designee.
    19970H1120B1266                 - 42 -

     1     (2)  If the option in subsection (b)(2) is selected, the
     2  board, in its discretion, shall determine whether the board or a
     3  panel thereof shall conduct the informal review.
     4     (f)  A taxpayer or taxing district shall meet initially with
     5  the chief assessor or with the board or a panel thereof for an
     6  informal review before the taxpayer or taxing district may seek
     7  an appeal under Articles VI-B and VI-C.
     8     Section 603-A.  Informal Review by Chief Assessor.--(a)  Upon
     9  election by the taxpayer or taxing district to meet informally
    10  with the chief assessor, the assessor shall, without limitation
    11  or restriction, make available data used to determine the
    12  assessment, disclose the methodology applied during the
    13  assessment process, and make available and provide access to any
    14  other information relating to the assessment and the assessment
    15  process. A copy of all information available under this
    16  provision, including, but not limited to, records, reports and
    17  data shall be furnished by the assessor to the taxpayer upon
    18  request at the expense of the taxpayer.
    19     (b)  The taxpayer or taxing district may present to the
    20  assessor information and data relevant to the disputed
    21  assessment. In any review proceedings under any provision of
    22  this article, all witnesses offering any testimony or evidence
    23  relative to any aspect of the value of the real estate subject
    24  to assessment or reassessment shall be required to disclose,
    25  under oath, the specific circumstances under which such witness
    26  receives compensation for the provision of such testimony or
    27  evidence.
    28     (c)  Within ten days of meeting informally with a taxpayer or
    29  taxing district in accordance with this section, the chief
    30  assessor shall render a written determination regarding the
    19970H1120B1266                 - 43 -

     1  assessment or assessments in dispute and give the affected
     2  taxpayer and taxing districts notice of the determination by
     3  sending each of them a copy of the written determination by
     4  first class mail. The chief assessor shall keep a record of the
     5  date on which a notice required by this subsection was mailed.
     6     (d)  The written determination of the chief assessor shall
     7  include, but not be limited to:
     8     (1)  The names and addresses of the taxpayers or taxing
     9  districts which met with the chief assessor for an informal
    10  review of a disputed assessment or assessments.
    11     (2)  The date on which the informal review meeting took
    12  place.
    13     (3)  The property or properties involved in the dispute and
    14  the assessed values assigned thereto.
    15     (4)  The findings and recommendations by the chief assessor.
    16     (5)  The date on which the determination was mailed to the
    17  taxpayer and taxing districts.
    18     (e)  The chief assessor shall enclose with each notice of
    19  determination an appeal withdrawal form, which shall contain a
    20  statement that formal appeal proceedings regarding the disputed
    21  assessment or assessments may be avoided if each affected
    22  taxpayer and taxing district sign and return their respective
    23  appeal withdrawal forms within fifteen days of the date on which
    24  the determination was mailed to the taxpayer and taxing
    25  districts.
    26     (f)  If the affected taxpayer and taxing districts sign and
    27  make a timely return of their respective appeal withdrawal forms
    28  indicating their acceptance of the chief assessor's
    29  determination, the chief assessor shall notify each affected
    30  taxpayer and taxing district that the determination has been
    19970H1120B1266                 - 44 -

     1  agreed to and that it shall be binding on them.
     2     (g)  If the taxpayer or any affected taxing district refuses
     3  to accept the chief assessor's determination by failing to
     4  return the signed appeal withdrawal form pursuant to subsection
     5  (e), the chief assessor shall notify the affected taxpayer and
     6  taxing districts of the failure to reach agreement on acceptance
     7  of the determination and shall provide them with information
     8  relative to an appeal to the board pursuant to Article VI-B. The
     9  chief assessor shall keep a record of the date on which a notice
    10  required by this subsection was mailed.
    11     (h)  If there is a failure to reach agreement on the
    12  acceptance of a determination after an informal review by the
    13  chief assessor, the taxpayer or taxing districts may file a
    14  formal assessment appeal with the board. A formal appeal to the
    15  board under this section must be filed within fifteen days of
    16  the date on which the notice of the failure to accept the
    17  determination pursuant to subsection (g) was mailed.
    18     (i)  Failure by the chief assessor to conduct meetings or
    19  mail the required notifications in a timely fashion shall not
    20  preclude the disputing taxpayer or taxing district from pursuing
    21  further appeals.
    22     Section 604-A.  Informal Review by Board.--(a)  In the event
    23  that the taxpayer or taxing district elects to meet informally
    24  with the board or a panel thereof as set forth in section 602-
    25  A(b)(2), without limitation or restriction, the board or a panel
    26  thereof shall make available data used to determine and review
    27  the assessment, disclose the methodology applied during the
    28  assessment and review process, and make available and provide
    29  access to any other information relating to the assessment and
    30  the assessment review process. A copy of all information
    19970H1120B1266                 - 45 -

     1  available under this provision, including, but not limited to,
     2  records, reports, and date shall be furnished by the board or a
     3  panel thereof to the taxpayer upon request at the expense of the
     4  taxpayer.
     5     (b)  The taxpayer or taxing district may present to the board
     6  or a panel thereof information and data relevant to the disputed
     7  assessment and the assessment review process.
     8     (c)  Within ten days of meeting informally with a taxpayer or
     9  taxing district in accordance with this section, the board or
    10  panel of the board shall render a written determination
    11  regarding the assessment or assessments in dispute and give the
    12  affected taxpayer and taxing districts notice of the
    13  determination by sending each of them a copy of the written
    14  determination by first class mail. The board or panel of the
    15  board shall keep a record of the date on which a notice required
    16  by this subsection was mailed.
    17     (d)  The written determination of the board or panel of the
    18  board shall include, but not be limited to:
    19     (1)  The names and addresses of the taxpayer or taxing
    20  districts which met with the board or panel of the board for an
    21  informal review of a disputed assessment or assessments.
    22     (2)  The date on which the informal review meeting took
    23  place.
    24     (3)  The property or properties involved in the dispute and
    25  the assessed values assigned thereto.
    26     (4)  The findings and recommendations by the board or panel
    27  of the board.
    28     (5)  The date on which the determination was mailed to the
    29  taxpayer and taxing districts.
    30     (e)  The board or panel of the board shall enclose with each
    19970H1120B1266                 - 46 -

     1  notice of the determination an appeal withdrawal form, which
     2  shall contain a statement that formal appeal proceedings
     3  regarding the disputed assessment or assessments may be avoided
     4  if each affected taxpayer and taxing district sign and return
     5  their respective appeal withdrawal forms within fifteen days of
     6  the date on which the determination was mailed to the taxpayer
     7  and taxing districts.
     8     (f)  If the affected taxpayer and taxing districts sign and
     9  make a timely return of their respective appeal withdrawal forms
    10  indicating their acceptance of the board or panel of the board's
    11  determination, the board or panel of the board shall notify each
    12  affected taxpayer and taxing district that the determination has
    13  been agreed to and that it shall be binding on them.
    14     (g)  If the taxpayer or any affected taxing district refuse
    15  to accept the determination of the board or panel of the board
    16  by failing to return the signed appeal withdrawal form pursuant
    17  to subsection (e), the board or panel of the board shall notify
    18  the affected taxpayer and taxing districts of the failure to
    19  reach agreement on acceptance of the determination and shall
    20  provide them with information relative to an appeal to either
    21  the board pursuant to Article VI-B or to court pursuant to
    22  Article VI-C. The board or panel of the board shall keep a
    23  record of the date on which a notice required by this subsection
    24  was mailed.
    25     (h)  If there is a failure to reach agreement on the
    26  acceptance of a determination after an informal review by the
    27  board or panel of the board, the taxpayer or taxing districts
    28  may file a formal assessment appeal with the board or, if agreed
    29  to by the taxpayer and each taxing district, to the court of
    30  common pleas. A formal appeal to the board or the court of
    19970H1120B1266                 - 47 -

     1  common pleas under this section must be filed within fifteen
     2  days of the date on which the notice of the failure to accept
     3  the determination pursuant to subsection (g) was mailed.
     4     (i)  Failure by the board to conduct meetings or execute a
     5  written determination with the times prescribed in this section
     6  shall not preclude the disputing taxpayer or taxing district
     7  from pursuing further appeals under this article.
     8                            ARTICLE VI-B
     9                          APPEALS TO BOARD
    10     Section 601-B.  Definitions.--For the purposes of this
    11  article:
    12     "Board" shall mean Board of Assessment Revisions.
    13     "Decision" shall mean a final and formal written adjudication
    14  of an assessment appeal rendered by a Board of Assessment
    15  Revisions.
    16     "Determination" shall mean the final action taken by a chief
    17  assessor, a designee of the chief assessor, a Board of
    18  Assessment Revisions or a panel of the board upon a request for
    19  an assessment revision.
    20     "Governing body" shall mean county commissioners, if in a
    21  county of the first, second, or second A class; or legislative
    22  policy-making body, if in a home rule county.
    23     Section 602-B.  Conformity with Local Agency Law.--The
    24  practice, procedure and judicial review of all appeals filed
    25  with the board shall conform with all relevant aspects of Title
    26  2 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to
    27  administrative law and procedure).
    28     Section 603-B.  Factors in Determinations of the Board.--(a)
    29  In any appeal of an assessment the board shall make the
    30  following determinations:
    19970H1120B1266                 - 48 -

     1     (1)  The market value as of the date such appeal was filed
     2  before the board.
     3     (2)  The common level ratio published by the State Tax
     4  Equalization Board on or before the first day of July of the
     5  year prior to the tax year being appealed to the board.
     6     (b)  The board, after determining the market value of the
     7  property, shall then apply the established predetermined ratio
     8  to such value unless the common level ratio published by the
     9  State Tax Equalization Board on or before the first day of July
    10  of the year prior to the tax year being appealed to the board
    11  varies by more than fifteen per centum (15%) from the
    12  established predetermined ratio, in which case the board shall
    13  apply that same common level ratio to the market value of the
    14  property. As an example, in the case of a predetermined ratio
    15  (PDR) of thirty per centum (30%), the following calculations
    16  would be made to achieve a permissible ratio variance of twenty-
    17  five and one-half per centum (25.5%) to thirty-four and one-half
    18  per centum (34.5%):
    19         30% (PDR) x 15% = 4.5%
    20         30% (PDR) + 4.5% = 34.5%
    21         30% (PDR) - 4.5% = 25.5%
    22  Therefore twenty-five and one-half per centum (25.5%) to thirty-
    23  four and one-half per centum (34.5%) would be the permissible
    24  ratio variance.
    25     (b.1)  When a county has effected a countywide revision of
    26  the assessment which was used to develop the common level ratio
    27  last determined by the State Tax Equalization Board, the
    28  following applies:
    29     (1)  If a county changes its assessment base by applying a
    30  change in predetermined ratio, the board shall apply the
    19970H1120B1266                 - 49 -

     1  percentage change between the existing predetermined ratio and
     2  newly established predetermined ratio to the county's common
     3  level ratio to establish the certified revised common level
     4  ratio for the year in which the assessment was revised.
     5     (2)  If the county performs a county-wide revision of
     6  assessments by revaluing the properties and applying an
     7  established predetermined ratio, the board shall utilize the
     8  established predetermined ratio instead of the common level
     9  ratio for the year in which the assessment was revised and until
    10  such time as the common level ratio determined by the State Tax
    11  Equalization Board reflects the revaluing of properties
    12  resulting from the revision of assessments.
    13     (c)  Nothing herein shall prevent any appellant from
    14  appealing any base year valuation without reference to ratio.
    15     (d)  Persons who have suffered catastrophic losses to their
    16  property shall have the right to appeal before the Board of
    17  Assessment Revisions within the remainder of the county fiscal
    18  year in which the catastrophic loss occurred, or within six
    19  months of the date on which the catastrophic loss occurred,
    20  whichever time period is longer. The duty of the Board of
    21  Assessment Revisions shall be to reassess the value of the
    22  property in the following manner: the value of the property
    23  before the catastrophic loss, based on the percentage of the
    24  taxable year for which the property stood at its former value,
    25  shall be added to the value of the property after the
    26  catastrophic loss, based on the percentage of the taxable year
    27  for which the property stood at its reduced value. Any property
    28  improvements made subsequent to the catastrophic loss in the
    29  same tax year shall not be included in the reassessment
    30  described in this subsection for that tax year. Any adjustments
    19970H1120B1266                 - 50 -

     1  in assessment under this subsection shall be reflected by the
     2  appropriate taxing authorities in the form of a credit for the
     3  succeeding tax year. As used in this section, "catastrophic
     4  loss" means any loss due to mine subsidence, fire, flood or
     5  other natural disaster which affects the physical state of the
     6  real property and which exceeds fifty per centum (50%) of the
     7  market value of the real property prior to the loss.
     8     Section 604-B.  Notice and Hearing.--(a)  Notice shall be
     9  given to the public, the taxpayer, other taxing bodies and to
    10  any other person who has made a timely request for the same.
    11  Notices shall be given at such time and in such manner as shall
    12  be prescribed by the rules of the Board of Assessment Revisions.
    13  If an appeal has been filed, the board shall notify each person
    14  and taxing district having an interest in the appeal of the time
    15  and place of hearing. Notice shall be effected by mail to each
    16  party at the address designated in the statement of intention to
    17  appeal or, if there is no designation, at the address determined
    18  by the board. Notice shall be mailed at least fifteen days
    19  before the date of the hearing.
    20     (b)  The board shall meet for the hearing of appeals. The
    21  board may, by regulation, establish time frames for acting upon
    22  appeals.
    23     Section 605-B.  Appearances; Required Disclosures.--(a)  The
    24  parties to the hearing before the board shall be the chief
    25  assessor or his designee, the taxpayer, representatives of
    26  aggrieved taxing bodies and any other persons or organizations
    27  permitted to appear by the board. The board shall have the power
    28  to require that all persons who wish to be considered parties
    29  enter appearances in writing on forms provided by the board for
    30  that purpose.
    19970H1120B1266                 - 51 -

     1     (b)  All witnesses providing testimony at the hearing
     2  relative to any aspect of the value of the real estate subject
     3  to assessment or reassessment shall be required to disclose,
     4  under oath, the specific circumstances under which such witness
     5  receives compensation by any party to the hearing for the
     6  provision of such testimony.
     7     Section 606-B.  Oaths and Subpoenas.--The chairman of the
     8  board shall have the power to administer oaths and issue
     9  subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the
    10  production of relevant documents and papers, including witnesses
    11  and documents requested by the parties.
    12     Section 607-B.  Representation by Counsel.--The parties shall
    13  have the discretion to retain private legal counsel and shall be
    14  afforded the opportunity to respond and present evidence and
    15  argument and cross-examine adverse witnesses on all relevant
    16  issues.
    17     Section 608-B.  Rules of Evidence.--Formal rules of evidence
    18  shall not apply, but irrelevant, immaterial or unduly
    19  repetitious evidence may be excluded.
    20     Section 609-B.  Record of Proceedings.--The board shall keep
    21  a stenographic record of the proceedings and a transcript of the
    22  proceedings and copies of graphic or written material received
    23  in evidence shall be made available to any party at reasonable
    24  expense.
    25     Section 610-B.  Communication with Parties.--The board shall
    26  not communicate directly or indirectly, with any party or his
    27  representatives in connection with any issue involved except
    28  upon notice and opportunity for all parties to participate, and
    29  shall not consider any communication, reports, staff memoranda
    30  or other materials unless the parties are afforded an
    19970H1120B1266                 - 52 -

     1  opportunity to contest the material so considered and shall not
     2  inspect the property or its surroundings after the commencement
     3  of hearings with any party or his representative unless all
     4  parties are given an opportunity to be present.
     5     Section 611-B.  Decision of the Board; Delivery of Decision
     6  and Appeal.--(a)  The board shall render a written decision
     7  within fifteen days after the last hearing before the board.
     8     (b)  Each decision shall be accompanied by findings of fact
     9  and conclusions based thereon together with the reasons
    10  therefor. Conclusions based on any provisions of this or any
    11  other act or of any ordinance, rule or regulation shall contain
    12  a reference to the provision relied on and the reasons why the
    13  conclusion is deemed appropriate in light of the facts found.
    14     (c)  A copy of the final decision shall be delivered to the
    15  taxpayer, the chief assessor and any taxing bodies or parties
    16  which have entered an appearance personally or by mail.
    17     (d)  Any taxpayer or taxing district who disagrees with the
    18  final written decision of the board shall have the right to
    19  appeal the board decision to the court of common pleas within
    20  thirty days after receipt of the decision.
    21                            ARTICLE VI-C
    22                 APPEALS TO COURTS OF COMMON PLEAS
    23     Section 601-C.  Definitions.--For the purposes of this
    24  article:
    25     "Board" shall mean a Board of Assessment Revisions.
    26     "Decision" shall mean a final and formal written adjudication
    27  of an assessment appeal rendered by a Board of Assessment
    28  Revisions.
    29     "Determination" shall mean the final action taken by a chief
    30  assessor, a designee of the chief assessor, a Board of
    19970H1120B1266                 - 53 -

     1  Assessment revisions or a panel of the board upon a request for
     2  an assessment revision.
     3     "Governing body" shall mean the county commissioners, if in a
     4  county of the first, second, or second A class; or the
     5  legislative policy-making body, if in a home rule county.
     6     Section 602-C.  Proceedings.--Appeals to a court of common
     7  pleas shall be conducted as follows:
     8     (1)  If the appeal is taken from a decision of the board
     9  following a formal hearing pursuant to Article VI-B, the
    10  proceedings on appeal shall be conducted in accordance with 2
    11  Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch. B (relating to judicial review of local
    12  agency action).
    13     (2)  If the appeal is taken directly from a determination
    14  made following an informal review, the proceeding on appeal
    15  shall be conducted de novo in accordance with the Rules of Civil
    16  Procedure that would be applicable if the action was initially
    17  commenced in the court of common pleas.
    18     Section 603-C.  Factors in Determinations of the Court.--(a)
    19  In any appeal of an assessment the court shall make the
    20  following determinations:
    21     (1)  The market value as of the date such appeal was filed
    22  before the board. In the event subsequent years have been made a
    23  part of the appeal, the court shall determine the respective
    24  market value for each such year.
    25     (2)  The common level ratio which was applicable in the
    26  original appeal to the Board of Assessment Revisions. In the
    27  event subsequent years have been made a part of the appeal, the
    28  court shall determine the respective common level ratio for each
    29  such year published by the State Tax Equalization Board on or
    30  before the first day of July of the year prior to the tax year
    19970H1120B1266                 - 54 -

     1  being appealed.
     2     (b)  The court, after determining the market value of the
     3  property pursuant to subsection (a)(1), shall then apply the
     4  established predetermined ratio to such value unless the
     5  corresponding common level ratio determined pursuant to
     6  subsection (a)(2) varies by more than fifteen per centum (15%)
     7  from the established predetermined ratio, in which case the
     8  court shall apply the respective common level ratio to the
     9  corresponding market value of the property. As an example, in
    10  the case of a predetermined ratio (PDR) of thirty per centum
    11  (30%), the following calculations would be made to achieve a
    12  permissible ratio variance of twenty-five and one-half per
    13  centum (25.5%) to thirty-four and one-half per centum (34.5%):
    14         30% (PDR) x 15% = 4.5%
    15         30% (PDR) + 4.5% = 34.5%
    16         30% (PDR) - 4.5% = 25.5%
    17     (b.1)  When a county has effected a countywide revision of
    18  the assessment which was used to develop the common level ratio
    19  last determined by the State Tax Equalization Board, the
    20  following applies:
    21     (1)  If a county changes its assessment base by applying a
    22  change in predetermined ratio, the court shall apply the
    23  percentage change between the existing predetermined ratio and
    24  newly established predetermined ratio to the county's common
    25  level ratio to establish the certified revised common level
    26  ratio for the year in which the assessment was revised.
    27     (2)  If the county performs a countywide revision of
    28  assessments by revaluing the properties and applying an
    29  established predetermined ratio, the court shall utilize the
    30  established predetermined ratio instead of the common level
    19970H1120B1266                 - 55 -

     1  ratio for the year in which the assessment was revised and until
     2  such time as the common level ratio determined by the State Tax
     3  Equalization Board reflects the revaluing of properties
     4  resulting from the revision of assessments.
     5     (c)  Nothing herein shall prevent any appellant from
     6  appealing any base year valuation without reference to ratio.
     7     Section 604-C.  Hearing by Court or Master; Required
     8  Disclosures.--(a)  (1)  The court may proceed as provided for in
     9  this section if an appeal is taken pursuant to section 602-C(2)
    10  on a decision made after an informal review.
    11     (2)  The court may proceed as provided for in this section if
    12  an appeal is taken pursuant to section 602-C(1) on a
    13  determination of a board after a formal hearing, provided that
    14  the court:
    15     (i)  finds that the board failed to keep a full and complete
    16  record of procedures as required by section 609-B; and
    17     (ii)  elects not to remand the proceedings to the board for
    18  the purpose of making the record required by section 609-B.
    19     (b)  Any witness providing testimony before the court or a
    20  master relative to any aspect of the value of the real estate
    21  subject to assessment or reassessment shall be required to
    22  disclose, under oath, the specific circumstances under which
    23  such witness receives compensation by any party to these
    24  proceedings for the provision of such testimony.
    25     Section 605-C.  Notice of Master's Hearing.--Written notice
    26  of the hearing shall be given to each attorney of record by the
    27  master or, if no attorney has appeared of record for a party,
    28  notice of the hearing shall be given the party by the master.
    29     Section 606-C.  Master's Report.--(a)  The master shall file
    30  the record and a transcript of the testimony together with the
    19970H1120B1266                 - 56 -

     1  report and recommendation within thirty days after the receipt
     2  of the transcript by the master.
     3     (b)  The master shall immediately send notice of the filing
     4  of the report to each party and shall accompany the notice with
     5  a copy of the report and recommendation.
     6     (c)  The master's report shall contain findings of fact,
     7  conclusions of law and a recommendation. A transcript of the
     8  testimony, the exhibits, pleadings and other papers in the
     9  action shall be attached to the report.
    10     (d)  The findings of fact shall include a summary of the
    11  evidence with appropriate comprehensive discussion.
    12     (e)  The conclusions of law shall include a discussion of the
    13  law and the facts and the legal conclusions reached by the
    14  master.
    15     (f)  The recommendation shall state the assessment valuation
    16  which the master deems to be equitable under all factual
    17  circumstances and in conformity with all relevant legal
    18  principles applicable to the real property of the taxpayer. The
    19  master shall attach a proposed decree.
    20     Section 607-C.  Exceptions to Master's Report.--(a)  Within
    21  twenty days after notice of the filing of the master's report
    22  has been mailed, exceptions may be filed by any party to the
    23  report or any part thereof, to rulings on objections to
    24  evidence, to statements or findings of fact, to conclusions of
    25  law or to any other matters occurring during the hearing. Each
    26  exception shall set forth a separate objection precisely and
    27  without discussion. Matters not covered by exceptions are deemed
    28  waived unless, prior to entry of the final decree, leave is
    29  granted file exceptions raising those matters.
    30     (b)  If no exceptions are filed to the master's report within
    19970H1120B1266                 - 57 -

     1  the twenty-day period, the court shall review the report and, if
     2  approved, shall enter a final decree.
     3     (c)  If exceptions are filed, the court shall hear argument
     4  on the exceptions and enter an appropriate final decree. No
     5  Motion for Post-Trial Relief may be filed to the final decree.
     6     Section 608-C.  Rules of Court.--The court is hereby
     7  authorized to make and adopt such rules and practices as may be
     8  necessary to carry this act into effect which are consistent
     9  with the Rules of Civil Procedure and to regulate proceedings
    10  before masters, and to fix their fees.
    11     Section 35.  The heading of Article VI of the act is amended
    12  to read:
    13                          ARTICLE [VI] XI
    14                              REPEALS
    15     Section 36.  Sections 601 and 602 of the act are amended to
    16  read:
    17     Section [601] 1101.  The following acts and parts of acts are
    18  hereby repealed as respectively indicated:
    19     (1)  Section two of the act approved the third day of April,
    20  one thousand eight hundred and four (Pamphlet Laws, five hundred
    21  seventeen), entitled "An act directing the Mode of selling
    22  unseated Lands for Taxes," so far as it relates to the
    23  assessment of unseated lands.
    24     (2)  Section one of the act approved the fourth day of April,
    25  one thousand eight hundred and five (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred
    26  sixty-five), entitled "A supplement to the act, entitled 'An act
    27  to raise and collect County Rates and Levies,'" absolutely.
    28     (3)  Section one of the act approved the twenty-eighth day of
    29  March, one thousand eight hundred and six (Pamphlet Laws, six
    30  hundred forty-four), entitled "A supplement to the act, entitled
    19970H1120B1266                 - 58 -

     1  'An act enjoining certain duties on the holders of warrants not
     2  executed, and on the holders of unseated lands,'" absolutely.
     3     (4)  The act approved the twenty-eighth day of March, one
     4  thousand eight hundred and eight (Pamphlet Laws, one hundred
     5  sixty-six), entitled "A further supplement to the act entitled
     6  'An act for raising county rates and levies,'" absolutely.
     7     (5)  Section one of the act approved the thirtieth day of
     8  March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two (Pamphlet Laws,
     9  one hundred six), entitled "A further supplement to an act
    10  entitled 'An act to raise and collect county rates and levies,'"
    11  absolutely.
    12     (6)  The act approved the fifteenth day of February, one
    13  thousand eight hundred and thirty-two (Pamphlet Laws, seventy-
    14  nine), entitled "A supplement to an act entitled 'An act to
    15  increase the county rates and levies for the use of the
    16  Commonwealth,' passed the twenty-fifth day of March, Anno
    17  Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one," absolutely.
    18     (7)  Sections six, seven, eight and nine of the act approved
    19  the eleventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and
    20  thirty-four (Pamphlet Laws, one hundred seventeen), entitled "An
    21  act relating to Inns, Taverns, and retailers of vinous and
    22  spirituous liquors," absolutely.
    23     (8)  Sections two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
    24  nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
    25  twenty-three and twenty-four of the act approved the fifteenth
    26  day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four
    27  (Pamphlet Laws, five hundred nine), entitled "An act relating to
    28  county rates and levies and township rates and levies,"
    29  absolutely.
    30     (9)  Sections eighty-seven, eighty-eight and eighty-nine of
    19970H1120B1266                 - 59 -

     1  the act approved the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight
     2  hundred and thirty-four (Pamphlet Laws, five hundred thirty-
     3  seven), entitled "An act relating to counties and townships, and
     4  county and township officers," absolutely.
     5     (10)  Section two of the act approved the twenty-eighth day
     6  of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five
     7  (Pamphlet Laws, forty-five), entitled "A supplement to the act
     8  relating to county rates and levies, and township rates and
     9  levies, and to the act relating to counties and townships, and
    10  county and township officers," so far as it relates to
    11  assessors.
    12     (11)  Section twenty-nine of the act approved the sixteenth
    13  day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight
    14  (Pamphlet Laws, five hundred fourteen), entitled "An act to
    15  authorize the committee of the estate of Michael Fox, a lunatic,
    16  to sell and convey certain real estate, and for other purposes,"
    17  absolutely.
    18     (12)  Section three of the act approved the second day of
    19  July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine (Pamphlet Laws,
    20  five hundred seventy-six), entitled "An act to authorize the
    21  Administrators of Henry Mineum, late of Crawford county,
    22  deceased, to sell and convey certain real estate, and for other
    23  purposes," absolutely.
    24     (13)  The act approved the fifteenth day of May, one thousand
    25  eight hundred and forty-one (Pamphlet Laws, three hundred
    26  ninety-three), entitled "An act to Establish a Uniform Mode for
    27  the Valuation of Property and Assessment of Taxes," absolutely.
    28     (14)  Section sixty-six of the act approved the fourth day of
    29  March, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two (Pamphlet Laws,
    30  forty-three), entitled "An act Regulating Election Districts and
    19970H1120B1266                 - 60 -

     1  for other purposes," absolutely.
     2     (15)  Section twenty-one of the act approved the twelfth day
     3  of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two (Pamphlet
     4  Laws, two hundred sixty-two), entitled "A supplement to an act,
     5  entitled 'An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the
     6  Tioga Navigation Company,' passed the twenty-six day of
     7  February, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, and for
     8  other purposes," absolutely.
     9     (16)  Section fifty-nine of the act approved the eleventh day
    10  of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two (Pamphlet
    11  Laws, three hundred twenty-one), entitled "An act regulating
    12  election districts and for other purposes," absolutely.
    13     (17)  Sections nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen and
    14  fourteen of the act approved the twenty-seventh day of July, one
    15  thousand eight hundred and forty-two (Pamphlet Laws, four
    16  hundred and forty-one), entitled "An act to provide for the
    17  ordinary expenses of the government, payment of the interest
    18  upon the State debt, receiving of proposals for the sale of the
    19  public works, and for other purposes," absolutely.
    20     (18)  Section thirty-two of the act approved the twenty-ninth
    21  day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four
    22  (Pamphlet Laws, four hundred eighty-six), entitled "An act to
    23  reduce the state debt, and to increase the Pennsylvania canal
    24  and railroad company," absolutely.
    25     (19)  Section one of the act approved the first day of April,
    26  one thousand eight hundred and forty-five (Pamphlet Laws, two
    27  hundred eighty), entitled "An act relating to taxes on ground
    28  rents and real estate," absolutely.
    29     (20)  Section sixteen of the act approved the twenty-second
    30  day of April, one thousand eight hundred forty-six (Pamphlet
    19970H1120B1266                 - 61 -

     1  Laws, four hundred eighty-six), entitled "An act to provide for
     2  the reduction of the public debt," absolutely, and section
     3  twenty-three thereof, so far as it relates to the assessment of
     4  real property of decedents.
     5     (21)  Section thirty-four of the act approved the tenth day
     6  of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (Pamphlet
     7  Laws, five hundred seventy), entitled "An act to create a
     8  sinking fund, and to provide for the gradual and certain
     9  extinguishment of the debt of the Commonwealth," absolutely.
    10     (22)  Section five of the act approved the fifth day of
    11  April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (Pamphlet Laws
    12  (one thousand eight hundred and fifty), nine hundred sixty-two),
    13  entitled "An act to incorporate the Union cemetery of Fayette
    14  county; to exempt the hall of the Sons of Temperance, in the
    15  district of Southwark, Philadelphia county, from taxation; and
    16  relative to the duties of assessors," absolutely.
    17     (23)  Section fifteen of the act approved the twenty-fifth
    18  day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty (Pamphlet
    19  Laws, five hundred sixty-nine), entitled "An act relating to the
    20  bail of executrixes; to partition in the orphans' court and
    21  common pleas; to colored convicts in Philadelphia, to the
    22  limitation of actions against corporations; to actions enforcing
    23  the payment of ground rent; to trustees of married women; to
    24  appeals from awards of arbitrators by corporations; to hawkers
    25  and pedlers in the counties of Butler and Union; to the payment
    26  of costs in actions by informers in certain cases; to taxing
    27  lands situate in different townships; and in relation to fees of
    28  county treasurers of Lycoming, Clinton and Schuylkill; to
    29  provide for recording the accounts of executors, administrators,
    30  guardians and auditors' reports; and to amend and alter existing
    19970H1120B1266                 - 62 -

     1  laws relative to the administration of justice in this
     2  Commonwealth," absolutely.
     3     (24)  Section thirteen of the act approved the fourteenth day
     4  of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one (Pamphlet
     5  Laws, six hundred twenty-two), entitled "An act to incorporate
     6  the Western Insurance Company, relative to the tax on the
     7  Lebanon Valley Railroad, to taxation on exempt property, to
     8  affidavits of defense in the Common Pleas of Schuylkill county,
     9  and relating to the claim of Henry L. Patterson," absolutely.
    10     (25)  The act approved the eleventh day of February, one
    11  thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-
    12  seven), entitled "An act relating to the Boards of Revision in
    13  the several counties of this Commonwealth," absolutely.
    14     (26)  The act approved the fifth day of April, one thousand
    15  eight hundred and fifty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, three hundred
    16  sixty-three), entitled "An act relative to incorporated Cemetery
    17  Companies," absolutely.
    18     (27)  The act approved the tenth day of April, one thousand
    19  eight hundred and sixty-seven (Pamphlet Laws, sixty-six),
    20  entitled "An act granting an increase of capital to literary, or
    21  charitable, institutions, becoming soldiers' orphan schools,"
    22  absolutely.
    23     (28)  The act approved the twenty-eighth day of April, one
    24  thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight (Pamphlet Laws, one
    25  hundred-five), entitled "An act supplementary to the act
    26  relating to county rates and levies and township rates and
    27  levies," absolutely.
    28     (29)  The act approved the twenty-fourth day of April, one
    29  thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, ninety-
    30  five), entitled "An act explanatory of an act granting an
    19970H1120B1266                 - 63 -

     1  increase of capital to literary or charitable institutions
     2  becoming soldiers' orphans' schools, approved April tenth, one
     3  thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven," absolutely.
     4     (30)  The act approved the eighth day of April, one thousand
     5  eight hundred and seventy-three (Pamphlet Laws, sixty-four),
     6  entitled "An act to repeal all laws exempting real estate from
     7  taxation," absolutely.
     8     (31)  The act approved the twentieth day of April, one
     9  thousand eight hundred and seventy-six (Pamphlet Laws, forty-
    10  four), entitled "An act authorizing appeals from assessments in
    11  this Commonwealth to the court of common pleas," absolutely.
    12     (32)  Section two of the act approved the tenth day of May,
    13  one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight (Pamphlet Laws,
    14  fifty-one), entitled "A supplement to an act, entitled 'An act
    15  to prescribe the manner in which the courts may divide boroughs
    16  into wards,' approved the fourteenth day of May, Anno Domini one
    17  thousand eight hundred and seventy-four," absolutely.
    18     (33)  The act approved the twenty-fourth day of May, one
    19  thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight (Pamphlet Laws, one
    20  hundred thirty-one), entitled "An act to determine the residence
    21  of owners and occupants of land, when the dividing line between
    22  a township and a borough passes through the mansion house, and
    23  prescribing the duties of assessors in such cases," absolutely.
    24     (34)  Section one of the act approved the twenty-fourth day
    25  of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight (Pamphlet
    26  Laws, one hundred thirty-three), entitled "A supplement to an
    27  act, approved April twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and
    28  seventy-six, entitled 'An act authorizing appeals from
    29  assessments in this Commonwealth to the courts of common pleas,'
    30  and limiting taxation, without the approval of the court of
    19970H1120B1266                 - 64 -

     1  quarter sessions, until the next triennial assessment, where the
     2  county valuation has been raised to exceed three hundred and
     3  fifty per cent," absolutely.
     4     (35)  The act approved the fourth day of June, one thousand
     5  eight hundred and seventy-nine (Pamphlet Laws, ninety), entitled
     6  "A supplement to an act, entitled 'An act to exempt from
     7  taxation public property used for public purposes, and places of
     8  religious worship, places of burial not used or held for private
     9  or corporate profit, and institutions of purely public charity,'
    10  approved the fourteenth day of May, Anno Domini one thousand
    11  eight hundred and seventy-four," absolutely.
    12     (36)  The act approved the first day of June, one thousand
    13  eight hundred and eighty-three (Pamphlet Laws, fifty-one),
    14  entitled "An act to require the assessors of the several
    15  townships within this Commonwealth to assess all seated lands in
    16  the county in which the mansion house is situated where county
    17  lines divide a tract of land," absolutely.
    18     (37)  The act approved the thirteenth day of June, one
    19  thousand eight hundred and eighty-three (Pamphlet Laws, one
    20  hundred twelve), entitled "An act requiring the several
    21  assessors of this Commonwealth to make return of timber lands,"
    22  absolutely.
    23     (38)  Section two of the act approved the thirteenth day of
    24  June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three (Pamphlet
    25  Laws, one hundred eighteen), entitled "An act ceding concurrent
    26  jurisdiction of this State over certain lands owned or hereafter
    27  acquired by the United States," absolutely.
    28     (39)  The act approved the twenty-fourth day of March, one
    29  thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven (Pamphlet Laws, one
    30  hundred ninety-five), entitled "An act amending the eighty-ninth
    19970H1120B1266                 - 65 -

     1  section of the act, entitled 'An act relating to counties and
     2  townships and county and township officers,' approved the
     3  fifteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
     4  and thirty-four," absolutely.
     5     (40)  Sections three and four of the act approved the
     6  fourteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and
     7  eighty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, seven), entitled "An act to
     8  authorize the election of assessors for three years, in the
     9  several boroughs and townships of this Commonwealth,"
    10  absolutely.
    11     (41)  The act approved the nineteenth day of April, one
    12  thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-
    13  seven), entitled "An act authorizing appeals from assessments of
    14  taxes in this Commonwealth to the courts of common pleas,"
    15  absolutely.
    16     (42)  Section two of the act approved the eighth day of May,
    17  one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, one
    18  hundred thirty-three), entitled "An act to amend an act,
    19  entitled 'An act to authorize the election of assessors for
    20  three years in the several boroughs and townships of this
    21  Commonwealth,' approved the fourteenth day of February, Anno
    22  Domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine," absolutely.
    23     (43)  The act approved the ninth day of May, one thousand
    24  eight hundred and eighty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, one hundred
    25  thirty-nine), entitled "An act to authorize the triennial
    26  election of county assessors in cities of the third class,"
    27  absolutely.
    28     (44)  The act approved the twentieth day of April, one
    29  thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven (Pamphlet Laws, twenty-
    30  eight), entitled "An act to designate a uniform date when the
    19970H1120B1266                 - 66 -

     1  commissioners of the several counties shall issue their precepts
     2  to assessors to make the triennial assessment of property, and
     3  fixing a time for the return thereof," absolutely.
     4     (45)  The act approved the fifth day of May, one thousand
     5  eight hundred and ninety-seven (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-nine),
     6  entitled "An act to authorize the county commissioners to
     7  appoint assessors in cases where the assessor refuses or
     8  neglects to qualify, or refuses or neglects to receive the
     9  precept and books at the time designated by the commissioners to
    10  begin their several duties," absolutely.
    11     (46)  The act approved the twenty-sixth day of June, one
    12  thousand nine hundred and one (Pamphlet Laws, six hundred one),
    13  entitled "An act authorizing appeals from the decision of the
    14  various courts of common pleas, in assessment of taxes cases, to
    15  the Supreme or Superior Court of the Commonwealth," absolutely.
    16     (47)  The act approved the ninth day of July, one thousand
    17  nine hundred and one (Pamphlet Laws, six hundred thirteen),
    18  entitled "An act to amend section two of an act, entitled 'An
    19  act to amend an act, entitled "An act to authorize the election
    20  of assessors for three years in the several boroughs of this
    21  Commonwealth," approved the eighth day of May, Anno Domini one
    22  thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine; regulating the duty of
    23  the assessors, and providing that in making the valuation of the
    24  property the assessor of all the wards shall act as a board of
    25  assessors," absolutely.
    26     (48)  The act approved the twenty-third day of April, one
    27  thousand nine hundred and three (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred
    28  ninety-two), entitled "An act to designate a uniform date when
    29  the commissioners of the several counties shall issue their
    30  precepts to assessors to make the triennial assessments, and the
    19970H1120B1266                 - 67 -

     1  reassessment between the periods of the triennial assessment, of
     2  property, and fixing the time for the return thereof,"
     3  absolutely.
     4     (49)  The act approved the twenty-seventh day of April, one
     5  thousand nine hundred and three (Pamphlet Laws, three hundred
     6  twenty-six), entitled "An act to provide for, and to determine
     7  the place of, the assessment of coal and minerals underlying
     8  seated lands, in cases of severed ownership, where the same are
     9  divided by county lines," absolutely.
    10     (50)  Section two of the act approved the seventeenth day of
    11  March, one thousand nine hundred and five (Pamphlet Laws, forty-
    12  five), entitled "An act to amend an act, entitled 'An act ceding
    13  concurrent jurisdiction of this State over certain lands owned
    14  or hereafter acquired by the United States,' approved the
    15  thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-
    16  three," absolutely.
    17     (51)  The act approved the twentieth day of April, one
    18  thousand nine hundred and five (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred
    19  thirty-four), entitled "An act providing that property provided
    20  and maintained by public or private charity, and used for public
    21  libraries, museums or art galleries, shall be exempt from
    22  taxation during such use," absolutely.
    23     (52)  The act approved the twenty-fifth day of May, one
    24  thousand nine hundred and seven (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred
    25  thirty-two), entitled "An act to further amend an act, entitled
    26  'An act amending the eighty-ninth section of the act, entitled
    27  "An act relating to counties and townships and to county and
    28  township officers,"' approved the fifteenth day of April, Anno
    29  Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, and amendment
    30  thereto, approved the twenty-fourth day of May, Anno Domini one
    19970H1120B1266                 - 68 -

     1  thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, making the compensation
     2  of assessors two dollars and fifty cents per day," absolutely.
     3     (53)  The act approved the twenty-third day of April, one
     4  thousand nine hundred and nine (Pamphlet Laws, one hundred
     5  forty-six), entitled "An act allowing mileage to assessors and
     6  assistant assessors, whose duties pertain to assessments for
     7  purposes of State and county taxation, or either, when traveling
     8  to or from the county-seats of their respective counties, or
     9  attending before the county commissioners elsewhere than at the
    10  county-seat," absolutely.
    11     (54)  The act approved the twenty-seventh day of April, one
    12  thousand nine hundred and nine (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred
    13  forty-four), entitled "An act authorizing the county
    14  commissioners of the several counties of this Commonwealth, who
    15  are, by the tenth section of the act of July twenty-seventh, one
    16  thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and the forty-first
    17  section of the act of April twenty-nine, one thousand eight
    18  hundred and forty-four, constituted a 'Board of Revision,' to do
    19  and perform the duties of said Board of Revision upon the same
    20  day, and at the same time and place, of holding the appeals for
    21  the several boroughs, townships, and wards in their respective
    22  counties," absolutely.
    23     (55)  Sections two, three and four of the act approved the
    24  twenty-ninth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine
    25  (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred seventy-five), entitled "An act to
    26  provide for the registration of conveyances of real estate in
    27  townships of the first class, in order to facilitate the
    28  assessment of taxes therein in the name of the owner of said
    29  real estate at the time of the assessment," absolutely.
    30     (56)  The act approved the eighth day of May, one thousand
    19970H1120B1266                 - 69 -

     1  nine hundred and nine (Pamphlet Laws, four hundred ninety-one),
     2  entitled "An act amending sections eleven, twelve, and thirteen
     3  of an act of Assembly, entitled 'An act relating to county rates
     4  and levies and township rates and levies,' approved April
     5  fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four,"
     6  absolutely.
     7     (57)  The act approved the thirtieth day of March, one
     8  thousand nine hundred and eleven (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-eight),
     9  entitled "An act to make unnaturalized foreign-born residents
    10  subject to taxation, in the same manner as citizens of the
    11  Commonwealth," absolutely.
    12     (58)  The act approved the thirteenth day of April, one
    13  thousand nine hundred and eleven (Pamphlet Laws, sixty-two),
    14  entitled "An act to provide for the registration of conveyances
    15  of real estate in all counties of this Commonwealth, with a
    16  population not to exceed four hundred thousand, in order to
    17  facilitate the assessment of taxes therein in the name of the
    18  owner of said real estate, and to ascertain the value of such
    19  real estate, and providing compensation to the recorder of deeds
    20  of such counties for making reports thereof," absolutely.
    21     (59)  The act approved the thirteenth day of April, one
    22  thousand nine hundred and eleven (Pamphlet Laws, sixty-four),
    23  entitled "An act to amend the second section of an act, approved
    24  the twenty-third day of April, Anno Domini one thousand nine
    25  hundred and three, entitled 'An act to designate a uniform date
    26  when the commissioners of the several counties shall issue their
    27  precepts to assessors to make the triennial assessments and the
    28  reassessments between the periods of the triennial assessment,
    29  of property, and fixing the time for the return thereof,' by
    30  requiring assessors to make returns of reassessment not later
    19970H1120B1266                 - 70 -

     1  than ninety days from the date of issuing precepts," absolutely.
     2     (60)  The act approved the twentieth day of May, one thousand
     3  nine hundred and thirteen (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred forty-
     4  one), entitled "A supplement to an act approved the twenty-third
     5  day of April, one thousand nine hundred and three, entitled 'An
     6  act to designate a uniform date when the commissioners of the
     7  several counties shall issue their precepts to assessors to make
     8  the triennial assessments, and the reassessment between the
     9  periods of the triennial assessment of property, and fixing the
    10  time for the return thereof,' as amended," absolutely.
    11     (61)  Sections one and two of the act approved the fifth day
    12  of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen (Pamphlet Laws,
    13  four hundred five), entitled "An act to provide for the
    14  assessment and taxation of auxiliary forest reserves, and the
    15  collection, distribution and use of the taxes collected
    16  therefrom," absolutely.
    17     (62)  The act approved the fifth day of May, one thousand
    18  nine hundred and fifteen (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred fifty-
    19  eight), entitled "An act requiring the county commissioners to
    20  furnish to townships of the first class duplicates of the
    21  adjusted valuations for taxation purposes within such
    22  townships," absolutely.
    23     (63)  Section two of the act approved the fourteenth day of
    24  May, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen (Pamphlet Laws, four
    25  hundred eighty-nine), entitled "An act to amend sections one and
    26  two of an act, approved the twenty-ninth day of April, Anno
    27  Domini one thousand nine hundred and nine, entitled 'An act to
    28  provide for the registration of conveyances of real estate in
    29  townships of the first class, in order to facilitate the
    30  assessment of taxes therein, in the name of the owner of said
    19970H1120B1266                 - 71 -

     1  real estate at the time of the assessment,' so as to exclude
     2  from the provisions of the act townships of the first class in
     3  counties having a board for the assessment and revision of taxes
     4  for State and county purposes," absolutely.
     5     (64)  The act approved the first day of June, one thousand
     6  nine hundred and fifteen (Pamphlet Laws, six hundred fifty-
     7  nine), entitled "An act providing for the appointment of
     8  interpreters, to act as such for assessors and assistant
     9  assessors, in certain counties; defining their powers and
    10  duties, fixing their compensation, and providing for their
    11  expenses," absolutely.
    12     (65)  Paragraph seven of section one of the act approved the
    13  twenty-third day of June, one thousand nine hundred and
    14  seventeen (Pamphlet Laws, six hundred thirty-seven), entitled
    15  "An act to prescribe the conditions under which public or
    16  private vaults, crypts, or mausoleums for the interment of human
    17  bodies may be constructed and maintained," absolutely.
    18     (66)  Section twenty-seven of the act approved the twentieth
    19  day of July, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen (Pamphlet
    20  Laws, one thousand one hundred forty-three), entitled "An act
    21  relating to free, public, nonsectarian libraries and branch
    22  libraries within this Commonwealth, providing for their
    23  establishment, maintenance, and regulation, and for the
    24  maintenance and regulation of such free, public, nonsectarian
    25  libraries as may have been already established by the several
    26  counties, cities, boroughs, towns, and townships; and providing
    27  that all library property, and all gifts, devices, grants, or
    28  endowments for library purposes, shall be exempt from taxation;
    29  and providing that the several counties, cities, boroughs,
    30  towns, and townships may levy taxes, condemn private property,
    19970H1120B1266                 - 72 -

     1  and borrow money for library purposes; and imposing penalties
     2  for injuring library property and for violations of library
     3  regulations; and repealing existing laws in relation to the
     4  above subjects," so far as it relates to exemption from local
     5  taxation.
     6     (67)  The act approved the fourth day of April, one thousand
     7  nine hundred and nineteen (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-five), entitled
     8  "An act fixing the per diem compensation of borough and township
     9  assessors and assistant assessors, and the method of
    10  ascertaining the number of days employed," so far as it relates
    11  to tax assessors.
    12     (68)  The act approved the fourth day of April, one thousand
    13  nine hundred and nineteen (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-eight),
    14  entitled "An act requiring assessors and assistant assessors for
    15  county purposes, in cities of the third class, to keep an
    16  account of days actually employed, and make return thereof to
    17  the county commissioners, and fixing their compensation," so far
    18  as it relates to tax assessors.
    19     (69)  The act approved the twelfth day of June, one thousand
    20  nine hundred and nineteen (Pamphlet Laws, four hundred fifty-
    21  two), entitled "An act to exempt certain playgrounds, not used
    22  for private or corporate profit, from taxation, where the entire
    23  revenue is applied to support said playgrounds and to increase
    24  the efficiency and improvement thereof," absolutely.
    25     (70)  The act approved the seventeenth day of July, one
    26  thousand nine hundred and nineteen (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand
    27  five), entitled "An act imposing certain duties upon assessors
    28  in the several counties with regard to returns of the taxable
    29  inhabitants within their respective townships, wards and
    30  districts," absolutely.
    19970H1120B1266                 - 73 -

     1     (71)  The act approved the seventeenth day of July, one
     2  thousand nine hundred and nineteen (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand
     3  twenty-one), entitled "An act to exempt from taxation public
     4  property used for public purposes, actual places of religious
     5  worship, places of burial not used or held for private or
     6  corporate profit, and institutions of purely public charity, and
     7  repealing prior acts relating thereto," absolutely.
     8     (72)  The act approved the tenth day of May, one thousand
     9  nine hundred and twenty-one (Pamphlet Laws, four hundred forty-
    10  one), entitled "An act authorizing boroughs, townships, school
    11  districts, and poor districts to appeal from assessments of
    12  property or other subjects of taxation for their corporate
    13  purposes," absolutely.
    14     (73)  The act approved the twelfth day of May, one thousand
    15  nine hundred and twenty-one (Pamphlet Laws, five hundred thirty-
    16  four), entitled "An act to amend the act approved the fourth day
    17  of April, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen (Pamphlet Laws,
    18  thirty-five), entitled 'An act fixing the per diem compensation
    19  of borough and township assessors and assistant assessors, and
    20  the method of ascertaining the number of days employed,' by
    21  fixing the per diem compensation of assessors and assistant
    22  assessors in boroughs, wards, and townships of the second class,
    23  and providing the method of ascertaining the number of days
    24  employed," so far as it relates to tax assessors.
    25     (74)  The act approved the seventh day of May, one thousand
    26  nine hundred and twenty-three (Pamphlet Laws, one hundred fifty-
    27  four), entitled "An act authorizing boards of revision of taxes
    28  and boards for the assessment and revision of taxes to hear and
    29  dispose of appeals away from the county seat," absolutely.
    30     (75)  Section two of the act approved the ninth day of May,
    19970H1120B1266                 - 74 -

     1  one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three (Pamphlet Laws, one
     2  hundred seventy-five), entitled "An act to relieve life tenants
     3  of land from the payment of taxes on the underlying veins of
     4  coal which they have no right to operate; and providing that
     5  such coal shall be assessed to, and the taxes thereon paid by,
     6  the owner of said veins of coal," absolutely.
     7     (76)  The act approved the twenty-ninth day of June, one
     8  thousand nine hundred and twenty-three (Pamphlet Laws, nine
     9  hundred twenty-eight), entitled "An act to exempt, from county,
    10  city, borough, township, road, school, and poor taxes, real
    11  property owned by one or more institutions of purely public
    12  charity used and occupied partly by such owner or owners and
    13  partly by other institutions of purely public charity and
    14  necessary for the occupancy and enjoyment of such institutions,"
    15  absolutely.
    16     (77)  The act approved the eleventh day of July, one thousand
    17  nine hundred and twenty-three (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand
    18  forty), entitled "An act relating to assessments for taxes in
    19  townships of the first class in this Commonwealth; fixing the
    20  time for the issuing of precepts by county commissioners; fixing
    21  the compensation of township assessors and assistant township
    22  assessors and assistant triennial assessors in such townships;
    23  extending the time within which the said assessors are required
    24  to complete their assessment, and make their return thereof; and
    25  further providing for the determination of the time actually
    26  employed by the said township assessors, assistant township
    27  assessors, and assistant triennial assessors in the performance
    28  of their duties," absolutely.
    29     (78)  The act approved the seventeenth day of March, one
    30  thousand nine hundred and twenty-five (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-
    19970H1120B1266                 - 75 -

     1  nine), entitled "An act to amend section one of an act, approved
     2  the seventeenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and
     3  nineteen (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand and twenty-one), entitled
     4  'An act to exempt from taxation public property used for public
     5  purposes, actual places of religious worship, places of burial
     6  not used or held for private or corporate profit, and
     7  institutions of purely public charity, and repealing prior acts
     8  relating thereto,' as amended, by extending the provisions
     9  thereof to property owned, occupied, and used by any branch,
    10  post, or camp of honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, and
    11  marines; and discharging certain taxes," absolutely.
    12     (79)  The act approved the thirtieth day of April, one
    13  thousand nine hundred and twenty-five (Pamphlet Laws, three
    14  hundred eighty-eight), entitled "An act to amend section one of
    15  an act, approved the seventeenth day of July, one thousand nine
    16  hundred and nineteen (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand twenty-one),
    17  entitled 'An act to exempt from taxation public property used
    18  for public purposes, actual places of religious worship, places
    19  of burial not used or held for private or corporate profit, and
    20  institutions of purely public charity, and repealing prior acts
    21  relating thereto,' as amended," absolutely.
    22     (80)  The act approved the eighteenth day of April, one
    23  thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven (Pamphlet Laws, three
    24  hundred four), entitled "An act to amend section four of an act,
    25  approved the eleventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and
    26  twenty-three (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand forty), entitled 'An
    27  act relating to assessments for taxes in townships of the first
    28  class in this Commonwealth; fixing the time for the issuing of
    29  precepts by county commissioners; fixing the compensation of
    30  township assessors and assistant township assessors and
    19970H1120B1266                 - 76 -

     1  assistant triennial assessors in such townships; extending the
     2  time within which the said assessors are required to complete
     3  their assessment, and make their return thereof; and further
     4  providing for the determination of the time actually employed by
     5  the said township assessors, assistant township assessors and
     6  assistant triennial assessors in the performance of their
     7  duties,' authorizing the county to pay for clerk hire,"
     8  absolutely.
     9     (81)  The act approved the twenty-eighth day of April, one
    10  thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven (Pamphlet Laws, four
    11  hundred ninety-one), entitled "An act to amend section thirty-
    12  two of the act, approved the twenty-ninth day of April, one
    13  thousand eight hundred and forty-four (Pamphlet Laws, four
    14  hundred eighty-six), entitled 'An act to reduce the State debt,
    15  and to incorporate the Pennsylvania canal and railroad company,'
    16  discontinuing the tax on horses, mares, and neat cattle over the
    17  age of four years," absolutely.
    18     (82)  The act approved the twentieth day of March, one
    19  thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-
    20  one), entitled "An act for assessment and collection of poll
    21  taxes from employes of the Federal Government in order to
    22  qualify all such persons to vote," absolutely.
    23     (83)  The act approved the twenty-fourth day of April, one
    24  thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, six
    25  hundred fifty-three), entitled "An act to amend the act approved
    26  the fourth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen
    27  (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-eight), entitled 'An act requiring
    28  assessors and assistant assessors for county purposes, in cities
    29  of the third class, to keep an account of days actually
    30  employed, and make return thereof to the county commissioners,
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     1  and fixing their compensation," so far as it relates to tax
     2  assessors.
     3     (84)  The act approved the second day of May, one thousand
     4  nine hundred and twenty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand two
     5  hundred seventy), entitled "An act providing for the collection
     6  of county taxes on the occupations of certain persons who under
     7  existing laws are disfranchised," absolutely.
     8     (85)  The act approved the ninth day of May, one thousand
     9  nine hundred and twenty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand six
    10  hundred ninety-two), entitled "An act to amend section two of
    11  the act, approved the twenty-third day of April, one thousand
    12  nine hundred and three (Pamphlet Laws, two hundred ninety-two),
    13  entitled 'An act to designate a uniform date when the
    14  commissioners of the several counties shall issue their precepts
    15  to assessors to make the triennial assessments and the
    16  reassessment between the periods of the triennial assessment of
    17  property, and fixing the time for the return thereof,' as
    18  amended," absolutely.
    19     (86)  The act approved the tenth day of May, one thousand
    20  nine hundred and twenty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, one thousand seven
    21  hundred twelve), entitled "An act relating to assessment for
    22  county purposes in counties of the fourth class; fixing the time
    23  for the issuance of precepts and completion of assessments; and
    24  providing for appointment and pay of assistants to the county
    25  commissioners in such counties," absolutely.
    26     (87)  The act approved the thirteenth day of May, one
    27  thousand nine hundred and thirty-one (Pamphlet Laws, one hundred
    28  seventeen), entitled "An act providing for and regulating the
    29  assessment and collection of a county poll tax, in counties of
    30  the second and third class, in lieu of the tax on trades,
    19970H1120B1266                 - 78 -

     1  occupations and professions; and defining the powers and duties
     2  of assessors, assistant and registry assessors, county tax
     3  collectors, county treasurer and delinquent tax collector in
     4  connection therewith," absolutely.
     5     (88)  The act approved the twelfth day of June, one thousand
     6  nine hundred and thirty-one (Pamphlet Laws, five hundred forty-
     7  seven), entitled "An act to amended section one of the act,
     8  approved the twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand nine hundred
     9  and one (Pamphlet Laws, six hundred one), entitled 'An act
    10  authorizing appeals from the decision of the various courts of
    11  common pleas, in assessment of taxes cases to the Supreme or
    12  Superior Court of the Commonwealth,' by extending the right of
    13  appeal to any county, city, borough, town, township, school
    14  district or other public corporation having power to levy taxes
    15  on the assessment in question," absolutely.
    16     (89)  The act approved the twelfth day of June, one thousand
    17  nine hundred and thirty-one (Pamphlet Laws, five hundred forty-
    18  eight), entitled "An act to amend section one of the act,
    19  approved the nineteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred
    20  and eighty-nine (Pamphlet Laws, thirty-seven), entitled 'An act
    21  authorizing appeals from assessments of taxes in this
    22  Commonwealth to the courts of common pleas,' providing for the
    23  payment of taxes appealed from into court, and for the
    24  disposition thereof," absolutely.
    25     Section [602] 1102.  All other acts and parts of acts
    26  inconsistent with this act are repealed. This act shall not
    27  repeal or modify any of the provisions of any act of Assembly
    28  amendatory of law in force at the time of the passage of this
    29  act, or otherwise, adopted at the session of the General
    30  Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, whether
    19970H1120B1266                 - 79 -

     1  such acts were adopted prior to the passage of this act, or
     2  shall be adopted subsequent to the passage of this act; nor
     3  shall this act repeal any such act, or part thereof, in force at
     4  the time of the passage of this act, which is amended by any act
     5  of Assembly adopted at the session of the General Assembly of
     6  one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three.
     7     Section 37.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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