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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1308



No. 1155 Session of 1999

           APRIL 7, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 1, 1966 (1965 P.L.1656, No.581),
     2     entitled "An act concerning boroughs, and revising, amending
     3     and consolidating the law relating to boroughs," providing
     4     for filing of budget and for uniform forms; and making
     5     editorial changes.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Sections 1310, 1311 and 1314 of the act of
     9  February 1, 1966 (1965 P.L.1656, No.581), known as The Borough
    10  Code, amended October 9, 1967 (P.L.399, No.181), are amended to
    11  read:
    12     Section 1310.  Adoption of Budget; Tax Ordinance.--Upon
    13  completion of the budget, containing the estimated receipts and
    14  expenditures, and its adoption by motion in council, which shall
    15  not be later than December thirty-first, it shall be the duty of
    16  the council to adopt an ordinance levying the taxes referred to
    17  in this act for the fiscal year for approval of the mayor or
    18  passage over his veto.
    19     [Copy of the budget, together with the tax ordinance, shall

     1  be filed with the Department of Community Affairs by the
     2  secretary of the borough, within fifteen days after the adoption
     3  of the tax ordinance.]
     4     Section 1311.  Amending Budget; Notice.--During the month of
     5  January next following any municipal election the council of any
     6  borough may amend the budget and the levy and tax rate to
     7  conform with its amended budget. A period of ten days' public
     8  inspection at the office of the borough secretary of the
     9  proposed amended budget after notice by the borough secretary to
    10  that effect is published once in a newspaper as provided in
    11  section 109 of this act, shall intervene between the proposed
    12  amended budget and the adoption thereof. Any amended budget must
    13  be adopted by council on or before the fifteenth day of
    14  February.
    15     [Within fifteen days after the adoption of an amended budget
    16  the borough secretary shall file a copy thereof in the office of
    17  the Department of Community Affairs.]
    18     Section 1314.  Uniform [Budget and] Financial Report;
    19  Forms.--The uniform forms for [the annual budget, the annual
    20  auditors' report and] the annual financial statement required to
    21  be made by the auditors or the controller shall be prepared by a
    22  committee consisting of four representatives from the
    23  Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs, and the Secretary of
    24  Community [Affairs,] and Economic Development or his agent.
    25     Such representatives of boroughs shall be appointed by the
    26  president of the organization. Such representatives shall be
    27  chosen from among the finance officers or other officers of the
    28  borough who have knowledge of their fiscal procedures. As far as
    29  possible, they shall be chosen to represent boroughs in the
    30  various population groups. The president of the organization
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     1  shall supply to the Department of Community [Affairs] and
     2  Economic Development the names and addresses of such
     3  representatives immediately upon their appointment.
     4     Such representatives shall serve without compensation, but
     5  shall be reimbursed by the Commonwealth for all necessary
     6  expenses incurred in attending meetings of the committee. The
     7  committee shall meet at the call of Secretary of Community
     8  [Affairs] and Economic Development, or his agent, who shall
     9  serve as chairman of the committee.
    10     [In preparing such uniform forms, the committee shall give
    11  careful consideration to the fiscal needs and procedures of
    12  boroughs of the various population groups, producing separate
    13  forms if necessary, to the end that such forms shall not be
    14  inconsistent with the general administrative practices of
    15  boroughs of various types and sizes.]
    16     It shall be the duty of the Secretary of Community [Affairs]
    17  and Economic Development, or his agent, to see to it that the
    18  forms required by this article are prepared in cooperation with
    19  such committee. In the event that the committee should for any
    20  reason fail to furnish such cooperation, the Secretary of
    21  Community [Affairs] and Economic Development, or his agent,
    22  shall prepare the forms. After their preparation, he shall issue
    23  such forms and distribute them annually, as needed to the proper
    24  officers of each borough.
    25     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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