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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1399



No. 1216 Session of 1989

           APRIL 18, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating the practice and licensure of dietetics and
     2     nutrition; creating the State Board of Dietitian-Nutritionist
     3     Licensure and providing for its powers and duties;
     4     prescribing penalties; and making an appropriation.

     5                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7  Section 2.  Declaration of purpose.
     8  Section 3.  Definitions.
     9  Section 4.  License required.
    10  Section 5.  Exemptions.
    11  Section 6.  State Board of Dietitian-Nutritionist Licensure.
    12  Section 7.  Powers and duties of board.
    13  Section 8.  Requirements for licensure.
    14  Section 9.  Examination for licensure.
    15  Section 10.  Waiver of certain requirements for licensure.
    16  Section 11.  Reciprocity.
    17  Section 12.  Use of title.

     1  Section 13.  Renewal of license; effect of license suspension or
     2                 revocation.
     3  Section 14.  Refusal, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew
     4                 licenses; injunctive relief.
     5  Section 15.  Reinstatement of license.
     6  Section 16.  Reporting of multiple licensure.
     7  Section 17.  Surrender of suspended or revoked license.
     8  Section 18.  Impaired professional.
     9  Section 19.  Penalties.
    10  Section 20.  Records.
    11  Section 21.  Fees.
    12  Section 22.  Subpoenas.
    13  Section 23.  Unlawful practice.
    14  Section 24.  Appropriation.
    15  Section 25.  Severability.
    16  Section 26.  Effective date.
    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    18  hereby enacts as follows:
    19  Section 1.  Short title.
    20     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Dietitian-
    21  Nutritionist Licensure Law.
    22  Section 2.  Declaration of purpose.
    23     It is the purpose of this act to provide for the
    24  establishment of standards for the practice of dietetics-
    25  nutrition in this Commonwealth through the licensure and
    26  regulation and control of persons engaged in offering dietetic-
    27  nutrition services to the general public to safeguard the public
    28  health, safety and welfare, to protect the public from being
    29  harmed by unqualified persons, to assure the highest degree of
    30  professional care and conduct on the part of dietitians-
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     1  nutritionists, and to assure the availability of dietetic-
     2  nutrition services of the highest quality to persons in need of
     3  such services. It is not the purpose of this act to interfere
     4  with the sale of food products or nutritional supplements not
     5  marketed as a treatment of disease. It is not the purpose of
     6  this act to limit freedom of speech with regard to the
     7  dissemination of accurate information, either oral or in printed
     8  form, describing the contents of these products.
     9  Section 3.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Board."  The State Board of Dietitian-Nutritionist Licensure
    14  created by this act.
    15     "Commissioner."  The Commissioner of the Bureau of
    16  Professional and Occupational Affairs in the Department of
    17  State.
    18     "Department."  The Department of State of the Commonwealth.
    19     "Dietetics-Nutrition Practice."  The application and
    20  integration of scientific principles of nutrition to the proper
    21  nourishment, care and education of individuals or groups under
    22  different health, social, cultural, physical, psychological and
    23  economic conditions. The term includes the development,
    24  management and provision of nutritional services.
    25     "Dietetics-Nutrition Services for Individuals and Groups."
    26  The term includes:
    27         (1)  Assessing and interpreting individual and community
    28     food practice and nutritional status using anthropometric,
    29     biochemical, clinical, dietary and demographic data for
    30     clinical care and program planning purposes as a component of
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     1     nutrition counseling services.
     2         (2)  Developing, establishing and evaluating nutritional
     3     care plans that establish priorities, goals and objectives
     4     for meeting nutrient needs for individuals or groups.
     5         (3)  Nutrition counseling and education as a part of
     6     preventive, restorative and rehabilitative health care
     7     throughout the life cycle.
     8         (4)  Development, utilization, coordination and
     9     management of human resources, materials and facilities
    10     relative to fiscal accountability and the maintenance of
    11     accepted quality in the administration of food services
    12     systems in health care facilities.
    13     "Dietitian-Nutritionist." A person licensed under this act.
    14  Section 4.  License required.
    15     No person shall practice or offer to practice, or represent
    16  himself as a dietitian-nutritionist in this Commonwealth, or use
    17  any title, abbreviation, sign, card or device to indicate such
    18  person is a dietitian-nutritionist unless such person is
    19  licensed under this act.
    20  Section 5.  Exemptions.
    21     This act shall not be construed as preventing or restricting
    22  the following practices, services and activities:
    23         (1)  A person licensed in this Commonwealth in accordance
    24     with the provisions of another law of this Commonwealth, from
    25     engaging in the profession or occupation for which licensed.
    26         (2)  A student enrolled in an approved academic dietetics
    27     or nutrition program recognized by the board, from
    28     participating in the practice of dietetics or nutrition as
    29     part of the program.
    30         (3)  Any person employed by an agency, bureau or division
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     1     of the Federal Government, or bound by the regulations of the
     2     Federal Government when discharging official duties,
     3     provided, however, that if the person engages in the practice
     4     of dietetics or nutrition in this Commonwealth outside the
     5     scope of such official duty, the person must be licensed as
     6     provided in this act.
     7         (4)  Activities and services of food service directors,
     8     other food service management personnel, and educators in
     9     elementary or secondary schools, or accredited degree
    10     granting educational institutions. This exemption shall apply
    11     only to the duties performed by such person when engaged in
    12     such capacity.
    13         (5)  A person may offer weight control classes without a
    14     licensed dietitian-nutritionist on the person's staff if the
    15     classes and services have been developed with the assistance
    16     of a registered dietician or have been approved by the
    17     dietitian-nutritionist. The dietitian-nutritionist who has
    18     approved the program must be licensed either in this
    19     Commonwealth or in some other state within the United States.
    20         (6)  Any person employed to assist a licensed dietitian-
    21     nutritionist and who acts under the direct and personal
    22     supervision of a licensed dietitian-nutritionist, is not
    23     required to be licensed under this act.
    24         (7)  Any person who provides food and services embodying
    25     accurate nutrition information for a day-care provider,
    26     church, nursery school, kindergarten, elementary school or
    27     secondary school, which does not provide more than one full
    28     mean per day, is not required to be licensed under this act.
    29         (8)  Any person who provides food and nutrition services
    30     to needy persons through a nonprofit soup kitchen, food bank
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     1     or food cupboard or similar program is not required to be
     2     licensed under this act.
     3  Section 6.  State Board of Dietitian-Nutritionist Licensure.
     4     (a)  Creation.--There is hereby created a departmental
     5  administrative board to be known as a State Board of Dietitian-
     6  Nutritionist Licensure, which shall be in the Bureau of
     7  Professional and Occupational Affairs of the Department of
     8  State. It shall consist of seven members, all of whom shall be
     9  residents of this Commonwealth and one of whom shall be a
    10  representative of the public interest. The public member may not
    11  have financial interest in provision of goods and services to
    12  consumers; may not have financial interest in provision of goods
    13  and services for dietitian-nutritionist; and may not be a
    14  dietitian-nutritionist or have a household member who is a
    15  dietitian-nutritionist. One member shall be the Director of the
    16  Bureau of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney
    17  General. One member shall be an individual exempted from the
    18  licensure requirements of this act in accordance with section
    19  5(1) through (5). The remaining four members shall be
    20  dietitians-nutritionists licensed to practice in this
    21  Commonwealth, except that those first appointed shall be
    22  qualified to receive licensure under the terms of this act,
    23  provided they have had at least five years' working experience
    24  in Pennsylvania as dietitians-nutritionists immediately
    25  preceding appointment.
    26     (b)  Appointments by Governor.--The Governor shall appoint
    27  the members to serve on the board. The commissioner shall serve
    28  as an ex officio member of the board. The Pennsylvania Dietetic
    29  Association shall submit a list of names and addresses of
    30  qualified dietitians-nutritionists willing to serve on the board
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     1  for the Governor's consideration.
     2     (c)  Term of office.--The members shall serve for four-year
     3  terms, except as provided in subsection (c), and shall be
     4  appointed by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of
     5  a majority of the members elected to the Senate.
     6     (d)  Initial appointments.--Within 90 days of the effective
     7  date of this act, the Governor shall nominate one dietitian-
     8  nutritionist member to serve a four-year term; the public member
     9  and one dietitian-nutritionist member to serve three-year terms;
    10  one dietitian-nutritionist member to serve a two-year term; and
    11  one dietitian-nutritionist member to serve a one-year term.
    12     (e)  Continuation in office.--Each board member shall
    13  continue in office until a successor is duly appointed and
    14  qualified but no longer than six months after the expiration of
    15  the term. In the event that a board member shall die, resign or
    16  otherwise become disqualified during the term of office, a
    17  successor shall be appointed in the same way and with the same
    18  qualifications as set forth in this section and shall hold
    19  office for the unexpired portion of the unexpired term.
    20     (f)  Reappointment.--A member of the board shall be eligible
    21  for reappointment. A member shall not be appointed to serve more
    22  than two consecutive terms and shall continue to serve until a
    23  successor is appointed and qualified, but in no event more than
    24  six months beyond the end of the appointed term.
    25     (g)  Compensation.--Each member of the board, except the
    26  commissioner, shall receive per diem compensation at the rate of
    27  $60 per diem when actually attending to the work of the board.
    28  Members shall also receive reasonable traveling, hotel and other
    29  necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties
    30  in accordance with Commonwealth regulations.
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     1     (h)  Forfeiture for nonattendance.--If the public member
     2  fails to attend two consecutive statutorily mandated training
     3  seminars in accordance with section 813(e) of the act of April
     4  9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of
     5  1929, he shall forfeit his seat unless the commissioner, upon
     6  written request from the public member, finds that the public
     7  member should be excused from a meeting because of illness or
     8  the death of a family member.
     9     (i)  Meetings.--The board shall meet at least twice a year
    10  and may hold additional meetings whenever necessary, subject to
    11  the approval of the commissioner. The location of the meetings
    12  shall be determined by the board, subject to the approval of the
    13  commissioner, but shall be within this Commonwealth.
    14         (1)  A majority of the members of the board serving in
    15     accordance with law shall constitute a quorum for purposes of
    16     conducting the business of the board. Except for temporary
    17     and automatic suspensions under section 11(d) and (e), a
    18     member may not be counted as part of a quorum or vote on any
    19     issue unless he or she is physically in attendance at the
    20     meeting.
    21         (2)  Reasonable notice of all meetings shall be given in
    22     conformity with the act of July 3, 1986 (P.L.388, No.84),
    23     known as the Sunshine Act.
    24  Section 7.  Powers and duties of board.
    25     (a)  Powers and duties.--The board shall elect annually from
    26  its membership a chairman, a vice chairman and a secretary. It
    27  shall be the duty of the board to pass upon the qualifications
    28  of applicants for licensure, to insure the conduct of
    29  examinations, to issue and renew licenses to dietitians-
    30  nutritionists who qualify under this act, and, in proper cases,
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     1  to suspend or revoke the license of a dietitian-nutritionist.
     2  The board shall be authorized and empowered to refuse, revoke or
     3  suspend a license of a dietitian-nutritionist pursuant to this
     4  act, to conduct investigations, including the power to issue
     5  subpoenas, and to hold hearings upon charges or information
     6  indicating a violation of the provisions of this act, or the
     7  regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
     8         (1)  The board shall maintain a record listing the name
     9     of every living dietitian-nutritionist licensed to practice
    10     in this Commonwealth, the last known place of business, the
    11     last known place of residence and the date and number of the
    12     license of the licensee.
    13         (2)  The board shall submit annually a report to the
    14     Professional Licensure Committee of the House of
    15     Representatives and the Consumer Protection and Professional
    16     Licensure Committee of the Senate containing a description of
    17     the types of complaints received, status of the cases, board
    18     action which has been taken and length of time from the
    19     initial complaint to final board resolution.
    20         (3)  The board shall submit annually to the
    21     Appropriations Committees of the House of Representatives and
    22     the Senate, 15 days after the Governor has submitted his
    23     budget to the General Assembly, a copy of the budget request
    24     for the upcoming fiscal year which the board previously
    25     submitted to the Department of State.
    26     (b)  Rules and regulations.--The board shall have the power
    27  to promulgate and adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent
    28  with this act as it deems necessary for the performance of its
    29  duties and the proper administration of this act.
    30  Section 8.  Requirements for licensure.
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     1     An applicant applying for licensure as a dietitian-
     2  nutritionist shall submit a written application on forms
     3  provided by the board evidencing and insuring to the
     4  satisfaction of the board that the applicant:
     5         (1)  Is of good moral character.
     6         (2)  Has received a baccalaureate or higher degree from a
     7     regionally accredited college or university, including a
     8     major course of study in human nutrition, food and nutrition,
     9     dietetics or food systems management.
    10         (3)  Has completed a planned continuous pre-professional
    11     experience component in dietetic practice of not less than
    12     900 hours under the supervision of a registered dietician.
    13         (4)  Has satisfactorily completed an examination approved
    14     by the board.
    15         (5)  Has not been convicted of a felony under the act of
    16     April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled
    17     Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, or of an offense
    18     under the laws of another jurisdiction, which, if committed
    19     in this Commonwealth, would be a felony under The Controlled
    20     Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, unless:
    21             (i)  at least ten years have elapsed from the date of
    22         conviction;
    23             (ii)  the applicant satisfactorily demonstrates to
    24         the board that he or she has made significant progress in
    25         personal rehabilitation since the conviction, such that
    26         licensure of the applicant should not be expected to
    27         create a substantial risk of harm to the health and
    28         safety of his or her clients or the public or a
    29         substantial risk of further criminal violations; and
    30             (iii)  the applicant otherwise satisfies the
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     1         qualifications contained in or authorized by this act.
     2     As used in this paragraph, the term "convicted" shall include
     3     a judgment, an admission of guilt or a plea of nolo
     4     contendere.
     5  Section 9.  Examination for licensure.
     6     (a)  Examinations required.--An individual applying for
     7  licensure in accordance with this act shall be required to pass
     8  a written examination approved by the board which is designed to
     9  test the knowledge and experience necessary for safe, effective
    10  and professional practice of dietetics-nutrition in this
    11  Commonwealth. The examination shall test the applicant's
    12  knowledge of the basic and clinical sciences relating to
    13  dietetics-nutrition theory and practice, including the
    14  applicant's professional skill and judgment in the utilization
    15  of dietetics-nutrition techniques and methods, and such other
    16  subjects as the board deems useful to determine the applicant's
    17  fitness to practice.
    18     (b)  Time and place.--Applicants for licensure shall be
    19  examined at a time and place determined by the board.
    20  Examinations shall be given at least twice a year. The board
    21  shall notify applicants by mail of the time and place of
    22  scheduled examinations.
    23     (c)  Applications and fees.--Individuals applying for
    24  licensure shall remit as examination fee an amount to be
    25  determined by the board prior to admission to take the written
    26  examination, using forms provided by the board. A person who
    27  fails an examination may submit an application for reexamination
    28  to the board, accompanied by the prescribed fee.
    29     (d)  Subsequent examinations.--The board may adopt rules and
    30  regulations governing the eligibility of applicants who have
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     1  failed to pass two examinations concerning their admittance to
     2  subsequent examinations.
     3  Section 10.  Waiver of certain requirements for licensure.
     4     A person who, on the effective date of this act, meets the
     5  requirements of section 8, and who, in addition, has been
     6  engaged in the practice of dietetics-nutrition for a period of
     7  three years during the ten years immediately preceding the
     8  effective date of this act, or persons who provide evidence of
     9  current registration as a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist by
    10  the Commission of Dietetic Registration of the American Dietetic
    11  Association on the effective date of this act, shall be
    12  considered to have met the requirements of this act, and shall
    13  be licensed without the necessity of taking the examination;
    14  provided that an application is made to the board within six
    15  months of the effective date of this act and the appropriate fee
    16  is paid.
    17  Section 11.  Reciprocity.
    18     A person paying the appropriate fee and filing an application
    19  who presents evidence satisfactory to the board of licensure as
    20  a dietitian-nutritionist by another state, territory of the
    21  United States or the District of Columbia, may be licensed to
    22  practice in this Commonwealth; provided that the standards for
    23  licensure in the other jurisdiction are at least equal to those
    24  provided for in this act.
    25  Section 12.  Use of title.
    26     The board shall issue a license to any person who has met the
    27  requirements of this act, upon payment of the applicable license
    28  fee. A person who is issued a license as a dietitian-
    29  nutritionist under the provision of this act may use the title
    30  "dietitian" or "nutritionist," or use the letters "L.D." in
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     1  connection with the title of place or business, to denote the
     2  licensure of that person.
     3  Section 13.  Renewal of license; effect of license suspension or
     4                 revocation.
     5     (a)  Biennial renewal.--A license issued under this act shall
     6  be renewed biennially upon payment of the renewal fee prescribed
     7  by the board. It shall expire unless renewed in the manner
     8  prescribed by the board. The board may provide for the late
     9  renewal of a license upon the payment of a late fee. A late
    10  renewal of a license shall not be granted more than four years
    11  after its expiration. A license shall be renewed after the four-
    12  year period only by complying with all the licensure provisions
    13  of this act. The board may establish additional requirements for
    14  license renewal designed to insure continued competency of the
    15  applying dietitian-nutritionist.
    16     (b)  Continuing education.--A license issued under this act
    17  shall not be renewed unless the licensee applying for renewal
    18  submits proof to the board that, during the two calendar years
    19  immediately preceding the application for renewal, the licensee
    20  has satisfactorily completed a minimum of 30 hours of continuing
    21  dietetic-nutrition education approved by the board.
    22     (c)  Suspended licenses.--A suspended license shall expire at
    23  the end of its term and may be renewed as provided in this act.
    24  A renewal shall not authorize a licensee, while the license
    25  remains suspended, to engage in the licensed activity, or any
    26  other activity in violation of the order or judgment by which
    27  the license was suspended. Whenever a license revoked on
    28  disciplinary grounds is reinstated, the licensee, as a condition
    29  of reinstatement, shall pay a renewal fee and any late fee that
    30  may be applicable.
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     1  Section 14.  Refusal, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew
     2                 licenses; injunctive relief.
     3     (a)  Unprofessional conduct.--The board shall refuse to issue
     4  a license to a person, and after a notice and hearing in
     5  accordance with law, may suspend or revoke a license, or refuse
     6  to renew a license, or may impose probationary conditions where
     7  the licensee or applicant for license is guilty of
     8  unprofessional conduct which has endangered or is likely to
     9  endanger the health, welfare or safety of the public.
    10  Unprofessional conduct shall include, but not be limited to, the
    11  following:
    12         (1)  Obtaining a license by means of fraud,
    13     misrepresentation or concealment of material facts.
    14         (2)  Being found guilty of immoral or unprofessional
    15     conduct. Unprofessional conduct shall include any departure
    16     from or failure to conform to acceptable and prevailing
    17     standards. In proceedings based on this paragraph, actual
    18     injury to the client need not be established.
    19         (3)  Being convicted of, or pleading guilty of, or nolo
    20     contendere to a crime which was found by the board to have a
    21     direct bearing on whether the person should be entrusted to
    22     serve the public as a dietitian-nutritionist.
    23     (b)  Board action.--When the board finds that the license or
    24  application for license of any person may be refused, revoked,
    25  restricted or suspended under the terms of subsection (a), the
    26  board may:
    27         (1)  Deny the application for a license.
    28         (2)  Administer a public reprimand.
    29         (3)  Revoke, suspend, limit or otherwise restrict a
    30     license as determined by the board.
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     1         (4)  Require a licensee to submit to the care, counseling
     2     or treatment of a physician designated by the board.
     3         (5)  Suspend enforcement of its findings and place a
     4     licensee on probation with the right to vacate the
     5     probationary order for noncompliance.
     6         (6)  Restore a suspended license and impose any
     7     disciplinary or corrective measure which it might originally
     8     have imposed.
     9     (c)  Hearing.--All actions of the board shall be taken
    10  subject to the right of notice, hearing and adjudication and the
    11  right of appeal therefrom in accordance with Title 2 of the
    12  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative
    13  law and procedure).
    14     (d)  Temporary suspension.--The board shall temporarily
    15  suspend a license under circumstances as determined by the board
    16  to be an immediate and clear danger to the public health and
    17  safety. The board shall issue an order to that effect without a
    18  hearing, but upon due notice to the licensee concerned at his or
    19  her last known address, which shall include a written statement
    20  of all allegations against the licensee. The provisions of
    21  subsection (c) shall not apply to temporary suspension. The
    22  board shall thereupon commence formal action to suspend, revoke
    23  or restrict the license of the person concerned as otherwise
    24  provided for in this act. All actions shall be taken promptly
    25  and without delay. Within 30 days following the issuance of an
    26  order temporarily suspending a license, the board shall conduct,
    27  or cause to be conducted, a preliminary hearing to determine
    28  that there is a prima facie case supporting the suspension. The
    29  licensee whose license has been temporarily suspended may be
    30  present at the preliminary hearing and may be represented by
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     1  counsel, cross-examine witnesses, inspect physical evidence,
     2  call witnesses, offer evidence and testimony and make a record
     3  of the proceedings. If it is determined that there is not a
     4  prima facie case, the suspended license shall be immediately
     5  restored. The temporary suspension shall remain in effect until
     6  vacated by the board, but in no event longer than 180 days.
     7     (e)  Injunctions.--The Attorney General may, on behalf of the
     8  board, apply for injunctive relief in any court of competent
     9  jurisdiction, to enjoin a person from committing an act in
    10  violation of this act. Injunctive proceedings shall be in
    11  addition to, and not in lieu of, all penalties and other
    12  remedies in this act.
    13     (f)  Hearings.--Any person who is licensed by the board, or
    14  who is an applicant for examination for licensure by the board,
    15  against whom any charges are preferred which would cause the
    16  revocation or suspension of a license, shall be cited by the
    17  board, and shall have a hearing before the board, or by a
    18  hearing examiner as determined by the board.
    19  Section 15.  Reinstatement of license.
    20     Unless ordered to do so by Commonwealth Court or an appeal
    21  therefrom, the board shall not reinstate a license which has
    22  been revoked. Any person whose license has been revoked may
    23  apply for reinstatement, after a period of at least five years,
    24  but must meet all of the licensing qualifications of this act,
    25  including the examination requirement, if he or she desires to
    26  practice as a dietitian-nutritionist pursuant to this act at any
    27  time after such revocation.
    28  Section 16.  Reporting of multiple licensure.
    29     Any licensed dietitian-nutritionist of this Commonwealth who
    30  is also licensed to practice in any other state, territory or
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     1  country shall report this information to the board on the
     2  biennial renewal application. Any disciplinary action taken in
     3  any other state, territory or country shall be reported to the
     4  board on the biennial renewal application, or within 90 days of
     5  disposition, whichever is sooner. Multiple licensure shall be
     6  noted by the board on the licensee's record, and such state,
     7  territory or country shall be notified by the board of any
     8  disciplinary actions taken against the licensee in this
     9  Commonwealth.
    10  Section 17.  Surrender of suspended or revoked license.
    11     The board shall require a person whose license or
    12  registration has been suspended or revoked to return the license
    13  or registration in such manner as the board directs. Failure to
    14  do so shall be a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    15  Section 18.  Impaired professional.
    16     (a)  Appointment of professional consultant.--The board, with
    17  the approval of the commissioner, shall appoint and fix the
    18  compensation of a professional consultant who is a licensee of
    19  the board, or such other professional consultant as the board
    20  may determine with education and experience in the
    21  identification, treatment and rehabilitation of persons with
    22  physical or mental impairments. The professional consultant
    23  shall be accountable to the board and shall act as a liaison
    24  between the board and treatment programs, such as alcohol and
    25  drug treatment programs licensed by the Department of Health,
    26  psychological counseling, and impaired professional support
    27  groups, which are approved by the board and which provide
    28  services to licensees under this act.
    29     (b)  Subsequent action by board.--The board may defer and
    30  ultimately dismiss any of the types of corrective action set
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     1  forth in this act for an impaired professional so long as the
     2  professional is progressing satisfactorily in an approved
     3  treatment program, provided that the provisions of this
     4  subsection shall not apply to a professional who has been
     5  convicted of, pleaded guilty to or entered a plea of nolo
     6  contendere to a felonious act prohibited by the act of April 14,
     7  1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug,
     8  Device and Cosmetic Act, or has been convicted of, pleaded
     9  guilty to or entered a plea of nolo contendere to a felony
    10  relating to a controlled substance in a court of law of the
    11  United States or any other state, territory or country. An
    12  approved program provider shall, upon request, disclose to the
    13  consultant such information in its possession regarding any
    14  impaired professional in treatment which the program provider is
    15  not prohibited from disclosing by an act of this Commonwealth,
    16  another state or the United States. The requirement of
    17  disclosure by an approved program provider shall apply in the
    18  case of impaired professionals who enter an agreement in
    19  accordance with this section, impaired professionals who are the
    20  subject of a board investigation or disciplinary proceeding and
    21  impaired professionals who voluntarily enter a treatment program
    22  other than under the provisions of this section but who fail to
    23  complete the program successfully or to adhere to an aftercare
    24  plan developed by the program provider.
    25     (c)  Agreement.--An impaired professional who enrolls in an
    26  approved treatment program shall enter into an agreement with
    27  the board under which the professional's license shall be
    28  suspended or revoked but enforcement of the suspension or
    29  revocation may be stayed for the length of time the professional
    30  remains in the program, makes satisfactory progress, complies
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     1  with the terms of the agreement and adheres to any limitations
     2  on his practice, imposed by the board to protect the public.
     3  Failure to enter into such an agreement shall disqualify the
     4  professional from the impaired professional program and shall
     5  activate an immediate investigation and disciplinary proceeding
     6  by the board.
     7     (d)  Report by provider.--If, in the opinion of the
     8  consultant after consultation with the provider, an impaired
     9  professional who is enrolled in an approved treatment program
    10  has not progressed satisfactorily, the consultant shall disclose
    11  to the board all information in his or her possession relevant
    12  to the issue of impairment regarding the professional, and the
    13  board shall institute proceedings to determine if the stay of
    14  enforcement of the suspension or revocation of the impaired
    15  professional's license shall be vacated.
    16     (e)  Immunity.--An approved program provider who makes a
    17  disclosure pursuant to this section shall not be subject to
    18  civil liability for the disclosure or its consequences.
    19     (f)  Reports by others.--Any hospital or health care
    20  facility, peer or colleague who has substantial evidence that a
    21  professional has an active addictive disease for which the
    22  professional is not receiving treatment, is diverting a
    23  controlled substance or is mentally or physically incompetent to
    24  carry out the duties of his or her license shall make or cause
    25  to be made a report to the board, provided that any person who
    26  or facility which acts in a treatment capacity to an impaired
    27  professional in an approved treatment program is exempt from the
    28  mandatory reporting requirements of this subsection. Any person
    29  or facility who reports pursuant to this section in good faith
    30  and without malice shall be immune from any civil or criminal
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     1  liability arising from the report. Failure to provide a report
     2  within a reasonable time from receipt of knowledge of impairment
     3  shall subject the person or facility to a fine of not more than
     4  $1,000. The board shall levy this penalty only after affording
     5  the accused party the opportunity for a hearing, as provided in
     6  Title 2 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to
     7  administrative law and procedure).
     8  Section 19.  Penalties.
     9     (a)  Criminal penalties.--A person who violates this act
    10  commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon
    11  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000
    12  or to imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both.
    13     (b)  Civil penalty.--In addition to any other civil remedy or
    14  criminal penalty provided for in this act, the board, by a vote
    15  of the majority of the maximum number of the authorized
    16  membership of the board as provided by law, or by a vote of the
    17  majority of the duly qualified and confirmed membership or a
    18  minimum of three members, whichever is greater, may levy a civil
    19  penalty of not more than $1,000 on any current licensee who
    20  violates any provision of this act or on any person who holds
    21  himself out as a licensed dietitian-nutritionist without being
    22  so licensed pursuant to this act. The board shall levy this
    23  penalty only after affording the accused party the opportunity
    24  for a hearing, as provided in Title 2 of the Pennsylvania
    25  Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative law and
    26  procedure).
    27     (c)  Disposition.--All fines and civil penalties imposed in
    28  accordance with this section shall be paid into the Professional
    29  Licensure Augmentation Account. Records.--A record of all
    30  persons licensed to practice as board and shall be open to
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     1  public inspection and copying upon payment of a nominal fee for
     2  copying the record.
     3  Section 20.  Records.
     4     A record of all persons licensed to practice as dietitian-
     5  nutritionist in Pennsylvania shall be kept in the office of the
     6  board and shall be open to public inspection and copying upon
     7  payment of a nominal fee for copying the record.
     8  Section 21.  Fees.
     9     (a)  General rule.--All fees required pursuant to this act
    10  shall be fixed by the board by regulation and shall be subject
    11  to the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the
    12  Regulatory Review Act. If the revenues raised by fees, fines and
    13  civil penalties imposed pursuant to this act are not sufficient
    14  to meet expenditures over a two-year period, the board shall
    15  increase those fees by regulation so that the projected revenues
    16  will meet or exceed projected expenditures.
    17     (b)  Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs.--If the
    18  Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs determines that
    19  the fees established by the board pursuant to paragraph (c)(1)
    20  are inadequate to meet the minimum enforcement efforts required
    21  by this act, then the bureau, after consultation with the board
    22  and subject to the Regulatory Review Act, shall increase the
    23  fees by regulation in an amount so that adequate revenues are
    24  raised to meet the required enforcement effort.
    25  Section 22.  Subpoenas.
    26     (a)  Power to issue.--The board shall have the authority to
    27  issue subpoenas, upon application of an attorney responsible for
    28  representing the Commonwealth in disciplinary matters before the
    29  board, for the purpose of investigating alleged violations of
    30  the disciplinary provisions administered by the board. The board
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     1  shall have the power to subpoena witnesses, to administer oaths,
     2  to examine witnesses and to take such testimony or compel the
     3  production of such books, records, papers and documents as it
     4  may deem necessary or proper in, and pertinent to, any
     5  proceeding, investigation or hearing, held or had by it. The
     6  board is authorized to apply to the Commonwealth Court to
     7  enforce its subpoenas.
     8     (b)  Notification of board.--An attorney responsible for
     9  representing the Commonwealth in disciplinary matters before the
    10  board shall notify the board immediately upon receiving
    11  notification of an alleged violation of this act. The board
    12  shall maintain current records of all reports of alleged
    13  violations and periodically review the records for the purpose
    14  of determining that each alleged violation has been resolved in
    15  a timely manner.
    16  Section 23.  Unlawful practice.
    17     (a)  Injunction.--Unlawful practice may be enjoined by the
    18  courts upon petition of the commissioner or the board. In any
    19  proceeding under this section, it shall not be necessary to show
    20  that any person is individually injured by the actions
    21  complained of. If the court finds that the respondent has
    22  violated this section, it shall enjoin him or her from so
    23  practicing until he or she has been duly licensed. Procedure in
    24  such cases shall be the same as in any other injunction suit.
    25     (b)  Remedy cumulative.--The injunctive remedy provided in
    26  this section shall be in addition to any other civil or criminal
    27  prosecution and punishment.
    28  Section 24.  Appropriation.
    29     The sum of $75,000, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    30  is hereby appropriated from the Professional Licensure
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     1  Augmentation Account in the General Fund to the Bureau of
     2  Professional and Occupational Affairs in the Department of State
     3  for the establishment and operation of the State Board of
     4  Dietitian-Nutritionist Licensure. The appropriation granted
     5  shall be repaid by the board within three years of the beginning
     6  of issuance of licenses by the board.
     7  Section 25.  Severability.
     8     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
     9  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
    10  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    11  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    12  the invalid provision or application.
    13  Section 26.  Effective date.
    14     This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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