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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1450                      PRINTER'S NO. 3192



No. 1257 Session of 1989


           MARCH 20, 1990

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 1, 1975 (P.L.169, No.87), entitled
     2     "An act relating to pensions for employees of the City of
     3     Pittsburgh," further providing for the contribution rate of
     4     members and contributions by the city; and requiring the
     5     board to retain an actuary.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The definition of "contribution rate" in section
     9  1 of the act of August 1, 1975 (P.L.169, No.87), entitled "An
    10  act relating to pensions for employees of the City of
    11  Pittsburgh," is amended to read:
    12     Section 1.  Definitions.--The following terms shall have the
    13  following respective meanings for the purposes of this act,
    14  unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context.
    15     * * *
    16     "Contribution rate."  [Five percent.] Except to the extent
    17  that section 607(c) of the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005,
    18  No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard

     1  and Recovery Act," applies, 5% of salary or wages.                <--
     2     * * *
     3     Section 2.  Sections 2(e), 4(a), (b), (e) and (i) and 5 of
     4  the act are amended to read:
     5     Section 2.  Administration.--* * *
     6     (e)  The members of the board may rely upon tables,
     7  valuations and reports furnished by qualified professional
     8  consultants. The board shall retain an approved actuary within
     9  the meaning of that term pursuant to the act of December 18,
    10  1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan
    11  Funding Standard and Recovery Act," who shall assist the chief
    12  administrative officer of the pension plan and of the city in
    13  the preparation of actuarial valuation reports pursuant to that
    14  act.
    15     * * *
    16     Section 4.  Contributions by Members.--(a)  Each member of
    17  the fund who is making contributions hereunder on December 31,
    18  1974, and each employee who becomes a member on or after January
    19  1, 1975, shall contribute to the fund [5% of] an amount equal to
    20  the contribution rate applied to his salary or wages.
    21     (b)  Any member who retires subsequent to January 1, 1975 but
    22  prior to January 1, 1980 may elect to increase his average
    23  monthly earnings by contributing [5% of] an amount equal to the
    24  contribution rate applied to earnings in excess of $650 per
    25  month for up to 36 months of service rendered prior to the
    26  effective date of this act.
    27     * * *
    28     (e)  Each person who becomes an employee of the city after
    29  having been employed by the city in the bureau of fire or the
    30  bureau of police, and who is not entitled to retirement benefits
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     1  for such service under another retirement system and who desires
     2  to have such service credited in the fund, shall be required to
     3  pay to the fund an amount equal to [5% of] the contribution rate
     4  applied to the total salary or wages received by him for each
     5  month of service for which he wishes to receive credit together
     6  with interest at the rate earned by the fund during the period
     7  of such employment. Such amount shall be deducted from the
     8  monthly salary or wages of the member over a period of two years
     9  or in such manner and period as the board may determine. Upon
    10  full payment of the amount due the member shall receive credit
    11  for said period of service. If any member shall be injured while
    12  in the actual performance of duty before he shall have made full
    13  contribution for past service, so long as the disability
    14  continues, he shall be eligible for pension under this act, but
    15  any amount which he shall not yet have paid to the fund as a
    16  contribution for past services under this section at the date of
    17  his injury shall be paid, if the board, in its discretion, shall
    18  so determine, in such monthly amounts as the board may
    19  determine, which amounts shall be deducted from his or her
    20  pension as and when monthly payments thereof shall be made.
    21     * * *
    22     (i)  Any pensioner who had less than 20 years credited
    23  service or who had elected to receive an early reduced pension
    24  and who returns to service shall start contributing at [5% of]
    25  an amount equal to the contribution rate applied to his salary
    26  or wages and shall be entitled to have his subsequent retirement
    27  pension be determined on the basis of this total service history
    28  by restoring to the fund the total of the amount received in
    29  pension payments.
    30     Section 5.  Contributions by the City.--(a) The public
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     1  officials of the city charged with the disbursements,
     2  expenditures, and appropriations, shall annually set aside,
     3  apportion, and appropriate, out of all taxes and income of the
     4  city, to the board, a sum sufficient to [maintain the pensions
     5  due under this act. If the total disbursements from the fund for
     6  the payment of pensions, refund of accumulated contributions of
     7  members, and administration expenses shall exceed in any year
     8  the total revenues of the fund from member contributions and the
     9  interest and premiums on investments and bank deposits, then the
    10  amount to be set aside, apportioned and appropriated by the
    11  public officials of the city to the fund shall not be less than
    12  the difference between the total disbursements and receipts of
    13  the fund, as aforesaid.] meet the minimum obligation of the
    14  municipality with respect to the pension plan pursuant to the
    15  act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
    16  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act."
    17     (b)  Every authority or agency, whose employees are members
    18  of the fund, shall be held liable for [the amount due to the
    19  fund on account of benefits provided by this act which are paid
    20  to employees of such authority or agency: Provided, however,
    21  That where an employee of the authority or agency formerly
    22  worked for the city, the authority or agency shall be held
    23  liable for that proportionate part of the pension or other
    24  benefits paid which the authority or agency service bears to the
    25  total credited service] its proportional amount of the minimum
    26  obligation of the municipality with respect to the pension plan
    27  cited in subsection (a) as determined by the board.
    28     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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