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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1642



No. 1336 Session of 2003

           MAY 5, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 24, 1976 (P.L.1176, No.261),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the rights and duties of
     3     mobile home owners or operators and mobile home residents,"
     4     further providing for evictions, for park rules and
     5     regulations, for maintenance and repairs, for underskirting
     6     and tie-down equipment and for overnight guests; providing
     7     for sale of manufactured homes and for sewer and water
     8     facilities; and making editorial changes.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The title and section 1 of the act of November
    12  24, 1976 (P.L.1176, No.261), known as the Mobile Home Park
    13  Rights Act, are amended to read:
    14                               AN ACT
    15  Providing for the rights and duties of [mobile] manufactured
    16     home owners or operators and [mobile] manufactured home
    17     residents.
    18     Section 1.  Short Title.--This act shall be known and may be
    19  cited as the ["Mobile Home Park Rights Act."] "Manufactured Home

     1  Community Rights Act."
     2     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     3     Section 1.1.  Legislative Purpose.--An increasing number of
     4  citizens of this Commonwealth live in manufactured homes and
     5  many of these citizens reside in manufactured housing
     6  communities. Because of the growing number of problems and
     7  complaints dealing with various aspects of living in
     8  manufactured housing communities and because of the unique
     9  nature of manufactured housing, residents of manufactured
    10  housing communities need the protection of this act. In
    11  addition, due to the significant and increasing costs of moving
    12  manufactured homes, the potential for damage to the homes
    13  through moving as a result of their design, and the inability of
    14  manufactured home owners to find comparable space in other
    15  manufactured home communities in this Commonwealth, the General
    16  Assembly finds and declares that it is necessary to provide the
    17  owners of manufactured homes located within a manufactured home
    18  community reasonable protection from constructive eviction as a
    19  result of the termination of a lease.
    20     Section 3.  Sections 2 and 3 of the act are amended to read:
    21     Section 2.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
    22     ["Mobile home" means a transportable, single-family dwelling
    23  unit intended for permanent occupancy and constructed as a
    24  single unit, or as two or more units designed to be joined into
    25  one integral unit capable of again being separated for repeated
    26  towing, which arrives at a site complete and ready for occupancy
    27  except for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly
    28  operations, and constructed so that it may be used without a
    29  permanent foundation.]
    30     "Arbitrary" means without adequate determining principle or
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     1  rationale; not done or acting according to reason or judgment.
     2     "Capricious" means tyrannical, despotic, without fair, solid
     3  and substantial cause.
     4     "Designated dealer" means any retailer, distributor,
     5  wholesaler or manufacturer from which a manufactured home
     6  community owner or his agent requires the purchase of a
     7  manufactured home or equipment.
     8     "Manufactured home" means a transportable single-family
     9  dwelling unit containing plumbing, heating and/or cooling and
    10  electrical systems intended for permanent occupancy constructed
    11  as a single unit or as two or more units designed to be joined
    12  into one integral unit which is built on a permanent chassis and
    13  designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent
    14  foundation when connected to the required utilities.
    15     ["Mobile home park"] "Manufactured home community" means any
    16  site, lot, field or tract of land, privately or publicly owned
    17  or operated, upon which three or more [mobile] manufactured
    18  homes, occupied for dwelling or sleeping purposes, are or are
    19  intended to be located, regardless of whether or not a charge is
    20  made for such accommodation.
    21     "[Mobile] Manufactured home resident" means an owner of a
    22  [mobile] manufactured home who leases or rents space in a
    23  [mobile home park] manufactured home community. The term does
    24  not include a person who rents or leases a [mobile] manufactured
    25  home.
    26     "[Mobile] Manufactured home space" means a plot of ground
    27  within a [mobile home park] manufactured home community designed
    28  for the accommodation of one [mobile] manufactured home.
    29     "Rent" means ground rent for a [mobile] manufactured home
    30  site.
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     1     "Service charges" means charges for electricity, gas service
     2  which is underground and piped directly to individual units
     3  within the [park] community, trash removal, sewage and water.
     4     Section 3.  Evictions.--(a)  A [mobile] manufactured home
     5  resident shall only be evicted for any of the following reasons:
     6     (1)  Nonpayment of rent.
     7     (2)  A second or subsequent violation of the rules of the
     8  [mobile home park] manufactured home community occurring within
     9  a six-month period.
    10     (3)  If there is a change in use of the [park] community land
    11  or parts thereof.
    12     (4)  Termination of [mobile home park] manufactured home
    13  community.
    14     (b)  A [mobile] manufactured home resident shall only be
    15  evicted in accordance with the following procedure:
    16     (1)  A resident shall not be evicted [by] for any self-help
    17  measure[.] which shall include the formation of or participation
    18  in any manufactured housing community association whose purpose
    19  is to promote the rights of residents living in manufactured
    20  housing whether the association is a community association or a
    21  State or county association.
    22     (2)  Prior to the commencement of any eviction proceeding,
    23  the [mobile home park] manufactured home community owner shall
    24  notify the [mobile home park] manufactured home community
    25  resident in writing of the particular breach or violation of the
    26  lease or [park] community rules by certified or registered mail.
    27     (i)  In the case of nonpayment of rent, the notice shall
    28  state that an eviction proceeding may be commenced if the
    29  [mobile] manufactured home resident does not pay the overdue
    30  rent within 20 days from the date of service if the notice is
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     1  given on or after April 1 and before September 1, and 30 days if
     2  given on or after September 1 and before April 1 or an
     3  additional nonpayment of rent occurring within six months of the
     4  giving of the notice may result in immediate eviction
     5  proceedings.
     6     (ii)  In the case of a breach of the lease or violation of
     7  the [park] community rules, other than nonpayment of rent, the
     8  notice shall describe the particular breach or violation. No
     9  eviction action shall be commenced unless the [mobile home park]
    10  manufactured home community resident has been notified as
    11  required by this section, and upon a second or subsequent
    12  violation or breach occurring within six months, the [mobile
    13  home park] manufactured home community owner may commence
    14  eviction proceedings at any time within 60 days of the last
    15  violation or breach.
    16     (iii)  At the time of the initiation of any eviction
    17  proceeding, the owner of the manufactured home community shall
    18  notify the resident in writing of the right to file a complaint
    19  with the office of the manufactured housing ombudsman if the
    20  resident feels the eviction is not justified. The notice shall
    21  also inform the resident that the filing of the complaint shall
    22  stay the eviction proceeding pending the completion of an
    23  investigation by the manufactured housing ombudsman on the merit
    24  and legality of the proposed eviction and a subsequent ruling by
    25  the ombudsman concerning it.
    26     (c)  A [mobile] manufactured home resident shall not be
    27  evicted when there is proof that the rules he is accused of
    28  violating are not enforced with respect to the other [mobile]
    29  manufactured home residents or nonresidents on the [park]
    30  community premises.
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     1     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
     2     Section 3.1.  Termination of Tenancy; Recovery of Premises by
     3  Owner.--(a)  The owner of a manufactured home community shall
     4  not be entitled to the recovery of the manufactured home space
     5  upon the termination of a lease with a resident regardless of
     6  the term of the lease, provided the resident:
     7     (1)  is complying with the rules of the manufactured home
     8  community;
     9     (2)  is paying the rent due and any Consumer Price Index rent
    10  increases plus any other rental increases as provided for in
    11  section 5 of the act of              , 20   (P.L.    , No.    ),
    12  known as the "Manufactured Housing Ombudsman and Hearing Board
    13  Act"; and
    14     (3)  desires to continue living in the manufactured home
    15  community.
    16     (b)  The only basis for the recovery of a manufactured home
    17  space by an owner of a manufactured home community shall be:
    18     (1)  When a resident is legally evicted as provided for by
    19  section 3.
    20     (2)  At the expiration of a lease, provided the resident
    21  determines that he or she no longer desires to reside in the
    22  community and so notifies the owner in writing.
    23     Section 3.2.  Leases.--(a)  Every resident of a manufactured
    24  home community shall be provided the option of a one-year lease.
    25  Leases for a period exceeding one year, or for a period less
    26  than one year, including month-to-month leases, are also
    27  permitted subject to approval in writing by a resident. All
    28  residents choosing a lease for any period of time less than one
    29  year must sign a form indicating they were offered a one-year
    30  lease and voluntarily chose a lease of a lesser duration. A copy
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     1  of the signed form shall be given to the resident and one copy
     2  shall be retained by the owner of the community. All leases,
     3  regardless of duration, must be in writing and no resident shall
     4  be required to sign a lease containing any provision with which
     5  he or she does not agree nor shall the resident be required to
     6  sign a lease with blank spaces to be filled in by the owners of
     7  a manufactured home community at a future date. Oral leases of
     8  any duration are invalid. Disputes over the interpretation of
     9  lease provisions are subject to review by the manufactured
    10  housing ombudsman pursuant to the act of      , 20   (P.L.   ,
    11  No.   ), known as the "Manufactured Housing Ombudsman and
    12  Hearing Board Act."
    13     (b)  All written leases shall contain the following
    14  statement:
    15                      "TERMINATION OF TENANCY:
    16                   RECOVERY OF PREMISES BY OWNER
    17         The owner of a manufactured home community shall not be
    18     entitled to the recovery of the manufactured home space,
    19     provided the resident:
    20         (1)  is complying with the rules of the manufactured home
    21     community;
    22         (2)  is paying the rent due plus any other rental
    23     increases as provided for in section 5 of the act of
    24                 , 20   (P.L.    , No.    ), known as the
    25     "Manufactured Housing Ombudsman and Hearing Board Act"; and
    26         (3)  desires to continue living in the manufactured
    27     housing community."
    28     (c)  The only basis for the recovery of a manufactured home
    29  space by an owner of a manufactured home community shall be:
    30     (1)  When a resident is legally evicted as provided by this
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     1  act.
     2     (2)  At the expiration of a lease, provided the resident
     3  determines that he or she no longer desires to reside in the
     4  community and notifies the owner in writing of that intent.
     5     Section 5.  Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the act are
     6  amended to read:
     7     Section 4.  [Park] Community Rules and Regulations.--(a)  The
     8  owner or operator of a [mobile home park] manufactured home
     9  community may at any time establish fair and reasonable rules
    10  and regulations reasonably related to the health, or safety of
    11  residents in the [park] community or to the upkeep of the [park,
    12  provided such rules and regulations] community, provided the
    13  rules and regulations are not arbitrary or capricious and are
    14  included in any written lease and delivered to existing
    15  residents and are posted in a conspicuous and readily accessible
    16  place in the [mobile home park.] manufactured home community.
    17  Where a residents association exists within the manufactured
    18  home community, proposed rules and regulations shall be
    19  submitted to the residents association, in addition to being
    20  submitted to each resident, for review and comment prior to
    21  going into effect. The residents association shall have 45 days
    22  from receipt to submit their comments in writing to the
    23  manufactured home community owner. No rule shall prevent the
    24  placement of any sign, either on the property or on the
    25  manufactured home, advertising the manufactured home for sale.
    26     (b)  Where rules and regulations posted according to
    27  provisions of this section are considered by a majority of the
    28  residents in the manufactured home community to be unreasonable,
    29  a petition signed by at least 51% of the residents, listing the
    30  rules and regulations considered unreasonable, along with
    20030H1336B1642                  - 8 -     

     1  reasons why, may be submitted by the residents to the Bureau of
     2  Consumer Protection in the Office of Attorney General. The
     3  Bureau of Consumer Protection shall rule on the reasonableness
     4  of the rules or regulations in question within 90 days of
     5  receipt of the petition from the residents. If the Bureau of
     6  Consumer Protection determines that a rule or regulation is
     7  unreasonable, it shall order the owner or owners of the
     8  manufactured home community to rescind the rule or regulation.
     9  The Bureau of Consumer Protection may also advise the owner or
    10  owners of the manufactured home community with respect to any
    11  modification of any proposed rule or regulation.
    12     (c)  All rules or rental charges shall be uniformly applied
    13  to all [mobile] manufactured home residents or prospective
    14  [mobile] manufactured home residents of the same or similar
    15  category. [When the lease or rental agreement is oral, the] The
    16  resident shall be provided with a written copy of such rules and
    17  regulations prior to the owner's or operator's acceptance of any
    18  initial deposit, fee or rent. [In addition a copy of this act
    19  shall be posted in a conspicuous and readily accessible place in
    20  the mobile home park and a copy of the following notice shall be
    21  reproduced in capital typewritten letters or in ten-point
    22  boldface print and be given to each resident upon entering into
    23  the lease.] In addition, a copy of this act as well as a copy of
    24  the act creating the office of the manufactured housing
    25  ombudsman and information on the same prepared by the office of
    26  the manufactured housing ombudsman shall be provided to every
    27  resident of the community prior to their signing a lease as well
    28  as posted in a conspicuous and readily accessible place in the
    29  manufactured home community. The prospective resident shall,
    30  prior to signing a lease, sign a form to be prepared by the
    20030H1336B1642                  - 9 -     

     1  office of the manufactured housing ombudsman attesting to the
     2  fact that prior to signing a lease, the prospective lessee was
     3  provided the information required by this section and, in
     4  addition to that, all provisions of this section have been
     5  complied with by the manufactured housing community owner. A
     6  copy of this signed form shall be given to the prospective
     7  lessee and a copy of the form shall be retained by the
     8  manufactured housing community owner for review by the office of
     9  the manufactured housing ombudsman. A copy of the following
    10  notice shall also be reproduced in capital typewritten letters
    11  or in ten-point boldface print and given to each resident upon
    12  entering into the lease.
    13                 "IMPORTANT NOTICE REQUIRED BY LAW
    14         The rules set forth below govern the terms of your lease
    15     or occupancy agreement with this [mobile home park]
    16     manufactured home community. The law requires all of these
    17     rules to be fair and reasonable.
    18         You may continue to stay in this [park] community as long
    19     as you pay your rent and other reasonable fees, service
    20     charges and assessments hereinafter set forth and abide by
    21     the rules of the [park] community. Entrance and exit fees may
    22     not be charged. Installation and removal fees may not be
    23     charged in excess of the actual cost to the [mobile home
    24     park] manufactured home community owner or operator for
    25     providing such service for the installation or removal of a
    26     [mobile home in a mobile] manufactured home in a manufactured
    27     home space.
    28         You may not be evicted except for any of the following
    29     reasons:
    30         (1)  Nonpayment of rent.
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     1         (2)  A second or subsequent violation of the rules of the
     2     [mobile home park] manufactured home community occurring
     3     within a six-month period.
     4         (3)  If there is a change in use of the [park] community
     5     land or parts thereof.
     6         (4)  Termination of [mobile home park.] manufactured home
     7     community.
     8         If evicted for reason (2) above, you shall have six
     9     months following the eviction proceedings to remove the
    10     manufactured home from the manufactured home community.
    11         If evicted for reasons (3) or (4) above, no one may be
    12     evicted until the expiration of the term of the lease in
    13     effect at the time.
    14         At the time of initiation of any eviction proceeding, the
    15     owner of the manufactured housing community shall notify you
    16     in writing of your right to file a complaint with the office
    17     of the manufactured housing ombudsman if you feel the
    18     eviction is not justified. The notice shall also inform you
    19     that the filing of the complaint shall stay the eviction
    20     proceeding pending the completion of an investigation by the
    21     manufactured housing ombudsman on the merit and legality of
    22     the proposed eviction and a subsequent ruling by the
    23     ombudsman concerning it.
    24         You shall only be evicted in accordance with the
    25     following procedure:
    26         (1)  A resident shall not be evicted [by] for any self-
    27     help measure[.] which shall include the formation of or
    28     participation in any manufactured housing community
    29     association whose purpose is to promote the rights of
    30     residents living in manufactured housing whether the
    20030H1336B1642                 - 11 -     

     1     association is a community association or a State or county
     2     association.
     3         (2)  Prior to the commencement of any eviction
     4     proceeding, the [mobile home park] manufactured home
     5     community owner shall notify you in writing of the particular
     6     breach or violation of the lease or [park] community rules by
     7     certified or registered mail.
     8         (i)  In the case of nonpayment of rent, the notice shall
     9     state that an eviction proceeding may be commenced if the
    10     [mobile] manufactured home resident does not pay the overdue
    11     rent within 20 days from the date of service if the notice is
    12     given on or after April 1 and before September 1, and 30 days
    13     if given on or after September 1 and before April 1 or an
    14     additional nonpayment of rent occurring within six months of
    15     the giving of the notice may result in immediate eviction
    16     proceedings.
    17         (ii)  In the case of a breach of the lease or violation
    18     of the [park] community rules, other than nonpayment of rent,
    19     the notice shall describe the particular breach or violation.
    20     No eviction action shall be commenced unless you have been
    21     notified as required by this section, and upon a second or
    22     subsequent violation or breach occurring within six months,
    23     the [mobile home park] manufactured home community owner may
    24     commence eviction proceedings at any time within 60 days of
    25     the last violation or breach.
    26         You shall not be evicted when there is proof that the
    27     rules you are accused of violating are not enforced with
    28     respect to the other [mobile] manufactured home residents or
    29     nonresidents on the [park] community premises.
    30         In addition, no eviction proceeding for nonpayment of
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     1     rent may be commenced against you until you have received
     2     notice by certified or registered mail of the nonpayment and
     3     have been given to pay the overdue rent 20 days from the date
     4     of service if the notice is given on or after April 1 and
     5     before September 1, and 30 days if given on or after
     6     September 1 and before April 1. However, only one notice of
     7     overdue rent is required to be sent to you during any six-
     8     month period. If a second or additional violation occurs
     9     within six months from the date of the first notice then
    10     eviction proceedings may be immediately started against you.
    11         You are entitled to contact the office of the
    12     manufactured housing ombudsman to file a complaint with
    13     respect to the following:
    14         (1)  Disputes with owners and managers of manufactured
    15     housing communities in general.
    16         (2)  Disputes with owners and managers of manufactured
    17     housing communities over the interpretation of provisions
    18     contained in this act.
    19         (3)  Disputes with owners and managers of manufactured
    20     housing communities over the approval of a prospective
    21     purchaser of an existing manufactured home owned by a
    22     resident.
    23         (4)  The reasonableness of rules and regulations
    24     promulgated by manufactured housing community owners pursuant
    25     to this act.
    26         (5)  Environmental concerns including, but not limited
    27     to, the provisions of safe drinking water and proper sewage
    28     disposal.
    29         (6)  Interpretation of provisions of lease agreements.
    30         (7)  The reasonableness of proposed rent increases.
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     1         (8)  The reasonableness of pending eviction procedures.
     2         You are entitled to purchase goods or services, including
     3     the manufactured home itself, from a seller of your choice
     4     and the [park] community owner shall not restrict your right
     5     to do so.
     6         With respect to maintenance and repairs of manufactured
     7     homes, you, as a manufactured home resident, shall have the
     8     right to engage the services of an experienced professional
     9     contractor of your choice or, where feasible, you may perform
    10     the needed work yourself or engage the services of a
    11     nonprofessional, provided performing such work yourself or by
    12     a nonprofessional is not prohibited by any municipal building
    13     or housing codes and further provided the individual or
    14     individuals performing the work are capable of performing the
    15     work in a safe and professional manner while maintaining the
    16     aesthetic quality of the manufactured home and its
    17     surroundings.
    18         If you desire to sell your [mobile] manufactured home,
    19     the [mobile home park] manufactured home community owner may
    20     not prevent the sale and may not claim any fee in connection
    21     therewith, unless there exists a separate written fee
    22     agreement. However, the [mobile home park] manufactured home
    23     community owner may reserve the right to approve the
    24     purchaser as a resident in the [mobile home park.]
    25     manufactured home community, subject to all applicable
    26     provisions of the Fair Housing Act (Public Law 90-284, 42
    27     U.S.C. § 3601 et seq.).
    28         Enforcement of the [Mobile Home Park] Manufactured Home
    29     Community Rights Act is by the Attorney General of the
    30     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the District Attorney of the
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     1     county in which the [mobile home park] manufactured home
     2     community is located. You may also bring a private cause of
     3     action. If your rights are violated you may contact the State
     4     Bureau of Consumer Protection or your local District
     5     Attorney."
     6     Section 5.  Underskirting and Tie-down Equipment.--A [mobile
     7  home park] manufactured home community owner or operator may
     8  designate the type of material or manner of installation for
     9  underskirting, awnings, porches, fences or other additions and
    10  alterations to the exterior of the [mobile] manufactured home
    11  and tie-down equipment used in a [mobile] manufactured home
    12  space in order to insure the safety and good appearance of the
    13  [mobile home park] manufactured home community, but under no
    14  circumstances may a resident be required to purchase such
    15  equipment from a supplier designated by the [park] community
    16  owner or operator. The owner of a manufactured home community
    17  may not order subsequent changes to the underskirting, awnings,
    18  porches, fences or other additions or alterations to the
    19  exterior of the manufactured home and tie-down equipment
    20  following the initial installation by a manufactured home
    21  resident at the request of a manufactured home owner, except for
    22  the purpose of replacing damaged items which pose a threat to
    23  the public safety of residents and visitors or which, in their
    24  damaged condition, negatively affect the aesthetic quality of
    25  the manufactured home and its surroundings.
    26     Section 6.  Disclosure of Fees.--(a)  All rent, fees, service
    27  charges and assessments shall be fully disclosed in writing to a
    28  resident prior to the owner or operator's acceptance of any
    29  initial deposit, fee or rent. Failure to disclose such rent,
    30  fees, service charges and assessments shall render them void and
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     1  unenforceable in the courts of the Commonwealth. Increases in
     2  such rent, fees, service charges and assessments shall be
     3  unenforceable until 30 days after notice thereof has been posted
     4  in the [mobile home park] manufactured home community and mailed
     5  to the resident. However, rent shall not be increased during the
     6  term of the lease.
     7     (b)  Any fee charged to a resident by the owner of a
     8  manufactured home community or a subsidiary company, for trash
     9  removal, sewage disposal, water, electric, oil, gas or other
    10  utility type service, shall not unreasonably exceed the rate
    11  paid by customers of private companies or corporations regulated
    12  by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, or municipal
    13  authorities or municipalities in the same geographic area for
    14  similar services.
    15     Section 7.  Appliance Installation Fees.--No [mobile home
    16  park] manufactured home community owner or operator may restrict
    17  the making of any interior improvements in a [mobile]
    18  manufactured home so long as such improvements are in compliance
    19  with applicable building codes and other provisions of law; nor
    20  may he restrict the installation, service or maintenance of an
    21  electric or gas appliance in a [mobile] manufactured home or
    22  charge any fee for such installation unless the fee reflects the
    23  actual cost to the [mobile home park] manufactured home
    24  community owner or operator of such installation or its use.
    25     Section 8.  Entrance and Exit Fees[.--]; Condition Leases.--
    26  (a)  Entrance and exit fees may not be charged.
    27     (b)  The owner or developer of a new manufactured housing
    28  community has the exclusive right to designate the homes which
    29  may be purchased for the first placement only and except in this
    30  case no manufactured home community owner or agent or other
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     1  person acting on behalf of the owner shall require a resident or
     2  prospective resident to purchase any equipment or a manufactured
     3  home from the owner or a designated dealer as a condition to
     4  lease a manufactured home community space.
     5     Section 9.  Installation and Removal Fees.--Any fee charged
     6  for the installation or removal of a [mobile home in a mobile
     7  home] manufactured home in a manufactured home space shall not
     8  exceed the actual cost to the [mobile home park] manufactured
     9  home community owner or operator for providing such service.
    10  Such fees shall be refundable to the resident at the time of
    11  removal in the event that the owner or operator acts to recover
    12  possession of said space for reasons other than nonpayment of
    13  rent or breach of a condition of the lease within one year of
    14  the initial installation of such [mobile] manufactured home.
    15  Failure to refund such fees as provided shall entitle the tenant
    16  to recover treble their amount plus court costs and reasonable
    17  attorney fees.
    18     Imposition of this type of entrance fee shall not bar the
    19  [mobile home park] manufactured home community owner or operator
    20  from requiring a reasonable security deposit in accordance with
    21  the act of April 6, 1951 (P.L.69, No.20), known as "The Landlord
    22  and Tenant Act of 1951."
    23     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    24     Section 9.1.  Removal of Certain Parts.--No manufactured home
    25  community owner or manager may remove or cause to be removed the
    26  axles, wheels and/or tires from a manufactured home when the
    27  home is set up in the community without the written consent of
    28  the manufactured home owner. When the removal is required by the
    29  community rules and regulations, and the owner or manager takes
    30  possession of these items when removed for storage purposes, the
    20030H1336B1642                 - 17 -     

     1  owner or manager of the manufactured home community shall
     2  provide the manufactured home owner with a signed written
     3  receipt that they were removed with the home owner's permission
     4  and such receipt shall also include the location where they are
     5  to be stored and the value of the items as determined by the
     6  manufacturer of the manufactured home. These items shall not be
     7  subsequently sold by the community owner or manager unless the
     8  sale and the sale price are first approved by the manufactured
     9  home owner who owns the items. If the sale is approved by the
    10  owner, and the items are subsequently sold, the money received
    11  from the sale, as agreed to by the home owner, shall be paid
    12  immediately to the manufactured home owner and the manufactured
    13  home owner shall be given a copy of the bill of sale.
    14     Section 7.  Sections 10 and 11 of the act are amended to
    15  read:
    16     Section 10.  Other Fees.--In accordance with a resident's
    17  right to invite to his dwelling unit such social and business
    18  visitors as he wishes, no fee may be charged for overnight
    19  visitors or guests occupying a resident's [mobile] manufactured
    20  home. However, if such overnight visitors or guests so
    21  frequently remain overnight for residential purposes so as to
    22  increase [the number of persons normally living in said unit]
    23  the costs of services provided to that home by the owner of the
    24  manufactured home community, as part of the monthly site fee,
    25  including, but not limited to, sewer and water service, and the
    26  increased costs to the owner of the community can be documented,
    27  the owner or operator of a [mobile home park may revise the rent
    28  due to conform to the rent paid by other residents with a like
    29  number of members in their household.] manufactured home
    30  community may charge the resident an additional monthly fee
    20030H1336B1642                 - 18 -     

     1  equal to the additional costs incurred. The owner of a
     2  manufactured home community may not require the registration of
     3  overnight guests.
     4     Section 11.  Sale of [Mobile] Manufactured Homes.--Any rule,
     5  regulation or condition of a lease purporting to prevent the
     6  sale or advertisement of the sale of a [mobile] manufactured
     7  home belonging to a resident shall be void and unenforceable in
     8  the courts of the Commonwealth. The [mobile home park]
     9  manufactured home community owner or operator may reserve the
    10  right to approve the purchaser of said [mobile] manufactured
    11  home as a resident, but such approval may not be unreasonably
    12  withheld. Any claim for a fee or commission in connection with
    13  the sale of such [mobile] manufactured home shall be void and
    14  unenforceable unless the claimant shall in fact have acted as a
    15  bona fide licensed [mobile] manufactured home sales agent for
    16  the [mobile] manufactured home owner pursuant to a separate
    17  written fee agreement.
    18     Section 8.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    19     Section 11.1.  Sale of Manufactured Homes.--(a)  (1)
    20  Approval of a prospective purchaser cannot be withheld if the
    21  purchaser has the financial ability to pay the rent and charges
    22  of the manufactured home community. In determining whether the
    23  purchaser has the financial ability to pay the rent and charges:
    24     (i) Management shall not require the purchaser to submit
    25  copies of any personal income tax returns in order to obtain
    26  approval for residency in the manufactured home community.
    27     (ii)  Management may require the purchaser to document the
    28  amount and source of his or her gross monthly income or means of
    29  financial support.
    30     (2)  Within 15 business days of receiving all the information
    20030H1336B1642                 - 19 -     

     1  requested from the prospective home owner, the management shall
     2  notify the seller and the prospective home owner in writing of
     3  either acceptance or rejection of the application and the reason
     4  if rejected. During this 15-day period, the prospective home
     5  owner shall comply with the management's request, if any, for a
     6  personal interview. If the approval of a prospective home owner
     7  is withheld for any reason other than those stated in this act,
     8  the management, manufactured home community owner or both shall
     9  be held liable for all damages resulting therefrom.
    10     (b)  No owner of a manufactured home community shall require
    11  a resident who sells a manufactured home located in the
    12  manufactured home community to remove that home from that
    13  community upon the sale because of the age of the home, provided
    14  the home is in such condition that it would not be injurious to
    15  the health, welfare and safety of a prospective purchaser. Any
    16  manufactured home located in a manufactured home community shall
    17  be presumed to meet this test if it was constructed in
    18  accordance with any nationally recognized building or
    19  construction codes or standards. It shall be the burden of the
    20  manufactured home community owner to prove that a home for sale
    21  would be injurious to the health, welfare and safety of a
    22  prospective purchaser. In such case, the owner shall be given
    23  the option of making improvements to correct any existing safety
    24  deficiencies or removing the home.
    25     (c)  No improvements to any manufactured home prior to sale
    26  may be required by any owner of a manufactured home community
    27  unless those improvements are directly related to conditions
    28  which need to be improved in order to insure the health, welfare
    29  and safety of a prospective purchaser. Improvements for
    30  aesthetic reasons are strictly prohibited.
    20030H1336B1642                 - 20 -     

     1     (d)  The inspection of a manufactured home prior to its sale
     2  that may be required by the owners of a manufactured home
     3  community is only an inspection to insure the structural
     4  integrity of the load-bearing segments of the home or to inspect
     5  items directly affecting the health, welfare and safety of a
     6  prospective purchaser. The inspection may not be made by the
     7  owners of any manufactured home community, the management or
     8  their agents. Such inspection shall only be made by a qualified
     9  inspector, knowledgeable in manufactured housing construction
    10  and installation and selected by the owner of the manufactured
    11  home.
    12     (e)  No manufactured home located in a manufactured home
    13  community that has been sold to someone and occupied for any
    14  length of time may be resold to another individual as new.
    15  Prospective purchasers shall be informed of the fact that a home
    16  was sold previously and, in the case of multiple sales, shall be
    17  given the dates of same and the length of occupancy by the
    18  purchasers. No such home may be subsequently titled as an "A"
    19  title home from the Department of Transportation if sold
    20  previously and occupied for any length of time.
    21     (f)  All sales are subject to applicable provisions of the
    22  Fair Housing Act (Public Law 90-284, 42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq.).
    23     Section 11.2.  Sewer and Water Facilities.--(a)  Manufactured
    24  home communities providing onsite sewer and/or water service to
    25  residents shall comply with all applicable provisions of the
    26  following statutes:
    27     (1)  Act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987, No.394), known as "The
    28  Clean Streams Law."
    29     (2)  Act of January 24, 1966 (1965 P.L.1535, No.537), known
    30  as the "Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act."
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     1     (3)  Act of May 1, 1984 (P.L.206, No.43), known as the
     2  "Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act."
     3     (b)  Manufactured home community owners within 30 days of the
     4  effective date of this section shall notify the Department of
     5  Environmental Protection of the fact that they provide residents
     6  with water service and/or sewage disposal service and request an
     7  inspection by the Department of Environmental Protection to
     8  insure that all applicable requirements of the acts listed under
     9  subsection (a) are presently being complied with by that
    10  manufactured home community.
    11     (c)  Those manufactured home communities that are found to be
    12  in compliance with all requirements of the acts listed under
    13  subsection (a), following the inspection by the Department of
    14  Environmental Protection, shall be issued a certificate of
    15  compliance by the Department of Environmental Protection which
    16  shall be available for inspection upon request by community
    17  residents or prospective lessees. Those manufactured home
    18  communities not meeting one or more of the requirements of the
    19  acts listed under subsection (a) shall be given 90 days to
    20  comply. Additional time may be granted by the Department of
    21  Environmental Protection if warranted.
    22     (d)  The Department of Environmental Protection shall prepare
    23  and adopt regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of
    24  this section which may include inspection fees to cover the
    25  administrative costs associated with the enforcement of the
    26  provisions of this section.
    27     Section 9.  Sections 12 and 13 of the act are amended to
    28  read:
    29     Section 12.  Waiver of Rights.--The rights and duties of
    30  [mobile home park] manufactured home community owners and
    20030H1336B1642                 - 22 -     

     1  operators and the [mobile] manufactured home residents may not
     2  be waived by any provisions of a written or oral agreement. Any
     3  such agreement attempting to limit these rights shall be void
     4  and unenforceable in the courts of the Commonwealth.
     5     Section 13.  [Damages.--Any mobile home park owner, operator
     6  or resident aggrieved by a violation of their rights under this
     7  act may institute a private cause of action to recover damages,
     8  or for treble damages where so provided in this act, or for
     9  restitution in any appropriate court of initial jurisdiction
    10  within the Commonwealth.] Damages and Civil Penalties.--(a)
    11  Persons who violate this act shall pay a civil penalty of $1,000
    12  for each violation of this act plus costs of litigation.
    13     (b)  Any person aggrieved by a violation of this act may
    14  institute a private cause of action to recover three times the
    15  damages plus the costs of suit and attorney fees caused by such
    16  violation of this act.
    17     Section 10.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    18     Section 14.1.  Fair Housing Act Compliance.--All manufactured
    19  housing communities governed by this act shall comply with all
    20  applicable provisions of the Fair Housing Act (Public Law 90-
    21  284, 42 U.S.C. § 3601 et seq.).
    22     Section 11.  Sections 15 and 16 of the act are amended to
    23  read:
    24     Section 15.  Enforcement.--(a)  The Attorney General shall
    25  have the power and it shall be his duty to enforce the
    26  provisions of this act, but in no event shall an individual be
    27  prohibited or otherwise restricted from initiating a private
    28  cause of action pursuant to any right or remedy conferred by
    29  this act.
    30     (b)  Violation of this act shall constitute a violation of
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     1  the act of December 17, 1968 (P.L.1224, No.387), known as the
     2  "Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law."
     3     Section 16.  Retaliatory Evictions.--Any action by a [mobile
     4  home park] manufactured home community owner or operator to
     5  recover possession of real property from a [mobile home park]
     6  manufactured home community resident or to change the lease
     7  within six months of a resident's assertion of his rights under
     8  this act or any other legal right shall raise a presumption that
     9  such action constitutes a retaliatory and unlawful eviction by
    10  the owner or operator and is in violation of this act. Such a
    11  presumption may be rebutted by competent evidence presented in
    12  any appropriate court of initial jurisdiction within the
    13  Commonwealth.
    14     Section 12.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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