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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1600



No. 1367 Session of 1999

           APRIL 21, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," further providing for assessment based upon
    11     business classification effective rates, for extended time
    12     for filing special petition for refund, for additions to tax
    13     relating to sales and use tax, for amended returns, for
    14     reports and payment of tax, for changes made by Federal
    15     Government, for enforcement, rules and regulations and
    16     confidentiality, for penalties relating to personal income
    17     tax; imposing a cooperative agricultural association
    18     corporate net income tax; further providing for procedure,
    19     enforcement and penalties relating to certain taxes, for
    20     imposition of tax, reporting, estimated tax and penalties
    21     relating to public utility realty tax, for procedure,
    22     enforcement and penalties relating to realty transfer tax,
    23     for certification to Liquor Control Board and regulations,
    24     for refund relating to malt beverage tax, for interest,
    25     purchaser, mortgagee or leasee and refund relating to
    26     inheritance tax; providing for collection of Commonwealth
    27     moneys from certain officers, for procedure and
    28     administration; and making repeals.

    29     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    30  hereby enacts as follows:

     1     Section 1.  Sections 231 and 256 of the act of March 4, 1971
     2  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, are amended
     3  to read:
     4     Section 231.  [Mode and Time of Assessment] Assessment Based
     5  Upon Business Classification Effective Rates.--[(a)
     6  Underpayment of Tax. Within a reasonable time after any return
     7  is filed, the department shall examine it and, if the return
     8  shows a greater tax due or collected than the amount of tax
     9  remitted with the return, the department shall issue an
    10  assessment for the difference, together with an addition of
    11  three per cent of such difference, which shall be paid to the
    12  department within ten days after a notice of the assessment has
    13  been mailed to the taxpayer. If such assessment is not paid
    14  within ten days, there shall be added thereto and paid to the
    15  department an additional three per cent of such difference for
    16  each month thereof during which the assessment remains unpaid,
    17  but the total of all additions shall not exceed eighteen per
    18  cent of the difference shown on the assessment.
    19     (b)  Understatement of Tax. If the department determines that
    20  any return or returns of any taxpayer understates the amount of
    21  tax due, it shall determine the proper amount and shall
    22  ascertain the difference between the amount of tax shown in the
    23  return and the amount determined, such difference being
    24  hereafter sometimes referred to as the "deficiency." A notice of
    25  assessment for the deficiency and the reasons therefor shall
    26  then be sent to the taxpayer. The deficiency shall be paid to
    27  the department within thirty days after a notice of the
    28  assessment thereof has been mailed to the taxpayer.
    29     (c)  Failure to File Return. In the event that any taxpayer
    30  fails to file a return required by this article, the department
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     1  may make an estimated assessment (based on information
     2  available) of the proper amount of tax owing by the taxpayer. A
     3  notice of assessment in the estimated amount shall be sent to
     4  the taxpayer. The tax shall be paid within thirty days after a
     5  notice of such estimated assessment has been mailed to the
     6  taxpayer.
     7     (d)  Authority to Establish Effective Rates by Business
     8  Classification.] The department is authorized to make the
     9  studies necessary to compute effective rates by business
    10  classification, based upon the ratio between the tax required to
    11  be collected and taxable sales and to use such rates in arriving
    12  at the apparent tax liability of a taxpayer.
    13     Any assessment based upon such rates shall be prima facie
    14  correct, except that such rate shall not be considered where a
    15  taxpayer establishes that such rate is based on a sample
    16  inapplicable to him.
    17     Section 256.  Extended Time for Filing Special Petition for
    18  Refund.--Any party to a transaction who has paid tax by reason
    19  of a transaction with respect to which the department is
    20  assessing tax against another person may, within six months
    21  after the filing by the department of the assessment against
    22  such other person, file a special petition for refund,
    23  notwithstanding his failure to [file a regular petition within
    24  three years of the payment] timely file a petition pursuant to
    25  section 2840. The provisions of [sections 253, 254 and 255] Part
    26  V of Article XXVIII shall be applicable to such special petition
    27  for refund, except that the department need not act on such
    28  petition until there is a final determination as to the
    29  propriety of the assessment filed against the other party to the
    30  transaction. Where a petition is filed under this provision in
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     1  order to take advantage of the extended period of limitations,
     2  overpayments by the petitioner shall be refunded but only to the
     3  extent of the actual tax (without consideration of interest and
     4  penalties) paid by the other party to the transaction. The
     5  purpose of this section is to avoid duplicate payment of tax
     6  where a determination is made by the department that one party
     7  to a transaction is subject to tax, and another party to the
     8  transaction has previously paid tax with respect to such
     9  transaction and, as such, this section shall be construed as
    10  extending right beyond that provided for by section [253] 2840,
    11  and not to limit such other section.
    12     Section 2.  Section 266 of the act, amended April 14, 1976
    13  (P.L.112, No.49), is amended to read:
    14     Section 266.  Additions to Tax.--(a)  Failure to File Return.
    15  In the case of failure to file any return required by section
    16  215 on the date prescribed therefor (determined with regard to
    17  any extension of time for filing), [and in the case in which a
    18  return filed understates the true amount due by more than fifty
    19  per cent,] there shall be added to the amount of tax actually
    20  due five per cent of the amount of such tax if the failure to
    21  file a proper return is for not more than one month, with an
    22  additional five per cent for each additional month, or fraction
    23  thereof, during which such failure continues, not exceeding
    24  twenty-five per cent in the aggregate. In every such case at
    25  least two dollars ($2) shall be added.
    26     (a.1)  Addition for Underpayment. If the total amount of tax
    27  shown on the return is greater than the amount remitted with the
    28  return, the department shall issue an assessment for the amount
    29  of the underpayment pursuant to Article XXVIII. There shall be
    30  added to every assessment for underpayment an addition equal to
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     1  three per cent of the amount of the underpayment. If the
     2  assessment is not paid within ten days after the mailing date of
     3  the notice of assessment, an additional three per cent of the
     4  amount of the underpayment shall accrue and be paid to the
     5  department for each month the assessment remains unpaid:
     6  Provided, That the total of all additions under this subsection
     7  shall not exceed eighteen per cent of the amount of the
     8  underpayment shown on the assessment.
     9     (b)  Addition for Understatement. If the department
    10  determines that any return understates the amount of tax due, it
    11  shall issue an assessment for the amount of the understatement
    12  pursuant to Article XXVIII. There shall be added to every
    13  assessment [under subsection (b) of section 231] for
    14  understatement of tax an addition equal to five per cent of the
    15  amount of the understatement [and no addition to the tax shall
    16  be paid under subsection (a) of section 231]. If the return
    17  understates the amount of tax due the Commonwealth by more than
    18  fifty per cent, an additional five per cent of the amount of the
    19  understatement shall accrue and be paid to the department for
    20  each month, or fraction thereof, the assessment remains unpaid:
    21  Provided, That the total of all additions under this subsection
    22  shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the amount of the
    23  understatement shown on the assessment.
    24     [(c)  Interest. If the department assesses a tax according to
    25  subsection (a), (b) or (c) of section 231, there shall be added
    26  to the amount of the deficiency interest at the rate of three-
    27  fourths of one per cent per month for each month, or fraction
    28  thereof, from the date prescribed by subsection (a) or (c) of
    29  section 222 of this article for the payment of the tax to the
    30  date of notice of the assessment.]
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     1     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     2     Section 332.1.  Amended Returns.--A taxpayer shall make and
     3  file an amended return within ninety days after the following:
     4     (1)  The discovery of additional information regarding any
     5  item of income or gain, loss, deduction or credit that could not
     6  have been previously obtained by the exercise of due diligence
     7  that changes the tax of the taxpayer; or
     8     (2)  The occurrence of a contingent event that changes the
     9  tax of the taxpayer.
    10     Section 4.  Section 403 of the act, amended September 9, 1971
    11  (P.L.437, No.105), June 23, 1982 (P.L.610, No.172), July 1, 1985
    12  (P.L.78, No.29), August 4, 1991 (P.L.97, No.22) and repealed in
    13  part December 19, 1990 (P.L.834, No.198), is amended to read:
    14     Section 403.  Reports and Payment of Tax.--(a)  [For the
    15  purpose of ascertaining the amount of tax payable under this
    16  article, it] It shall be the duty of every corporation, liable
    17  to pay tax under this article, on or before April 15, 1972, and
    18  each year thereafter, to transmit to the department, upon a form
    19  prescribed[, prepared and furnished] by the department, an
    20  annual report under oath or affirmation of its president, vice-
    21  president [or other principal officer, and of its], treasurer
    22  [or], assistant treasurer, or other duly authorized officer, of
    23  net income taxable under the provisions of this article. Such
    24  report shall set forth:
    25     (1)  A true copy of its return to the Federal Government of
    26  the annual taxable income arising or accruing in the calendar or
    27  fiscal year next preceding, or such part or portions of said
    28  return, as the department may designate;
    29     (2)  If no return was filed with the Federal Government the
    30  report made to the department shall show such information as
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     1  would have been contained in a return to the Federal Government
     2  had one been made; and
     3     (3)  Such other information as the department may require.
     4  Upon receipt of the report, the department shall promptly
     5  forward to the Department of State, the names of the president,
     6  vice-president, secretary and treasurer of the corporation and
     7  the complete street address of the principal office of the
     8  corporation for inclusion in the records of the Department of
     9  State relating to corporation.
    10     (b)  [For the purpose of ascertaining the amount of tax
    11  payable under this article for the taxable year 1971, and each
    12  taxable year thereafter, it shall be the duty of every
    13  corporation liable to pay tax under this article, on or before
    14  April 30, 1971, and on or before the end of the fourth month
    15  after the close of its previous fiscal year for fiscal year
    16  taxpayers, and each year thereafter, to transmit in like form
    17  and manner an additional tentative report and make payment
    18  pursuant to the provisions of section 3003: Provided, That in
    19  making such report and payment for the calendar year 1971 and
    20  each year thereafter and for fiscal years commencing during the
    21  calendar year 1971, and each year thereafter the tax base from
    22  the immediate prior year, upon which the tentative tax
    23  computation is to be made under said section 3003, shall be
    24  computed as if the tax base for such immediate prior year had
    25  been determined under the applicable provisions of the act of
    26  March 4, 1971 (Act No.2). For taxable years commencing with
    27  calendar year 1986 and for each taxable year through taxable
    28  year 1991, corporations shall not report and pay tentative tax
    29  on account of the corporate net income tax, but shall, on or
    30  before April 15 for calendar year taxpayers and on or before the
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     1  fifteenth day of the fourth month of the fiscal year for fiscal
     2  year taxpayers, report and pay estimated corporate net income
     3  tax pursuant to section 3003.2 of this act: Provided, however,
     4  That tentative tax on account of any other tax which is imposed
     5  as the result of the adoption by reference of this part or
     6  section shall continue to be imposed. For taxable years
     7  commencing on or after January 1, 1992, corporations shall
     8  report and pay estimated tax pursuant to section 3003.2 on or
     9  before March 15 for calendar year taxpayers and on or before the
    10  fifteenth day of the third month for fiscal year taxpayers.] It
    11  shall be the duty of every corporation liable to pay tax under
    12  this article to pay estimated tax pursuant to section 3003.2 and
    13  to make final payment of the tax due for the taxable year with
    14  the annual report required by this section.
    15     (c)  The amount of all taxes, imposed under the provisions of
    16  this article, not paid on or before the times as above provided,
    17  shall bear interest as provided in [section 806 of the act of
    18  April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as "The Fiscal Code,"
    19  from the date they are due and payable until paid] Part IV of
    20  Article XXVIII, except that if the taxable income has been, or
    21  is increased by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, or by any
    22  other agency or court of the United States, interest shall be
    23  computed on the additional tax due from [thirty] sixty days
    24  after the corporation receives notice of the change of income
    25  until paid: Provided, however, That any corporation may pay the
    26  full amount of such tax, or any part thereof, together with
    27  interest due to the date of payment, without prejudice to its
    28  right to present and prosecute a petition [for resettlement, a
    29  petition for review,] pursuant to Part V of Article XXVIII or an
    30  appeal to court. If it be thereafter determined that such taxes
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     1  were overpaid, the department shall enter a credit to the
     2  account of such corporation, which may be used by it in the
     3  manner prescribed by law.
     4     (d)  If the officers of any corporation shall neglect, or
     5  refuse to make any report as herein required, or shall knowingly
     6  make any false report, the following percentages of the amount
     7  of the tax shall be added by the department to the tax
     8  determined to be due on the first one thousand dollars ($1,000)
     9  of tax ten per cent, on the next four thousand dollars ($4,000)
    10  five per cent, and on everything in excess of five thousand
    11  dollars ($5,000) one per cent, no such amounts added to the tax
    12  shall bear any interest whatsoever.
    13     (e)  If any corporation closes its fiscal year not upon
    14  December 31, but upon some other date, and reports to the
    15  Federal Government as of such other date, or would so report
    16  were it to make a return to the Federal Government, such
    17  corporation shall certify such fact to the department, and shall
    18  make the annual report, herein required, within thirty days
    19  after the return to the Federal Government is due, or would be
    20  due were it to be required of such corporation, subject in all
    21  other respects to the provisions of this article. [The tentative
    22  report required of such corporation shall be due not later than
    23  four months after the end of the next preceding fiscal year.]
    24     (f)  If the corporation shall claim in its report that the
    25  return made to the Federal Government was inaccurate, the amount
    26  claimed by it to be the taxable income, taxable under this
    27  article, and the basis of such claim of inaccuracy, shall be
    28  fully specified.
    29     Section 5.  Section 406 of the act, amended September 9, 1971
    30  (P.L.437, No.105), is amended to read:
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     1     Section 406.  Changes Made by Federal Government.--(a)  If
     2  the amount of the taxable income, as returned by any corporation
     3  to the Federal Government, is finally changed or corrected by
     4  the Commission of Internal Revenue or by any other agency or
     5  court of the United States, such corporation, within [thirty]
     6  sixty days after the receipt of such final change or correction,
     7  shall make a corrected report, under oath or affirmation, to the
     8  department showing such finally changed or corrected taxable
     9  income, upon which the tax is required to be paid to the United
    10  States. In case a corporation fails to file a report of such
    11  correction, which results in an increase in taxable income
    12  within the time prescribed, there shall be added to the tax, a
    13  penalty of five dollars ($5) for every day during which such
    14  corporation is in default, but the department may abate any such
    15  penalty in whole or in part.
    16     (b)  If, as a result of such final change or correction,
    17  there should be any change made in the amount of the taxable
    18  income of any corporation upon which tax is imposed by this
    19  article, the department shall have the power, and its duty shall
    20  be to [resettle such taxes. Whenever a resettlement shall have
    21  been made hereunder, the department shall resettle the account
    22  according to law, and shall credit or charge, as the case may
    23  be, the amount resulting from such resettlement upon the current
    24  accounts of the corporation with which it is made. The
    25  resettlement shall be subject to audit and approval by the
    26  Department of the Auditor General, as in the case of original
    27  settlements, and in case of the failure of the two departments
    28  to agree, the resettlement shall be submitted to the Board of
    29  Finance and Revenue, as in the case of original settlements.]
    30  determine and assess the taxpayer's unpaid liability for tax,
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     1  interest or penalty due the Commonwealth, or to credit the
     2  taxpayer's account as appropriate.
     3     (c)  Where a report of change, correction, or redetermination
     4  of Federal income, or Federal tax, has been filed after [a
     5  petition for review, or] an administrative or judicial appeal
     6  has been taken, such report shall be deemed a part of the
     7  original annual report upon petition of the taxpayer at any
     8  subsequent proceeding as though it had been filed with such
     9  original report, and no separate [petition for review or] appeal
    10  from [the resettlement] an assessment resulting from [such] the
    11  report of change, correction, or redetermination shall be
    12  necessary to the extent the identical issues for the taxable
    13  year have been raised in the appeal.
    14     (d)  The provisions of this section shall not be construed so
    15  as to permit [a resettlement] an assessment based upon the
    16  allowance of any deduction on account of net operating losses,
    17  sustained in other fiscal or calendar years, that are not
    18  allowed as deductions under the definition of "taxable income"
    19  as contained in this article.
    20     (e)  The provisions of this section shall apply to every
    21  corporation which was doing business in Pennsylvania in the year
    22  for which the Federal income has been changed, irrespective of
    23  whether or not such corporation has thereafter merged,
    24  consolidated, withdrawn or dissolved. Any clearance certificate
    25  issued by the department shall be conditioned upon the
    26  requirement that in the event of a change in Federal income for
    27  any year for which taxes have been paid to the Commonwealth, the
    28  corporation or its successor or its officers or its directors
    29  shall file with the department a report of change and pay any
    30  additional State tax resulting therefrom.
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     1     Section 6.  Section 408 heading and (b) of the act, amended
     2  June 23, 1982 (P.L.610, No.172), are amended to read:
     3     Section 408.  Enforcement; Rules and Regulations;
     4  [Inquisitorial Powers of the Department] Confidentiality.--* * *
     5     (b)  [The department, or any agent authorized in writing by
     6  it, is hereby authorized to examine the books, papers, and
     7  records, and to investigate the character of the business of any
     8  corporation in order to verify the accuracy of any report made,
     9  or if no report was made by such corporation, to ascertain and
    10  settle the tax imposed by this article. Every such corporation
    11  is hereby directed and required to give to the department, or
    12  its duly authorized agent, the means, facilities, and
    13  opportunity for such examinations and investigations, as are
    14  hereby provided and authorized.] Any information gained by the
    15  department, as a result of any returns, investigations, or
    16  verifications required to be made by this article, shall be
    17  confidential, except for official purposes, and any person
    18  divulging such information shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
    19  and, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine
    20  of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) or more than one
    21  thousand dollars ($1,000) and costs of prosecution, or to
    22  undergo imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.
    23  Nothing in this section shall preclude the department from
    24  providing public information, as defined in section 403(a)(3),
    25  to other government units. Any identification number provided by
    26  the department to another governmental unit for governmental
    27  purposes shall continue to be confidential information.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 7.  Section 410(a) of the act is amended to read:
    30     Section 410.  Penalties.--(a)  Any person violating any of
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     1  the provisions of section [409] 2812 as it applies to the tax
     2  imposed by this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
     3  shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not
     4  exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) and costs of
     5  prosecution, or to undergo imprisonment for not more than six
     6  months, or both.
     7     * * *
     8     Section 8.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
     9                            ARTICLE IV-A
    11                           NET INCOME TAX
    12     Section 401-A. Definitions.--The following words, terms and
    13  phrases when used in this Article IV-A shall have the meaning
    14  given to them in this section, except where the context clearly
    15  indicates a different meaning:
    16     "Cooperative agricultural association."  An incorporated,
    17  cooperative agricultural association, composed of persons
    18  engaged in agriculture and instituted for the purposes of mutual
    19  help, either organized under the laws of this Commonwealth, the
    20  United States, or any state, territory or foreign country, or
    21  dependency, and doing business in this Commonwealth, or having
    22  capital or property employed or used in this Commonwealth by or
    23  in the name of itself, or any person, partnership or
    24  association.
    25     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    26     "Net income."
    27     (1)  If the entire business transacted by a cooperative
    28  agricultural association is transacted within this Commonwealth,
    29  net income for the calendar year or fiscal year shall be only an
    30  amount equal to the sum of the dividends declared, or declared
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     1  and paid, on the shares of common and preferred stock during the
     2  year.
     3     (2)  If the entire business is not transacted by the
     4  cooperative agricultural association within this Commonwealth,
     5  the tax imposed by this article shall be based upon the portion
     6  of the net income for the calendar or fiscal year as shall be
     7  attributed to business transacted in this Commonwealth by
     8  multiplying the net income by a fraction, of which the numerator
     9  is the gross receipts received from business transacted within
    10  this Commonwealth, and of which the denominator is the amount of
    11  the gross receipts received from all business.
    12     Section 402-A.  Imposition of Tax.--(a)  General rule.--Every
    13  cooperative agricultural association shall be subject to, and
    14  shall pay for the privilege of doing business in this
    15  Commonwealth, or having capital or property employed or used in
    16  this Commonwealth, by or in the name of itself or any other
    17  person, partnership or association, a State excise tax at the
    18  rate of four per cent per annum upon each dollar of net income.
    19     (b)  Tax in lieu of other excise taxes.--The tax imposed by
    20  this article shall be collected in lieu of any other excise tax
    21  except liquid fuels and fuel use taxes, sales and use taxes on
    22  registered motor vehicles and unemployment compensation fund
    23  contributions, but including corporate net income tax or
    24  property tax.
    25     (c)  Tax not imposition of excise tax.--Nothing contained in
    26  this article shall be construed to impose an excise tax upon any
    27  subject of taxation when the subject of taxation is specifically
    28  exempted under the statute levying the excise tax.
    29     (d)  Freedom from certain county taxes.--The property set
    30  forth in subsection (a) shall be free from any county tax except
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     1  taxes on real estate.
     2     Section 403-A.  Report and Payment of Tax.--(a)  Report of
     3  tax.--It shall be the duty of every cooperative agricultural
     4  association liable to pay tax under this act, on or before the
     5  fifteenth day of April of each year, to transmit to the
     6  department upon a form prescribed by the department a report
     7  under oath or affirmation, of its president, vice-president or
     8  other principal officer and of its treasurer or assistant
     9  treasurer of net income taxable under this article.
    10     (b)  Payment of tax.--It shall be the duty of every
    11  cooperative agricultural association liable to pay tax under
    12  this article to make payment of the tax due for the taxable year
    13  with the annual report required by this section.
    14     (c)  Failure to file report.--If the officers of any
    15  cooperative agricultural association shall neglect or refuse to
    16  make any report, as required by this section, or shall knowingly
    17  make any false report, an additional ten per cent of the amount
    18  of the tax shall be added by the department to the tax
    19  determined to be due.
    20     (d)  Fiscal year taxpayers.--If any cooperative agricultural
    21  association closes its fiscal year not upon the thirty-first day
    22  of December, but upon some other date, the cooperative
    23  agricultural association shall certify such fact to the
    24  department and shall make the report required by this section on
    25  or before the fifteenth day of the fourth month after the close
    26  of its fiscal year.
    27     Section 404-A.  Extension of Time to File Reports.--The
    28  department may, upon application made to it in such form as it
    29  shall prescribe, on or prior to the last day for filing any
    30  report and upon proper cause shown, grant to the cooperative
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     1  agricultural association required to file the report an
     2  extension of not more than sixty days within which the report
     3  may be filed, but the amount of tax due shall, in such cases,
     4  nevertheless, be subject to interest from the due date and at
     5  the rate established under section 2830.
     6     Section 405-A.  Failure to Retain Records; Penalty.-- Any
     7  person violating any of the provisions of section 2812 as it
     8  applies to the tax imposed by this article shall be guilty of a
     9  misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to
    10  pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) and costs
    11  of prosecution, or to undergo imprisonment for not more than six
    12  months, or both.
    13     Section 406-A.  Penalties.--(a)  Perjury.--Any person who
    14  shall wilfully make a false and fraudulent return of net income
    15  made taxable by this article shall be guilty of wilful and
    16  corrupt perjury, and upon conviction thereof, shall be subject
    17  to punishment as provided by law. Such penalty shall be in
    18  addition to any other penalties imposed by this act.
    19     (b)  Other conduct.--Any person who wilfully fails, neglects,
    20  or refuses to make a report, or to pay the tax as prescribed in
    21  this article, or who shall refuse to permit the department to
    22  examine the books, papers and records of any cooperative
    23  agricultural association liable to pay tax under this article,
    24  shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof,
    25  shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one thousand
    26  dollars ($1,000) and costs of prosecution, or to undergo
    27  imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both. Such penalty
    28  shall be in addition to any other penalties imposed by this act.
    29     Section 9.  Sections 603 and 702 of the act are amended to
    30  read:
    19990H1367B1600                 - 16 -

     1     Section 603.  Procedure; Enforcement; Penalties.--Parts III,
     2  [IV,] V[, VI,] and VII of Article IV are incorporated by
     3  reference into this article in so far as they are applicable to
     4  the tax imposed hereunder.
     5     Section 702.  Procedure; Enforcement; Penalties.--Parts III,
     6  [IV,] V[, VI] and VII of Article IV are incorporated by
     7  reference into this article in so far as they are applicable to
     8  the tax imposed hereunder.
     9     Section 10.  Sections 711-A, 802 and 811-A of the act,
    10  amended June 16, 1994 (P.L.279, No.48), are amended to read:
    11     Section 711-A.  Procedure; Enforcement; Penalties.--Parts
    12  III, [IV,] V[, VI] and VII of Article IV and Part I of Article
    13  VII are incorporated by reference into this article insofar as
    14  they are applicable to the tax imposed under this article. The
    15  taxable amount of shares under this article shall be apportioned
    16  under the provisions of section 701.4.
    17     Section 802.  Procedure; Enforcement; Penalties.--Parts III,
    18  [IV,] V[, VI] and VII of Article IV are incorporated by
    19  reference into this article insofar as they are applicable to
    20  the tax imposed hereunder. The taxable value of shares under
    21  this article shall be apportioned under the provisions of
    22  section 701.4, except that, in addition, for purposes of section
    23  701.4(3), receipts from the issuance of title insurance shall be
    24  located in the state in which the real property that is insured
    25  is located.
    26     Section 811-A.  Procedure; Enforcement; Penalties.--Parts
    27  III, [IV,] V[, VI] and VII of Article VI are incorporated by
    28  reference into this article insofar as they are applicable to
    29  the tax imposed under this article. The taxable value of shares
    30  under this article shall be apportioned under the provisions of
    19990H1367B1600                 - 17 -

     1  section 701.4, except that, in addition, for purposes of section
     2  701.4(3), receipts from the issuance of title insurance shall be
     3  located in the state in which the real property that is insured
     4  is located.
     5     Section 11.  Section 904 of the act is amended to read:
     6     Section 904.  Procedure; Enforcement; Penalties.--(a)  Parts
     7  III, [IV,] V[, VI] and VII of Article IV are incorporated by
     8  reference into this article in so far as they are applicable to
     9  the tax imposed hereunder.
    10     (b)  Any addition, bonus, charge, cost, fee, tax, interest or
    11  penalty imposed pursuant to section 212 of the act of May 17,
    12  1921 (P.L.789, No.285), known as "The Insurance Department Act
    13  of 1921," shall be determined by the department under Article
    14  XXVIII.
    15     Section 12.  Section 1102 of the act, amended December 23,
    16  1983 (P.L.360, No.89), is amended to read:
    17     Section 1102.  Procedure; Enforcement; Penalties.--Parts
    18  III[, IV, VI,] and VII of Article IV are incorporated by
    19  reference into this article in so far as they are consistent
    20  with this article and applicable to the tax imposed hereunder.
    21  However, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d) of
    22  section 403 of this act, if the officers of any corporation
    23  subject to tax under this article shall neglect or refuse to
    24  make any report as herein required or shall knowingly make any
    25  false report, there shall be added by the department to the tax
    26  determined to be due a penalty of five per cent of the amount of
    27  tax due for each month or fraction thereof until the penalty has
    28  reached twenty-five per cent, and thereafter at the rate of one
    29  per cent per month. No such amounts added to the tax shall bear
    30  any interest whatsoever.
    19990H1367B1600                 - 18 -

     1     Section 13.  Section 1102-A of the act, amended or added July
     2  4, 1979 (P.L.60, No.27) and August 4, 1991 (P.L.97, No.22), is
     3  amended to read:
     4     Section 1102-A.  Imposition of Tax; Report; [Interest]
     5  Estimated Tax and Penalties.--[(a)  On or before the first day
     6  of June of 1970 and of each year thereafter until and including
     7  June 1, 1983, every public utility shall pay to the State
     8  Treasurer, through the Department of Revenue, a tax at the rate
     9  of thirty mills upon each dollar of the State taxable value of
    10  its utility realty at the end of the preceding calendar year.
    11     (1)  On or before April 15, 1984, for tax year 1983, every
    12  public utility shall report tax liability at the rate of thirty
    13  mills upon each dollar of the State taxable value of its utility
    14  realty at the end of calendar year 1983 and shall pay such tax
    15  on or before June 1, 1984.
    16     (2)  On or before April 15, 1984, and each year thereafter,
    17  every public utility shall report tentative tax liability for
    18  the current tax year equal to ninety per cent of the tax
    19  liability of the immediate prior year, and until December 31,
    20  1991, pay twenty-five per cent of such amount on April 15, June
    21  15, September 15 and December 15 of each year. For tax years
    22  beginning with 1992 and each year thereafter, said tentative tax
    23  shall be paid on April 15 of each year.
    24     (3)  On or before April 15, 1985, and every year thereafter,
    25  every public utility shall pay the remaining portion, if any, of
    26  the thirty mills tax due upon each dollar of the State taxable
    27  value of its utility realty at the end of the preceding calendar
    28  year, after accounting for any tentative tax payments made
    29  pursuant to this act.
    30     (b)  Each such payment shall be accompanied by a report, upon
    19990H1367B1600                 - 19 -

     1  oath of the owner or responsible officer of the public utility,
     2  showing the amount and manner of computation of the State
     3  taxable value upon which such payment is based.]
     4     (b.1)  There is hereby imposed on every public utility a tax
     5  at the rate of thirty mills upon each dollar of the State
     6  taxable value of its utility realty at the end of the calendar
     7  year.
     8     (b.2)  On or before April 15 of each year, every public
     9  utility shall make a report to the department of the tax imposed
    10  by this article showing the amount and manner of computation of
    11  the State taxable value of its utility realty at the end of the
    12  preceding calendar year. The report shall be made upon a form
    13  prescribed by the department under oath or affirmation of the
    14  owner or responsible officer of the public utility. It shall be
    15  the duty of every public utility liable to pay tax under this
    16  article to make final payment of the tax due the Commonwealth
    17  for the preceding calendar year with the report.
    18     (b.3)  On or before April 15 of each year, every public
    19  utility shall pay estimated tax for the current calendar year
    20  equal to ninety per cent of the tax liability of the immediate
    21  prior calendar year. Underpayment of estimated tax shall be
    22  subject to interest as provided in section 3003.3. For purposes
    23  of section 3003.3, the term "safe harbor base year" shall mean
    24  the preceding calendar year.
    25     (c)  Payment of the tax [hereby] imposed by this article may
    26  be enforced by any means provided by law for the enforcement of
    27  payment of taxes to the State. If the tax [hereby imposed] is
    28  not paid by the date [herein] prescribed by this section, or
    29  within any extension granted by the department, the unpaid tax
    30  shall [bear interest at the rate of one per cent per month, and
    19990H1367B1600                 - 20 -

     1  shall in addition] be subject to a penalty of five per cent of
     2  the amount of the tax, which penalty may be waived or abated, in
     3  whole or in part, by the department unless the public utility
     4  has acted in bad faith, negligently, or with intent to defraud.
     5     (d)  This article shall not be construed to apply to nor
     6  shall the tax be imposed upon any public utility furnishing any
     7  public utility sewage services, or upon any municipality or
     8  municipality authority furnishing any public utility services.
     9     Section 14.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    10     Section 1114-C.  Procedure; Enforcement; Penalties.--The
    11  provisions of Article XXVIII shall apply to any tax imposed
    12  under this article insofar as they are applicable to the tax
    13  imposed.
    14     Section 15.  Section 1503 of the act, added December 1, 1983
    15  (P.L.228, No.66), is amended to read:
    16     Section 1503.  [Settlement and Resettlement of Tax]
    17  Procedure; Enforcement; Penalties.--[The settlement and
    18  resettlement of taxes imposed by this article, including the
    19  granting of extensions of time to file reports and the rights of
    20  the taxpayer to present and prosecute a petition for
    21  resettlement, a petition for review, or an appeal to court, or
    22  to file a petition for refund, and the imposition of interest
    23  and penalties, shall be governed by the provisions of the act of
    24  April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as "The Fiscal Code,"
    25  relevant to capital stock and franchise taxes.] Parts III, V and
    26  VII of Article IV shall apply to this article insofar as they
    27  are applicable to the tax imposed.
    28     Section 16.  Section 2005 of the act, added December 22, 1989
    29  (P.L.775, No.110), is amended to read:
    30     Section 2005.  [Assessment by Department] Certification to
    19990H1367B1600                 - 21 -

     1  Liquor Control Board; Regulations.--[(a)  If any person shall
     2  fail to pay any tax imposed by this article for which he is
     3  liable, the department is hereby authorized and empowered to
     4  make an assessment of additional tax due by such person, based
     5  upon any information within its possession, or that shall come
     6  into its possession.
     7     (b)  Promptly after the date of such assessment, the
     8  department shall send by registered mail a copy of the
     9  assessment to the person against whom it was made. Within ninety
    10  days after the date upon which the copy of any such assessment
    11  was mailed, such person may file with the department a petition
    12  for reassessment of such taxes. Every petition for reassessment
    13  shall state specifically the reasons which the petitioner
    14  believes entitle him to such reassessment, and it shall be
    15  supported by affidavit that it is not made for the purpose of
    16  delay, and that the facts set forth therein are true. It shall
    17  be the duty of the department, within six months after the date
    18  of any assessment, to dispose of any petition for reassessment.
    19  Notice of the action taken upon any petition for reassessment
    20  shall be given to the petitioner promptly after the date of
    21  reassessment by the department.
    22     (c)  Within sixty days after the date of mailing of notice by
    23  the department of the action taken on any petition for
    24  reassessment filed with it, the person against whom such
    25  assessment was made, may, by petition, request the Board of
    26  Finance and Revenue to review such action. Every petition for
    27  review filed hereunder shall state specifically the reason upon
    28  which the petitioner relies, or shall incorporate by reference
    29  the petition for reassessment in which such reasons shall have
    30  been stated. The petition shall be supported by affidavit that
    19990H1367B1600                 - 22 -

     1  it is not made for the purpose of delay, and that the facts
     2  therein set forth are true. If the petitioner be a corporation,
     3  joint-stock association or limited partnership, the affidavit
     4  must be made by one of the principal officers thereof. A
     5  petition for review may be amended by the petitioner at any time
     6  prior to the hearing, as hereinafter provided. The Board of
     7  Finance and Revenue shall act finally in disposition of such
     8  petitions filed with it within six months after they have been
     9  received, and, in the event of the failure of said board to
    10  dispose of any such petition within six months, the action taken
    11  by the department upon the petition for reassessment shall be
    12  deemed sustained. The Board of Finance and Revenue may sustain
    13  the action taken on the petition for reassessment, or it may
    14  reassess the tax due upon such basis as it shall deem according
    15  to law and equity. Notice of the action of the Board of Finance
    16  and Revenue shall be given by mail, or otherwise, to the
    17  department and to the petitioner.
    18     (d)  In all cases of petitions for reassessment, review or
    19  appeal, the burden of proof shall be upon the petitioner or
    20  appellant, as the case may be.
    21     (e)  Whenever any assessment of additional tax is not paid
    22  within ninety days after the date of the assessment, if no
    23  petition for reassessment has been filed, or within sixty days
    24  from the date of reassessment, if no petition for review has
    25  been filed, or within sixty days from the date of the decision
    26  of the Board of Finance and Revenue upon a petition for review,
    27  or the expiration of the board's time for acting upon such
    28  petition, if no appeal has been made, and in all cases of
    29  judicial sales, receiverships, assignments or bankruptcies, the
    30  department may call upon the Office of Attorney General to
    19990H1367B1600                 - 23 -

     1  collect such assessment. In such event, in a proceeding for the
     2  collection of such taxes, the person against whom they were
     3  assessed shall not be permitted to set up any ground of defense
     4  that might have been determined by the department, the Board of
     5  Finance and Revenue or the courts.] The department may [also]
     6  certify to the Liquor Control Board, for such action as the
     7  board may deem proper, the fact that any person has failed to
     8  pay or duly appeal from such assessment of additional tax. The
     9  department may also provide, adopt, promulgate and enforce such
    10  rules and regulations, as may be appropriate, to prevent further
    11  shipment or transportation of malt or brewed beverages into this
    12  Commonwealth by any person against whom such unpaid assessment
    13  shall have been made.
    14     Section 17.  Section 2009(f) of the act, amended May 7, 1997
    15  (P.L.85, No.7), is amended to read:
    16     Section 2009.  Refund of Tax.--* * *
    17     (f)  In each of the above cases the department shall pay or
    18  issue to the manufacturer credits of sufficient value to cover
    19  the refund. Such credits may be used by the manufacturer for the
    20  payment of any taxes due by him to the Commonwealth. The
    21  procedure for refund in any case shall be completed by the
    22  department within sixty days after the proper affidavits have
    23  been filed with the department under section [3003.1] 2841.
    24     Section 18.  Sections 2143 and 2169 of the act, added August
    25  4, 1991 (P.L.97, No.22), are amended to read:
    26     Section 2143.  Interest.--If the inheritance tax is not paid
    27  before the date it becomes delinquent, interest on the unpaid
    28  tax shall be charged after the date of delinquency at the rate
    29  established pursuant to [section 806 of the act of April 9, 1929
    30  (P.L.343, No.176), known as "The Fiscal Code."] section 2830.
    19990H1367B1600                 - 24 -

     1  When payment of inheritance tax is not made because of
     2  litigation or other unavoidable cause of delay and the property
     3  on which the tax has been calculated has remained in the hands
     4  of a fiduciary and has not produced a net income equal to the
     5  rate of interest provided in this section annually, interest for
     6  such period shall be calculated at the rate of the net income
     7  produced by the property. [Any payment on delinquent inheritance
     8  tax shall be applied first to any interest due on the tax at the
     9  date of payment and then, if there is any balance, to the tax
    10  itself.]
    11     Section 2169.  Purchaser, Mortgagee or Lessee.--Unless suit
    12  for collection of the taxes imposed by this article is
    13  instituted within twenty years after any tax becomes delinquent,
    14  the lien shall cease as to any purchaser, mortgagee or lessee of
    15  a devisee or heir of, or a beneficiary under a deed of trust of,
    16  the real property subject to the lien. Any time within the
    17  twenty-year period, if any tax on the real property is not paid,
    18  the department shall have power to file a certificate, under its
    19  seal, certifying to nonpayment which, when filed in the office
    20  of the clerk of the county where the real property is situated,
    21  shall continue the lien against decedent's real property [for an
    22  additional period of five years from the date of the filing and
    23  the lien shall be indexed in the office of the clerk. If the
    24  taxes on the real property are not paid within the additional
    25  period of five years, the department shall have power to extend
    26  the lien for additional periods of five years by filing a
    27  certificate in the manner provided in this section.] in full
    28  force and effect until paid without the necessity of refiling or
    29  revival.
    30     Section 19.  Section 2181 of the act, amended May 7, 1997
    19990H1367B1600                 - 25 -

     1  (P.L.85, No.7), is amended to read:
     2     Section 2181.  Refund of Tax.--(a)  A refund shall be made of
     3  any tax to which the Commonwealth is not rightfully or equitably
     4  entitled provided the Commonwealth determines the refund is due
     5  or [application] a petition for refund is made [within the
     6  appropriate time limit as set forth in subsection (d).] pursuant
     7  to section 2841.
     8     (b)  Interest shall be paid on refundable tax at the [same
     9  rate as the interest rate on deficiencies provided for in
    10  section 2143.] rate established pursuant to section 2831.
    11     (c)  Refund shall be made in cash to the party who paid the
    12  tax or to his assignee or as directed by the court.
    13     [(d)  Application for refund of tax shall be made within
    14  three years after:
    15     (1)  the court has rescinded its order and adjudication of
    16  presumed death when the refund is claimed for tax paid on the
    17  transfer of the estate of a presumed decedent who is later
    18  determined to be alive;
    19     (2)  termination of litigation establishing a right to a
    20  refund; no application for refund shall be necessary when the
    21  litigation has been with the Commonwealth over liability for the
    22  tax or the amount of tax due;
    23     (3)  it has been finally determined that the whole or any
    24  part of an alleged deficiency tax, asserted by the Federal
    25  Government beyond that admitted to be payable, and in
    26  consequence of which an estate tax was paid under section 2117
    27  was not payable;
    28     (4)  a final judgment holding that a provision of this
    29  article under which tax has been paid is unconstitutional or
    30  that the interpretation of a provision of this article under
    19990H1367B1600                 - 26 -

     1  which tax has been paid was erroneous; or
     2     (5)  the date of payment, or the date of the notice of the
     3  assessment of the tax, or the date the tax becomes delinquent,
     4  whichever occurs later, in all other cases.
     5     (e)  An application for refund of tax shall be made to the
     6  department.
     7     (e.1)  A petition to review the decision and order of the
     8  department on a petition for refund may be made to the Board of
     9  Finance and Revenue under this article.
    10     (f)  The action of the Board of Finance and Revenue on all
    11  applications for refund of tax may be appealed as provided for
    12  in 42 Pa.C.S. § 933 (relating to appeals from government
    13  agencies).
    14     (g)  As much of the moneys received as payment of tax under
    15  this article as shall be necessary for the payment of the
    16  refunds provided for in this article with interest is
    17  appropriated for the payment of such refunds.]
    18     Section 20.  The act is amended by adding articles to read:
    19                            ARTICLE XXIV
    21                      COUNTY OR CITY OFFICERS
    22     Section 2401.  Reports to the Department of Revenue.--On the
    23  fifth day of each month, or at such times as may be prescribed
    24  by the department, it shall be the duty of each judicial officer
    25  of a court not of record, county officer and city officer to
    26  render to the department, under oath or affirmation, returns of
    27  money or as much as may be prescribed by the department received
    28  during the applicable period for the use of or on behalf of the
    29  Commonwealth, designating, under proper headings, the source
    30  from which the money was received, and to pay the money into the
    19990H1367B1600                 - 27 -

     1  State Treasury, through the department, less any compensation
     2  and reimbursement for expenses allowable by law for having made
     3  the collections.
     4     Section 2402.  Establishment of Federally Insured Interest-
     5  Bearing Accounts for the Deposit of Commonwealth Money.--
     6  Judicial officers of courts not of record, county officers and
     7  city officers who receive money for the use of or on behalf of
     8  the Commonwealth shall, when required by the department,
     9  establish an insured interest-bearing account at a bank or
    10  savings and loan association whose accounts are insured by an
    11  instrumentality of the Federal Government. Money received for or
    12  on behalf of the Commonwealth, except money deducted for
    13  commissions and fees, shall be deposited in the account. Both
    14  the principal and interest in such account established under
    15  this section shall be transmitted to the Commonwealth as set
    16  forth in section 2401.
    17     Section 2403.  Examination and Audit of Accounts.--Upon
    18  receipt of the return required by section 2401, the department
    19  shall examine the return and determine the amount due the
    20  Commonwealth from the officer. The department shall credit or
    21  assess the account of the officer as appropriate. A final
    22  discharge may not be granted to any officer upon any amount due
    23  the Commonwealth until the accounts and dockets of the officer
    24  shall have been audited by the Department of the Auditor
    25  General.
    26     Section 2404.  Failure to Make Return.--The department is
    27  hereby authorized to examine the books and accounts of a
    28  judicial officer of a court not of record, county officer or
    29  city officer who shall refuse or neglect to make the return and
    30  payment required by section 2401.  Upon information obtained
    19990H1367B1600                 - 28 -

     1  from the examination, the department shall issue an assessment
     2  against the officer. There shall be added to the assessment a
     3  penalty of five per cent per month, or fraction thereof, not to
     4  exceed a total of fifty per cent of the amount of the
     5  assessment, to provide for any losses which might otherwise
     6  result to the Commonwealth from the neglect or refusal of the
     7  officer to furnish the return.
     8     Section 2405.  Interest.--Money due the Commonwealth from
     9  judicial officers of courts not of record, county officers or
    10  city officers, as provided in this article, shall bear interest
    11  at the rate established under section 2830 of Article XXVIII
    12  from the due date for payment until paid.
    13     Section 2406.  Assessment of Accounts upon Request of the
    14  Auditor General.--It shall be the duty of the Auditor General,
    15  promptly upon auditing the accounts and dockets of the several
    16  judicial officers of courts not of record, county officers and
    17  city officers for any period, to furnish to the department a
    18  detailed report of any errors or discrepancies in the monthly
    19  reports of the officers filed with the department for the same
    20  period, and it shall be the duty of the department to examine
    21  the account of the officer and credit or assess the officer as
    22  appropriate.
    23     Section 2407.  Failure of Officer to Make Return and Payment
    24  to Department.--A judicial officer of a court not of record,
    25  county officer or city officer who shall refuse or neglect to
    26  make the return and payment required by section 2401 shall be
    27  personally liable for a penalty of ten per cent of the amount of
    28  money collected during the period to which the return and
    29  payment apply, and which shall be added to the total amount
    30  found to be due.
    19990H1367B1600                 - 29 -

     1     Section 2408.  Penalty for Failure to Establish Interest-
     2  Bearing Account or Make Deposits.--A judicial officer of a court
     3  not of record, county officer or city officer who shall refuse
     4  or neglect, when required by the department, to establish a
     5  federally insured interest-bearing account in a bank or savings
     6  and loan association or to deposit therein the money received
     7  for the use of or on behalf of the Commonwealth shall be
     8  personally liable for a penalty of one per cent per month or
     9  fraction thereof on the money collected for the period during
    10  which the account is not established and the funds are not
    11  deposited therein.
    12     Section 2409.  Removal of Officers Failing to Make Returns.--
    13  If after the department or its agent examines the books and
    14  accounts of a judicial officer of a court not of record, county
    15  officer or city officer, as provided in section 2404, and the
    16  officer refuses or neglects to file a return as required by
    17  section 2401, it shall be the duty of the department to certify
    18  the refusal to the Attorney General, who shall institute
    19  proceedings for the purpose of ousting the delinquent officer
    20  from his office. The proceedings shall be carried out as
    21  provided by law, and it shall be the duty of the court, upon
    22  finding that the defendant has repeatedly refused to file
    23  returns required by section 2401, to oust the incumbent from
    24  office and declare the office vacant. Upon the entry of the
    25  decree, the court shall certify it to the Governor, who shall
    26  revoke the commission issued to the officer and shall fill the
    27  vacancy as provided by law.
    28                           ARTICLE XXVIII
    29                    PROCEDURE AND ADMINISTRATION
    30                               PART I
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     1                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     2     Section 2801.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
     3  phrases when used in this Article XXVIII shall have the meaning
     4  given to them in this section, except where the context clearly
     5  indicates a different meaning:
     6     "Assessment."  The Department of Revenue's determination of
     7  the amount of unpaid tax, interest or penalty owed by the
     8  taxpayer to the Commonwealth. The term includes a reassessment.
     9     "Department."  The Department of Revenue of the Commonwealth.
    10     "Due date for payment of the tax."  The last day prescribed
    11  for making the payment of tax. The due date for payment of the
    12  tax shall be determined without regard to any requirement for
    13  the payment of estimated tax, prepayment of tax, or extension of
    14  time for filing a tax report or making payment.
    15     "Erroneous refund."  A refund or credit of tax, interest or
    16  penalty if either of the following applies:
    17     (1)  the refund or credit is made after the expiration of the
    18  period of limitation for filing a petition for refund, unless
    19  the refund is made pursuant to the disposition of a petition
    20  filed under Part V; or
    21     (2)  the refund or credit is the result of a processing or
    22  clerical error of the Department of Revenue.
    23     "Field audit."  The examination of a record, report or
    24  transaction conducted on the premises of the taxpayer or the
    25  office of a tax practitioner representing the taxpayer.
    26     "Interest."  Interest administered, imposed or collected by
    27  the Department of Revenue.
    28     "Penalty."  A civil penalty administered, imposed or
    29  collected by the Department of Revenue.
    30     "Person."  A natural person, association, corporation,
    19990H1367B1600                 - 31 -

     1  estate, fiduciary, government entity, trust or other legal
     2  entity. The term person, as applied to an association, shall
     3  include the partners and members thereof and, as applied to a
     4  corporation, the officers thereof.
     5     "Property."  Any real or personal property, including
     6  tangible and intangible property.
     7     "Record."  An account, book, data, document, file, invoice,
     8  journal, ledger, paper, report, return, schedule, stamp,
     9  statement or other record, maintained in writing, electronically
    10  or in any other manner or medium.
    11     "Report."  A printed form or other medium approved by the
    12  Department of Revenue that is used by a taxpayer to document or
    13  show the taxpayer's liability to the Commonwealth. The term
    14  includes a return, account, required attachments and other
    15  records.
    16     "Tax."  A tax, fee, addition, bonus, cost or other charge
    17  administered, imposed or collected by the Department of Revenue.
    18     "Taxpayer."  A person upon which tax, interest or penalty is
    19  imposed or that is liable to pay, collect or remit tax, interest
    20  or penalty.
    21     "Test audit."  An audit of sampled transactions selected by
    22  either a block sample or a statistical sample method. The term
    23  includes a clustered sample or probability sample.
    24     "Unpaid."  An amount that is not paid, that is underpaid, or
    25  that is understated and not paid.
    26     Section 2802.  Method of Filing; Signature.--(a)  Electronic
    27  filing.--Notwithstanding any provision of law, the department
    28  may allow the electronic filing of any report.
    29     (b)  Alternative methods of signing.--The department may
    30  determine alternative methods for the signing, subscribing or
    19990H1367B1600                 - 32 -

     1  verifying of a report that shall have the same validity and
     2  consequences as the actual signing by the taxpayer.
     3     Section 2803.  Timely Mailing Treated as Timely Filing and
     4  Payment.--(a)  General rule.--
     5     (1)  Whenever a report, payment or petition is required by
     6  law to be received by the department on or before a day certain,
     7  the taxpayer shall be deemed to have complied with the law if
     8  the correctly addressed envelope transmitting the report,
     9  payment or petition received by the department is postmarked by
    10  the United States Postal Service on or prior to the final day on
    11  which the report, payment or petition is required to be
    12  received.
    13     (2)  For the purposes of this section, presentation of a
    14  receipt from the United States Postal Service indicating that
    15  the correctly addressed envelope transmitting the report,
    16  payment or petition received by the department was mailed on or
    17  before the due date shall be evidence of timely filing and
    18  payment.
    19     (b)  Treatment of private delivery services.--The reference
    20  in this section to a postmark by the United States Postal
    21  Service shall include any date recorded or marked as described
    22  in section 7502(f)(2)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
    23  (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 7502 et seq.) by a delivery
    24  service designated by the Secretary of the Treasury of the
    25  United States under section 7502(f)(2) of the Internal Revenue
    26  Code of 1986.
    27     (c)  Exception.--This section shall not apply to a report,
    28  payment or petition required by law to be delivered by a method
    29  other than mailing.
    30     Section 2804.  Certification of Mailing Date.--Certification
    19990H1367B1600                 - 33 -

     1  of the department of the mailing date of a notice or other
     2  record shall be presumptive evidence that the notice or record
     3  was mailed on the date specified. If the notice or other record
     4  is generated or mailed through an automated or electronic
     5  process, the department shall not be required to produce a copy
     6  of the actual notice or other record mailed.
     7     Section 2805.  Audit by Department of the Auditor General.--
     8  The Department of the Auditor General shall have the power and
     9  duty to:
    10     (1)  Audit accounts for taxes or other money due the
    11  Commonwealth, which are reported or paid to the Commonwealth
    12  through the department.
    13     (2)  Request the department to assess accounts that are found
    14  to have errors or discrepancies.
    15                              PART II
    17     Section 2810.  Examinations.--(a)  General rule.--In order to
    18  verify the accuracy of a tax report, to determine tax, interest
    19  or penalty due the Commonwealth or to collect tax, interest or
    20  penalty due the Commonwealth, the department has the following
    21  powers:
    22     (1)  To examine all records and property of a taxpayer.
    23     (2)  To examine all records and property of a person
    24  necessary to the department's verification, determination or
    25  collection of tax, interest or penalty.
    26     (3)  To conduct investigations.
    27     (4)  To administer necessary oaths and affirmations and to
    28  take testimony and receive evidence.
    29     (5)  To compel the attendance and testimony of a person or to
    30  compel the production of records or property by the issuance of
    19990H1367B1600                 - 34 -

     1  a summons to the person or to the custodian of the records or
     2  property to appear before the department at a time and place
     3  named in the summons to give testimony and to produce the
     4  requested documents. If the summons is not honored within sixty
     5  days, the department may apply to the Commonwealth Court for a
     6  writ of attachment for contempt against the person or custodian.
     7  It shall be the duty of the court to hear the application and,
     8  if satisfactory proof is made, to issue a writ of attachment for
     9  the arrest of the person or custodian and to conduct a hearing
    10  prior to the imposition of punishment for contempt.
    11     (6)  To compel, by an appropriate action in a court of
    12  competent jurisdiction, the production of records and property
    13  and the attendance and testimony of a person.
    14     (b)  Duty to provide means to examine.--Every taxpayer
    15  subject to an examination under this section shall be required
    16  to give the department the means, facilities and opportunity to
    17  conduct the examination.
    18     (c)  Limitation on examinations.--Examinations under this
    19  section shall be limited to that part of the record and property
    20  that relates to the taxes administered, imposed or collected by
    21  the department.
    22     Section 2811.  Determinations of Tax Liability.--(a)
    23  Determinations.--The department may determine, by examination,
    24  inquiry, verification or audit, a taxpayer's unpaid liability to
    25  the Commonwealth for tax, interest or penalty. The determination
    26  may be based upon any of the following:
    27     (1)  The information contained in the report being examined.
    28     (2)  Other information identified by the department in an
    29  examination under section 2810.
    30     (3)  A reasonable test audit performed in accordance with the
    19990H1367B1600                 - 35 -

     1  regulations of the department if any of the following apply:
     2     (i)  the taxpayer being audited does not have complete
     3  records of transactions;
     4     (ii)  the taxpayer fails or refuses to provide records
     5  requested by the department; or
     6     (iii)  the department determines that the review of each
     7  transaction or invoice would place an undue burden on the
     8  department to conduct an audit in a timely and efficient manner.
     9     (b)  Challenge of test audit.--A taxpayer may challenge the
    10  reasonableness of a test audit by providing clear and convincing
    11  evidence that the method used for the test audit is erroneous,
    12  lacks a rational basis or produces a different result when the
    13  complete records are examined.
    14     (c)  Inadequate taxpayer records.--If a taxpayer has
    15  maintained inadequate or incomplete records, the department may
    16  determine the taxpayer's unpaid liability based upon the records
    17  and information available or that may come into the department's
    18  possession.
    19     Section 2812.  Retention of Records.--(a)  General rule.--
    20  Each taxpayer shall maintain all records necessary to complete,
    21  file and support its tax reports and other pertinent records, as
    22  may be required by the department, for a period of three years
    23  after the report is filed or until all administrative and
    24  judicial appeals have been finally determined, whichever is
    25  later.
    26     (b)  Personal income taxes.--With respect to personal income
    27  tax, the records required to be maintained under subsection (a)
    28  shall be retained for six years after the report is filed or
    29  until all administrative and judicial appeals have been finally
    30  determined, whichever is later.
    19990H1367B1600                 - 36 -

     1     Section 2813.  Assessments.--(a)  Assessment of tax, interest
     2  or penalty.--If the department determines that unpaid tax,
     3  interest or penalty is due the Commonwealth, the department
     4  shall issue an assessment.
     5     (b)  Notice of assessment.--A notice of assessment and demand
     6  for payment shall be mailed to the taxpayer. The notice shall
     7  include:
     8     (1)  The tax type and tax periods included within the
     9  assessment.
    10     (2)  The amount of the unpaid tax, interest or penalty
    11  included within the assessment, including the rate at which
    12  interest or penalties will continue to accrue against any unpaid
    13  amounts.
    14     (3)  The basis of the assessment.
    15     (4)  The taxpayer's appeal rights.
    16     (c)  Payment of assessment.--The assessment shall be paid to
    17  the department upon receipt of the notice of assessment. Payment
    18  of the assessment shall be without prejudice to the right of the
    19  taxpayer to file a petition for reassessment in the manner
    20  prescribed by Part V.
    21     Section 2814.  Estimated Assessments.--(a)  Estimated
    22  assessment for failure to file.--In the event that a taxpayer
    23  fails to file a report required by law, the department may issue
    24  an estimated assessment of tax, interest or penalty based upon
    25  the records and information available or that may come into the
    26  department's possession. If prior to the filing of the report
    27  the department estimates that additional unpaid tax, interest or
    28  penalty is due the Commonwealth, the department may issue
    29  additional estimated assessments.
    30     (b)  Notice of estimated assessment.--A notice of estimated
    19990H1367B1600                 - 37 -

     1  assessment and demand for payment shall be mailed to the
     2  taxpayer. The notice of estimated assessment shall include:
     3     (1)  The tax report that the taxpayer has failed to file.
     4     (2)  The tax type and tax periods included within the
     5  assessment.
     6     (3)  A statement that the assessment is an estimate based
     7  upon the information and records in the department's possession.
     8     (4)  The amount of unpaid tax, interest or penalty included
     9  within the assessment, including the rate at which interest or
    10  penalties will continue to accrue against any unpaid amounts.
    11     (5)  A statement that the estimated assessment is not
    12  appealable but shall be removed upon the filing of a report
    13  containing sufficient required information to permit
    14  verification of the tax liability shown on the report.
    15     (c)  Payment of estimated assessment.--The estimated
    16  assessment shall be paid to the department upon receipt of the
    17  notice of estimated assessment. Payment of the estimated
    18  assessment does not eliminate the taxpayer's obligation to file
    19  a report.
    20     (d)  No right to appeal estimated assessment.--A taxpayer
    21  shall have no right to petition for reassessment or refund or
    22  otherwise appeal a notice of estimated assessment except as
    23  provided in subsection (e).
    24     (e)  Removal of estimated assessment.--The department shall
    25  remove an estimated assessment upon the filing of a report
    26  containing sufficient required information to permit
    27  verification of the tax liability shown on the report. Upon the
    28  filing of the report the department may issue an assessment
    29  under section 2813.
    30     Section 2815.  Jeopardy Assessments.--(a)  Jeopardy
    19990H1367B1600                 - 38 -

     1  assessments.--If the department believes that the assessment or
     2  the collection of unpaid tax, interest or penalty will be
     3  jeopardized in whole or in part by delay, it shall issue a
     4  jeopardy assessment.
     5     (b)  Closing of open tax periods.--If the department believes
     6  that a taxpayer intends to depart from the Commonwealth, remove
     7  his property from the Commonwealth, conceal himself or his
     8  property from the Commonwealth, or do any other act that may
     9  prejudice or render wholly or partly ineffectual an action to
    10  collect any tax, interest or penalty for the prior or current
    11  tax periods unless the action is brought without delay, the
    12  department shall declare the current tax period of the taxpayer
    13  immediately terminated.  In such case, the department shall
    14  issue a jeopardy assessment for the tax period declared
    15  terminated and for all prior tax periods, regardless of whether
    16  the time otherwise allowed by law for filing a report or paying
    17  the tax has expired.
    18     (c)  Notice of jeopardy assessment.--A notice of jeopardy
    19  assessment and demand for payment shall be mailed to the
    20  taxpayer. The notice of jeopardy assessment shall include:
    21     (1)  The tax type and tax periods included within the
    22  assessment.
    23     (2)  The amount of unpaid tax, interest or penalty included
    24  within the assessment, including the rate at which interest or
    25  penalties will continue to accrue against any unpaid amounts.
    26     (3)  The basis of the assessment.
    27     (4)  The taxpayer's appeal rights, including the amount of
    28  the bond or other security required to stay collection of the
    29  assessment.
    30     (d)  Payment of jeopardy assessment.--The jeopardy assessment
    19990H1367B1600                 - 39 -

     1  shall be paid to the department upon receipt of the notice of
     2  jeopardy assessment. Payment of the jeopardy assessment does not
     3  eliminate the taxpayer's obligation to file a report. If prior
     4  to the filing of a report the department estimates that
     5  additional unpaid tax, interest or penalty is due the
     6  Commonwealth, the department may issue additional jeopardy
     7  assessments or estimated assessments under section 2814.
     8     (e)  Collection of jeopardy assessments.--A jeopardy
     9  assessment is immediately due and payable and proceedings for
    10  collection may be commenced at once.
    11     (1)  The collection of the whole or a portion of a jeopardy
    12  assessment may be stayed, at any time before the assessment
    13  becomes final, by filing with the department a bond or other
    14  security in such amount as the department may deem necessary,
    15  not exceeding one hundred twenty per cent of the tax, interest
    16  and penalty for which the stay is desired.
    17     (2)  Upon the filing of the bond or other security the
    18  collection of the amount assessed which is covered by the bond
    19  or other security shall be stayed. The taxpayer shall have the
    20  right to waive the stay at any time in respect to the whole or a
    21  portion of the amount covered by the bond or other security. If
    22  the taxpayer waives the stay on a portion of the amount covered
    23  by the bond or other security, the bond or other security shall
    24  be proportionately reduced upon payment of the amount on which
    25  the stay is waived. If any portion of the jeopardy assessment is
    26  abated, the bond or other security shall be proportionately
    27  reduced at the request of the taxpayer.
    28     (f)  Appeal of jeopardy assessment.--
    29     (1)  A taxpayer may prevent a jeopardy assessment from
    30  becoming final by filing a petition for reassessment with the
    19990H1367B1600                 - 40 -

     1  department within thirty days after the mailing date of the
     2  notice of jeopardy assessment. The petition shall be in the form
     3  prescribed by section 2842. The issues to be addressed in the
     4  review of the petition shall include:
     5     (i)  Whether the making of the jeopardy assessment is
     6  reasonable under the circumstances.
     7     (ii)  Whether the amount assessed as a result of the jeopardy
     8  assessment is appropriate under the circumstances.
     9     (2)  The department shall issue a decision and order
    10  disposing of a petition filed under paragraph (1) within sixty
    11  days after receipt of the petition. Notice of the department's
    12  decision and order disposing of the petition shall be mailed to
    13  the petitioner.
    14     (3)  A taxpayer may file a petition for review of the
    15  department's decision and order under paragraph (2) in
    16  Commonwealth Court within thirty days after the following:
    17     (i)  The mailing date of the department's notice of decision
    18  and order on a petition for reassessment of a jeopardy
    19  assessment.
    20     (ii)  If the petition is not disposed of by the department
    21  within sixty days after receipt, the sixtieth day following the
    22  date the petition was received by the department.
    23     (4)  If it is determined that the making of the jeopardy
    24  assessment is unreasonable or that the amount assessed is
    25  inappropriate, the assessment may be abated or redetermined in
    26  whole or in part, or the department or the taxpayer may be
    27  directed to take such other actions as may be appropriate.
    28     (g)  Finality of determination.--A determination made
    29  pursuant to a petition for reassessment under this section shall
    30  be final and conclusive upon exhaustion of the appeal rights
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     1  under this section and shall not be reviewed in any other
     2  proceeding.
     3     (h)  Burden of proof.--
     4     (1)  In an action under this section involving the issue of
     5  whether the making of a jeopardy assessment is reasonable under
     6  the circumstances, the burden of proof in respect to the issue
     7  shall be upon the department.
     8     (2)  In an action under this section involving the issue of
     9  whether an amount assessed as a result of jeopardy assessment is
    10  appropriate under the circumstances, the burden of proof in
    11  respect of the issue shall be upon the taxpayer.
    12     Section 2816.  Limitations on Assessments.--(a)  General
    13  rule.--Tax, interest or penalty may be assessed within three
    14  years after the date the report is filed.
    15     (b)  Rule where no tax report required.--In the case of taxes
    16  paid to the department under a law that does not require the
    17  filing of a report of the tax due the Commonwealth, tax,
    18  interest or penalty may be assessed within three years after the
    19  due date for payment of the tax.
    20     (c)  Failure to file report.--Tax, interest or penalty may be
    21  assessed at any time if a taxpayer fails to file a report
    22  required by law.
    23     (d)  False or fraudulent report.--Tax, interest or penalty
    24  may be assessed at any time if the taxpayer files a false or
    25  fraudulent report with intent to evade tax, interest or penalty
    26  imposed by the tax laws of this Commonwealth.
    27     (e)  Failure to remit trust fund taxes.--Tax, interest or
    28  penalty may be assessed at any time for any trust fund tax
    29  collected by a taxpayer but not remitted to the Commonwealth.
    30     (f)  Assessment for erroneous refund.--The department may
    19990H1367B1600                 - 42 -

     1  issue an assessment to recover an erroneous refund made within
     2  five years of payment of the refund or within the period in
     3  which an assessment could have been filed by the department with
     4  respect to the taxable period for which the refund was granted,
     5  whichever is later.
     6     (g)  Reassessments; additional assessments.--If the
     7  department is not satisfied with its determination of the
     8  taxpayer's liability, it may strike all or part of a previously
     9  issued assessment or may issue additional assessments of tax,
    10  interest or penalty within the time limitations specified in
    11  this section.
    12     (h)  Omission of personal income tax reportable amounts.--In
    13  the case of personal income tax, the department may assess tax,
    14  interest or penalty within six years after the date the report
    15  is required to be filed if the taxpayer omits from its tax
    16  report an amount in excess of twenty-five per cent of the income
    17  stated in the report.
    18     (i)  Accrual of interest, additions and penalties.--Interest,
    19  additions and penalties assessed within the time limitations of
    20  this section shall continue to accrue as provided by law without
    21  the necessity for the filing of additional assessments.
    22     (j)  Report filed before due date.--For purposes of this
    23  section, a report filed before the last day prescribed by law
    24  for filing as extended shall be deemed to have been filed on the
    25  last day.
    26     Section 2817.  Extension of Assessment Time Period.--A
    27  taxpayer may agree to extend the assessment period for the
    28  department to assess tax, interest or penalty by executing a
    29  written consent prior to the expiration of the assessment period
    30  provided by section 2816. The consent shall specifically state
    19990H1367B1600                 - 43 -

     1  the time period of the extension being granted. The assessment
     2  period may be further extended by subsequent consents in writing
     3  made before the expiration of the extended assessment period.
     4     Section 2818.  Application of Part to Inheritance and Estate
     5  Taxes.--Sections 2813, 2814, 2815, 2816 and 2817 of this part
     6  shall not apply to taxes imposed by Article XXI. Article XXI
     7  shall provide the exclusive procedure for the appraisement and
     8  assessment of taxes imposed by Article XXI.
     9                              PART III
    10                        CREDITS AND REFUNDS
    11     Section 2820.  Application, Assignment or Refund of Cash
    12  Overpayment Credits.--(a)  General rule.--
    13     (1)  If the total amount of tax, interest or penalty due the
    14  Commonwealth as reported by the taxpayer or as determined by the
    15  department is less than the amount paid to the department on
    16  account of the tax, interest or penalty, the department shall
    17  enter a credit in the amount of the difference to the account of
    18  the taxpayer.
    19     (2)  The overpayment credit shall be immediately subject to
    20  application, assignment or refund at the request of the
    21  taxpayer: Provided, That an overpayment credit shall not be
    22  assigned or refunded if the taxpayer has an unpaid liability for
    23  any tax, interest or penalty or is delinquent in filing tax
    24  reports.
    25     (3)  If the taxpayer has not provided specific instructions
    26  for the application, assignment or refund of the full amount of
    27  the overpayment credit, the department may take one of the
    28  following actions:
    29     (i)  Issue a refund of the overpayment credit to the
    30  taxpayer, provided the taxpayer is not delinquent in filing tax
    19990H1367B1600                 - 44 -

     1  reports.
     2     (ii)  Apply the credit against any unpaid liability of tax,
     3  interest or penalty due the Commonwealth from the taxpayer and
     4  refund any balance to the taxpayer.
     5     (b)  Assignment of overpayment credits.--If all tax, interest
     6  and penalty due the Commonwealth has been fully paid, the
     7  taxpayer may assign an overpayment credit to any other person.
     8  The assignee may use the credit as payment of any tax, interest
     9  or penalty due the Commonwealth.
    10     (c)  Overpayment of estimated tax.--If a taxpayer has paid an
    11  installment of estimated tax in excess of the correct amount of
    12  the installment, the credit entered for the overpayment shall be
    13  applied against any unpaid installments. If the total amount
    14  paid, whether or not on the basis of installments, exceeds the
    15  amount determined to be due the Commonwealth upon the filing of
    16  the taxpayer's report, the credit entered for the overpayment
    17  shall be applied, assigned or refunded as provided in
    18  subsections (a) and (b).
    19     (d)  Tax credit programs.--Except as specifically authorized
    20  by law, the assignment or refund of tax credits awarded or
    21  granted under a Commonwealth tax credit program is prohibited.
    22     Section 2821.  Appropriations for Refunds.--So much of the
    23  proceeds of the taxes imposed under the laws of this
    24  Commonwealth as shall be necessary for the payment of refunds,
    25  enforcement or administration is hereby appropriated for such
    26  purposes from the respective funds to which such taxes were
    27  deposited. This section shall not be interpreted to authorize
    28  the appropriation or use of Commonwealth funds for the refund,
    29  collection, enforcement or administration of local taxes
    30  collected, enforced or administered by the department.
    19990H1367B1600                 - 45 -

     1     Section 2822.  Payment of Refunds.--(a)  General rule.--
     2  Refunds of tax, interest or penalty authorized by this article
     3  shall be paid to the taxpayer, his successors or assigns that
     4  actually paid the tax, interest or penalty.
     5     (b)  Exception.--In the case of sales or use tax imposed
     6  under Article II, a refund granted pursuant to a petition filed
     7  under Part V for tax paid in conjunction with a contract entered
     8  into prior to July 1, 1998, with a charitable organization,
     9  volunteer firemen's organization, nonprofit educational
    10  institution, religious organization, the United States, the
    11  Commonwealth or its instrumentalities or political subdivisions
    12  shall be made to the aforementioned entities.
    13     Section 2823.  Allocation of Payments.--(a)  Allocation
    14  priority.--Unless otherwise requested by the taxpayer, all
    15  voluntary payments with respect to any tax period for any tax
    16  shall be allocated within the taxpayer's account in the
    17  following priority:
    18     (1)  Tax.
    19     (2)  Addition to tax.
    20     (3)  Interest.
    21     (4)  Penalty.
    22     (5)  Any other fees or charges.
    23     (b)  Definition.--For purposes of this section, the term
    24  "voluntary payment" shall mean payment of a tax liability made
    25  pursuant to the free will of the taxpayer. The term does not
    26  include a payment made as a result of distraint or levy or
    27  pursuant to a legal action in which the Commonwealth is seeking
    28  to collect or file a claim for delinquent taxes.
    29                              PART IV
    30                              INTEREST
    19990H1367B1600                 - 46 -

     1     Section 2830.  Interest on Underpayment of Taxes.--(a)
     2  Unpaid taxes and penalties.--All taxes due the Commonwealth
     3  shall bear simple interest from the due date for payment of the
     4  tax until paid. Penalties, bad check fees and lien filing fees
     5  shall not bear interest.
     6     (b)  Underpayment due to refund of overpayment credit.--If
     7  the refund of an overpayment credit under section 2820 results
     8  in an underpayment of tax due the Commonwealth, interest shall
     9  be calculated on the amount of the underpayment from the date
    10  the overpayment credit was refunded: Provided, That the
    11  department may abate all or any part of the interest on an
    12  underpayment attributed to an erroneous refund that is the
    13  result of a processing or clerical error of the department.
    14     (c)  Recomputation of interest.--Whenever the tax liability
    15  of a taxpayer is affected by a payment, credit or assessment in
    16  a manner that changes the interest liability of the taxpayer,
    17  the interest liability shall be recomputed and adjusted by the
    18  department to correspond to the tax liability as changed.
    19     (d)  Interest rate.--
    20     (1)  The interest rate per annum during each calendar year
    21  shall be the interest rate established pursuant to section
    22  6621(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-
    23  514, 26 U.S.C. § 6621(a)(2)) for underpayment of taxes effective
    24  January 1 of each calendar year, without regard to any change in
    25  the Federal interest rate during the calendar year.
    26     (2)  The department shall publish the rate of interest for
    27  each calendar year in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    28     (3)  The rate of interest for unpaid motor carriers road tax
    29  imposed under 75 Pa.C.S. Ch. 96 (relating to motor carriers road
    30  tax) shall be as provided in 75 Pa.C.S. §§ 9613 (relating to
    19990H1367B1600                 - 47 -

     1  penalty and interest for failure to report or pay tax) and 9622
     2  (relating to reciprocal agreements).
     3     (e)  Effect of payment.--The payment of interest shall not
     4  relieve a taxpayer from any additional tax, commission or
     5  penalty prescribed by law for neglect or refusal to furnish
     6  timely reports to the department or to pay any claim due to the
     7  Commonwealth from the taxpayer.
     8     (f)  Payment pending appeal.--A taxpayer shall have the right
     9  at any time to pay to the department any tax due the
    10  Commonwealth for the purpose of stopping the running of further
    11  interest on the amount paid. The payment shall be without
    12  prejudice to the right of the taxpayer to file a petition for
    13  reassessment with the department, or a petition for review with
    14  the Board of Finance and Revenue, or an appeal to a court of
    15  competent jurisdiction, in the manner and within the times
    16  provided by law.
    17     Section 2831.  Interest on Overpayment of Taxes.--(a)
    18  General rule.--Overpayments of tax due the Commonwealth shall
    19  bear simple interest from the date of overpayment until the date
    20  of resolution.
    21     (b)  Interest rate.--Interest on overpayments shall be
    22  allowed and paid at the same rate prescribed for underpayments
    23  under section 2830. The department shall publish the rate of
    24  interest for each calendar year in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    25     (c)  Exceptions to Commonwealth's obligation to pay
    26  interest.--
    27     (1)  No interest shall be allowed if an overpayment is
    28  refunded or applied against any other tax, interest or penalty
    29  due the Commonwealth within seventy-five days after the last
    30  date prescribed for filing the report of the tax liability due
    19990H1367B1600                 - 48 -

     1  the Commonwealth or within seventy-five days after the date the
     2  final report of the tax liability due the Commonwealth is filed,
     3  whichever is later. For purposes of this paragraph, a final
     4  report shall be deemed to have been filed only if, when it is
     5  received by the department, it is a legible report containing:
     6     (i)  the taxpayer's name, address, signature and tax
     7  identification numbers;
     8     (ii)  identification of the tax type and tax period; and
     9     (iii)  sufficient required information to permit the
    10  verification of the tax liability shown on the report.
    11     (2)  Overpayments of interest or penalty shall not bear any
    12  interest.
    13     (3)  Tax credits awarded or granted under a Commonwealth tax
    14  credit program shall not bear any interest.
    15     (d)  Effect of acceptance of refund check.--A taxpayer's
    16  acceptance of the Commonwealth's check shall be without
    17  prejudice to the right of the taxpayer to claim an additional
    18  overpayment and interest thereon. Tender of a refund check by
    19  the department shall be deemed to be acceptance of the check by
    20  the taxpayer for purposes of this section.
    21     (e)  Definitions.--The following words, terms and phrases,
    22  when used in this section, shall have the meaning given to them
    23  in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a
    24  different meaning:
    25     "Date of overpayment."  The later of the date paid or the
    26  date tax is deemed to have been overpaid as follows:
    27     (1)  Tax actually deducted and withheld at the source shall
    28  be deemed to have been overpaid on the last day prescribed for
    29  filing the report for the tax period determined without regard
    30  to any extension of time for filing.
    19990H1367B1600                 - 49 -

     1     (2)  An amount overpaid as estimated tax for the tax period
     2  shall be deemed to have been overpaid on the last day prescribed
     3  for filing the final report for the tax period determined
     4  without regard to any extension of time for filing.
     5     (3)  An overpayment made before the last day prescribed for
     6  payment shall be deemed to have been paid on the last day.
     7     (4)  An amount claimed to be overpaid with respect to which
     8  an administrative review or appellate procedure is initiated in
     9  the manner provided by law by the taxpayer shall be deemed to
    10  have been overpaid sixty days following the date of initiation
    11  of the review or procedure.
    12     (5)  Tax paid to an officer, licensee or collector shall be
    13  deemed to have been overpaid on the date the tax is required by
    14  law to be reported and transmitted to the department by the
    15  officer, licensee or collector.
    16     (6)  An amount shown not to be due on an amended final
    17  personal income tax return shall be deemed to have been overpaid
    18  sixty days following the date of filing of the return.
    19     "Date of resolution."  The date tax is refunded or credited
    20  as follows:
    21     (1)  In the case of a cash refund, a date preceding the date
    22  of the Commonwealth's refund check by not more than thirty days.
    23     (2)  In the case of a credit for an overpayment the earlier
    24  of:
    25     (i)  the date of the Commonwealth's notice to the taxpayer of
    26  the determination of the credit; or
    27     (ii)  the date for payment, estimated payment or prepayment
    28  of the tax against which the credit is applied, whichever first
    29  occurs;
    30  Provided, That in the case of a cash refund of a previously
    19990H1367B1600                 - 50 -

     1  determined credit, interest shall be paid on the amount of the
     2  credit from a date ninety days after the filing of a request to
     3  convert the credit to a cash refund to a date preceding the date
     4  of the refund check by not more than thirty days, regardless of
     5  whether the refund check is accepted by the taxpayer after
     6  tender to the taxpayer.
     7     "Overpayment."  A payment of tax determined in the manner
     8  provided by law not to be legally due.
     9                               PART V
    11     Section 2840. Petition for Reassessment.--(a)  General
    12  rule.--A taxpayer may file a petition for reassessment with the
    13  department within ninety days after the mailing date of the
    14  notice of assessment.
    15     (b)  Limitation on petition for reassessment of erroneous
    16  refund assessment.--
    17     (1)  A taxpayer shall not be permitted to challenge its
    18  liability for tax, interest or penalty due the Commonwealth, as
    19  reported by the taxpayer or as assessed by the department, in a
    20  petition for reassessment of an erroneous refund assessment
    21  issued pursuant to section 2816(f).
    22     (2)  The only issue permitted to be raised in a petition for
    23  reassessment of an erroneous refund assessment shall be whether
    24  tax, interest or penalty due the Commonwealth as reported by the
    25  taxpayer or, if an assessment was issued prior to the refund, as
    26  assessed by the department prior to the refund, is less than the
    27  amount paid to the department on account thereof.
    28     (c)  Application to inheritance and estate taxes.--This
    29  section shall not apply to the taxes imposed by Article XXI.
    30  Part XI of Article XXI shall provide the exclusive procedure for
    19990H1367B1600                 - 51 -

     1  protesting the appraisement and assessment of taxes imposed by
     2  Article XXI.
     3     Section 2841.  Petition for Refund.--(a)  General rule.--
     4     (1)  A taxpayer may file a petition for refund of tax,
     5  interest or penalty with the department within three years after
     6  the due date for filing the report as extended or within two
     7  years after payment, whichever is later. If no report is
     8  required to be filed by the taxpayer, a taxpayer may file a
     9  petition for refund of tax, interest or penalty with the
    10  department within three years after payment.
    11     (2)  If the taxpayer files a petition for refund within three
    12  years after the due date for filing the report as extended, the
    13  amount of tax, interest or penalty that may be refunded shall
    14  not exceed the amount of tax, interest or penalty paid prior to
    15  the filing of the petition.
    16     (3)  If the taxpayer files a petition for refund more than
    17  three years after the due date for filing the report as
    18  extended, the amount of the tax, interest or penalty that may be
    19  refunded shall not exceed the amount of tax, interest or penalty
    20  paid within the two-year period immediately preceding the filing
    21  of the petition.
    22     (4)  If a petition for refund is filed within three years
    23  after payment by a taxpayer that is not required to file a
    24  report, the amount of tax, interest or penalty that may be
    25  refunded shall not exceed the amount of tax, interest or penalty
    26  paid within the three-year period immediately preceding the
    27  filing of the petition.
    28     (b)  Exceptions to general rule.--
    29     (1)  The department may grant a credit to a taxpayer for all
    30  tax periods covered by a field audit. If a credit is not granted
    19990H1367B1600                 - 52 -

     1  by the department, the taxpayer may file a petition for refund
     2  with the department for all tax periods covered by the field
     3  audit within the periods of limitation provided by subsection
     4  (a) or within six months after the mailing date of the notice of
     5  assessment, whichever is later.
     6     (2)  In the case of amounts paid as a result of an
     7  assessment, a petition for refund must be filed with the
     8  department within two years after the mailing date of the notice
     9  of assessment.
    10     (c)  Refund of inheritance and estate tax.--A taxpayer may
    11  file a petition for refund of tax, interest or penalty imposed
    12  by Article XXI with the department within three years after:
    13     (1)  The court has rescinded its order and adjudication of
    14  presumed death when the refund is claimed for tax paid on the
    15  transfer of the estate of a presumed decedent who is later
    16  determined to be alive.
    17     (2)  Termination of litigation establishing a right to a
    18  refund. A petition for refund shall not be necessary when the
    19  litigation has been with the Commonwealth over liability for the
    20  tax or the amount of tax due.
    21     (3)  It has been finally determined that the whole or any
    22  part of an alleged deficiency tax, asserted by the Federal
    23  Government beyond that admitted to be payable, and in
    24  consequence of which an estate tax was paid under section 2117
    25  was not payable.
    26     (4)  The date of payment or the date of the notice of the
    27  assessment of the tax, or the date the tax becomes delinquent,
    28  whichever occurs later, in all other cases.
    29     (d)  Payment date.--For purposes of this section, any payment
    30  of estimated tax, withholding of tax or other payment of tax
    19990H1367B1600                 - 53 -

     1  made prior to the due date for payment of the tax shall be
     2  deemed to have been made on the due date for payment of the tax.
     3     (e)  Report due date.--For purposes of this section, the
     4  phrase due date for filing the report as extended shall mean the
     5  last day prescribed for filing the report for the tax period as
     6  extended determined without regard to any requirement for the
     7  filing of an amended or corrected report.
     8     (f)  Liquid fuels and fuels tax claims made to the Board of
     9  Finance and Revenue.--This section shall not apply to claims for
    10  refund or reimbursement of liquid fuels and fuels tax required
    11  to be submitted to the Board of Finance and Revenue under 75
    12  Pa.C.S. Ch. 90 (relating to liquid fuels and fuels tax). The
    13  provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 9017 (relating to refunds) shall
    14  provide the exclusive procedure for such claims.
    15     Section 2842.  Petition Procedure.--(a)  Content of
    16  petition.--
    17     (1)  Every petition for reassessment shall state:
    18     (i)  The tax type and tax periods included within the
    19  petition.
    20     (ii)  The amount of the tax, interest or penalty that the
    21  taxpayer claims to have been erroneously assessed.
    22     (iii)  The basis upon which the taxpayer claims that the
    23  assessment is erroneous.
    24     (2)  Every petition for refund shall state:
    25     (i)  The tax type and tax periods included within the
    26  petition.
    27     (ii)  The amount of the tax, interest or penalty that the
    28  taxpayer claims to have been overpaid.
    29     (iii)  The basis of the taxpayer's claim for refund.
    30     (3)  The petition shall be supported by an affidavit by the
    19990H1367B1600                 - 54 -

     1  petitioner or an authorized representative that it is not made
     2  for the purpose of delay and that the facts set forth therein
     3  are true.
     4     (b)  Request for hearing.--Upon written request of the
     5  petitioner or when deemed necessary by the department, the
     6  department shall schedule a hearing to review a petition. The
     7  petitioner shall be notified by the department of the date, time
     8  and place the hearing will be held.
     9     (c)  Decision and order.--The department shall issue a
    10  decision and order disposing of a petition on such basis as it
    11  deems according to law.
    12     (d)  Time limit for decision and order.--The department shall
    13  issue a decision and order disposing of a petition within six
    14  months after receipt of the petition. The petitioner and the
    15  department may agree to extend the time period for the
    16  department to dispose of the petition for one additional six-
    17  month period. Notice of the department's decision and order
    18  disposing of the petition shall be mailed to the petitioner.
    19     (e)  Exception to time limit for decision and order.--If, at
    20  the time of the filing of a petition, proceedings are pending in
    21  a court of competent jurisdiction or at the Board of Finance and
    22  Revenue in which a claim made in the petition may be
    23  established, the department, upon the written request of the
    24  petitioner, may defer consideration of the petition until the
    25  final judgment determining the questions involved in the
    26  petition have been decided. If consideration of the petition is
    27  deferred, the department shall issue a decision and order
    28  disposing of the petition within six months after final
    29  judgment.
    30     (f)  Failure of department to take action.--The failure of
    19990H1367B1600                 - 55 -

     1  the department to dispose of the petition within the time period
     2  provided for by subsection (d) or (e) shall act as a denial of
     3  the petition. Notice of the department's failure to take action
     4  and the denial of the petition shall be mailed to the
     5  petitioner.
     6     Section 2843.  Review by Board of Finance and Revenue.--(a)
     7  Petition for review of a decision and order.--Within ninety days
     8  after the mailing date of the department's notice of decision
     9  and order on a petition filed with it, a taxpayer may petition
    10  the Board of Finance and Revenue to review the decision and
    11  order of the department.
    12     (b)  Petition for review of denial by department's failure to
    13  act.--A petition for review may be filed with the Board of
    14  Finance and Revenue within ninety days after the mailing date of
    15  the department's notice to the petitioner of its failure to
    16  dispose of the petition within the time periods prescribed by
    17  section 2842(d) or (e).
    18     (c) Content of petition.--
    19     (1)  Every petition for review of the department's decision
    20  and order on a petition for reassessment shall state:
    21     (i)  The tax type and tax periods included within the
    22  petition.
    23     (ii)  The amount of tax, interest or penalty which the
    24  taxpayer claims to have been erroneously assessed.
    25     (iii)  The basis upon which the taxpayer claims that the
    26  assessment is erroneous.
    27     (2)  Every petition for review of the department's decision
    28  and order on a petition for refund shall state:
    29     (i)  The tax type and tax periods included within the
    30  petition.
    19990H1367B1600                 - 56 -

     1     (ii)  The amount of tax, interest or penalty that the
     2  taxpayer claims to have been overpaid.
     3     (iii)  The basis of the taxpayer's claim for refund.
     4     (3)  The petitioner may satisfy the requirements of
     5  paragraphs (1) and (2) by incorporating by reference the
     6  petition filed with the department containing the required
     7  information.
     8     (4)  The petition shall be supported by an affidavit by the
     9  petitioner or an authorized representative that it is not made
    10  for the purpose of delay and that the facts set forth are true.
    11     (d)  Request for hearing.--Upon written request of the
    12  petitioner or when deemed necessary by the board, the board
    13  shall schedule a hearing to review the petition. The petitioner
    14  shall be notified by the board of the date, time and place the
    15  hearing will be held.
    16     (e)  Decision and order.--The board shall issue a decision
    17  and order disposing of a petition on such basis as it deems
    18  according to law and equity.
    19     (f)  Time limit for decision and order.--
    20     (1)  The board shall issue a decision and order disposing of
    21  a petition for review relating to a petition for reassessment
    22  within six months after receipt of the petition.
    23     (2)  The board shall issue a decision and order disposing of
    24  a petition for review relating to a petition for refund within
    25  twelve months after receipt of the petition.
    26     (3)  Notice of the decision and order of the board shall be
    27  transmitted to the department and mailed to the petitioner.
    28     (g)  Exception to time limit for decision and order.--If the
    29  determination of a petition is governed by litigation pending in
    30  a court of competent jurisdiction, the board, upon the written
    19990H1367B1600                 - 57 -

     1  request of the petitioner, may defer consideration of the
     2  petition until the final judgment determining the questions
     3  involved in the petition have been decided. If consideration of
     4  the petition is deferred, the board shall issue a decision and
     5  order disposing of the petition within twelve months after final
     6  judgment.
     7     (h)  Failure of board to take action.--The failure of the
     8  board to dispose of the petition within the time period provided
     9  for by subsection (f) or (g) shall act as a denial of the
    10  petition. Notice of the board's failure to take action and
    11  denial of the petition shall be transmitted to the department
    12  and mailed to the petitioner.
    13     (i)  Regulations.--The board shall promulgate regulations
    14  governing the practice and procedure before the board as it
    15  deems appropriate. Until such time as new regulations are
    16  adopted, the current regulations of the board shall remain in
    17  effect.
    18     Section 2844.  Appeal to Commonwealth Court.--Any taxpayer or
    19  the Commonwealth aggrieved by a decision of the board on a
    20  petition for review filed under this part may appeal in the
    21  manner now or hereafter provided by law for appeals from
    22  decisions of the board in tax cases.
    23     Section 2845.  Burden of Proof.--In all cases of petitions
    24  filed under this part, the burden of proof shall be upon the
    25  petitioner or appellant, as the case may be.
    26                              PART VI
    27                            COLLECTIONS
    28     Section 2850.  Actions to Collect Taxes; Defenses.--(a)
    29  Collection actions.--The department may initiate actions to
    30  collect tax, interest or penalty:
    19990H1367B1600                 - 58 -

     1     (1)  Immediately, in the case of an amount related to tax
     2  reported as due the Commonwealth by the taxpayer and which is
     3  not paid by the due date for payment of the tax.
     4     (2)  After ninety days from the mailing date of a notice of
     5  assessment, if no petition for reassessment has been filed.
     6     (3)  After ninety days from the mailing date of the
     7  department's decision and order disposing of a petition for
     8  reassessment, if no petition for review has been filed.
     9     (4)  After thirty days from the mailing date of the decision
    10  and order of the Board of Finance and Revenue upon a petition
    11  for review or from the expiration of the board's time for acting
    12  upon the petition, if no decision has been made.
    13     (5)  Immediately, in cases of judicial sales, receiverships,
    14  assignments or bankruptcies.
    15     (6)  Immediately, in the case of jeopardy assessments under
    16  section 2815(e).
    17     (b)  Limitation on defenses in collection actions.--A
    18  taxpayer shall not be permitted to raise a defense to the
    19  department's collection action that might have been determined
    20  by the department, the Board of Finance and Revenue or the
    21  courts if the taxpayer had properly pursued its administrative
    22  remedies under this article. This limitation on defenses shall
    23  not apply to the defense of failure of the department to mail
    24  notice of assessment or reassessment to the taxpayer or the
    25  defense of payment of assessment or reassessment. These two
    26  defenses may be raised in proceedings for collection by a motion
    27  to stay the proceedings.
    28     Section 2851.  Collection of Debts by Installments.--(a)
    29  Authorization.--The department is authorized to enter into
    30  agreements for the payment of a debt for unpaid tax, interest or
    19990H1367B1600                 - 59 -

     1  penalty by installments where the department deems an agreement
     2  to be in the public interest: Provided, That the amount of the
     3  debt is not reduced, the security is not impaired and the debt
     4  is to be paid within seven years of the date the first
     5  installment is due.
     6     (b)  Extent to which agreements remain in effect.--
     7     (1)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an
     8  agreement entered into by the department under subsection (a)
     9  shall remain in effect for the term of the agreement.
    10     (2)  The department may terminate any prior agreement entered
    11  into under subsection (a) if:
    12     (i)  information which the taxpayer provided to the
    13  department prior to the date of the agreement was inaccurate or
    14  incomplete; or
    15     (ii)  the department believes that collection of a debt to
    16  which an agreement under this section relates is in jeopardy.
    17     (3)  If the department finds that the financial condition of
    18  the taxpayer has significantly changed, the department may
    19  alter, modify or terminate the agreement, but only if:
    20     (i)  notice of the department's finding is provided to the
    21  taxpayer no later than thirty days prior to the date the action
    22  is to be taken;
    23     (ii)  the notice contains the reasons why the department
    24  believes a significant change has occurred; and
    25     (iii)  the notice advises the taxpayer of the corrective
    26  action, if any, that may be taken to avoid alteration,
    27  modification or termination of the agreement.
    28     (4)  The department may alter, modify or terminate an
    29  agreement entered into by the department under subsection (a) if
    30  the taxpayer fails to do any of the following:
    19990H1367B1600                 - 60 -

     1     (i)  Pay any installment at the time the installment is due
     2  under the agreement.
     3     (ii)  Pay any other liability for tax, interest or penalty at
     4  the time the liability is due.
     5     (iii)  Provide a financial condition update as requested by
     6  the department.
     7     (c)  Prepayment permitted.--Nothing in this section should be
     8  construed as preventing a taxpayer from prepaying in whole or in
     9  part an outstanding liability under an agreement the taxpayer
    10  enters into with the department.
    11     Section 2852.  Compromising Certain Debts.--(a)  General
    12  rule.--
    13     (1)  If a taxpayer indebted to the Commonwealth for tax,
    14  interest or penalty commences a liquidation, becomes insolvent,
    15  ceases to carry on business, owns no real or personal property
    16  that may be seized in execution by process issued out of any of
    17  the courts of this or any other state, or if the property owned
    18  by the taxpayer is insufficient to satisfy the debts due from
    19  it, and there is no other person who is liable for all or part
    20  of the tax, interest or penalty, the department, with the
    21  approval of the Attorney General, may compromise any debts due
    22  from the taxpayer on such terms as may be adjudged to be in the
    23  best interests of the Commonwealth, and the lien of the
    24  Commonwealth shall be reduced to the amount of the debt as
    25  compromised.
    26     (2)  If property or another person who is liable for all or
    27  part of the tax, interest or penalty is discovered at any time
    28  after the compromise has been agreed upon, the compromise may be
    29  rescinded by the department. In such case, the department may
    30  proceed in any lawful manner to collect the debts that were
    19990H1367B1600                 - 61 -

     1  compromised, including all accrued interest.
     2     (3)  The department shall not return any consideration to the
     3  taxpayer with whom a compromise was entered into and the
     4  taxpayer shall not be allowed to commence any administrative or
     5  legal action to return any consideration paid to the department
     6  pursuant to the agreement to compromise the debts due.
     7     (b)  Historically significant property.--In compromising
     8  debts due from an insolvent taxpayer in bankruptcy or
     9  reorganization under any Federal or State law, the department
    10  may accept in lieu of cash any property, other than real
    11  property, which the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
    12  Commission certifies as possessing historical significance of a
    13  stated value, based upon not less than two competent independent
    14  appraisals. Upon the certifications and upon acceptance of
    15  delivery of the property by the commission, the amount of debt
    16  as compromised shall be reduced by the amount certified by the
    17  commission.
    18                              PART VII
    19                               LIENS
    20     Section 2860.  Liens of Taxes, Interest or Penalties.--(a)
    21  Lien for reported tax.--Except as provided in section 2861, all
    22  tax, interest or penalty related to tax that is reported as due
    23  but not paid at the time the report is filed shall be a first
    24  lien upon the franchises and property, both real and personal,
    25  including after-acquired property, of the taxpayer from the date
    26  the tax report is filed until paid.
    27     (b)  Lien for unreported tax.--Except as provided in section
    28  2861, all unreported tax, interest or penalty assessed by the
    29  department shall be a first lien upon the franchises and
    30  property, both real and personal, including after-acquired
    19990H1367B1600                 - 62 -

     1  property, of the taxpayer from the date of assessment until
     2  paid.
     3     (c)  Lien for estimated assessment of tax.--
     4     (1)  Except as provided in section 2861, all tax, interest or
     5  penalty assessed by the department by an estimated assessment
     6  shall be a first lien upon the franchises and property, both
     7  real and personal, including after-acquired property, of the
     8  taxpayer from the date of the estimated assessment.
     9     (2)  Any amount of tax, interest or penalty due the
    10  Commonwealth which is included in an estimated assessment shall
    11  retain its priority as of the date of the estimated assessment
    12  to the extent such amount is included within an assessment
    13  issued upon the filing of a report as provided in section
    14  2814(e).
    15     (d)  Payment of lien upon judicial sale.--If the franchise or
    16  property of a taxpayer is sold at a judicial sale, all tax,
    17  interest or penalty due the Commonwealth shall first be paid out
    18  of the proceeds of the sale to the Commonwealth, before any
    19  judgment, mortgage, claim or other lien against the taxpayer,
    20  except as otherwise expressly provided by the law under which
    21  the claim of the Commonwealth arises.
    22     (e)  Predecessor in title to taxpayer.--
    23     (1)  Upon the discharge by a judicial sale of the lien of a
    24  ground rent, mortgage or other instrument created by or entered
    25  against a predecessor in title to a taxpayer, or of a mortgage
    26  or other instrument in which priority over the Commonwealth's
    27  lien is allowed by the provisions of the law under which the
    28  claim of the Commonwealth arises, the Commonwealth's lien shall
    29  be transferred from the property sold to the proceeds realized
    30  from the sale and the purchaser of the property shall take free
    19990H1367B1600                 - 63 -

     1  of the Commonwealth's lien, notwithstanding that the proceeds of
     2  the sale are insufficient to pay all or any part of the
     3  Commonwealth's lien, unless the sale is upon a lien subordinate
     4  to the Commonwealth's lien, in which case the Commonwealth's
     5  lien, to the extent not paid from the proceeds of the judicial
     6  sale, shall continue in full force and effect.
     7     (2)  Upon distribution of the proceeds of the judicial sale,
     8  the Commonwealth's lien shall be postponed in payment to the
     9  lien created by or entered against the predecessor in title,
    10  mortgagee or lienholder having priority but shall not be
    11  postponed in payment to local taxes or municipal claims, except
    12  as otherwise expressly provided by the law under which the claim
    13  of the Commonwealth arises.
    14     (f)  Entry of lien.--
    15     (1)  The department may transmit at any time to the
    16  prothonotaries of the respective counties of the Commonwealth,
    17  to be entered of record, certified copies of all liens for tax,
    18  interest or penalty that arise under this section. The filing of
    19  certified copies of the Commonwealth's liens shall not affect
    20  the first lien status provided for in this section.
    21     (2)  A writ of execution may directly issue upon the lien at
    22  any time without the issuance and prosecution to judgment of a
    23  writ of scire facias: Provided, That not less than ten days
    24  before issuance of any execution on the lien, notice of the
    25  filing and effect of the lien shall be sent by certified mail to
    26  the taxpayer's last-known post office address.
    27     Section 2861.  Liens for Certain Taxes Required to be
    28  Filed.--(a)  General rule.--For purposes of this section, the
    29  term tax, interest or penalty shall mean any tax, interest,
    30  penalty, fee, addition, bonus, cost or other charge
    19990H1367B1600                 - 64 -

     1  administered, imposed or collected by the department in the
     2  enforcement of the following taxes:
     3     (1)  The tax imposed by Article II.
     4     (2)  The tax imposed by Article III.
     5     (3)  The tax imposed by Article XI-C.
     6     (4)  The tax imposed by Article XVI-A.
     7     (5)  The tax imposed by Article XX.
     8     (6)  The tax imposed by Article XXIII.
     9     (7)  The tax imposed by 75 Pa.C.S. Ch. 90 (relating to liquid
    10  fuels and fuels tax).
    11     (8)  The tax imposed by 75 Pa.C.S. Ch. 95 (relating to taxes
    12  for highway maintenance and construction).
    13     (9)  The tax imposed by 75 Pa.C.S. Ch. 96 (relating to motor
    14  carriers road tax).
    15     (10)  The taxes imposed by the act of December 5, 1933
    16  (Sp.Sess., P.L.38, No.6), known as the "Spirituous and Vinous
    17  Liquor Tax Law."
    18     (11)  The tax imposed by the act of June 9, 1936 (Sp.Sess.,
    19  P.L.13, No.4), referred to as the Emergency Liquor Tax.
    20     (b)  Lien imposed.--All assessed tax, interest or penalty as
    21  defined in this section shall be a lien in favor of the
    22  Commonwealth upon the franchises and property, both real and
    23  personal, including after-acquired property, of the taxpayer,
    24  but only after the lien has been entered and docketed of record
    25  by the prothonotary of the county where the property is located.
    26     (c)  Entry of lien.--
    27     (1)  The department may transmit at any time to the
    28  prothonotaries of the respective counties of the Commonwealth,
    29  to be entered of record, certified copies of all liens for tax,
    30  interest or penalty that arise under this section. Prior notice
    19990H1367B1600                 - 65 -

     1  of the filing and effect of the lien shall be sent to the
     2  taxpayer.
     3     (2)  A writ of execution may directly issue upon the lien at
     4  any time without the issuance and prosecution to judgment of a
     5  writ of scire facias: Provided, That not less than ten days
     6  before issuance of any execution on the lien, notice of the
     7  filing and effect of the lien shall be sent by certified mail to
     8  the taxpayer at the taxpayer's last-known post office address:
     9  Provided further, That the lien shall have no effect upon any
    10  stock of goods, wares or merchandise regularly sold or leased in
    11  the ordinary course of business by the taxpayer against whom the
    12  lien has been entered until a writ of execution has been issued
    13  and a levy made upon the stock of goods, wares and merchandise.
    14     (d)  Priority of lien and effect on judicial sale when trust
    15  fund taxes are involved.--When the lien imposed by this section
    16  relates to tax, interest or penalty for a trust fund tax that
    17  was collected but not remitted to the Commonwealth, the lien
    18  imposed against the taxpayer shall be a first lien from the date
    19  of its recording.
    20     (1)  Whenever the property of a taxpayer is sold at a
    21  judicial sale, all tax, interest or penalty due the Commonwealth
    22  shall first be paid out of the proceeds of the sale to the
    23  Commonwealth before any judgment, mortgage, claim or other lien
    24  against the taxpayer, except as otherwise expressly provided by
    25  the law under which the claim of the Commonwealth arises.
    26     (2)  Predecessor in title to taxpayer.--
    27     (i)  Upon the discharge by a judicial sale of the lien of a
    28  ground rent, mortgage or other instrument created by or entered
    29  against a predecessor in title to a taxpayer, or of a mortgage
    30  or other instrument in which priority over the Commonwealth's
    19990H1367B1600                 - 66 -

     1  lien is allowed by the provisions of the law under which the
     2  claim of the Commonwealth arises, the Commonwealth's lien shall
     3  be transferred from the property sold to the proceeds realized
     4  from the sale and the purchaser of the property shall take free
     5  of the Commonwealth's lien, notwithstanding that the proceeds of
     6  the sale are insufficient to pay all or any part of the
     7  Commonwealth's lien, unless the sale is upon a lien subordinate
     8  to the Commonwealth's lien, in which case the Commonwealth's
     9  lien, to the extent not paid from the proceeds of the judicial
    10  sale, shall continue in full force and effect.
    11     (ii)  Upon distribution of the proceeds of the judicial sale,
    12  the Commonwealth's lien shall be postponed in payment to the
    13  lien created by or entered against the predecessor in title,
    14  mortgagee or lienholder having priority as aforesaid, but shall
    15  not be postponed in payment to local taxes or municipal claims,
    16  except as otherwise expressly provided by the law under which
    17  the claim of the Commonwealth arises.
    18     (e)  Priority of lien and effect on judicial sale when trust
    19  fund taxes are not involved.--
    20     (1)  When the lien imposed by this section does not relate to
    21  tax, interest or penalty for a trust fund tax, the lien shall
    22  have priority from the date of its recording.
    23     (2)  The lien imposed shall be fully paid and satisfied out
    24  of the proceeds of any judicial sale of property subject to the
    25  lien before any other judgment, mortgage, claim or other lien to
    26  which the franchises and property may subsequently become
    27  subject, except costs of the sale and of the writ upon which the
    28  sale was made, and real estate taxes and municipal claims
    29  against the property, but shall be subordinate to mortgages and
    30  other liens existing and duly recorded or entered of record
    19990H1367B1600                 - 67 -

     1  prior to the recording of the tax lien.
     2     (3)  In the case where a judicial sale is upon a lien
     3  subordinate to a lien imposed under this section, the sale shall
     4  discharge the lien imposed under this section only to the extent
     5  that the proceeds are applied to its payment, and the lien shall
     6  continue in full force and effect as to the balance remaining
     7  unpaid.
     8     (4)  There shall be no inquisition or condemnation upon any
     9  judicial sale of real estate made by the Commonwealth pursuant
    10  to the provisions of this subsection.
    11     (5)  The lien of tax, interest or penalty shall continue
    12  until paid.
    13     (f)  Priority of tax.--
    14     (1)  Except as provided in subsection (e), in the
    15  distribution, voluntary or compulsory, in receivership,
    16  bankruptcy or otherwise, of the property or estate of a
    17  taxpayer, all unpaid tax, interest or penalty due the
    18  Commonwealth shall be paid from the first money available for
    19  distribution in priority to all other judgments, mortgages,
    20  claims and other liens, except insofar as the laws of the United
    21  States may give a prior claim to the Federal Government.
    22     (2)  A person charged with the administration or distribution
    23  of such property or estate, who shall violate the provisions of
    24  this section, shall be personally liable for any tax, interest
    25  or penalty that is accrued and unpaid and chargeable against the
    26  taxpayer whose property or estate is being administered or
    27  distributed.
    28     Section 2862.  Protection of Commonwealth Liens in Judicial
    29  Sales.--(a)  Duty to issue estimated assessments.--It shall be
    30  the duty of the department, after receiving notice of a judicial
    19990H1367B1600                 - 68 -

     1  sale, to assess all tax, interest or penalty, to issue estimated
     2  assessments of all tax, interest or penalty for which reports
     3  have not been filed, and to issue jeopardy assessments of all
     4  tax, interest or penalty for which reports have not been filed
     5  up to the date of the sale, regardless of whether reports for
     6  the tax are due prior to the date of the sale.
     7     (b)  Certified statement of account.--The department shall
     8  furnish the officer having charge of the sale a certified
     9  statement of account showing all liens for tax, interest or
    10  penalty due the Commonwealth from the taxpayer. If no liens
    11  exist, the department shall issue a certificate showing that
    12  fact.
    13     Section 2863.  Bulk Sale of Assets.--(a)  Definitions.--The
    14  following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section,
    15  shall have the meanings given to them in this section, except
    16  where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
    17     "Bulk sale of assets."  A sale or transfer in bulk in this
    18  Commonwealth of fifty-one per cent or more of any of the
    19  following classes of property in Pennsylvania:
    20     (i)  stock of goods, wares, merchandise or inventory;
    21     (ii)  fixtures;
    22     (iii)  machinery;
    23     (iv)  equipment;
    24     (v)  buildings;
    25     (vi) real estate; or
    26     (vii)  any other assets;
    27  Provided, That if the seller is a natural person who is required
    28  to be licensed under Article II or a natural person who is an
    29  employer as defined in section 301 of Article III, the term
    30  shall mean a sale in bulk of fifty-one per cent or more of any
    19990H1367B1600                 - 69 -

     1  of the above classes of property used or available for use in
     2  the business for which the seller is required to be licensed or
     3  for which the seller is defined as an employer.
     4     "Person."  The term includes:
     5     (i)  An association.
     6     (ii)  A corporation.
     7     (iii)  A natural person who is required to be licensed under
     8  Article II.
     9     (iv)  A natural person who is an employer as defined in
    10  section 301 of Article III.
    11     (v)  A business entity subject to any tax imposed under any
    12  State law which the department is required to administer,
    13  enforce and collect.
    14     "Purchaser."  A purchaser, assignee or transferee of an
    15  interest in property.
    16     "Sale."  A sale, sale at auction, assignment or other
    17  transfer of an interest in property.
    18     "Seller."  A person that sells, assigns or transfers an
    19  interest in property.
    20     (b)  Seller's duty to request certificate.--Every seller
    21  making a bulk sale of assets shall notify the department of the
    22  sale in writing ten days prior to the date of the sale. It shall
    23  be the duty of the seller to file all reports with the
    24  department and to pay all tax, interest or penalty through the
    25  date of the sale, regardless of whether, at the time of the
    26  sale, the reports and taxes are due or all tax, interest or
    27  penalty has been assessed. The seller shall present to the
    28  purchaser a certificate from the department, showing that all
    29  reports have been filed and all tax, interest or penalty has
    30  been paid through the date of the sale.
    19990H1367B1600                 - 70 -

     1     (c)  Purchasers failure to require certificate.--If the
     2  purchaser fails to require the certificate under this section,
     3  all of the following shall apply:
     4     (1)  The assets that the seller is required to transfer to
     5  the purchaser shall be subject to a first lien for all unpaid
     6  tax, interest or penalty owed by the seller through the date of
     7  the sale regardless of whether, at the time of the sale, the
     8  tax, interest or penalty has been assessed.
     9     (2)  Any money, property, choses in action or other
    10  consideration that the purchaser is required to transfer to the
    11  seller shall be subject to a first lien for all unpaid tax,
    12  interest or penalty owed by the seller through the date of the
    13  sale regardless of whether, at the time of the sale, the tax,
    14  interest or penalty has been assessed.
    15     (3)  (i)  The purchaser shall be liable to the Commonwealth
    16  for all unpaid tax, interest or penalty owed by the seller
    17  through the date of the sale regardless of whether, at the time
    18  of the sale, the reports and taxes were due and all tax,
    19  interest or penalty has been assessed.
    20     (ii)  It shall not be necessary for the department to assess
    21  the liability against the purchaser. The liability against the
    22  purchaser shall arise as of the date of the bulk sale of assets.
    23     (iii)  Upon the enforcement of the liability against the
    24  purchaser, the judgment shall have the full force and effect of
    25  a lien as provided in section 2860 from the date of the bulk
    26  sale of assets.
    27     (d)  Duty to issue assessments.--
    28     (1)  It shall be the duty of the department, after receiving
    29  notice of a bulk sale, to assess all tax, interest or penalty
    30  and to issue, where it deems necessary, estimated assessments of
    19990H1367B1600                 - 71 -

     1  all tax, interest or penalty for which reports have not been
     2  filed through the date of the sale, regardless of whether the
     3  reports are due prior to the date of the sale.
     4     (2)  Whenever it shall become necessary for the department to
     5  make an estimated assessment for the purpose of issuing a
     6  certificate under this section, the department may remove the
     7  estimated assessment or issue a revised assessment upon the
     8  filing of a report and the determination by the department of
     9  the tax, interest or penalty due the Commonwealth from the
    10  taxpayer.
    11     (e)  Issuance of certificate.--
    12     (1)  Within sixty days after receipt of a request for a
    13  certificate under subsection (b), the department shall review
    14  the liability of the seller and issue a certificate of the tax,
    15  interest or penalty due the Commonwealth.
    16     (2)  If the department provides written notice to a purchaser
    17  that a possible claim for tax, interest or penalty due the
    18  Commonwealth exists, any sums of money, property or choses in
    19  action or other consideration, that the purchaser is required to
    20  transfer to the seller, shall be subject to a first priority
    21  right and lien for any taxes theretofore or thereafter
    22  determined to be due from the seller.
    23     (3)  Upon receipt of the notice, the purchaser shall be
    24  prohibited from transferring to the seller any sums of money,
    25  property or choses in action to the extent of the amount of the
    26  Commonwealth's claim.
    27     (f)  Sales under judicial order.--The provisions of this
    28  section shall not apply to judicial sales or sales made pursuant
    29  to an involuntary liquidation and dissolution authorized by the
    30  act of December 21, 1988 (P.L.1444, No.177), known as the
    19990H1367B1600                 - 72 -

     1  "General Association Act of 1988."
     2     (g)  Sale at auction.--The person conducting an auction sale
     3  shall require a certificate from the department showing that all
     4  reports have been filed and all tax, interest or penalty has
     5  been paid through the date of the sale before the person
     6  conducting the auction makes any distribution other than to the
     7  Commonwealth of the proceeds realized at the sale.
     8     Section 2864.  Duty of Prothonotary to Enter Liens; Penalty
     9  for Failure to Act.--(a)  Duty to enter liens.--It shall be the
    10  duty of a prothonotary receiving a lien for tax, interest or
    11  penalty to enter and docket the lien of record in the
    12  prothonotary's office. The lien shall be indexed as judgments
    13  are indexed. No prothonotary shall require the payment of any
    14  costs incident to the entry and docketing of the lien as a
    15  condition precedent to the entry of the lien.
    16     (b)  Penalty for failure to act.--A prothonotary who shall
    17  wilfully fail to carry out any duty imposed by this part shall
    18  be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall
    19  be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars
    20  ($1,000) and costs of prosecution, or to undergo imprisonment
    21  not exceeding one year, or both.
    22     Section 2865.  Automatic Revival and Priority of Liens.--All
    23  liens for tax, interest or penalty filed by the department shall
    24  continue in full force and effect and shall retain their
    25  priority until paid without the necessity of refiling or
    26  revival.
    27     Section 2866.  Furnishing Record of Liens.--The department
    28  shall furnish an applicant a certificate showing the character
    29  and amount of all liens of record in the department against a
    30  taxpayer under the laws of this Commonwealth. The department
    19990H1367B1600                 - 73 -

     1  shall charge a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for the certificate.
     2     Section 2867.  Release of Lien; Subordination of Lien; and
     3  Certificate of Release or Subordination.--(a)  Release of
     4  Commonwealth's liens.--
     5     (1)  Upon request of a taxpayer, the owner of real or
     6  personal property, or of a creditor, the department may release
     7  from the Commonwealth's liens a portion of the real or personal
     8  property subject to the liens upon payment of adequate
     9  consideration, as determined by the department.
    10     (2)  Adequate consideration may be determined based on the
    11  proportionate part of the liens, including accrued interest, as
    12  the value of the real or personal property released bears to the
    13  value of all real or personal property encumbered by the liens.
    14     (3)  In cases where the value of the real or personal
    15  property to be released is less than the proportionate share of
    16  the liens, including accrued interest, adequate consideration
    17  shall be the amount determined to be equitable by the
    18  department, but shall not exceed the value of the real or
    19  personal property to be released.
    20     (b)  Subordination of Commonwealth liens.--The department may
    21  subordinate the Commonwealth's liens to a judgment, mortgage,
    22  claim or other lien upon payment of adequate consideration, as
    23  determined by the department.
    24     (c)  Certificate of release or subordination of
    25  Commonwealth's liens.--
    26     (1)  The department shall issue to the taxpayer or other
    27  person paying adequate consideration a certificate showing the
    28  real or personal property released from the Commonwealth's
    29  liens.
    30     (2)  In the case of a subordination of the Commonwealth's
    19990H1367B1600                 - 74 -

     1  liens, the department shall also issue to the taxpayer or other
     2  person paying adequate consideration a certificate showing the
     3  judgment, mortgage, claim or other lien to which the
     4  Commonwealth's liens have been subordinated.
     5     (3)  The certificate showing the release or subordination may
     6  be recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county
     7  in which the real or personal property is located.
     8     Section 2868.  No Judicial Dissolution or Judicial Sale Valid
     9  Until Taxes are Paid.--(a)  Judicial dissolution.--No
    10  association or corporation made taxable by any act shall
    11  hereafter be dissolved by decree of any court of competent
    12  jurisdiction until all tax, interest or penalty have been fully
    13  paid and a certificate to this effect has been filed with the
    14  proceedings for dissolution in the proper court.
    15     (b)  Judicial sale.--A judicial sale involving a lien created
    16  under section 2860 or 2861(b) and (c) shall not be valid and no
    17  distribution of proceeds shall be made until all taxes due the
    18  Commonwealth have been fully paid. The Commonwealth's lien shall
    19  not be divested and shall continue to exist against any property
    20  transferred at a judicial sale to the extent of the tax,
    21  interest or penalty remaining unpaid.
    22     Section 2869.  Claims under Real Estate Tax Sale Law.--For
    23  purposes of section 602(h) of Article VI of the act of July 7,
    24  1947 (P.L.1368, No.542), known as the "Real Estate Tax Sale
    25  Law," in the case of property owned by a taxpayer against whom
    26  the department has imposed a lien under sections 2860 and
    27  2861(d), the department shall also be required to include in its
    28  proof of claim the taxes which are accorded priority by sections
    29  2860 and 2861(d).
    30     Section 2870.  Authority to Remove Lien.--(a)  General
    19990H1367B1600                 - 75 -

     1  rule.--The department shall remove the lien on any property and
     2  shall promptly notify the property owner that the lien has been
     3  removed if:
     4     (1)  the debt which underlies the lien has been satisfied; or
     5     (2)  the taxpayer has entered into an agreement under section
     6  2851 to satisfy the outstanding debt by means of installment
     7  payments, and the agreement provides for the removal of the
     8  lien.
     9     (b)  Removal of lien to facilitate collection of debt.--The
    10  department may remove the lien on any property if it determines
    11  that the removal of the lien will facilitate the collection of
    12  the outstanding debt.
    13     Section 2871.  Application of Part to Inheritance and Estate
    14  Taxes.--This part shall not apply to the taxes imposed by
    15  Article XXI.
    16                             PART VIII
    17                            APPLICATION
    18     Section 2880.  Application of Article--(a)  General rule.--
    19  The provisions of this article shall be in addition to, but not
    20  exclusive of, and shall supplement any other powers conferred
    21  upon the department by law.
    22     (b)  Exclusive procedure.--Except as specifically provided
    23  otherwise, the provisions of this article shall provide the
    24  exclusive procedure for the issuance of assessments, the filing
    25  and disposition of petitions for reassessment, refund or review;
    26  the calculation of interest on overpayments and underpayments of
    27  tax; and the creation of liens and the enforcement of the
    28  Commonwealth's rights under such liens.
    29     (c)  Construction.--
    30     (1)  It is the intent of the General Assembly that the
    19990H1367B1600                 - 76 -

     1  provisions of sections 2860 and 2861, insofar as they relate to
     2  liens on after-acquired property, shall be construed as a
     3  clarification of existing law and shall not be construed to be a
     4  change from existing law.
     5     (2)  The addition of section 2830 is intended as a
     6  replacement of section 806 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343,
     7  No.176), known as "The Fiscal Code." The addition of section
     8  2831 of the act is intended as a replacement of section 806.1 of
     9  "The Fiscal Code." After the effective date of this section, any
    10  reference in statute or regulation to section 806 of "The Fiscal
    11  Code" shall be deemed a reference to section 2830 of this
    12  article; and any reference in statute or regulation to section
    13  806.1 of "The Fiscal Code" shall be deemed a reference to
    14  section 2831 of this article.
    15     Section 21.  (a)  Tax Reform Code.--Sections 220, 230, 232,
    16  233, 234, 235, 236, 240, 241, 242, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255,
    17  258, 259, 260, 261, 265, 272, 321.1, 336, 338(c), 339, 340, 341,
    18  342, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 355, 403.1, 407,
    19  409, 1111-C, 1112-C, 1113-C, 2166, 2915-A, 3003.1, 3003.2(i),
    20  3003.5, 3003.6 and 3003.8 of the act are repealed.
    21     (b)  Specific.--The following acts and parts of acts are
    22  repealed:
    23         (1)  Section 32 of the act of June 1, 1889 (P.L.420,
    24     No.332), entitled "A further supplement to an act entitled
    25     'An act to provide revenue by taxation,' approved the seventh
    26     day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and
    27     seventy-nine."
    28         (2)  Sections 213, 401(a), 732, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805,
    29     806, 806.1, 807, 808, 809, 901, 901.1, 902, 903, 904, 905,
    30     1101, 1102, 1102.1, 1103, 1103.1, 1103.2, 1104.1, 1105, 1106,
    19990H1367B1600                 - 77 -

     1     1107, 1108, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1404.1, 1405, 1406, 1407,
     2     1409, 1410, 1710, 1710.1 and 1711 of the act of April 9, 1929
     3     (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code.
     4         (3)  Section 5 of the act of December 5, 1933 (Sp.Sess.,
     5     P.L.38, No.6), known as the Spirituous and Vinous Liquor Tax
     6     Law.
     7         (4)  The act of May 23, 1945 (P.L.893, No.360), known as
     8     the Co-operative Agricultural Association Corporate Net
     9     Income Tax Act.
    10         (5)  Section 208(c) and the second sentence of section
    11     219 of the act of December 17, 1981 (P.L.435, No.135), known
    12     as the Race Horse Industry Reform Act.
    13         (6)  Sections 205, 209 and 211 of the act of December 20,
    14     1996 (P.L.1504, No.195), known as the Taxpayers' Bill of
    15     Rights.
    16         (7)  The provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. §§ 9007, 9616 and 9617.
    17         (8)  The provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 9009, to the extent
    18     that it provides for records to be maintained for a period of
    19     two years and that the period specified in section 2812
    20     applies.
    21         (9)  The second and third sentences of 75 Pa.C.S. § 9610.
    22     (c)  General.--All other acts and parts of acts are repealed
    23  insofar as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this
    24  act.
    25     Section 22.  This act shall apply to all taxable periods
    26  beginning on or after January 1, 2001.
    27     Section 23.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2001.

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