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                                 SENATE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1651, 1778, 2110        PRINTER'S NO.  2514



No. 1405 Session of 2001

           APRIL 24, 2001

           SEPTEMBER 25, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to counties of the first, third,
     3     fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth classes; amending,
     4     revising, consolidating and changing the laws relating
     5     thereto; relating to imposition of excise taxes by counties,
     6     including authorizing imposition of an excise tax on the
     7     rental of motor vehicles by counties of the first class; and
     8     providing for regional renaissance initiatives," further
     9     providing for assistant county solicitors, for reports and     <--
    10     for preparation and filing of proposed budget; and making
    11     editorial changes.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 904 of the act of August 9, 1955           <--
    15  (P.L.323, No.130), known as The County Code, amended December
    16  22, 1981 (P.L.524, No.147), is amended to read:
    17     Section 904.  Assistant County Solicitors.--The county
    18  commissioners may appoint [not more than three] one or more
    19  assistant county solicitors, and, with the approval of the court
    20  of common pleas, special counsel who shall be attorneys at law
    21  admitted to practice in the courts of this Commonwealth. Each

     1  assistant and special counsel shall perform such duties in
     2  connection with the legal affairs of the county as may be
     3  assigned to him by the county commissioners or the county
     4  solicitor.
     5     Section 2.  Section 1720 of the act, amended May 6, 1981
     6  (P.L.49, No.16), is amended to read:
     7     SECTION 1.  SECTION 1720 OF THE ACT OF AUGUST 9, 1955          <--
     8  (P.L.323, NO.130), KNOWN AS THE COUNTY CODE, AMENDED MAY 6, 1981
     9  (P.L.49, NO.16), IS AMENDED TO READ:
    10     Section 1720.  Controller's Settlement of Accounts; Report to
    11  Common Pleas; Publications; Financial Report to Department of
    12  Community [Affairs] and Economic Development.--The controller
    13  shall, at the end of each fiscal year, complete the audit,
    14  settlement and adjustment of the accounts of all county
    15  officers. He shall, before the first day of April in every year,
    16  make a report, verified by oath or affirmation, to the Court of
    17  Common Pleas of said county, of all receipts and expenditures of
    18  the county for the preceding year, in detail, and classified by
    19  reference to the object thereof, together with a full statement
    20  of the financial conditions of the county. A concise summary of
    21  this report shall thereupon be published one time in such
    22  newspapers published in said county as the controller may
    23  direct, but the aggregate cost thereof shall not exceed fifteen
    24  hundred dollars ($1500) in any one year in any county, to be
    25  paid for out of the county treasury. Such report may also be
    26  published in printed pamphlets at the cost of the county, the
    27  number and cost of such pamphlets to be determined by the
    28  controller and the county commissioners. The controller shall
    29  also, before the first day of April, make an annual report to
    30  the Department of Community [Affairs] and Economic Development
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     1  of the financial condition of the county, on forms furnished by
     2  the Secretary of Community [Affairs] and Economic Development,
     3  and subject to the penalties provided in section one thousand
     4  seven hundred twenty-one of this act for auditors refusing or
     5  neglecting to make similar reports. Within the summary of the
     6  auditor's or controller's report, there shall be a notice to the
     7  public that the entire text of the report shall be available for
     8  public inspection during regular business hours in the office of
     9  the auditor or controller.
    10     Section 3 2.  Sections 1781 and 1782.1 of the act, amended or  <--
    11  added December 14, 1967 (P.L.831, No.357), are amended to read:
    12     Section 1781.  Preparation of Proposed Annual Budget.--(a)
    13  The commissioners, at least thirty days prior to adopting the
    14  budget, shall begin the preparation of the proposed budget for
    15  the succeeding fiscal year.
    16     (b)  The controller shall transmit to the commissioners a
    17  comparative statement of revenues for the current and the
    18  immediately preceding fiscal year, and a comparative statement
    19  of expenditures, including interest due and to fall due on all
    20  lawful interest bearing debts of the county for the same years.
    21     (c)  The controller's statement shall also indicate the
    22  amounts of all appropriation requests, submitted to the
    23  controller or to the commissioners and supplied by them to the
    24  controller, from the several county offices and agencies,
    25  including estimates of expenditures contemplated by the
    26  commissioners as forwarded by them to the controller.
    27     (d)  Said statements, shall be in such form and detail as the
    28  commissioners direct [, shall be prepared upon a form or forms
    29  furnished, as provided in this subdivision, by the Department of
    30  Community Affairs of the Commonwealth]. With this information as
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     1  a guide, the commissioners shall, within a reasonable time,
     2  begin the preparation of a proposed budget for the succeeding
     3  fiscal year.
     4     (e)  In counties not having a controller, the commissioners
     5  shall prepare the statements hereinbefore required.
     6     Section 1782.1.  Amending Budget; Notice.--During the month
     7  of January next following any municipal election the
     8  commissioners of any county may amend the budget and the levy
     9  and tax rate to conform with its amended budget. A period of ten
    10  days' public inspection at the office of the chief clerk of the
    11  proposed amended budget, after notice by the chief clerk to that
    12  effect is published once in a newspaper as provided in section
    13  110 of this act, shall intervene between the proposed amended
    14  budget and the adoption thereof. Any amended budget must be
    15  adopted by county commissioners on or before the fifteenth day
    16  of February.
    17     No such proposed amended budget shall be revised upward in
    18  excess of ten per centum in the aggregate thereof or as to an
    19  individual item in excess of twenty-five per centum of the
    20  amount of such individual item in the proposed amended budget.
    21     [Within fifteen days after the adoption of an amended budget
    22  the chief clerk shall file a copy thereof in the office of the
    23  Department of Community Affairs.]
    24     Section 4 3.  Section 1782.3 of the act, added August 18,      <--
    25  1977 (P.L.198, No.58), is amended to read:
    26     Section 1782.3.  Amending Budget, Levy and Tax Rate; Revising
    27  Tax Duplicates; Filing.--[(a)]  At any time prior to the time
    28  tax duplicates are sent by the county in any year, the
    29  commissioners of any county may amend the budget and the levy
    30  and tax rate and revise the tax duplicate to conform with its
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     1  amended budget when such county shall receive unanticipated
     2  revenues which may be expended during such county's fiscal year
     3  where such unanticipated revenues may enable the commissioners
     4  of such county to reduce the levy and tax rate to conform with
     5  its amended budget.
     6     [(b)  Within fifteen days after any amendment to the budget
     7  and levy and tax rate, the commissioners shall file a copy
     8  thereof in the office of the Department of Community Affairs.]
     9     Section 5 4.  Section 1783 of the act, amended October 5,      <--
    10  1967 (P.L.342, No.147), is amended to read:
    11     Section 1783.  Annual Budget Appropriations and Tax Rate[;
    12  Filing Budget].--The budget shall reflect as nearly as possible
    13  the estimated revenues and expenditures for the year for which
    14  it is prepared. [It shall be prepared on forms provided in
    15  accordance with this subdivision by the Department of Community
    16  Affairs.] The commissioners shall, upon adopting the budget,
    17  adopt the appropriation measures required to put it into effect,
    18  and shall fix such rate of taxation upon the valuation of the
    19  property taxable for county purposes as will, together with all
    20  other estimated revenues of the county, raise a sufficient sum
    21  to meet the said expenditures. [Within fifteen days after the
    22  adoption of the budget, the commissioners shall file a copy
    23  thereof in the office of the Department of Community Affairs.]
    24     Section 6 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.           <--

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