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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1772



No. 1426 Session of 2003

           YOUNGBLOOD AND YUDICHAK, MAY 12, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), entitled "An
     2     act to promote elimination of blighted areas and supply
     3     sanitary housing in areas throughout the Commonwealth; by
     4     declaring acquisition, sound replanning and redevelopment of
     5     such areas to be for the promotion of health, safety,
     6     convenience and welfare; creating public bodies corporate and
     7     politic to be known as Redevelopment Authorities; authorizing
     8     them to engage in the elimination of blighted areas and to
     9     plan and contract with private, corporate or governmental
    10     redevelopers for their redevelopment; providing for the
    11     organization of such authorities; defining and providing for
    12     the exercise of their powers and duties, including the
    13     acquisition of property by purchase, gift or eminent domain;
    14     the leasing and selling of property, including borrowing
    15     money, issuing bonds and other obligations, and giving
    16     security therefor; restricting the interest of members and
    17     employes of authorities; providing for notice and hearing;
    18     supplying certain mandatory provisions to be inserted in
    19     contracts with redevelopers; prescribing the remedies of
    20     obligees of redevelopment authorities; conferring certain
    21     duties upon local planning commissions, the governing bodies
    22     of cities and counties, and on certain State officers, boards
    23     and departments," further providing for provisions of the
    24     redevelopment contract; and making repeals.

    25     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    26  hereby enacts as follows:
    27     Section 1.  Section 11 of the act of May 24, 1945 (P.L.991,
    28  No.385), known as the Urban Redevelopment Law, amended October

     1  2, 2002 (P.L.796, No.113), is amended to read:
     2     Section 11.  Provisions of the Redevelopment Contract.--
     3     (a)  The contract between the Authority and a redeveloper
     4  shall contain, without being limited to, the following
     5  provisions:
     6     (1)  A legal description of the redevelopment area covered by
     7  the contract, and a covenant running with land to the effect
     8  that no person shall be deprived of the right to live in the
     9  redevelopment project, or to use any of the facilities therein
    10  by reason of race, creed, color or national origin, and such
    11  other easements, or other rights as are to be reserved therein
    12  by the Authority;
    13     (2)  Plans and such other documents as may be required to
    14  show the type, material, structure and general character of the
    15  redevelopment project;
    16     (3)  A statement of the use intended for each part of the
    17  project;
    18     (4)  A guaranty of completion of the redevelopment project
    19  within specified time limits which guaranty shall include
    20  provisions for the forfeiture of title, in such form and manner
    21  as the Authority may prescribe, in the event that the project is
    22  not completed timely;
    23     (4-1)  A requirement that every prime contract for
    24  construction, installation, alteration, repair of, or addition
    25  to, the redevelopment project, where the estimated cost shall
    26  exceed $10,000.00, shall contain a provision obligating the
    27  prime contractor to the prompt payment of all material
    28  furnished, labor supplied or performed, rental for equipment
    29  employed, and services rendered by public utilities in or in
    30  connection with the prosecution of the work, whether or not, the
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     1  said material, labor, equipment and services enter into and
     2  become component parts of the work or improvement contemplated.
     3  Such provision shall be deemed to be included for the benefit of
     4  every person, co-partnership, association or corporation, who as
     5  subcontractor, or otherwise, has furnished material, supplied or
     6  performed labor, rented equipment, or supplied services in or in
     7  connection with the prosecution of the work as aforesaid, and
     8  the inclusion thereof in any contract shall preclude the filing
     9  by any such person, co-partnership, association or corporation
    10  of any mechanics' lien claim for such material, labor or rental
    11  of equipment, and further requiring that the [contractor shall
    12  give to the redeveloper an appropriate bond] redeveloper shall
    13  provide to the Authority evidence of financial security for the
    14  prompt payment by the prime contractor for materials, supplies,
    15  labor, services and equipment. Such financial security shall
    16  equal 100% of the contract amount and may include, but not be
    17  limited to, an appropriate bond from a surety company authorized
    18  to do business in this Commonwealth, an irrevocable letter of
    19  credit from a Federal or Commonwealth Chartered Lending
    20  Institution and/or a restrictive or escrow account, and shall be
    21  in such form as the Authority may prescribe;
    22     (5)  A provision that the redeveloper shall be without power
    23  to sell, lease or otherwise transfer the redevelopment area, or
    24  project, or any part thereof, without the prior written consent
    25  of the Authority, until the Authority shall have certified in
    26  writing that the redevelopment project has been completed;
    27     (5-1)  For all projects in which the estimated construction
    28  costs exceed $1,000,000.00, a requirement that the redeveloper
    29  shall provide to the Authority, and shall cause each prime
    30  contractor to provide or submit to, a project cost certification
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     1  performed by one or more independent, third-party certified
     2  public accountants establishing the actual total construction
     3  costs incurred and paid by the redeveloper and each prime
     4  contractor in connection with the redevelopment project. The
     5  receipt of the construction cost certification shall be a
     6  condition for receiving a certificate of completion;
     7     (6)  The amount of the consideration to be paid by the
     8  redeveloper to the Authority;
     9     (7)  Adequate safeguards for proper maintenance of all parts
    10  of the project;
    11     (8)  Prohibition against discrimination in the use, sale or
    12  lease of any part of the project against any person because of
    13  race, color, religion or national origin;
    14     (9)  Such other continuing controls as may be deemed
    15  necessary to effectuate the purposes of this act;
    16     (b)  Any deed or lease to a redeveloper in furtherance of a
    17  redevelopment contract shall be executed in the name of the
    18  Authority, by its proper officers, and shall contain in addition
    19  to all other provisions, such provisions as the Authority may
    20  deem desirable to run with the land in order to effectuate the
    21  purposes of this act;
    22     (c)  Any lease to a redeveloper may provide that all
    23  improvements shall become the property of the Authority. The
    24  execution of such a lease shall not in itself impose upon the
    25  Authority any liability for or by reason of the financing,
    26  construction, management or operation of any redevelopment
    27  project.
    28     Section 2.  All rights, duties and obligations arising under
    29  any redevelopment contract awarded by an Authority prior to the
    30  effective date of this act shall continue to be governed by the
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     1  provisions of the law in effect at the time of such award.
     2     Section 3.  (a)  The following acts and parts of acts are
     3  repealed:
     4     Section 8(1) of the act of December 30, 2002 (P.L.2001,
     5  No.230), entitled "An act amending Title 53 (Municipalities
     6  Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing
     7  for acceptance of gifts or donations; further providing for
     8  powers and duties of the Municipal Police Officers' Education
     9  and Training Commission; prohibiting political activity by
    10  municipal police officers; further providing, in parking
    11  authorities, for definitions, for purposes and powers and for
    12  special provisions for authorities in first class cities;
    13  providing, in parking authorities in first class cities, for
    14  additional special provisions, for management of authority
    15  funds, for special funds, for bonds, for contracts with
    16  authority obligees, for Commonwealth pledges, for bond and trust
    17  indentures, for funds collected, for bonds as legal investments,
    18  for pledge validity, for security interests in funds and
    19  accounts and for bankruptcy limitations; further providing for
    20  municipal authority governing bodies and money; providing for
    21  regulation of taxicabs and limousines in first class cities;
    22  further providing for governing body of municipal authorities
    23  and for certain fiscal reporting; codifying the act of June 27,
    24  1986 (P.L.267, No.70), known as the Pennsylvania Convention
    25  Center Authority Act; defining "expansion or substantial
    26  renovation"; further providing for purposes and powers and for
    27  capital and operating budgets; providing for expansion funding;
    28  further providing for governing board, for moneys of the
    29  authority, for award of contracts, for interests of public
    30  officers and for rental tax; making an appropriation; and making
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     1  repeals."
     2     53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 58.
     3     (b)  The act of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, No.385), known as
     4  the Public Works Contractors' Bond Law of 1967, is repealed
     5  insofar as it is inconsistent with this act.
     6     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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