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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1670



No. 1432 Session of 1989

           ROBINSON, MAY 22, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 31, 1945 (P.L.1198, No.418), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act providing for the conservation and
     3     improvement of land affected in connection with surface
     4     mining; regulating such mining; providing for the
     5     establishment of an Emergency Bond Fund for anthracite deep
     6     mine operators; and providing penalties," further providing
     7     for persons who have an adverse interest to certain mining
     8     operations.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 4(b) of the act of May 31, 1945
    12  (P.L.1198, No.418), known as the Surface Mining Conservation and
    13  Reclamation Act, amended October 12, 1984 (P.L.916, No.181), is
    14  amended to read:
    15     Section 4.  Mining Permit; Reclamation Plan; Bond.--* * *
    16     (b)  The applicant shall give public notice of every
    17  application for a permit or a bond release under this act in a
    18  newspaper of general circulation, published in the locality
    19  where the permit is applied for, once a week for four
    20  consecutive weeks. The department shall prescribe such

     1  requirements regarding public notice and public hearings on
     2  permit applications and bond releases as it deems appropriate:
     3  Provided, however, That increments within the original permit
     4  area upon which operations are initiated shall not be treated as
     5  original permit applications with regard to the requirements of
     6  this subsection so long as the original permit is in full force
     7  and effect at the time the operations are initiated. For the
     8  purpose of these public hearings, the department shall have the
     9  authority and is hereby empowered to administer oaths, subpoena
    10  witnesses, or written or printed materials, compel the
    11  attendance of witnesses, or production of witnesses, or
    12  production of materials, and take evidence including but not
    13  limited to inspections of the land proposed to be affected and
    14  other operations carried on by the applicant in the general
    15  vicinity. Any person having an interest which is or may be
    16  adversely affected by any action of the department under this
    17  section may proceed to lodge an appeal with the Environmental
    18  Hearing Board in the manner provided by law and from the
    19  adjudication of said board such person may further appeal as
    20  provided by Title 2 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes
    21  (relating to administrative law and procedure). A person having
    22  an interest which is or may be adversely affected must
    23  demonstrate how he or she meets an "injury in fact" test by
    24  describing the injury to his or her specific affected interests
    25  and demonstrate how he or she is injured. The Environmental
    26  Hearing Board, upon the request of any party, may in its
    27  discretion order the payment of costs and attorney's fees it
    28  determines to have been reasonably incurred by such party in
    29  proceedings pursuant to this section. In all cases involving
    30  surface coal mining operations, any person having an interest
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     1  which is or may be adversely affected shall have the right to
     2  file written objections to the proposed permit application or
     3  bond release within thirty (30) days after the last publication
     4  of the above notice which shall conclude the public comment
     5  period. Such objections shall immediately be transmitted to the
     6  applicant by the department. If written objections are filed and
     7  an informal conference or a public hearing requested within the
     8  public comment period, the department shall then hold an
     9  informal conference or a public hearing in the locality of the
    10  surface mining operation. In the case of bond release
    11  applications, such hearings or conferences shall be held within
    12  thirty (30) days from the date of request for such hearings or
    13  conferences: Provided, however, That all requests for such
    14  hearings or conferences that are filed prior to the tenth day
    15  following the final date of publication shall have a
    16  constructive date of filing as of the tenth day following the
    17  final date of publication of such notice. The department shall
    18  notify the applicant of its decision within thirty (30) days of
    19  such hearing or conference. If there has been no conference or
    20  hearing, the department shall notify the applicant for a bond
    21  release of its decision within sixty (60) days of the date of
    22  the filing of the application. In the case of permit
    23  applications, such hearings or conferences shall be conducted
    24  within sixty (60) days of the close of the public comment
    25  period. The department, within sixty (60) days of such hearing
    26  or conference, shall notify the applicant of its decision to
    27  approve or disapprove or of its intent to disapprove subject to
    28  the submission of additional information to resolve
    29  deficiencies. If there has been no informal conference or
    30  hearing, the department shall notify the applicant for a permit,
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     1  within a reasonable time not to exceed sixty (60) days of the
     2  close of the public comment period, of the deficiencies in the
     3  application or whether the application has been approved or
     4  disapproved. The applicant, operator, or any person having an
     5  interest which is or may be adversely affected by an action of
     6  the department to grant or deny a permit or to release or deny
     7  release of a bond and who participated in the informal hearing
     8  held pursuant to this subsection or filed written objections
     9  before the close of the public comment period, may proceed to
    10  lodge an appeal with the Environmental Hearing Board in the
    11  manner provided by law and from the adjudication of said board
    12  such person may further appeal as provided by Title 2 of the
    13  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. Subject to the
    14  confidentiality provisions of subsection (a)(1), each applicant
    15  for a permit under this act shall file a copy of his application
    16  for public inspection, with the recorder of deeds at the
    17  courthouse of the county or an appropriate public office
    18  approved by the department where the mining is proposed to
    19  occur.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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