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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1721



No. 1449 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," providing for the establishment,
     6     membership and powers and duties of the Master Plan for
     7     Higher Education Review Committee; and further providing for
     8     the adoption of the master plan.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 2601-B of the act of March 10, 1949
    12  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, is
    13  amended by adding a clause to read:
    14     Section 2601-B.  Definitions.--When used in this article the
    15  following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
    16     * * *
    17     (3)  "Committee" shall mean the Master Plan for Higher

     1  Education Review Committee established under section 2604.1-B.
     2     Section 2.  Section 2603-B(h) of the act, added March 30,
     3  1988 (P.L.321, No.43), is amended to read:
     4     Section 2603-B.  Powers and Duties of the Board.--* * *
     5     (h)  [Every] At least every five (5) years, the board shall
     6  [adopt] transmit a proposed master plan for higher education
     7  [which shall be for the guidance of the Governor, and all
     8  institutions of higher education financed wholly or in part from
     9  State appropriations] as provided in section 2604.3-B, to the
    10  Master Plan for Higher Education Review Committee for its
    11  review. The proposed master plan shall:
    12     (1)  define the role of each type of institution (State-owned
    13  universities, State-related universities, community colleges,
    14  private colleges and universities and off-campus centers of any
    15  of these and other institutions authorized to grant degrees) in
    16  this Commonwealth;
    17     (2)  recommend enrollment levels for each such institution;
    18     (3)  recommend methods for governance;
    19     (4)  recommend methods for the distribution of State funds
    20  among the institutions;
    21     (5)  evaluate the status of physical plants and technical
    22  equipment and project needs;
    23     (6)  evaluate the status of and projection of manpower needs;
    24     (7)  evaluate enrollment accessibility to institutions of
    25  higher learning by the public; and
    26     (8)  otherwise provide for an orderly development of
    27  institutions of higher education in this Commonwealth.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    30     Section 2604.1-B.  Master Plan for Higher Education Review
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     1  Committee.--(a)  There is hereby created a committee to be known
     2  as the Master Plan for Higher Education Review Committee.
     3     (b)  The committee shall consist of fifteen (15) members
     4  appointed as follows:
     5     (1)  The Secretary of Education or a designee.
     6     (2)  The chairperson of the State Board of Education or a
     7  designee.
     8     (3)  Two (2) senators appointed by the President pro tempore
     9  of the Senate. One (1) senator shall be a member at the time of
    10  appointment of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate. The
    11  second senator shall be a member at the time of appointment of
    12  the Education Committee of the Senate.
    13     (4)  Two (2) senators appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    14  Senate. One (1) senator shall be a member at the time of
    15  appointment of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate. The
    16  second senator shall be a member at the time of appointment of
    17  the Education Committee of the Senate.
    18     (5)  Two (2) representatives appointed by the Speaker of the
    19  House of Representatives. One (1) representative shall be a
    20  member at the time of appointment of the Appropriations
    21  Committee of the House of Representatives. The second
    22  representative shall be a member at the time of appointment of
    23  the Subcommittee on Higher Education of the Education Committee
    24  of the House of Representatives.
    25     (6)  Two (2) representatives appointed by the Minority Leader
    26  of the House of Representatives. One (1) representative shall be
    27  a member at the time of appointment of the Appropriations
    28  Committee of the House of Representatives. The second
    29  representative shall be a member at the time of appointment of
    30  the Subcommittee on Higher Education of the Education Committee
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     1  of the House of Representatives.
     2     (7)  One (1) member shall be a president of a community
     3  college at the time of appointment, selected from a list
     4  submitted by the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and
     5  Universities (PACU) and appointed by the Governor.
     6     (8)  One (1) member shall be a president of a State-owned
     7  college or university at the time of appointment, selected from
     8  a list submitted by PACU and appointed by the Governor.
     9     (9)  One (1) member shall be a president of a State-related
    10  college or university at the time of appointment, selected from
    11  a list submitted by PACU and appointed by the Governor.
    12     (10)  One (1) member shall be a president of an independent
    13  college or university at the time of appointment, selected from
    14  a list submitted by PACU and appointed by the Governor.
    15     (11)  One (1) member who shall represent proprietary
    16  institutions shall be selected from a list submitted by the
    17  Pennsylvania Association of Private School Administrators
    18  (PAPSA) and appointed by the Governor.
    19     (c)  Members appointed pursuant to this act shall hold office
    20  as follows: two (2) members chosen by lot shall hold office for
    21  an initial term of three (3) years, two (2) members chosen by
    22  lot shall hold office for an initial term of two (2) years and
    23  the remaining member shall hold office for an initial term of
    24  one (1) year each or until the member's successor has been
    25  appointed. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the
    26  unexpired term or until the member's successor has been
    27  appointed. Subsequent appointments shall be for three (3) year
    28  terms.
    29     (d)  Legislative members shall hold office for two (2) year
    30  terms ending at midnight on the thirtieth day of November of
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     1  each even-numbered year.
     2     (e)  The President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker
     3  of the House of Representatives shall designate one (1) of the
     4  appointed members of the Senate and one (1) of the appointed
     5  members of the House of Representatives to serve as chairman and
     6  vice chairman, respectively. Thereafter, chairmanship and vice
     7  chairmanship shall alternate annually between the Senate and the
     8  House of Representatives. The first chairman shall be an
     9  appointed member of the House of Representatives and the first
    10  vice chairman shall be an appointed member of the Senate.
    11     (f)  Eight (8) members shall constitute a quorum. The
    12  affirmative vote of a majority of all the members of the
    13  committee duly recorded showing how each member voted shall be
    14  required in order to take action adopting statements of policy,
    15  standards, rules and regulations.
    16     (g)  The committee shall meet as necessary for the prompt
    17  discharge of its duties and shall adopt rules to govern its
    18  operation and organization.
    19     (h)  Legislative vacancies shall be filled by appointment by
    20  the presiding officer of the legislative chamber to which the
    21  vacating member was elected. The successor shall serve for the
    22  duration of the vacating member's term.
    23     Section 2604.2-B.  Purpose, Duties, Powers and
    24  Responsibilities of the Committee.--The committee at all times
    25  shall ensure that its mission is centered on providing a
    26  rational and effective approach to developing and implementing
    27  State policies pertaining to postsecondary education in this
    28  Commonwealth. To carry out its duties the committee shall have
    29  the following powers and responsibilities:
    30     (1)  Provide input to the State Board of Education with
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     1  respect to the master plan as well as review proposed master
     2  plans as provided in section 2604.4-B.
     3     (2)  Approve, disapprove or recommend amendments to proposed
     4  master plans as provided in sections 2604.5-B, 2604.6-B and
     5  2604.7-B.
     6     (3)  Maintain liaison with the Department of Education and
     7  the General Assembly on matters concerning the adoption of a
     8  master plan.
     9     Section 2604.3-B.  Transmittal of a Proposed Master Plan.--
    10  Whenever the board seeks to adopt a master plan, the board shall
    11  place sufficient copies of the proposed master plan in the
    12  possession of the chairperson of the committee. The transmittal
    13  shall include:
    14     (1)  The text of the proposed master plan.
    15     (2)  A statement of the statutory authority under which the
    16  master plan or change therein is proposed to be adopted.
    17     (3)  A brief explanation of the proposed master plan or
    18  change therein and the justification therefor.
    19     Section 2604.4-B.  Review by Committee.--(a)  The committee
    20  shall complete its review of the proposed master plan within
    21  thirty (30) legislative session days of the date of receipt of
    22  copies of the proposal.
    23     (b)  The committee may hold hearings, take testimony and make
    24  its review at such places within this Commonwealth as it deems
    25  necessary.
    26     Section 2604.5-B.  Recommendation for Amendment.--(a)  Upon
    27  completion of its review of the proposed master plan in
    28  accordance with the provisions of section 2604.4-B, the
    29  committee shall notify the board of its findings and recommend
    30  necessary amendments.
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     1     (b)  The board, within twenty (20) calendar days of receiving
     2  the committee's recommendation, may amend the proposed master
     3  plan in accordance with the recommendation of the committee and
     4  resubmit the proposed master plan to the committee for its
     5  review.
     6     Section 2604.6-B.  Approval of a Proposed Master Plan.--On
     7  its determination that the proposed master plan should be
     8  approved, the committee's legislative members shall, within the
     9  review period, cause a concurrent resolution to be introduced in
    10  the Senate or the House of Representatives approving the
    11  proposed master plan, and upon the adoption of the resolution,
    12  the committee shall notify the board. Upon notice, the board
    13  shall adopt the master plan.
    14     Section 2604.7-B.  Disapproval of a Proposed Master Plan.--On
    15  its determination that the proposed master plan should be
    16  disapproved, the legislative members of the committee shall,
    17  within the review period, cause a concurrent resolution to be
    18  introduced in the Senate or the House of Representatives
    19  disapproving the proposed master plan; and upon the adoption of
    20  the resolution the committee shall notify the board. Upon notice
    21  of disapproval, the board shall, within twenty (20) calendar
    22  days, make modifications to the proposed master plan and
    23  resubmit it to the committee for review.
    24     Section 2604.8-B.  Committee Inaction.--If the committee does
    25  not cause a concurrent resolution to be introduced within the
    26  review period, the board may thereafter adopt the master plan as
    27  proposed.
    28     Section 2604.9-B.  Effect on Judicial Review.--(a)  For
    29  purposes of judicial review, committee inaction or the adoption
    30  of a concurrent resolution of approval shall mean that the
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     1  master plan shall be for the guidance of the Governor, the
     2  General Assembly and all institutions of higher education.
     3     (b)  Adoption of a concurrent resolution of disapproval shall
     4  mean that the master plan shall not be for the guidance of the
     5  Governor, the General Assembly and all institutions of higher
     6  education.
     7     Section 2604.10-B.  Sine Die Session.--In the event of an
     8  adjournment sine die of the General Assembly within its review
     9  period, the board shall resubmit its proposed master plan upon
    10  the reorganization of the General Assembly and its standing
    11  committees. Once the proposed master plan is resubmitted, the
    12  review provided by this act shall commence, and the master plan
    13  adopted during the adjournment sine die shall expire fifteen
    14  (15) calendar days after the reconvening of the General
    15  Assembly, unless the master plan was approved in the manner
    16  provided by this act.
    17     Section 2604.11-B.  Appropriations.--The General Assembly
    18  shall appropriate moneys as necessary for the advancement of
    19  this act.
    20     Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001, or
    21  immediately, whichever is later.

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