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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1814



No. 1495 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Pennsylvania Commission on Blindness and Visual
     2     Impairment and providing for its powers and duties;
     3     transferring certain functions; and making repeals.

     4                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6  Section 2.  Definitions.
     7  Section 3.  Establishment of commission.
     8  Section 4.  Terms of appointment.
     9  Section 5.  Officers of commission.
    10  Section 6.  Responsibility.
    11  Section 7.  Meetings.
    12  Section 8.  Compensation.
    13  Section 9.  Assistants and staff.
    14  Section 10.  Clients of commission.
    15  Section 11.  Statewide data base.

     1  Section 12.  Duty of commission.
     2  Section 13.  Federal funds.
     3  Section 14.  Gifts, contributions and bequests.
     4  Section 15.  Blindness and Visual Impairment Fund.
     5  Section 16.  Reports.
     6  Section 17.  Agency duties transferred.
     7  Section 18.  Repeals.
     8  Section 19.  Funding.
     9  Section 20.  Effective date.
    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12  Section 1.  Short title.
    13     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Blindness and
    14  Visual Impairment Act.
    15  Section 2.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Commission on Blindness and
    20  Visual Impairment.
    21     "Legally blind."  A visual acuity of 20/200 vision in the
    22  better eye with best correction and/or a visual field that
    23  subtends an angle of 20 degrees.
    24     "Visually impaired."  A visual acuity of 20/70 vision in the
    25  better eye with best correction and/or a field loss of 50% or
    26  more and/or a prognosis of significantly deteriorating vision.
    27  Section 3.  Establishment of commission.
    28     The Pennsylvania Commission on Blindness and Visual
    29  Impairment is hereby established. The commission shall consist
    30  of nine members to be appointed by the Governor. At least four
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     1  members of the commission shall be legally blind and one
     2  additional member shall be visually impaired. Persons appointed
     3  to the commission shall have qualifications or credentials which
     4  demonstrate an ability to administer an organization, and there
     5  shall be an attempt to maintain representation from a geographic
     6  balance of this Commonwealth. The Governor shall, when
     7  appointing a person, request lists of qualified persons from the
     8  various organized communities of the blind, agencies for the
     9  blind and professional organizations in the field of blindness.
    10  No person appointed to this commission shall serve on it while
    11  serving as an official or paid employee of any workshop, school
    12  or agency whose stated purpose and function is service to the
    13  blind. In addition, no person having a contract for services to
    14  the blind and/or who is an official or paid employee of an
    15  organization of the blind which has a contract with the
    16  Commonwealth for services to the blind may serve on the
    17  commission.
    18  Section 4.  Terms of appointment.
    19     The term of a commissioner shall be for three years, and no
    20  member of the commission shall serve more than two consecutive
    21  three-year terms. After the completion of two three-year terms,
    22  a commissioner may be reappointed to the commission after one
    23  year of nonservice. Within 60 days after the passage of this
    24  act, the Governor shall appoint three commissioners for one-year
    25  terms, three commissioners for two-year terms and three
    26  commissioners for three-year terms. Only those commissioners
    27  appointed for one-year terms are eligible to serve two
    28  additional three-year terms before the required year of
    29  nonservice.
    30  Section 5.  Officers of commission.
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     1     The commission shall establish the number sufficient to
     2  constitute a quorum and shall adopt necessary bylaws by which to
     3  govern itself. At the first meeting of the commission and
     4  annually thereafter, the commission shall elect a chairman, a
     5  vice chairman and a secretary.
     6  Section 6.  Responsibility.
     7     The commission shall be directly responsible to the Governor
     8  and shall not be assigned to any other existing department,
     9  commission, board or section of the State government.
    10  Section 7.  Meetings.
    11     (a)  Quarterly meetings.--The commission shall meet quarterly
    12  during the months of March, June, September and December.
    13  Special meetings may be called, when needed, by the chairman of
    14  the commission or by joint resolution of any three members of
    15  the commission.
    16     (b)  Location.--Quarterly meetings shall be held in different
    17  sections of this Commonwealth, with provisions made for blind
    18  and visually impaired people of the area, agencies and
    19  professional organizations for the blind to present ideas and
    20  problem areas to the commission. The commission shall notify the
    21  various organized blind communities at least 30 days before such
    22  meetings. In addition, the commission shall hold at least one
    23  meeting each year in the State Capitol.
    24  Section 8.  Compensation.
    25     None of the commissioners shall receive salary or
    26  compensation for their service. Members of the commission may be
    27  reimbursed for travel expenses and expenses incurred as part of
    28  their duties as members of the commission. The expenses shall be
    29  reimbursed from available State funds and in accordance with the
    30  rules and regulations of the Executive Board applicable to
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     1  agencies and departments of the Commonwealth.
     2  Section 9.  Assistants and staff.
     3     (a)  Authorization.--The commission shall employ a director
     4  and such assistants and staff as may be necessary to carry out
     5  this act, with primary consideration being given to qualified
     6  blind persons.
     7     (b)  Transfers.--The director of the commission shall have
     8  unclassified service under the act of August 5, 1941 (P.L.752,
     9  No.286), known as the Civil Service Act. Employees of the
    10  Department of Public Welfare and other persons who now serve
    11  people who are blind or visually handicapped and whose services
    12  are deemed necessary to the adequate and proper functioning of
    13  the commission shall be transferred to the commission and shall
    14  retain any classified service under the Civil Service Act, any
    15  retirement, seniority or other rights, and their terms of office
    16  shall not be deemed to be interrupted. All employees currently
    17  represented by collective bargaining agreements or memoranda of
    18  agreement shall be transferred to the commission without loss of
    19  pay, seniority, benefits or any other attribute of the current
    20  position. The commission shall establish adequate and proper
    21  appeal and grievance procedures for staff.
    22  Section 10.  Clients of commission.
    23     Clients of the commission shall be persons who are blind or
    24  visually impaired who, by reason of a loss of vision, have
    25  substantial difficulty in achieving an adequate economic and
    26  social adjustment.
    27  Section 11.  Statewide data base.
    28     The commission shall compile a central data base of blind and
    29  visually impaired persons in this Commonwealth, which shall
    30  describe the cause of each individual's visual loss, the
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     1  individual's capacity for educational, vocational and industrial
     2  training, a census of employed persons who are blind or visually
     3  impaired, factors relating to employment of blind or visually
     4  impaired persons and such other factors as the commission shall
     5  deem of value.
     6  Section 12.  Duty of commission.
     7     It is the duty of the commission to:
     8         (1)  Act as a source of information and referral to all
     9     persons who are blind or visually impaired in this
    10     Commonwealth.
    11         (2)  Assist in marketing products of blind or visually
    12     impaired workers of this Commonwealth.
    13         (3)  Provide maximum vocational rehabilitation and
    14     adjustment training for persons who are blind or visually
    15     impaired.
    16         (4)  Vigorously pursue the commercial, industrial and
    17     competitive placement of persons who are blind or visually
    18     impaired.
    19         (5)  Provide advisory and referral services to persons
    20     who are multiply handicapped where the lack of vision is a
    21     further significant handicap, and advocate for and arrange
    22     for whatever facilities are necessary for these services.
    23         (6)  Provide social services to an individual who is
    24     blind or visually impaired, and support services to the
    25     spouse, parent or other members of the individual's family,
    26     to bring about the maximum utilization of all services of the
    27     commission by the blind or visually impaired individual.
    28         (7)  Advocate for and assist with the maximum education
    29     of persons who are blind or visually impaired and of multiply
    30     handicapped persons where loss of vision is a further
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     1     significant handicap, from preschool age to the conclusion of
     2     education, and provide for the education of an adult who is
     3     newly blinded.
     4         (8)  Negotiate with Federal, State or other governmental
     5     organizations and the private agencies offering services
     6     required by an individual served by this act, and purchase
     7     such services when needed.
     8         (9)  Gather information concerning the causes of
     9     blindness and visual loss, directly provide for prevention of
    10     blindness services, seek to determine which causes are
    11     preventable and work with the other established agents of
    12     this Commonwealth to eliminate preventable causes.
    13         (10)  Establish adequate appeal and grievance procedures
    14     for clients of the commission.
    15         (11)  Provide a business enterprise program, including
    16     management, supervision and development services, in
    17     accordance with the Randolph-Sheppard Act (49 Stat. 1559, 20
    18     U.S.C. § 107 et seq.).
    19         (12)  Make loans and grants for the purchase or lease of
    20     technical equipment which facilitates reading and
    21     communicating. This equipment includes computers and related
    22     equipment. Loans made under this paragraph shall have an
    23     interest rate of 1% per annum. Loans and grants shall also be
    24     made available for service contracts and insurance on
    25     equipment.
    26  Section 13.  Federal funds.
    27     The commission shall be the designated State vocational
    28  rehabilitative agency for the blind and visually impaired and
    29  shall receive all funding concomitant with that designation. The
    30  commission shall actively seek funding under the Rehabilitation
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     1  Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-112, 29 U.S.C. § 701 et seq.) as well
     2  as other available sources of Federal funds necessary to
     3  implement and carry out the programs of the commission.
     4  Section 14.  Gifts, contributions and bequests.
     5     The commission is empowered to accept and use gifts,
     6  contributions and bequests made in accordance with the
     7  provisions of this act. These gifts shall be deposited into the
     8  Blindness and Visual Impairment Fund, and shall be invested and
     9  reinvested as provided by law. The principal and interest on
    10  such gifts may be used in accordance with the conditions of the
    11  gift. The commission shall not solicit bequests, gifts or
    12  contributions from the general public.
    13  Section 15.  Blindness and Visual Impairment Fund.
    14     There is hereby established in the State Treasury a special
    15  fund to be known as the Blindness and Visual Impairment Fund.
    16  All gifts accepted by and other money made available to the
    17  commission shall be deposited into this fund, and all money in
    18  the fund is appropriated to the commission on a continuing basis
    19  to carry out the provisions of this act.
    20  Section 16.  Reports.
    21     The commission shall make a detailed report to the General
    22  Assembly and the Governor before January 1 of each year. This
    23  report shall show all appropriations received and how they were
    24  expended and how the responsibilities of the commission have
    25  been discharged and shall make recommendations concerning the
    26  improvement of the commission in the forthcoming year.
    27  Section 17.  Agency duties transferred.
    28     (a)  Functions.--The functions of the Department of Public
    29  Welfare relating to the blind and visually impaired are hereby
    30  abolished if those functions are transferred to the commission
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     1  under this act.
     2     (b)  Personnel, appropriations, etc.--All personnel,
     3  allocations, appropriations, equipment, files, records,
     4  contracts, agreements, obligations and other materials which are
     5  used, employed or expended in connection with the powers, duties
     6  or functions transferred by this act to the commission are
     7  hereby transferred to the commission with the same force and
     8  effect as if the appropriations had been made to and the items
     9  had been the property of the commission in the first instance
    10  and as if the contracts, agreements and obligations had been
    11  incurred or entered into by the commission.
    12     (c)  Additional provisions.--The personnel, appropriations,
    13  equipment and other items and materials transferred by this
    14  section shall include an equivalent portion of the general
    15  administrative, overhead and supporting personnel,
    16  appropriations, equipment and other materials of the commission
    17  and shall also include, where applicable, Federal grants and
    18  funds and other benefits from any Federal program.
    19     (d)  Regulations, orders, etc.--All orders, permits,
    20  regulations, decisions and other actions of any department,
    21  board or commission abolished by this act or of any agency whose
    22  functions have been transferred by this act shall remain in full
    23  force and effect until modified, repealed, suspended, superseded
    24  or otherwise changed by appropriate action of the commission.
    25  Section 18.  Repeals.
    26     (a)  Article VIII of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
    27  No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, is repealed insofar as
    28  it is inconsistent with this act.
    29     (b)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
    30  they are inconsistent with this act.
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     1  Section 19.  Funding.
     2     This act shall be funded by moneys which the General Assembly
     3  shall from time to time appropriate.
     4  Section 20.  Effective date.
     5     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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