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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1882



No. 1533 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to counties of the second class
     3     and second class A; amending, revising, consolidating and
     4     changing the laws relating thereto," further providing for
     5     eminent domain.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 2601 of the act of July 28, 1953
     9  (P.L.723, No.230), known as the Second Class County Code,
    10  amended July 25, 1961 (P.L.854, No.370), is amended to read:
    11     Section 2601.  Eminent Domain; County May Enter Upon Land, Et
    12  Cetera.--(a)  In all cases where the power of eminent domain is
    13  conferred upon the county by law, the county may enter upon,
    14  appropriate, take, injure or destroy private lands, property or
    15  material. Any such taking for the purpose of originally laying
    16  out or opening of any road shall be in fee simple.
    17     (b)  (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this
    18  section includes the right of second class counties to take air
    19  rights for transportation uses over or alongside railroad tracks

     1  and other railroad property adjacent to the railroad tracks and
     2  to construct support structures over and on the property
     3  pursuant to this subsection. The following shall apply:
     4     (i)  Prior to initiating an action in condemnation, a second
     5  class county must engage in good faith efforts to purchase the
     6  air rights and to enter into agreements regarding the
     7  construction of support structures on railroad property related
     8  to transportation projects.
     9     (ii)  Condemnation and use of air rights must be effected in
    10  a manner which provides a vertical separation between structures
    11  built over railroad property for transportation uses and the
    12  railroad property used in active railroad operations not less
    13  than:
    14     (A)  that required to accommodate double-stack container
    15  railcars; or
    16     (B)  the greater of any of the following requirements:
    17     (I)  The requirements of the Federal Railroad Administration.
    18     (II)  The requirements of the Federal Highway Administration
    19  or any successor agency or department applicable to Federal-aid
    20  highways.
    21     (III)  The requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of
    22  Transportation.
    23     (2)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this section
    24  includes the right of second class counties to take certain
    25  property subject to the ownership and/or control of railroads
    26  for transportation uses through the exercise of the power of
    27  eminent domain pursuant to this subsection. No action taken
    28  pursuant to this subsection shall interfere with railroad
    29  operations on adjacent tracks within any right of way or other
    30  property retained by a railroad. Prior to initiating an action
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     1  in condemnation, a second class county must engage in good faith
     2  efforts to enter into an agreement with the railroad to vest
     3  ownership and control of the property in the second class
     4  county.
     5     (3)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever in
     6  the construction, reconstruction, widening or relocation of any
     7  street, highway, bridge or tunnel, or of any part thereof, it
     8  becomes necessary or appropriate to occupy part of the right of
     9  way or other property of any railroad company, a second class
    10  county may enter upon and occupy part of the right of way for
    11  the purpose of the highway, bridge or tunnel, or part thereof
    12  pursuant to this subsection. The railroad shall provide for the
    13  relocation upon its remaining right of way or other property any
    14  structures and facilities of the railroad located upon, in,
    15  under or above the original right of way or other property at
    16  the time the original right of way or other property is
    17  occupied. No action taken pursuant to this subsection shall
    18  interfere with railroad operations on adjacent tracks within any
    19  right of way or other property retained by a railroad. A second
    20  class county is authorized to enter into agreements with a
    21  railroad company to provide for compensation for the expense of
    22  transfer or reconstruction under this paragraph.
    23     (4)  In connection with the exercise of its power of eminent
    24  domain to take the property of a railroad pursuant to this
    25  subsection or to exercise other powers granted pursuant to this
    26  subsection, a second class county is empowered to take action
    27  and to commence proceedings as may be necessary or appropriate
    28  to confirm that a condemnation action or relocation pursuant to
    29  this subsection is not preempted by Federal law or to establish
    30  the conditions under which a railroad line or other railroad
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     1  property would be subject to condemnation action or relocation
     2  free of Federal jurisdiction. Such actions and proceedings may
     3  include the filing by the county of an action with the Surface
     4  Transportation Board or any successor Federal agency or
     5  department having Federal jurisdiction over railroads, for the
     6  purpose of:
     7     (i)  effecting the adverse abandonment of railroad property;
     8  or
     9     (ii)  obtaining a declaratory order from the Surface
    10  Transportation Board or any successor Federal agency or
    11  department that the proposed condemnation or relocation would
    12  not be preempted by Federal law.
    13     (5)  Upon the acquisition of interests in property in
    14  accordance with this subsection, a second class county shall be
    15  authorized to enter into agreements with the Commonwealth or its
    16  political subdivisions to provide for the transfer of the
    17  property for transportation uses upon the receipt of appropriate
    18  consideration sufficient to compensate the second class county
    19  for its costs of acquisition and related costs and expenses.
    20     (6)  For the purposes of this subsection, the following words
    21  and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    22  paragraph unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    23     "Support structure," means a structure built as a result of
    24  the obtaining of air rights over or alongside railroad tracks
    25  and other railroad property obtained pursuant to paragraph (1).
    26     "Transportation uses," means the development and construction
    27  of structures, facilities and other transportation
    28  infrastructure the purpose of which is to enable and to
    29  facilitate the movement of people, goods or both, including
    30  motor vehicle traffic, pedestrian traffic and bicycle traffic.
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     1     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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