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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1967



No. 1568 Session of 2007

           JUNE 18, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 4 (Amusements) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for establishment of State Gaming
     3     Fund and net slot machine revenue distribution and for the
     4     Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 1403(b) of Title 4 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     9  § 1403.  Establishment of State Gaming Fund and net slot machine
    10             revenue distribution.
    11     * * *
    12     (b)  Slot machine tax.--The department shall determine and
    13  each slot machine licensee shall pay a daily tax of [34%] 39%
    14  from its daily gross terminal revenue from the slot machines in
    15  operation at its facility and a local share assessment as
    16  provided in subsection (c) into the fund. All funds owed to the
    17  Commonwealth or a municipality under this section shall be held
    18  in trust by the licensed gaming entity until the funds are paid

     1  or transferred and distributed. Unless otherwise agreed to by
     2  the Gaming Board, a licensed gaming entity shall establish a
     3  separate bank account to maintain gaming proceeds until such
     4  time as they are paid or transferred under this section.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  Section 1407 of Title 4 is repealed:
     7  [§ 1407.  Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism
     8             Fund.
     9     (a)  Fund established.--There is hereby established a
    10  Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund within
    11  the State Treasury.
    12     (b)  Fund administration and distribution.--The Pennsylvania
    13  Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund shall be
    14  administered by the Department of Community and Economic
    15  Development. All moneys in the Pennsylvania Gaming Economic
    16  Development and Tourism Fund shall be distributed pursuant to a
    17  subsequently enacted Economic Development Capital Budget that
    18  appropriates money from the fund pursuant to this section. The
    19  procedures for enactment, authorization and release of economic
    20  development and tourism funds authorized under this section for
    21  both capital projects and operational expenditures shall be the
    22  same as those provided for in sections 303(a), (b) and (c) and
    23  318(a) of the act of February 9, 1999 (P.L.1, No.1), known as
    24  the Capital Facilities Debt Enabling Act, without reference to
    25  the nature or purpose of the project, and any other statutory
    26  provision, if any, necessary to effectuate the release of funds
    27  appropriated in such economic development capital budget.
    28     (c)  Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism
    29  Fund Assessment.--Each licensed gaming entity shall pay a daily
    30  assessment of 5% of its gross terminal revenue to the
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     1  Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund.
     2     (d)  Restrictions on projects for certain counties and
     3  cities.--For a ten-year period beginning with the first fiscal
     4  year during which deposits are made into this fund, no moneys
     5  from the Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism
     6  Fund shall be distributed for any project located in a city or
     7  county of the first or second class except as authorized by this
     8  subsection. Moneys not used for the authorized projects in
     9  cities and counties of the first and second classes may be used
    10  throughout this Commonwealth. Moneys from the fund for projects
    11  within cities and counties of the first and second classes may
    12  only be used for the following projects during this ten-year
    13  period:
    14         (1)  for reimbursement to a city of the first class for
    15     debt service made by such city to the extent that such
    16     payments have been made for the expansion of the Pennsylvania
    17     Convention Center;
    18         (2)  for distribution to the General Fund to the extent
    19     that the Commonwealth has made debt service payments for the
    20     expansion of the Pennsylvania Convention Center;
    21         (3)  for reimbursement to a city of the first class for
    22     payments made by such city for the operation expenses of the
    23     Pennsylvania Convention Center during the prior calendar
    24     year;
    25         (4)  for debt service and for development and economic
    26     development projects for an international airport located in
    27     a county of the second class;
    28         (5)  for distribution to a community infrastructure
    29     development fund of a county of the second class to fund
    30     construction, development, improvement and maintenance of
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     1     infrastructure projects;
     2         (6)  for the retirement of the indebtedness of an urban
     3     redevelopment authority created pursuant to the act of May
     4     24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban Redevelopment
     5     Law, in a city of the second class which is financed in part
     6     with the utilization of funds transferred to the regional
     7     asset district pursuant to Article XXXI-B of the act of July
     8     28, 1953 (P.L.723, No.230), known as the Second Class County
     9     Code;
    10         (7)  for retirement of indebtedness and for financing of
    11     a hotel or convention center in a city of the second class
    12     established pursuant to the authority of the act of July 29,
    13     1953 (P.L.1034, No.270), known as the Public Auditorium
    14     Authorities Law;
    15         (8)  for retirement of indebtedness of a county of the
    16     second class development fund created pursuant to the
    17     authority of Article XXXI-B of the Second Class County Code
    18     and the Urban Redevelopment Law;
    19         (9)  for retirement of indebtedness of a convention
    20     center in a city of the second class established pursuant to
    21     the authority of the Public Auditorium Authorities Law;
    22         (10)  for payment of the operating deficit for the
    23     operation of a convention center in a city of the second
    24     class established pursuant to the Public Auditorium
    25     Authorities Law.]
    26     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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