No. 1640 Session of 1979

           JULY 10, 1979


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of September 9, 1965 (P.L.499, No.254),
     2     entitled, as amended "An act providing for and regulating the
     3     registration and licensing of motor vehicle and mobilehome
     4     manufacturers, dealers and salesmen, fixing fees, creating
     5     the State Board of Motor Vehicle Salesmen, imposing powers
     6     and duties on the Department of State, the Commissioner of
     7     Professional and Occupational Affairs and the board and
     8     prescribing unlawful acts and penalties and making an
     9     appropriation," further defining the terms "board", "dealer"
    10     and "mobilehome dealer" and granting the board additional
    11     powers relating to the establishment or relocation of certain
    12     dealerships.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  Clauses (1), (3) and (3.1), of section 3, act of
    16  September 9, 1965 (P.L.499, No.254), known as the "Motor Vehicle
    17  Manufacturer's, Dealer's and Salesman's License Act," section 3
    18  reenacted and amended December 21, 1973 (P.L.408, No.144), are
    19  amended to read:
    20     Section 3.  Definitions.--The following words and phrases
    21  when used in this act shall, for the purpose of this act, have
    22  the following meanings, respectively, except in those instances
    23  where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

     1     (1)  "Board" means the State Board of Motor Vehicle
     2  Manufacturers, Dealers and Salesmen, which shall consist of ten
     3  persons to be appointed by the Governor with the advice and
     4  consent of the Senate within ninety days, which shall aid and
     5  assist in the administration of this act. The members of the
     6  board shall be residents of Pennsylvania. The Commissioner of
     7  Professional and Occupational Affairs shall be an ex officio
     8  member of the said board. Three members of the board shall be
     9  new car dealers, as defined in [the act of April 29, 1959
    10  (P.L.58, No.32), known as "The Vehicle Code,"] clause (3) who
    11  have been registered in the "Dealer's Class" under [section 409
    12  of "The Vehicle Code"] 75 Pa.C.S. § 1335 (relating to
    13  registration plates for manufacturers and dealers) for a period
    14  of at least five years immediately preceding their appointment.
    15  Two members of the board shall be used car dealers, as defined
    16  in ["The Vehicle Code"] clause (3) who have been registered in
    17  the "Dealer's Class" under [section 409 of "The Vehicle Code"]
    18  75 Pa.C.S. § 1335 (relating to registration plates for
    19  manufacturers and dealers) for a period of at least five years
    20  immediately preceding their appointment. One member shall be a
    21  mobilehome dealer who has been registered in the "Dealer's
    22  Class" under [section 409 of "The Vehicle Code"] 75 Pa.C.S. §
    23  1335 (relating to registration plates for manufacturers and
    24  dealers) for a period of at least five years preceding his
    25  appointment. The mobilehome dealer member provided for herein
    26  shall be appointed for a term of three years. One member shall
    27  be a motor vehicle salesman, as defined hereinafter, who for a
    28  period of at least five years immediately preceding his
    29  appointment has been actively engaged in the sale of new or used
    30  motor vehicles and who is not at the time of his appointment a
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     1  new car dealer or used car dealer or an officer of a corporation
     2  registered in the "Dealer's Class" or a member of a partnership
     3  registered in the "Dealer's Class." They shall be appointed for
     4  terms of three years. Three members shall be members of the
     5  general public having no connection with the motor vehicle
     6  business. The three public members of the board shall be
     7  appointed for terms of three years. Of the public members
     8  initially appointed, one shall be appointed for a term of one
     9  year, one for a term of two years and one for a term of three
    10  years. One member of the board shall be elected chairman and one
    11  of whom shall be elected secretary. Of the members initially
    12  appointed, two shall be appointed for terms of one year, two for
    13  terms of two years and two for terms of three years, and shall
    14  hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified.
    15  In the event that any member shall die, resign or be removed
    16  from office during his term of office, his successor shall be
    17  appointed and hold office for the unexpired term. The members
    18  shall receive thirty dollars ($30) per diem for each day
    19  actually engaged in attendance at meetings of the board. The
    20  members shall also receive the amount of actual traveling, hotel
    21  and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of
    22  their duties under this act.
    23     * * *
    24     (3)  "Dealer" means any person defined as a (i) new car
    25  dealer who is a person actively engaged in and devoting a
    26  substantial portion of his time in the business of buying,
    27  selling or exchanging new and used motor vehicles, trailers or
    28  semitrailers on commission or otherwise, who maintains a
    29  salesroom or garage devoted principally to the motor vehicle
    30  business and an established place of business, and who holds an
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     1  agreement in writing with a manufacturer, importer or
     2  distributor, giving such person selling rights for new motor
     3  vehicles, trailers or semitrailers or who is a manufacturer of
     4  motor vehicles, trailers or semitrailers or who is an importer
     5  or distributor of new motor vehicles, trailers or semitrailers
     6  who holds an agreement in writing with the manufacturer of motor
     7  vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, or (ii) used car dealer [in
     8  "The Vehicle Code."] who is a person actively and principally
     9  engaged in and devoting a substantial portion of his time to the
    10  business of buying, selling or exchanging used motor vehicles,
    11  tractors, trailers or semitrailers, and who maintains a
    12  salesroom, garage, or used car lot, actually occupied by such
    13  person and maintains an established place of business, which
    14  established place of business shall include at least a two bay
    15  garage equipped to perform the usual and normal repair and
    16  servicing of motor vehicles or said dealer shall by written
    17  contract have available to him at all times such repair and
    18  servicing facilities and upon which or adjacent thereto is a
    19  building or a portion of a building, owned or rented by such
    20  person, where his books and records are kept, and which is
    21  devoted principally to the motor vehicle business, in which the
    22  repair of motor vehicles is subordinate or incidental to the
    23  business of buying, selling, or exchanging the same. For the
    24  purposes of this act, "dealer" shall also include any person who
    25  buys, sells or exchanges house trailers or recreational vehicles
    26  at retail, whether or not such activity is a principal or
    27  substantial portion of his business.
    28     (3.1)  "Mobilehome dealer" means any person defined as a new
    29  mobilehome dealer or used mobilehome dealer [in "The Vehicle
    30  Code"] actively and principally engaged in and devoting a
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     1  substantial portion of his time to the business of buying,
     2  selling or exchanging of new or used mobilehomes, house trailers
     3  or office trailers on commission, or otherwise, who maintains a
     4  minimum useable display area of five thousand (5,000) square
     5  feet devoted principally to the mobilehome, house trailer or
     6  office trailer business, who maintains an established place of
     7  business and who holds in the case of a new mobilehome dealer an
     8  agreement in writing with a manufacturer giving such person
     9  selling rights for new mobilehomes, house trailers or office
    10  trailers and who is qualified to be registered in the "Dealer's
    11  Class" under [section 409 of "The Vehicle Code"] 75 Pa. C.S. §
    12  1335 (relating to registration plates for manufacturers and
    13  dealers).
    14     * * *
    15     Section 2.  Clause (2) of section 5 of the act, section 5
    16  reenacted and amended December 21, 1973 (P.L.408, No.144), is
    17  amended by adding a subclause to read:
    18     Section 5.  Powers and Duties of the State Board of Motor
    19  Vehicle Manufacturers, Dealers and Salesmen.--The board shall
    20  have power and its duty shall be:
    21     * * *
    22     (2)  To investigate on its own initiative or upon the
    23  verified complaint in writing of any person any allegations of
    24  the wrongful act or acts of any licensee or person required to
    25  be licensed hereunder and shall have the power to suspend or
    26  revoke licenses issued by the board if after due notice and
    27  hearing the person charged is found guilty of committing or
    28  attempting to commit the following acts:
    29     * * *
    30     (xvii)  (a)  Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this
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     1  subclause, being a manufacturer, factory branch or a distributor
     2  that seeks to enter into a franchise or agreement establishing
     3  an additional new motor vehicle dealership within a relevant
     4  market area where the same line-make is then represented, or
     5  relocating an existing motor vehicle dealership, the
     6  manufacturer, factory branch or distributor shall in writing
     7  first notify the board and each dealer in such line-make in the
     8  relevant market area of the intention to establish an additional
     9  dealership or to relocate an existing dealership within or into
    10  that market area. Within fifteen days of receiving such notice
    11  or within fifteen days after the end of any appeal procedure
    12  provided by the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor, any
    13  such dealer may file with the board a protest to the
    14  establishing or relocating of the dealership. When such a
    15  protest is filed, the board shall inform the manufacturer,
    16  factory branch, or distributor that a timely protest has been
    17  filed, that a hearing is required, and that the manufacturer,
    18  factory branch, or distributor shall not establish or relocate
    19  the proposed dealership until the board has held a hearing nor
    20  thereafter, if the board has determined that there is good cause
    21  for not permitting such dealership. In the event of multiple
    22  protests, hearings may be consolidated to expedite the
    23  disposition of the issue.
    24     (b)  For the purposes of this section, the reopening in a
    25  relevant market area of a dealership that has not been in
    26  operation for one year or more shall be deemed the establishment
    27  of an additional motor vehicle dealership.
    28     (c)  With respect to the relocation of an existing
    29  dealership, subsection (a) shall not apply to any relocation
    30  which is less than one mile from the existing location of the
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     1  dealership and which is to a location within the same relevant
     2  market area within the same city where the existing dealership
     3  is located.
     4     (d)  With respect to the establishment of a branch office for
     5  selling vehicles at a fair, exposition, or similar exhibit that
     6  does not exceed thirty days, subsection (a) shall not apply.
     7     * * *
     8     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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