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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 2026                      PRINTER'S NO. 3240



No. 1641 Session of 2005


           DECEMBER 6, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 30 (Fish) and 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for boat and marine
     3     forfeiture, for the powers and duties of the Pennsylvania
     4     Fish and Boat Commission, for boat, marine equipment and
     5     watercraft trailer forfeiture and for the powers and duties
     6     of the Department of Transportation.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 908 of Title 30 of the Pennsylvania
    10  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
    11  § 908.  False identification or false or fraudulent statements
    12             on reports, etc.
    13     A person who gives false identification to an officer
    14  authorized to enforce this title or who makes any false or
    15  fraudulent statement on any report, affidavit or application
    16  required by this title, or to any representative of the
    17  commission, commits a summary offense of the [second] first
    18  degree.

     1     Section 2.  Chapter 53 of Title 30 is amended by adding a
     2  subchapter to read:
     3                            SUBCHAPTER C
     4                     BOAT AND MARINE FORFEITURE
     5  Sec.
     6  5331.  Scope of subchapter.
     7  5332.  Definitions.
     8  5333.  Liens.
     9  5334.  Transfer of rights.
    10  5335.  Notice for boats and related equipment.
    11  5336.  Notice for watercraft trailers.
    12  5337.  Responsibility of commission.
    13  5338.  Publication for boats and related equipment.
    14  5339.  Publication for watercraft trailers.
    15  5340.  Transfer of rights, title and interest for purpose of
    16         public sale.
    17  5341.  Redemption.
    18  5342.  Rights of marine business to purchase.
    19  5343.  Rights acquired by good faith purchaser.
    20  5344.  Disposition of proceeds.
    21  5345.  Other remedies.
    22  5346.  Rules and regulations.                                     <--
    23  5346.  CONSTRUCTION.                                              <--
    25  § 5331.  Scope of subchapter.
    26     This subchapter covers boat and marine forfeitures.
    27  § 5332.  Definitions.
    28     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    29  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    30  context clearly indicates otherwise:
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     1     "Boat sale form."  A form created by the Pennsylvania Fish
     2  and Boat Commission that:
     3         (1)  Is completed by a marine business which has acquired
     4     all rights, title and interest in a boat or any related
     5     equipment by operation of this subchapter for the purpose of
     6     a public sale.
     7         (2)  Contains a statement, made under penalty of law,
     8     that the requirements of this subchapter have been satisfied
     9     prior to the public sale of a boat or any related equipment
    10     under this subchapter.
    11         (3)  Contains such other information as required by the
    12     commission.
    13     "Customer."  A person who contracts for the services of a
    14  marine business concerning a boat, any related equipment or a
    15  watercraft trailer.
    16     "Department."  The Department of Transportation of the
    17  Commonwealth.
    18     "Marine business."  A person who repairs, remanufactures,
    19  restores, alters, stores or cleans boats, any related equipment
    20  or watercraft trailers. This term includes, but is not limited
    21  to, a marina, watercraft dealer, boat club, yacht club, repair
    22  facility and storage facility.
    23     "Public sale."  A public auction conducted at a reasonable
    24  time and place. The fact that a better price could have been
    25  obtained by a sale at a different time or place from that
    26  selected by the marine business is not of itself sufficient to
    27  establish that the sale was not made in a reasonable manner.
    28     "Related equipment."  Personal property:
    29         (1)  related to a boat in the possession of a marine
    30     business, including a motor; or
    20050H1641B3240                  - 3 -     

     1         (2)  found in or on a boat in the possession of a marine
     2     business.
     3  The term does not include a watercraft trailer as defined in 75
     4  Pa.C.S. § 1172 (relating to definitions).
     5     "Terminal date."  The last business day for which a marine
     6  business possesses a boat, any related equipment or a watercraft
     7  trailer for repair, remanufacture, restoration, alteration,
     8  storage or cleaning. In the case of any repair, remanufacture,
     9  restoration, alteration or cleaning, absent a written agreement
    10  to the contrary, the term means the date upon which the A BILL    <--
    12  repair, remanufacture, restoration, alteration or cleaning of
    13  the A boat, any related equipment or a watercraft trailer was     <--
    14  completed. In the case of any storage of a boat, any related
    15  equipment or a watercraft trailer, the term means the last date
    16  under the contract for storage.
    17     "Watercraft trailer."  As defined in 75 Pa.C.S. § 1172
    18  (relating to definitions).
    19  § 5333.  Liens.
    20     A marine business shall have a lien, dependent upon
    21  possession, on a boat, any related equipment or a watercraft
    22  trailer belonging to an owner for the balance due the marine
    23  business from such owner for any repair, remanufacture,
    24  restoration, alteration, storage or cleaning of a boat, any
    25  related equipment or a watercraft trailer. The marine business
    26  may retain possession of a boat, any related equipment or a
    27  watercraft trailer until the charges are paid.
    28  § 5334.  Transfer of rights.
    29     Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, if a customer does not
    30  claim possession of a boat, any related equipment or a
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     1  watercraft trailer within 30 days of the terminal date, all
     2  rights, title and interest in the boat, any related equipment or
     3  the watercraft trailer may at the option of the marine business
     4  be transferred by operation of this subchapter to the marine
     5  business for the purpose of a public sale.
     6  § 5335.  Notice for boats and related equipment.
     7     Any time after expiration of the 30-day period set forth in
     8  section 5334 (relating to transfer of rights), if a marine
     9  business chooses to have all rights, title and interest in a
    10  boat or any related equipment transferred to the marine business
    11  by operation of law for the purpose of a public sale, it shall
    12  on the same day send the following two written notices:
    13         (1)  By certified mail, return receipt requested, to an
    14     address designated in writing by the customer or, if not so
    15     designated, to the customer's last known address, indicating
    16     that the marine business intends to terminate the customer's
    17     rights, title and interest in the boat or any related
    18     equipment by operation of law under this subchapter.
    19         (2)  By certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
    20     commission indicating that the marine business intends to
    21     terminate the owner's rights, title and interest in a boat or
    22     any related equipment by operation of law under this
    23     subchapter. Written notice sent to the commission shall
    24     describe the boat, including make, model and year and, if
    25     known, the hull identification number, a registration number,
    26     temporary decal number and other identifying data as
    27     prescribed by the commission.
    28  § 5336.  Notice for watercraft trailers.
    29     If a marine business chooses to have all rights, title and
    30  interest in a watercraft trailer transferred to a marine
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     1  business by operation of law for the purpose of a public sale,
     2  it shall follow the notice provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1173
     3  (relating to notice).
     4  § 5337.  Responsibility of commission.
     5     Upon receipt of the notice specified in section 5335
     6  (relating to notice for boats and related equipment), the
     7  commission shall:
     8         (1)  If the boat is registered or titled in this
     9     Commonwealth, notify, if on record with the commission, any
    10     lienholders and the owner or, if the boat is not titled, the
    11     last registrant by certified mail, return receipt requested,
    12     that a marine business intends to acquire all rights, title
    13     and interest in the boat or any related equipment for the
    14     purpose of a public sale.
    15         (2)  If the boat has a registration number, temporary
    16     decal number or other identifying indicia evidencing that the
    17     boat is registered or titled in another state, the commission
    18     shall contact the other state and attempt to ascertain the
    19     name and address of any lienholder and the last registrant or
    20     owner. The commission shall provide notice to those persons
    21     that a marine business intends to acquire all rights, title
    22     and interest in the boat or any related equipment for the
    23     purpose of a public sale.
    24         (3)  The commission shall notify the marine business:
    25             (i)  upon satisfaction of its obligation under
    26         paragraph (1) or (2); or
    27             (ii)  that the commission has been unable to provide
    28         notice under paragraph (1) or (2).
    29  § 5338.  Publication for boats and related equipment.
    30     (a)  General rule.--At any time after the date the marine
    20050H1641B3240                  - 6 -     

     1  business receives notice from the commission pursuant to section
     2  5337(3) (relating to responsibility of commission), BUT AT LEAST  <--
     5  the marine business shall place a notice, once a week for two
     6  consecutive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation,
     7  published in the county where the marine business is located,
     8  describing the boat or any related equipment and any identifying
     9  data as prescribed by the commission.
    10     (b)  Contents of notice.--The notice shall include
    11  information that all rights, title and interest in the boat or
    12  any related equipment shall be transferred to the marine
    13  business by operation of law for the purpose of a public sale
    14  unless the boat or any related equipment is redeemed under
    15  section 5341 (relating to redemption) prior to the public sale.
    16  The notice shall also contain information concerning the public
    17  sale of the boat or any related equipment, including, but not
    18  limited to, the date, location and terms of the sale.
    19  § 5339.  Publication for watercraft trailers.
    20     If a marine business chooses to have all rights, title and
    21  interest in a watercraft trailer transferred to a marine
    22  business by operation of law for the purpose of a public sale,
    23  it shall follow the publication provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1175
    24  (relating to publication).
    25  § 5340.  Transfer of rights, title and interest for purpose of
    26             public sale.
    27     (a)  Right of marine business.--
    28         (1)  After publication under section 5338 (relating to
    29     publication for boats and related equipment), all rights,
    30     title and interest in the boat and any related equipment
    20050H1641B3240                  - 7 -     

     1     shall be vested in the marine business for the purpose of a
     2     public sale, subject to the right of redemption under section
     3     5341 (relating to redemption). Any time after the publication
     4     under section 5338, but within one year of receipt of notice
     5     from the commission under section 5337(3) (relating to
     6     responsibility of commission), upon the date and location
     7     listed in the notice under section 5338, the marine business
     8     may hold a public sale of the boat and any related equipment.
     9     The public sale may be combined with a public sale under
    10     paragraph (2). Upon the sale, the marine business shall
    11     provide a copy of the boat sale form to the purchaser of the
    12     boat. Upon receipt of the proper application, boat sale form
    13     and any fees required by law, the commission may issue the
    14     purchaser a certificate of title to the boat.
    15         (2)  After publication under 75 Pa.C.S. § 1175 (relating
    16     to publication), all rights, title and interest in the
    17     watercraft trailer shall be vested in the marine business for
    18     the purpose of a public sale, subject to the right of
    19     redemption under section 5341. Any time after the publication
    20     under 75 Pa.C.S. § 1175, but within one year of receipt of
    21     notice from the department under 75 Pa.C.S § 1174(3)
    22     (relating to responsibility of department), upon the date and
    23     location of the notice listed in 75 Pa.C.S. 1175, the marine
    24     business may hold a public sale of the watercraft trailer.
    25     Upon the sale of a watercraft trailer, the marine business
    26     shall provide a copy of the watercraft trailer sale form
    27     created by the department under 75 Pa.C.S. § 1172 (relating
    28     to definitions) to the purchaser. Upon receipt of the proper
    29     application, watercraft sale form and any fees required by
    30     law, the department may issue the purchaser a certificate of
    20050H1641B3240                  - 8 -     

     1     title to the watercraft trailer.
     2     (b)  Construction.--Nothing in this subchapter shall be
     3  construed as requiring the commission to issue a certificate of
     4  title for any motor or other related equipment.
     5  § 5341.  Redemption.
     6     (a)  Notice.--Upon request of any lienholder or the owner of
     7  a boat, any related equipment or a watercraft trailer, the
     8  marine business shall provide the amount necessary under
     9  subsection (b), at the time of the request, to redeem the boat,
    10  any related equipment or watercraft trailer.
    11     (b)  Charges and expenses.--Prior to the public sale of a
    12  boat, any related equipment or a watercraft trailer under this
    13  subchapter, any lienholder or the owner of a boat, any related
    14  equipment or a watercraft trailer may pay the amount necessary
    15  to satisfy:
    16         (1)  All charges due the marine business for the repair,
    17     remanufacture, restoration, alteration, storage or cleaning
    18     of the boat, any related equipment and the watercraft
    19     trailer.
    20         (2)  Reasonable expenses associated with the mailing of
    21     notices under section 5335 (relating to notice for boats and
    22     related equipment) and 75 Pa.C.S. § 1173 (relating to notice)
    23     and the publication of notice under section 5338 (relating to
    24     publication for boats and related equipment) and 75 Pa.C.S. §
    25     1175 (relating to publication) and reasonable expenses
    26     associated with preparation for a public sale under section
    27     5340 (relating to transfer of rights, title and interest for
    28     purpose of public sale).
    29     (c)  Return of property.--Upon payment of all charges and
    30  expenses under subsection (b), the marine business shall return
    20050H1641B3240                  - 9 -     

     1  the boat, any related equipment and the watercraft trailer to
     2  the lienholder or owner, and shall thereafter have no liability
     3  to any person with respect to the boat, any related equipment
     4  and the watercraft trailer.
     5  § 5342.  Rights of marine business to purchase.
     6     A marine business may buy at any public sale of a boat, any
     7  related equipment or a watercraft trailer under this subchapter.
     8  § 5343.  Rights acquired by good faith purchaser.
     9     A purchaser in good faith of a boat, any related equipment or
    10  a watercraft trailer sold to satisfy the lien of a marine
    11  business takes the boat, any related equipment or a watercraft
    12  trailer free of all liens and encumbrances despite noncompliance
    13  by the marine business with the requirements of this subchapter.
    14  § 5344.  Disposition of proceeds.
    15     (a)  Satisfaction of lien and expenses.--Upon the sale of a
    16  boat, any related equipment or a watercraft trailer, the marine
    17  business shall be entitled to receive from the proceeds of the
    18  sale all:
    19         (1)  Charges due the marine business for any repair,
    20     remanufacture, restoration, alteration, storage or cleaning
    21     of a boat, any related equipment or a watercraft trailer.
    22         (2)  Reasonable expenses associated with the mailing of
    23     notices under section 5335 (relating to notice for boats and
    24     related equipment) and 75 Pa.C.S. § 1173 (relating to
    25     notice), the publication of notice under section 5338
    26     (relating to publication for boats and related equipment) and
    27     75 Pa.C.S. § 1175 (relating to publication) and the conduct
    28     of a public sale under section 5340 (relating to transfer of
    29     rights, title and interest for purpose of public sale).
    30     (b)  Disposition of balance.--If the sale is for a sum
    20050H1641B3240                 - 10 -     

     1  greater than the amount of the charges and expenses listed in
     2  subsection (a), the excess shall be paid to any prior lienholder
     3  known to the marine business at the time of the sale and any
     4  remainder to the owner. If the owner's address is unknown at the
     5  time of the sale, any excess, after payment to prior
     6  lienholders, shall be deposited in the Boat Fund established
     7  under section 531 (relating to establishment and use of Boat
     8  Fund).
     9     (c)  Affidavit.--Within ten days after the public sale, the
    10  marine business shall file with the commission an affidavit, on
    11  a form prescribed by the commission, stating:
    12         (1)  The moneys received from the public sale.
    13         (2)  The amount applied toward the charges under
    14     subsection (a)(1).
    15         (3)  The amount applied toward the expenses under
    16     subsection (a)(2).
    17         (4)  The amount paid to any prior lienholders, the owner
    18     and the Boat Fund.
    19  § 5345.  Other remedies.
    20     The provisions of this subchapter are in addition to any and
    21  all other remedies available to a marine business. This
    22  subchapter shall not foreclose any other remedies available to a
    23  marine business at law or in equity.
    24  § 5346.  CONSTRUCTION.                                            <--
    29  LAW 108-89, 50 APP. U.S.C. § 537) OR 51 PA.C.S § 4105 (RELATING
    20050H1641B3240                 - 11 -     

     1  § 5346 5347.  Rules and regulations.                              <--
     2     The commission may promulgate rules and regulations as it
     3  deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this subchapter.
     4     Section 3.  Chapter 11 of Title 75 is amended by adding a
     5  subchapter to read:
     6                            SUBCHAPTER E
     7                   WATERCRAFT TRAILER FORFEITURE
     8  Sec.
     9  1171.  Scope of subchapter.
    10  1172.  Definitions.
    11  1173.  Notice.
    12  1174.  Responsibility of department.
    13  1175.  Publication.
    14  1176.  Rules and regulations.
    15  § 1171.  Scope of subchapter.
    16     This subchapter covers forfeitures of watercraft trailers.
    17  § 1172.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    19  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Boat."  As defined in 30 Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating to
    22  definitions).
    23     "Customer."  A person who contracts for the services of a
    24  marine business concerning a boat, any related equipment or a
    25  watercraft trailer.
    26     "Marine business."  A person who repairs, remanufactures,
    27  restores, alters, stores or cleans boats, any related equipment
    28  or watercraft trailers. This term includes, but is not limited
    29  to, a marina, watercraft dealer, boat club, yacht club, repair
    30  facility and storage facility.
    20050H1641B3240                 - 12 -     

     1     "Related equipment."  Personal property:
     2         (1)  related to a boat in the possession of a marine
     3     business, including a motor; or
     4         (2)  found in or on a boat in the possession of a marine
     5     business.
     6  The term does not include a watercraft trailer.
     7     "Watercraft trailer."  A trailer used exclusively for the
     8  transportation of watercraft.
     9     "Watercraft trailer sale form."  A form created by the
    10  Department of Transportation that:
    11         (1)  Is completed by a marine business which has acquired
    12     all rights, title and interest in a watercraft trailer by
    13     operation of 30 Pa.C.S. Ch. 53 Subch. C (relating to boat and
    14     marine forfeiture) for the purpose of a public sale.
    15         (2)  Contains a statement, made under penalty of law,
    16     that the requirements of 30 Pa.C.S. Ch. 53 Subch. C have been
    17     satisfied prior to the public sale of a watercraft trailer.
    18         (3)  Contains such other information as required by the
    19     department.
    20  § 1173.  Notice.
    21     Any time after expiration of the 30-day period set forth in
    22  30 Pa.C.S. § 5334 (relating to transfer of rights), if a marine
    23  business chooses to have all rights, title and interest in a
    24  watercraft trailer transferred to the marine business by
    25  operation of law for the purpose of a public sale, it shall on
    26  the same day send the following two written notices:
    27         (1)  By certified mail, return receipt requested, to an
    28     address designated in writing by the customer or, if not so
    29     designated, to the customer's last known address, indicating
    30     that the marine business intends to terminate the owner's
    20050H1641B3240                 - 13 -     

     1     rights, title and interest in the watercraft trailer by
     2     operation of law under 30 Pa.C.S. Ch. 53 Subch. C (relating
     3     to boat and marine forfeiture). If the marine business is
     4     sending a notice to the customer pursuant to 30 Pa.C.S. §
     5     5335(1) (relating to notice for boats and related equipment),
     6     it may comply with this paragraph by including a description
     7     of the watercraft trailer in such notice.
     8         (2)  By certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
     9     department indicating that the marine business intends to
    10     terminate the owner's rights, title and interest in a
    11     watercraft trailer by operation of law under 30 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    12     53 Subch. C. Written notice sent to the department shall
    13     describe the watercraft trailer, including, if known, make,
    14     model and year, registration plate number and other
    15     identifying data as prescribed by the department.
    16  § 1174.  Responsibility of department.
    17     Upon receipt of the notice specified in section 1173(2)
    18  (relating to notice), the department shall:
    19         (1)  If the watercraft trailer is titled or registered in
    20     this Commonwealth, notify any lienholders and the owner by
    21     certified mail, return receipt requested, that a marine
    22     business intends to acquire all rights, title and interest in
    23     the watercraft trailer for the purpose of a public sale.
    24         (2)  If the watercraft trailer has a registration plate
    25     or other identifying indicia evidencing that the watercraft
    26     trailer is titled or registered in another state, the
    27     department shall contact the other state and attempt to
    28     ascertain the name and address of any lienholder and the
    29     owner. The department shall provide notice to those persons
    30     that a marine business intends to acquire all rights, title
    20050H1641B3240                 - 14 -     

     1     and interest in the watercraft trailer for the purpose of a
     2     public sale.
     3         (3)  The department shall notify the marine business:
     4             (i)  upon satisfaction of its obligation under
     5         paragraph (1) or (2); or
     6             (ii)  that the department has been unable to provide
     7         notice under paragraph (1) or (2).
     8  § 1175.  Publication.
     9     (a)  General rule.--At any time after the date the marine
    10  business receives notice from the department pursuant to section
    11  1174(3) (relating to responsibility of department), BUT AT LEAST  <--
    13  1173(2) (RELATING TO NOTICE), the marine business shall place a
    14  notice, once a week for two consecutive weeks, in a newspaper of
    15  general circulation, published in the county where the marine
    16  business is located, describing the watercraft trailer and any
    17  identifying number.
    18     (b)  Contents of notice.--The notice shall include
    19  information that all rights, title and interest in the
    20  watercraft trailer shall be transferred to the marine business
    21  by operation of law for the purpose of a public sale unless the
    22  watercraft trailer is redeemed under 30 Pa.C.S. § 5341 (relating
    23  to redemption) prior to the public sale. The notice shall also
    24  contain information concerning the public sale of the watercraft
    25  trailer, including, but not limited to, the date, location and
    26  terms of the sale. This notice may be combined with a
    27  publication of notice pursuant to 30 Pa.C.S. § 5338 (relating to
    28  publication for boats and related equipment).
    29  § 1176.  Rules and regulations.
    30     The department may promulgate rules and regulations as it
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     1  deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this subchapter.
     2     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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