No. 1643 Session of 1979



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for weights of vehicles and for
     3     penalties for weight violations.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Sections 1916 and 4943 of Title 75, act of
     7  November 25, 1970 (P.L.707, No.230), known as the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes, are amended to read:
     9  § 1916.  Trucks and truck tractors.
    10     The annual fee for registration of a truck or truck tractor
    11  shall be determined by its registered gross weight or
    12  combination weight in pounds according to the following table:
    13         Class                Registered                 Fee
    14                         Gross or Combination
    15                           Weight in Pounds
    16           1                5,000 or less                $ 39
    17           2                5,001 -  7,000                 52
    18           3                7,001 -  9,000                [84] 100
    19           4                9,001 - 11,000               [108] 130

     1           5               11,001 - 14,000               [132] 160
     2           6               14,001 - 17,000               [156] 190
     3           7               17,001 - 21,000               [192] 230
     4           8               21,001 - 26,000               [216] 260
     5           9               26,001 - 30,000               [252] 310
     6          10               30,001 - 33,000               [300] 370
     7          11               33,001 - 36,000               [324] 410
     8          12               36,001 - 40,000               [342] 430
     9          13               40,001 - 44,000               [360] 460
    10          14               44,001 - 48,000               [384] 480
    11          15               48,001 - 52,000               [420] 520
    12          16               52,001 - 56,000               [444] 540
    13          17               56,001 - 60,000               [501] 600
    14          18               60,001 - 64,000               [552] 650
    15          19               64,001 - 68,000               [576] 670
    16          20               68,001 - 73,280               [606] 700
    17          21               73,281 - 76,000                860
    18          22               76,001 - 78,000                880
    19          23               78,001 - 78,500                900
    20          24               78,501 - 79,000                910
    21          25               79,001 - 80,000                920
    22  § 4943.  Maximum axle weight of vehicles.
    23     (a)  General rule.--[No] Except those vehicles listed in
    24  subsection (c), no motor vehicle or combination shall, when
    25  operated upon a highway, have a weight upon each of two adjacent
    26  axles in excess of the following:
    27                             Maximum Axle Weight in Pounds Upon:
    28    If the Center-to Center
    29     Distance Between Two          One of Two        Other of Two
    30      Adjacent Axles is:         Adjacent Axles     Adjacent Axles
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     1       Under 6 feet                  18,000             18,000
     2       6 to 8 feet                   18,000             22,400
     3       Over 8 feet                   22,400             22,400
     4     (b)  Location of front axle of semitrailer.--No semitrailer,
     5  originally in this Commonwealth on or after September 1, 1973,
     6  and having two or more axles, shall be operated upon a highway
     7  unless the foremost axle of the semitrailer is at least 12 feet
     8  from the rearmost axle of the towing vehicle.
     9     (c)  Excluded vehicles.--Subsections (a) and (b) shall not
    10  apply to:
    11         (1)  Vehicles engaged in construction work and in the
    12     transportation of loose commodities such as sand, stone,
    13     gravel, asphalt materials for road building and excavation
    14     materials.
    15         (2)  Concrete mixers.
    16         (3)  Agricultural vehicles transporting bulk feed,
    17     fertilizer and similar loose products.
    18         (4)  Vehicles engaged in hauling garbage and refuse.
    19         (5)  Vehicles carrying materials from demolition work.
    20  The vehicles listed in this subsection shall be subject to gross
    21  weight violations but shall not be subject to wheel weight
    22  violations.
    23     Section 2.  Section 4945 of Title 75 of the act is amended by
    24  adding a subsection to read:
    25  § 4945.  Penalties for exceeding maximum weights.
    26     * * *
    27     (e)  Lift axle violations.--Any person operating a vehicle
    28  with the lift axle not properly placed on the highway is guilty
    29  of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to
    30  pay a fine double the axle weight violation that would be
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     1  imposed if the lift axle were fully retracted.
     2     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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