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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2088



No. 1671 Session of 1997

           BARD, JUNE 16, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Prohibiting false claims; imposing duties on the Attorney
     2     General and on district attorneys; and providing for
     3     procedures and for penalties.

     4                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     5  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     6  Section 101.  Short title.
     7  Section 102.  Definitions.
     8  Section 103.  Construction.
     9  Chapter 3.  False Claims
    10  Section 301.  Offenses defined.
    11  Section 302.  False claims jurisdiction.
    12  Section 303.  Procedure.
    13  Chapter 5.  Qui Tam Actions
    14  Section 501.  Definitions.
    15  Section 502.  General provisions.
    16  Section 503.  Commonwealth funds.

     1  Section 504.  Political subdivision funds.
     2  Section 505.  Complaints relating to Commonwealth and political
     3                 subdivision funds.
     4  Section 506.  Intervention by political subdivision.
     5  Section 507.  Extension of time.
     6  Section 508.  Other actions prohibited.
     7  Section 509.  Exclusions.
     8  Section 510.  Employment-related discovery of information.
     9  Section 511.  Responsibility for prosecution.
    10  Section 512.  Dismissal of action.
    11  Section 513.  Settlement.
    12  Section 514.  Election not to proceed.
    13  Section 515.  Intervention.
    14  Section 516.  Proceeds.
    15  Section 517.  Reversion to General Fund.
    16  Section 518.  Expenses.
    17  Chapter 7.  General Provisions
    18  Section 701.  Stay of discovery.
    19  Section 702.  Limitations on participation.
    20  Section 703.  Employee protection.
    21  Section 704.  Limitations.
    22  Section 705.  Remedies.
    23  Section 706.  Enforcement.
    24  Section 707.  Civil investigative demand.
    25  Section 708.  Immunity.
    26  Section 709.  Effective date.
    27     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    28  hereby enacts as follows:
    29                             CHAPTER 1
    30                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
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     1  Section 101.  Short title.
     2     This act shall be known and may be cited as the False Claims
     3  Act.
     4  Section 102.  Definitions.
     5     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     6  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     7  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     8     "Claim."  Any request or demand for money, property or
     9  services made to any employee, officer or agent of the
    10  Commonwealth or of any political subdivision thereof or to any
    11  contractor, grantee or other recipient, whether under contract
    12  or not, if any portion of the money, property or services
    13  requested or demanded issued from or was provided by the
    14  Commonwealth, referred to as Commonwealth funds, or by any
    15  political subdivision thereof, referred to as political
    16  subdivision funds.
    17     "Knowing" or "knowingly."  A person who, with respect to
    18  information, does any of the following:
    19         (1)  Has actual knowledge of the information.
    20         (2)  Acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity
    21     of the information. Proof of specific intent to defraud is
    22     not required.
    23     "Person."  Any natural person, corporation, county, political
    24  subdivision, firm, association, legal entity, organization,
    25  partnership, business or trust.
    26     "Political subdivision."  Any city, county, tax or assessment
    27  district or other legally authorized local governmental entity
    28  in this Commonwealth with jurisdictional boundaries.
    29     "Prosecuting authority."  The Attorney General and the
    30  district attorney of any county charged with investigating,
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     1  filing and conducting legal proceedings.
     2  Section 103.  Construction.
     3     This act shall be liberally and broadly construed to
     4  effectuate its purposes. It shall be applied and interpreted to
     5  promote the public interest in eliminating fraud, waste and
     6  abuse through the submission of false or fraudulent claims in
     7  this Commonwealth or in any of its political subdivisions.
     8                             CHAPTER 3
     9                            FALSE CLAIMS
    10  Section 301.  Offenses defined.
    11     (a)  Liability.--A person who commits any of the following
    12  acts shall be liable to the Commonwealth or to the political
    13  subdivision for three times the amount of damages which the
    14  Commonwealth or the political subdivision sustains because of
    15  the act of that person and shall also be liable to the
    16  Commonwealth or to the political subdivision for the costs of a
    17  civil action brought to recover any of those penalties or
    18  damages and shall be liable to the Commonwealth or political
    19  subdivision for a civil penalty of not less than $5,000 nor more
    20  than $10,000 for each false claim:
    21         (1)  Knowingly presents or causes to be presented to an
    22     officer or employee of the Commonwealth or any political
    23     subdivision a false claim for payment or approval.
    24         (2)  Knowingly makes, uses or causes to be made or used a
    25     false record or statement to collect a false claim or secure
    26     approval for a claim from the Commonwealth or from any
    27     political subdivision.
    28         (3)  Conspires to defraud the Commonwealth or any
    29     political subdivision by collecting a false claim allowed or
    30     paid by the Commonwealth or by any political subdivision.
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     1         (4)  Has possession, custody or control of public
     2     property or money used or to be used by the Commonwealth or
     3     by any political subdivision and knowingly delivers or causes
     4     to be delivered less property than the amount for which the
     5     person receives a certificate or receipt.
     6         (5)  Is authorized to make or deliver a document
     7     certifying receipt of property used or to be used by the
     8     Commonwealth or by any political subdivision and knowingly
     9     makes or delivers a receipt that falsely represents the
    10     property used or to be used.
    11         (6)  Knowingly buys or receives as a pledge of an
    12     obligation or debt public property from any person who
    13     lawfully may not sell or pledge the property.
    14         (7)  Knowingly makes, uses or causes to be made or used a
    15     false record or statement to conceal, avoid or decrease an
    16     obligation to pay or transmit money or property to the
    17     Commonwealth or any political subdivision.
    18         (8)  Is a beneficiary of an inadvertent submission of a
    19     false claim to the Commonwealth or a political subdivision,
    20     subsequently discovers the falsity of the claim and fails to
    21     disclose the false claim to the Commonwealth or the political
    22     subdivision within a reasonable time, but in no event longer
    23     than 90 days after discovery of the false claim.
    24     (b)  Reduced assessment.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), the
    25  court may assess not less than two times nor more than three
    26  times the amount of damages which the Commonwealth or the
    27  political subdivision sustains because of the act of the person
    28  described in subsection (a)(1), and no civil penalty, if the
    29  court finds all of the following:
    30         (1)  The person committing the violation furnished
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     1     officials of the Commonwealth or of the political subdivision
     2     with all information known to that person about the violation
     3     within 60 days after the date on which the person first
     4     obtained the information.
     5         (2)  The person fully cooperated with any investigation
     6     by the Commonwealth or a political subdivision of the
     7     violation.
     8         (3)  At the time the person furnished the Commonwealth or
     9     the political subdivision with information about the
    10     violation, no criminal prosecution, civil action or
    11     administrative action had commenced with respect to the
    12     violation and the person did not have actual knowledge of the
    13     existence of an investigation into the violation.
    14     (c)  Joint and severable liability.--Liability under this
    15  section shall be joint and several for any act committed by two
    16  or more persons.
    17     (d)  Limitation.--
    18         (1)  This section does not apply to any controversy
    19     involving an amount of less than $2,500 in value.
    20         (2)  As used in this subsection, the term "controversy"
    21     means any one or more false claims submitted by the same
    22     person in violation of this act.
    23  Section 302.  False claims jurisdiction.
    24     An action under this act must be brought in the Commonwealth
    25  Court if the defendant or defendants can be found, reside or
    26  transact business in this Commonwealth or if an act proscribed
    27  by this act occurred in this Commonwealth.
    28  Section 303.  Procedure.
    29     (a)  Attorney General prosecution.--
    30         (1)  The Attorney General shall diligently investigate
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     1     violations under section 301 involving Commonwealth funds. If
     2     the Attorney General finds that a person has violated or is
     3     violating section 301, he may bring a civil action under this
     4     section against that person.
     5         (2)  If the Attorney General brings a civil action under
     6     this act on a claim involving political subdivision funds as
     7     well as Commonwealth funds, he shall, on the same date that
     8     the complaint is filed in this action, serve by mail, return
     9     receipt requested, a copy of the complaint on the appropriate
    10     prosecuting authority.
    11         (3)  The prosecuting authority shall have the right to
    12     intervene in an action brought by the Attorney General under
    13     this act within 90 days after receipt of the complaint
    14     pursuant to paragraph (2).
    15     (b)  Political subdivision prosecution.--
    16         (1)  The prosecuting authority of a political subdivision
    17     shall diligently investigate violations under section 301
    18     involving political subdivision funds. If the prosecuting
    19     authority finds that a person has violated or is violating
    20     section 301, he may bring a civil action under this section
    21     against that person.
    22         (2)  If the prosecuting authority brings a civil action
    23     on a claim involving Commonwealth funds as well as political
    24     subdivision funds, he shall, on the same date that the
    25     complaint is filed in this action, serve a copy of the
    26     complaint on the Attorney General.
    27         (3)  Within 90 days after receiving the complaint
    28     pursuant to paragraph (2), the Attorney General shall do one
    29     of the following:
    30             (i)  Notify the court that he intends to proceed with
    19970H1671B2088                  - 7 -

     1         the action, in which case the Attorney General shall
     2         assume primary responsibility for conducting the action
     3         and the prosecuting authority shall have the right to
     4         continue as a party.
     5             (ii)  Notify the court that he declines to take over
     6         the action, in which case the prosecuting authority shall
     7         have the right to conduct the action on his own.
     8             (iii)  Proceed jointly with the prosecuting
     9         authority, assuming coequal responsibility for
    10         prosecution of the action.
    11                             CHAPTER 5
    12                          QUI TAM ACTIONS
    13  Section 501.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    15  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Proceeds."  The term includes civil penalties as well as
    18  double or treble damages as provided in Chapter 3.
    19  Section 502.  General provisions.
    20     (a)  When action may be brought.--A person may bring a civil
    21  action for a violation of this act for the person and either for
    22  the Commonwealth in the name of the Commonwealth if any
    23  Commonwealth funds are involved or for a political subdivision
    24  in the name of the political subdivision if political
    25  subdivision funds are exclusively involved. A qui tam complaint
    26  may be brought alleging fraud involving both Commonwealth and
    27  political subdivision funds. The person bringing the action
    28  shall be referred to as the qui tam plaintiff. Once filed, the
    29  qui tam action may be dismissed only by the written consent of
    30  the court, taking into account the best interests of the parties
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     1  involved and the public purposes of this act. No dismissal shall
     2  occur by the court unless an in camera hearing is held with an
     3  opportunity for participation by the qui tam plaintiff and
     4  counsel and the prosecuting authority. The defendant shall not
     5  be present at this hearing.
     6     (b)  Filing.--A complaint filed by a private person under
     7  this section must be filed ex parte under seal with the Clerk of
     8  the Commonwealth Court, and the complaint and all related
     9  pleadings must remain under seal for 90 days. No service shall
    10  be made on the defendant until after the complaint is unsealed
    11  by order of the court.
    12     (c)  Service upon Attorney General.--On the same day as the
    13  complaint is filed pursuant to subsection (b), the qui tam
    14  plaintiff shall serve by mail, return receipt requested, the
    15  Attorney General with a copy of the complaint and a written
    16  disclosure of substantially all material evidence and
    17  information the person possesses at that time.
    18  Section 503.  Commonwealth funds.
    19     Within 90 days after receiving a complaint alleging
    20  violations which involve Commonwealth funds, but not political
    21  subdivision funds, the Attorney General shall do either of the
    22  following:
    23         (1)  Notify the court that it intends to proceed with the
    24     action and petition the court to have the case unsealed. If
    25     the court grants the Attorney General's request, the seal may
    26     be lifted.
    27         (2)  Notify the court that it declines to take over the
    28     action, in which case the complaint may be unsealed by the
    29     court within 20 days after written notification is made by
    30     the Attorney General to the qui tam plaintiff and counsel
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     1     that the Attorney General does not wish to intervene. Upon
     2     such notification, the qui tam plaintiff shall have the right
     3     to conduct the action.
     4  Section 504.  Political subdivision funds.
     5     (a)  Procedure.--Within 30 days after receiving a complaint
     6  alleging violations which exclusively involve political
     7  subdivision funds, the Attorney General shall promptly forward
     8  the complaint and written disclosure to the appropriate
     9  prosecuting authority for review and disposition and shall
    10  notify in writing the qui tam plaintiff and counsel of the
    11  transfer.
    12     (b)  Duty of prosecuting authority.--Within 60 days after the
    13  Attorney General forwards the complaint and written disclosure
    14  under subsection (a), the prosecuting authority shall do either
    15  of the following:
    16         (1)  Notify the court that it intends to proceed with the
    17     action and petition the court to have the case unsealed. If
    18     the court grants the prosecuting authority's request, the
    19     seal shall be lifted.
    20         (2)  Notify the court that it declines to take over the
    21     action, in which case the seal may be lifted within 20 days
    22     after such notification has been made and the qui tam
    23     plaintiff shall have the right to conduct the action.
    24  Section 505.  Complaints relating to Commonwealth and political
    25                 subdivision funds.
    26     (a)  Complaints.--Within 30 days after receiving a complaint
    27  alleging violations which involve or allege both Commonwealth
    28  and political subdivision funds, the Attorney General shall
    29  forward copies of the complaint and written disclosure to the
    30  appropriate prosecuting authority and shall coordinate its
    19970H1671B2088                 - 10 -

     1  review and investigation with those of the prosecuting
     2  authority.
     3     (b)  Procedure.--Within 90 days after receiving a complaint
     4  alleging violations which involve or allege both Commonwealth
     5  and political subdivision funds, the Attorney General shall do
     6  one of the following:
     7         (1)  Notify the court in writing that he intends to
     8     proceed with the action, in which case the seal shall be
     9     lifted and service effected on the defendant.
    10         (2)  Notify the court in writing that he declines to take
    11     over the action but that the prosecuting authority of the
    12     political subdivision involved intends to proceed with the
    13     action, in which case the seal shall be lifted and the action
    14     shall be conducted by the prosecuting authority.
    15         (3)  Notify the court that both he and the prosecuting
    16     authority decline to take over the action, in which case the
    17     seal may be lifted within 20 days after notification has been
    18     made and the qui tam plaintiff shall have the right to
    19     conduct the action.
    20  Section 506.  Intervention by political subdivision.
    21     If the Attorney General proceeds with the action under
    22  section 504(b)(1), the political subdivision shall be permitted
    23  to intervene in the action within 60 days after the Attorney
    24  General notifies the court of his intentions.
    25  Section 507.  Extension of time.
    26     Upon a showing of good cause and reasonable diligence in his
    27  investigation, the Attorney General or the prosecuting authority
    28  of a political subdivision may move the court for reasonable
    29  extensions of time during which the complaint will remain under
    30  seal. The qui tam plaintiff shall be notified of any extensions
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     1  requested under this section. Any such motions may be supported
     2  by affidavits or other submissions in camera.
     3  Section 508.  Other actions prohibited.
     4     When a person brings an action under this chapter, no other
     5  person shall be permitted to bring a related action based on the
     6  same or similar facts underlying the pending action.
     7  Section 509.  Exclusions.
     8     (a)  General rule.--No court shall have jurisdiction over an
     9  action brought under this chapter against a member of the
    10  General Assembly, a member of the State judiciary, an elected
    11  official in the executive branch of State government or a member
    12  of the governing body of any political subdivision if the action
    13  is based on evidence or information known to the Commonwealth or
    14  political subdivision when the action was brought.
    15     (b)  Dismissal.--The court may dismiss an action under this
    16  act upon motion of the Attorney General if it finds that
    17  substantially all allegations and material facts have been
    18  publicly disclosed in a criminal, civil or administrative
    19  hearing, in an investigation, report, hearing or audit conducted
    20  by or at the request of the General Assembly, auditor or
    21  governing body of a political subdivision or by the news media,
    22  unless the action is brought by the Attorney General or the
    23  prosecuting authority of a political subdivision or the person
    24  bringing the action is an original source of the information.
    25     (c)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "original
    26  source" means an individual who has voluntarily provided the
    27  information to the Commonwealth or political subdivision before
    28  filing an action based on that information and either has
    29  independent knowledge of the information on which the
    30  allegations are based or directly or indirectly provided the
    19970H1671B2088                 - 12 -

     1  impetus, basis or catalyst for the investigation, hearing, audit
     2  or report which led to the public disclosure.
     3  Section 510.  Employment-related discovery of information.
     4     No court shall have jurisdiction over an action brought under
     5  this chapter based upon information discovered by a present or
     6  former employee of the Commonwealth or a political subdivision
     7  during the course of his employment unless that employee first
     8  in good faith exhausted existing internal procedures for
     9  reporting and seeking recovery of the falsely claimed sums
    10  through official channels and unless the Commonwealth or
    11  political subdivision failed to act on the information provided
    12  within a reasonable period of time. A reasonable period of time
    13  shall mean no longer than six months after information has been
    14  disclosed.
    15  Section 511.  Responsibility for prosecution.
    16     If the Commonwealth or political subdivision proceeds with
    17  the action, it shall have the primary responsibility for
    18  prosecuting the action. The qui tam plaintiff shall have the
    19  right to continue with all rights and obligations as a full
    20  party to the action.
    21  Section 512.  Dismissal of action.
    22     The Commonwealth or political subdivision may seek to dismiss
    23  the action for good cause notwithstanding the objections of the
    24  qui tam plaintiff if the qui tam plaintiff has been notified by
    25  the Commonwealth or political subdivision of the filing of the
    26  motion and the court has provided the qui tam plaintiff with an
    27  adequate opportunity to oppose the motion and present evidence
    28  at an in camera hearing in opposition to the dismissal.
    29  Section 513.  Settlement.
    30     The Commonwealth or political subdivision may settle the
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     1  action with the defendant notwithstanding the objections of the
     2  qui tam plaintiff if the court determines, after a full and
     3  complete hearing providing the qui tam plaintiff an adequate
     4  opportunity to present evidence, that the proposed settlement is
     5  fair, adequate and reasonable under all of the circumstances to
     6  all parties involved.
     7  Section 514.  Election not to proceed.
     8     If the Commonwealth or political subdivision elects not to
     9  proceed, the qui tam plaintiff shall have the same rights,
    10  powers and obligations to conduct the action as the Attorney
    11  General or prosecuting authority would have had if it had chosen
    12  to proceed under this chapter. If the Commonwealth or political
    13  subdivision so requests, and at its sole expense, the
    14  Commonwealth or political subdivision shall be served with
    15  copies of all pleadings filed in the action and supplied with
    16  copies of all deposition transcripts.
    17  Section 515.  Intervention.
    18     (a)  General rule.--Upon timely application, the court may
    19  permit the Commonwealth or political subdivision to intervene in
    20  an action with which it had initially declined to proceed if the
    21  interest of the Commonwealth or political subdivision in
    22  recovery of the property or funds involved is not being
    23  adequately represented by the qui tam plaintiff.
    24     (b)  Untimely intervention.--If the Commonwealth or political
    25  subdivision is allowed the opportunity for untimely intervention
    26  under subsection (a), the qui tam plaintiff may retain principal
    27  responsibility for the action and the recovery of the parties
    28  shall be determined as if the Commonwealth or political
    29  subdivision had elected not to proceed.
    30  Section 516.  Proceeds.
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     1     (a)  Office of Attorney General.--If the Attorney General
     2  initiates an action under section 303(a) or assumes control of
     3  an action initiated by a prosecuting authority pursuant to
     4  section 303, the Office of Attorney General shall receive a
     5  fixed 33% of the proceeds of the action or settlement of the
     6  claim, which funds shall be used to support and expand its
     7  ongoing investigation and prosecution of false claims violations
     8  in this Commonwealth.
     9     (b)  Prosecuting authority.--If a prosecuting authority
    10  initiates and conducts an action pursuant to section 303(b), the
    11  office of the prosecuting authority shall receive a fixed 33% of
    12  the proceeds of the action or settlement of the claim, which
    13  funds shall be used to support and expand its ongoing
    14  investigation and prosecution of false claims violations within
    15  its jurisdiction.
    16     (c)  Award of portion of recovery.--If a prosecuting
    17  authority intervenes in an action initiated by the Attorney
    18  General pursuant to section 303(a)(3) or remains a party to an
    19  action assumed by the Attorney General pursuant to section
    20  303(b)(3)(i), the court may award the office of the prosecuting
    21  authority a portion of the Attorney General's fixed 33% of the
    22  recovery under subsection (a), taking into account the
    23  prosecuting authority's role in investigating and conducting the
    24  action and the resources of the office expended on the
    25  prosecution.
    26     (d)  Qui tam recovery.--
    27         (1)  If the Commonwealth or political subdivision
    28     proceeds with an action brought by a qui tam plaintiff under
    29     this chapter, the qui tam plaintiff shall, subject to
    30     subsections (f) and (g), receive not less than 20% nor more
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     1     than 33% of the full proceeds of the action or settlement of
     2     the claim, depending upon the extent to which the qui tam
     3     plaintiff substantially contributed to the overall
     4     prosecution of the action.
     5         (2)  When it conducts the action, the Office of Attorney
     6     General or the office of the prosecuting authority of the
     7     political subdivision shall receive a fixed 33% of the
     8     proceeds of the action or settlement of the claim, which
     9     funds shall be used to support and expand its ongoing
    10     investigation and prosecution of false claims made against
    11     the Commonwealth or political subdivision. Upon good cause
    12     shown, the Office of Attorney General or the office of the
    13     prosecuting authority may use a portion of the recovered
    14     funds to expand its investigation and prosecution of violent
    15     crimes and public corruption in this Commonwealth.
    16         (3)  When both the Attorney General and a prosecuting
    17     authority are involved as coparties in a qui tam action
    18     pursuant to section 504, the court in its discretion may
    19     award the prosecuting authority a portion of the Attorney
    20     General's fixed 33% of the recovery, taking into account the
    21     prosecuting authority's cooperation and contribution to
    22     investigating and conducting the action.
    23     (e)  Decline to proceed.--If the Commonwealth or political
    24  subdivision declines to proceed with an action under subsection
    25  (c), the qui tam plaintiff shall, subject to subsections (f) and
    26  (g), receive an amount which the court decides is reasonable for
    27  collecting the civil penalty and damages on behalf of the
    28  Commonwealth or political subdivision. The amount awarded by the
    29  court shall be not less than 30% nor more than 50% of the
    30  proceeds of the action or settlement and shall be paid out of
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     1  the proceeds.
     2     (f)  Present or former employee.--If the action is one
     3  provided for under section 508, the present or former employee
     4  of the Commonwealth or political subdivision shall not be
     5  entitled to any minimum guaranteed recovery from the proceeds.
     6  The court, however, may award the qui tam plaintiff those sums
     7  from the proceeds as it considers appropriate, but in no case
     8  more than 33% of the proceeds if the Commonwealth or political
     9  subdivision goes forth with the action or 50% if the
    10  Commonwealth or political subdivision declines to go forth,
    11  taking into account the significance of the information, the
    12  role of the qui tam plaintiff in advancing the case to
    13  litigation and the scope of and response to the employee's
    14  attempts to report and gain recovery of the falsely claimed
    15  funds through official channels.
    16     (g)  Fraudulent activity.--If the action is one which the
    17  court finds to be based primarily on information from a present
    18  or former employee who actively participated in the fraudulent
    19  activity, the employee shall not be entitled to any minimum
    20  guaranteed recovery from the proceeds. The court, however, in
    21  its sole discretion after a full review of all of the facts and
    22  circumstances may award the qui tam plaintiff such sums from the
    23  proceeds as it considers appropriate under the circumstances,
    24  but in no case more than 33% of the proceeds if the Commonwealth
    25  or political subdivision goes forth with the action or 50% if
    26  the Commonwealth or political subdivision declines to go forth,
    27  taking into account the significance of the information, the
    28  role of the qui tam plaintiff in advancing the case to
    29  litigation, the scope of the present or past employee's
    30  involvement in the fraudulent activity, the employee's attempts
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     1  to avoid or resist such activity and all other circumstances
     2  surrounding the activity.
     3  Section 517.  Reversion to General Fund.
     4     The portion of the recovery not distributed under section 516
     5  shall revert to the General Fund if the underlying false claims
     6  involved Commonwealth funds exclusively and to the political
     7  subdivision if the underlying false claims involved political
     8  subdivision funds exclusively. If petitioned to do so, the court
     9  shall make an apportionment of the recovered proceeds between
    10  the Commonwealth and political subdivision based on their
    11  relative share of the funds falsely claimed.
    12  Section 518.  Expenses.
    13     If the Commonwealth, political subdivision or qui tam
    14  plaintiff prevails in or settles any action under this chapter,
    15  the qui tam plaintiff shall receive an amount for all reasonable
    16  expenses incurred in the prosecution of the claim, including
    17  expert witness fees plus reasonable litigation costs and
    18  attorney fees. All expenses, costs and attorney fees shall be
    19  awarded against the defendant, and under no circumstances shall
    20  they be the responsibility of the Commonwealth, a political
    21  subdivision or a qui tam plaintiff.
    22                             CHAPTER 7
    23                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    24  Section 701.  Stay of discovery.
    25     The court may stay an act of discovery of the person
    26  initiating the action for a period of not more than 90 days if
    27  the Attorney General or local prosecuting authority shows by a
    28  preponderance of the evidence that the act of discovery would
    29  interfere with an investigation or a prosecution of a criminal
    30  or civil matter arising out of the same facts, regardless of
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     1  whether the Attorney General or local prosecuting authority
     2  proceeds with the action. Such a showing shall be conducted in
     3  camera. The court may extend the 90-day period upon a further
     4  showing in camera that the Attorney General or local prosecuting
     5  authority has pursued the criminal or civil investigation or
     6  proceedings with reasonable diligence and that any proposed
     7  discovery in the civil action would interfere with the ongoing
     8  criminal or civil investigation or proceedings.
     9  Section 702.  Limitations on participation.
    10     Upon a showing by the Attorney General or local prosecuting
    11  authority by a preponderance of the evidence that unrestricted
    12  participation during the course of the litigation by the person
    13  initiating the action would interfere with or unduly delay the
    14  Attorney General's or local prosecuting authority's prosecution
    15  of the case or would be repetitious, irrelevant or for purposes
    16  of harassment, the court may, in its discretion, impose
    17  limitations on the person's participation, including the
    18  following:
    19         (1)  Limiting the number of witnesses the person may
    20     call.
    21         (2)  Limiting the length of the testimony of these
    22     witnesses.
    23         (3)  Limiting the person's cross-examination of
    24     witnesses.
    25         (4)  Otherwise limiting the participation by the person
    26     in the litigation.
    27  Section 703.  Employee protection.
    28     (a)  Disclosing information.--No employer shall make, adopt
    29  or enforce any rule, regulation or policy preventing an employee
    30  from disclosing information to a State or local law enforcement
    19970H1671B2088                 - 19 -

     1  agency or from acting in furtherance of a false claims action,
     2  including investigating, initiating, testifying or assisting in
     3  an action filed or to be filed under this act.
     4     (b)  Discrimination.--No employer shall discharge, demote,
     5  suspend, threaten, harass, deny promotion to or in any other
     6  manner discriminate against an employee in the terms of and
     7  conditions of employment because of lawful acts done by the
     8  employee on behalf of the employee or others in disclosing
     9  information to a State or local government or law enforcement
    10  agency or in furthering false claims action, including
    11  investigation for, initiation of, testimony for or assistance in
    12  an action filed or to be filed under this act.
    13     (c)  Penalty.--An employer who violates subsection (b) shall
    14  be liable for all relief necessary to make the employee whole,
    15  including reinstatement with the same seniority status that the
    16  employee would have had but for the discrimination, three times
    17  the amount of back pay, prevailing interest on the back pay,
    18  compensation for any special damage sustained as a result of the
    19  discrimination and, where appropriate, punitive damages. In
    20  addition, the defendant shall be required to pay all litigation
    21  costs and reasonable attorney fees. An employee may bring an
    22  action in the Commonwealth Court for the relief provided in this
    23  subsection.
    24     (d)  Limitations.--An employee who is discharged, demoted,
    25  suspended, harassed, denied promotion or in any other manner
    26  discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment
    27  by his employer because of participation in conduct which
    28  directly or indirectly resulted in a false claim being submitted
    29  to the Commonwealth or a political subdivision shall be entitled
    30  to the remedies under subsection (c) if, and only if, both of
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     1  the following occur:
     2         (1)  The employee voluntarily discloses information to a
     3     State or local government or law enforcement agency or acted
     4     in furtherance of a false claims action, including
     5     investigation for, initiation of, testimony for or assistance
     6     in an action filed or to be filed.
     7         (2)  The employee has been harassed, threatened with
     8     termination or demotion or otherwise coerced by the employer
     9     or its management into engaging in the fraudulent activity in
    10     the first place.
    11  Section 704.  Limitations.
    12     (a)  Time of filing.--A civil action under this act may not
    13  be filed more than six years after the date on which the
    14  violation of this act is committed or more than three years
    15  after the date of discovery by the official of the Commonwealth
    16  or political subdivision charged with responsibility to act in
    17  the circumstances, but in any event no more than ten years after
    18  the date on which the violation of section 301 is committed.
    19     (b)  Prior acts.--A civil action under this act may be
    20  brought for activity prior to the effective date of this act if
    21  the limitations period set in subsection (a) has not elapsed.
    22     (c)  Proof.--In any action brought under this act, the
    23  Commonwealth, the political subdivision or the qui tam plaintiff
    24  shall be required to prove all essential elements of the cause
    25  of action, including damages, by a preponderance of the
    26  evidence.
    27     (d)  Estoppel.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a
    28  guilty verdict, guilty plea or nolo contendere plea rendered in
    29  a criminal proceeding which alleged a scheme to obtain funds
    30  fraudulently from the Commonwealth or a political subdivision
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     1  shall estop the defendant from denying the essential elements of
     2  the offense in any action which involves the same transaction as
     3  in the criminal proceeding and which is brought under this act.
     4  Section 705.  Remedies.
     5     (a)  Civil remedies.--
     6         (1)  The Commonwealth Court shall have jurisdiction to
     7     prevent and restrain violations of section 301 by issuing
     8     appropriate orders, including, but not limited to, orders
     9     relating to any of the following:
    10             (i)  Ordering any person to divest himself of any
    11         financial interest in any business or entity.
    12             (ii)  Imposing reasonable restrictions on the future
    13         activities or investments of any person, including, but
    14         not limited to, prohibiting any person from engaging in
    15         the same type of endeavor and/or freezing the person's
    16         assets.
    17             (iii)  Making due provision for:
    18                 (A)  The rights of innocent persons.
    19                 (B)  Ordering the dissolution of any business or
    20             entity.
    21                 (C)  Ordering the denial, suspension or
    22             revocation of charters of domestic corporations.
    23                 (D)  Certificates of authority authorizing
    24             foreign corporations to do business in this
    25             Commonwealth.
    26                 (E)  Licenses, permits or prior approval granted
    27             to any business or entity by any department or agency
    28             of the Commonwealth or any of its political
    29             subdivisions.
    30                 (F)  Prohibiting any business or entity from
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     1             engaging in any business.
     2         (2)  In any proceeding under this section, the court
     3     shall proceed as soon as practicable to the hearing and
     4     determination thereof. Pending final determination, the court
     5     may enter preliminary or special injunctions or take such
     6     other actions, including the acceptance of satisfactory
     7     performance bonds, as it may deem proper.
     8     (b)  Remedies cumulative.--The provisions of this act are not
     9  exclusive, and the remedies provided for in this act shall be in
    10  addition to any other remedies provided for in any other law or
    11  available under common law.
    12  Section 706.  Enforcement.
    13     (a)  Attorney General.--The Attorney General shall have the
    14  power and duty to enforce this act, including the authority to
    15  issue civil investigative demands pursuant to this act, to
    16  institute proceedings under this act and to take such actions as
    17  may be necessary to ascertain and investigate alleged violations
    18  of this act.
    19     (b)  Construction.--Nothing contained in this act shall be
    20  construed to limit the regulatory or investigative authority of
    21  any department or agency of the Commonwealth whose functions
    22  might relate to persons, enterprises or matters falling within
    23  the scope of this act.
    24  Section 707.  Civil investigative demand.
    25     (a)  General rule.--Whenever the Attorney General has reason
    26  to believe that any person may be in possession, custody or
    27  control of any documentary material relevant to a false claim
    28  investigation, he may issue in writing and cause to be served
    29  upon the person a civil investigative demand requiring the
    30  production of the material for examination.
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     1     (b)  Content.--Each demand under this section shall:
     2         (1)  State the nature of the conduct constituting the
     3     alleged false claim violation which is under investigation,
     4     the provision of law applicable thereto and the connection
     5     between the documentary material demanded and the conduct
     6     under investigation.
     7         (2)  Describe the class or classes of documentary
     8     material to be produced thereunder with such definiteness and
     9     certainty as to permit the material to be fairly identified.
    10         (3)  State that the demand is returnable forthwith or
    11     prescribe a return date which will provide a reasonable
    12     period of time within which the material so demanded may be
    13     assembled and made available for inspection and copying or
    14     reproduction.
    15         (4)  Identify a false claims investigator to whom the
    16     material shall be made available.
    17         (5)  Contain the following statement printed
    18     conspicuously at the top of the demand:
    19             You have the right to seek the assistance of any
    20             attorney, and he may represent you in all phases of
    21             the false claim investigation of which this civil
    22             investigative demand is a part.
    23     (c)  Limitation.--No demand under this section shall:
    24         (1)  contain any requirement which would be held to be
    25     unreasonable if contained in a subpoena duces tecum issued by
    26     any court in connection with a grand jury investigation of
    27     the alleged fraud violation; or
    28         (2)  require the production of any documentary evidence
    29     which would be privileged from disclosure if demanded by a
    30     subpoena duces tecum issued by any court in connection with a
    19970H1671B2088                 - 24 -

     1     grand jury investigation of the alleged false claim
     2     violation.
     3     (d)  Service.--Service of any demand or any petition filed
     4  under this section shall be made in the manner prescribed by the
     5  Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure for service of writs and
     6  complaints.
     7     (e)  Return.--A verified return by the individual serving any
     8  demand or petition under this section setting forth the manner
     9  of service shall be prima facie proof of such service. In the
    10  case of service by registered or certified mail, the return
    11  shall be accompanied by the return post office receipt of
    12  delivery of the demand.
    13     (f)  Procedure.--
    14         (1)  A party upon whom a demand issued under this section
    15     has been duly served shall make the demanded material
    16     available for inspection and copying or reproduction to a
    17     false claims investigator designated in the demand at the
    18     principal place of business of the party or at such other
    19     place as the investigator and the party thereafter may agree
    20     or as the court may direct pursuant to this section on the
    21     return date specified in the demand. The party may, upon
    22     agreement of the investigator, substitute copies of all or
    23     any part of the demanded material for the originals of the
    24     demanded material.
    25         (2)  The false claims investigator to whom any
    26     documentary material is so delivered shall take physical
    27     possession of the material and shall be responsible for the
    28     use made of the material and for its return pursuant to this
    29     section. The investigator may cause the preparation of the
    30     copies of the documentary material as may be required for
    19970H1671B2088                 - 25 -

     1     official use. While in the possession of the investigator, no
     2     material so produced shall be available for examination by
     3     any individual other than the Attorney General or any false
     4     claims investigator without the consent of the party who
     5     produced the material. Under such reasonable terms and
     6     conditions as the Attorney General shall prescribe,
     7     documentary material while in the possession of the
     8     investigator shall be available for examination by the party
     9     who produced the material or any duly authorized
    10     representatives of that party.
    11         (3)  Upon completion of:
    12             (i)  the false claims investigation for which any
    13         documentary material was produced under this section; and
    14             (ii)  any case or proceeding arising from such
    15         investigation;
    16     the investigator shall return to the party who produced the
    17     material all of the material other than copies of the
    18     material made pursuant to this section which have not passed
    19     into the control of any court or grand jury through
    20     introduction into the record of such case or proceeding.
    21         (4)  When documentary material has been produced by a
    22     party under this section for use in a false claims
    23     investigation and no case or proceeding arising from the
    24     investigation has been instituted within a reasonable time
    25     after completion of the examination and analysis of all
    26     evidence assembled in the course of the investigation, the
    27     party shall be entitled, upon written demand made upon the
    28     Attorney General, to the return of all documentary material,
    29     other than copies of the material made pursuant to this
    30     section, so produced by that party.
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     1     (g)  Failure to comply.--Whenever a person fails to comply
     2  with a civil investigative demand that is served upon him under
     3  this section or whenever satisfactory copying or reproduction of
     4  any of the material cannot be done and the party refuses to
     5  surrender the material, the Attorney General may file in the
     6  Commonwealth Court and serve upon the party a petition for an
     7  order of the court for the enforcement of this section.
     8     (h)  Petition for relief.--
     9         (1)  Within 20 days after the service of any demand under
    10     this section upon any person or at any time before the return
    11     date specified in the demand, whichever period is shorter,
    12     the party may file in the Commonwealth Court and serve upon
    13     the Attorney General a petition for an order of the court
    14     modifying or setting aside this demand. The time allowed for
    15     compliance with the demand, in whole or in part, as deemed
    16     proper and ordered by the court shall not run during the
    17     pendency of the petition in the court. The petition shall
    18     specify each ground upon which the petitioner relies in
    19     seeking the relief and may be based on any failure of the
    20     demand to comply with the provisions of this section or on
    21     any constitutional or other legal right or privilege of the
    22     party.
    23         (2)  At any time during which the Attorney General is in
    24     custody or control of documentary material delivered by a
    25     party in compliance with a demand under this section, the
    26     party may file in the Commonwealth Court and serve upon the
    27     Attorney General a petition for an order of the court
    28     requiring the performance of any duty imposed by this
    29     section.
    30         (3)  Whenever a petition is filed in the Commonwealth
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     1     Court, the court shall have jurisdiction to hear and
     2     determine the matter so presented and, after a hearing at
     3     which all parties are represented, to enter such order or
     4     orders as may be required to carry into effect the provisions
     5     of this section.
     6  Section 708.  Immunity.
     7     Whenever any individual refuses on the basis of his privilege
     8  against self-incrimination to comply with a civil investigative
     9  demand issued pursuant to this act or to testify or produce
    10  other information in a proceeding under this act, the Attorney
    11  General may invoke the provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. § 5947 (relating
    12  to immunity of witnesses).
    13  Section 709.  Effective date.
    14     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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